Leadership and Culture SPRING Singapore Sharing 5th Nov

Copyright © aAdvantage Consulting 2014. All Intellectual Property Reserved. 1 Building a High Performance Culture 5 November 2014 www.aadvantage-consulting.com

Transcript of Leadership and Culture SPRING Singapore Sharing 5th Nov

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Building a High Performance Culture

5 November 2014


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clients in achieving

impactful implementation and

seamless transformation for

sustainable growth

From vision to results

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Single point-of-contact solution partnerSingle point-of-contact solution partner

• Strategic

• Implementation-focused

• Results-driven

• Sustainable

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Our Experience in Business Excellence and Culture Transformation

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Strategic Partners for a Seamless Transformation

With 30 years in business transformationworking with cross functional teams, theirpassion lies in developing leaders,facilitating active participation fororganizational change, developingresourceful teams and aligning strategicobjectives. Their goal is to helporganizations achieve their full potential,where people take ownership, buildcommitment and bridge communicationgaps.

aAdvantage Consulting together with Culture Leadership Group partner organisationsto ensure successful transformation from concept through to implementation.

Established in 2002, the founders arebonded by the belief that consultantsneed to get more involved inimplementation work. With key solutionssuch as Research, Team Building &Development, Culture Transformation,and HR Transformation, the firm helpsorganisations and its people to achieveimpactful and sustainableimplementation.

www.aadvantage-consulting.com www.CultureLeadershipGroup.com

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01 Conscious Culture


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Joanna BarclayCorporate Leadership Consultant


[email protected]

How to build a high performing workplacethrough values, ethics, and leadership

Conscious Culture

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The Challenges

• How to attract and keep talented people

• How to increase profitability and shareholder value; meet the organisation mission and intended outcomes

• How to increase staff engagement

• How to increase innovation, creativity, agility, and customer satisfaction

What are the stressors impacting these challenges?

What is the value of transforming culture?

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Reason, Logic




Plans, Vision,Strategy, Goals,

Structure, Systems

Habits,Attitudes, Traditions,Prejudices,



“Culture eats strategy for breakfast”

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All power and effectiveness come from

knowing the how and acting


Tao Te Ching of Leadership

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Knowing the HOW…and

doing the right thing

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High Performance Cultures are…..

• Client Focused

• Team Approach

• Values Driven

• Innovative

• Sound Strategy

• Clear Direction

• Total Alignment

• Financially Viable

• Agile

• Responsive

• Adaptive

• Resilient

Talent Sustainability Excellence Ethics Resilience

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Culture and Strategy

Full Spectrum Leadership

Compelling VisionInspiring Mission

High Performance

Strong CulturePersonal Alignment

Group CohesionStructural Alignment

Good StrategyClear Goals

Measurable Objectives Key Performance Indicators

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Evolution of Business Paradigms


Agricultural Age


Information Age Intellectual Capital

Industrial Age Quality of Product

Consciousness Age Cultural Capital


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A flood of literature on importance of Culture… what does it all mean?

Cultural Capital is the

new competitive


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Cultural Capital – “Share of Heart”

How do leaders behave?

Earn share of heart

Large investment in culture

‘WOW’ factor

“Doing good for all” centered visions

Alignment of all stakeholder needs

Firms of Endearment (FoE) outperformed the S&P500 by 1649% over a 15 yr period?

Loyalty, Respect, Integrity, Trust, Joy, Authenticity, Empathy, Compassion

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Effects of Change… Disengagement

- Fearful

- Depressed

- Anxious

- Exhausted

- Angry

- Defeated

- Defensive

- Apathetic

- Resentful

- Sad

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North America 26-30%



Southeast Asia 6-12%



Employee Engagement – Gallup Research

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Doing the same thing over and overand expecting different results is... insanity.

- Albert Einstein

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Maintaining the same leadership, management style, and behaviors while expecting your employees to embrace new habits and greater collaboration is …

Cultural insanity!

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02 Leading Culture


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Case Study - PWGSCBackground

• In 2010, Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) was

dealing with complex, unprecedented change

• Stretching systems and people beyond anything they had ever


• Tough fiscal restraint—with a deficit reduction of $4 billion, 5 to 10% of

departmental budgets were being cut

• Increasing the pressure on staff to do more with less.

• Retirements were seriously reducing the number of staff while there were

changing demographics to serve, and

• New technologies were raising service expectations at a time when their

client service was already considered too slow.

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Case Study - PWGSCObjectives of Client Service Committee

• Senior leadership committee was formed to deliver on the Client Service


• Cultural transformation to change the values and behaviors of the leaders

and staff was seen as a key driver to support the strategic initiatives.

• The directors-general from each branch were selected who would be

instrumental in transforming the client service culture

• With client service reported at a 50% satisfaction senior leadership

recognized that how they were doing business needed to change


• The change would entail a transformation from rigid accountability to

stewardship (having control of $14 billion in government spending)

balanced by speed and agility.

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Case Study - PWGSCCommittee Challenges within 1 year

• A leadership problem emerged within a year of starting the project.

• Discussion around the boardroom table was missing key voices of the senior leaders

• Engagement and commitment should have been high.

• Initiative was very strategic and had the deputy minister’s and assistant deputy minister’s attention.

• Directors-general were sending their directors, who were sending their managers to replace them, unprepared and with no authority.

• Needed to diagnose the reasons for the malaise affecting committee members.

• Time to make the intangible tangible and assess the committee’s performance by mapping and measuring its culture

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Case Study - PWGSCProcess and Solution

• Cultural Values Assessment from Barrett’s Values Centre Cultural Transformation Tools (CTT)

• The diagnosis was a misalignment of personal values with the values being experienced in the current culture of the committee.

• Ethics, Excellence and Leadership were personal values for seven out of the thirteen DGs.

• These values had also been selected by the DGs as desired cultural values, which meant the DGs considered them important going forward to achieve their goals.

• What was the problem? Why weren’t these values showing up in the current culture? What was happening to prevent them?

• Selected 5 key values and behaviours to align leadership team and build internal cohesion

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1. integrity 7 5(I)2. respect 7 2(R)3. balance (home/work) 6 4(I)4. honesty 6 5(I)

5. leadership 6 6(I)6. achievement 5 3(I)7. ethics 5 7(I)8. making a difference 5 6(S)

9. positive attitude 5 5(I)10. excellence 4 3(I)11. family 4 2(R)12. humour/ fun 4 5(I)

Votes Level

PWGSC Client Service Committee (13)

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1. integrity 7 5(I)2. respect 7 2(R)3. balance (home/work) 6 4(I)4. honesty 6 5(I)5. leadership 6 6(I)6. achievement 5 3(I)7. ethics 5 7(I)8. making a difference 5 6(S)

9. positive attitude 5 5(I)10. excellence 4 3(I)11. family 4 2(R)12. humour/ fun 4 5(I)

Votes Level

1. achievement 7 3(I)

2. cooperation 6 5(R)

3. information sharing 6 4(O)

4. teamwork 6 4(R)

5. goals orientation 5 4(O)

6. respect 5 2(R)

7. adaptability 4 4(I)

8. commitment 4 5(I)

9. customer satisfaction 4 2(O)

10. open communication 4 2(R)

11. professionalism 4 3(O)

Votes Level

PWGSC Client Service Committee (13)

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1. integrity 7 5(I)2. respect 7 2(R)3. balance (home/work)

6 4(I)

4. honesty 6 5(I)5. leadership 6 6(I)6. achievement 5 3(I)7. ethics 5 7(I)8. making a difference

5 6(S)

9. positive attitude 5 5(I)10. excellence 4 3(I)11. family 4 2(R)12. humour/ fun 4 5(I)

Votes Level

1. achievement 7 3(I)

2. cooperation 6 5(R)

3. information sharing

6 4(O)

4. teamwork 6 4(R)

5. goals orientation 5 4(O)

6. respect 5 2(R)

7. adaptability 4 4(I)

8. commitment 4 5(I)

9. customer satisfaction

4 2(O)

10. open communication

4 2(R)

11. professionalism 4 3(O)

Votes Level

1. accountability 6 4(R)

2. ethics 5 7(O)

3. excellence 5 3(I)

4. leadership 5 6(O)

5. clarity 4 5(O)

6. commitment 4 5(I)

7. continuous learning 4 4(O)

8. inclusiveness 4 4(R)

9. information sharing 4 4(O)

10. mission focus 4 4(O)

11. teamwork 4 4(R)

12. trust 4 5(R)

Client Service Committee (13)

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Personal Values Level Current Culture Values Level Desired Culture Values Level

Ethics 7 Cooperation 5 Ethics 7

Making a Difference 6 Commitment 5 Leadership 6

Leadership 6 Information Sharing 4 Clarity 5

Integrity 5 Teamwork 4 Commitment 5

Honesty 5 Goal Orientation 4 Trust 5

Positive Attitude 5 Adaptability 4 Accountability 4

Humour /Fun 5 Achievement 3 Continuous Learning 4

Balance (Home/Work) 4 Professionalism 3 Inclusiveness 4

Achievement 3 Respect 2 Information Sharing 4

Excellence 3 Customer Satisfaction 2 Mission Focus 4

Family 2 Open Communication 2 Teamwork 4

Respect 2 Excellence 3

Voting process to select valuesCreated 3 measureable behaviours for each valueDevelop an action plan to support implementation of the behaviours

Selecting Values and Behaviour

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Case Study - PWGSCOutcomes – 3 years later - AMAZING RESULTS!

• Developed and launched the PWGSC Client Barometer; 90%+

• Nineteen signed Departmental Service Agreements

• Standard and Performance Indicators—Published “Our Services Standards

and Results”

• Launched the “One Knock” approach with a single point of contact

• Developed a departmental Client Engagement Framework

• PWGSC client service course and client service awards, client service


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Bringing Your Values To Work

“Bringing your values to work”

Values, Beliefs and Behaviours

Choose 1 value that is important in your


Why do you believe this value is

important to you?

Recall a moment in your life when you

really lived this value. What

behaviours did you exhibit that support

this value?

How might you react if this value was not being honoured by

other? Describe your feelings, thoughts,

and actions.

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Exercise Debrief

Objective: To demonstrate the connection of values to

engagement, retention and high performance

1. How do you feel when you are able to live your values at


2. How do they impact your performance?

3. What would happen if you were not able to bring these

values to work? How would you feel?

4. Would you want to continue working there?

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Source of Personal Excellence

Enlivening Personal Values => Engagement

Engagement => Positive Mental Attitude

Positive Mental Attitude x Ability = Performance

Fundamental Law of Individual Success

Ability Level Mental State Performance

10 100% Focus 10

10 80% Focus 8

10 60% Focus 6

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Case Study – PIJAC CanadaBackground

• PIJAC Canada represents the Canadian pet industry with $6.5 billion in


• 2012 Executive Director of PIJAC Canada, decided they needed a change in

leadership and management style

• Engagement and participation of board members were non existent

• The association was viewed poorly by its stakeholders – Community groups,

veterinarians, animal shelters, city councils, legislative policy makers.

• Declining association membership

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Case Study – PIJAC CanadaStrategic Objectives

• Engage pet industry and connect with stakeholders

• To be more proactive and have better balance through efficient use of


• To provide a higher level of service to the membership and create more

business opportunities

• Higher engagement of board members, contributions and maximizing their


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Case Study – PIJAC CanadaChallenges

• Adversarial relationships with key stakeholders – community groups, city

councils, animal shelters

• Animal activists didn’t believe they should make $$$ off the backs of


• Board members were not participating and contributing to board decision

making process

• Internal competition for resources – no collaboration

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Case Study – PIJAC CanadaProcess & Solution

• 1 day facilitated participatory strategic planning session

– Opportunity for their ideas to be heard

– Being given decision-making responsibility

• Achievements:

– Explored challenges and opportunities, 3 strategic initiatives with action plans

– Agreement on 4 key values – Excellence, Collaboration, Leadership, Responsibility

– Discovered limiting beliefs that would reduce performance

• Conducted an environmental scan with key stakeholders through 5 on-line engagement sessions

– Perception of stakeholders gave PIJAC a new view of the world and their untapped potential

• Realigned mission and purpose of association with new tag line

• Cultural transformation through focus on four values

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Case Study – PIJAC CanadaOutcomes of Cultural Transformation

• Stronger board, more united in providing guidance to the association members,

• Commitment to the strategic plan.

• Board members participating in roles and have taken on more responsibilities.

• The values have given them confidence and energy, providing valuable

momentum in moving forward and making it easier to follow the plan.

• Positive relationships with community groups

• Legislators seeking their advise on policy

• Increase in pet show attendance and revenue

• Maintaining association members at a time when other associations are looking


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When Leaders Transform the Organisation Transforms

A whole system approach calls for actions in all four dimensions at the same time




CharacterActions and


of the Leaders

PersonalityValues and Beliefs

of the Leaders

CultureValues and Beliefs

of the Organization

Source: K Wilber – Integral Model “A Brief History of Everything”


StructuresActions and Behaviours

of the Organization

2 4

1 3

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Whole System Transformation Evolution

A whole system approach calls for actions in all four dimensions at the same time




Source: K Wilber – Integral Model “A Brief History of Everything”


2 4

1 3









CharacterActions and


of the Leaders

PersonalityValues and Beliefs

of the Leaders

CultureValues and Beliefs

of the Organization

StructuresActions and Behaviours

of the Organization

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How are you as a leader consciously

creating your culture, or do you have a default,

unconscious culture?

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Who would you like to have as your leader?What the best leaders focus on: Values that create internal cohesion

1. commitment2. control (L)

3. ambition4. result oriented5. demanding (L)

6. experience7. goal oriented8. authoritarian (L)

9. humor/fun10. power (L)

1. commitment2. positive attitude3. accessible4. teamwork5. trust6. integrity7. accountability8. customer satisfaction9. enthusiasm10. fair

How Maria sees herself? How do others see Maria?

Internal Cohesion


High entropy

Leaders (21% +)

Low entropy

Leaders (0-6%)

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Organisational transformation begins with

the personal transformation of the leaders.

Organisations don’t transform. People do.

New Theories of Organisational Success

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The Leader and their Values

Leadership style accounts for 70% of emotional tone which determines 30% of business performance

FoE* Leadership knows that extraordinary confidence in employees causes them to perform extraordinarily – to rise above, surpass, exceed and excel.

FoE* - Firms of Endearment, How World Class Companies Profit from Passion and Purpose, 2007

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Leadership Values AssessmentValues, beliefs and behaviours

360 ° Assessment

The Leadership Values Assessment

supports CEO's and senior executives in

broadening and strengthening their

leadership skills.

The assessment highlights the issues that

an individual needs to address in order

achieve their potential and/or grow as a


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03 Organisational Alignment


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ABCs of High Performance

• Awareness through measurement

If you can measure it you can manage it

• Belongingness through engagement

Connecting the head and heart, intellect and emotions

• Commitment through alignment

Creating a shared vision and values

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Where are we now? How do we know?

Measurement matters. If you can measure it,

you can manage it.

All power and effectiveness come from Knowing the how and acting appropriately.

Tao Te Ching of Leadership

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Cultural Transformation Tools

Step 1: Cultural Values Assessment Powerful metrics which enable leaders to actively measure and manage culture.

They make the intangible, tangible. They link performance to culture.

Step 2:Leadership Values Assessment

Supports CEO's and senior executives in broadening

and strengthening their leadership skills.

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Richard Barrett

Derivation of Consciousness Model

Know and




Love & Belonging



Abraham MaslowKnow and


Needs Consciousness

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Measuring the Existing Culture

• Which of the following values and behaviours most represent who you are?

• Which of the following values and behaviours most represent how your organization operates?

• Which of the following values and behaviours most represent how you would like your organization to operate?

Three questions:

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Alignment of Employee and Organizational Consciousness

Difficult to hire and keep people who are here


When organizations are here…Corporate Consciousness

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Cultural Entropy

Cultural entropy is the amount of energy in an organization that is consumed in unproductive work.

It is a measure of the friction and pent-up frustration that exists within an organization.

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Cultural Entropy

Productive work

Lack of productivity or destructive behaviour

What does 41% entropy look like?

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Best Employers have Lowest Entropy

Cultural Entropy

Employee Engagement

Tier 1 (Best) 5% 89%

Tier 2 8% 76%

Tier 3 15% 55%

Tier 4 (Worst) 21% 40%

This research of 163 organizations was carried out by Hewitt Associates and the Barrett Values Centre in 2008

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CIO Directorate, Management Team & Chiefs (39)

client service 19 6(O)

bureaucracy (L) 17 3(O)

accountability 14 4(R)

achievement 12 3(I)

control (L) 12 1(R)

employee recognition 12 2(R)

hierarchy (L) 12 3(O)

teamwork 12 4(R)

information sharing 11 4(O)

commitment 10 5(I)

long hours (L) 10 3(O)

professionalism 10 3(O)

client service 20 6(O)

balance (home/work) 18 4(O)

information sharing 17 4(O)

employee engagement 13 5(O)

efficiency 12 3(O)

innovation 12 4(O)

open communication 12 2(R)

continuous improvement 11 4(O)

professionalism 11 3(O)

adaptability 10 4(I)

cooperation 10 5(R)

respect 10 2(R)

teamwork 10 4(R)

Values Plot August 19, 2014Copyright 2014 Barrett Values Centre

I = IndividualR = Relationship

Black Underline = PV & CCOrange = PV, CC & DC

Orange = CC & DCBlue = PV & DC

P = PositiveL = Potentially Limiting (white circle)

O = OrganisationalS = Societal


PV - CC 2CC - DC 4PV - DC 4

Cultural Entropy:Current Culture


respect 22 2(R)

cooperation 19 5(R)

integrity 17 5(I)

honesty 15 5(I)

leadership 15 6(I)

commitment 14 5(I)

balance (home/work) 13 4(I)

efficiency 13 3(I)

positive attitude 13 5(I)

accountability 11 4(R)

initiative 11 4(I)

trust 11 5(R)

Level Personal Values (PV) Current Culture Values (CC) Desired Culture Values (DC)








IRS (P)=8-4-0 IRS (L)=0-0-0 IROS (P)=2-3-3-0 IROS (L)=0-1-3-0 IROS (P)=1-4-8-0 IROS (L)=0-0-0-0


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CIO Directorate, Management Team & Chiefs (39)

client service 19 6(O)

bureaucracy (L) 17 3(O)

accountability 14 4(R)

achievement 12 3(I)

control (L) 12 1(R)

employee recognition 12 2(R)

hierarchy (L) 12 3(O)

teamwork 12 4(R)

information sharing 11 4(O)

commitment 10 5(I)

long hours (L) 10 3(O)

professionalism 10 3(O)

client service 20 6(O)

balance (home/work) 18 4(O)

information sharing 17 4(O)

employee engagement 13 5(O)

efficiency 12 3(O)

innovation 12 4(O)

open communication 12 2(R)

continuous improvement 11 4(O)

professionalism 11 3(O)

adaptability 10 4(I)

cooperation 10 5(R)

respect 10 2(R)

teamwork 10 4(R)

Values Plot August 19, 2014Copyright 2014 Barrett Values Centre

I = IndividualR = Relationship

Black Underline = PV & CCOrange = PV, CC & DC

Orange = CC & DCBlue = PV & DC

P = PositiveL = Potentially Limiting (white circle)

O = OrganisationalS = Societal


PV - CC 2CC - DC 4PV - DC 4

Level Personal Values (PV) Current Culture Values (CC) Desired Culture Values (DC)








IRS (P)=8-4-0 IRS (L)=0-0-0 IROS (P)=2-3-3-0 IROS (L)=0-1-3-0 IROS (P)=1-4-8-0 IROS (L)=0-0-0-0


respect 22 2(R)

cooperation 19 5(R)

integrity 17 5(I)

honesty 15 5(I)

leadership 15 6(I)

commitment 14 5(I)

balance (home/work) 13 4(I)

efficiency 13 3(I)

positive attitude 13 5(I)

accountability 11 4(R)

initiative 11 4(I)

trust 11 5(R)

Cultural Entropy:Current Culture


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CIO Directorate, Management Team & Chiefs (39)

client service 19 6(O)

bureaucracy (L) 17 3(O)

accountability 14 4(R)

achievement 12 3(I)

control (L) 12 1(R)

employee recognition 12 2(R)

hierarchy (L) 12 3(O)

teamwork 12 4(R)

information sharing 11 4(O)

commitment 10 5(I)

long hours (L) 10 3(O)

professionalism 10 3(O)

client service 20 6(O)

balance (home/work) 18 4(O)

information sharing 17 4(O)

employee engagement 13 5(O)

efficiency 12 3(O)

innovation 12 4(O)

open communication 12 2(R)

continuous improvement 11 4(O)

professionalism 11 3(O)

adaptability 10 4(I)

cooperation 10 5(R)

respect 10 2(R)

teamwork 10 4(R)

Values Plot August 19, 2014Copyright 2014 Barrett Values Centre

I = IndividualR = Relationship

Black Underline = PV & CCOrange = PV, CC & DC

Orange = CC & DCBlue = PV & DC

P = PositiveL = Potentially Limiting (white circle)

O = OrganisationalS = Societal


PV - CC 2CC - DC 4PV - DC 4

Level Personal Values (PV) Current Culture Values (CC) Desired Culture Values (DC)








IRS (P)=8-4-0 IRS (L)=0-0-0 IROS (P)=2-3-3-0 IROS (L)=0-1-3-0 IROS (P)=1-4-8-0 IROS (L)=0-0-0-0

Cultural Entropy:Current Culture


respect 22 2(R)

cooperation 19 5(R)

integrity 17 5(I)

honesty 15 5(I)

leadership 15 6(I)

commitment 14 5(I)

balance (home/work) 13 4(I)

efficiency 13 3(I)

positive attitude 13 5(I)

accountability 11 4(R)

initiative 11 4(I)

trust 11 5(R)

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What’s Next After CVA - From Measurement to Action






Values Assessment

Share results and start dialogue

Prioritize key focus values

Explore key values and behaviours

Live the values and grow the desired culture

Create Culture Development Plan

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Benefits of CTT: A Clear Roadmap

A collective view of your values

• Shifts the dialogue from us/them to we

A shared vision for moving forward

Identifies strengths of your organization

• Allows you to build on and foster the positives

A quantitative health index - % entropy

• Names what is causing waste and energy drain

• Antidote is provided

Identifies alignment/misalignment

• Points to what you need to do to create the desired culture

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Culture Leadership Group Client List

• Public Works and Government Services Canada

• Transport Canada

• Environment Canada

• Astellas

• Valent


• Canadian Heritage

• City of Ottawa Fire Fighters Association

• Chelsea Foundation

• Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons

• Industry Canada

• Public Health Agency of Canada

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04 Leadership Transformation


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A Sample List of Clients That We Have Conducted Cultural Values Assessments For

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Who would you like to have as a leader?What the best leaders focus on: Values that create internal cohesion

1. commitment2. control (L)

3. ambition4. result oriented5. demanding (L)

6. experience7. goal oriented8. authoritarian (L)

9. humor/fun10. power (L)

1. commitment2. positive attitude3. accessible4. teamwork5. trust6. integrity7. accountability8. customer satisfaction9. enthusiasm10. fair

How Maria sees herself? How do others see Maria?

Internal Cohesion


High entropy

Leaders (21% +)

Low entropy

Leaders (0-6%)

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The level of entropy represents the degree of potential challenges that may prevent a leader from achieving the organisation’s success outcomes

Entropy Impact

0-6% Healthy: Authentic individual. Decision-making is not driven by subconscious fears.

7-10% Minor Issues: Requiring leaders to examine how their fear-based behaviours and

actions are affecting people around them and/ or their degree of work/life


11-15% Moderate Issues: Requiring leaders to examine how their fear-based behaviours

may be compromising relationships with peers and subordinates, and negatively

impacting their professional goals.

16-20% Significant Issues: Requiring leaders to examine how their fear-based behaviours

may be undermining their personal integrity and trustworthiness, and negatively

impacting their professional and personal goals.

21%+ Critical Issues: Requiring leaders to examine how their fear-based behaviours are

compromising their ability to inspire and support their subordinates and

collaborate effectively with their peers.

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Entropy Impact

10% or less Healthy functioning.

11-19% Minor Issues: Requiring cultural and structural adjustments.

20-29% Significant Issues: Requiring cultural and structural transformation and leadership coaching.

30-39% Serious Issues: Requiring cultural and structural transformation, leadership mentoring / coaching, and leadership development.

40-49% Critical Issues: Requiring cultural and structuraltransformation, selective changes in leadership, leadership mentoring / coaching, and leadership development.

More than 50%: Cultural Crisis: For private sector or corporations, high risk of bankruptcy, takeover or implosion.

Organisation Cultural Entropy Levels

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Whole System Change

Leadership / People

(Team) Alignment and




Systems Alignment

Leadership Commitment

to Transformation

Define Desired Culture & Identify GapsTo support the achievement of Organisation and Success


Management Alignment:Vision and Mission

Strategies and Strategic OutcomesManagement Team Climate

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Recap on the Organisation XYZ Culture Building Journey




commitment to






Survey &





2. Series of



• Senior Management


• Leadership

Development Prog

• Leadership Values


• XYZ Values Challenge

• Values Roll-out eg

Values Champion;

Passion Stories; Values

Awareness campaign

Culture Survey






4. Next Steps

• Management

Huddles 2014;

• Organisation


• Process Review

• Systems


Culture Survey


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Getting Started . . .


For your free Personal Values Assessment

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From vision to results