Lay Out Presentation

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  • 7/24/2019 Lay Out Presentation


    Every artist was first


  • 7/24/2019 Lay Out Presentation


    LAYOUTINGOlek Sarmiento Dela Cruz

  • 7/24/2019 Lay Out Presentation


    I feel tat tere is n!tin" m!retruly artisti# tan t! l!ve $e!$le.

    %IN&EN' %AN (O(H

  • 7/24/2019 Lay Out Presentation


    Things to Consider

    Artists must have good mouse skills e!e hand"oordination and ke!#oard skills$

    %e &amiliar 'ith su"h "om(uter skills as "reating&olders trans&erring )les saving )les o(ening)les and ho' to minimize and ma*imize dialog'indo' on their o(erating s!stem$

    Artists should (rogress &rom the #asi" tools and&un"tions to (re(aring a do"ument &or &ull "olor(rinting$

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    Principles of Design

    The (rin"i(les o& design suggest e+e"tive and (leasing 'a!sto arrange text and graphicson the (age as 'ell as thearrangement o& individual elements'ithin illustrationlogos and the overall gra(hi" design o& a do"ument$

    Generall! all the (rin"i(les o& design a((l! to an! (ie"e !ouma! "reate$

    ,o' !ou a((l! those (rin"i(les o& design determines ho'

    e+e"tive !our design is in "onve!ing the desired messageand ho' attra"tive it a((ears$

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    ) Ali"nment

    ) *alan#e

    ) &!nsisten#y

    ) &!ntrast

    ) Pr!+imity

    ) an, Wite S$a#e

    Principles of Design

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    Ali"nment -rin"s order to chaos. H!w y!u ali"n ty$ean, "ra$i#s !n a $a"e an, in relati!n t! ea# !ter

    #an mae y!ur lay!ut easier !r m!re ,iffi#ult t! rea,/

    f!ster familiarity/ !r -rin" e+#itement t! a stale ,esi"n.

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    %isual -alan#e #!mes fr!m arran"in" elements !n te

    $a"e s! tat n! !ne se#ti!n is eavier tan te !ter. Or/

    a ,esi"ner may intenti!nally tr!w elements !ut !f-alan#e t! #reate tensi!n !r a #ertain m!!,.

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    'y$es !f *alan#e

    Symmetri#al) Asymmetri#al


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    Symmetri#al *alan#eSymmetri#al -alan#e is easiest t! see in $erfe#tly #entere,#!m$!siti!ns !r t!se wit mirr!r ima"es.

    In a ,esi"n wit !nly tw! elements tey w!ul, -e alm!sti,enti#al !r ave nearly te same visual mass. If !neelement was re$la#e, -y a smaller !ne/ it #!ul, tr!w te$a"e !ut !f symmetry.

    '! re#laim $erfe#t symmetri#al -alan#e y!u mi"t nee, t! a,,!r subtract or rearrange the elementss! tat tey evenly,ivi,e te $a"e su# as a #entere, ali"nment !r !ne tat,ivi,es te $a"e in even se"ments 0alves/ 1uarters/ et#.2.

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  • 7/24/2019 Lay Out Presentation


    Asymmetri#al *alan#eAsymmetri#al ,esi"n is ty$i#ally off-center !r #reate, wit anodd or mismatchednum-er !f ,is$arate elements.

    H!wever/ y!u #an still ave an interestin" ,esi"n wit!ut $erfe#tsymmetry.

    Wit asymmetri#al -alan#e you are evenly distributing theelements within the formatwi# may mean -alan#in" a lar"e$!t! wit several small "ra$i#s. Or/ y!u #an #reate tensi!n -yintenti!nally av!i,in" -alan#e.

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  • 7/24/2019 Lay Out Presentation


    Radial Balance

    On s1uare an, re#tan"ular $a"es we "enerally $la#e

    elements in orderly rows and columns. Wit ra,ial

    ,esi"ns te elements ra,iate fr!m !r swirl ar!un, in a

    #ir#ular !r s$iral $at.

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  • 7/24/2019 Lay Out Presentation


    Rule of Thirds, isual !enter and "rids

    'ree relate, as$e#ts !f $a"e lay!ut an, -alan#e. 'eseare lay!ut as$e#ts tat el$ te ,esi"ner a#ieve

    arran"ements wit visual -alan#e.

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    Rule !f 'ir,s%isually ,ivi,in" te $a"e int! tir,s verti#ally

    an,3!r !ri4!ntally an, $la#in" !ur m!st

    im$!rtant elements witin

    t!se tir,s.

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    In tis vertically symmetricallay!ut te ea,line

    a$$ears in te u$$er tir, !f te $a"e/ te l!"! in

    te mi,,le tir,/ an, te

    su$$!rtin" ,es#ri$tive te+tin te l!wer tir,. 'e m!st

    im$!rtant inf!rmati!n is in

    tat l!wer tir, an, an#!rs

    te $a"e.

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    'ain" tis #!n#e$t a ste$ furter/ -y ,ivi,in"

    te $a"e int! tir,s -!t verti#ally an,

    !ri4!ntally an, $la#in" y!ur m!st im$!rtant

    elements at !ne

    !r m!re !f te

    f!ur interse#ti!ns

    !f t!se lines.

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    'is asymmetri#al lay!ut as

    m!st elements in te u$$ertir, an, leftm!st tir, !f te$a"e wit te main f!#al $!int

    -ein" ar!un, te interse#ti!n !fte t!$m!st an, leftm!st

    ,ivi,in" lines.

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    %isual &enterPla#in" im$!rtant elements

    !r te f!#al $!int !f te

    ,esi"n witin te visual#enter !f a $ie#e is an!ter

    ,esi"n tri#.

    'e visual #enter is sli"tly t! te ri"t

    !f an, a-!ve te a#tual #enter !f a$a"e.

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    It5s easy t! see tea#tual #enter/ it5s

    were te f!ur -!+

    #!rners meet.*ut te f!#us is !n

    te eart.

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    R!u"ly ,ivi,in" a $a"e int! tir,s !r fin,in" te visual #enter arerelatively easy an, y!u ,!n5t usually ave t! -e e+a#t t! a#ievey!ur "!als.

    H!wever/ #!nstru#tin" te un,erlyin" stru#ture !f a $ie#e is a -it m!re#!m$li#ate, 6 -ut essential f!r m!st ,esi"ns. M!st -alan#e,,esi"ns 0an, even un-alan#e, !nes2 rely !n a "ri,. 'is invisi-lestru#ture 0visi-le wile w!rin" in y!ur $a"e lay!ut $r!"ram2 el$sensure tat y!u $la#e all te elements in te ri"t l!#ati!n t! a#ieve-alan#e as well as t! el$ wit #!ntinuity an, #!nsisten#y !f ,esi"n.

    (ri,s #an -e sim$le !r #!m$le+ ,e$en,in" !n te nee,s !f te,esi"n an, te ,esi"ner.

    S!metimes te use !f a "ri, is !-vi!us.

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    'is asymmetri#ally

    -alan#e, ,esi"n uses a

    sim$le tree #!lumn "ri, t!ensure tat ea# te+t #!lumn

    is te same wi,t an, tat it

    is -alan#e, -y te nearly

    em$ty #!lumn !n te left.

    'e "ri, als! ,i#tates temar"ins an, ensures tat te

    $a"e num-er an, ea,er

    a$$ear in te same $la#e !n

    ea# $a"e.

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    Re$eatin" ,esi"n elements an, #!nsistent

    use !f ty$e an, "ra$i#s styles witin a

    ,!#ument s!ws a rea,er were t! "! an,el$s tem navi"ate y!ur ,esi"ns an,

    lay!uts safely. E+$l!re te $rin#i$les !f

    re$etiti!n/ #!nsisten#y/ an, unity in $a"e


  • 7/24/2019 Lay Out Presentation


    Or"ani4e, visual

    inf!rmati!n 7nityNewsletters/ ma"a4ines/ -r!#ures/ annual re$!rts/ an,-!!s !ften ave many visual elements8 #!lumns !f te+t/ea,lines/ $!t!s/ illustrati!ns/ $ull91u!tes/ et#. (ri,s

    all!w te ,esi"ner t! -uil, $a"e9t!9$a"e #!nsisten#y int!tese ,!#uments.

    A "ri,/ use, #!nsistently !n all $a"es !f a multi9$a"e,!#ument/ maes it easier f!r te ,esi"ner t! $r!vi,e te

    #!nsistent l!! tat rea,ers !ften e+$e#t. A #arefully#!n#eive, "ri, system als! all!ws te ,esi"ner t!intr!,u#e variati!ns wit!ut f!rsain" rea,a-ility !r#!nsisten#y. It als! s$ee,s lay!ut -e#ause it taes te"uessw!r an, :l!! -a# t! see wat we ,i, -ef!re: !ut!f were t! $la#e elements fr!m !ne $a"e t! te ne+t.

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    The pages are e#amplesThe pages are e#amples

    of how you might combineof how you might combinete#t and graphicste#t and graphics

    N!ti#e !w $a"e ;an, < ave a #!nsistent0reverse,2 lay!ut. 'e+t #!lumns are tw!9"ri, unitswi,e. One "ri, unit $r!vi,es an e+tra wi,e #!lumn !fs$a#e se$aratin" te main te+t fr!m te si,e-arelements.

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    7nify a series !f

    ,issimilar ,!#uments'ere are many ways t! esta-lis visual unity tr!u"!ut

    a series !f relate, $ie#es..

    In a series !f sin"le/ -ut relate, $ie#es a #!mm!n "ri, #an

    el$ unify te se$arate $ie#es. Pla#e re$eatin" elements

    in te same $la#e fr!m $ie#e t! $ie#e.

    Let y!ur "ri, $r!vi,e a #!nsistent "ui,e f!r mi+in" "ra$i#s

    an, te+t.

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    'e inf!rmati!nal

    seets ave a

    #!mm!n style f!rte ea,line

    treatments -ut ,!n5t

    all use te same

    num-er !r si4e !f"ra$i#s.

    'is is a fairly sim$le/


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    $ne grid, many designs

    (ri,s ave -een a##use, !f #reatin"

    -!rin"/ stati# ,esi"ns. It5s n!t te fault

    !f te "ri,. 7se, $r!$erly/ "ri,s #an

    !ffer a variety !f #reative ,esi"n


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    =ust a few !f te

    arran"ement !$ti!nsusin" te same

    :-!rin": "ri,.

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    7se si4e/ value/ #!l!r/ an, ty$e t! #reate #!ntrast

    &!ntrast !##urs when two elements are different. 'e "reater te,ifferen#e te "reater te #!ntrast. 'e ey t! w!rin" wit #!ntrast is t!

    mae sure te ,ifferen#es are !-vi!us. >!ur #!mm!n met!,s !f #reatin"

    #!ntrast are -y usin" ,ifferen#es in si4e/ value/ #!l!r/ an, ty$e.

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    *i" an, small elements

    !f te same ty$e/ su# as

    -i" an, small ima"es an,

    -i" an, small ty$e arete m!st !-vi!us uses !f

    si4e t! #reate #!ntrast.

    &!ntrastin" wite s$a#e

    !r te $ysi#al si4e !f te

    $ie#e wit an!ter

    element !f te ,esi"n is

    an!ter met!,.

  • 7/24/2019 Lay Out Presentation


    'e relative

    li"tness !r

    ,arness !f tw!

    elements t! ea#

    !ter #an #reate

    a #!ntrast invalue. Weter

    wit sa,es !f

    "ray !r tints an, sa,es !f a sin"le #!l!r/ te

    furter a$art te values te "reater te #!ntrast.

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    7se arm!ni4in"/#!m$lementary/ an,

    !$$!site #!l!rs t!#reate #!ntrast. *e

    #areful wit te value!f te #!l!rs as well.

    >!r e+am$le/arm!ni4in" #!l!rs

    0a,?a#ent t! ea# !ter

    !n te #!l!r weel2#an a$$ear wase,

    !ut if tere is n!ten!u" ,ifferen#e in

    te values !f ea#


  • 7/24/2019 Lay Out Presentation


    'y$e #!ntrast #an utili4e si4e/ value/ an, #!l!r t! #reate#!ntrastin" ty$e treatments. A,, -!l, !r itali#s t! #reate

    #!ntrast. Mi+ lar"e

    ty$e wit small ty$e.

    &!m-ine serif wit

    sans serif ty$e t! #reate

    ty$e #!ntrast. Set$!rti!ns !f te+t in

    #!ntrastin" #!l!rs!r varyin" values.&an"es in ty$eali"nment #reate

    #!ntrast as ,!es ty$e

    s$a#in" su# as e+treme

  • 7/24/2019 Lay Out Presentation


    Some %ays to

    &se !ontrast) A,, visual interest t! a lay!ut !f tall sinny#!lumns !f te+t -y usin" wi,e !r irre"ularly

    sa$e, $!t!s.

    ) A series !f stati# ima"es wit a sin"le $i#ture

    s!win" m!vement will ,raw te eye t! te

    #!ntrastin" ima"e.

    ) Ali"n te+t t! te left -ut set su-ea,s ri"t9ali"ne, in an a,?a#ent #!lumn.

    ) 'y$i#ally/ a lay!ut may em$l!y a #!m-inati!n !f

    < !r m!re #!ntrastin" elements.

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    Pr!+imity !r #l!seness #reates a -!n, -etween

    $e!$le an, -etween elements !n a $a"e.

    H!w #l!se t!"eter !r far a$art elements are $la#e,

    su""ests a relati!nsi$ 0!r la# !f2 -etween

    !terwise ,is$arate $arts.

    7nity is als! a#ieve, -y usin" a tir, element t!

    #!nne#t ,istant $arts.

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    %isual Per#e$ti!n8

    (estalt LawsT$ S'' (S)))T$ T*(+

    'e (estalt a$$r!a# em$asi4es tat we $er#eive !-?e#ts as well9!r"ani4e, $atterns rater tan se$arate #!m$!nent $arts.

    Instea,/ we n!ti#e lar"er areas wit ,efine, sa$es an, $atterns. 'e:w!le: tat we see is s!metin" tat is m!re stru#ture, an,#!esive tan a "r!u$ !f se$arate $arti#les.

    'e f!#al $!int !f (estalt te!ry is te i,ea !f :"r!u$in"/: !r !wwe ten, t! inter$ret a visual fiel, !r $r!-lem in a #ertain way.

  • 7/24/2019 Lay Out Presentation


    'e main fa#t!rs tat

    ,etermine "r!u$in" are8

    ) $r!+imity 9 !w elements ten, t! -e "r!u$e, t!"eter,e$en,in" !n teir #l!seness.

    ) similarity 9 !w items tat are similar in s!me way ten,t! -e "r!u$e, t!"eter.

    ) #l!sure 9 !w items are "r!u$e, t!"eter if tey ten, t!#!m$lete a $attern.

    ) sim$li#ity 9 !w items are !r"ani4e, int! fi"uresa##!r,in" t! symmetry/ re"ularity/ an, sm!!tness.

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    %hite Space

    Wite s$a#e is te absence of te#t and graphics. It -reas u$ te+tan, "ra$i#s. It $r!vi,es visual -reatin" r!!m f!r te eye. A,,wite s$a#e t! mae a $a"e less #ram$e,/ #!nfusin"/ !r!verwelmin".

    Desi"ns tat try t! #ram t!! mu# te+t an, "ra$i#s !nt! te $a"eare un#!mf!rta-le an, may -e im$!ssi-le t! rea,. Wite s$a#e"ives y!ur ,esi"n breathing room)

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    *ow To Add

    %hite Space

    ) (ncrease paragraph spacing)7se a line !f s$a#e !r a ,ee$ in,ent 0-ut n!t -!t2 t! $ut wites$a#e -etween $ara"ra$s.

    ) (ncrease space between columns of te#t)Alleys !r "utters tat are t!! narr!w #ause te eye t! si$ !ver t!te ne+t #!lumn. Put wite s$a#e -etween #!lumns wit a,e1uatealleys.

    ) Put space at the end of lines of te#t)7se ra""e, ri"t ali"nment t! a,, wite s$a#e -etween #!lumnsan, at te en, !f lines !f te+t.

    ) Put more space around outer edges of page)If s$a#e is ne#essarily #ram$e, witin te -!,y !f te $u-li#ati!n/a,, wite s$a#e wit "ener!us mar"ins !r "utters.

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    *ow To Add

    %hite Space

    ) eave more room around graphics)

    Wen wra$$in" te+t ar!un, "ra$i#s !r werever te+t an,

    "ra$i#s meet/ $r!vi,e $lenty !f stan,!ff wite s$a#e. D!n5t run

    te+t ri"t u$ t! te e,"e !f "ra$i#s.


    ) (ncrease space around headlines)

    A,, wite s$a#e -etween ea,lines !r su-ea,s an, te

    $re#e,in" #!$y an, a -it -el!w as well.

    ) (ncrease space between lines of type and individual


    A,, ty$!"ra$i# wite s$a#e -y in#reasin" te lea,in" !f -!,y

    te+t/ usin" li"ter ty$e/ av!i,in" letters$a#in" tat is t!! ti"t/ an,

    av!i,in" unen,in" #!n,ense, !r eavy ty$e.

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  • 7/24/2019 Lay Out Presentation
