LCLS 2010 3 Rezumate

ABSTRACTS Liliana AGACHE, Institutul de Lingvistică „Iorgu Iordan-Al. Rosetti’’, Bucureşti, România TERMS DENOTING HUMAN SOUNDS IN A ROMANIAN – FRENCH CONTRASTIVE ANALYSIS: The present Romanian–French contrastive analysis presupposes both a detailed approach meant to discover samples of minimal units of meaning in the two languages and a combinatory analysis with the aim of getting higher units of meaning. Thus, our intention is to focus on the common and specific features of both Romanian and French terms denoting human sounds seen from within the process of communication. Key words: semantics, sounds, applied linguistics, syntagmatic, paradigmatic Simona ANTOFI, Universitatea “Dunărea de Jos” din GalaŃi, România PARATOPY - ENUNCIATION AND CHARACTERS IN LAILA RIPOLL'S PLAY ATRA BILIS In order to reconciliate the relation between the external context of the creation and reception of the literary work and the fictional spatio-temporality, irreducible to the reality which the fictional text creates, and by creating it, validating it as such, Dominique Maingueneau releases and defines the term paratopy. Associated with what the researcher calls scene d'enonciation, the paratopy permanently mediates between a certain cultural paradygm and the social, political, ethical or otherwise conditioning accompanying it and the fictional universe created by any literary text. In her play ATRA BILIS , the Spanish playwright and director Laila Ripoll gives supplementary complexion to the aspects of paratopy and its relation with the textual level of enunciation, due to the multiple process of enunciation and to the multiple enunciative scenes produced by the dramatic text and the theatre discourse. Key-words: paratopy, enunciation scene, dramatic text, theatre discourse, literary character. Ionel APOSTOLATU, Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos” din GalaŃi, România ON LEXICAL HYPERCORRECTNESS Our paper analyzes a type of hypercorection less studied in the specialized literature that is lexical hypercorrection whose effects are mainly observed in the word formation domain. An interesting aspect of the lexical hypercorrection is represented by the socalled (lexical) hyperurbanism which is usually referred to as an excessive use of neologisms, often placed in an inadequate context, due to speaker’s exaggerated concern to speak in a standard (urban), elegant manner. Key words: lexical correctness, lexical hyperurbanism, cultism. Oana BADEA, Anca RĂDULESCU, Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie, Craiova, România ENGLISH LOANS IN BIOMEDICAL TEXTS The specialized lexis represents one of the most important areas of lexicology and, implicitly, of terminology. Therefore, nonspecialized words are assumed by the specialists of a scientifical domain (in our case, the medical one) and they are assigned a specialized meaning, according to the communication requirements. As far as the medical terminology is concerned, we notice that, in the last decades, the number of English origin terms has intensely grown. Thus, we find both specialized terms and also terms that come from the English common language, which have acquired received a specialized meaning, through the phenomenon of terminologization. The present article provides the reader with the semantic annalysis of sixty Romanian medical terms of English origin, selected on the basis of two dictionaries: MDN (The Great Dictionary of Neologisms, Marcu : 2007) and DM (The Medical Dictionary, Rusu : 2007). Key words: borrowing, English, medicine, terminology, terminologization. LaurenŃiu BĂLĂ, Universitatea din Craiova, România HOLY” SWEARING OR DESIGNING A SMALL INVENTORY OF RELIGIOUS TERMS WITHIN REACH OF ANGRY ROMANIANS For the French, but also for the residents of Quebec, words with religious meaning (catholic, in such cases), are truly linguistic taboos and cannot be used in blasphemous contexts (for instance, in curses, or simply as


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Transcript of LCLS 2010 3 Rezumate

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Liliana AGACHE, Institutul de Lingvistică „Iorgu Iordan-Al. Rosetti’’, Bucureşti, România TERMS DENOTING HUMAN SOUNDS IN A ROMANIAN – FRENCH CONTRASTIVE ANALYSIS: The present Romanian–French contrastive analysis presupposes both a detailed approach meant to discover samples of minimal units of meaning in the two languages and a combinatory analysis with the aim of getting higher units of meaning. Thus, our intention is to focus on the common and specific features of both Romanian and French terms denoting human sounds seen from within the process of communication. Key words: semantics, sounds, applied linguistics, syntagmatic, paradigmatic Simona ANTOFI, Universitatea “Dunărea de Jos” din GalaŃi, România PARATOPY - ENUNCIATION AND CHARACTERS IN LAILA RIPOLL'S PLAY ATRA BILIS In order to reconciliate the relation between the external context of the creation and reception of the literary work and the fictional spatio-temporality, irreducible to the reality which the fictional text creates, and by creating it, validating it as such, Dominique Maingueneau releases and defines the term paratopy. Associated with what the researcher calls scene d'enonciation, the paratopy permanently mediates between a certain cultural paradygm and the social, political, ethical or otherwise conditioning accompanying it and the fictional universe created by any literary text. In her play ATRA BILIS , the Spanish playwright and director Laila Ripoll gives supplementary complexion to the aspects of paratopy and its relation with the textual level of enunciation, due to the multiple process of enunciation and to the multiple enunciative scenes produced by the dramatic text and the theatre discourse. Key-words: paratopy, enunciation scene, dramatic text, theatre discourse, literary character. Ionel APOSTOLATU, Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos” din GalaŃi, România ON LEXICAL HYPERCORRECTNESS Our paper analyzes a type of hypercorection less studied in the specialized literature that is lexical hypercorrection whose effects are mainly observed in the word formation domain. An interesting aspect of the lexical hypercorrection is represented by the socalled (lexical) hyperurbanism which is usually referred to as an excessive use of neologisms, often placed in an inadequate context, due to speaker’s exaggerated concern to speak in a standard (urban), elegant manner. Key words: lexical correctness, lexical hyperurbanism, cultism. Oana BADEA, Anca RĂDULESCU, Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie, Craiova, România ENGLISH LOANS IN BIOMEDICAL TEXTS The specialized lexis represents one of the most important areas of lexicology and, implicitly, of terminology. Therefore, nonspecialized words are assumed by the specialists of a scientifical domain (in our case, the medical one) and they are assigned a specialized meaning, according to the communication requirements. As far as the medical terminology is concerned, we notice that, in the last decades, the number of English origin terms has intensely grown. Thus, we find both specialized terms and also terms that come from the English common language, which have acquired received a specialized meaning, through the phenomenon of terminologization. The present article provides the reader with the semantic annalysis of sixty Romanian medical terms of English origin, selected on the basis of two dictionaries: MDN (The Great Dictionary of Neologisms, Marcu : 2007) and DM (The Medical Dictionary, Rusu : 2007). Key words: borrowing, English, medicine, terminology, terminologization. LaurenŃiu BĂLĂ, Universitatea din Craiova, România “HOLY” SWEARING OR DESIGNING A SMALL INVENTORY OF RELIGIOUS TERMS WITHIN REACH OF ANGRY ROMANIANS For the French, but also for the residents of Quebec, words with religious meaning (catholic, in such cases), are truly linguistic taboos and cannot be used in blasphemous contexts (for instance, in curses, or simply as

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interjections with an amplifying emotional value), their use being possible only after euphemistic phonetic transformations, that could somehow fade this blasphemous effect. Instead, Romanians resent no fear of these terms which they constantly use in their curses. We propose a view of the religious terms which are not taboos for the Romanians, starting with the one of the Supreme Deity to the humblest“Grave”. The final conclusion of our article is that, while the fear of the holy spirit prevails for the French (and also for theQuebecois), it simply does not exist for the Romanians, a clear proof of this statement also being the little inventory which we have designed, very rich in religious terms used by the Romanians while cursing. The possibility of combining two or more terms should also be taken into consideration, which makes us understand the Romanian expression “flood of curses” in its real dimension. Keywords: swearing, religious terms, Romanian linguistic taboos. Valeriu BĂLTEANU, Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos”, GalaŃi, România THE TERMINOLOGY OF ROMANIAN FOLK DIVINATION : THE ACTANTS The present paper wants to present a sequence of a magic lexicon, namely the one which refers to the practices of guessing the future. The observations have been made from an ethnolinguistic perspective regarding the actants. Keywords: magic lexicon, ethnolinguistic . Ana-Maria BOTNARU, Universitatea „Spiru Haret“, Bucureşti, România THE STORY OF A WORD : LUNCĂ (“RIVER MEADOW; EVERGLADE; HOLM”) This paper outlines the linguistic and extralinguistic monograph of the word LUNCĂ (“river meadow; everglade; holm”), one of the most interesting terms in the Romanian forest terminology, important primarily for its oldness and its ”extensions” in the Romanian vocabulary. We discuss the etymology, the territorial distribution of the word, the lexicographic definitions of LUNCĂ and the meanings attached to it by the subjects of the dialectal surveys, as well as its synonyms and lexical familiy. We review the toponyms and hydronyms derived from LUNCĂ or the compound words obtained. We also emphasize their poetic and literary value, using examples from Mihai Eminescu’s poems and prose, as well as from the works of other Romanian writers. Key-words: river meadow, etymology, meaning(s), toponymy, hydronymy. Zinaida CAMENEV, Olga PASCARI, Universitatea Liberă InternaŃională, Chişinău, Republica Moldova THE DEGREE OF SEMANTIC INDEPENDENCE OF ELEMENTS IN IDIOMATIC AND NON-IDIOMATIC COMPOUNDS Word compounding is one of the three most productive ways of word formation in contemporary English. Compounds are described from different points of view and are classified in their turn according to different principles: either the parts of speech they represent, the means of word compounding, the degree of semantic independence of elements, or their syntactic structure. The article is fully devoted to the degree of semantic independence of elements both in idiomatic and non–idiomatic compounds. As regards the non–idiomatic compounds we can say that their meaning can be deduced from the constitutive parts they are formed of. For example, it is easy to understand what ‘classroom’ or ‘bedroom’ mean. Whereas the meaning is totally changed, becoming more relevant in the idiomatic compounds, it is very difficult and practically impossible to work out the meaning of the words from their constitutive parts. For instance ‘horse-marine’, is by no means a marine horse, but an unsuitable person for the position he occupies. Key words: idiomatic, meaning, compound word, constitutive element, degree of semantic independency. Yolanda-Mirela CATELLY, Universitatea POLITEHNICA Bucureşti, România CULTURAL CONTEXTUALIZATION IN TEACHING LEXIS – PEDAGOGICAL OPTIONS There are differences among languages as regards vocabulary, as many sensitive signals pointing to the cultural differences among them. In any language, a series of key lexical entities reflect the hard core of that culture. The in-depth study of a culture particular features can be enriched by making a complex investigation of its lexis. Any culture can be better understood by carrying out subtle lexical analyses, marking the major differences.

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This study maintains that, in teaching lexis, cultural contextualization can - and should play - a major role in turning meanings explicit. We aim to present some of the teachers’ (re)sources of information in updating their, and their students’, cultural knowledge/and awareness of cultural differences, by various ways and means, in the language class. Key words: cultural contextualization, foreign language teaching, communicative approach to language teaching, lexis, awareness raising tasks. Oana Magdalena CENAC, Universitatea Dunărea de Jos, GalaŃi, România METAPHOR TRANSLATION IN ELECTRONICS TERMINOLOGY In the process of establishing links between the world and the language of science, metaphors play a very important role. They are considered to be the main mechanism through which we comprehend abstract concepts and perform abstract reasoning. A variety of metaphor types are encountered in the language of electronics. In our paper, we shall compare the metaphorical models of English and Romanian electronics terminology in order to point out the mechanism of structuring the metaphorical models across languages. Ileana CHERSAN, Academia de PoliŃie, Bucureşti, România ON THE ENGLISH LAW ENFORCEMENT VOCABULARY – ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND ARGUMENTATION The compiling and evolution of an English Law Enforcement Vocabulary constitutes a research coordinate insufficiently exploited. The introduction of this type of specialized vocabulary in the series of those already existing – medical, law, economic – presupposes an interdisciplinary study of the English language from the perspective of lexical semantics and historical sociolinguistics. The starting point of this research is a dictionary/thesaurus corpus made up of word sets related semantically in fields or unitary schemes, but also flexible ones, submitted to semantic evolution. The specialized lexicon of police field contains: words of large circulation in the common language, included and diastratically marked in general dictionaries and underlined for frequency (police, crime, punishment); terms which partially overlap with terms from another specialized lexicon (ranks, uniform, law); highly specialized technical lexical terms (E-fit, handcuffs, GSR). Accordingly, the study shows the existence of an English police vocabulary organized after the model of the institution it describes. Key words: police lexicon, inter-disciplinarity, semantic evolution. Gheorghe CHIVU, Universitatea din Bucureşti, România THE CHOICES OF HYPOCRATES. CONSIDERATIONS ON A MEDIAEVAL MEDICAL TEXT The medical terminology used in ,Alegerile lui Ippocrat’, the first literary work in the medical field translated into Romanian using a Neo-Greek copy during the 18th century, comprises a very rich folklore component, that mostly refers to body parts and diseases known (and named) to the unspecialized speaker. In order to name some less known diseases or to refer to body organs and organic parts which did not have specialized terms in spoken language, the translator resorted to loanwords or calques, usually semantic, but in most cases he used numerous and interesting combinations of words, genuine terminological syntagms to match the original terms. It is only natural that the text contains approximate word translations and even a few interesting linguistic creations that are the source of confusion when it comes to identify the illness it refers to. Product of a translator with little knowledge of anatomy and medicine, yet not a specialist in that field, the text presents interest not for the exactity of the translation into Romanian of a famous medical writing, but for the solutions it offers with regard to a newly developing specialized terminology. In addition to its relevance for the history of medical Romanian vocabulary, Alegerile lui Ippocrat’ fill in the information gap regarding old literary Romanian language. Key words: medical terminology, calques semantic, old literary Romanian language.

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Roxana CIOLĂNEANU, Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti, România HYPONYMY AS A MEANS OF ORGANISATION AND DEFINITIONAL DESCRIPTION IN THE LANGUAGE OF MARKETING This study sets out to establish how hyponymy can contribute to a better organisation of a specialised language, as well as to a more effective description of the specialised meaning in certain situations. The examples provided will show how the specialized meaning is described by means of a hierarchical tree: vertically, through inclusion relations, which lead to accumulating semantic traits to the bottom of the tree, thus constructing the meaning of a given hyponym by collecting traits inherited from its hyperonyms; horizontally, through contrast relations, which establish the differential semantic traits between co-hyponyms. Thus, this paper adds to other terminological studies in which the paradigmatic analysis, together with the syntagmatic analysis, is one of the main methods used in describing terminology mainly from a linguistic point of view. Key words: hyponyms, co-hyponyms, hyponymyc hierarchy, terminology, semantic traits. Mihaela CÎRNU, Universitatea Dunărea de Jos, GalaŃi, România THE TRANSLATION OF COMPOUND GERMAN NOUNS IN SPECILIAZED TECHNICAL LANGUAGE While translating from German into Romanian (as well as into any other language), one difficulty arises about compounds, the frequency of which being well-known for German. There are several models of translation into Romanian that we have identified starting from the language of technology. We come up with a few preliminaries, the investigation being likely to grow from deepening some of the aspects tackled here. Key words: compounds, language, technology, word order, specialist terms. Valentina CIUMACENCO, Universitatea Liberă InternaŃională, Chişinău, Republica Moldova THE SEMANTIC AND SYNTACTIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE QUASI-MODAL HAVE TO IN ENGLISH While the grammaticalization of the modal auxiliaries in English has been widely studied, the development of the quasi modals has been relatively neglected. In the context of the development of verbal periphrases in general, this paper examines the rise of the quasi modal ‘have to’ following the evolution of ‘have+ to-infinitive’ from its birth in the Old English period (its actual birth may well have been pre-Old English) to its puberty in the ‘modal’ sense in the early Modern English period. A full understanding of the origin and development of ‘have to’ depends on determining both the synchronic and diachronic relationship of the two structures e.g. ‘I have a letter to write’ and ‘I have to write a letter’, which have previously been accorded very different treatments despite their functional similarity. Only the latter has been considered a verbal periphrasis. Following a review of the semantic features and the syntactic status of both constructions in Modern English, the paper will propose that they develop from a single source, a full verb ‘have + object + infinitive’ structure with possessive meaning, but that they have reached different stages of grammaticalization in Modern English. The source structure has itself remained ungrammaticalized. Key words: modal auxiliaries, verbal periphrases, synchronic and diachronic relationship, grammaticalization, ungrammaticalized. Alexandra CUNIłĂ, Universitatea din Bucureşti, România THE CULTURAL DIMENSION OF TERMS As a rule, ‘term’ is looked upon as the constitutive element of terminology operating within a specialized domain. As such, it is dealt with as a result of an association between a concept and a linguistic expression, whose function is to designate something and whose identification occurs via two fundamental characteristics: univocity and mono-referentiality. The theoretical orientations of the last decade in the realm of general terminology are less inclined to confer importance to a term in its capacity of constituting a nomenclature and they consider it to be primarily an instrument with a decisive role in underpinning specialized communication, and not only. Without overlooking the contribution of a concept in composing a term’s semantism, one can

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throw light upon new dimensions of terms, previously ignored by terminologists. One can add a cultural dimension, and the present contribution will proceed along this line. Key words: specialized communication, semantism, cultural dimension. Gabriela DUDA, Universitatea Petrol–Gaze din Ploieşti, România THE SEMANTICS OF DISASTER The paper aims at analyzing the semantic behaviour of the terms in the lexical field of „major misfortunes” in the journalist discourse. Both for the general terms – disaster, calamity cataclysm, catastrophe, havoc, scourge – and for the specific ones – snowslide, earthquake / seism, genocide, tsunami, hurricane, flood – are examined the uses in the denotative and connotative sense (hyperbole, metaphor) as well as the characteristic clichés in the journalist language that contain these terms. Key-words: tabloid journalism, hyperbolical metaphor, cliché. Stelian DUMISTRĂCEL, Doina HREAPCĂ, « Al. I Cuza » University of Iaşi, « A. Philippide » Institute of Romanian Philology of Iaşi, România BURSĂ (STOCK EXCHANGE), A ROMANIAN NEOLOGIC LOAN VIEWED IN THE PERSPECTIVE OF FUNCTIONAL LANGUAGES Taking into account the concepts of “general lexicon” and “specialized lexicon”, one proposal is to apply a lexicographic treatment to polysemantic words and to consider their presence as part of “functional languages” (E. Coşeriu). This application will consist in analyzing the etymological and semantic reasons for which, in parallel to the lexicographic treatment provided in recent French and Italian dictionaries for the entries bourse and borsa, respectively, the recent Romanian language dictionaries also insert two entries for bursă. In order to include in Romanian dictionaries a single entry for bursă, the motivation is forwarded by the existence of the unique French etymon (bourse) for the Romanian term, with two basic meanings, “stipendium” and “financial institution”, starting from the original meaning in French, that of “purse” inherited from Latin. As a piece of novelty, a connection is managed between bursă and birjă “financial institution”, the second form being borrowed from Russian (биржа), which in the meantime acquired the specialized meaning of “marketplace carriage”, as the horse-drawn cabs initially stood waiting next to the Stock Exchange Circus in Bucharest. Key words: polysemantic words, “functional languages”, dictionaries, etymon. Felicia DUMAS, Université ”Al. I. Cuza”de Iaşi, România ORTHODOX TERMS IN ROMANIAN AND THEIR “POSSIBLE” FRENCH EQUIVALENTS In regard to French Eastern Orthodox terminology, we can hardly find lexical equivalents for certain traditional words pertaining to Eastern Orthodox Romanian culture. The French lexicalization of naş de cununie, de călugărie, harŃi, dezlegare la peşte, bolniŃă or bogdaproste is different from the Romanian one or simply does not exist. In this case, what is a translator of Eastern Orthodox texts or an author of a bilingual dictionary of Eastern Orthodox religious terms supposed to do? Search within an extremely various and almost exhaustive number of religious sources for all possible lexical equivalents of given items. The results of lexical case studies appear to be, in such a situation, highly valuable, if not essential. Our article aims at presenting both this issue of cultural and confessional similarity or dissimilarity as reflected on terminology level in the two languages, and the complex role of the author of a bilingual dictionary of the kind. Key words: terminology, lexicalization, cultural peculiarities, Eastern Orthodox, French language. Elena FUIOREA, Universitatea Pitesti, România MILITARY SPEECH ACTS AND SPEECH ACT VERBS Although the theory of Speech Acts proposed by Searle is intended to be completely general, it is used considerably in the military context. In military training, it is possible to employ the speech act theory (find details about the types of speech acts, their form, the effective effects they can provide and how they are expressed by the interactants). However, military speech acts are likely to be more formalized and tenser than those of everyday discourse. English has in its military lexicon a number of speech act verbs whose meanings serve to

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determine the possible illocutionary forces of the utterances of their sentences. In analyzing speech act verbs, we can determine how the set of illocutionary forces is lexicalized in the English vocabulary. Key-words: military speech acts, speech act verbs, military speech, illocutionary force, indirect communication. Ludmila HOMETKOVSKI, Universitatea Liberă InternaŃională, Chişinău, Republica Moldova THE TRIAD CONTENTS/ FORM/ TRANSLATION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY LEGAL TEXTS In the present article the author highlights the conditions which are considered necessary to perform a good translation of legal texts, especially of those applied in the field of community law. The starting point of the research is the analysis of the nature of law that considerably influences the process of editing and translating legal texts. Legal translation encounters two major obstacles: the first one refers to the differences in the legal system, and the second one – to the differences in the linguistic system. The article points out possible ways of solving problems the specialists meet in their translation activity. Key words: Community law, legal text, legal text translation, legal reality, quality of legal text translation. Petru IAMANDI, Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos”, GalaŃi, România ON CHARACTER NAMING For a book lover there is nothing more fascinating than the way in which authors write their stories. How they combine people, places, events, and ideas to create a unique, fictional world, saying something significant about human existence that will help the reader better understand himself and the world he lives in. One of the hardest things an author has to do is finding the right names for his characters. The minute he has chosen a name, it acquires ethnic, national, and even racial connotations. Apart from the effect they have on characters, names, if well chosen, memorable, help the readers follow the plot quite effortlessly. Of course, there is no such thing as a pattern, every author having his own way of naming his characters, but those authors who enjoy a certain reputation feel the need to share their experience with the newcomers, the young authors who are trying to build a literary career, particularly in popular fiction. Key words: character, name, eponyms, science fiction, fantasy. Fulbert Loukou KOFFI, Université de Bouaké, Côte d’Ivoire STYLISTIC ANALYSIS OF THE FOLK VOCABULARY IN LES QUATRAINS DU DÉGOÛT BY BOTTEY ZADI ZAOUROU The publication of the compilation “Les Quatrains du dégoût” indicates a breaking off in the poetic production of Zadi Zaourou. Contrary to his trilogy baptized “Fer de lance”, this work constitutes a hardly qualified evocation of the real life: the recent history of Côte d’Ivoire. But the interest of that evocation is mainly based on the use of the lexicon-and so, on the popular language. The poet gets rid of the refined language and of the complex symbolic encodings that have characterized him for a long time, to propose a new writing up to human level. This popular lexicon appears more or less as a successful combination of lexical units of the French language, of lexical borrowing, of Ivorian slang and of neologisms. The diverse lexical creations are based, in general, on the figures of paronymy, irony and of the metaphor. The analysis of the popular lexical, that draws its inspiration from the stylistic theory of Georges Molinié, gets organized around the two components of the linguistic sign: the signifier and the signified. Key-words: stylistic, styleme, popular lexicon, “nouchi” (Ivorian slang), lexical borrowings, neologisms. Virginia LUCTELLI, Universitatea “Dunărea de Jos” din GalaŃi, România THE VOCABULARY OF THE CAUSE The aim of this paper, the fruit of a continuous corpus research, is to identify the term “cause”, to make an inventory and to discuss the multiple lexicalizations of the idea of cause in contemporary French. Key words: cause, causality, causal meaning, causal construction, lexicalization.

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Sanda MARCOCI, Universitatea „Spiru Haret”, Bucureşti, România THE METONYMY OF COLOURS IN THE ADVERTISING DISCOURSE The modern advertising discourse comes from a long tradition belonging to the antiquity. The classical rhetoric proves its perenniality in the advertising discourse as a method of taking advantage of the needs and desires of the members of the consumer society. The modern advertising discourse has its own argumentation, represents a type of discourse, the epideictic, and has its own eloquence. The epideictic genre looked upon as a persuasive discourse through eulogy, uses greatly the rhetoric figures. Figures communicate certain ways of thinking. Metonymy belongs to the tropic system which modifies the meaning of words. The metonymy of colours in the advertising discourse can be analysed in rather enigmatical statements, which strengthen the advertising functions: information, persuasion and entertainment. Metonymy acts starting from the colour symbolism, giving fascination to the text, aiming at persuading through entertainment. It can become the object of a complex linguistic analysis. Key-words: eulogy, persuasion, symbolistic, fascination, entertainment. Cristian MOROIANU, Universitatea din Bucureşti, România ETYMOLOGICAL NOTES ON THE NAMES OF COLOURS. BLACK AND WHITE The present article, an homage paid to prof. dr. Angela Bidu-Vrănceanu, University of Bucureşti, purports to examine the case of the words designating the colours of white and black (origins, internal developments formally and semantically, their respective correspondences, etymological doublets, etc.) and of the inherited or borrowed words which are circumscribed, initially or derivationally, to the same colours. White and black are inherited words, with very rich lexical families, which are made up of ancient folk lexical and phraseological components, on the one hand, and neological ones, on the other hand. Out of all colours, these two have the highest number of occurrences in quite varied domains (food, biology, economy, clothes, social life, politics, sport, etc.). It is of much interest to look at the semantic relations set up both inside each family (paronymy and synonymy), as well as between the members of the two families (antonymy). Key words: phraseological components, semantic relations, etymological doublets, lexical family. Cristinel MUNTEANU, Universitatea „Constantin Brâncoveanu” Piteşti, România THE ISSUE OF TERMINOLOGY IN EUGENIO COSERIU’S LINGUISTIC THEORY Given the fact that in the Romanian linguistics – but also in that of the world – there has been a growing interest in the research of terminology and/or specialized languages, we find it salutary to recall Eugenio Coseriu’s ideas as to what this topic is concerned. Eugenio Coseriu refers to terminology for at least two reasons: 1) in order to eliminate the confusions with reference to the essence of language and 2) so as to delineate the specific subject of structural linguistics and mainly that of structural semantics (or of lexematics, as he calls it). In this paper, we aim at presenting Eugenio Coseriu’s conception on terminology in general, by also trying to offer both the examples that the scholar uses to illustrate or justify the distinctions that he draws, and also the answers that he gives to the linguists who have sometimes misunderstood his ideas. As far as possible, we will place these distinctions within the context of his integral linguistics with a view to also revealing the remarkable coherence of the theory in question. Key words: Coseriu, terminology, sciences, structural semantics / lexematics, integral linguistics. Ana MUNTEANU, Universitatea ‘Spiru Haret’, Braşov, România THE LEXICON: A SYMPHONY, NOT A NOTE If one note does not make a symphony, for sure, a word does not mean communication. In order to communicate we use words in context, not isolated; foreign language teachers should not forget this thing while teaching vocabulary. Research over the past thirty years has greatly increased our understanding of the role of teaching/learning and acquiring vocabulary. In this paper we will look at some of the issues which are raised by the teaching and learning of vocabulary, by the words storing and remembering, drawing the conclusion that specialized vocabulary does not require specialized teaching. Still, teachers should choose the most appropriate techniques and activities from the already-existing wide range. It is very important to keep in mind that both

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general lexis and specialized lexis are better acquired if taught in contexts. Finally, we will present some examples of classroom activities in teaching specialized vocabulary that are consistent with current theories and research of teaching general vocabulary. Key words: general vocabulary, specialized vocabulary, context, discovery technique. Elena MUSEANU, Universitatea Româno – Americană, Bucureşti, România ALTERNATIVE DEFINITIONS OF THE ECONOMIC TERMS The analysis of the economic terms’ definitions in general dictionaries with consequences upon their presence in specialized texts shows the importance of certain types of alternative definitions for opening the scientific codes. Many English economic terms seek their spread beyond the field of specialists, and the correct interpretation of their definitions contributes to an accurate usage for any type of communication. Key words: alternative definitions, economic terminology, specialised terms . Mariana NEAGU, Universitatea “Dunarea de Jos”, Galati, România ‘WHAT’S IN A NAME?’ SENSES OF THE TERM ‘CONSTRUCTION’ IN LINGUISTIC STUDIES The term ‘construction’ has been used for describing disparate phenomena so that there is no commonly accepted definition of the term in linguistic literature. The aim of the article is to present the different meanings attached to the term ‘construction’ in traditional descriptive grammar, in American structuralism, in Generative Grammar and in Cognitive Linguistics. Key words: construction, Argument Structure constructions, fusion, the Principle of Semantic Coherence, Construction Grammar(s). Nicoleta NEŞU, Sapienza Università di Roma, Italia PROBLEMS OF TERMINOLOGY IN THE ACT OF TRANSLATION The present paper focuses on the process of translation viewed not as a simple “transfer” of the words from one language into another, but as a full process of mediation between two or more cultures. The translation phenomenon has been categorized in various different ways. Generally speaking, we can have word-for-word - literal translation, or a faithful - semantic one, we can speak about adaptation, or free, or idiomatic translation. At a closer look, we can have Roman Jakobson's interlingual, intralingual and intersemiotic translation, or Dryden's metaphrase, paraphrase and imitation, or George Steiner's literal, free and faithful translation. Our point of view starts from the semiotic theory of culture – Lotman – as well as from the linguistic integralist theory – Coseriu. Key words: translation, theory, culture, semiotics, integralist linguistics. Ina PAPCOVA, Universitatea Liberă InternaŃională, Chişinău, Republica Moldova STRUCTURAL AND SEMANTIC MODELS PRESENT IN CONTEXTUALIZED PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS During some decades the phraseological units were widely described statically as they are given in the lexicographical sources. Now, more and more linguists underline the importance of the dynamic aspect of these which are observed in the actualization of the phraseologies in the speech. The present study is an analysis of the function of the different type of phraseological units (collocations, expressions, idioms) in literary texts especially in cases when these become the object of the meta-linguistic activity of the writer. In this work there are different meta-linguistic devices used by the author-glossator of his speech beginning with some types of autonymic ways done with the help of various meta-sentence expressions and ending with the autonymy achieved through the use of printing signs specific as inverted comas or italic characters. In the text the examples are studied in which the meta-sentence comment not only translates the issuing attitude, his intention of using phraseologies in a certain meaning, but it is useful for both the semantic and structural modification through which plurivoice of the phenomenon phraseologies on the language and speech level is pointed out. Key words: autonymy, meta-lingvistic activity, phraseologie, meaning, modification.

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Iuliana POP, Universitatea din Braşov, România GREEN - "THE COLOUR OF ECOLOGY". APPLICATION IN CONTEMPORARY ROMANIAN MEDIA LANGUAGE This article aims at analysing the way the colour ‘green’ is used in Romanian contemporary media language. In order to explain why it was chosen as "the colour of ecology" in our time, the first part of the study discusses the traditional symbolism of colours, with a special emphasis on ‘green’. This particular colour will be the subject of our analysis with regard to its meanings within the language of Romanian contemporary media. Kesy words: green, symbol, ecology, language in the media. Floriana POPESCU, Universitatea “Dunărea de Jos” din GalaŃi, România AN ANALYSIS OF THE ROMANIAN LEXIMAT MACROSTRUCTURE The macrostructure of several Romanian leximats/lexical products was the object of this investigation underlying their comparison with the similar macrostructure of several English and French products. The corpus analysis revealed, as expected before the unfolding of the project, a great deal of similarities between the French and the Romanian leximats and very few similarities between the English and the Romanian. Nevertheless, the Romanian lexicography shows attempts at borrowing more precise and complex macrostructures from the English school of lexicography. Key words: contents, front matters, back matters. Anca Marina RĂDULESCU, Oana BADEA , Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie, Craiova, România SOME IDEAS ABOUT TEACHING WRITING AS A PROCESS Language is one of the most useful tools we have as humans. Without it we could not think thoughts expressible to others, nor could we engage in activities that commonly take place in the societies we build for ourselves. Thanks to language we are granted access to the knowledge that is accumulated in books and other publications. If we are lucky enough to acquire skills in a language beyond the one we already know, we vastly increase our capacity to do things with our lives. Key words: the process of communication, language, writing, vocabulary. Sandrine SIMÉON, Dept. of French and Francophone Studies, Pennsylvania State University, USA ALLOTOPIA – THE PROBLEMATISATION OF THE FILMED STAGE SPACE In 1967, Michel Foucault presented the notion of « heterotopia », a space that assumes characteristics of utopias yet exists in our world. A distinctive trait of the heterotopias is that they merge several spaces that are seemingly incompatible. For example, a theater stage or a cinema screen are both tangible spaces that juxtapose and from which emerges a series of imagined or virtual places. I would like to identify another type of space that comes into existence as a play is audiovisually recorded. In order to better define this “new” space, I have named it “allotopia,” combining the prefix “allo” – “in another” – with “topia” – “place”. Allotopia is the space that mediates the spatial domains of the stage and the screen. It is neither utopian or imaginary nor identifiable in the “real world”, but situated “in another place.” Key words: type of space, heterotopias, theater, cinema. Mădălina STRECHIE, Universitatea din Craiova, România TERMS FROM THE ROMANS’ KINSHIP LINGUISTIC REPERTORY Kinship represented for the Romans a very important bond especially from the social point of view. The main degrees of kinship were generated by the family, race and tribe. Marriage and adoption were also important ways of kinship. Due to the kinship there were differences of order, property and rights. The linguistic repertory regarding the Roman kinship is a rich and diverse one, often used in present day legal language. Key words: Romans, tribe, family, gene, kinship.

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Alice TOMA, Universitatea din Bucureşti, România THE TERMINOLOGY AND THE MATHEMATICAL CULTURE AT THE END OF THE 20TH CENTURY The cultural impact of mathematics is studied by taking into account the inventory and the characteristics of its principal terms, its textual use and presence in general dictionaries. Additionally, the diastratic marks are used to obtain more information in this direction. We show that the marks do not reflect the progress of mathematics which has developed several subfields in the 20th century - some of which are now considered independent sciences - by a corresponding multiplication of the marks. The passage from one century to the next is located between tradition and modernization, conservationism and innovation on two levels: first, that of words with a double role, of communication in both common and specialized language (cf f u n c Ń i e = `function') and second, that of the meta language of word definition (cf e c u a Ń i e = `equation'). What remains unchanged with years passing is the construction method of the mathematical concepts (cf c e r c = `circle'). Key words: mathematical culture, terminology, mathematical term, dictionaries, diastratic marks, domain, definition, metalanguage. Ana-Maria TRANTESCU, Universitatea din Craiova, România TERMINOLOGICAL DIFFICULTIES OF PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS IN ROMANIAN AND ENGLISH. A CONTRASTIVE PERSPECTIVE. The paper approaches the terminological difficulties of the phraseological field which is a controversial one due to the complexity of its own metalanguage. The term phraseology itself has two meanings: (1) a sub-branch of linguistics which studies the phrareological units of a language and (2) the inventory of phraselogical units of a certain language. The paper focuses on the definition and on the correspondence of the terms in Romanian and English phraseological studies. The lack of a common point of view in this field is obvious. The terms can overlap and linguists can use more terms in order to designate the same linguistic reality. Key words: phraseology, phraseological unit, idiom, idiomatic expression, terminological continuum. Daniela łUCHEL, Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos”, GalaŃi, România TRENDS IN INTERPRETING REIFICATION The essence of being is sought and validated through language, philosophers striving to investigate deeper levels than lexical options made in full awareness. For an existential relation to become essential, linguistic and philosophic reification is addressed as (1) useful for materializing abstractions; (2) ancillary to handling conceptual representations; (3) substantiating intentions of metaphorical approaches; (4) running risks while schematically opening new perspectives; (5) the ultimate risk being the fossilization of natural dynamism in communication; (6) engendering equivocal transmissions; (7) managing some balance between robotization and antropomorphization of the universe. Keywords: reificatory transformation, entification, hypostatization, thingification. Casia ZAHARIA, Universitatea „Al. I. Cuza“, Iaşi, România CONCATENATION AND LOGICAL CONNECTORS IN COMPOUND WORDS It is commonly accepted that the translator has to cope with the problem of the compound words quite often. He has to take into account the specific context in order to understand and interpret correctly these logical units which are imposed by concatenation. This study acknowledges exceptional knowledge of the language and the existence of a certain linguistic instinct. Key words: compound words, concatenation, specific terms, significance (meaning).