Layers of Clouds

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Transcript of Layers of Clouds

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    Layers of Clouds

    Johnathan King

    Subject: 16; Ethan Cloud

    Time: 0600

    Length: 45:23


    Athena: You escaped the castle.

    Ethan: It was a diner.

    Athena: So that is what you saw this time? What happened to the island? I thought that figment

    was more present than the others.

    Ethan: The Island is differentit is where I escape. The diner, however, is just a figment of my


    Athena: But you dont feel trapped on the island? Just the other figments?

    Ethan: That is because the Island is not a figment. The Island exists.

    Athena: Ethan, they are all places of your mind. All places presented to you by the castle. The

    castle is what I want. You have no need for it anymore.

    Ethan: What castle? I have never visited a castle. What are you talking about?

    Athena: The island. The castle. They are all the same Ethan.

    Ethan: How then, could I hide a castle? Im in my room for fifteen hours a day. I never leave

    your companys sights.

    Athena: Dont play this game with me! You know damn well what Im talking about!

    Ethan: I told the last one, and Ill tell you, if I could help, I would. But all I know is the Island.

    Nothing about a castle. Not where it is, not what it is.

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    Athena: Our time is up today. Tomorrow will be our last session. If I do not have the location, it

    will be the last time you see me. Please.


    Ethan Cloud had, to his recollection, always been there. The white walls, covered with

    his drawings. The twin sized bed, with navy blue covers. The six-by-two closet for his

    belongings. All of it had become so normal. So natural. He would wake up at seven in the

    morning for breakfast; those kinds you see on the back of a cereal box, and then complete a five-

    mile jog around the complex. Every day, for the years he could remember, the routine had been

    the same.


    Except when Ethan closed his eyes. When he closed his eyes he would be somewhere

    outside the walls. Sometimes a diner, sometimes a mall, sometimes the jungle, but always,

    always he would finish at the island before returning home. The therapists would always tell

    him during their hour-long sessions that the island was part of some castle thing, but what it

    really was, was the place he knew they couldnt see. The notebook-wielding cynics always knew

    about the places that appeared in his head, but they did not know about the island. Whenever he

    mentioned it they would be stricken with fear, before playing it off like another creation.

    The company saw everything that the castle created. Thats how he knew it was real. The

    island had to be real. Why else would it stump the companys therapists? Since the castle

    nonsense had been brought up, Ethan had been through thirteen therapists. All named Athena, all

    female. Before the castle Ethan had had one therapist, one partner that he could share anything

    with. She was the closest he would ever have to a mother.

    3 Years Earlier

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    castle must be implemented before it is too late. If the others find a capable candidate, then we

    will lose the fight. So what is it Miranda? Be a part of this miracle, or I will find someone else.


    That night. The Island. Both so clear, yet so mystifying. The castle was again discussed

    like it was some relic of a better tomorrow. Ethan had remembered the shrieks that followed

    when Miranda, the first Athena, had declined to assist the Company. Light had burst though the

    seam underneath the door, and the shrieking stopped. The very next day, during his therapy

    session, Ethan met a new therapist. Her name was Athena

    These memories led Ethan to darkness. Sleep had taken him like every night for the last

    three years.


    The classroom was shaped like a perfect square. Ten feet on all sides. The desks, aligned

    in rows, were newly finished, with barely a scratch or lick of graffiti. The students, around

    sixteen, had to have been sophomores or juniors in high school. There was no way this was a

    normal school, however, because the students were all too well behaved. No one talked as the

    teacher wrote algebraic equations on the whiteboard. To the left Ethan saw a boy that looked

    strangely familiar. It was odd, unlike his other dreams; this one had people in it. In three years,

    Ethan had always dreamed of places: vivid and imaginative places. Ever since the night with

    Miranda, the dreams were vacant of any life. Why then, was this one filled with ten boys, eleven

    girls, a teacher, and himself? Ethan took a seat in the back right corner desk in order to blend in.

    Unlike the surrounding pupils, Ethan was dressed in jeans, slim fit, and a black zip up hoodie.

    That was one of his favorite parts; he could get out of those mental ward-like clothes. The rest of

    the students were wearing uniforms. The girls, skirts down to the knees. The guys, black slacks.

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    Both with a blue button up polo. Ethan found himself with a backpack beside his feet. In it, a

    single notebook. He figured that it would be fun to try this whole school thing out. The aides at

    the company always told him how smart he was with an IQ of 152.

    Ethan took out the notebook and opened it to the first page. After copying the problems

    from the boarda few were still being writtenEthan solved each without much effort. They

    were simple polynomials that he had read about in a textbook six years ago.

    Without much notice, a window opened to the left of Ethan. He hadnt remembered

    seeing any windows upon sitting down, but shrugged off the idea. The notebook had flipped to a

    page that was unlike the others in that there was something scribbled on the pages.

    The teacher Ethan. Look at the teacher.

    It was her. Miranda stood facing the classroom after completing the problems. How?

    Ethan had never seen another person in his dreams, and now she was here. He was certain she

    had been killed.

    Again the notebook:

    The castle Ethan. Discover.

    Ethan stood and began to walk to the front of the classroom.





    The island was deserted as usual. Ethan always appeared on a smaller island about an

    eighth of the size of the other. Connected by a bridge, the smaller island seemed to be for

    thinking. Three palm trees, two upright and one bent over so that it was nearly horizontal off the

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    ground, great for sitting. Ethan began to traverse the island in his normal fashion. He knew it

    wasnt a dream. It couldnt be. He smelled his surroundings, felt the wind lightly brushing

    against his face. If it were all fake, it would be like the other places in which he only saw and

    heard. But here he always smelled and felt.

    After crossing the bridge to the main island, Ethan felt as if something was off. Trees of

    all kinds cascaded from the center making it difficult to cross through the center. One could only

    walk in a circle around the perimeter, without taking into consideration a few secret passages.

    The island felt right.

    But Ethan knew he couldnt stay here forever. He would have to wake up. But until then

    he knew he had several hours in this world. He went to the usual spot. In the center of the island

    was a waterfall, which cascaded off the hillside. There was a small cave of sorts behind the

    waterfall where Ethan would set up for the few hours he had. Inside it, a boat was being

    constructed to leave the island to see what other worlds were out there. Every night, while he

    was sleeping inside his room at the complex, Ethan worked on the boat and gathered supplies.

    This place, this island, was in his dreams, but he was certain it was real. Ethan always had the

    thought it had something to do with that castle that they always talked about.

    Stop. Think. Discover.

    It was a voice this time. Who the voice belonged to, Ethan was uncertain, but he knew

    that it could be trusted for some reason. Always speaking in riddles.




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    Was this place, this prison, really his home? All of the books he had read spoke of a

    home, as somewhere you knew you were safe. Was he safe in this place? Why wouldnt he be?

    They raised him here so there was no reason to think otherwise. But Miranda was the one that

    raised him and she had been missing for three years. The company didnt raise him, she did. She

    tried to save him that night. Ethan had to have been the one she was discussing with the director.

    He was the only child raised at the company as far as he knew.

    A knock at his door.

    Ethan its time for your session. A female stood in the doorway. Six feet tall with long

    brown hair, brown eyes, and a long brown coat.

    Who are you?


    Oh good, another one, Ethan had thought for a thirteenth time.

    Ethan waited for the door to unlock before following the new Athena to her office. Or the

    office of the numbers before her, including Miranda.


    Subject 16; Ethan Cloud

    Time: 0600

    Length: 41:19


    Athena: Hello Ethan. I am glad to meet you. Ive heard a lot.

    Ethan: Yeah? Well Ive heard a whole lot of nothing about you.

    Athena: Ethan your file says you are normally well behaved.

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    Ethan: I actually read that you were the Greek goddess of wisdom. Thats exciting.

    Athena: We are here to talk about you Ethan, so I would like to do that.

    Ethan: The castle.

    Athena: Well get to that.

    Ethan: Should we talk about how I feel?

    Athena: Ethan,please. Im here to help you. And I really need you to help me.

    Ethan: Maybe I could help you if someone would tell me what the hell was going on. Why am I

    here? What is the castle? Tell me!

    Athena: You really dont know do you? You have the castle Ethan and the company wants it

    back. Maybe its time you speak with him.

    Ethan: Who?

    Athena: The Director. I dont have the authority to tell you any more. You have questions and he

    may have answers.


    Ethan couldnt be more anxious. He was fed up with the Athenas and the company. He

    would not be compliant any longer. Athena said that in the next couple of days he would meet

    the Director. Nineteen years and he had only heard his voice behind closed doors. Ethan was to

    make his way to the dining room. He was to eat and then make his way outside for his workouts.

    On his way to lunch he passed what appeared to be a bedroom. It was vacant minus a single TV

    in the corner of the room. Curiosity got to him so he slipped in. Ethan would only have a couple

    minutes before someone would notice he had disappeared from the cameras.

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    The room was like his, white. The TV, one from ages ago, with rabbit ears and turn nobs,

    was off with a blackened screen. Ethan approached the television and flipped it on. It flickered to

    life, giving sight to just a white screen.

    Well that was anticlimactic, he thought.

    But then something caught his eye. The television was not plugged in.

    How could this be?

    The television began to blink as if it were trying to speak. Ethan knew he only had a few

    short minutes before his handlers would come find him to take him to his workouts. The

    television displayed a message across the white screen. Ethan stood there confused by what the

    message was trying to tell him. Maybe this was the same person who had communicated with

    him various times before.

    What has gotten into you? Athena stood behind him in the doorway. Ethan glanced at

    her and glanced back at the screen. Or where the screen was five seconds ago. It had vanished.

    The room was now empty.

    Did you see that?

    See what Ethan?

    Never mind.


    He had already run three miles around the complex. His workouts always followed the

    same pattern. Run, weights, run, and then core. His first run consisted of five miles. All Ethan

    could think about was that message. The one who was communicating with him was still

    unknown, and he was unaware if he should trust or fear them. Who he shouldnt trust was the

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    company. Ethan knew that for sure. But his meeting was fast approaching and Ethan knew he

    had to find answers.


    Subject 16; Ethan Cloud

    Time: 1600

    Length: N/A


    Director: Well hello there Ethan.

    Ethan: Director.

    Director: Ive heard much about you Ethan. You know, you and I are a lot alike.

    Ethan: How so? We both spend our days behind closed doors?

    Director: You seem upset. I was too when I was your age. Sitting here in this place with no idea

    who you are. Where you are from.

    Ethan: You know nothing about me!

    Director: Calm Ethan. Let me show you something.


    The Director produced a gun from a drawer in his desk. The ones you see from the

    movies with secret agents. Ethan had read a book about firearms during his studies so he knew

    what came next. The Director stood four feet from Ethan, on the other side of the desk. Raising

    the gun, the Director peered right into Ethans eyes. Thepistol was your average semi-automatic

    weapon. One pull of the trigger, one bullet. And this bullet was directed at Ethan Cloud. The

    loud bang that would come next startled Ethan, not because he didnt see it coming, but because

    he was still alive seconds later. The bullet had cruised straight ahead crashing into the wall that

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    was behind Ethan. Then why had he not been hit? Or the better question, why was Ethan not

    standing where he originally was? He was now standing to the left of the Director, behind his

    oak desk.

    See? Discover.

    Ethan turned to see the smoking gun in the Directors hand. While he stood confused, the

    Director was stern. Confident. A grin formed across his face.

    Ethan stood in front of the desk once again. What was going on?


    [Information Classified]


    Ethan: Its not real. None of this is real.

    Director: If only you knew.

    Ethan: Why dont you enlighten me?

    Director: Oh but you already know. Your friend in the notebook told you that.

    Ethan: How do you know that?

    Director: So yes, this place is not real. It is like the diner. Like the classroom.

    Ethan: And the island?

    Director: We are done here Ethan.


    Once again the mention of the island had set the Company on edge. The answers had to

    be there.



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    The classroom again. The children seemed different now. What were once sixteen year

    olds were now possibly eighteen, seniors in high school. It was the same class, however, as the

    student he had seen the night before was there again, only older. The notebook sat on his desk.

    Ethan rushed to pick up the school supply. Flipping through the pages, there was nothing. For

    some reason Ethan felt betrayed. He considered this person, shrouded in darkness, to be an ally.

    And now, after the incident in the office, when he really needed help, the informant had


    Ethan! Answer to number three please.

    Ethan was startled by the voice of Miranda. All eyes were on him. He would have to wait

    to get the answers that had been looming for so long. The problem had evolved from the last

    dream. Still, it was simple calculus.

    The answer is three x to the one-half. Miranda, may I speak to you after class?

    Very good Ethan, but please call me Mrs. McKelle. And yes.

    Could it wait? Would the classroom fade before Ethan could get to her? Ethan decided to

    make his move. He stood and walked towards Mirandas desk. His head began to ache. This

    couldnt be happening. He wasnt waiting until after class specifically for thisreason.


    No! Ethan shouted, unwilling to leave now.



    He was back. Somehow Ethan controlled it, saving him from another day of waiting for

    answers. He was back in the middle of the classroom as if nothing had happened. Not even his

    classmates seemed to notice his momentary disappearance.

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    You beat it. The castle is yours.

    Still unsure what this castle was, Ethan began to feel more confident that he could beat

    the company. Ethan approached Miranda.

    How are you here?

    Ethan had the urge to cry, but held himself together as to not lose the dream again.

    Miranda seemed different. Her eyes transformed to those of someone full of hate.

    You killed me!She launched at him. Hands grasped around his neck.


    A forest.


    The island.

    He was home. The trip to the cave had been shorter than usual, as Ethan walked with a

    brisk pace. The cave had been no larger then your average bedroom, so when something seemed

    off, it was noticed almost instantaneously. The boat was gone. The project of almost two months

    had disappeared without a trace. Ethan fell to his knees.

    Hello Ethan.The Director. You have been through a lot. We both have.How do you

    like this creation of mine? It has been almost sixty years, but I believe it still holds up as my

    greatest. I always viewed it as my sanctuary. Like you do.

    I get it now. I understand who you are. Who I am. I used thecastle to create this place.

    My sanctuary.

    The Director smiled, fading ever so slightly into the cave walls. Cave walls that the castle

    created. Cave walls that Ethan had created.