Laurentius Kevin

Depths and Heights ... Author: Laurentius Kevin. D Descriptive Compositions Narrative Stories News Articles Feature Articles



Transcript of Laurentius Kevin

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Depths and Heights


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Author:  Laurentius  Kevin.  D  

Descriptive  Compositions    

Narrative  Stories    

News  Articles  

Feature  Articles  

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Table of Contents

Descriptive Compositions

A Day in an Eagle’s Life

The Sunset

Narrative Stories

My Curiosity

Another Day

Dream Big

Feature Articles

Save our Ocean

Travel Hacker

New Articles

The Dog Saved Them!

Planting for a Greener School Year

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To my mentor who inspired me to:

“believe in myself

trust in my capacities and,

have fun learning and discovering."

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In times when you feel down or perhaps broken inside, or simply when

life is giving you lemons instead of a sweet, ripe apple. Sour moments like this

gives me a chance to bring out those deep emotions and convincing words just

by a pen and a piece of paper.

This book has helped me see from where I began and end. I was used to

be the bottom, now I’m here. I am no able to write my own stories from the

depth of my heart and being able to strengthen by writing skill.

The journey of this book requires many help, of which I may not have

passed through, if it had not been of the self-discipline and assistance of

committed student whom helped me in my bitter times, guided and inspired me

along the journey. Please allow me then to introduce and thank the people who

had taught me to reach this far:

Foremost of all- to God, the source of help, wisdom, and understanding.

I believe that giving him our trust, giving him our lives in his loving, and caring

arms, every path is wide open and nothing is impossible through him.

To my ever supporting classmates- you have been a great source of

laughter, with all of you around, this journey seems lighter and you are always

by my side.

To my loving family- for all the guidance, care, love and support

To my beloved school- Bina Bangsa School Bandung, for providing

facilities, making this learning process enjoyable and fun. A place where we can

call ‘second home’.

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My patient mentors- I respect your hard work and passion. You never

give up on your students, you give hope for all of us, you had inspired me and

motivated me to reach this far.

My close friends- you are always by my side, motivating me in this

journey, helping me in my bitter times, inspiring me and competing together

with me. If it weren’t for you, I would not reach this far.

I thank especially to that one person who kept on pushing me to my

limits, helping me to show that I can do thing better, I can reach my goals, and I

can prove to her that if he can reach that high, so am I.

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A Day of an Eagle's Life

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At dawn I can see the beautiful, warm, orange sky on my eyes. A warm,

round eye come to brighten the day. Flapping my wings in the fresh morning

air. Beside me, the most beautiful mountains of Italy. There lies my cozy home.

A free, blue ocean, home of Italy's best fishes- the best breakfast of the best

carnivore birds of Italy. My fellow pheasant chirping around the blue, clear sky,

made this mountain an iconic tourist destination.

The city is a more different place like home. Black trails lead to different

countries in Europe, a black metallic tree producing black smoke- polluting the

sky of beautiful Italy. Really sad. Above the ground I feel like a king. I can see

pigeons on monuments, being fed by moldy, green sponge. Higher I flew, the

bigger the city was. I can see a really monstrous white, metallic bird flying, and

cutting through clouds and producing the same black smoke from its tail.

Going back to my beautiful, cozy nest. The shy turn yellowish orange.

The orange, warm eye which brightened the day sunk into the deep, blue ocean.

The most amazing and beautiful view I’ve ever seen. The lower I flew the

cooler it was. I can see my own reflection on the clear, blue waters. My wings

are brown and white at the tip. My foot touched the cool waters- the most

amazing thing I’ve felt. My eyes turned sharper and yellow as the sky grew

darker. I flap those muscular wings high and hard- I was cutting through the

cool night air. I sat down with my beautiful family. Covered them in my warm,

brown wings. I'm the king of the sky- Yes! I am a bold eagle of Italy.

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Travel Hacker

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For most people, traveling to different paces of the world is just

a dream come true, but for Chris Guillebeau it is his way of being

relaxed and a good way of relieving stress.

Chris had written the books ' the happiness of pursuit' and 'the

100 startup', hosted the world domination summit in Portland a

pioneer nation, he had also visited over 193 countries around the

world so far from the help of travel hacking. I travel at least 100 days

in a year but then when I'm not on the road, I live in Portland, Oregon.

It is a great mid-sized city that is very easy to live in. when I’m there,

I’m a homebody, I don’t get out often. But then, I leave and fly

around the world every month or two and said I like the mash up of

the foreign and the familiar.” Chris said.

Traveling has also changed Chris’s life. “Traveling is disruptive

and forces you to think differently.” he said “I live a fairly routine

life, and I like the element of adventure even 'soft adventure' that

traveling brings. When I’m on the road I felt like a different person.”

Although Chris is just like an average person, he had traveled

almost to every country in the world. He had gained experiences from

his travels. “I mostly learn through the experiences. I once applied for

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13 credit cards in one day and earned 300 000 frequent flyer miles,

without adversely affecting my credit. I use round-the-world tickets

and other ' travel hacking' tactics to keep costs low.”

During the fifth anniversary of the World Domination Summit-

there is a global gathering, which is being arranged by Chris. He is

going to be setting a Guinness world record and inviting a ton of great

people to join. Also more trips according to Chris.

“There's always more to be done and more places to visit which

is exactly the way I like it.”

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The Dog Saved Them!

An attempt of robbery was executed to a couple, Robert and Jane last

evening. Two men approached them, telling them to handover their jewelry.

Luckily no one died, only a few scars and bruises on Robert.

This incident happened last evening when a married couple, Robert and

Jane was taking a walk. Based on the victim's report, two men suddenly

approached and threatened them for their jewelry. “My husband went for a

negotiation with them, but in return they punched him and a struggle began.''

the wife said.

John, a witness from this incident claimed that he was taking a walk with

his dog. '' I heard a woman screaming and shouts from the other side, so I came

to check it out.'' john reported '' I ran to the area and saw two men is masks

beating up a man.”

Based on Jane's witness, the robbers fled as they saw john's herder. “My

husband was already very weak and tired caused by the beatings. I'm very

grateful that our neighbor, john came here to check on us.” Jane said. “I hope

this will never happen again. Perhaps we might just have a dog with us as we

hangout next time.

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Robert was examined at a nearby private clinic and has only a few

wounds and scars, he was expected to recover his injury by less than a week.

The couples reported this incident to the local police for this incident to be


The police will record all of the descriptions given by the couples,

sketches are made, and they told them they will try to sum up all the

information and put charges for the incident. “We will try our best ma’am.” the

cops said to Jane

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Save Our Ocean

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My many trips to the beach have always left me wondering about the

amount of waste that covered the sandy beach and the blue sea. At the

chairperson of this school, I would like to share about the environmental issues

on ‘garbage Path’ in oceans during the environment summit held in Singapore.

I would like to begin with a brief explanation of garbage patch. Garbage

patch is a waste that are found in oceans, seas and other large water areas. This

waters are found in the North Pacific Ocean. It is also known as the pacific

vortex. It is in the center of the north Pacific sub-tropical Gyre.

With this problem taking over our oceans, we have already made a

solution in place. A 19-year old Dutchman Boyan Slat, made an intelligent way

to clean up the ocean by taking advantage of the natural currents and winds.

Floating barriers are used to make entanglement of sea life impossible. By using

this method of ocean clean up. We are able to get almost half of the garbage.

Even if we have a solution to get the garbage out, we must also take actions. We

must create less waste, and recycle or reuse the things we own. Having self-

discipline is the number one way to solve this problem. No-no to littering comes

in second.

In this way, not only we are preserving our nature, we are also protecting

and ensuring that the creatures such as turtles and fishes stay healthy and have a

longer life.

We can start saving and helping our ocean from now. We can clean up

the beaches and make posters and slogans. Let’s make a change to our ocean!

Before it’s too late…

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Gardening Project was Launched this School Year

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The school backyard is prepared up for the class project of the Secondary

3 logic. They are planting crops for their project. This activity is dedicated for

the IAYP (International Awards for Young People). The idea of this planting

activity came from our principal, Mr. Jason M. Yogawin and other teachers who

support this planting activity.

This activity is to encourage the students to have a green hand and help

them to develop the school values within themselves. They are expected to have

harvest by the last month of the school year as a result of their planting. “Even

if we watched our seeds germinate, there might be a chance that it won’t grow.”

Steven Davly of secondary-3 logic said.” We might just have to replant those

seeds again”

This activity is an optional activity. The secondary-3 is given an option to

join or not to join. “This is once in a lifetime opportunity.” Our principal, Mr.

Jason said. Even if the students have a decision to make, teachers and our

principal are convincing them to participate and join in this activity. This

activity is useful for their development as a student which will also help them

for getting to top universities in the world.

The school encourages students from secondary-3 and above to join this

activity, not only planting, but also the activity for receiving this award is

camping outside the school and doing other community services.

This activity will show/teach the students to live outside their comfort zone and

experience a fun and green experience.

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When Curiosity Lurks

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“There comes a time when everyone meets the end under curiosity.” I

was not excused from this…

Most of my time, I spent my gloomy days under the shade of my father’s

arms. There I was peaceful. There was no harm. Always being together. I never

felt alone.

From a tiny seedling, it grew to become the mightiest tree. As days

passed by, flowers bloom to become the sweetest fruit. My branches grew

robust, up into the heavens to create the best shade nature can offer to the birds.

Life, then was beautiful.

Years passed, my mother grew older, and her soil was no longer pure.

She began to cry out black oil from the oceans. Her hair turned into white from

the pollutions around her. My brothers and sisters were quickly vanishing from

my side. I can feel those rusty, metallic weights stepping onto my mother. My

leaves were smelling carbon monoxides around me. This is not how I imagined

life to be. It left me thinking of why was I here in the first place. My mother-

slowly dying, my siblings- leaving me, one vanishing every day. At least, I was

together with my father.

I’m an old oak now. A curious oak tree. Why was I here in the first

place? Now I’m feeling pain on my legs. I can feel my blood rushing out- it was

clean and fresh. I can feel, I’m slowly leaving my mother. I’m feeling those

flesh just being torned apart from me.

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Then, I remembered something…

I was once an adventurer. Travelling in birds with my brothers and

sisters. We flew miles across the Amazon. We’re dripped down like rain onto

our mother with the best, natural fertilizer a bird can provide. There, my life

began. I’m always a curious tree. I’ve found out how it’s like to travel, now I’ve

found out how to live and bear my own child.

Now, I felt my bark is dropping from the heavens. I’m given a chance to

live twice. There’s nothing more I can ask aside from watching my children

grow with my father. I’m just a log now, nothing much I can do. Just if I had

not went here. I might have my third chance to live. Maybe, I’m just too

curious. Perhaps this is how it should end. I’m going back to my father. There,

all doors are wide open.

There, I will live forever.

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The Sunset

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I sat on the on the warm evening sand. My feet dry, and my eyes teared in

beauty. There the blue ocean brought new, relaxing sensation to us. Beautiful,

smooth waves of salt water washed our foot with its hands. She was beautiful,

her hand touched us gently under the orange sky. Her breath was soft and

gentle, blown upon our faces. Cold, cooling and beautiful.

The eye of the day, drowned in horizon. Slowly and calmly leaving the

clouds boasting in mystical colors. Bit by bit drowning, bit by bit her colors

awaken the photographers. Its rays of light glimmering in the darkness of the

skies faded smoothly. I can’t imagine the beauty she’s showing off. I can just

wish that I can be like her. A beauty that everyone needs, a light useful for the

future of this world, a scenery where opens the eyes of people and all the

creatures that live. It’s amazing. It’s indescribable. It’s beautiful.

It gracefully faded away. The pale moon arose from its dark, peaceful

place, it sat there on the night full of bright, shining stars. Up there it

confidently lead its small, fellow stars, lead them to lightened the night and it

held the promise of a calm, peaceful and relaxing night.

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Another Day

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“If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.” That

pretty much explains me.

Another normal day of living the life of a destitute man. Like every day,

Anthony would get up, wait for the public bus that brought him to his work

place. Holding a phone in his right hand and a small, leathery suitcase in the

other. He would begin his new day in a small chip shop. He has no big

expectation aside from a fluffy and crispy chip.

Four years ago he had made a decision that changed his life for the first

time. His involvement with the US military air force had brought him happiness

and bitterness. After getting several shots in his left leg, he left the pilot seat. He

lost his family. He had lost his friends in war. He had lost his well-paid job. He

got a 13 hour job at a local chip shop with almost no payment.

However, he had no regrets from this job. His experience from the food

industry made him well known for his perfect chips. Anthony used to work in a

chip factory before he sent himself to serve his country. Anthony had always

had a dream of working in a chip shack since he was a kid. Now he was living

the life the way he always wanted it to be.

“The perfect chip is always the best thing to eat. A small kid loves is, a

teen loves it, an adult loves it, everybody loves it” frying chip was his passion.

Every batch of chips he fried, puts a smile on people’s face. He was the famous

American chipper.

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Dream Big

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“Don’t cheat your body” a story based on Jeff Seid’s life.

Jeffrey Seid, a 12 year-old kid began lifting weights. His dream was to become

an athlete. As he was growing up, he soon realized that being physically strong

and in great shape would give him an even great advantage over his life. The

overwhelming passion to be different from others inspired him to lift weights. It

is that passion that drove Jeff to be motivated. “It is this passion to be unique

that gives me the drive and motivation to be the best, and accomplish all that I

can so that one day, when I die, my name will live on forever.”

At school, Jeff was an all-American wrestler, all-state football player and

set records. “I had multiple full ride scholarships for football and wrestling and

pretty much planned on having my college education paid for through sports.”

He was having a good life so far. During one football match, he accidentally

tore his ACL. He had thought that his life would stop there.

He then realized…

He already got the body he was dreaming for, he was fit. He had a new

chance. He had the idea of joining Mr. Olympia, an international competition

for bodybuilders. There, he realized is when his life began. An accident- a torn

ACL which led him here.

On June 2013 he won the Jr. Nationals competition and got the name

‘youngest IFBB professional in History’ from all his hard work, Jeff’s hard

times and training paid off. He’s living the good life now

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