Learning in Motion -Social Entrepreneurship

arning in Motion Anand Inbasekaran, BEng,MBA candidate Anjum Sultana , BSc, MPH candidate Celine Wadhera, BSc, MGA candidate Iain McCauley, BA, BEd, MGA candidate Vanessa Tran, PhD

Transcript of Learning in Motion -Social Entrepreneurship

Learning in MotionAnand Inbasekaran, BEng,MBA candidate

Anjum Sultana , BSc, MPH candidate

Celine Wadhera, BSc, MGA candidate

Iain McCauley, BA, BEd, MGA candidate

Vanessa Tran, PhD

The Inspiration

Vanessa, Age 2

The Book-Mobile

Problems for ECE in Slums1)Access2)Cost


Delivering education to urban slums.

Our Solution

Solving Access to Quality ECE



Low CostCommunity Buy-inExperiential LearningDiverse Contexts

Community sourced labour•Family member provides labour

•Production requirementso Low-skilled labouro Portable inputso Low-risk

•Framework Example : Plastics recycling

Children join teaching staff

Parents sort plastics

Parents receive

payment and return home with children

Learning in Motion

arrives at slum

A Day @ Learning in Motion

Truck drives plastics to


1.Establish relationships2.Purchase bus and truck3.Hire employees, develop

curriculum4.Begin program

Pilot Project: Seemapuri Slum, Delhi, India

Business model - India

1x Bus1x teacher, 3x helpers 4 hrs everyday , visiting 2 sites

Serving 200 students a day

* Based on playschool in Delhi

1x truck5x managers200 x parent workers

Wage Rs 75 for 4 hrs

* Based on Plastic sorting in Dharawi, Mumbai

Revenue Expense

Revenues from 1 parent

$72 a month Wages to 1 parent

-$45 a month Educational expense for 1 kid

-$6 a month Operating expense for supporting 1 parent

-$13 a month

Profit from 1 student

$8 a month

Revenue Expense

Initial Capital investment: Rs 750,000

Profit projectionYear 1: Rs 900,000Year 2 onwards: Rs 1.4 million

20% profit

$15,000 for the pilot with 20% profit

Financial projection

Thank you



Financial model

Learning in Motion - Financial Model

Other models

•Production of Match Sticks in Sivakasi, India

•Mobile flower shop

•Hybrid model with some families paying and others providing labour

Labour Age Minimums

•International Labour Organization conventions on minimum worker age is 14 years old ▫This is an exception for developing



• Slum recycling Dharawi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_IMpVnRtno

• Waste recycleing Dharawi http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2007/mar/04/india.recycling

• Dharawi plastic recycling ecosystem http://www.economist.com/node/10311257

• Mobile school in Delhi slum https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syoEoRTvt5Y

• Anganwadi project India http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anganwadi

• Door step school , India http://www.doorstepschool.org/

• School on wheels, Mumbai https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATZyCSDJP-8