Learning Goal 2: Analyze how geography affected the...

Learning Goal 2: Analyze how geography affected the development of the River Valley Civilizations and describe the political and technological advances made in the River Valley Civilizations. (TEKS/SE’s 15B,16A,B, 19A,27A)

Transcript of Learning Goal 2: Analyze how geography affected the...

Learning Goal 2: Analyze how geography affected the development of the River Valley Civilizations and describe the political and technological advances made in the River Valley Civilizations. (TEKS/SE’s 15B,16A,B, 19A,27A)

● The earl iest civi l izations formed in the areas below. Why do you think they developed in these locations?

● Why there? ● Climate

● Mesopotamia fi rst to develop agriculture then i t di ffused to Indus Valley and Egypt

● In China and later in the Americas, agriculture developed independently from other civi l izations

● River access for i rr igation and transportation ● Seasonal flooding provided ferti le soi l ● Crop surplus, early i rr igation projects led to rise of

ci ties, government, social structure, wri ting, religion and art


P for POLITICAL ● Poli tical Characteristics- st r uctur es and af f ai r s

of gover nm en t and pol i t i cs ● What k ind of governm ent? ● Did society have conf l ict? explain . ● Agreem ents w i th other societ ies? ● How did society keep order? Laws,

Cour ts.. ● Sign i f icant leaders ( including

founders) ● Did ci t izens par t icipate in

governm ent? I f so how?

E for ECONOMIC ● Economic Characteristics – Pr oduct ion , developm en t ,

and m anagem en t of m ater ial weal th

● Who cont rol led indust ry? ● What is the m ain way society

suppor ted i t sel f? ● Who did the work? ● Technological advancem ents that

af fected the econom y? ● Did society t rade w i th other societ ies? ● Where did wom en and slaves f i t in to

the econom y? ● Did they have a cur rency or did they

bar ter for goods?

G for GEOGRAPHICAL ● Geographic Characteristics – Physical f eatur es and

the di st r i but ion of t hose f eatur es.

● Where is i t ? ● What is t he physical geography

and cl im ate? ● Hum an In teract ion : how do they

adapt t o or m odi f y t hei r envi ronm ent?

● M ovem ent : how did people get around?

● Spat ial Di f fusion: geographical ly isolated or was thei r contact w i th other groups?

S for SOCIAL ● Social Characteristics – way people l i ve together i n

com m un i t i es or sim i lar or gan ized gr oups

● Pat r iarchal? M at r iarchal? ● Role of wom en and chi ldren? ● What t ypes of social classes did

t hey have? ● Social Inequal i t ies? (wom en,

slavery, et c..) ● What were thei r rel igious bel iefs ● Did they have educat ion system ? ● Language? ● Li fest yle?

PEGS Chart ● You w i l l complete the PEGS chart for each region in

stations. ● Mesopotamia pg. 29- 34 ● Egypt (Ni le River Valley) pg. 35- 41 ● Indus Valley pg. 44- 49 ● Huang He (Yellow) River / China pg. 50- 55 ● Mesoamerica pg 240- 249

Activity ● Now, you w i l l meet w i th your enti re RVC group. ● You w i l l then share w i th your group your points

for each PEGS section. ( five minutes) ● Each person in your RVC group w i l l need to share a

portion of your PEGS analysis w ith the class. So make sure you have 1- 2 people present for each section (Poli t ical, Economic, Geographic and Social)

● All students w i l l be responsible for recording notes into your chart

P - Pol i t i cal M esopotam ia

•Theocracy •Ruler was k ing & high pr iest

•Ci t y- states

Egypt The Ni le

• Theocracy (M onarchy) •Pharaoh - considered to be a god

• Absolute ruler •Owned al l land, com m anded arm y, m ade laws

I ndus Val ley

•Governm ent & rel igion closely l inked •Palace & Tem ple were sam e bui lding

Huang He (Yel low River ) China

• Dynasty (m onarchy) •Rul ing fam i ly

•Ar istocracy Centralied goernment





Ziggurat of Ur

E - Econom ic

M esopotam ia •Traded w i th Har rapans •Bar ley, wheat , sheep, cat t le •Wheel

•Wagons •Pot tery wheel

Egypt • Trade along the Ni le, M esopotam ia, & M edi ter ranean •Farm ing & cat t le herding

Indus Val ley • Traded w i th M esopotam ian ci t y- states •Wheat , bar ley, dates, m elons, cot ton

Huang He (Yel low River ) China

• Si lk indust ry •Bronze work ing •Fi r st Coins •M i l let , soybeans •Chickens, dogs, pigs




Pyramids at Giza

Hieroglyphic Writing

G - Geogr aph ical

M esopotam ia • Fer t i le r iver val leys •Lack of physical bar r iers

•Constant invasions •Fi r st agr icul ture

Egypt • Fer t i le r iver val ley •Natural bar r iers for protect ion

•Deser t s •M edi ter ranean & Red Seas

Indus Val ley • Fer t i le r iver val leys •Him alayas & other m ountains provide protect ion

Huang He (Yel low River ) China

•Fer t i le r iver val ley •I solated due to m ountains & deser t s

Indus Valley


Harappan Clay Seals


Mohenjo Daro

S - Social M esopotam ia • Cunei form - w r i t ing

•Polytheism •Num ber system based on 60 •Sundial •Ziggurats - t em ples

Egypt • H ieroglyphics •Polytheism •Pyram ids •Geom et ry •365 day calendar •M edical ly advanced (em balm ing& m um m if icat ion)

Indus Val ley • Plum bing & sewage system •Urban plann ing •Standardized br ick indust ry

Huang He (Yel low River ) China

•Pictogram s •Ancestor worship •Royal palaces •Large royal t om bs

Huang He




Bronze Ware

M esoam er i ca The Andes

Poli t ical •Olm ec & M aya •Ci t y- states •Rulers considered chi ldren of gods

•Caral , M oche, Chavin •Cent ral ized governm ent

Econom ic •Agr icul ture

•M aize (corn), beans, squash, peppers •Dogs, turkey

•Trade •Advanced calendar

•Agr icul ture •M aize, peanuts, potatoes, cot ton , l lam as, guinea pigs


Geographic •Tropical f orests •Slash & burn agr icul ture •In tercropping

•Extensive i r r igat ion of r ivers •Ver t ical cl im ate zones

Social •Hieroglyphics

•m ost advanced w r i t ing system in the ancient wor ld

•M onum ental archi tecture •Large urban centers

•As m any as 100,000 – 200,000 inhabi tants

•Polytheism •M onum ental archi tecture •Quipu – system of knot ted st r ing used to keep records

Mesoamerica & The Andes


Colossal Olmec Head http://www.haciendachichen.com/Chichen-Itza-Yucatan.htm

Mayan Hieroglyphs


City of Caral – The Andes