Learning from Home Package Weeks 4-6

Bellambi Public School Year 1 Sailors Learning from Home Package Weeks 4-6 Phase 1: At School Mondays (face to face) Phase 2: To be confirmed What is in the package: Remote learning guidelines for students and parents Learning environment checklist Some activities for home Weekly Timetables Learning from Home Grids How to use the package: Timetables are in 3 weekly blocks. Reading/Writing and Maths grids cover 3 weeks of work. Other KLAs cover whole terms work. PLEASE FOLLOW THE TIMETABLES FOR WEEKLY LEARNING

Transcript of Learning from Home Package Weeks 4-6

Bellambi Public School Year 1 Sailors

Learning from Home Package Weeks 4-6

Phase 1: At School Mondays (face to face) Phase 2: To be confirmed

What is in the package:

Remote learning guidelines for students and parents

Learning environment checklist

Some activities for home

Weekly Timetables

Learning from Home Grids

How to use the package:

Timetables are in 3 weekly blocks.

Reading/Writing and Maths grids cover 3 weeks of work.

Other KLAs cover whole terms work.




Reading and Writing:

INSTRUCTIONS: Watch the “Book of the Week” video on SeeSaw or story of your own choosing at home, and complete an activity from the

grid every day. Students must complete in a workbook and take a photo to upload onto Seesaw.


Sebastian Lives in a Hat

Week 4

18/04 - 22/04

Reading: Draw a picture of your favourite part in the story. Label your picture.

Reading: Sebastian outgrew his hat. Design a new home for Sebastian. Draw and label your design.

Writing: Have you ever had to take care of an animal before? Maybe it was a pet or injured wildlife. Write a

sentence or more about caring for that animal.

E.g. I help look after my cat by putting food in its bowl.

Use your butterfly chart and have a go at sounding out the word yourself. Write as many sounds as you can hear.

Don’t worry if you can’t hear all the sounds.

Writing: We learn lots of facts about wombats in the story. Write a sentence or more about wombats. You could

use the internet with an adult to look up extra information about wombats.

E.g. Wombats are big and brown. Mother wombats have a pouch. Baby wombats drink milk.

Use your butterfly chart and have a go at sounding out the word yourself. Write as many sounds as you can hear.

Don’t worry if you can’t hear all the sounds.

Writing: Practice writing the words: when his was

Imagine how Sebastian felt when he was left alone in his mother’s pouch. Write a sentence or more about how

Sebastian must have felt.

E.g. Sebastian felt sad and lonely when his mum was hurt..

Use your butterfly chart and have a go at sounding out the word yourself. Write as many sounds as you can hear.

Don’t worry if you can’t hear all the sounds

Edward the Emu Reading: Before listening to the story, draw a picture or write a sentence about what you think will happen in this



Week 5

25/05 - 29/05

story. After listening to the story, compare you predictions. Were you correct?

Reading: Draw a map of Edward’s route through the zoo and the animals he saw along the way.

Writing: Edward wanted to be like the other animals in the zoo. What would you like to be when you grow up.

Write a sentence or more using this sentence starter: When I grow up, I want to…..

Use your butterfly chart and have a go at sounding out the word yourself. Write as many sounds as you can hear.

Don’t worry if you can’t hear all the sounds

Writing: Edward was an emu Write a sentence or more about emus. You could use the internet with an adult to

look up extra information about emus.

E.g. Emus are tall and have a long neck. They lay eggs.

Use your butterfly chart and have a go at sounding out the word yourself. Write as many sounds as you can hear.

Don’t worry if you can’t hear all the sounds.

Writing: Edward visits a different animal each day. Write a diary entry for something you have done this week.

E.g. On Tuesday, I helped my mum put out the washing. It was fun.

Use your butterfly chart and have a go at sounding out the word yourself. Write as many sounds as you can hear.

Don’t worry if you can’t hear all the sounds.

Bush Tracks

Week 6

1/6 - 5/6

Reading: Using natural materials from the garden such as: twigs, leaves, dirt etc plan and create a bush

track picture of how you walk to the beach from your house.

Use the SYMBOLS page to help you design each part of your track. Take a photo and post onto your




Writing: Using your bush track created in the above activity, write a procedure to explain the steps you

take to get to the beach from your house.


1. Walk out the front door.

2. Turn left at the gate.

3. Walk forward to the end of the road.

4. Turn right and follow the path on to the sand.

Use your butterfly chart and have a go at sounding out the word yourself. Write as many sounds as you

can hear. Don’t worry if you can’t hear all the sounds.

Writing: Complete the SeeSaw activity ‘Bush Tracks - Adjectives’ or use the chosen illustration from the

text to brainstorm adjectives to describe the scene.

Writing: Using your adjectives brainstorm from the above activity, write a sentence or two describing the

scene in the illustrations.

E.g. The heavy rain fills the winding, blue river. The large, brown birds are soaring above.

Use your butterfly chart and have a go at sounding out the word yourself. Write as many sounds as you

can hear. Don’t worry if you can’t hear all the sounds.

Writing: Listen to the video on SeeSaw or talk with an adult about Reconciliation Week. Make a poster

about what Reconciliation means to you.

Use your butterfly chart and have a go at sounding out the word yourself. Write as many sounds as you

can hear. Don’t worry if you can’t hear all the sounds.



Speaking and Listening (This is Me! Speeches):

INSTRUCTIONS: Follow the weekly timetable and complete the assigned lesson Students must complete in a workbook and take a photo to

upload onto Seesaw.

Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4

What is a speech?

Watch Mrs Neild and Miss

Lewis’s video about

speeches and their examples

of a ‘This is Me!’ speech.

Ask your parents if they have

ever given a speech before.

What was it for? How did

they go?

Let’s start writing your speech!

Finish these sentences with

something about you.

I am…

I feel…

Take a photo of your work and

upload to SeeSaw.

Finish these sentences with

something about you.

I love…

I hate…

Take a photo of your work and

upload to SeeSaw.

Halfway there! Finish these sentences

with something about you.

I need…

I want…

Take a photo of your work and upload

to SeeSaw.

Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8

Finish these sentences with

something about you.

I fear…

I dream…

Take a photo of your work

and upload to SeeSaw.

Let’s finish our speeches! Finish

these sentences with something

about you.

I think…

I am…

Take a photo of your work and

upload to SeeSaw.

Publish your sentences on the

worksheet provided.

Practice delivering your speech.

Remember to use eye contact

and a clear, loud speaking


Practice and present. Upload a video

of you delivering your speech and a

photo of your published speech to





INSTRUCTIONS: On the timetabled days, complete an assigned Spelling activity on SeeSaw or choose one spelling activity from the grid to

complete using your spelling words from this week's Sound Waves list words. Students must complete in a workbook and take a photo to

upload onto Seesaw.

Write your list words in

Rainbow Writing.

Roll out some

playdough and use a

toothpick or the end

of a pencil to write

your words.

Practice typing out

your spelling words

on a Word Doc.

Write out your words

in pencil and trace

over them with a

highlighter / texta.

Draw a hopscotch

board. Put a word in

each box. Say and

spell that word when

you land in the box.

Make your words out

of cooked spaghetti

or sticks.

Play the games on


Make your spelling

words out of


Draw a picture for 5

of your list words.

Use water and a

paintbrush to paint

your spelling words

on concrete.

Write your words in

chalk around the


Clap all your spelling

words. How many

claps/syllables in

each word?

Count the sounds in

your spelling words.

Can you segment

each word into

sounds? (Segmenting

tool on SoundWaves)

Tap out your spelling

words using the back

of 2 spoons. Each tap

is a different sound.

Make your spelling

words by cutting out

letters from a

magazine or


Create flashcards of

your words. Have

your parents or sibling

test you by holding

up the flashcard.

Write the letters of

the alphabet on

rocks, bottlecaps,

squares of paper etc.

Make your spelling

words using these


With a skipping rope

or leaping, spell out

your words. Each

jump/leap is a

different letter.



Practice your

spelling words using

Look - Say - Cover -

Write - Check.

Find your spelling

words in storybooks,

on packaging, in

catalogues and

around your home.

Write out your

spelling words. Trace

the vowels.

a e i o u

Use your finger to

write your spelling

words on a partner’s

back. See if they can

guess your words.

Spell your words out

while bouncing a

ball. Each bounce is

the next letter.

Make a word wall

with your spelling

words somewhere in

your house. You may

like to use post it

notes or coloured

paper. Each time you

walk past them, say

the words.




INSTRUCTIONS: On timetabled days, complete an assigned Maths activity on SeeSaw or choose one Maths activity from the grid to complete.

Students must complete in a workbook and take a photo to upload onto Seesaw.

Week 4:

18/05 -


Number of

the Week:



on activity




Before and After:

Flip two number

cards and record

the 2-digit number


Record the

number before

and after. You can

use your hundred

chart to help you.

Repeat 5 times.


Sort a set of coins

largest to smallest

value. 5c to $2

Put your coins

under paper and

do a rubbing to

show the order.

Studyladder Activities:

Login to studyladder

and complete

assigned activities.

Combination to 10.

Using number cards,

Turn over the top

card and put that

many counters in a

ten frame. How

many more to make


Repeat the task.

How many

combinations are

there to make ten?

Using number cards

(1-10), turn over one

card. Find its friend

to make 10.

Ten Frame:

Roll a dice, put that

number of counters

on a ten frame. Roll

again and add that

number of counters

to the ten frame.

Roll again until the

ten frame is full.

Record your

combinations by

drawing and writing

the numbers you

used to make 10.

Week 5:

25/05 -


Number of

the Week:



on activity




Using an A4 piece

of paper as a tool

of measurement,

find objects

around your house

that are larger and

smaller in area

than the A4 piece

of paper. To

measure the

Before and After:

Flip two number

cards and record

the 2-digit number


Record the number

before and after.

You can use your

hundred chart to

help you.

Studyladder Activities

Login to studyladder

and complete

assigned activities.

Number Hunt:

Count forward from

0 to 10. Count

backwards from 10

to 0. Find any items

around your house

with numbers on

them between 1

and 10. Can you

put them in order?


Using 10 counters

(or objects) make

number stories of 10.



= 10 (say “3 and 7

more makes 10”

or “3 + 7 = 10”).

Draw your number



SeeSaw object’s area,

place your piece

of paper over the

object. If you

cannot see your

object, its area is

smaller. If you can

see your object, its

area is bigger.

Repeat 5 times. stories in your


Week 6:

1/6 -


Number of

the Week:



on activity




Before and After:

Flip two number

cards and record

the 2-digit number


Record the

number before

and after. You can

use your hundred

chart to help you.

Repeat 5 times.


Using 10 counters

(or objects) make

number stories of





(say “3 and 7 more

makes 10”

or “3 + 7 = 10”).

Draw your number

stories in your



Have a partner draw

a shape on a piece of

paper. Use your

counters to fill in the

shape. How many

counters did you use

to find the area inside

the shape?

Did the counters

cover the shape

completely? Why or

why not?

What could you use

instead of round

counters to find the


Number Lines.

Arrange your

number cards in a

number line (1-20).

Close your eyes,

have a partner turn

over some numbers.

Guess which

numbers are missing

using your before

and after numbers.

E.g. “I know 3 is

missing because it

comes after 2 and

before 4.”


Write out the

numbers 0 - 10 on

seperate pieces of

paper and arrange

them in a number

line on the floor.

Stand on number 10

and roll a dice.

Jump back that

many places and

say the number you

have landed on.

Roll the dice again

and jump back.

Continue until you

land on 0.

How many jumps

did it take?

Repeat 5 times.



Creative and Performing Arts (CAPA):

INSTRUCTIONS: Weekly, choose one CAPA activity from the grid to complete. Students must complete in a workbook and take a photo to

upload onto Seesaw.


Autumn Colours

On a piece of paper draw

black lines in different


Use either crayons, texta,

coloured pencils or paint to fill

in the spaces (see example


Freeze Dance

Have someone play some

music for you to dance to like

you can’t stop. When the music

stops you need to freeze and


Can the person playing the

music guess what pose you

have created. E.g. an animal, a


Repeat and take turns playing

the music or dancing.

Act Out a Story

Choose a favourite story. List

the characters and setting

(where the story takes place).

Using playdough, paper or lego

make your characters.

Design and make the setting

out of materials from your

home. E.g. If you want to make

a mountain you could use a


Retell the story using the props

you have made.

Body Percussion How many different sounds can

you make with different parts of

your body? (e.g. whistle, clicking

fingers, hands on knees). Using the

different sounds, make a song

and perform to your family.

Can you name and label these

percussion instruments?

Autumn Lion

Collect some autumn leaves.

Draw a face of a lion on a

piece of paper or paper plate

(see example below). Arrange

and glue the leaves around to

resemble the lion’s mane.

Create a Dance

Choose a favourite song and

create a dance to it. Perform

your dance for your family.

Upload a video to SeeSaw.

Miming Emotions

Using a mirror practise showing

emotions such as:

happy, sad, angry, surprised,

nervous, excited

With a partner guess what

emotion your partner is feeling.

Composing a Song

Decide on 4 key sounds, this



You may like to get creative

and come up with your own

animal leaf artwork.

may include; stomping,

clapping, hitting, tapping, etc.

Draw a key using shapes. Using

these shapes draw a pattern to

create a song.

Try playing your song and

perform it to someone in your


You may like to compose a

second song.

Mother’s Day Card

Using craft materials you may

have at home make and

create a special Mother’s day

card for mum or nan or

someone special to you.

Write a special message inside

your card.

Mother’s day is on

Sunday 10 May

Miss Lewis’s Dance School

Watch Miss Lewis video and

learn the routine. Practice and

teach the steps to your family.

Make a video of yourself.

Upload your video to SeeSaw.

Dress Ups

Design a costume for a

character using clothing and

props you can find around your

home. Dress up as your


Tell me who you are? What you

do? And what is special about


Homemade Instruments

Use a box (e.g. tissue box) and

some elastic bands to create a

guitar. Colour and design the

‘guitar’. Experiment with pulling

the elastic band up different

lengths to make different




Geography (Features of Places):

INSTRUCTIONS: Follow the weekly timetable and complete the assigned lesson. Students must complete in a workbook and take a photo to

upload onto Seesaw.

Lesson 1 - Natural and Built Features Lesson 2 - Features Around your Home Lesson 3 - Making a Model of a Place

1. Watch the video - natural and built


2. What is a natural and built feature?

- A natural feature is all living and

nonliving things or places that have been

around before humans e.g. mountains,

forests, beaches.

- A built feature is something that has

been made by humans (e.g. schools,

houses, buildings.

3. Look at the Natural and Built Features

and pick 4 to draw + label.

Walk around your home, write down and

draw/take photos of all the natural and

built features you see. Make a list of things

you see and tell a parent.

Draw a map of your home as if you were

a bird flying over. Draw the house, the

rooms, and the front yard/backyard.

Label all the built features in red and the

‘natural’ things in green.

Use lego, boxes or blocks to build a model of

your street or town you live in. Talk about

what the buildings would be used for and

what else you might add to the model. Add

in any natural features around your home. For

example a park, beach or creek.

Take a photo of your model from different


1. Looking along the street

2. From directly above

Lesson 4 - Using Places in Different Ways Lesson 5 - Places that Change Lesson 6 - How Weather Affects Places

With a parent, walk around your

street/park, make a list and draw the

natural and built features you see.

For example, I walked to Bellambi beach

and I saw:

Natural features - sand, grass, rocks...

Built features - playground, toilets, pool…

Write down the different ways the

features you saw can be used. For

example: Beach

The beach can be used to go swimming

and surfing, digging in the sand and

Use the images of Sydney harbour to

describe the changes to the natural and

built features of the city over the years.

Think of a place you would like to change

(e.g. classroom, school, bedroom). Draw

and label a picture of how you would like

it to change.

Look at the pictures to help make a

mindmap of different ways places may

change (e.g.natural - floods, earthquakes,

built - knocking down old houses, building

In your workbook make a list of ‘weather

words’ that you have seen, heard or

felt before e.g. rain, wind, sunshine,


Draw a picture and label 3 ways in which

‘weather’ affects places around the world

(floods, heat waves, tornadoes, storms etc.).

Watch the video and list 3 V.I.P’s (Very

Important Points) about one of the weather

types mentioned.



playing with the ball. new houses).

Lesson 7 - Special Places Lesson 8 - Locating Places Lesson 9 - Investigation: Built or Natural Place

Watch the youtube clip of Uluru. Write

down some facts about Uluru (hint: some

facts found in the video). Others may be

found here.

Answer the questions:

- Where is Uluru?

- Is it a natural or built feature?

- How big is it?

- How can we look after it?

- Fun fact about uluru.

Draw and label a picture of Uluru in the


Listen to the story: Me on a map.

Draw a map how you would get from

your place to school. Try drawing it like

you are looking down from an aeroplane.

Draw and label all the natural and built

features you go past on the way to


Pick a natural or built feature of your choosing

or one from the examples below.

- The Great Barrier Reef

- Sydney Harbour bridge

- Great Wall of China

- Mount Everest

Draw a picture of your place and answer the

following questions:

- What is it?

- Where is it?

- Is it natural or built?

- When was it created?

- Three fun facts.



PD/Health (Safety):

INSTRUCTIONS: Follow the weekly timetable and complete the assigned lesson. Students must complete in a workbook and take a photo to

upload onto Seesaw.

Stage 1 - ‘Safety’

Lesson 1 - Safe and Unsafe Lesson 2 - Keeping Myself Safe Lesson 3 - Hazards in my Home

Draw two outlines of a person. One is Safe

and the other is Unsafe

Draw and label on the outlines the ways our

body reacts when we feel Safe and Unsafe.

E.g. Safe: happy smile on my face - draw a

big smiling face. Unsafe: butterflies in my

tummy - draw butterflies on the outlines


Sometimes we have to make quick

decisions to keep ourselves safe.

Something can look fun or exciting can

be unsafe and we have to be strong

and make the right decision.

Draw or write what you could do to stay

safe in these situations:

● What if a big kid said, ‘Give me

your money’?

● What if your friends were saying,

‘Come on! Jump off the top of

the climbing equipment’?

● What if your brother told you to let

the dog out?

● What if you need to cross the

road, but the traffic lights are too

far away?

Hazards and risks are something that could

be dangerous around us or something that

could hurt us. They are something that is


Brainstorm a list of hazards that may be in

your home. Walk around and see if you

can spot anything that could be

dangerous or hurt someone.

Draw a picture of five hazards you have


E.g. power cord I could trip over, cleaning

chemicals in easy to reach cupboards.

Lesson 4 - Making my Home Safe Lesson 5 - Rules Keep me Safe. Lesson 6 - Crossing Safety

Choose one hazard from the list you made

in Lesson 1. Make a poster to display near

the hazard.

Your poster must include:

● What is the hazard?

● Why is it dangerous?

● How can we be safe around the

Make a list of rules you have at home or

school that keep you safe. If you are

unsure, talk to your parents or an adult

about rules they have put in place to

keep you safe.

Why do we have rules? What would

happen without them?

What is a pedestrian? Look at pictures on

the computer of a pedestrian.

Do you have to cross a road to get to

school? Write the name of the roads you

cross. Do these roads have pedestrian

crossings or traffic lights?

Did you know: You have to hold an adults




● A picture of the hazard.

Draw and write about how these rules

keep you safe at home or school.

hand while crossing the road until you are

10 years old.

Draw/paint a picture of yourself holding

hands with a grown-up and complete the

sentence ‘It’s important to hold a grown-

ups hand because……’

Lesson 7 - Crossing Safety Lesson 8 - Sun Safety Lesson 9 - Bike Safety

We use the words Stop! Look! Listen! Think!,

when talking about how to cross the road


What do each of those words mean when

crossing the road? Draw a picture of what

to do for each word.

Practise the procedure in your house or

yard. Mark out the road and kerbs using

chalk, skipping ropes or something similar.

Ask an adult or sibling to help you. Llink

hands as you practise and say ‘Always hold

a grown-up’s hand’.

Watch this video on Sun Safety.

Make a tv commercial and act it out for

your family to teach them Slop, Slop,

Slap, Seek, Slide. Have someone film

your commercial and upload it to


Think about the last time you rode a bike.

● Did you remember to wear a


● How does a helmet keep you safe?

● What could happen if you fell off

your bike and hit your head when

you weren’t wearing a helmet?

Design a new bike helmet that looks

fantastic but is also safe and strong to

protect your head.



Science (Living Things)

INSTRUCTIONS: Follow the weekly timetable and complete the assigned lesson. Students must complete in a workbook and take a photo to

upload onto Seesaw.

SCIENCE - Lesson 1 SCIENCE - Lesson 2 SCIENCE - Lesson 3

What am I? Natural and man-made

living things.

Make up a game about different

living things. Write down clues for

each one and have a family

member guess them

Eg- I am a natural living thing, I am

green, I grow outside, I am a plant, I

need to be mown, Kids play on me.

What am I? (Answer Grass)

Animals live in different places

because they need different food,

shelter and protection for their


Think of some animals and the

homes that they live in (eg birds in a

nest, koala in a tree, dog in a


Choose 5 animals and draw them in

their home. Label each drawing.

Animals live in different places because they need different

food, shelter and protection for their family.

Design a home for an animal to live it. Choose your animal

and what kind of home they may need. Eg dog-kennel, snail-

garden structure, bird- nest.

Draw your design and label it.

SCIENCE - Lesson 4 SCIENCE - Lesson 5 SCIENCE - Lesson 6

Living things make lots of sounds.

Walk around your house and

garden and record the

noises/sounds of living things you

can hear. Make a list of the sounds

you hear and what living thing

makes this sound..

Living Things creativity

Collect living things from around

your garden/yard and make a

picture. Take a photo and upload it

to Seesaw.

Living and Non Living Playground

Design a new play area for students. Include both living and

nonliving things in your play area. Also include man-made

and natural things. Write about your play area describing the

things in it, what they will be used for and how your play area

will need to be cared for. Draw a picture of your new play

area and label it.


My playground has a cubby house. It is a non living manmade

structure. It is used for children to play in.

It has a flower garden which is a natural living part of my

playground. To help look after this area we will need to water

plants in the garden.

My playground has a climbing frame and a swing. It is a man-

made structure. Children can climb on it.




INSTRUCTIONS: Follow the weekly timetable and pick an activity from the grid to complete. Students must complete in a workbook and take a

photo to upload onto Seesaw.


Read a book of your choice.

Listen to Mrs Clarke’s book of the week on


What is an Author and Illustrator? Discuss with a

family member.

Make a poster to recommend the book for

someone else to read. Include the Title, Author,

Illustrator, a picture and brief explanation of what

the book is about.


Read a book of your choice.

Listen to Mrs Clarke’s book of the week on


What is a character? Discuss with a family


Draw the characters from the book.

Name each character, describe them

and write something exciting they do in

the story. Eg- Pig the tourist is a cheeky

dog who causes trouble as he travels the



Read a book of your choice.

Listen to Mrs Clarke’s book of the week on


Choose a character from the book. They

have come to visit you. Plan 10 questions

you would like to ask them.

Interview a family member asking them the

questions you have planned and record

their answers.


Read a book of your choice.

Listen to Mrs Clarkes book of the week on Seesaw

If you could be any character from the book

which one would you be and why?

Pretend you are this character and describe your

feelings, actions and appearance.


Read a book of your choice.

Listen to Mrs Clarkes book of the week on


Write a new ending for the book. You may

add extra characters, change the setting

and how the story ends. Draw a picture of

your new ending.


Read a book of your choice.

Listen to Mrs Clarkes book of the week on


Write a letter to a friend telling them why

they should read this book. Include things

such as why you liked it, what was funny,

which character was your favourite and


Year 1 Sailors Week 4 Term 2 Weekly Timetable

Morning Routine: Greeting, Values, Expectations, Announcements, Positive Primer (Game), What went well?

Daily Learning expected 3hrs per day + additional time for sports and physical activities, games

Week 4











1 hour session Reading/Writing-

Pick one grid activity Spelling ‘l’

-world883 Pick one grid activity

Reading/Writing- Pick one grid activity

Spelling ‘l’ -world883

Pick one grid activity

Reading/Writing- Pick one grid activity

Spelling ‘l’ -world883

Pick one grid activity

Reading/Writing- Pick one grid activity

Handwriting ‘Aa’ Writing Time - See & Trace

Handwriting Book p.40-41

Speeches Complete Lesson 4




1 hour session PM Readers - 15min

Maths Pick one grid activity

PM Readers - 15min

Maths Pick one grid activity

PM Readers - 15min

Maths Pick one grid activity

PM Readers - 15min

Maths Pick one grid activity

PM Readers - 15min



1 hour session CAPA Pick one grid activity

PDH Complete Activity 3

Science Complete Lesson 2

Geography Complete Lesson 4

Creative Play Pick one activity

At school we do a ‘Brain Break’ every 30minutes. Below are some suggested Brain Breaks

Move to Learn Cosmic Yoga Brain Breaks Just Dance Fundamental Movement Skills

King/Shapes Be a Scientist

Syllable Stomp

Eat Right

Time to Relax

Arnold the Ant

Squish the Fish

Spider Power

Cracker the Dragon



Finger Catch


Paper Scissors Rock

Simon Says

Frozen-Let It Go

Dog Dance

Ghost Busters

Old Town Road

Party Rock Anthem

Leap - watch & try outside

Hop- watch & try outside

Dodge- watch & try outside

Jump- watch & try outside

Balance- watch & try outside

Student You Tube - How to Use Seesaw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5jG9VoROFs&feature=youtu.be


Sound Waves 1 Black Line Masters © Barbara Murray and Terri Watson 2011 Firefl y Education ISBN 978 1 74135 149 1

gladfl at


fell wellwillballhelpmilkbeltcold

l ll

Week 4 Spelling Words:

Complete if you cannot access Studyladder online.

One MOREandOne LESSone more one less







one more one less








Number of the Week - Week 4 (also on SeeSaw)

Year 1 Sailors Week 5 Term 2 Weekly Timetable

Morning Routine: Greeting, Values, Expectations, Announcements, Positive Primer (Game), What went well?

Daily Learning expected 3hrs per day + additional time for sports and physical activities, games

Week 5











1 hour session Reading/Writing-

Pick one grid activity Spelling ‘ee’

-world883 Pick one grid activity

Reading/Writing- Pick one grid activity Spelling ‘ee’

-world883 Pick one grid activity

Reading/Writing- Pick one grid activity Spelling ‘ee’ -

world883 Pick one grid activity

Reading/Writing- Pick one grid activity

Handwriting ‘Dd’ Writing Time - See & Trace

Handwriting Book p.50-51

Speeches Complete Lesson 5




1 hour session PM Readers - 15min

Maths Pick one grid activity

PM Readers - 15min

Maths Pick one grid activity

PM Readers - 15min

Maths Pick one grid activity

PM Readers - 15min

Maths Pick one grid activity

PM Readers - 15min



1 hour session CAPA Pick one grid activity

PDH Complete Lesson 5

Library Pick one grid activity

Geography Complete Lesson 5

Creative Play Pick one activity

At school we do a ‘Brain Break’ every 30minutes. Below are some suggested Brain Breaks

Move to Learn Cosmic Yoga Brain Breaks Just Dance Fundamental Movement Skills

King/Shapes Be a Scientist

Syllable Stomp

Eat Right

Time to Relax

Arnold the Ant

Squish the Fish

Spider Power

Cracker the Dragon



Finger Catch


Paper Scissors Rock

Simon Says

Frozen-Let It Go

Dog Dance

Ghost Busters

Old Town Road

Party Rock Anthem

Leap - watch & try outside

Hop- watch & try outside

Dodge- watch & try outside

Jump- watch & try outside

Balance- watch & try outside

Student You Tube - How to Use Seesaw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5jG9VoROFs&feature=youtu.be


Sound Waves 1 Black Line Masters © Barbara Murray and Terri Watson 2011 Firefl y Education ISBN 978 1 74135 149 1




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ee e ea

Week 4 Spelling Words:

Complete if you cannot access Studyladder online.

Simple Addition + 1

Complete if you cannot access Studyladder online.

1 . ) 1 + 1 = -- 5.) 5+1= --·

2+1= -- 6.) 6+1= --·

3.) 3+1= -- 7 .) 7+1= --

4.) 4+1= -- 8.) 8+1= --·

Number of the Week - Week 5 (also on SeeSaw)

Year 1 Sailors Week 6 Term 2 Weekly Timetable

Morning Routine: Greeting, Values, Expectations, Announcements, Positive Primer (Game), What went well?

Daily Learning expected 3hrs per day + additional time for sports and physical activities, games

Week 6











1 hour session Reading/Writing-

Pick one grid activity Spelling ‘oo’

-world883 Pick one grid activity

Reading/Writing- Pick one grid activity

Spelling ‘oo’

-world883 Pick one grid activity

Reading/Writing- Pick one grid activity

Spelling ‘oo’

-world883 Pick one grid activity

Reading/Writing- Pick one grid activity

Handwriting ‘Bb’ Writing Time - See & Trace

Handwriting Book p.26-27

Speeches Complete Lesson 5




1 hour session PM Readers - 15min

Maths Pick one grid activity

PM Readers - 15min

Maths Pick one grid activity

PM Readers - 15min

Maths Pick one grid activity

PM Readers - 15min

Maths Pick one grid activity

PM Readers - 15min



1 hour session CAPA Pick one grid activity

PDH Complete Lesson 6

Science Complete Lesson 3

Geography Complete Lesson 6

Creative Play Pick one activity

At school we do a ‘Brain Break’ every 30minutes. Below are some suggested Brain Breaks

Move to Learn Cosmic Yoga Brain Breaks Just Dance Fundamental Movement Skills

King/Shapes Be a Scientist

Syllable Stomp

Eat Right

Time to Relax

Arnold the Ant

Squish the Fish

Spider Power

Cracker the Dragon



Finger Catch


Paper Scissors Rock

Simon Says

Frozen-Let It Go

Dog Dance

Ghost Busters

Old Town Road

Party Rock Anthem

Side Gallop - watch & try outside

Skip - watch & try outside

Sprint - watch & try outside

Catch - watch & try outside

Kick - watch & try outside

Student You Tube - How to Use Seesaw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5jG9VoROFs&feature=youtu.be


Sound Waves 1 Black Line Masters © Barbara Murray and Terri Watson 2011 Firefl y Education ISBN 978 1 74135 149 1



Mum manmenmadecampjumppumpstamp

m mm

Week 6 Spelling Words

Bush Tracks Illustration for Reading/Writing Grid


BUSH TRACKS by Ros Moriarty

Reading/Writing Activity

Using natural materials from the garden such as: twigs, leaves, dirt etc plan and create a bush track picture of how you walk to the beach from your house.

Use the SYMBOLS page to help you design each part of your track. Take a photo and post onto your Seesaw.

© Ashley’s golden apples - Ashley white

Complete if you cannot access Studyladder online.

CirclesColor all the circles you find.

© Ashley’s golden apples - Ashley white

Name: ______________

RectanglesColor all the rectangles you find.

© Ashley’s golden apples - Ashley white

Name: ______________

SquaresColor all the squares you find.

© Ashley’s golden apples - Ashley white

Name: ______________

trianglesColor all the triangles you find.

Number of the Week - Week 6 (also on SeeSaw)