LEA ARP ESSER Use of Funds Template

LEA # and Name: #134 Middleton School District Website link to the LEA'S ARP ESSER Plan - Use of Funds: https://www.msd134,ot gl Domain I 1837 includes all requirements, to Lisa at [email protected] ho.sov by October 1, 2021 Section 1: Using ARP ESSER funds for the continuous and safe operation of in- person learning 7. Describe the LEA'S process, including timeline, for engoging meoningful consultotion with stokeholders. ldentify the stokeholder groups involved. Oescribe how the public wos given on opportunity to provide input in the development of this pldn. Middleton School District's process for engaging rneaningful consultation with stakeholders includes com mu nity/patron/pa rent surveys, comnrittee meetings, union meetings and board meetings. Monthly there are n)eetings with teaclrer unions and the board of trustees, feedback is garnered during these meetings. Comnrittee meetings with teachers, administrators, special education staff and other district enrployees are scheduled as needed to review our plans for in- person learning. The community is surveyed as needed and has access to our board of trustees and public comment as the board of tnrstees acts on pertinent plan items. 2. Describe how funds will be used to implement prevention ond mitigotion strdtegies thot ore consistent with the most recent Centers t'or Diseose Control ond Prevention (CDC) guidelinest for reopening ond operoting schools Ior in-person leorning. Middleton School District will utilize funcls to implerrent prevention and rnitigation strategies that are consislent with the n'rosl recert Cenler., for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines. This includes cleaning, disinfecting, and PPI purchases j. Describe how the LEA will use no less thon, 20% of ollotted ARp funds to oddress the ocodemic impoct of lost instructionol time through the implementotion ol evidence-bosed interventions, such os summer leorning or summer enrichment, extended doy, comprehensive ofterschool progroms, or ertended school yeor. Specificolly, oddress how the LEA will utilize funds to identify, reengoge, ond support students most likely to hove experienced the impoct of lost instructionol time on student leorning, such os: ' Th" aort aecent gu idelines can be found here: https://www.cdc. gov/coronaviruV20 I 9-ncov/ unity/schools- chil ndex.html )une 29, 2O2L L LEA ARP ESSER Plan - Use of Funds Template Having an tEA ARP ESSER Plan is a condition of receiving ARP ESSER funds for each LEA. lnstructions: Complete this plan template by engaging in meaningful consultation with stakeholders, as identified in the assurances below, and by givinB the public an opportunity to provide input in the development of this plan. Email this completed and signed plan, or a Plan developed by the LEA that

Transcript of LEA ARP ESSER Use of Funds Template

Page 1: LEA ARP ESSER Use of Funds Template

LEA # and Name: #134 Middleton School District

Website link to the LEA'S ARP ESSER Plan - Use of Funds:https://www.msd134,ot gl Domain I 1837includes all requirements, to Lisa at [email protected] ho.sov by October 1, 2021

Section 1: Using ARP ESSER funds for the continuous and safe operation of in-person learning

7. Describe the LEA'S process, including timeline, for engoging meoningful consultotion withstokeholders. ldentify the stokeholder groups involved. Oescribe how the public wos given onopportunity to provide input in the development of this pldn.Middleton School District's process for engaging rneaningful consultation with stakeholdersincludes com mu nity/patron/pa rent surveys, comnrittee meetings, union meetings and boardmeetings. Monthly there are n)eetings with teaclrer unions and the board of trustees, feedbackis garnered during these meetings. Comnrittee meetings with teachers, administrators, specialeducation staff and other district enrployees are scheduled as needed to review our plans for in-person learning. The community is surveyed as needed and has access to our board of trusteesand public comment as the board of tnrstees acts on pertinent plan items.

2. Describe how funds will be used to implement prevention ond mitigotion strdtegies thot oreconsistent with the most recent Centers t'or Diseose Control ond Prevention (CDC) guidelinest forreopening ond operoting schools Ior in-person leorning.Middleton School District will utilize funcls to implerrent prevention and rnitigation strategiesthat are consislent with the n'rosl recert Cenler., for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines.This includes cleaning, disinfecting, and PPI purchases

j. Describe how the LEA will use no less thon, 20% of ollotted ARp funds to oddress the ocodemicimpoct of lost instructionol time through the implementotion ol evidence-bosed interventions,such os summer leorning or summer enrichment, extended doy, comprehensive ofterschoolprogroms, or ertended school yeor. Specificolly, oddress how the LEA will utilize funds to identify,reengoge, ond support students most likely to hove experienced the impoct of lost instructionoltime on student leorning, such os:

' Th" aort aecent guidelines can be found here: https://www.cdc. gov/coronaviruV20 I 9-ncov/ unity/schools-chil ndex.html

)une 29, 2O2L L

LEA ARP ESSER Plan - Use of Funds TemplateHaving an tEA ARP ESSER Plan is a condition of receiving ARP ESSER funds for each LEA.

lnstructions: Complete this plan template by engaging in meaningful consultation with stakeholders, asidentified in the assurances below, and by givinB the public an opportunity to provide input in thedevelopment of this plan. Email this completed and signed plan, or a Plan developed by the LEA that

Page 2: LEA ARP ESSER Use of Funds Template

o. Students who hove missed the most in-person instruction during the 2079-2020 ond2020-2027 school yed rs;

b. Students who did not consistently porticipote in remote instruction when offered duringschool building closures; ond

c. Students most ot-risk of dropping out of school.d. Subgroups of students disproportionolly impacted by COVID-79, including students from

low-income families, students of color, English leorners, children with disobilities,students experiencing homelessness, children in foster care, migrotory students, Hisponicstudents, ond Notive Americon students.

tVliddleton School District will trlilrze lltr: allotlr.cl AIlP frrnr-ls to suJlport learning loss activitiesthat were starter,l in l.l-tc srrnrnrcr of .10 2I arrrl ilrc f.lll o{ )l ).)

Students will be identified for summer school programs. We will run a 6-week program for highschool and middle school. We will run a ramp up to school during the summer of 21-22.

We will be running after school programs at all elementary schools and the middle school. Wewill be running JumpStart programs at our elementary schools. We will continue to runintervention and smallgroup times at all schools. The high school will be running extraintervention time during the school day and at lunch. The high school and academy willcontinue to focus on credit recovery for students.

We will continue to provide services, interventions, and equipment to all students regardless ofsocioeconomic status or subgroup. We will continue to have our social worker, migrant liaison,homeless liaison, counselors, and administrators worl< to ensure needs are met of studentsdisproportionately impacted by COVID-19, including students from low-income families,students of color, English learners, children with disabilities, students experiencinghomelessness, children in foster care, migratory students, Hispanic students, and NativeAmerican students.

4. Describe how the LEA will spend its remaining ARP ESSER funds consistent with section2001(e)(2) of the ARP Act (See Appendix A). ln your description, please identify how funds witt beallocoted to schools and for districtwide activities bosed on student need to equitobty ondinclusively support student success.tVliddleton School District will utilize the remaining ARP ESSER funds for the following needs asschools and districtwide. This is Lrased on sttrdent need and supporting student success. We willcontinue instruction for learning loss, HVAC upgrades, curricular and technology improvements,compensation for additional duties drre to COVID-19, additional positions added to supportstudent learning, and reirnbrrrserxent for loss of revenue clue to COVID-19.

5. Describe how the LEA will ensure thot the interventions it implements, including but not limitedto the interventions implemented to oddress the ocodemic impoct of lost instructional time, willrespond to the ocodemic, sociol, emotionol, and mentol heotth needs of otl students, ondporticularly those students disproportionotely impocted by the COVID-7l pondemic, includingstudents from low-income families, students of color, English leorners, chitdren with disobilities,students experiencing homelessness, children in foster core, migrotory students, Hispanicstudents, and Notive Americon students.

June 29,2O2L2

Page 3: LEA ARP ESSER Use of Funds Template

We will continue to provide services, interventions, and equipment to all students regardless ofsocioeconomic status or subgroup. We will continue to have our social worker, migrant liaison,homeless liaison, counselors, and administrators work to ensure needs are met of studentsdisproportionately impacted by COVID-19, including students from low-income families,students of color, English learners, children with disabilities, students experiencinghomelessness, children in foster care, migratory students, Hispanic students, and NativeAmerican students.

6. Describe how the LEA will consistently monitor student progress and effectiveness of thestrotegies/interventions implemented to address gops in student learning ond well-being.Middleton School District will consistently monitor student progress and effectiveness of thestrategies/interventions intplemented to address gaps in student learning and well-being bycontinuing to follow our comprehensive assessment system. Elementary schools will monitorprogress via lstation, i-Ready and the SICA. Middle School will monitor progress utilizing i-Ready. Middleton High School and Academy will trtilize SICA data to progress monitor students

Section 2:Assurances

June 29,20213

Assurance LEA se1. The LEA assures that, to the best of the LEA's knowledge and belief, all

information in this plan is true and correct.Yesx


2. The LEA engaged in meaningful consultation with stakeholders and gave thepublic an opportunity to provide input in the development of this plan.Specifically, the LEA engaged in meaningful consultation with students;families; school and district administrators (including special educationadministrators); and teachers, principals, school leaders, other educators,school staff, and their unions. Keep documentation of stakeholdercommunications and on file at the LEA.

Yes Notr

3. The LEA engaged in meaningful consultation with each of the following, tothe extent present in or served by the LEA: Tribes; civil rights organizations(including disability rights organizations); and stakeholders representing theinterests of children with disabilities, English learners, children experiencinghomelessness, children in foster care, migratory students, children who areincarcerated, and other underserved students. Keep documentation ofstakeholder communications and meeti on file at the LEA.



4. The plan is in an understandable and uniform format; to the extentpracticable, written in a language that parents can understand or, if notpracticable, orally translated; and, upon request by a parent who is anindividualwith a disability, will be provided in an alternative formataccessible to that nt.



5. The plan is publicly available on the LEA website. Yesx


Page 4: LEA ARP ESSER Use of Funds Template

Su pe rintendent/Cha rter Ad m i nistrato r Pri nted Na me :

Marc Gee

Superintendent/Cha rter Administrator Signature:V*il* Date:October 1,202L

Local Board of Trustees, President's Printed Name:Kirk Adams

Local Board of Trustees, President's Signature:'7*/ Date:october 1,2027


Email this completed and signed plan to Lisa English at [email protected] later than October L,2O2L.

4June 29,2021.
