Le Meschacébé (Lucy, La.) 1915-12-11 [p...

TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTIoN: A WEEKLY NEWSdPa. 81.00 A Year, Payable in Advance. Published on Saturdays. Entered as second-class natterFeb. ruary 10th 1914. •t t;e PJet-OmcOeat JOHN D. REYNAUD, ,uLy, La., under the Act of March J EDITOR. VOL. 62. LUCY (PARISH OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST), LOUISIANA, SATURDAY. DECEMBER 11, 191. No. 0 VOL. 62. LUCY (PARISH OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST), LOUISIANA, SATURDAY. DECEMBER 11, 1915. No,50. JUDICIAL ADVERTISEMENT TRUSTEE'S SALE GOLDEN STAR PLANTATION WITH IMPROVEMENTS AND INCIDENTALS 're As more fully hereinafter described, belonging to the JOSEPH WEBRE COMPAMY LTD., situated in the Vacherie, in the Parish- es of St. James and St. John the Baptist. In the matter of Joseph Webre Company Ltd., Bankrupt, No. 1860 United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana, will be sold by the Trustee, at public auction On Tuesday, January 11th, 1916, at 11 u'clock, a. m. on the premises, at the front door of the store of the Golden Star Plantation, situated on the said plantation, in the VACHERIE, in the Parish of St. James Louisiana, .By virtue of an order of the Honorable William A. Bell, Referee In Bankruptcy, dated December 4th, 1915, for account of said -binkruptcf S The property to be sold consists of the following, to-wit; sIt. That certain sugar plantation, the property of said Joseph ebrre Co., Limited, known as the Golden Star Plantati:n, situat- e partly in the Parish of St. James and St. John the Baptist, on the right bank of the Missississppi River, in that part of the Parish ot. i Ja , known as the Vach Brie Settlement, and comnpos-d of e following described tracts of land, to- wit: S- t of ground being Lots Five, Six and Seven of southeast est subdivisions of the East half, and Southeastern sub- westhalf of Fractional Section Twenty one, in Town n, west-of the Mississippi River, of Range Eighteen ~sotaining one hundred and seven acres and 201100 of an 1U1.2Q ) acres..- The west half And Northeast of Northeast Quarter; East half f west . Quarter of Southeast Quarter of nection Twenty ownshipThirteen South Range Eighteen East, (West of containing fivehundred and ninety nine and 501100 acres. eight of Section Twenty-two; Lots One, Two, Three, .^ and Six; the East half of Southeast Quarter and the = Qairterof the Southeast Quarter of Section twenty seven 1h ip thirteen, South Range 18 East, in the Southeastern ( west of the Mississippi River) containing Two hundred and au d 4 4110 acres. ertain.tract of land, south of the sugar hous ? , bounded the line of the aforesaid plantation, containing sixty-five 100 superficial acres being the South Fracti nal half of See- t in Township Thirteen South Range Eighteen East. tracttfl.and, being fractional East half and soutawest quar- a cn6 Twenty-five; South half of Section Twenty-six; North arte r of Section Twenty-six; and the North half of the h of wieion Thirty-eight in Township Thirteen South Ran East- the Southeastern District (West of the Miss- ing eight hundred and seventeen and 521100 acres thfractional half of Section Twenty and L)t Number ithe North hal, of the Northeast fractional quarter of Sec rfin Townahip Thirteen, South (West of the Mississippi Eighteen East, containing according to the Town- roved September 26th, 1859, one hundred and thirty -ewat half of the Northwest Quarter and Lot Number , in Township Thirte'n, south of Range Eigh- aigt one hundred and thirty-four 601100 acres, as :.7 is ued by pe State Louisiana, and dated Marc i N'ot s., Four and Six cf Section No. Thirty, and South- U itar - ::the Northwesuarter and the Southwest quarter St-in. Tow ipThirteen, South of Range Eigh- Ei~*w 0 taifaiEtwo hundred and sixty-three 601100 acres, • ~ :•pe Pant Neto. 72, issued by the State of Louisiana, T ,t of the Southwest quarterof Lots Nos. Three .teetio ;.and ~1 of Section Thirty one Towhship Thirteen u Easto, eoitining six hundred and eighteen 91100 S P -teNofl383 issue-1 t' the State of Louisiana on o.Thre of i rtytwo, Township Thirteen, Eighteen taming eigty-eight 251100 acres. o. 1;338(N.8 s by the State of Louisiana, 1ith.1.85. Xt BVe, Township Thirteen, South of Range Eigh District (Louisiana, west of the Miss- ating hirteen indred a ty-three 501100 asc ty a Spanisb~Grant of September 20 th, r* y thereof made b 6 y Charles BWdeau, Surveyor in .mr Grinage. U. &SDeputy Surveyor, in July 1844, of said lands belonging to AntoineSteib and others frionalnorth half and the fractional east half of Se Lntaining 138,531100 acres which are excluded. A ta•ct of land in 'the Vacherie settlement at about te 0City of New Orleans, being a part of the con- t;hlower portion of the plantation known as the Magno ~j t. •oman and designated in a certain sketch made I Engineer, in Decemberl873, annexed to an act f Je ames Fahey, Notary Public, in New Orleans, 2th 1873 between the heirs of S. Ronmon, J. Amedbe S o e as Lot No. Three; and according to sketch, said tract a froSt onatheNew Vacher e road of eight acres, a front (4Che.vel o eight acres by the entire depth, between ; ridrVacherie Road to said BayouChevreuil whieh land two acres, the whole containing an area of six qad eighty-three acres. and bounded on the north by lands teNarcibse Lefils, on the South by Bayou Chevreull, ca I Vache Road in part by the lands of Schmidt and it p f S& ene Roman Estate and by the shaking t by lands of Falgoust and Lechieiter by and out o Lima ate and by the shaking prairie, f rsact i~~4ol sstioi thirty eight except N tb half of f oame Township No: Thirteen, Soutof Range f st~is the Soutkeat~stern Land District, containing one ande a nd ~ba provements on said plan- e mi~u, atu plows aid all other agricultural im• thereto atta ced and theeunto be-] 0 more or less, acres f lands being a part of est~ioJ iteen Township: hirteen west -=e = :e0ter Rador edst', ,la o ic7 lam St. James, which were conveyed by the said Joseph Webre Co., Ltd., to the Louisiana Cypress Company with right of redemption of lands, and more fully described as follows, to-wit: All of-section Thirty, exeept the Southeast Quarter of the North- east Quarter thereof; the South half of Section twenty-nine; the Southea:,t Quarter of Northwest Quarter of Section Twenty-nine; all of Section Thirty-onte and Lot No. Three of Section Thirty-two; containing eighty-eight251i00 acres as per Patent No. 1361, issued to S. Roman by the State of Louisiana, west of the Mississippi River. A part of Section Thirty-four, Township Thirteen South Range Eighteen East. anit all of Section Thirty-eight. in Township Four- teen. South Range Eighteen, being a part of the old Roman tract and now described as a part of Lot Three of the continuation of the Maenolia Plantation, a; per sketch made by M. Keating, Civil Engineer, in December, 1872, and annexed to an act of sale passed in the office of James Fehey, Notary Public in New Orleans, on Jdnuary 20th, 1873, between heirs of S. Roman and J, Amedoe and E. Poche, the portion herein sold is c-mprised within the letters M. N. O. P. on a sketch made by F. P. Pavne, Civil Engineer and Surveyor, on the 2nd day of June. 1909" XIV. Another certain tract of land situated in the Parish of St, James, containing about live arpents, more or less. and a residence now occupied by V. H. Falgoust, together with all the other buildings thereunto appertaining, bounded on South by the public road, on the West and North by the Anita Plantining Company, and on the East by the property of Charles Mury. TERMS: CASH. Act of sale to be passed at purchaser's expense by Andre Lafargue Notary Public. Purchaser to assume taxes for the year 1915. Reve- nue stamps, costs of all certificates, likewise to be borne by pur- chaser. Said property is to be sold free of all incumbrances. Rights of all lien, mortgage or privilege creditors to be referred to the pro- ceeds of sale. VICTOR LOISEL, Trustee. I W. 19. Le Bourgeois ATTORNEY. "OUR CHOICE." For Sheriff Hon. Paul Berthelot, Lucy, La. For Members Of The House lHon. Albert I. Lacazc V Wallace, La. For Clerk Of Court Hon. Henry C. M[aurin, La Place, La. For Assessor lion. Stvigne F. ONebre, Garyville, La. For Coroner Dr. Stephen J. Songy, Wallace, La, For Members Of The Police Jiry Andrew Nagel, Lucy, La. Placide Bare, Edgard, La. PrudentG. Songy, Wallace, La. John A. Maddre, LaPlace, La. Jacques Duhe Reserve, La. Z&6,on Montz, Garyville La. For Jusiices Of The Peace J. L. Pancai"e, Lucy, La. Elis6s Schexnaydre, Edgard, La. Denis Dufresr.e Wallace, La. Adam Vicknair, La Place, La. P. R. Montz, Reserve, La. Emile A. Picou, Garyville, La. For Constables Gustave Chasez, Lucy, La. A. B. Jones, Edgard, L. Jeff. Mericq, Wallace, La. Charles Bailly, La Place, La. Charles A. Lasseigne Reserve La. George Millet, Garyville, La. Members Of Parish Dem. Ex. Committee Paul Berthelot, Lucy. La. J. L. Pancaire, Lucy, La. Eugene Dumez, Edgard, La. Alexis Dtgas, Edgard, La. 1 Prudent G. Songy, Wallace, La. Albert J. Lacaze, Wallace, La. Clement Maurin, La Place, La. James A. Haydel, La Place, La. Prentice E. Edrington, Reserve, La. L. A. Delaneuville, Reserve La. Dr. Leonce D. Chauffe, Garyville, La. J. D. Brewn, Garyville, La. I i imm i im I m ~ m m i imlii in m i mm mmi ,I SHERIFF'S SALE No. 489 Twenty-Eighth Judeiial District Court, I PARISH OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST. STATE OF LOUISIANA Man• NOELINA BE DOU (widow of P. hL Donaldson) I Va Miss. MARIE BATTARD. By virtue of a writ of Seizure and Sale, iesoed or the 17th day of November 1915 and to me directed, in the above entitled and number, d canse. I have seizsd and tak.n in my p/sses- aloe and custody and shall offer for sale at public suction, at the principal front door of the Courthouse. On Saturday, the 8th, day of Jaiaary 1918, at II o'clock a m '>- following described property to-wit: A certaniniot of ground, situated in the Pariah of St. John the Bapti-t, on the left bank of the Mississippi River, measuring one-half arpent front to the said river by a- depth offour arpents, to be reckoned from the Public Road. bounded on the upper line by the property of the Leon Godchaux Com- nany, Limited, on the lower line by that o f JulesBattavr. and in the rear by that of Ernest Martin, together with all the build. ings and inptovements thereon. and all the rights, ways, servitudes and advantaues thereanto. belonging or in any wise.apper talping. With the exception, however, of all dras Which t-w aire or may be found in thel building, known-as tihe St. Peters's Drug Store sad sitasted on saidproperty. IERUB : i CAr O.THRB SPOT'. lirerieMs0fem Parish of t. Johuthe Batist thm•s leday of Dees.aber IMS - t ~-4Vt: U5r~iTR~g a)T. S Sheriff's Sale - No. 487. `8th, JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT, PARISH OF tT. JOHN THE BAPTIST STATE OF LOUISIANA. H. T. COTTAM & CO- VS. OCTAVE FERRAND, Jr. By virtue of a writ ofr eiz're and ,sle issued on the 15th, day of September 1915, and to me direct, d, in the above entitled atd numbe, ed suit, I have seized and taken in my possession ant custody and sball offer for sale at public auction, at the principal front door of the Court House 8h Saturday th 8lh. day of Jaulary 1091 at I o'clock a. a. All of the undivided right title and interest of Octave Ferrand, Jr., in and to the following dercrbied prop-rty, to wit: The portion or a certain track of land belopg ing to Octave Ferrand. Jr. described as follows: A certain tract of land situated in the parish of St John the Baptist, La, on the left bank of the Misssiesppi River, m asuring lIt arpent front to said giver by a depth of 80 acres bounded on the upper line by the property of the San Franeiseo PlantingaendManofaetur ing (o., and formerly belonging to Widow and Heirs of the late Achille D. Bougere, and below by the property of Zpplirin ('l#m- ent together with all buildings apd improv mtuteand all th rights, ways, servitudes, privileges and ad vantae thereuntaI elonging or in any wise attert.+ining. 2- 1 Store buildinlaituated oan iid above described property. TERMS: CA&BON THE SPOT. Sherir' sOtieC:Prishof St John the Baptist this 4th day of November 1915. P AUL 3,NREH• LOT, Sup .. Harris Back From St. John On Visit To Schools Enjoyed Duck Hunt in L fourche Parish with Party of Friends. The following appeared in the Baton Rouge State Times in its issue of December 7th., and will be of interest to the people of this parish: Supt. T. Harris has returned from St. John parish, where, in company with Supt. L. J. Bour- geois, he visited all the public schools of that parish. Mr. Harris states that St John has a system of schools that is al- most ideal. There are no one-teach er schools, and the schools of two, teachers are limited to seven grad es of childien, and those of three teachers to eight grades. All chil- dren in the parish who complete the eltmertary grades in their community schools are provided Iwith transportation, by the school board, to one of the excl- lent high schools at Reserve and Edgard The buildinvs and equipment are all modern and'kept in sani- tary c,,ndition. The teachers mea sure tip to high standards of scholarship and teaching ability. The schools are not reaching all the children in the parish, but the average attendance of those en- rolled is high. After finishing the tour ofinspec tion of the schools Friday after- noon Superintendent Harris and 1ourgeois were taken in charge, by Doctors Guillotte and Steib of Vacherie for duck hunt. in La- fourche parish. Captain Constant and his brother, Mr. John Con- stant placed their motor boats at the disposal of the party and provided guides and dugouts for vach hunter. Mr. Harris reports a delightful and successful hunt, and the number of ducks which' he distributed among his Baton Rouge friends indicated that the party either killed or bought fine bags of ducks. LOCAL PERSONALS, Those We Meet, Hear of and See During the Week. Visitors in and out of the Parish. Sheriff Paul Berthelot, and At- torney L. Maurice Reynaud, were visitors in the Third Ward on Saturday. The mnnyfriends of Mr. Charles Vial will regret to learn that he has been on the sick list this past w.eek. Mr. John Lousteau who is oc- 'cupying a very important posi- tion at Junior, Plaquemines parish. La. (with the Hearin Dredging Company) returned to his home at Lucy last week with Sa couple of broken ribs. Mr. Jules Foprroux Sr., a en- e: able citizen of the first ward of 1this parish, and for over thirty I years operation of the Lucy Ferry was stricken with paralysis at his home in Lucy last Wednes- day morning. * * * On the 8th inst. the Feast of the Immaculate Conception was as usual generally observed throughout the parish There .being two Masses said in every Catholic Church, one at 7 P . M. and one at 9:30 A. M. Do you' wish to Vote ? Then Register and pay your poll tax for 1915. OlTaIrlT NWI I:P:,- ; JEFFERSON PARISH. The completed assessment of Louisiana was made public Sun- day. It shows again the smallest in years, of $2,215,194 for the whole State. Many of the parishes have stood practically still, Many of them have shown considerable decreases. To this increase, Jef- ferson, one of the sixty-four, contributes $337,000. Two or three weeks ago in a tabulation to prove inequality of assessments and demonstrate the extent of tax-dodging in Louis- iana, Gov. Hallshowed that nine parishes actually take more mon- ey out of the State treasury for their schools than they pay in for all pi:rposes of state government, that forty-six parishes get back nearly as much as they contri- bute, and that the burden of supporting the government falls chiefly up(.n nine, one of them Jefferson, which stands fourteen among the sixty-four parishes in total assessment. Because a gambling place on the outskirts of the parish, which his own political faction is alleged to have received graft to protect, was not suppressed and some slot machines have been in operation, the Governor has de- clared Jefferson in a state of p:l- surrection, proclaimed mortia law throughout the parish ard sent a body of troops to super- sede the civil forces. Col. James Dinkins, banker and father of The Item's finan- cial angel, and Philip H. Mentz, lawyer, both active supporters of the movement which put Gov. Hall in office; Father Stenman of the principal Catholic Church, and many other men of high standiug, interested in the-agri- cultural standing and industrial development of the parish. have not hesitated to say that no com- munity in Louisiana is more law abiding and that it is a libel to charge that a state of inaurrec- rection exists in Jefferson.- Do not these facts all tend to prove that Gov. Hall, in his at- tempt to ape the despots of recon struction days in Louisiana, is using his great office to play a miserable political game In the interest of a volitical faction in Jefferson, regardless of the in- jury he is inflicting upon Louis- iana bread? Editorial Daily Stats Dec. 8. Doctor n. D. Coopr Not Dead. The many friends of l)r. Hiram D. Cooper, of Ediard were grieved last week when I news reached this parish that the Doctor had died in a New Orleans hospital. Immediately upon lea'-ning this sad news many of the doctor's personal .fiends called at the Hospital (where the doctor has been confined for several weeks under treatment) and to tleir great surprise were informed by the admitting physician that the rumor was a false one. and that the doctor was still a patieiit of the. Institut ion Dr. Cooper entered the hospital a few -weeks -ago, to be treated, and laughed ove: the newsof his death.,being circulated in St. John. .x;- The doctor's conditi•llis improving daily, andfli• M soon to be able to take a trip to St. JJdhn and show the people that he is still in #he land of tlwliurig.

Transcript of Le Meschacébé (Lucy, La.) 1915-12-11 [p...

Page 1: Le Meschacébé (Lucy, La.) 1915-12-11 [p ]chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86079080/1915-12-11/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTIoN: A WEEKLY NEWSdPa. 81.00 A Year, Payable in


81.00 A Year, Payable in Advance. Published on Saturdays.

Entered as second-class natterFeb.ruary 10th 1914. •t t;e PJet-OmcOeat JOHN D. REYNAUD,





're As more fully hereinafter described, belonging to the JOSEPHWEBRE COMPAMY LTD., situated in the Vacherie, in the Parish-es of St. James and St. John the Baptist.

In the matter of Joseph Webre Company Ltd., Bankrupt, No. 1860United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana,will be sold by the Trustee, at public auction

On Tuesday, January 11th, 1916, at 11 u'clock, a. m.on the premises, at the front door of the store of the Golden StarPlantation, situated on the said plantation, in the VACHERIE, in theParish of St. James Louisiana,.By virtue of an order of the Honorable William A. Bell, Referee

In Bankruptcy, dated December 4th, 1915, for account of said-binkruptcf

S The property to be sold consists of the following, to-wit;sIt. That certain sugar plantation, the property of said Joseph

ebrre Co., Limited, known as the Golden Star Plantati:n, situat-e partly in the Parish of St. James and St. John the Baptist, on

the right bank of the Missississppi River, in that part of the Parishot. i Ja , known as the Vach Brie Settlement, and comnpos-d of

e following described tracts of land, to- wit:S- t of ground being Lots Five, Six and Seven of southeast

est subdivisions of the East half, and Southeastern sub-westhalf of Fractional Section Twenty one, in Town

n, west-of the Mississippi River, of Range Eighteen~sotaining one hundred and seven acres and 201100 of an1U1.2Q ) acres..-The west half And Northeast of Northeast Quarter; East half

f west .Quarter of Southeast Quarter of nection TwentyownshipThirteen South Range Eighteen East, (West of

containing fivehundred and ninety nine and 501100 acres.eight of Section Twenty-two; Lots One, Two, Three,

.^ and Six; the East half of Southeast Quarter and the= Qairterof the Southeast Quarter of Section twenty seven1h ip thirteen, South Range 18 East, in the Southeastern

( west of the Mississippi River) containing Two hundred andau d 4 4110 acres.ertain.tract of land, south of the sugar hous ?, bounded

the line of the aforesaid plantation, containing sixty-five100 superficial acres being the South Fracti nal half of See-

t in Township Thirteen South Range Eighteen East.tracttfl.and, being fractional East half and soutawest quar-

a cn6 Twenty-five; South half of Section Twenty-six; Northarte r of Section Twenty-six; and the North half of the

h of wieion Thirty-eight in Township Thirteen South RanEast- the Southeastern District (West of the Miss-

ing eight hundred and seventeen and 521100 acresthfractional half of Section Twenty and L)t Number

ithe North hal, of the Northeast fractional quarter of Secrfin Townahip Thirteen, South (West of the Mississippi

Eighteen East, containing according to the Town-roved September 26th, 1859, one hundred and thirty

-ewat half of the Northwest Quarter and Lot Number, in Township Thirte'n, south of Range Eigh-

aigt one hundred and thirty-four 601100 acres, as:.7 is ued by pe State Louisiana, and dated Marc i

N'ot s., Four and Six cf Section No. Thirty, and South-U itar -::the Northwesuarter and the Southwest quarter

St-in. Tow ipThirteen, South of Range Eigh-Ei~*w 0 taifaiEtwo hundred and sixty-three 601100 acres,

• ~ :•pe Pant Neto. 72, issued by the State of Louisiana,

T ,t of the Southwest quarter of Lots Nos. Three.teetio ;.and ~1 of Section Thirty one Towhship Thirteen

u Easto, eoitining six hundred and eighteen 91100S P -teNofl383 issue-1 t' the State of Louisiana on

o.Thre of i rtytwo, Township Thirteen,Eighteen taming eigty-eight 251100 acres.o. 1;338(N.8 s by the State of Louisiana,

1ith.1.85.Xt BVe, Township Thirteen, South of Range Eigh

• District (Louisiana, west of the Miss-ating hirteen indred a ty-three 501100 asc

ty a Spanisb~Grant of September 20 th,r* y thereof made b6y Charles BWdeau, Surveyor in.mr Grinage. U. &SDeputy Surveyor, in July 1844,

of said lands belonging to AntoineSteib and othersfrionalnorth half and the fractional east half of Se

Lntaining 138,531100 acres which are excluded.A ta•ct of land in 'the Vacherie settlement at about

te 0City of New Orleans, being a part of the con-t;hlower portion of the plantation known as the Magno

~j t. •oman and designated in a certain sketch madeI Engineer, in Decemberl873, annexed to an act

f Je ames Fahey, Notary Public, in New Orleans,2th 1873 between the heirs of S. Ronmon, J. Amedbe

S o e as Lot No. Three; and according to sketch, said tracta froSt onatheNew Vacher e road of eight acres, a front

(4Che.vel o eight acres by the entire depth, between; ridrVacherie Road to said BayouChevreuil whieh

land two acres, the whole containing an area of sixqad eighty-three acres. and bounded on the north by lands

teNarcibse Lefils, on the South by Bayou Chevreull, caI Vache Road in part by the lands of Schmidt andit p f S& ene Roman Estate and by the shakingt by lands of Falgoust and Lechieiter by and out

o Lima ate and by the shaking prairie,f rsact i~~4ol sstioi thirty eight except N tb half of

f oame Township No: Thirteen, Soutof Range fst~is the Soutkeat~stern Land District, containing one

ande a nd ~ba provements on said plan-e mi~u, atu plows aid all other agricultural im•

thereto atta ced and theeunto be-]

0 more or less, acres f lands being a part ofest~ioJ iteen Township: hirteen west

-=e = :e0ter Rador

edst', ,la o

ic7 lam

St. James, which were conveyed by the said Joseph Webre Co.,Ltd., to the Louisiana Cypress Company with right of redemptionof lands, and more fully described as follows, to-wit:

All of-section Thirty, exeept the Southeast Quarter of the North-east Quarter thereof; the South half of Section twenty-nine; theSouthea:,t Quarter of Northwest Quarter of Section Twenty-nine;all of Section Thirty-onte and Lot No. Three of Section Thirty-two;containing eighty-eight251i00 acres as per Patent No. 1361, issuedto S. Roman by the State of Louisiana, west of the MississippiRiver.

A part of Section Thirty-four, Township Thirteen South RangeEighteen East. anit all of Section Thirty-eight. in Township Four-teen. South Range Eighteen, being a part of the old Roman tractand now described as a part of Lot Three of the continuation ofthe Maenolia Plantation, a; per sketch made by M. Keating, CivilEngineer, in December, 1872, and annexed to an act of sale passedin the office of James Fehey, Notary Public in New Orleans, onJdnuary 20th, 1873, between heirs of S. Roman and J, Amedoe andE. Poche, the portion herein sold is c-mprised within the letters M.N. O. P. on a sketch made by F. P. Pavne, Civil Engineer andSurveyor, on the 2nd day of June. 1909"

XIV. Another certain tract of land situated in the Parish of St,James, containing about live arpents, more or less. and a residencenow occupied by V. H. Falgoust, together with all the otherbuildings thereunto appertaining, bounded on South by the publicroad, on the West and North by the Anita Plantining Company,and on the East by the property of Charles Mury.

TERMS: CASH.Act of sale to be passed at purchaser's expense by Andre Lafargue

Notary Public. Purchaser to assume taxes for the year 1915. Reve-nue stamps, costs of all certificates, likewise to be borne by pur-chaser. Said property is to be sold free of all incumbrances. Rightsof all lien, mortgage or privilege creditors to be referred to the pro-ceeds of sale.

VICTOR LOISEL, Trustee.I W. 19. Le Bourgeois


"OUR CHOICE."For Sheriff

Hon. Paul Berthelot, Lucy, La.

For Members Of The HouselHon. Albert I. Lacazc V Wallace, La.

For Clerk Of CourtHon. Henry C. M[aurin, La Place, La.

For Assessorlion. Stvigne F. ONebre, Garyville, La.

For CoronerDr. Stephen J. Songy, Wallace, La,

For Members Of The Police JiryAndrew Nagel, Lucy, La. Placide Bare, Edgard, La.PrudentG. Songy, Wallace, La. John A. Maddre, LaPlace, La.Jacques Duhe Reserve, La. Z&6,on Montz, Garyville La.

For Jusiices Of The PeaceJ. L. Pancai"e, Lucy, La. Elis6s Schexnaydre, Edgard, La.Denis Dufresr.e Wallace, La. Adam Vicknair, La Place, La.P. R. Montz, Reserve, La. Emile A. Picou, Garyville, La.

For ConstablesGustave Chasez, Lucy, La. A. B. Jones, Edgard, L.Jeff. Mericq, Wallace, La. Charles Bailly, La Place, La.

Charles A. Lasseigne Reserve La. George Millet, Garyville, La.Members Of Parish Dem. Ex. Committee

Paul Berthelot, Lucy. La. J. L. Pancaire, Lucy, La.Eugene Dumez, Edgard, La. Alexis Dtgas, Edgard, La. 1Prudent G. Songy, Wallace, La. Albert J. Lacaze, Wallace, La.Clement Maurin, La Place, La. James A. Haydel, La Place, La.

Prentice E. Edrington, Reserve, La. L. A. Delaneuville, Reserve La.Dr. Leonce D. Chauffe, Garyville, La. J. D. Brewn, Garyville, La. I

i imm i im I m ~ m m i imlii in m i mm mmi ,I


No. 489Twenty-Eighth Judeiial District Court,



Man• NOELINA BE DOU(widow of P. hL Donaldson)I VaMiss. MARIE BATTARD.

By virtue of a writ of Seizure and Sale, iesoedor the 17th day of November 1915 and to medirected, in the above entitled and number, dcanse. I have seizsd and tak.n in my p/sses-aloe and custody and shall offer for sale atpublic suction, at the principal front door of

the Courthouse.

On Saturday, the 8th, day of Jaiaary1918, at II o'clock a m

'>- following described property to-wit:A certaniniot of ground, situated in the

Pariah of St. John the Bapti-t, on the leftbank of the Mississippi River, measuringone-half arpent front to the said river by a-depth offour arpents, to be reckoned fromthe Public Road. bounded on the upper lineby the property of the Leon Godchaux Com-

nany, Limited, on the lower line by that of

JulesBattavr. and in the rear by that ofErnest Martin, together with all the build.ings and inptovements thereon. and all therights, ways, servitudes and advantauesthereanto. belonging or in any wise.apper

talping. With the exception, however, of alldras Which t-w aire or may be found in thelbuilding, known-as tihe St. Peters's DrugStore sad sitasted on saidproperty.


lirerieMs0fem Parish of t. Johuthe Batistthm•s leday of Dees.aber IMS - t

~-4Vt: U5r~iTR~g a)T.

S Sheriff's Sale







By virtue of a writ ofr eiz're and ,sle issuedon the 15th, day of September 1915, and to medirect, d, in the above entitled atd numbe, edsuit, I have seized and taken in my possessionant custody and sball offer for sale at public

auction, at the principal front door of theCourt House

8h Saturday th 8lh. day of Jaulary 1091at I o'clock a. a.

All of the undivided right title and interestof Octave Ferrand, Jr., in and tothe following dercrbied prop-rty, to wit:The portion or a certain track of land belopging to Octave Ferrand. Jr. described as follows:A certain tract of land situated in the parishof St John the Baptist, La, on the left bankof the Misssiesppi River, m asuring lIt arpentfront to said giver by a depth of 80 acresbounded on the upper line by the propertyof the San Franeiseo PlantingaendManofaeturing (o., and formerly belonging to Widowand Heirs of the late Achille D. Bougere, andbelow by the property of Zpplirin ('l#m-ent together with all buildings apd improvmtuteand all th rights, ways, servitudes,privileges and ad vantae thereuntaI elongingor in any wise attert.+ining.

2- 1 Store buildinlaituated oan iid abovedescribed property.


Sherir' sOtieC:Prishof St John the Baptistthis 4th day of November 1915.


Sup .. Harris Back From St.John On Visit To Schools

Enjoyed Duck Hunt in L fourche Parishwith Party of Friends.

The following appeared in theBaton Rouge State Times in itsissue of December 7th., and willbe of interest to the people ofthis parish:

Supt. T. Harris has returnedfrom St. John parish, where, incompany with Supt. L. J. Bour-geois, he visited all the publicschools of that parish.

Mr. Harris states that St Johnhas a system of schools that is al-most ideal. There are no one-teacher schools, and the schools of two,teachers are limited to seven grades of childien, and those of threeteachers to eight grades. All chil-dren in the parish who completethe eltmertary grades in theircommunity schools are providedIwith transportation, by theschool board, to one of the excl-lent high schools at Reserve andEdgard

The buildinvs and equipmentare all modern and'kept in sani-tary c,,ndition. The teachers measure tip to high standards ofscholarship and teaching ability.The schools are not reaching allthe children in the parish, but theaverage attendance of those en-rolled is high.After finishing the tour ofinspection of the schools Friday after-noon Superintendent Harris and1ourgeois were taken in charge,by Doctors Guillotte and Steib ofVacherie for duck hunt. in La-fourche parish. Captain Constantand his brother, Mr. John Con-stant placed their motor boats atthe disposal of the party andprovided guides and dugouts forvach hunter. Mr. Harris reportsa delightful and successful hunt,and the number of ducks which'he distributed among his BatonRouge friends indicated that theparty either killed or bought finebags of ducks.

LOCAL PERSONALS,Those We Meet, Hear of and

See During the Week.

Visitors in and out of theParish.

Sheriff Paul Berthelot, and At-torney L. Maurice Reynaud, werevisitors in the Third Ward onSaturday.

The mnnyfriends of Mr. CharlesVial will regret to learn that hehas been on the sick list this pastw.eek.

Mr. John Lousteau who is oc-'cupying a very important posi-tion at Junior, Plaqueminesparish. La. (with the HearinDredging Company) returned tohis home at Lucy last week withSa couple of broken ribs.

Mr. Jules Foprroux Sr., a en-e: able citizen of the first ward of

1this parish, and for over thirtyI years operation of the Lucy Ferrywas stricken with paralysis athis home in Lucy last Wednes-day morning.

* * *

On the 8th inst. the Feast ofthe Immaculate Conception wasas usual generally observedthroughout the parish

There .being two Masses said inevery Catholic Church, one at 7P . M. and one at 9:30 A. M.

Do you' wish to Vote ?Then Register and pay

your poll tax for 1915.OlTaIrlT NWI

I:P:,- ;

JEFFERSON PARISH.The completed assessment of

Louisiana was made public Sun-day. It shows again the smallestin years, of $2,215,194 for thewhole State.

Many of the parishes havestood practically still, Many ofthem have shown considerabledecreases. To this increase, Jef-ferson, one of the sixty-four,contributes $337,000.

Two or three weeks ago in atabulation to prove inequality ofassessments and demonstrate theextent of tax-dodging in Louis-iana, Gov. Hallshowed that nineparishes actually take more mon-ey out of the State treasury fortheir schools than they pay in forall pi:rposes of state government,that forty-six parishes get backnearly as much as they contri-bute, and that the burden ofsupporting the government fallschiefly up(.n nine, one of themJefferson, which stands fourteenamong the sixty-four parishes intotal assessment.

Because a gambling place onthe outskirts of the parish,which his own political faction isalleged to have received graft toprotect, was not suppressed andsome slot machines have been inoperation, the Governor has de-clared Jefferson in a state of p:l-surrection, proclaimed mortialaw throughout the parish ardsent a body of troops to super-sede the civil forces.

Col. James Dinkins, bankerand father of The Item's finan-cial angel, and Philip H. Mentz,lawyer, both active supporters ofthe movement which put Gov.Hall in office; Father Stenman ofthe principal Catholic Church,and many other men of highstandiug, interested in the-agri-cultural standing and industrialdevelopment of the parish. havenot hesitated to say that no com-munity in Louisiana is more lawabiding and that it is a libel tocharge that a state of inaurrec-rection exists in Jefferson.-

Do not these facts all tend toprove that Gov. Hall, in his at-tempt to ape the despots of reconstruction days in Louisiana, isusing his great office to play amiserable political game In theinterest of a volitical faction inJefferson, regardless of the in-jury he is inflicting upon Louis-iana bread? Editorial Daily Stats

Dec. 8.

Doctor n. D. CooprNot Dead.

The many friends of l)r.Hiram D. Cooper, of Ediardwere grieved last week whenI news reached this parish that

the Doctor had died in a NewOrleans hospital.

Immediately upon lea'-ningthis sad news many of thedoctor's personal .fiendscalled at the Hospital (wherethe doctor has been confinedfor several weeks undertreatment) and to tleir greatsurprise were informed bythe admitting physician thatthe rumor was a false one.and that the doctor was stilla patieiit of the. Institut ion

Dr. Cooper entered thehospital a few -weeks -ago, tobe treated, and laughed ove:the newsof his death.,beingcirculated in St. John. .x;-

The doctor's conditi•llisimproving daily, andfli• Msoon to be able to take atrip to St. JJdhn and showthe people that he is still in#he land of tlwliurig.