Lean mean php machine

Lean Mean PHP Machine Jason Austin @jason_austin TEK - X Friday, May 21, 2010
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Implementing software development “best practices” can be a challenging feat, especially if you are in a very small team of developers. Little to no budget, stress to just “get something out”, and lack of understanding from management of what you really do means you have to make sacrifices, right? This talk will give you some insight on accomplishing your goals of being a top-rated development shop, even if you are an army of one. From justifying those best practices to utilizing free services to hiring additional help, this talk will run the gamut of running a software development shop at a small scale.

Transcript of Lean mean php machine

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Lean Mean PHP Machine

Jason Austin @jason_austin TEK-X

Friday, May 21, 2010

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A little about me...

Friday, May 21, 2010

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The team at NC State2 full time employees

2 part time students

1 manager

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We do “the internet”Support apps

Campus-wide initiatives

Community engagement

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A little historyStarted with one part-time developer

No standards

No best practices

No idea what I was doing

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A little more history...Added a developer and a manager

Went to ZendCon 2006

Plugged into #phpc

Re-invented ourselves

Friday, May 21, 2010

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Daily challengesOur business is not so'ware


Educating management

Demanding clientele

Friday, May 21, 2010

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David vs. GoliathFriday, May 21, 2010

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Goliath Shops

Project managers

UI designers

Code developers

QA staff

Support staff

flickr @gadgetgirl70

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Goliath ShopsMultiple people responsible

Focus on a single part of a project


Lack of payoff

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David Shops

Everyone is responsible for everything

Hazy job responsibilities

flickr @helico

Friday, May 21, 2010

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David ShopsFocus on the whole project (or multiple projects)

Support a'er release

Make your mark

See the payoff

Friday, May 21, 2010

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To be successfulHire and retain great developers

Spend money wisely

Communicate and collaborate

Code smarter

Friday, May 21, 2010

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Tip #1Successful shops are built on

the backs of successful people

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It starts with hiringKnow your needs

Targeted, clear job descriptions

Post everywhere



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Hiring is riskyContract positions

Part-time workers


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Bad hires are poisonTrust


Culture clash

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Who do we interview?LinkedIn, Resumé

Blog, twitter, facebook

Ask for code

Virtual interviews

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Interviews suckNot a true representation of skill

Easy to fake

Time waster for the existing team

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But if it’s required...Don’t play games

Have a loose plan

Ask what you want to know

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Face timeSee how they think

Problem solving skills

Communication skills

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The successful types:Motivated (are you interested)


Eager to learn


Team Player

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Be part of the processRead resume’s


Interview if you have to

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Team assembled. Now what?Friday, May 21, 2010

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Care for the teamFeed and water daily

Encourage participation




Friday, May 21, 2010

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Build team chemistryGet away from your workspace

Sports? Video games? Beer? Whatever it takes

Avoid crazy HR team building exercises

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Keep the good devsHiring new devs is expensive


Exposure to apps

Institutional knowledge

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Tip #2

A happy developer is a productive developer

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Developers are unique Platform



Work environment

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ListenOpen participation

Feedback sessions

Find what fits each dev and go with it

Friday, May 21, 2010

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Shield the new guysMeetings generally suck

Block out time

Keep politics to a min

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ManagementManage up or around



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TrainingContinuous and Strategic

Webinars are cheap

Team up

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TelecommutingWorks for some, not all

More focus

Small, dark places where awesome code lives

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Tip #3Spend money where you get the most bang for your buck

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Open Source is your friendProject Management

Issue Tracking

Administrative Tools

Productivity Tools

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Use existing toolsCodebase management


Cheaper in the long run

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Prove the valueCase studies


Expert Trusted advice

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Follow throughResults are critical


Makes the next request easier

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Tip #4Join in the discussion at every


flickr: @danielygo

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Get localMeetup.com

Find a user group

Connect with colleagues

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Get globalIRC at #phpc



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Put yourself out therePHPers aren’t scary (mostly)

Take initiative

Connect yourself, then connect others

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Tip #5Reduce, reuse, recycle

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Write once, use manyCode reusability

Module portability


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Frameworks!Use them...now

Zend Framework




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Code re-useOT Framework

Auth and ACL



It’s an app shell

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Re-use benefitsSetup time

Common methods


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Last TipIntegrate best practices from

the start

flickr @enerva

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Development is not just typing

Testing is a requirement, not a feature

Plan for usability and accessibility

Design then develop

Single-step deployment

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Any questions?flickr @lwr

Friday, May 21, 2010

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Rate me onJason Austin @jason_austin


Review this talk at http://joind.in/1608

Friday, May 21, 2010