Learning ion

 earning  earning Organisation rganisation  Lecture 13 Lecture 13 Organization  Team  Self

Transcript of Learning ion

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 earning earningOrganisationrganisation

 Lecture 13Lecture 13

Organization Team


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The Concept of LearningOrganisation

In a Learning Organisation, the focus is on learning asa tool for sustainable change and renovation inorganizations in a fast-changing world (Bui and Baruch,2010).

In these learning organisations, people (individually andcollectively)strive each moment to reach their fullpotential (Senge, 1990; Kreitner & Kinick, 2001; Vemic 2007; Mitleton2011)

Learning starts with the individual (Personal mastery)moving through the collective level (team learning,mental models) leading up to organizational level(shared vision, system thinking).

Bui and Baruch (2010) and Yeo (2002)

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The Five Disciplines

Personal Mastery

Mental Models

Shared Vision

Team Learning

Systems Thinking

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Personal Mastery

Personal Mastery is the first discipline and acornerstone for learning organization

 This discipline implies the personal growth andlearning of the employees, which is an individual

choice that cannot be imposed on by leaders;there should be a quest for continual learning(Senge, 1990; Cope, 1998)

 The two principal aspects of Personal Mastery:Sticking to truth and not being on the defensivemode (senge, 1994)

People with a high Personal Mastery are moreinitiating, independent, creative which wouldcontribute to the strength of the organization;“they know what are their strengths andweaknesses and at same have a deep self-confidence” (Senge, 1994).

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Mental Models

Blurred Perception

Preconceived Idea

False Knowledge


If people were able to observe their mentalmodel, they would be able to analyzetheir line of thought and take the right

decision (senge, 1994).

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Shared Vision

Shared Vision can be a leading force as itcomes from within; that would provide afocus and energy for learning. (Senge ,1990)

Vision is a common term in managementpractices; however the discipline SharedVision involves that the employees aregenuinely convinced and committed, and

not just comply with a vision decidedby the leaders (Senge, 1994).

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Team Learning


Sharing of competencies, knowledge andunderstanding among the different team


Proper Communication


Collective discipline

However hard a person may try to do hisbest to work in a team, a collective effortis needed (Senge, 1990).

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Systems Thinking

Senge (1994) states that “People often thinkthat they can exist independently of others and do not think of the

organisation as a whole.” It implies seeing the organization as a

whole, not as parts; this sense of onenesswould happen through a shift of mind

(Senge, 1990) so that the right decision couldbe taken. (Bui and Baruch, 2010)

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Systems Thinking