Learn Proven 3 Step Formula How To Get Your First Clients & How To Get More Clients!


Transcript of Learn Proven 3 Step Formula How To Get Your First Clients & How To Get More Clients!

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to a freelance career.

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● Twitter hashtag: #1WDwebinar

Welcome Aboard!

If you really are serious about getting clients, make sure you pay attention: ● Turn off Facebook, Twitter, any other

social network!

● Make sure nothing will distract you throughout the next hour!

● Prepare pen and paper and get ready to take some notes!

Shut down all your distractions!

● 3 Reasons Why You Currently Don't Have Any Clients

● Why You Should Focus Only On WordPress Tasks To

Make Lots Of Money?

● 3-Step Formula To Get Clients

● Case Study: How To Double Your Income Putting Formula

In Action

● Secret on How To Become Micro-Expert In Wordpress

● Q&A - Challenge us with your questions

● Contest: 100Gb Dropbox For 1 Year!

What you will learn today?

Our 1stWebDesigner Mission

Your hosts:

To help you:

● Obtain more clients

● Be successful as a freelancer

● Live the "dream" Internet lifestyle you deserve!

Dainis GraverisFounder of 1stwebdesigner.com

Spencer FormanFounder of LabZip.com & LabSecrets.com

● You haven't defined your niche

● You are afraid to market yourself

● You aren't looking at problems through your client's eyes

3 Reasons You Currently Have No Clients:

Over 123,000 WordPress Design Jobs on Elance

WordPress Design Skills are in Top Demand!

Most of the Fortune 100 companies use WordPress Most of the Fortune 100 companies use WordPress

20% of the Internet uses WordPress!

It is the World's Largest & Fastest Growing CMS

with more than 64 Million sites

Spencer Forman Case Study:

Acquiring client through WordPress Support Forum

- My specialty is Social Networking and Support Forums

- I sought out and found many clients who were not able to make BuddyPress or bbPress format properly with their WordPress theme.

- Current rate for hands-on customization = $75 per 1/4 hour = $300/hr

3 Step Formula to get more clients

We have action steps with each step, so be ready to take notes!

1Find a Low Hanging


2Discuss Customer's


3Follow-up &


Action Item:Choose one of the most popular WP "pains" that you can solve easily within one hour with your current skill set

1. Install & Configure a Child Theme2. Create a Logo, Header, or Color Scheme3. Add a slide-show to a home page or elsewhere4. Create a mail list integration with Mailchimp

All of these can be completed within an hour of time without any programming or development skills

Step #1

Find The WordPress PAIN you can cure - This is the "Low Hanging Fruit“

Don't Have Any Skills?

Write down the design skills that excite you and then begin research to find WordPress tasks you can solve while learning and practicing these skills!

Remember: start simple. Every long journey starts with a single step.

Reaching out to clients, Re-frame the conversation away from your cost

1. Focus on how your solution will increase client's profit2. Ask personal follow-up questions to customers who reply

3. Remember: Short Is Sweet

Remember: Every client has an EGO. Make them the focus of your conversation and you will more easily gain trust.

Step #2

Don't have experience?

Fake it until you make it!

Find five suitable tasks and make initial contact

The Value of follow-up

Use existing contacts to make new clients, get more work!:

1. To get additional work from existing client

2. To get a favorable testimonial

3. To get client recommend you to his friends

Action Item: After you complete work, ask for testimonial. Pitch how you can make client more money!

Step #3

With that being said.. (Summary)

● Pick "low hanging fruits" you can solve

● Re-frame towards client's profit

● Don't forget the follow-up

● Have fun while making long-term relationships

● Go to Wordpress.org, job boards to locate pain you can solve

● Write those tasks down

● Take action, write proposal email - reach out to your first client!

● Follow-Up in few hours

Your Action Items To Complete Now:

What you can do now? Two things:

1. Take action: Follow 3 step formula to success

2.Take it a step further: Sign up for program : 3 days, 3 clients, $300 - save time on trial and error. You will not have to learn on your own anymore!

Case Study: Zachary Rogers

One tip – ●

- How a $200 job became a $1400 job- How I got paid 50% upfront- How I now focus on the client's profit

potential when pricing

Core of our 3 step formula: Zachary took action and DOUBLED his income this year!


3 Days - 3 Clients - $300

Everything you need to succeed:

- Prewritten scripts

- Actionable worksheets

- Community - Q&A sessions

- Videos detail every step

- Your Essential WordPress Toolkit

- What’s my first step? – Find The PainCreate Child Themes to customize WordPress

- Modify a theme logo, header or color scheme

- Add slide shows to WordPress themes

- Integrate MailChimp to a WordPresssite

Module 1: Getting Started

Module 2: All About Clients

- How to approach your first potential client

- Techniques you can use to get the job

- How to communicate with customers

- How to get paid

Module 3: Day 1

- Be Selective - Find the PAIN - Codeable.io vs.WordPress.org - Tasks vs. Threads - Narrowing down our choices- Your first estimates - Short is Sweet - The value of a follow-up question - It’s not how much it costs, it’s about the

customer’s profit or savings - The five to one ratio

Module 3: Day 2

- It’s time to set the hook

- Close your first sale so you can use it asa reference - Use your first customer to help close

other customers

- Review your work and reload your gun

Module 3: Day 3

- Rinse and Repeat

- The art of the Up-sell

- Gratitude is the best sales tool

Bonus #1: Treasure Map E-Book

- Complete ebook outlining each step in detail

- Additional reading to the videos

Bonus #2: 1WD E-Book Bundle

Learn HTML5 to be able to write less code and use less images in designs.

Learn responsive website design techniques to be able to design one site which would look good on all screen sizes including mobile phones and tablets!

Learn web design trends to understand how designs and code have been changed over the years and apply the latest cool design techniques yourself!

Usually $17.95 - Free If You Join!

Testimonial ●

Ok...couldn't wait to get home and post this. I got my first $600 check today (installment 1 of 2) for a site and it was from using the SIMPLE steps in the bootcamp!!!! BOOYAH. I think this is going to be a simple project with a nice turn around time and I can't wait to have the client tell her friends and customers how easy it is to work with me. Keep you all posted. Thanks again.


Leon Clinch

Exclusive Discount Price

● Exclusive Price for Webinar Participants -

Just $47.95 per month for 250$ value!

● Use PayPal for instant access worldwide

● Join Now! -

Go to http://1wd.tv/

Your complete satisfaction is our number one priority!

This is a no-risk offer for anyone seeking to create the their "dream" Internet Lifestyle using our proven formula.


Dainis GraverisFounder of 1stwebdesigner.com

Spencer FormanFounder of LabZip.com & LabSecrets.com

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Become Micro Expert in WordPress

Learn Secret How to Become "Micro-Expert" in Wordpress. The Ship Builder's tale.

Q&A session: Prepare your questions for the Q&A session, we will stay as long as there will be questions left!

Congratulations to those who have already joined our community today. Thank you!


Thanks everybody for joining us! Good luck and remember...

Take action today! If You have any questions:

[email protected]

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