

Transcript of Leadership

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LeadershipTo lead is to guide by influencing

the destination and direction for the group to go.

A leader is a person who can influence others to be more effective.

Leadership is the process through which a leader exerts such influence.

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Trait Theory of Leadership

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“From the moment of birth, some are marked for

subjugation and others for command”


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Charisma and Machiavellianism

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Leadership Styles

Style refers to the way in which something is said or done.

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Gives orders and sees to it that the orders are carried out.

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Works with the group in decision making and planning

A TEAM player

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Laissez-faireDo not

participate at all in their group’s decision making process.

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Influence Theory of Leadership

“Influence over other is

purchased at the price of

allowing oneself to be influenced by


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How do I influence?Reward powerCoercion powerReferent powerLegitimate powerExpert power

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Influence is directed towards persuading the group members to cooperate in setting and achieving goals.

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Role Position/Group Structure Approach to Leadership

A person becomes a leader when he/she is put in a position of authority.

Authority is legitimate power assigned to a particular position to ensure that subordinates meet their requirements

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Role Position/Group Structure Approach to Leadership

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Problems with this approachHow are individuals appointed?How can the leader engage in

non-leadership behavior? How can subordinates engage in leadership behavior?

Is it only the authority that influences the role behavior of the subordinates?

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Situational Theories of LeadershipLeadership is

provided group members varying their behavior to provide the actions a group needs at a specific time.

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Distributed-Actions TheoryCertain functions need to be

provided if a group is to achieve its goals and maintain effective working relationships among its members.

GOAL-leadership actionRELATIONSHIP-leadership action

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Responsibility needs to be distributed among members...If members do not participate,

their ideas will not be utilized and effectiveness is reduced.

Participation makes members more committed to the group.

Unequal patters of communication can create relationship problems in the group.

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Bale’s Interaction-Process Analysis

Task-Leadership Role & Social-Emotional-Leadership Role

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Fiedler’s Contingency Theoryleadership in a group depends on

the variables of leader-member relations, task clarity, and position/leader power.

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Task oriented and Maintenance oriented Leader

________ is effective when he/she is in good terms with the group members, the task is clearly structured, and the leader has a position of high authority.

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__________ is effective when his/her relationship with the members is moderate or poor, when the task is ambiguous, and when he/she is in a position of low authority and power.

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Hersey and Blanchard’s Theory of Situational Leadership

Leadership activities can be classified in to two distinct behavioral dimensions: initiation of structure (task actions) and consideration of group members (relationship actions)

eEffectiveness of leadership behaviors depends on maturity.

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Leadership in Organizations

There is growth and decline. Staying the same is not an option. Growth takes leadership, not management.

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What can you do?Challenge the status quo.Create a mutual vision.Empower members through

teams.Lead by example.Encourage the heart.

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Leadership in Developing Countries

Leaders in developing countries place great importance in establishing close interpersonal relationships with subordinates as well as people in higher authority.

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Leaders in developing countries desire to exercise their power.

Leaders wish to maintain good interpersonal relations with subordinates on one hand, and act in an authoritative way on the other.

Leaders use their status and power for personal benefits.

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Leaders do not want to relinquish power by being participative.

To maintain the image of being someone who “knows it all” and who is a hero and a saviour, the leader maintains a “consultative” approach where they consult their subordinates informally and give the final decision unilaterally.

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The Ideal Leader is...

EmpoweringParticipative but


knowledgeable, skillful, and administratively competent

Paternalistic and performance-oriented

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The Ideal Leader is...

Fair and justDiplomaticConscious of

status difference but modest and humble

Team integrators

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The boss drives people; the leader coaches them.

The boss depends upon authority; the leader on good will.

The boss inspires fear; the leader inspires enthusiasm.

The boss says ‘I’; the leader says ‘we.’The boss says ‘Get here on time’; the leader

gets there ahead of time.The boss fixes the blame for the breakdown;

the leader fixes the breakdown.The boss knows how it is done; the leader

shows how.The boss makes work a drudgery; the leader

makes work a game.The boss says ‘Go’; the leader says ‘Let’s go.’”The boss justifies or lays blame - the leader

takes responsibility. 

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