Leadership style assessment rev

11/02/2022 Leadership Style Carolyn Collins 1


class project

Transcript of Leadership style assessment rev

Page 1: Leadership style assessment rev


Leadership Style

Carolyn Collins


Page 2: Leadership style assessment rev


This leadership skills assessment has to do with your

predominant leadership style. Keep in mind that most

leaders will flex their leadership style to the situation;

this is appropriately termed situational leadership

Leadership Style Assessment

• Leadership Style Assessment


Page 3: Leadership style assessment rev


Coaching leaders enjoy developing people that may one day be the

leaders of the company. They have a great deal of self awareness

and enjoy helping others improve their skills.

Coaching Leadership Style

• Coaching Leadership Style


Page 4: Leadership style assessment rev


Coercive leaders often demand immediate compliance with

their orders. This type of leader has an extreme drive to

achieve. They also exhibit a great deal of self control and often

take the initiative when they spot a problem. Over the long

haul, coercive leaders can have a negative impact on the


Coercive Leadership Style

• Coercive Leadership Style


Page 5: Leadership style assessment rev


Authoritative leaders often try to mobilize workers towards a

vision. They allow workers to see how they fit into the big

picture. They are seen as experts in their area and

demonstrate a lot of self confidence. Authoritative leaders

also demonstrate a lot of empathy.

Authoritative Leadership Style

• Authoritative Leadership Style


Page 6: Leadership style assessment rev


The Affiliative leader likes to create harmony and build relationships

in the workplace. They believe that people come first and like to

communicate with others.

Affiliative Leadership Style

• Affiliative Leadership Style


Page 7: Leadership style assessment rev


The Democratic leader likes to get others involved in the decision making process. They enjoy coming to consensus through the active participation of others.

Democratic Leadership Style

• Democratic Leadership Style


Page 8: Leadership style assessment rev


Pacesetting leaders set high standards of performance for

themselves and others around them. They have a great deal of

drive to achieve targets and expect the same type of drive from

those around them. Unless workers are just as driven as the leader,

this style can also have a detrimental effect in the long term.

Pacesetting Leadership Style

• Pacesetting Leadership Style