Lay Director’s Message - Constant ·...

Spiritual Director’s Message Men’s Weekend News Spotlight on Apostolic ActionAll Saints Wants Your Undies 2016 ECM Conference Report 4th Day Chair Message Spotlight on Apostolic Action—St. George’s Center Expands Ser- vices to Homeless Spotlight on Apostolic ActionHoly Grill of St. Nicholas Feeds the Homeless Cursillo Calendar 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 Inside this issue: Greetings my brothers and sisters in Christ, I hope this finds you set- tling into the new year filled with joy and ex- pectation for what the Lord has in store for us. Our journey seems to be filled with transi- tion and uncertainty in our society and our global world. For me, my life is chock full of transition my prior firm closing and me without a job; returning to my former firm for a year commit- ment; selling the family home of twenty-five years; preparing for relocation to Sarasota and a new church, new ministry, a troubled child and all the emo- tions that all of this en- tails. I have felt over- whelmed and chal- lenged and so ex- tremely grateful for God’s hand in all of my journey. My loving husband, Bob, and so many of our Cursillo friends have been there for us and I have felt bathed in prayer and carried when I felt immobilized. The gifts and tools I received from my Cur- sillo, along with won- derful friendships, con- tinues to help me on my journey. Jesus calls us to love and care for one an- other. I have received and I can give do something a kind- ness and assist to someone else in need. “The Sufi tell a story about a spiritual seeker who was dis- tracted by the sick, crippled and beaten down who continu- ously passed by as he tried to pray. Finally he cried, ‘Great God, how is it that a loving crea- tor can see such things and do nothing about them?’ Out of the si- lence, God said, ‘I did do something about them, I created you’. This is from the book Descent Into Love by K. Killian Noe. This hits home for me, especially in today’s world. Each of us is created and planted Lay Director’s Message By Pam Anderson Winter 2017 Volume 1, Issue 5 The Official On-line Publication for the Episcopal Cursillo® Move- ment of the Diocese of Southeast Florida Published Quarterly continued on page 6

Transcript of Lay Director’s Message - Constant ·...

Page 1: Lay Director’s Message - Constant · Spiritual Director’s Message ... Wants Your Undies husband, Bob, and so 2016

Spiritual Director’s Message Men’s Weekend News Spotlight on Apostolic Action—All Saints Wants Your Undies 2016 ECM Conference Report 4th Day Chair Message Spotlight on Apostolic Action—St. George’s Center Expands Ser-vices to Homeless Spotlight on Apostolic Action—Holy Grill of St. Nicholas Feeds the Homeless Cursillo Calendar

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8

Inside this issue:

Greetings my brothers

and sisters in Christ, I

hope this finds you set-

tling into the new year

filled with joy and ex-

pectation for what the

Lord has in store for

us. Our journey seems

to be filled with transi-

tion and uncertainty –

in our society and our

global world.

For me, my life is

chock full of transition

– my prior firm closing

and me without a job;

returning to my former

firm for a year commit-

ment; selling the family

home of twenty-five

years; preparing for

relocation to Sarasota

and a new church, new

ministry, a troubled

child and all the emo-

tions that all of this en-


I have felt over-

whelmed and chal-

lenged and so ex-

tremely grateful for

God’s hand in all of my

journey. My loving

husband, Bob, and so

many of our Cursillo

friends have been

there for us and I have

felt bathed in prayer

and carried when I felt


The gifts and tools I

received from my Cur-

sillo, along with won-

derful friendships, con-

tinues to help me on

my journey.

Jesus calls us to love

and care for one an-

other. I have received

and I can give – do

something – a kind-

ness and assist to

someone else in need.

“The Sufi tell a story

about a spiritual

seeker who was dis-

tracted by the sick,

crippled and beaten

down who continu-

ously passed by as he

tried to pray. Finally he

cried, ‘Great God, how

is it that a loving crea-

tor can see such things

and do nothing about

them?’ Out of the si-

lence, God said, ‘I did

do something about

them, I created you’.

This is from the book

Descent Into Love by

K. Killian Noe.

This hits home for me,

especially in today’s

world. Each of us is

created and planted

Lay Director’s Message By Pam Anderson

Winter 2017 Volume 1, Issue 5

The Official On-line Publication for the Episcopal Cursillo® Move-ment of the Diocese of Southeast Florida — Published Quarterly

continued on page 6

Page 2: Lay Director’s Message - Constant · Spiritual Director’s Message ... Wants Your Undies husband, Bob, and so 2016

Winter 2017 Page 2

continued on page 4

that we may always prove our-

selves a people mindful of your

favor and glad to do your will.

Bless our land with honorable

industry, sound learning, and

pure manners. Save us from

violence, discord, and confu-

sion; from pride and arrogance,

and from every evil way.

We remember what it means to

focus on our work and to follow

God’s will. I am particularly im-

pressed with the focus on

‘honorable industry, sound

learning, and pure manners.’

Our work at hand takes all our


One of the ways we can prac-

tice sound learning is to con-

sider a Bible Study with fellow

Christians. Our Diocese is

blessed with Education for Min-

istry Program (http:// at many of

our churches. We have a co-

ordinator who is most willing to

help find a program for any

who are interested.

Krisan Lamberti

EFM Coordinator

Episcopal Diocese of South-

east Florida


[email protected]

Practicing pure manners is

also called for during this time

of agitation and provocation.

I am aware that “pure man-

ners” does not include name

calling, telling others how to

respond to events, or being

hostile to people with different

opinions face to face or on so-

cial media.

Jesus calls us to love one an-

other as he has loved us. It’s

not an easy task! As one

priest once said during a ser-

mon: “Some people you have

to love at a farther distance

than others.”

Each one of us need commit to

following the way of Jesus, and

that way is different for each


Let us pledge to each other to

follow Jesus during this time of

turmoil and transition.

We pray:

For the President of the United

States and all in Civil Authority

O Lord our Governor, whose

glory is in all the world: We

commend this nation to your

merciful care, that, being

Dear Sisters and Brothers in


As we journey on the path of

life we are called as Christians

to be at peace. This is not an

easy task in 2017 for many,

including me. The turmoil in

our society and in our world is

palpable. Yet, being fully at

peace was never an easy task.

I remember my grandmothers,

Irene and Muriel, who both

sent their only sons to war in

the middle of the 20th Century.

My Australian grandmother,

Muriel, was a widow after

World War I and for her to

have such faith after grieving

for her first husband who died

in France, amazes me.

They both had faith that was

devout and for the most part,

unshakeable. They prayed and

prayed for WWII to end and for

their sons to return home


Thank God, both sons did re-

turn and my father returned

from Australia with his beloved,

my mother.

Both grandmothers used the

The Book of Common Prayer

every day. One prayer in from

the BCP is for Our Nation. I

love the following excerpt from

the prayer:

Almighty God, who hast given

us this good land for our heri-

tage: We humbly beseech you

Spiritual Director’s Message By Mother Mary Ellen Cassini

Page 3: Lay Director’s Message - Constant · Spiritual Director’s Message ... Wants Your Undies husband, Bob, and so 2016

Page 3 Counting On You

EMC #93 June 8 - 11, 2017

Dear Cursillistas,

As you are all aware, EMC #93

was postponed due to Hurri-

cane Matthew in October last

year. We hope and pray that all

goes well and EMC #93 will be

held June 8-11, 2017 at the

Duncan Center in Delray


The team was in place and we

had approximately 30 pilgrims

confirmed for the weekend. I

hope that we can increase the

numbers for this June.

Being around the Cursillo Min-

istry for the last 14 years, I

have come to understand the

message of the Ministry “Make

a friend, be a friend, and bring

your friend Christ.”

For the most part, the team re-

mains the same, with only a

few members indicating that

they would not be available for

the weekend this year. If any-

one is interested in joining the

team, please email me at

[email protected].

Additionally, we are appealing

for General Palanca and Food

Palanca. Some General Palan-

cas were developed last year

and they can be used this year,

despite the fact that some have

been inscribed with the October

2016 date. The Palanca chas

remain the same and their con-

tact information is at the bottom

of this article. Below is a list of

donations that are needed:

90 placemats with a scripture

for Friday evening

90 placemats for Saturday eve-


60 Pilgrims Guide covers

Prayer chain

Number of items:

90 Dining Room Palanca

90 Pillow Palanca for Pilgrims &


60 Rollo Room Palanca

42 Pilgrims Pillow Palanca

Please remember to include a

3”x 5” index card with a de-

scription of the Palanca, how

many, whether it is for pillow

palanca, dining or Rollo room

etc. Name of church, reunion

groups or individuals giving the


The logo for the weekend is

available on the Cursillo web-

site at http:/www.sef- It can be





Apples, bananas, grapes, or-

anges, nutri-bars, cheese,

crackers etc.

Snacks for the Rollo Room.

Granola bars, pretzels, minia-

ture chocolates, mints, mixed



Friday Noon and dinner, Satur-

day Noon and dinner, and also

Sunday Noon.


Apple juice, Cranberry juice,

Ice tea (sweet & unsweet), 2-

liter sodas and gallon bottles of

water. (No individual cans or

bottles please).

Wines for Saturday night (red

only) and non-alcoholic Spar-

kling Cider or Grape Juice.

The Cha-Cha’s responsible for

the receiving and monitoring

the gifts are listed below.

Please make an effort to con-

tact them.


continued on last page

Page 4: Lay Director’s Message - Constant · Spiritual Director’s Message ... Wants Your Undies husband, Bob, and so 2016

Join the Cursillo Email List

SEF Cursillo has a new and improved way for communications via email through MailChimp.

To join the distribution list for regular communications, just send your email address to Hum-phrey Braaf at [email protected] and he will add you.

Winter 2017 Page 4

guided by your Providence, we may dwell secure in your peace. Grant to the President of the

United States and to all in authority, wisdom and strength to know and to do your will. Fill them

with the love of truth and righteousness, and make them ever mindful of their calling to serve this

people in your fear; through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy

Spirit, one God, world without end. Amen.

In the Name of the One God, Mother Mary Ellen†

Spiritual Director’s Message (Continued from page 2)

ganization with a check for


Each organization’s director

was overwhelmed by the gen-

erosity of All Saints’ Parishion-


St. Laurence Director, Lorry

Herdeen said, “St. Laurence

has never received so many

pairs of undies in 29 years of


After the presentation, leaders

toured each operation to see

where donations would be used

and how the clients obtained


One goal for collecting undies

was to bring the awareness that

Underwear is the most needed

but least donated item. We do a

great job donating clothes and

During Advent, All Saints

Church in Ft. Lauderdale con-

ducted 2 programs to benefit

their needy neighbors. In


collected over 800 pairs of

men’s and women’s underwear,

along with 62 pairs of socks,

35 men undershirts, and thou-

sands of diapers and baby



PASSES, the church collected

enough money to purchased 55

10-trip bus passes.

On December 28 & 29, All

Saints Outreach Committee de-

livered the items to Jubilee

Soup Kitchen, St Laurence

Chapel, and Hope House.

They also presented each or-

Rule of Life: Spotlight on Apostolic ACTION

All Saints Church Wants Your Underwear By Jim Wells

shoes (can

always use

more) but it’s that dignity of

having a clean pair of undies

that makes people feel just a

little better in their situation. By

collecting 808 pairs of undies,

we have made a difference!

Committee members identified

two additional considerations:

First, St. Laurence is in need of

any type of bath towel for cli-

ents to take showers. Second,

the Jubilee Soup Kitchen re-

quested that food containers in

the church’s Sunday food col-

lections be in containers that

are easy to open (like with pull

tabs) so that they could be eas-

ily opened on the street.

What a great outreach ministry.

Page 5: Lay Director’s Message - Constant · Spiritual Director’s Message ... Wants Your Undies husband, Bob, and so 2016

Page 5

lot of very different learning op-


Both Friday and Saturday we

had District meetings. Here we

meet with all those present

from the SE District.

There is the possibility of many

at these meetings, but usually it

is small. However, this is one

of the opportunities to talk with

others and see what is new,

what is working, what they are

trying in other Dioceses. To me

this is one of the best parts of

the conference to be able to

discuss ‘how it is going’.

Friday morning we had an

opening Eucharist with Bishop


He was such a joy to hear as

he spoke about how Cursillo is

so closely tied to Presiding

Bishop Michael Curry’s Jesus


He pointed out that Bishop

Curry is expecting Cursillo to be

a leader in the Jesus Move-


Throughout the conference,

there was, of course, music.

Some very familiar and some

new. Fr. Rick Simpson who

was present and is a past

member of ECMC wrote some

of the new music. You could

see the joy on his face as we

sang his music.

On Saturday, workshops con-

tinued and we ended with a

One Bread, One Body was the

theme for the Conference this

year and in my opinion, lived up

to my expectations. I have now

attended quite a few of the an-

nual conferences and I always

enjoy them.

This year Pam Anderson and

Elois Howell were also there

and it is really nice when there

are some others from our Dio-

cese there (although I hope

next year, we will have even


We began Thursday evening

with a reception with an oppor-

tunity to meet new friends and

reacquaint with old friends.

One of the great things about

the conference is meeting with

people from all over the country

and even outside the country.

The formal program offered a

wide variety of workshops and

we could choose which we

wanted to attend, They in-




Before and After Cursillo

Eternity and the Public Li-


Stepping out of our Boats

Celtic Prayer

Social media and Cursillo

Spiritual Direction

As you can see, there were a

Eucharist and Commissioning

of new members.

We were also given a glimpse

of next year’s Conference,

which is being held in Okla-

homa City, October 27 & 28.

They had a great video describ-

ing their plans for the confer-

ence and sure made me want

to be there. I hope you can be

too. It looks very exciting.

As I mentioned before, to me,

the best part is getting to meet

people from around the country

and discussing similarities and

learning about differences, get-

ting new ideas.

It is also reassuring to know

that what we are doing in SE

Florida is very successful with

our number of participants and

frequency of weekends.

I hope I have piqued your inter-

est and you will consider Okla-

homa for October next year.



2016 Episcopal Cursillo Ministry Conference Report

By Barbara MacKenzie

Counting On You

Page 6: Lay Director’s Message - Constant · Spiritual Director’s Message ... Wants Your Undies husband, Bob, and so 2016

Page 6

was held this past November

at St. Mary Magdalene was a

wonderful day of Cursillo cele-

bration! Many thanks to Jane

Collin, the ultreya coordinator,

and all the generous folks at

St. M&M for their participation.

It was truly an inspiring day

filled with the Spirit!

Ultreyas are a great way to

bring our Cursillo community

together to be rejuvenated in

the Spirit and also to reconnect

in fellowship. Several churches

across the Diocese are plan-

ning Ultreyas for this year. Be

sure to send your event flyers

to our Webmaster for publica-

tion on the website.

If your parish is looking to re-

kindle that “Cursillo spark”

within your parish community,

consider doing a “Cottage Ul-

treya”. This is a very success-

ful way to bring veteran and

De Colores fellow Cursillistas!

We have rolled into 2017 and

the Secretariat is busy plan-

ning for an exciting year


Currently we have EMC #93

and EWC #112 on the calen-

dar, the 2017 Episcopal Cur-

sillo Ministry Conference is

scheduled for October, the

Central Sector Fundraiser will

take place on April 29th and

planning for the next Grand Ul-

treya is in the works.

As always, we look to our faith-

ful community for your creative

ideas and suggestions. Also,

please send your stories of ap-

ostolic action to Jim Wells for

publication in the COY. This is

a great way to share how our

community is working to serve

our Lord.

The 2016 Grand Ultreya which

4th Day Chair Message By Karen Weeks

new Cursillistas together to

share in God’s love and to re-

mind us of our Cursillo mission.

There is a format to the Cot-

tage Ultreya so if this is some-

thing your parish may be inter-

ested in doing, please contact

me for further information.

“Make a friend, be a friend, and

bring a friend to Christ”

In His Service,


one to attend a weekend.

Please consider hosting an Ul-

treya at your church and invit-

ing folks to participate, even

those that haven’t made a

weekend. It’s a wonderful spiri-

tual opportunity to share with

others and who knows what

seeds may be planted.

Your governing body of Cur-

sillo, the Secretariat, is working

diligently to strengthen and

grow the ministry of Cursillo.

Karen Weeks will be the Co-

Lay Director this year, along

with me, and then take over

the helm next year. We are

available to all and ask for your

prayers and support.

In His service,


Lay Director’s Message (Continued from first page)

where we are for ministry and

caring for one another.

The 2016 Episcopal Cursillo

Ministry Conference had the

theme of One Bread, One

Body. We need to fully live into

embracing all.

We have two weekends sched-

uled this year – the Men’s in

June and the Women’s in Sep-

tember. Please consider pray-

ing for and sponsoring some-

Winter 2017

Page 7: Lay Director’s Message - Constant · Spiritual Director’s Message ... Wants Your Undies husband, Bob, and so 2016

Page 7 Counting On You

ated by community partner St.

Mark’s Palm Beach Gardens.

Freshly cleaned-up guest then

proceed into the dining hall to

enjoy the mid-day meal.

St. George’s feeding program

continues to grow — serving

roughly 2,200 meals each week

at lunch and dinner. The hot din-

ner and bag lunch programs are

funded mostly by their many vol-

unteer groups, drawn from 17

Churches, 4 Synagogues, 11 Ki-

wanis Clubs, 5 Civic Organiza-

tion and many Community Part-

ners and Sponsors. The lunch

meal is funded primarily by the


From 2000 to 2016, the Center

served over 1,750,000 meals to

the less fortunate in the south-

east corridor of Palm Beach

County — valued at roughly


To continue these life-changing

ministries St. George’s is seeking

more volunteers, corporate spon-

sors, and financial support.

If you, your church or someone

you know could help, please con-

tact Cinthia Becton,St. George’s

Center Executive Director at

Not content to rest on its reputa-

tion as the 2nd. largest homeless

feeding program in Palm Beach

County, St. George’s Center in

Rivera Beach continues to add

services to improve the well-

being of local indigents.


in ad-








evening meals each day, Friday

foot-washings, food stamp appli-

cations, homeless declarations,

and social security assistance,

secure mailbox & document stor-

age facilities and occasional

health services from the nurses

at FAU, St. George’s offers its

guests a weekly opportunity for a

complete personal clean-up.

Starting last Fall, community

partner, Live Fresh Palm Beach

County, brings its mobile trailer

containing six full bathrooms to

St. George’s every Thursday

morning to provide showers for


On a recent Thursday, Jieo El

Barber began providing haircuts

to guests.

While waiting for haircuts and

showers, guests can pick out

clean clothes from a selection

provided by the Thrift Shop oper-

Rule of Life: Spotlight on Apostolic ACTION

St. George’s Center Continues to Expand Services to the

Homeless By Jim Wells

561.844.7713 or



Page 8: Lay Director’s Message - Constant · Spiritual Director’s Message ... Wants Your Undies husband, Bob, and so 2016

Page 8

April 29th— Central Sector Fundraiser

May 7 — Cursillo Sunday

June 8-11 — EMC #94

September 28-October 1 — EWC #112

October 27 & 28 — Episcopal

Cursillo Ministry National Con-

vention, Oklahoma City OK

See us on the Web

Cursillo Calendar

Counting On You

General Palanca Cha:

Hugh Gilchrist, [email protected] (305-


Food Palanca Cha:

Paul Madeira, [email protected] (954-


Thank you all in advance for your support of

EMC # 93. Please keep the team and the pil-

EMC #93 News (Continued from page 3)

grims in your prayers.

“The harvest is truly plenteous but the laborers

are few……” Matt 9: 37-38.

God bless you all!

Douglas Rector- EMC #93

[email protected] 305-305-2650

at all, but they having caring

hearts for the less fortunate.

St. Nicholas has raised over

$27,000 to support this ministry

and has also raised money by

using the Holy Grill as a food

vending trailer at local festivals.

For example, the Holy Grill was

a prominent food vendor at the

Florida Keys Celtic Fest, held in

Marathon last January.

At present money is not the lim-

iting factor to expanding this

exciting apostolic action. As

soon as St. Nicholas has a suf-

ficient number of volunteers,

they plan to offer dinner as well.

In mid-September of 2016, St.

Nicholas Episcopal Church

launched an innovative mobile

feeding ministry for the home-

less—going to where they are

rather than requiring the home-

less to travel miles on foot to

fixed sites.

Since then, the Holy Grill of St.

Nicholas has served well over

1,200 breakfast meals thanks

to over 800 service hours do-

nated by 36 volunteers.

Twenty-two percent of the vol-

unteers are not St. Nicholas pa-

rishioners. In fact, some of the

volunteers are not church-goers

Rule of Life: Spotlight on Apostolic ACTION

Holy Grill of St. Nicholas Continues to Feed the Homeless By Fr. Mark Andrew Jones

Since St. Nicholas could not

initially afford a food truck and

bought a food trailer instead,

there is a pressing need for vol-

unteers with vehicles that can

tow the Holy Grill. If you feel

God is calling you to take this

apostolic action, then call St.

Nicholas at 954.942.5887