Laying of LWR on Bridges

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Transcript of Laying of LWR on Bridges

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    1. ANIL PRAKASH-DyCE/Track, E C Rly


    3. BALDEV RAM-SrDEN/Kota, W C Rly



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    Acknowledgement 3

    1.0 Introduction 4

    2.0 Background 4

    3.0 Practice on Indian Railways 6

    4.0Technical Requirements &



    5.0 Track Bridge Interaction 15

    6.0 World Scenario 20

    7.0 Concluding Remarks 32

    8.0 References 34

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    Today the LWR is synonymous with modern track. The need for

    modernization of railway track has made it inevitable to introduce LWR

    as standard practice to achieve better riding quality and better

    maintainability of track as well as to ensure SAFETY. On Indian

    railways, the installation of LWR has been very encouraging due to the

    in-house development of quality track components like rails, sleepers,

    fastenings etc. Indian railways has gone in a very big way for putting

    LWR/CWR on normal straight track, but has opted LWR/CWR in a very

    limited & conservative manner as far as the bridges & curves are

    concerned. Since the entire railway lines are dotted with bridges &

    curves, where there is compulsion of breaking the continuity of

    LWR/CWR; it can easily be appreciated that the full advantage of

    LWR/CWR is not being availed by Indian Railways, as of now.

    Thus in the above mentioned context, the issue of continuing

    LWR/CWR over bridges, assumes a lot of significance. An attempt has

    been made in this project report to study the various practices over the

    world railways and make some rational recommendations/remarks.


    The dream of jointless track has fascinated track engineers ever

    since the first railway was laid. The welding of rails had been started as

    early as in 1905; however the commercial welding on any considerable

    scale became common only after 1932.During the thirties, the weights

    and lengths of standard rail sections varied from 22kg/m to 65kg/m andlengths from 5.5 m to 27 m respectively. The length of welded rail

    panels varied from 18 m to 380 m.

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    In India in nineteen thirties, the then existing railways like GIP,

    BN, NW, EI etc started conducting trials on welded rail joints. From

    1947 to 1966, large number of 5 rail panels and 10 rail panels were put

    into track.During the year in 1967 Railway board took a policy decision of

    making LWR as the standard track structure on trunk routes and main

    lines as a part of modernization plan of IR. But as per para 5.6.2 of the

    first LWR manual i.e. Manual of instructions on LWR (provisional)

    Oct70, in regard to the girder bridges, with unballasted decks, LWR

    shall not be continued over girder bridges of single spans

    exceeding 13 m or multiple spans of overall length exceeding

    18m. On girder bridges, where LWR is laid, the fastenings shall be

    rail-free fastenings so that the rail and the girders expand and

    contract independently.Nothing much has changed from that time

    and as per latest LWR manual provisions the maximum permitted

    overall length of girder on which the LWR with 60 kg track in zone

    IV can be continued is a bare 11m with rail free fastenings and 23

    m with partly box anchored sleepers on girders, that too with

    certain additional stipulations.

    However, at the corresponding period i.e. in year 1968 1969

    the bridges as long as 800m were provided with LWR without an

    expansion joint on German Railways. JNR succeeded in using LWR on

    bridges continuously with some changes in bridge support

    arrangement and adjustments in creep resistance. In the America also,

    despite difficulties involved, many railways installed welded rails on

    bridges in sixties and seventies. Also in Europe, most of the long

    bridges were provided with ballasted decks and LWR was used

    extensively on girder bridges.

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    On Indian Railways, the provisions for LWR on bridges is given

    in LWR manual para 4.5.6 & 4.5.7. These paras are discussed as


    Para -4.5.6:- Bridges with ballasted deck (without


    There is no restriction for laying of LWR/CWR on ballasted deck

    bridges without bearing like slabs, box culverts and arches.

    Para4.5.7:- Bridges with/without ballasted deck (with


    i) LWR/CWR shall not be continued over bridges with overall

    length as specified in para for BG and not more than 20 metre

    for MG.

    ii) Bridges on which LWR/CWR is not permitted/provided shall

    be isolated by a minimum length of 36 metre well anchored track on

    either side.

    Para- (i) Bridges provided with rail-free

    fastenings (single span not exceeding 30.5 metre and

    having sliding bearings on both ends):

    Overall length of the bridge should not exceed the maximum as

    provided in Table-1 with following stipulations:-

    a) Rail-free fastenings shall be provided throughout the length of the

    bridge between abutments.

    b) The approach track upto 50m on both sides shall be well anchored

    by providing any one of the following:-

    i) ST sleepers with elastic fastening.

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    ii) PRC sleepers with elastic rail clips with fair T or similar type creep


    c) The ballast section of approach track upto 50 metre shall be heaped

    up to the foot of the rail on the shoulders and kept in well compactedand consolidated condition during the months of extreme summer and


    Table 1

    Maximum overall length of bridges permitted on LWR/CWR on BG (In m)



    Rail section


    Rail free fastenings on bridges

    with PSC/ST approach sleeper


    60Kg 30I

    52Kg/90R 45

    60Kg 11II

    52Kg/90R 27

    60Kg 11III

    52Kg/90R 27

    60Kg 11IV

    52Kg/90R 27

    Para- (ii) Bridges provided with rail-free

    fastenings and partly box-anchored (with single span

    not exceeding 30.5 meter and having sliding bearings at

    both ends):

    Overall length of the bridge should not exceed the maximum as

    provided in Table-2 with following stipulations:-

    a) On each span, 4 central sleepers shall be box-anchored with fair V

    or similar type creep anchors and the remaining sleepers shall be

    provided with rail-free fastenings.

    b) The bridge timbers laid on girders shall not be provided with through

    notch but shall be notched to accommodate individual rivet heads.

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    c) The track structure in the approaches shall be laid and maintained to

    the standards as stated in item (i) (b) and (c) above.

    d) The girders shall be centralized with reference to the location strips

    on the bearing, before laying LWR/CWR.e) The sliding bearings shall be inspected during the months of March

    and October each year and cleared of all foreign materials. Lubrication

    of the bearings shall be done once in two years.

    Table 2

    Maximum overall length of bridges permitted on LWR/CWR on BG (In m)



    Rail section


    Rail free fastenings on bridges and

    partially box-anchored with PSC/STapproach sleeper [Para]

    60Kg 77I

    52Kg/90R 90

    60Kg 42II

    52Kg/90R 58

    60Kg 23III

    52Kg/90R 43

    60Kg 23IV

    52Kg/90R 43

    Para- (iii):

    Welded rails may be provided from pier to pier with rail-free

    fastenings and with SEJ on each pier. The rail shall be box-anchored

    on four sleepers at the fixed end of the girder if the girder is supported

    on rollers on one side and rockers on other side. In case of girder

    supported on sliding bearings on both sides, the central portion of the

    welded rails over each span shall be box anchored on four sleepers.

    See Fig. (iii).

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    Para- (IV)

    LWR/CWR may also be continued over a bridge with the

    provision of SEJ at the far end approach of the bridge using rail-free

    fastenings over the girder bridge (Fig. (iv)). The length of the

    bridge in this case, however, will be restricted by the capacity of the

    SEJ to absorb, contraction and creep, if any, of the rails. The length of

    the bridges with the above arrangement that can be permitted in

    various rail temperature zones for LWR/CWR with SEJs having

    maximum movement of 120 mm and 190 mm are as follows:-

    Table 3

    Max. length of bridge

    with SEJ

    Initial gap to be

    provided at td

    Rail temp.




    of SEJ







    With CST-9







    With CST-9



    IV 190 55m 45m 7.0 cm 6.5 cm

    III 190 70m 70m 7.0 cm 6.5 cm

    II 190 110m 100m 6.5 cm 6.5 cm

    I 190 160m 150m 6.5 cm 6.0 cm

    II 120 20m 15m 4.0 cm 4.0 cm

    I 120 50m 50m 4.0 cm 4.0 cm

    Note : SEJ is to be installed 10m away from the abutment.

    Para- (v):Welded rails may be provided over a single span bridge with rail

    free fastenings and SEJ at 30m away from both abutments. The rail

    shall be box anchored on four sleepers at the fixed end of bridge if

    bridge is supported on rollers on one side and rockers on other side. In

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    case of bridge supported on sliding bearings on both sides, the central

    portion of the welded rails shall be box anchored on four sleepers. On

    both side of the approaches fully creep anchored fastening shall be

    used. The single span bridge permitted temperature zone-wise shall beas under

    Table 4


    Maximum length of single span girder bridge with SEJ(190mm gap) at 30m away from both abutments withfull creep resistant fastening at approaches (td = tm)

    IV 75m

    III 87m

    II 110m

    I 146m

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    If rail free fastening have been provided with LWR on girder

    bridges then no thermal interaction takes place between track and

    bridge, thereby ensuring that no forces are transferred from girder to

    rail or vice-versa due to temperature variation. With such fastenings,

    gap at rail fracture becomes limiting factor for providing LWR on bridge.

    Thus the limitations for laying of LWR on bridges in IndianRailways are due to certain additional forces on bridges due toLWR/CWR. These forces are

    i) Consider bridge with bearing provided with LWR/CWR. Due to free

    expansion or contraction of girder, expansion/contraction take placeat free end of bridge and rail on bridge also move with girder as

    both are connected to one another either directly or through ballast,

    but at approach the movement is restrained by ballast resistance.

    Due to this additional forces exerted in rail on bridge, which

    transmits to sub structure through girder & bearings.

    ii) In addition to above substructure of bridge also over loaded due to

    higher tractive & braking forces of modern locomotive & stocks.

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    Existing bridges were not

    designed by considering above

    forces and corresponding rail

    stresses. The safe option forproviding LWR/CWR on

    bridges is to keep rail & girder

    independent of each other, so that there is no interaction of forces

    between girder & LWR. This can be achieved by providing rail free

    fastenings. In India we have been using dog spike and rail screw as

    RFF and now pandrol has come up with a zero longitudinal restraints

    design. Under normal circumstances there is small gap between the

    base plate and top side of rail foot. In case of large lateral forces, the

    baseplate prevents the overturning of the rail. The pad under the rail is

    made up of low friction material like Teflon, which provides an almost

    zero friction movement between rail & sleeper.

    When rail free fasting provided on bridge & fracture occurred on

    or near bridge, the gap at fracture will be wider as compared to fracture

    in LWR on ordinary formation. This gap is equals to gap due to two

    breathing lengths & due to free movement of LWR

    g = g1 + g2 + g3

    = Gap due to two breathing lengths [g1 & g3] + gap due to freemovement of LWR [g2] over bridge


    = 2AE (t) + Lot2R

    This can be understand by force diagram as shown below-

    Force dig. in absence of bridge Force dig. With bridge

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    F is the location of fracture. Hence in case of fracture, there will

    be additional gap equal to Lot. Maximum length of the bridge in LWR

    will, therefore, be restricted so that gap due to fracture can be

    traversed by wheel i.e. 50mmwithout derailment, hence 2

    2AE (t) + Lot < 502R

    Hence value Locan be increased for a particular rail section is to

    increase the value of R by compacting ballast at bridge approach,

    increase sleeper density to 1660 at bridge approach, heaping of ballast

    at bridge approach and box anchoring of sleepers. By doing all this, the

    bridge with sliding bearing at both end, rail free fastening throughout

    the length, the value of Lorestricted as given in para further increasing the length of bridge with LWR is to

    improve approaches as above and provide few sleepers on each span

    with creep restraints fastenings at location where the girder movement

    is minimum to prevent more gap at fracture. This can be achieved by

    providing 4 central sleepers with creep resistant fastenings and

    remaining with rail free fastening [with single span not exceeding

    30.5m with sliding bearing at both end], bridge timber with notch for

    individual sleeper, centralization of girder with reference to location

    strip on bearing before laying LWR, inspection of bearing twice in a

    year with greasing once in two years. The value of Lo restricted as

    given in para

    The even longer length of LWR can be provided on bridges by

    providing creep resistant fastening at selected locations on bridge, if it

    is ensured that:

    (i) Gap at fracture is not excessive,

    (ii) Rail stresses are within safe limit and

    (iii) Structural safety of the bridge is not jeopardized.

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    5.0 TRACK BRIDGE INTERACTION (UIC 774 3R)The LWR induces additional thermal forces in the track, Stress

    developed due to restraining free expansion/contraction of the Rail

    When such type of track is laid on the bridges, two types of Situations


    i) Bridges with ballasted decks without bearing:

    LWR can be continued over bridges without bearings like slabs,

    box culverts and Arch bridges, where there is no relative movement

    between bridge and LWR Track.

    ii) Bridges with/without ballasted deck with bearing:

    When the bridge structure and the track exhibit relative movement

    to each others, then there is interactive effect which is to be taken intoconsideration. Further the interactive effect can be tackled in two

    different ways namely-

    a) The rails and bridges can be made independent to each other

    by providing rail free fastenings, so that movement of rails and bridge

    deck are independent and they do not exert force on each other.

    b) The rails and bridges are not made Independent and thus both

    will exert inter alias forces on each other and the forces thus generatedare calculated and assessed and taken care of, in assessing the

    strength of existing bridges and in the case of new bridges, the same

    are taken into account at design stage itself. Determination of

    interaction effects quantitatively is quite complex.

    No reliable method was available for this purpose till UIC

    recommendations for calculations of these interaction effects

    were issued. To analyze and assess these interactive forces, the

    ERRI specialists Committee D 213 has conducted detailed studies and

    the results of the same have been published in the form of a report

    named UIC774-3R of the year 2001.

    Interaction between track and bridge, i.e. the consequence of

    the behavior of one on the other, occurs because they are interlinked,

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    regardless of whether the track is directly fastened or has a ballasted

    bed. The interaction takes the form of the forces in the rails and in the

    deck and its bearings, as well as displacements of the various

    elements of the bridge and track. If the interaction is within the control,then the bridge will continue to fulfill its functions i.e. supporting the

    track, without the track being subject to anomalies.

    There are two types of anomaly: The rail fractures or

    disruption of the link between track and bridge such that track stability

    is no longer guaranteed. Therefore interaction must be taken into

    account as a serviceability limit state as regards the bridge as well as

    being an ultimate limit state as regards the rail. The acceptable limit

    state for the track depends on its design and state of maintenance. The

    permissible values used in UIC report are the values that are most

    widely permitted for standard track components in a good state of

    maintenance. If a railway for its own reasons operates outside the

    scope of application, that railway will still be able to use the calculation

    methods by replacing criteria given in UIC report with new criteria

    based on its own experience and observations. Similarly, the track

    strength taken into account and the temperature increase envisaged

    were drawn from the knowledge of the various railways. It is perfectly

    possible to use this method but with different Values, if the need arises.

    It should also be noted that the displacement or rotations to be

    checked only concern what has to be checked to guarantee that the

    behavior of the bridge cannot damage the track and alter its behavior.

    There are other checks to be made as regards displacements and

    rotation of the structure, these being concerned with problems of

    comfort, dynamic behavior or strength.


    Introducing a bridge under a LWR means, effectively, that the

    LWR Track is resting on a surface subject to deformation and

    movements. Thus causing displacement of the track. Given that both

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    track and bridge are able to move, any force or Displacement that acts

    on one of them will induce forces in the other. Interaction therefore

    takes place between the track and the bridge as follows:

    i) Forces applied to a LWR track induce additional forces into the trackand/or into the bearings supporting the deck and movements of the

    track and of the deck.

    ii) Any movement of the deck induces a movement of the track and an

    additional force in the track and, indirectly, in the bridge bearings.

    PARAMETERS AFFECTING THE PHENOMENON:A distinction can be made between bridge parameters and track


    5.1.1 BRIDGE PARAMETERSa) Expansion lengthb) Span lengthc) Support stiffnessd) Bending stiffness of the decke) Height of the deck

    5.1.2 TRACK PARAMETERSa) Track resistanceb) Cross sectional area of the rail


    The cases that could lead to interaction effects are those thatcause relative displacements between the track and deck. The casesconcerned are as follows:i) The thermal expansion of the deck only, in the case of LWR or thethermal expansion of the deck and the rail, wherever a rail expansiondevice is present.ii) Horizontal braking and acceleration forcesiii) Rotation of the deck on its supports as a result of the deck bendingunder vertical traffic loadsiv) Deformation of the concrete structure due to creep and shrinkage

    v) Longitudinal displacements of the supports under the influence ofthe thermal gradientvi) Deformation of the structure due to the vertical temperaturegradients.

    In most of the cases, the first three effects are of majorimportance for the bridge design.

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    Theoretical stability calculations, on UIC60 CWR, 90 UTS,

    minimum curve radius 1500 m, laid on ballasted track with concrete

    sleepers and consolidated >300 mm deep ballast, well consolidated

    ballast, give a total possible value for the increase of rail stresses due

    to the track/bridge interaction are;

    i) The maximum permissible additional compressive rail stress is 72


    ii) The maximum permissible additional tensile rail stress is 92 N/mm2.


    Limits have to be placed on the displacement of the deck and

    track in order to prevent excessive deconsolidation of the ballast. The

    displacement limits also play a role in limiting indirectly the additional

    longitudinal stress in the rails. These limits are as follows:

    i) The maximum permissible displacement between rail and deck or

    embankment under braking and/or acceleration forces is 4 mm.

    ii) In the case of CWR on ballasted track with expansion devices, the

    maximum permissible absolute horizontal displacement of the deck

    under the same loads is 30 mm.


    The end rotation of a bridge deck due to traffic loads is an

    important factor for determining satisfactory track/bridge interaction

    behavior. In order to determine an appropriate limit to the end rotation

    of a bridge deck it is necessary to consider also other criteria such as

    dynamic effects (ballast maintenance) and passenger comfort. Under

    vertical loads, the displacements of the upper edge of the deck end

    must be limited in order to maintain ballast stability. Obviously, the

    effects of this displacement must be added to temperature variation

    and of braking/acceleration.

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    i) In the case of CWR on ballasted deck, the permissible

    displacement between the top of the deck end and the embankment or

    between the tops of two consecutive deck ends due to vertical bending

    is 8 mm.ii) The maximum vertical diplacement of the upper surface of the

    end of a deck relative to the adjacent construction has to be limited.


    The interaction results in horizontal support reactions at the

    fixed elastic supports, and these must be taken into account along with

    conventional support reactions when calculating the structure and



    It is preferable to avoid expansion devices in the track, but one

    should always be inserted at the free end of the deck if the total

    additional rail stress or the displacements exceed the permissible

    values. Using the possibility of locating the fixed support at the middle

    of the deck, it is possible to increase the length of a single deck

    carrying CWR. Generally speaking this will lead to the following


    The maximum expansion length of a single deck carrying CWR

    without expansion device will be:

    i) 60m for steel structures carrying ballasted track

    ii) 120m for steel structures deck with fixed bearing in the middle

    iii) 90m for structures in concrete or steel with concrete slab

    carrying ballasted deck track

    iv) 180 m for structures in concrete with fixed bearing in the

    middle In the case of unballasted deck, a specific evaluation should be

    done. Even when the calculated stresses and displacements do not

    exceed the permissible values, it may be necessary to fit an expansion

    device in the track. This is the case when the daily variation of the deck

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    exceeds the permissible values taking into account the track

    maintenance conditions.

    The calculations are made using the precise track arrangement

    (CWR expansion devices, joints) when, for any reason e.g.Maintenance works consisting of serving CWR, this track arrangement

    is modified, the service conditions on the bridge should be reviewed.

    The bearings could also be modified and prohibition of braking forces.

    A new analysis of the interaction effects should be made, when the

    functioning of the bearings and/or of the supports is changed.


    For designing the structure from the point of view of Track /

    bridge interaction, three different steps of calculation can be used-

    I) Pre- dimensioning method

    ii) Calculation without interaction and calculations with


    iii) Calculations with computer program.


    A literature survey has been done by RDSO to know the

    practices being followed on various Railways. The survey reveals that

    maximum length of the bridge ( Ballasted and Unballasted) is varying

    from Railway to Railway. A summary of the information collected in this

    regard is as under :-

    (i) Maximum lengths permitted on ballasted track




    - 60 - 25 100 20 15



    Study in



    Not used

    with CWR



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    120 No.


    25 100 20 16



    Study in



    No. limit No.




    - - - 25 100 20 - Study in



    This type of


    not used

    with CWR



    (ii) Maximum lengths permitted on unballasted track


    Steelstructur2 6220 1t Studyiindivilcase20(forsilspan),tinindivilcase(ultilspan)

    No.liitConcretstructur 216220 1t Studyiindivilcase


    Compositstructur 2-6220 -StudyiindivilcaseThistypestructureuseditCWR

    No.liitCSD CzechoslovakianRailwayDB GermanRailwayJNR JapaneseNational RailwaySBB SwissRailwaySNCFFrenchRailwayBR BritishRailwayNS NetherlandsRailwayOBB AustrianRailwayRENFESpanishRailwaySNCBBelgianRailway

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    It is further revealed from literature that most of the Railways

    were not having the theoretical basis regarding the provisions they are

    observed. These provisions were adopted just based on their past

    experiences.Railways world over have been trying to lay LWR/CWR

    continuously over ballasted as well as unballasted decks to fulfill their

    long cherished dream of having smooth ride over bridges. To

    implement this, they are experimenting with innovative fastening

    systems viz. Zero Longitudinal Restraint (ZLR), low toe load elastic

    fasteners and also different types of expansion devices to

    accommodate expected expansion/contraction. New bridges are now

    being designed duly taking into account the LWR forces with/without

    expansion devices. For this, computer based models and simulation

    techniques have been vastly adopted to simulate LWR forces on

    bridges, track/bridge interaction and expansion patterns. Different

    railways have adopted different approaches with a single objective in

    their mind to lay LWR/CWR over bridges and almost all have achieved

    a fairly encouraging degree of success. Some of these approaches are

    discussed below:


    German Railways have evolved an unique system to avoid

    interaction between unballasted steel girder deck and LWR/CWR track.

    In this design a solid steel bar with a side groove is welded on top of

    the stringers. Over this special bearing plates having jaw are placed

    which slide in the groove. Sleepers rest over these bearing plates, the

    connection being secured by bolts/sleeper screws. This arrangement

    permits relative movement between sleeper and girder. In this design it

    is usual to provide a SEJ after 400 m even though on some bridges a

    length of 800m was provided without an expansion joint. The main

    advantages of this system are:

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    i) Track structure on top is unaffected

    ii) Need for special fastening is obviated.

    iii) The arrangement is much stronger than rail free type againstvertical buckling.

    iv) The arrangement maintains very good alignment.

    v) No maintenance of anchor bolts/ special fastening is involved.

    vi) There is no problem of sleeper seat corrosion.

    The main problem with this design is that resistance to creep

    being very small; wider gap at rail fracture is to be expected. To

    counteract this, USFD testing at increased frequency was employed.

    This resulted in timely detection of flaws and also in case of rail

    fractures, gaps were found not dangerous.



    This bridge is 438 m long consisting of 7 spans, the main span

    being 120 m long. The bridge carries two parallel-ballasted tracks with

    UIC 60 rails laid on concrete sleepers. Computer modelling with full

    continuous CWR track over bridge was done using the computer

    program PROLIS20. The complete track and bridge configuration was

    modelled in a discrete system consisting of 263 nodes and 416

    elements assuming construction symmetry over both the tracks and

    interaction forces and displacements were studied. Studies concluded

    that the application of expansion devices in high-speed tracks on

    bridges, as a means to prevent excessive longitudinal displacements

    and forces, is not the best solution due to comfort, safety and

    maintenance aspects. Instead a very effective solution is possibly the

    use of zero longitudinal restraint (ZLR) fastenings over some lengths of

    the track. The calculations, carried out in this respect, show a

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    considerable reduction of track displacements, track forces and the

    relative sleeper/ballast displacements, the reduction being a function of

    the length over which these fastenings are installed. Based on this

    conclusion the CWR was designed on the bridge with partly ZLRfastenings but without expansion joints, which even resulted in saving

    in investment costs. They recommended that the use of ZLR

    fastenings, though not widely accepted yet and the construction

    perhaps requiring some further development, should be given more

    attention considering the favourable theoretical results achieved.



    Usually bridges are free to expand and contract at the

    abutments and hinges, but attaching the rails directly to the bridge deck

    would prohibit normal movement. A new design was adopted based on

    this concept that allows longitudinal movement of rails near the hinges

    and abutments without forcing the bridge to move with it. However,

    some control over the rail movement is required to limit the size of the

    gap in the event of a rail fracture. For this, two types of direct fixation

    fastener plates (DFFs) were used, i.e.

    i) One that allows longitudinal movement of the rail, Zero

    Longitudinal Restraint (ZLR) fasteners, and

    ii) Another that restraints such longitudinal movement of the

    rail Standard Restraint (SR) Fasteners.

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    the ability to disperse the angular rotation caused by the stiffening

    truss. The 2.3 km long continuous stiffening truss deflects 5.3 m (17

    feet) at the center of the bridge. The CWR is designed for such a

    flexible support and for the resulting change in grades. In addition, theCWR also has to negotiate, at the bridge ends, significant angular bend

    caused by the behaviour of the truss under railway loading. The track

    structure was kept independent of the longitudinal forces in the

    stringers but had sufficient fixity to maintain the vertical and transverse

    constraints of the track against buckling. The expansion assembly

    consists of moving telescopic girders mounted on vertical rollers and

    restrained by horizontal rollers between the stationary girders.

    Longitudinally split rails are mounted on these girders .The construction

    work was started in 1992 and completed in 1999 with a maximum

    permissible speed of 60 kmph.

    6.5.1 BRIEF HISTORY:

    The original suspension bridge was constructed in 1966. The

    main span is 1012.88 m, the side spans are 483.42 m and the three

    backstay spans are approximately 100 m each. One of the unique

    features of this bridge is its 2300 m (7472 ft) long truss continuing over

    the suspended main, side and backstay spans. This was purposely

    done to prevent large break in grade under train loading. The bridge

    was built to carry four lanes of highway traffic at the upper deck level

    with design provisions for a second phase construction to allow future

    railroad track installation at the bottom chord level. In 1992, it was

    decided to add two railroad tracks at the lower level and to widen the

    upper deck to accommodate six highway lanes with minimum

    interruption to the existing traffic.

    Various components such as rails, guard/check rails, low toe

    load fasteners, slide plates, expansion assembly etc had to be chosen

    in a manner to suit the assembly in working as a unit permitting the rail

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    movement to the effect and separating the bridge structure from the

    LWR/CWR track completely. The system provides for free expansion of

    the rail and also isolation of bridge and track from each other.


    The main considerations of track on a suspension bridge were:

    i) Aerodynamically acceptable behaviour

    ii) Low dead load

    iii) Independence from stresses in truss

    iv) Lower noise and maintenance levels

    v) Safety during derailment

    vi) Capacity to accommodate a large expansion joint at ends CWR with

    elastic fasteners on wooden sleepers at 60 cm spacing was found most

    suitable to these requirements. The track was designed to UIC

    standards. The open deck with all these arrangements was found

    suitable from aero dynamical requirements also.

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    6.5.3 TRACK LAYOUT ON THE BRIDGEThe track layout on the bridge is divided into different zones on

    the 2300 m length of the bridge as follows:

    i) standard zone

    ii) anchor zone

    iii) end zone

    iv) expansion zone

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    v) creep free zone

    The standard zone : It is basically a rail slip zone,

    approximately 2150m long and consists of CWR. The track in this zone

    can flex to follow the different deflected shapes of the suspended trusswith maximum deflection at center is 5.3 m. The continuous rail can slip

    in its chairs longitudinally within the limits of the zone without picking up

    the axial forces of the stringer that supports it.

    Anchor zone: At either end of the bridge the CWR is terminated

    over a short length wherein the rail is anchored to the stringer through

    an anchor joint. The anchor joint is a specially designed insulated

    connection where in the rail is rigidly connected in the longitudinal

    direction but the rail is allowed the usual resilient support. This

    connection will provide the uniformity of the track modulus and prevent

    uneven wear of the rail.

    End Zone This is a short stretch of track between anchor joint

    and start of expansion joint complex. Bonded rails at one end and

    insulated rail joint at the other end is provided for bypassing the track

    circuit over the expansion joint.

    Expansion Zone The expansion zone accommodates the

    expansion complex. The expansion zone is kept free of CWR forces.

    Bonded rail joints are provided at each end for easy replacement of the

    expansion joint.

    Creep Free Zone In order to protect the expansion zone and

    to arrest any possible longitudinal movement, the creep free zone is

    provided with extensive creep anchors and an anchor joint at the


    Tension Clip Mark 3 The rail needs to adjust to the deflection

    of the long stiffening truss as the truss will deform under live load which

    is effected by slipping of rails longitudinally. A new clip was developed

    by modifying the standard SKL-12 clip, which induced a low toe load of

    300 kg instead of the standard toe load of 1300 kg. This clip had

    additional characteristic of a partial rail free type fastener, which allows

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    the rail to slide longitudinally on its chair. As a result, the running rail

    stresses remain independent of the rail stringer stresses. To facilitate

    such sliding, a 3 mm smooth stainless steel plate is provided

    underneath the rail.


    The suspension bridge truss is a flexible structure. The railway

    loading consisting of heavy concentrated loads, when moving on this

    flexible bridge causes local and global deformation of the truss. The

    railway track experiences steep grades and changes of grades at the

    center and specifically at the ends of truss. If the running rail is rigidly

    fixed to the end stringer, the transition girder will result in a kink in the

    rail and high bending and fatigue stresses. Therefore, the rail is

    mounted on resilient chairs capable of allowing the rail base to rise and

    fall to adjust to the imposed curvature. This has a significant effect at

    the end producing an angular bend in the rail. The thermal expansion

    of the trusses is significant at the ends. In addition, the truss ends also

    move in and out due to deflection of the truss under the live load

    depending upon the location of the load. The maximum calculated

    movement at the ends for the design was 1500 mm.

    After detailed research and studies of various existing systems

    the split rail type of expansion joint was developed. The other designs

    like switch expansion joint, moving sleeper type etc were not adopted

    due to large space requirements at the end of the bridge and more

    maintenance requirements due to large number of moving parts.

    Considering the limited space available at the end of the bridge, the

    telescopic girder type expansion joint was selected as the most


    The expansion assembly complex so evolved comprised of the

    following important components

    i) Transition girder and telescopic girders

    ii) Split rails for rail expansion

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    iii) Check rail and its expansion arrangements

    iv) Angular bend dispersion components

    v) Telescopic girder mountings

    Such expansion system is located at either end of the bridgeand was specially designed to address the requirements such as

    a) restricted space, b) high expansion range and c) construction of the

    unit under traffic conditions on an existing bridge etc.

    The expansion assembly used on this bridge is one of the

    largest and most complex expansion assemblies in the world providing

    for constant cyclical longitudinal movements and the angular bends in

    the running rail.

    This expansion joint has been accommodated in a limited space

    of 8.5 m thus making it the most compact, yet one of the largest

    expansion joints in the world.

    In this arrangement to cover the expansion gap of 1500 mm at

    the ends and to flex for the angular bend, a short 6.0 m transition girder

    was designed. This also acts as the inner moving telescopic girders for

    expansion. The moving telescopic girder is inserted between the two

    stationary telescopic girders and held laterally and rigidly by two

    horizontal rollers with a preload force of 100 t in order to maintain

    clearance of 6 mm between stationary and moving girders. These

    girders are designed very stiff, structurally, to limit deflection to not

    more than 1 mm. On these girders L shaped split rails having top

    profile of UIC60 railhead have been used. These split rails are made of

    high manganese steel, forged and surface hardened in fine laminated

    perlite structure to a level of 1150 N/mm2 for a depth of 25 mm for

    wear resistance. In order to control and guide the wheel to roll at the

    gauge face, a U69 type high performance rolled steel check rail is

    placed at 45 mm clearance. The check rail is kept continuous over the

    expansion gap. It is extended continuously from the truss over the

    telescopic girder and expansion joint up to the approaches to provide

    lateral restraint to the wheel flange. The check rails have been

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    provided with an expansion arrangement on the approaches. In order

    to uniformly distribute the angular bend of maximum .06 rad and permit

    rail to assume a curvature the rail is fixed on special type of chairs. A

    dispersion length of 2052 mm was considered sufficient on thetransition girder and similarly on end stringer. The horizontal rollers are

    mounted on the stationary girders. The vertical steel rollers on the

    bronze bearings are mounted at the bottom of the telescopic girder at

    the far end. The steel assemblies in which the rollers are housed are

    designed with close tolerance to resist lateral forces and uplift forces

    caused by the passage of wheel loads. These rollers are critical in

    maintaining gauge and close clearances in the split rail.


    From above discussion following conclusions can be made-

    1. Maximum length of bridge (ballasted or un-ballasted) over which

    LWR can be continued, is varying from railway to railway, probably on

    account of the forces considered in the original design of the bridge.

    2. On IR, there is no restriction for LWR on ballasted deck bridges

    without bearings. Even all the bridges can be provided with LWR with

    provision of rail free fastening, partial box anchoring and SEJ on each


    3. There is no restriction on provision of LWR on ballasted deck

    bridges as for as Czechoslovakian Railway (CSD), Japanese National

    Railway (JNR) and Belgian Railway (SNCB) in case of concrete


    4. Minimum length permitted on bridges with ballasted deck

    bridges is NIL in case of Steel structures as in Spanish railway


    5. Maximum length permitted on bridges with un-ballasted deck

    bridges is 120 m with concrete structures as in case of German

    Railway (DB).

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    6. Minimum length permitted on bridges with un-ballasted deck

    bridges is NIL in case of Steel as well as concrete structures in

    Spanish railway (RENFE) and Belgian railway (SNCB).

    7. Most of the Railways are not having theoretical basis regardingthe provisions being observed. These provisions have been adopted

    just based on their past experiences.

    8. Out of 1,19,724 no of bridges on IR, 99547 no of bridges which

    are Arch, slab, pipe or other, are covered under para 4.5.6 and 19,149

    nos are covered under para of LWR manual. Thus there are

    only 928 nos of bridges that are not covered under provisions of LWR


    9. On IR, 190 mm gap SEJs may be utilized so that LWR manual

    can be implemented fully.

    10. As existing manual provisions in case of ballasted deck bridges

    are with rail free fastening suitable zero longitudinal resistance

    fastening (ZLR) to be used on PSC sleeper should be introduced.

    11. Case to case study & trials under Indian conditions for all the

    existing bridges should be carried out as brought out by the UIC report

    no 774-3R for continuing LWR/CWR over the bridges that are not

    covered by the LWR manual.

    12. Experiments/field trial should be conducted to under stand the

    thermal interaction between bridge & track when LWR is provide with

    elastic fastening.

    13. It is desirable to analyze the forces due to track-bridge

    interaction and take into account the same while designing new


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    8.0 REFERNCES:

    (i) Long Welded Rails, 2005 (IRICEN publication).

    (ii) UIC Code no 774-3 R, Oct-2001.

    (iii) Long welded Rails on Girder bridges by L S Mittal.

    (iv) LWR on bridges by H K Jaggi (Article in IPWE Journal).

    (v) 7thMeeting of the extraordinary TSC, Oct-2002.

    (vi) Improved Knowledge of CWR Track by Coenraad Esveld.

    (vii) CWR for Seoul subway no. 2 Dangsan Bridge by ZLR by Lee

    Duck Young, Kong Sun Yong, Kwon Soon Sub, Kim Eun.

    (viii) Direct Fixation Track on the Mission Valley West LRT extension

    by Dane Schiling, P. E. Associate Engineer, Boyle EngineeringCorporation.

    (ix) Design of High Speed Track on Long Bridges by Prof .Dr.Ir. C.

    Esveld , Professor of Railway Engineering TU Delft University,


    (x) Annual report of RDSO Track Directorate for 2003- 2004.

    (xi) Design of Continuous Welded Rail on Suspension Bridge: A

    Technical Paper for AREMA by Ranganatha r. Rao and Sudhir

    Sanghvi- Parsons Transportation Group.

    (xii) Pandrol Rail Free or Zero Longitudinal Restraint System by

    (xiii) Manual of Instructions on Long Welded Rails, 1996.

    (xiv) RDSO Civil Engg. Report nos 148, 166, 169 & 170.

    (xv) Long welded rails on girder bridges- R. Rajamani: P-Way

    Bulletin, July-1987.

    (xvi) SPC-12, Canadian Pacific railway; April-2000.