Launching of housing rules and regulations - NHDCL · rules and regulations ... a case study was...

The Board of Directors of NHDCL in its recent meeting has approved the Allotment Rules and Regulation 2014 and Maintenance Policy Rules and Regulations 2014 of NHDCL. On 17 th April, 2014, Hon’ble Secretary (Chairman, NHDCL Board), Ministry of Works and Human Settlement launched the documents. Present during the launching ceremony were Board members, officials from the Thimphu Thromdae, other Ministries and departments, and NHDCL housing focal persons from twenty Dzongkhags. Both the documents can be downloaded from Launching of housing rules and regulations Hon’ble Secretary, Ministry of Works and Human Settlement Launching the documents Volume:III Issue:I Jan-April 2014 Interactive session with ACC Anti-Corruption Commission team led by the Commissioner Mr. Kezang Jamtsho gave a very useful briefing on curbing corruption. The briefing included various aspects and issues that could be considered as corruption. The staff was also able to clarify a lot of issues on corruption. In addition to the theoretical aspects of corruption practices and issues, a case study was also presented during the session, which allowed the participants to integrate theory into practice. The ACC Commissioner interacting with the staff of NHDCL Focal persons meeting The much anticipated meeting of the NHDCL housing focal persons took place on 17 April 2014. In a daylong meeting, NHDCL was able to brief the housing focal persons in all the Dzongkhags on the policies and procedures on housing allotment and maintenance of the houses. The meeting also provided the focal persons to share their experiences on house allotment issues. Focal persons with CEO and REMS Staffs. Volume: III Issue: I NHDCL Newsletter Page 1 of 4

Transcript of Launching of housing rules and regulations - NHDCL · rules and regulations ... a case study was...

The Board of Directors of NHDCL in its recent

meeting has approved the Allotment Rules and

Regulation – 2014 and Maintenance Policy – Rules

and Regulations 2014 of NHDCL.

On 17th April, 2014, Hon’ble Secretary (Chairman,

NHDCL Board), Ministry of Works and Human

Settlement launched the documents. Present during

the launching ceremony were Board members,

officials from the Thimphu Thromdae, other

Ministries and departments, and NHDCL housing

focal persons from twenty Dzongkhags. Both the

documents can be downloaded from

Launching of housing rules and regulations

Hon’ble Secretary, Ministry of Works and Human Settlement

Launching the documents

Volume:III Issue:I Jan-April 2014

Interactive session with ACC Anti-Corruption Commission team led by the

Commissioner Mr. Kezang Jamtsho gave a very useful

briefing on curbing corruption. The briefing included

various aspects and issues that could be considered as

corruption. The staff was also able to clarify a lot of

issues on corruption.

In addition to the theoretical aspects of

corruption practices and issues, a case study was also

presented during the session, which allowed the

participants to integrate theory into practice.



interacting with

the staff of


Focal persons meeting The much anticipated meeting of the NHDCL

housing focal persons took place on 17 April 2014.

In a daylong meeting, NHDCL was able to brief the

housing focal persons in all the Dzongkhags on the

policies and procedures on housing allotment and

maintenance of the houses. The meeting also

provided the focal persons to share their experiences

on house allotment issues.

Focal persons

with CEO and

REMS Staffs.

Volume: III Issue: I NHDCL Newsletter Page 1 of 4

A new FCB outlet in


Volume: III Issue: I NHDCL Newsletter Page 2 of 4

Volume: III Issue: I

The Food Corporation of Bhutan (FCB) and NHDCL

are partnering where the former will establish a

grocery store at the Changjiji Vegetable Market

premises. FCB has assured that they will sell all

grocery items below the MRP. This will enable the

residents of the Changjiji Housing Complex to

procure food items at competitive rates, besides

giving alternative shopping venue and choices of


The partnership has also been arrived to make use of

some of the shop stalls/spaces that were lying vacant at

the vegetable market. The construction of FCB

outlet has been completed and the tenants can use the

facilities soon.

New FCB Outlet near Changjiji vegetable market

Office annual picnic

The 2nd January 2014 morning came with the best

possible weather for the Office annual picnic.

Coinciding with winter solstice (Ngyelo) celebration,

the office staff and their families set for a picnic at

Taba. The picnic gave an opportunity to connect and

re-connect with each other and build comradeship in an

informal setting.

The day was filled with fun a frolic spiced with

delightful food and drinks! The day also gave the

adults/parents relive their children as they immersed

themselves in all sorts of games, sports and other


Staff enjoying the picnic

The Ministry of Labour and Human Resources was

kind enough to organize a session for NHDCL to

address various issues regarding labour force.

During the session, the representatives from MoLHR

explained to the staff and labour force of NHDCL on

the rights and obligations of the labour force. The

meeting also provided a platform for the labourers of

NHDCL to ask questions and seek clarifications

directly from the MoLHR representatives.

MoLHR staff addressing the floor

MoLHR explains labour

laws to NHDCL

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Volume: III Issue: I

Remeasurement of

NHDCL housing NHDCL has housing assets all over the country, which were taken over from the various government agencies and organizations. However, there were discrepancies in the size and measurements of the houses on record and on the ground. Therefore, NHDCL undertook a comprehensive exercise to validate the records and reclassify the houses in the country. In the exercise, third year students of the College of Science and Technology, Phuntsholing

assisted the NHDCL for which the management of NHDCL would like to thank CST students and the management.

Housing construction in

Samdrup Jongkhar Construction of three four-storeyed residential

buildings in Samdrupjongkhar is scheduled to be

completed by mid May 2014. Twenty four housing

units will be available for eligible families for new

accommodations in Samdrup Jongkhar.

Construction at Samdrup Jongkhar

Housing construction at

Phuntsholing Construction of three four-storeyed residential

buildings in Phuntsholing is expected to complete

soon. When completed, twenty four housing units will

be available for eligible families for new

accommodations in Phuntsholing.

CST students involoved

House construction completing in Phuntsholing

Statutory Audit 2013 of

NHDCL NHDCL has recently completed its statutory audit for

the financial year 2013. The external auditors

appointed by the Royal Audit Authority had

determined that the state of affairs of the organization

is sound. No major observations have been made

against the organization.

Voluntary house surrendering acknowledgement

The management of NHDCL would like to

sincerely thank all our valued clients and officials who

voluntarily surrendered to NHDCL the allotted houses.

These kind and thoughtful gesture have enabled us to

serve the many of needy clients. We also welcome

such kind and thoughtful gestures from all our valued

tenants who have personal accommodation, and have

resided in NHDCL houses for over 10 years till now.

Volume: III Issue: I NHDCL Newsletter Page 4 of 4

Volume: III Issue: I

Published by:

National Housing Development Corporation Limited


Phone Number: (02) 323147/332734/332735

Fax Number: (02) 331703

P.O Box No. : 1439

Visit us at:

Facebook us @ NHDCL Bhutan

Staff Resignation NHDCL has lost a senior staff

Mr. Rinchen, General Manager,

Design and Planning Services,

who resigned from service with

NHDCL early this year.

Mr. Rinchen had served over

11 years with NHDCL and he

was instrumental in planning

and designing many successful

housing projects in the country. Before joining

NHDCL he provided exemplary and dedicated

services in various capacities with the Ministry of

Works and Human Settlements for over 6 years. He

resigned to pursue higher studies aboard. The

management and the staff would like to wish

Mr. Rinchen every success in his future endeavors.

Notification On Renewing of Tenancy Agreement

The current Tenancy Agreement signed between the tenants and NHDCL expires on 30 June, 2014. Those tenants

wishing to continue occupying the NHDCL quarters are requested to renew the Tenancy Agreement within 30 June, 2014.

Failure to renew the Tenancy Agreement, the NHDCL will impose penalty of Nu. 125/- per day till 31 July, 2014 in line

with section 31 of Tenancy Act 2004, after which the NHDCL will repossess the quarter.

The Tenancy Agreement forms can be collected from NHDCL head quarter, liaison offices at Phuntsholing and Samdrup

Jongkhar and from NHDCL focal persons in other dzongkhags or can be downloaded from our website For

further clarifications please contact General Manager, REMS @ 323147/17117001 during office hours.

Documents required along with the Tenancy Agreement are :

1. Citizen ID copy (tenants and spouse) 2. Marriage certificate

3. Latest pay slip (Authenticated from concern offices) 4. Latest Asset Declaration (for applicable tenants only)

5. Letter of undertaking stating that tenant and spouse don't owned any building in the place of duty station (for those tenants who don't need to submit Asset Declaration to ACC)