‘Learning by doing… By Katerina Pateraki [email protected].

‘Learning by doing… By Katerina Pateraki [email protected]

Transcript of ‘Learning by doing… By Katerina Pateraki [email protected].

Page 1: ‘Learning by doing… By Katerina Pateraki ab3180@coventry.ac.uk.

‘Learning by doing…

By Katerina Pateraki

[email protected]

Page 2: ‘Learning by doing… By Katerina Pateraki ab3180@coventry.ac.uk.

Going beyond oneself…to simply respond!

Page 3: ‘Learning by doing… By Katerina Pateraki ab3180@coventry.ac.uk.

Prototype for a Peace Pavilion project

A Humanitarian Engineering (HE) project;

Can be used in places of conflict in remote areas;

Symbolic space for peace & reconciliation;

Page 4: ‘Learning by doing… By Katerina Pateraki ab3180@coventry.ac.uk.

Laying the foundations…

Page 5: ‘Learning by doing… By Katerina Pateraki ab3180@coventry.ac.uk.

The Earth group (i)

• Rammed earth

• ½ worlds population earth dwellings

• Material found on site representative of the subject of dispute

Page 6: ‘Learning by doing… By Katerina Pateraki ab3180@coventry.ac.uk.

The Earth group (ii)

Page 7: ‘Learning by doing… By Katerina Pateraki ab3180@coventry.ac.uk.

The Earth group (iii)

Page 8: ‘Learning by doing… By Katerina Pateraki ab3180@coventry.ac.uk.

The Roof group (i)

Page 9: ‘Learning by doing… By Katerina Pateraki ab3180@coventry.ac.uk.

The Roof group (ii)

Page 10: ‘Learning by doing… By Katerina Pateraki ab3180@coventry.ac.uk.

The Chair group (i)

Page 11: ‘Learning by doing… By Katerina Pateraki ab3180@coventry.ac.uk.

The Chair group (ii)

Page 12: ‘Learning by doing… By Katerina Pateraki ab3180@coventry.ac.uk.

The Peace Pavilion was built!

Page 13: ‘Learning by doing… By Katerina Pateraki ab3180@coventry.ac.uk.

The Peace Pavilion was built!• Working in partnership

with students;

• Build confidence;

• Interdisciplinary skills

• Bringing reality closer;

• Evidence for students portfolio

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Page 15: ‘Learning by doing… By Katerina Pateraki ab3180@coventry.ac.uk.


Page 16: ‘Learning by doing… By Katerina Pateraki ab3180@coventry.ac.uk.

Students quotes (i)

‘As a mathematician… this project has allowed me to

broaden my thinking patterns which will help me in

the future should engineering be a path I take’.

‘If I were to lead a similar task I would certainly

spend more time at the beginning assessing the

task, the skills and understanding of the group…from

the start.’

Page 17: ‘Learning by doing… By Katerina Pateraki ab3180@coventry.ac.uk.

Students quotes (ii)

‘I feel there has been an additional contribution to

understanding how any resource in the world can

be utilised to a greater benefit if you explore and

discuss the way to utilise it with those around you.’

Page 18: ‘Learning by doing… By Katerina Pateraki ab3180@coventry.ac.uk.

Students quotes (iii)‘As E.F Schumacher said:

Any intelligent fool can invent further complications, but it takes a genius to retain, or recapture, simplicity - small is beautiful

A building that is placed in war stricken countries will

find it difficult to keep both sides happy, but I believe

the simplicity of the project is its greatest strength.’

Page 19: ‘Learning by doing… By Katerina Pateraki ab3180@coventry.ac.uk.

Theoretical relationship

• Detail in structure

• Freedom of movement

• Exchange of energy

• Use of materials

• Detail in body shape

• Freedom of mind to

• Exchange of energy

• Use of empty hand

Building Discipline Martial Arts

Page 20: ‘Learning by doing… By Katerina Pateraki ab3180@coventry.ac.uk.

‘Learning by doing…works & can be fun!'

Thank you