LDS Gospel Doctrine Book of Mormon Lesson 15 & 16

KING BENJAMIN’S ADDRESS Book of Mormon Gospel Doctrine Lessons 15 &16 Mosiah 1-6

Transcript of LDS Gospel Doctrine Book of Mormon Lesson 15 & 16

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KING BENJAMIN’S ADDRESSBook of Mormon Gospel Doctrine Lessons 15 &16

Mosiah 1-6

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➤ Bruce R. McConkie

➤ It contained “…what well may be the greatest sermon ever delivered on the atonement of Christ the Lord.”

➤ Neal A. Maxwell

➤ “The general substance of the Book of Mormon itself, of course, encapsulates this rich and special sermon, which is like a sparkling, doctrinal diamond that can be approached and appreciated in so many different ways. Surely King Benjamin kept his promise not to ‘trifle’ with words (Mosiah 2:9), for his was a rich and whole-souled sermon.”

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➤ What do we know about him?

➤ W of M 1:13-14, He was a warrior and a general

➤ W of M 1:15-17, He was a righteous conflict solver

➤ W of M 1:18, He labored with all his might

➤ Mos 1:2-3,6-7, He taught his own family well, not just the kingdom

➤ Mos 2:11-14, He was fair, merciful, humble, a great teacher

➤ Mos 2:15, He had a clear conscience before God

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➤ 142 BC

➤ Mulekites inhabited Zarahemla.

➤ People of Mosiah joined but were likely a minority

➤ They all established Benjamin as King

➤ He asks his sons to gather the people to hear his final address

➤ 2 purposes

➤ He bears fervent testimony of Christ and teaches the path of happiness.

➤ He names his successor (his son Mosiah)

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➤ Mosiah 2:5-6

➤ Why did he invite the whole family? Why not just the Dads or just the parents? How is there power in family attendance?

➤ Mosiah 2:7-8

➤ It seems like many of the people probably still couldn’t hear or see him. Most couldn’t read. Why did they come? Is there power in being in holy places?

➤ Mosiah 2:9

➤ Why is he saying this to the people who have already come? What does it mean to trifle? How can our ears and hearts be closed?

➤ ‘Mysteries of God’ = Things that cannot be understood without the aide of the Spirit.

➤ ‘May be unfolded’

➤ ATOT: Origami example, implies step-by-step (line-upon-line), patience

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➤ Mosiah 2:10-11, 26 (see Mosiah 2:30 for infirmity explanation)

➤ Most monarchs don’t do this. In Meso-American society Kings were seen as diety. Why would he make this kind of humble statement?

➤ “In this beautiful discourse on humility we find one of the keys to Benjamin’s greatness. Humility is not a mental groveling about our worthlesness. We are the children of God and the crown of his creations. True humility is a recognition of our actual position in relationship to God. If we truly sensed our total dependence upon God, as Benjamin did, it would profoundly affect our daily living. It is when we forget our position in relationship to God that we begin to trust in our own wisdom, pursue our own course, abuse our rights, and ignore our blessings.” (Book of Mormon Student Manual, 1981, p. 155

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➤ Mos 2:16-17

➤ How do we learn wisdom? Is that redundant?

➤ What is true service?

➤ Dallin H. Oaks

➤ “When we thing of service, we usually think of the acts of our hands. But, as shown in earlier chapters, the Lord looks to our hearts as well as our hands. He is concerned not only with our acts but also with our motives. One of his earliest commandments to Israel was to ‘love the Lord your God, and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul’ (Deuteronomy 11:13). “In order to purify our service to God and to our fellowmen, it is therefore important to consider not only how we serve, but also why we serve.”

➤ Have you seen/felt the difference when you serve with a heart and mind?

➤ Why doesn’t it say ‘ye are also in the service of your God’? Why only? What is his work and his glory (Moses 1:39)? How does doing service bring the give and the receiver closer to that goal?

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➤ Mos 2:19-21

➤ What does it mean to be an unprofitable servant? Someone who consumes more than they produce.

➤ Does that mean we aren't valuable?

➤ ATOT: Little Violet cleaning the kitchen with the magic eraser. Her efforts were sincere. Her contributions to the family will never balance out what the family gives to her. Why do I bother having her help?

➤ Mos 2:22

➤ All he requires is obedience.

➤ That’s all I require of Violet too. Her efforts, though unprofitable, are an investment in her future happiness (and mine, by extension).

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➤ Mos 2:32

➤ What is ‘to list’? To desire with subtlety (to drift). Why is this risky and how is it related to contention?

➤ Mos 2:36, 38

➤ In both these verses who is the party moving away?

➤ Joseph Smith “A man is his own tormentor and his own condemner…The torment of disappointment in the mind of man is as exquisite as a lake burning with fire and brimstone. I say, so is the torment of man” (Joseph Smith, Journal of Discourses, Vol.6, p.8, April 6, 1844).

➤ Mos 2:41

➤ Are they really all blessed and happy?

➤ ATOT: Will’s glass is half full story.

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➤ Written about King Benjamin’s visitation from an Angel. Most of it is direct quotes.

➤ It refreshes the minds of the people about the prophesies and purposes of Christ

➤ Mos 3:5-11 (summarize)

➤ He will live among men (5)

➤ He will work mighty miracles (5)

➤ He will suffer temptation and atone for our sins (7-8)

➤ His own people will despise and crucify him (9)

➤ He will rise on the 3rd day (10)

➤ His suffering saves sinners, children and those who died in ignorance (11,16)

➤ Mos 3:17, 19

➤ ATOT: Learning entropy in AP Bio. The books, though perfectly aligned and made, slid into disarray over the course of the semester. We, though made by a perfect creator, need the help of the Holy Ghost and Jesus Christ to achieve our full potential.

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“"After the fall of Adam, man became carnal, sensual, and devilish by nature; he became fallen man....  All accountable persons on earth inherit this fallen state, this probationary state, this state in which worldly things seem desirable to the carnal nature. Being in this state, 'the natural man is an enemy to God,' until he conforms to the great plan of redemption and is born again to righteousness. (Mosiah 3:19.) Thus all mankind would remain lost and fallen forever were it not for the atonement of our Lord. (Alma 42:4-14.)" (Mormon Doctrine, pp267-268)

-Bruce R. McConkie

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➤ Mos 4:1-2

➤ ‘Fear’ translated from Hebrew Yirah, means reverence or respect (seek divine presence). How does that change the narrative?

➤ Mos 4:3

➤ What are three signs of forgiveness? Feeling the Spirit, Joy, Peace

➤ What is a ‘remission’? Why does it cause joy?

➤ Financial: cancellation of a debt, charge or penalty

➤ Medical: a diminution of the seriousness or intensity of disease or pain, a temporary recovery (respite, abeyance)

➤ It stays in ‘remission’ when we are obedient. Mos 4:10-11, 26

➤ It is not enough to feel the joy of remission. We must do our part.

➤ Mos 4:12, Benjamin’s promise to the obedient

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➤ How did his people respond?

➤ The had no more disposition to do evil.

➤ They had a disposition to good continually.

➤ What was the driving cause of the change? Their faith.

➤ They make covenants as a people

➤ Mos 5:15

➤ Be steadfast and immovable, always abounding in good works.

➤ Mos 6

➤ King Benjamin lives 3 more years. There is peace in the land.