Leadership ob

Chapter-12 1 Leadership CHAPTER - 12


leadership in organisation behaviour

Transcript of Leadership ob

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Chapter-12 1



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Objectives of the Chapter

To understand Definition of Leadership Traits of Effective Leaders Leadership Skills Leadership Theories Leadership Styles

Roles and Activities of Managers Determinants of Leadership Task of a Supervisor Effective Supervisory Practices

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Chapter-12 3

Definition of Leadership

A leader is one who sets vision, goals and

motivates people and obtains their commitment to

achieve the goals and realize the vision.

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Chapter-12 4

Traits of effective leadership Some researchers believed cognitive and psychological factors like intelligence, ambition, aggressiveness are common traits in leaders Others believed height, large body structure and personal attractiveness are important Initiative, desire to lead, integrity, self-confidence, analytical ability, charisma, creativity etc are some of the common traits of a leader

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Chapter-12 5

Leaders are born not made

Leaders can be developed

Leadership behavior Vs. Traits:

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Chapter-12 6

Leadership Skills

Robert Katz, identified three skills

Technical skills

Human skills

Conceptual skills

Technical skills: A

person’s knowledge and ability to make effective use

of any process or technique constitutes his technical


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Chapter-12 7

Human skills:Human skills also involve developing positive interpersonal; relationships, solving people’s problems and gaining acceptance of other employees.

Conceptual skills:It refers to the ability to analyze complex situation, interpret available information.

Leadership Skills Contd…

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Chapter-12 8

Leadership Skills Contd…Organizational Levels







Knowledge & Skills required

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Chapter-12 9

Leadership Theories

Trait Theories

Early researchers studied the personality traits and concluded that leaders are born and not made.

Example: Napoleon

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Chapter-12 10

“Great person” theory leadership traits can be acquired with training and experience.

Example: Anil Ambani

Leadership Theories

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Chapter-12 11

Behavioral TheoriesResearcher tried to identify the behavior that were unique to leader & which distinguished them from non leaders.

Four behavioral theories The Ohio state studies University of Michigan studies The managerial grid Scandinavian studies

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Chapter-12 12

In 1945-study conducted at Ohio state university. They defined two dimensions Initiating structure –

Individual’s ability to define his as well as subordinate’s tasks and get them accomplished in time.

The Ohio State Studies

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Chapter-12 13

Consideration - Extent, to which a leader

cares for his subordinates, respects their

ideas and feelings and establishes work

relation by mutual trust and respect.

The researchers concluded that a “high-

high” type of leadership yielded best results.

The Ohio State Studies contd…

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Chapter-12 14

Research carried out at Survey research center, university of Michigan. Leadership behavior could be categorized along 2 dimensions. Employee-oriented leaders achieve higher job satisfaction and higher group productivity. Production–oriented leaders achieve lower job satisfaction and lower group productivity.

University of Michigan Studies

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Chapter-12 15

Blake and Mouton’s Managerial Grid

Blake and Mouton developed a two dimensional matrix model of leadership styles.

The model consist of nine rows and column.

The rows represent the leader's concern for production, while the column represent concern for people.

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Chapter-12 16



5, 5Middle of

the Road Management

1, 9Country Club Management

1, 1Impoverished Management

9, 1Authority


Concern for people


Low High


Blake and Mouton’s Managerial Grid Contd…

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Chapter-12 17

Behavioral theories were developed (1945 & 1965). Research result in emergence of new dimension called development oriented behavior. Development oriented leaders experimented with new ideas and practices and embrace changes The subordinate of development oriented leaders also showed higher level of job satisfaction

Scandinavian Studies

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Chapter-12 18

Contingency Approaches Contingency theories of leadership postulate that leaders have to change their style depending on situation they face. Fiedler’s contingency model Hersey and Blanchard’s situational theory Leader member exchange theory Leadership- participation model Path – goal theory

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Chapter-12 19

Leader–member relationships: The extent to

which a leader is accepted by his subordinates

Degree of task structure: Degree to which the

task on hand can be performed efficiently.

The Leader’s Position: It refer to the power or

formal authority that the leader is bestowed within

the organization.

Fiedler’s Contingency Model

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Chapter-12 20

Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Theory

It is other wise called Life cycle” model.

Maturity level of the subordinate plays a major

role in influencing the leadership style of the


All employees will not have the same level of

competence and commitment to do the assigned


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Chapter-12 21

It is other wise called Life cycle” model.Four styles: Low in his ability to perform as well as willingness to perform - telling style Low in ability but high in willingness to perform - selling style Capable of performing but not willing to perform - participating style Capable and is also willing to carry out the task - delegating style

Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Theory Contd…

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Chapter-12 22

Leader – Member Exchange Theory George Green –leaders establish a special relationship with a small group of subordinates, usually early in their interaction.The small group is referred to as the in-group and the rest are called out – group. In–group members receive high performance ratings and receive rewards and promotions quickly. Leaders favor people who have attitudes and personality similar to their own.

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Chapter-12 23

Leadership Participation Model Victor Vroom & Philip Yetton

They established the relationship between leadership behavior and decision making style

Problem attributes: It is categorized into two classes



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Chapter-12 24

Decision-quality dimension include cost

considerations, information availability and nature

of problem structure. Employee-acceptance can have dimensions

like need for commitment, their prior approval,

congruence of their goals with that of the

organization, and conflict among the employees.

Leadership Participation Model contd…

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Chapter-12 25

Leadership Participation Model contd…

Leadership Styles: 5 styles of leadership

Autocratic I – leader takes a decision on

his own

Autocratic II - leader obtains relevant

information from subordinates & then

attempts to find a solution

Consultative I – leader explains problem & invites ideas, he takes final decision

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Chapter-12 26

Consultative II - leader meets a group of subordinates, discuses the problem & listens to their ideas , final decision may or may not be according to subordinates

Group II - after sharing the problem with the subordinates, the leader initiates a group discussion till a consensus is reached. The leader accepts the solution offered by his subordinates

Leadership Participation Model contd…

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Chapter-12 27

Path Goal Theory

Path goal theory is contingency model of leadership developed by Robert House.

According to this theory leader should provide required support & guidance to his followers.

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Chapter-12 28

Path Goal Theory contd…

Directive leadership:

Leader clearly tells his subordinates what is

expected gives schedules and instructs ‘how’

Supportive leadership:

The leader attempts to address the needs and


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Chapter-12 29

Participative leadership –

Discusses problems & seeks suggestions

Achievement–oriented leadership: Attempts

to develop his subordinates

Path Goal Theory contd…

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Chapter-12 30


Autocratic leadership: The leaders attain all the authority and decision making power

Consultative leadership: The leaders encourage employees to participate in decision making

Laissez faire: Leader completely delegates the responsibilities and decision making power to the subordinates

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Chapter-12 31

Leadership Styles contd…

Bureaucratic leadership: Leaders set

certain rigid rules and regulations and


Manipulative leadership: They believe that

the employees should be manipulated to get

them to behave in the way the leader wants

them to behave

Expert leadership: A person with high level

of knowledge and abilities leads the group

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Chapter-12 32

Likert Suggested Four Systems Of Management

System 1 management – “exploitative-authoritative” style- it represents dictatorial leadership behavior. All the decisions are made by managers and their i little employee participation

Likert’s Four Systems of Management

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Chapter-12 33

System 2 management – “benevolent-

authoritative” style:

Though the managers behave in a patronizing

manner, they have confidence and trust in their

subordinates. They permit upward communication

to a certain degree and ask for participation from


Likert’s Four Systems of Management contd..

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Chapter-12 34

System 3 management – “consultative”


Managers in this system do not have completed

confidence and trust in their subordinates.

Though they seek advice from subordinates,

they retain the right to take the final decision.

Likert’s Four Systems of Management contd…

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Chapter-12 35

System 4 management – “participative

leadership” style: In this system, managers

trust their subordinates completely and have

confidence in their abilities. They always ask the

opinions of their subordinates and make use of

their ideas.

Likert’s Four Systems of Management contd…

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Chapter-12 36

Roles and activities of managers

Interpersonal role:

There are three roles:

Figurehead role

Leader role

Liaison role

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Chapter-12 37

Informational role:

There are three roles:




Roles and activities of managers contd…

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Chapter-12 38

Decisional role:


Disturbance handler Resource allocator Negotiator

Roles and activities of managers contd…

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Chapter-12 39

Activities performed by managers


Traditional management

Human Resource Management


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Chapter-12 40

Determinants of leadership

Quality of subordinates: a effective leader always build strong team consist of people who are independent & self motivated. The nature of situation: According to situation's viewpoint, different individuals are effective in different situation..

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Chapter-12 41

Task of supervisorFirst line supervisor: Supervise work being done Develop work schedule Communication with worker Making decision of day to day operation

Second or third line supervisor perform more or less same activity. They may resolve the problems referred to them by there subordinates.

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Chapter-12 42

Effective Supervisory Practice:

Research conducted by the university of Michigan indicated the following four supervisory practices were effective: Devote more time to planning & supporting function Avoid close supervision Concern foe employees Promote group cohesiveness

Task of Supervisor contd…

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Summary of the Chapter

To understand Definition of Leadership Traits of Effective Leaders Leadership Skills Leadership Theories Leadership Styles Roles and Activities of Managers Determinants of Leadership Task of a Supervisor Effective Supervisory Practices