LAU Model Arab League Conference Handbook

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LAU Model Arab League Conference Handbook

Transcript of LAU Model Arab League Conference Handbook

  • 5/24/2018 LAU Model Arab League Conference Handbook


    LAU Model Arab LeagueConference Handbook

    3rd High School Conference10th and 11th of May 2014

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    Table of Contents

    1- Schedule of the High School Conference: ................................................ 2

    2- Help Desks and Locations: ....................................................................... 4

    A. Registration and Help DesksLocations: ............................................. 4

    B. Places to Rest: ............................................................ 4

    3- Rules during the Conference: ................................................................... 4

    A. Attendance Policy for the Conference: ................................................. 4

    B. Dress Code: ........................................................................ 4

    4- AdvisorsTasks during the Conference: ................................................. 5A. What To Do: .......................................................................................... 5

    B. What to Avoid: ..................................................................................... 6

    C. Registration Procedure: ........................................................................ 6

    D. Where to receive the envelopes of awards and certificates: ................. 7

    5- Role of the delegates: ............................................................................... 7

    A. Conference Vocabulary: ........................................................................ 7

    B. Rules of procedure: ............................................................................................... 9

    C. Research Skills: .................................................................................... 17

    D. Country Statement Submission Process: ............................................ 17

    6- Awards and Evaluation Rubric: ..............................................................19

    Country Statement Award: ......................................................................... 20

    Honorable Mention Award: ............................ 21

    Best Delegation Award: .............................................................................. 22

    Secretary General Award: ........................................................................... 23

    7- High School Councils and Topics: .......................................................... 23

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    Schedule of the High School Conference

    The High School Conference is the culmination of all the material presentedto the esteemed students during the past 5 Training Sessions. All delegatesmust attend both days of the Conference. During the two-day conference, we

    will have simulations of real Arab League sessions, the Arab Village, and theClosing Ceremony, according to the following schedule:

    May 10th, 2014 Byblos Campus:

    Time Event Location

    08:00 09:00 AM Arrival & Registration

    Registration Desks at Frem

    Civic Center, and betweenScience and Tohme-RizkBuildings

    09:00 12:00 PM Session Respective Councils12:00 01:00 PM Break -01:00 04:00 PM Session Respective Councils

    05:00 09:00 PM Arab VillageUpper Campus BehindFrem

    May 11th, 2014 Beirut Campus:

    Time Event Location

    09:00 12:00 PM Session Respective Councils12:00 01:00 PM Break -01:00 04:00 PM Session Respective Councils06:00 08:00 PM Closing Ceremony Irwin Hall

    08:00 09:00 PM

    Receiving participation

    certificates, advisorscertificates, and awards

    Green Desks in front ofIrwin Hall

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    Council Name




    LocationGamal Abdel Nasser Cabinet Frem 203 G04

    Head of States Summit Frem 204 G05

    United Nations Security Council Eng 405 BB905Joint Defense Council Frem 302 BB1003

    Council on Political Affairs Frem 303 BB1004

    Council on Arab Ministers Responsible for theEnvironment

    Frem 403 BB1005

    Council of Arab Ministers of Health Frem 404 G06

    Arab Women Organization Frem 406 BB1107

    Arab Committee on Human Rights Frem 503 BB1108

    Historical Joint Defense Council Frem 504 BB1109

    Council on Palestinian Affairs Frem 506 BB1207

    Council on Arab Economic Unity Eng 402 BB1208

    Arab League Educational, Cultural and ScientificOrganization

    Eng 403 BB1209

    Organization of the Islamic Cooperation Eng 404 BB1210

    Geneva III Conference on Syria Eng 406 BB904Generations' Council* Frem 205 BB903

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    Help Desks and Locations

    A. Registration and Help Desks LocationsIn Byblos, for the first day of the High School Conference, the RegistrationDesks will be at the entrance of Frem Building and between the Tohme-Rizkand the Science One Buildings. You may find the desk corresponding to yourschool in section 4.A.

    In Beirut, for the second day of the High School Conference, the Help Deskswill be in the Business Building. There is no registration on the second day.

    If you have any inquiry, kindly pass by these desks during the day, and we willbe more than happy to help you.

    B. Places to RestIn Byblos, the esteemed advisors may rest in the Cafeteria or in the Frem CivicCenter Faculty Lounge.

    In Beirut, the esteemed advisors may rest in the Business Building Lobby.

    Rules during the Conference

    A.Attendance Policy for the ConferenceThe following students will not be eligible for the Certificate of Participationor any awards:

    1. Students who missed the first training session.2. Students who have missed, or have been late to, a total of 2 training

    sessions.3. Students who miss part of a High School Conference day, before or

    after the break.4. Students who miss an entire High School Conference day.5. Students who miss both days of the High School Conference.B. Dress Code

    Dressing professionally and appropriately is an important aspect of theLebanese American University Model Arab League preparations. The same as

    being polite and having proper manners, dressing appropriately is animportant way to show respect for the nation the delegate is representing, for

    fellow delegates, and for the Arab League. Delegates may wear their ownformal national dress.

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    International standard business attire serves as customary dress for theconference. It entails wearing a suit, which is made up of a pair of trousers, a

    matching jacket, a button- down dress shirt, and a tie. Dress shoes and socksare also important. Skirts and dresses may also be worn as long as they areculturally appropriate and fall to a decent length.

    Advisors Tasks during the Conference

    A.What To Do:The advisor is an invaluable asset of LAU MAL, and the guidance of theirdelegation. Accordingly, our esteemed advisors have the following tasksduring the conference:

    Making sure the delegation arrives on time; Going to the Registration Desks on conference days (please read

    the Registration Procedure section for more details);

    Knowing where the students councils are located;

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    Ensuring that the right delegates go to the right classes; Providing support for the delegates during the breaks.

    Please note that advisors will be able to enter the councils in accordance withthe following procedure:

    Advisors may enter only councils whose doors are open. If the doors of a council are closed, advisors may not enter that council

    as that will disrupt the flow of the debate.

    In order not to overcrowd the councils, each advisor is requested not tostay more than 5 minutes in each council. In case an advisor stayslonger than 5 minutes, the chairperson or logistics coordinator may askthem to leave the council.

    Advisors are not allowed to enter a council while an un-moderatedcaucus is in session. If an advisor is already in a council when an un-moderated caucus takes place, they are kindly requested to leave thecouncil.

    At any time, if the chairperson feels the advisors presence is causingdistraction in the council, they reserve the right to ask the advisor toleave the council.

    Advisors can enter the councils in accordance with the abovementioned rules on Saturday the entire day and Sunday only before the

    break (until 12:00 noon).

    B.What To Avoid: Entering into the CouncilsClassrooms when an un-moderated caucus

    is in session.

    Talking to the usher, directors, or chairs; Talking to or approaching the delegates during the session in both

    moderated and un-moderated caucuses;

    Taking pictures during the session. LAU MAL photographers will bepresent;

    Crowding the area of the Registration Desks.C. Registration Procedure:

    Upon arrival on both days of the conference, kindly locate the registrationdesks (locations are provided in the previous section).

    There are two registration desks in the Byblos campus. Kindly make sure youknow your School Relations Coordinators name. Once you find the desks, theadvisor is kindly requested to register the school.

    Kindly make sure not to crowd the Registration Desk Area and ensure thatonly the advisor or head delegate registers the delegation and receives the


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    D.Where to receive the envelopes of awards and certificates:The Closing Ceremony for the LAU MAL High School Conference will be heldin Irwin Hall LAU Beirut Campus.

    After the ceremony ends, the advisors are kindly requested to visit theappropriate Distribution Desk to receive their envelopes, which include thedelegations Certificates of Participation, the Advisors Certificate, as well aspossible awards.

    Please note that only registered advisors, according to the LAU MAL HighSchool Registration Form & Payment Receipts, will be presented with the

    Advisors Certificate.

    The envelopes will be divided between the two Distribution Desks at theentrance of Irwin Hall, according to the first name of the School RelationsCoordinator. Kindly make sure you know your School Relations Coordinatorsname. It is necessary to note that no certificates or awards will be distributed

    before the Closing Ceremony.

    Role of the Delegates

    Students are going to be the ambassadors of the countries theyre assignedto.For that, they should obey the following rules:

    1. Have their LAU MAL ID with them at all times. No delegate canparticipate in the conference without having their LAU MAL ID withthem.

    2. Abide by the Dress Code3. No usage of inappropriate language.4. Keep the placard clearly placed in front of them during the sessions;

    keep them in class during breaks.5. No use of electronics allowed (e.g.: laptops, phones, or any tablets). All

    delegates will be required to hand in all and any electronic device to thedais in their committee. Any delegate who fails to do so will be

    disqualified immediately and may have his or her school disqualified aswell.

    6. Passing notes to other delegates must follow the following procedure:a. Write the note in English. No other languages are allowed.

    b. Ensure that the style used is formal.c. On the back, specify the countrys name and the name of the

    country to the note is intended to be sent to.d. Kindly raise their hand and wait till the usher passes by and

    deliver the note to him/her.e. Kindly note that if the usher doesnt find the note appropriate

    and/or relevant, he/she has the right not to deliver it.

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    A. Conference VocabularyDiasThe dais consists of a Chair, a Vice-Chair and Directors.

    The role of the Chair is to facilitate the flow of the debate and ensure the fullapplication of the Rules of Procedure taking into consideration theirrespective committee.

    The vice chair is the supporter of the chair concerning the logistics and theflow of the debate in the committee.

    Each committee is to have directors: Rapporteurs and Observers. TheRapporteur records the speakers list and the minutes of all the sessions,

    whereas the Observer evaluates every delegate according to the providedrubric and checks the eligibility of the draft resolution.

    Diagram of Hierarchy

    Frequently Used Phrases

    By the Chair and Dais:

    Delegates we are now in a formal session of "name of the committee.Please abide by the rules of procedure of the committee.

    Delegates we will now proceed with the Roll Call. Are there any points or motions on the floor? The agenda is set on discussing the topic Name of topic. The delegate of "Name of the Country", the floor is yours, you have

    "time ".

    Delegates you are out of order, please return to your seats and pleaseremain silent.

    Delegate you are out of character. Draft resolution state the draft resolution number is on the

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    floor and is open for discussion.

    By the delegate:

    Motioning: Name of countrywishes to motion for The delegate of Name of countrywishes to motion for Motioning for a moderated/un-moderated caucus: Motion to suspend

    the debate for a moderated/ un-moderated caucus of total time, speakers time (in the moderated) to discuss topic

    Addressing the committee: Honorable Chair, fellow delegatesVocabulary reminders:

    Abstain:During a vote on a substantive matter, delegates may abstainfrom voting.

    Binding:Having legal force in Arab member states. Security Councilresolutions are binding, as are decisions of the Security Council.

    Decorum: The order and respect for others that all delegates at aModel Arab League conference must exhibit. The Chair will call fordecorum when he or she feels that the committee is not beingrespectful of a speaker, of the dais, or of their roles as ambassadors.

    Veto: The ability, held by China, France, the Russian Federation, theUnited Kingdom, and the United States to prevent any draft resolutionin the Security Council from passing by voting no.

    B. Flow of Debate & Rules of ProcedureThe Flow of Debate usually consists of the following major phases:

    - Roll Call- Setting the Agenda and Speaking time (depending on the conference)- Procedural Debate- Substantive Debate- Closing Debate- Voting Procedures

    Roll CallThe Roll Call is the first order of business in a Model AL council. Thechairperson will begin the formal session with introductory remarks, and thencall the session into order. Roll Call is then taken by a member of the Dias;he/she reads aloud the names of each member state in the council indescending alphabetical order.

    When delegates hear their countrys name they answer by presentor present and voting. If the delegate replied with present thenhe or she may vote upon a resolution (yes or no) or may abstain(neither say yes nor say no); On the other hand if a delegate replied

    with present and voting he or she must vote and may NOTabstain.

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    Countries with direct concern to the topic are more likely to answerwith Present and Voting (E.g. Qatar if the topic is natural gas

    Export) Countries who try to Exercise prestige and show status are more

    likely to answer with Present and Voting too (E.g. Egypt as aregional political weight)

    Delegates who are absent or tardy for the roll call must send awritten note to the Chair indicating the reason for their absence ortardiness in order to be recognized as present or present and voting.

    Setting the Order of the AgendaThe agenda is the order in which the issues before the council will bediscussed. The first duty of a council following the roll call is usually to set the

    order of the agenda. The Chairperson would ask: Are there any points or motions on the


    A delegate typically raises a motion to set the order of the agenda,either in favor of Topic A or Topic B

    Once the motion has been raised, three delegates must speak infavor of topic A and three others in favor of Topic B, and NOTagainst topic A.

    Setting the agenda needs a simple majority vote to pass (simplemajority is 50%+1 of the quorum; the simple majority for a councilof 22 countries is 12)

    Procedural Debate (Speakers List)

    The Dais maintains a speakers list and delegates speak in the orderthey are listed where they have the opportunity to share their views

    with the entire council. It is set through a motion from a delegate(different motions could be entertained specifying different time; 50to 90 seconds are most ideal).

    Delegates make speeches by adding their countrys name to thespeakers list. The Chair then chooses the countries randomly to beadded to the speakers list. In the speakers list, delegates may state

    their general policy, answer questions, introduce and debateresolutions or discuss amendments.

    Procedural debate is important to the councils work. By notknowing the rules of procedure, delegates slow down the debate andhold back their committees council progress.

    The speakers List has to be established all throughout theconference, thus, upon exhaustion, the chairperson will renew thespeakers list and delegates will be added again.

    Substantive DebateIn order for debate to change styles away from procedural debate, delegates

    take a break in which they can discuss a topic more easily. Thus, caucusing isused in order to facilitate debate especially when there is a long speakers list.

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    Also, substantive debates are used to transcend the procedural debate into amore dynamic and specific discussion of the topic at hand.

    Moderated Caucus: A type of caucus in which delegates remainseated and the Chair calls on them one at a time to speak for a shortperiod of time, after raising their placards. During this period, themeeting is suspended and the session moves into a moderatedcaucus, which enables freer exchange of opinions than would bepossible in formal debate.The motion for this suspension is triple-folded: it must specify thespecific sub-topic, the total time and the speakers time.

    Un-moderated Caucus: A type of caucus in which the rules aresuspended and the council breaks for a temporary recess. Thisenables the free sharing of ideas to an extent not possible duringprocedural or even moderated caucus.The motion for this suspension is double-folded: it must specify thespecific purpose and the total time.

    Closure of DebateOnce delegates feel that the topic has been thoroughly discussed, a delegate

    will motion to close the debate. This motion permanently ends debate on thetopic, the draft resolutions and the unfriendly amendments. Closure of debatecould be put into discussion with two pro and two con speakers, and is then

    put to an immediate vote requiring a two-thirds majority (in a council of 21countries, two-third majority is 15 countries). If this motion passes, theCouncil then votes on the resolutions it has worked upon.

    Voting ProcedureIf the Motion to Close the Debate on a Resolution passes, the Councilautomatically moves into voting procedures. Voting takes place, first andforemost, on all unfriendly amendments concerning the resolution, then onthe resolution itself. Once all of the resolutions are voted on, the committeemoves to the next topic on the agenda.

    Rules of Procedure:

    Yields:Basically, yields are passing over a delegates remaining time. There are 3main yields:

    1) Yield to the Chair: Signifies that the delegate who has the floorwishes to have his or her time expire and do nothing with it.

    2)Yield to another Delegate: Allows a second delegate in the Councilto use the remainder of the first delegates time to address theCouncil; time yielded to a second delegate cannot be yielded again.This is the only time where a point of information could be

    entertained3)Yield to Points of Information: Allows other delegates to ask

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    questions to the speaker regarding the content of his or her speech.After the speaker yields, the Chair recognizes delegates on the floor

    who raise their placards to motion for Points of Information.Note: You may only yield time during procedural debate (speakers list), andyou cannot yield a yielded time.


    There are two main types of motions: OralandWritten.

    Oral Motions: these are raised in order to move from one phase of the flowof debate to another. There are 10 main types of Oral Motions;

    1) Motion to establish the speakers list:This motion allows a delegate to make a motion to set the speakers listspecifying the time per speaker, after setting the agenda.

    2) Motion to set the order of the Agenda: Allows the Council to determinethe order in which it will consider the agenda topics assigned to it

    3) Motion to Suspend Debate on the Agenda topic: To move from onetopic in order to discuss the other. It needs 2/3rdmajority to pass

    4) Motion to Limit Debate: Limits the Councils debate to a discussion onthe draft resolution or the amendment only. Once this motion passes,the council will strictly discuss the draft resolutions and theamendments; no more speeches or discussions on the topic.

    After limiting the debate a Motion to Set a New Speakers List shouldbe entertained. In case a point was found to be very important andextremely necessary to go back to, the Chair can entertain a Motion tore-open the previous formal Speakers List for a certain period of timedecided by the chair.

    5) Motion to Suspend the Rules: Suspends the procedural debate andenters into a moderated caucus.

    6) Motion to Suspend the Meeting: Allows the Council to go into a recessor an un-moderated caucus where delegates debate the topic on thefloor in an informal manner.

    7) Motion to Close Debate: Ends permanently the debate on the topic, thedraft resolution, or the unfriendly amendment.

    8) A Motion to Adjourn the Meeting: Concludes the session for lunch,break, next session, or concludes the whole conference. It is a motionthat is only in order at the end of the Council Session.

    9) Motion to Temporarily Revoke Voting and Speaking Privileges: Passes

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    if a delegate insists on behavior that is unacceptable and disruptive tothe debate process. Requires two speakers for and two against, and is

    only acceptable upon the Chairs discretion

    These conditions are required to entertain this motion:i. Attacking the personal integrity of any delegate

    ii. Ruling a speaker out of order by the Chair if he or she engages insuch conduct.

    iii. Responding by retributive comments by the attacked party islikewise inappropriate.

    10)Motion to Reinstate Privileges: Restores the revoked privileges to thedelegate that has conducted the inappropriate or disrespectful

    behavior. As Chair deems the time appropriate for this motion, he orshe shall entertain this motion

    Written Motions:

    There are two main types of written motions:1) Motion to Appeal the Decision of the Chair: Reconsiders a Chairs

    decision. This motion is made when a delegate feels that the chairpersonhas made an unfair decision. This motion needs to be submitted in

    writing to the Chair.

    2) Right of Reply: Permits the Chair, during debate, to accord a Right ofReply to any delegate if a speech by another delegate contains E.g.extraordinary language clearly insulting to personal or national dignity.

    A delegate requesting a Right of Reply must submit the request and theproposed Reply in writing to the Chair, who may read the Reply if he orshe deems it appropriate. The decision of the Chair on a Right of Replyis not subject to appeal.

    Note:Written motions are passed to the Chair through the ushers.


    There are four main points;

    1) Point of Order: E.g. presses a complaint of improper usage ofparliamentary procedure. The Chair shall immediately rule upon thepoint and his or her decision shall stand unless successfully appealed.

    2) Point of Personal Privilege: Brings the Chairs attention to physicaldistractions that impair the delegates ability to participate in theproceedings. If the delegate faces any personal or physical discomfort, aPoint of Personal Privilege is usually raised.

    3) Point of Parliamentary Inquiry: Permits a delegate to address the Chairfor questions concerning the rules or proceedings of the Council.

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    4) Point of Information: Allows other delegates to pose questions to thespeaker regarding the content of his or her speech. A delegate must yieldhis or her time to a point of information first.

    Motionspriority:The following list gives the priority of motions from highest to lowest priorityif several motions were presented at the same time. Start voting on the one

    with the:1. Extension of a previously conducted caucus.2. Motion for an un-moderated caucus.3. Motion for a moderated caucus.4. If two motions of the same kind are presented choose the one with the

    longest time.5. If two motions of the same kind and same total time are presentedchoose the one with the longest speaking time.

    6. If two un-moderated motions of same total time are presented followthe rule of First Come First Serve Policy.

    Working Papers:1. Working paper is the draft stage of the resolution2. Working paper is written in bullet point format3. Sponsors should gather as much support as possible4. Signatures must be at least 20% of the committees quorum

    Draft Resolutions:A draft resolution should reflect your countrys positions and interests asdetermined by delegates research.

    The content of a draft resolution should:

    1. Demonstrate that the authors are familiar with the topic (cite relevantbackground and previous League and United Nations actions),

    2. Show an awareness of the issues (clearly outline what aspects of theproblem need to be addressed and how),

    3. Be concise (every clause must have a purpose),4. Be accurate (observe this format and the rules of grammar).Amendments:An Amendment:adds to, deletes from, or changes a draft resolution.

    Amendments may only modify operative clauses and are only in orderduring the Council sessions.

    At the Chairs discretion, amendments may be ruled out of order. An amendment itself may not be amended while it is on the floor. Any

    delegate may move an amendment to the floor, where it will then be

    assigned an identification number by the council Chair. No oral amendments are permissible, no matter how small.

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    An Amendment:may either be friendly or unfriendly.

    1. A friendly amendment makes a change agreed upon by all sponsors ofa draft resolution.

    Upon the amendments introduction, the Chair will ask all of theresolutions sponsor(s) to verify that the amendment is in factfriendly; if so then the amendment immediately becomes part of theresolution without requiring a vote.

    If one or more of the resolutions sponsors objects to theamendment, it is treated as an unfriendly amendment.

    2. An unfriendly amendment is an amendment that does not have thesupport of all the sponsors of a draft resolution. It is treated according to the chairs discretion: Could be voted upon on the spot Or voted upon along all other unfriendly amendments later. When debate is closed on the draft resolution or topic, the

    amendment is brought to an immediate vote.

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    RESOLUTION: acronym of committee/number. Example: PA/1/1.1COUNCIL: Full name of the committeeTOPIC: Topics NameSPONSORS: 7 sponsors for 100+ committees; 5 sponsors for 50-

    100 committees; 3 sponsors for 0-49 committees

    Perambulatory Clauses:- Bold and Underlinethe pre-ambulatory phrase

    - End it with a comma (,)- It includes (Make sure to relate everything to the topic underdiscussion):

    1. References to the Arab League Charter.2. Citations of past Arab League resolutions.3. Mentioning of statements made by the Secretary-General or a

    relevant Arab League body.4. Recognition of the efforts of regional or nongovernmental

    organizations in dealing with the issue.

    Be it hereby resolved by the League of Arab States:

    Operative Clauses:- Bold and Underlinethe operative phrase- Number each operative clause- End it with a semi-colon- The last operative clause ends with a period- The one before the last operative clause has and after the semi-

    colon- It includes:1. The actions or recommendations made in a resolution.2. Solutions should be organized in a logical progression, with each

    containing a single idea or proposal.3. If a clause requires further explanation, use (a, b, c, etc).4. If the sub-clauses need further explanation, use (I, II, III, etc).

    SIGNATORIES: 20% of the Quorum

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    C. Research SkillsWhen conducting a research delegates need to look for different types ofinformation so as to get a clear picture about the topic they are researching.

    Types of research include:- Statistics and numbers.- Newspaper articles.- Reports from NGOs and Intergovernmental organizations.- Statements made by the government or country officials.- Resolutions issued on the topic or other conventions.- Testimonials and other material that show specific experiences.- An academic publication on the issue.

    To find information, delegates can:- Check out news and media sources for up-to-date developments on an

    issue. Ask their community, school or university librarian if they canget access to any system that searches periodicals and journals.

    - Visit nongovernmental organization (NGO) websites. NGOs areimportant due to the valuable research and information they generate.Look for NGOs that address the topic.

    - Read academic publications. Although they can be complex, theyprovide in depth information on many issues. Professors, students andresearchers at university are constantly conducting studies andpublishing papers.

    - Enrich their understanding of an issue by discussing it with otherModel Arab League participants.

    D.Country Statement Submission ProcessDuring the LAU Model Arab League Conference the delegates are required tosubmit a Country Statement. Since the LAU Model Arab League program

    believes in academic integrity and supports it, delegates are required tosubmit their country statements towww.turnitin.comin order to ensure thatthe paper is plagiarism-free.

    Deadline for this submission: Tuesday May 6th, 2014 11:59 PM (beforemid-night)

    The following guidelines will help the delegate submit their paper on turnitin:

    1. Enter the website:www.turnitin.com2. On the top right corner the delegate will find a button which says: Create

    Account. Fill out the application and submit it as a student.3. After creating the account, sign yourself in.
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    4. On the top left of the page, click enroll in a class and enter theclass/section ID and the class password which can be found in the below

    table.5. Enter the class page named after your Council and submit the countrystatement. Follow the steps that the turnitin website provides you with. Forthe name of the submission and name of the Country Statement,please type in the name of the Country ONLY.6. Finally click submit and the Country Statement will be checked forplagiarism.

    Committee Class Name on(Turnitin)

    Class ID Password

    Gamal Abdel Nasser Cabinet GANC 7976017 2014GANC

    Head of States Summit HSS 7976030 2014HSS

    United Nations Security Council UNSC1 7976076 2014UNSC1Joint Defense Council JDC 7976079 2014JDC

    Council on Political Affairs CPA1 7976083 2014CPA1

    Council on Arab Ministers Responsible for theEnvironment

    CAME 7976094 2014CAME

    Council of Arab Ministers of Health CAMH 7976098 2014CAMH

    Arab Women Organization AWO 7976107 2014AWO

    Arab Committee on Human Rights ACHR 7976113 2014ACHRHistorical Joint Defense Council HJDC 7976125 2014HJDC

    Council on Palestinian Affairs CPA2 7976147 2014CPA2

    Council on Arab Economic Unity CAEU 7976149 2014CAEU

    Arab League Educational, Cultural and ScientificOrganization

    ALECSO 7976156 2014ALECSO

    Organization of the Islamic Cooperation OIC 7976159 2014OIC

    Geneva III Conference on Syria GENEVAIII 7976163 2014GENEVAGenerations' Council* GC 7976164 2014GC

    Note: One Country Statement is required per Delegation perCouncil. This means if you have a co-delegate, you are required tosubmit ONE Country Statement.


    Modern Language Association, MLA, is a style of crediting the sources quotedor paraphrased in a particular piece of literature. MLA serves as the standardformatting for the citation of scholarly writings.

    For every position paper presented, references are to be placed on the second

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    page of the position paper in MLA format.

    Below you will find some examples on how to cite using MLA:

    Citing a newspaper article:It is required to include the authors name, title of the article, and title of thenewspaper, city, date published, edition, page designation and URL(optional).

    Citing an online journal article:It is required to include the authors name, title of the article, title of thepublication, volume and issue numbers, year, pages and URL (optional).

    This link will help you cite your sources in MLA format:

    Enter this link and choose MLA inside the box on the right. A new page willopen and then choose which source you want to site and start filling theinformation required. Finally click make citation and you will obtain areferenced source in MLA format.

    Awards & Evaluation Rubrics

    The number of awards will be distributed in each committeeaccording to the following criteria:

    1- Best Delegation/Delegate: 1 per delegation per council2- Honorable Mention: 2 per delegation per council3- Country Statement: 2 per delegation per council

    Note: This is the maximum number of awards to be distributed. Taking intoconsideration the criteria for eligibility, those numbers may not be satisfied inevery committee.

    A.Best Country Statement Award: this certificate is awarded tothe delegation of students that demonstrates a precise andextraordinary country position concerning the issue at hand in theirrespective council or committee. An in-character, professional,impactful, creative statement that would deserve recognition from thecorresponding daiss side,

    B.Honorable Mention Award: this Mention is awarded to thedelegation of students that demonstrates the highest diplomaticskills, and most prominent tactful ways of dealing with the clashesfound inside the respective council or committee. The delegation

    should be outstanding in all spheres related to the skills taught duringthe Public Speaking, Role Playing, Negotiations, and Conflict
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    Resolution Training Sessions,

    C.Best Delegation Award:this certificate would be awarded to thedelegation of studentswho projects the highest degree of excellencein preparation, debate, caucusing, representation, diplomaticleadership, and overall positive contribution to the work of theirCouncil along with the delegates performance in their CountryStatement Grading,

    D.Secretary General Award:this certificate is awarded to the mostdeserving school that hasshown the greatest deal of commitment tothe program through attendance during all training sessions, events,and conference days accompanied with the needed follow-up, the

    right amount of passion to perform well and dedicatedly during alltimes of the program, and the biggest outcome of success through theacquiring of awards at the end of the program;

    1. Highlights the need for criteria at best to choose awards on a clear andcompact set of rules:

    A.Country Statement Criteria:i. Background Guides: The soul aim of having a background

    guide is to have a specific road map on which students should

    build their further research and interpretations. Thus theircountry statement should show a good understanding of the roadmap we set: Thoroughly addressing all aspects of the countrystatement by accurately analyzing and interpreting most of thedocuments given to them,

    ii. References: To be sure and reflect a sense of responsibilitytowards the topic one is addressing, one should make sure theyhave attained a full level of understanding to approach the topicproperly and confidently. Thus further research is essential.References should show an incorporation of relevant outsideinformation that includes relevant facts, examples and details,

    with a wide understanding of the information and proper quotingto defer the risk of plagiarism,

    iii.Mechanics: We do understand that many schools in ourprogram are not very well-equipped language wise, however onecan still research the proper way of writing a sentence. If one hada perfect idea in mind but could not transmit it in a way otherscould see it the way he/she does, he/she would have failed to stepforward. Thus the means through which the message istransmitted should be given high importance. The delegationshould communicate with full control and understanding of theconventions of English Grammar and usage. They should also

    show a small effort in experimentation with sophisticatedlanguage and varied sentence structures,

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    iv. Purpose: The delegation should demonstrate a solid in-character argument in their country statement. To be credible

    and attain a proper peer understanding they should establish andmaintain a clear focus of their argument and stand throughdemonstrating evidence of a distinctive voice and an appropriatetone towards the issue at hand,

    v. Policy Development:In a Country Statement one should notonly develop a good pattern and a compact outline but also asystem of deep and complex policies supported by rich, engagingand pertinent details; all those which show evidence of analysis,reflection and insight,

    vi. Reference to the Real World:There should be alongside theresearch a good reference to past international treaties,

    international organizations, and real world stake-holders whohave a saying in the topic at hand;

    B.Honorable Mention Criteria:i. Country Representation:The Delegation should at all times

    represent the viewpoints and policies of the country he/sherepresents. All the delegates speeches and negotiations (alliesand national capabilities offerings included) should have a directrelation to the realistic capabilities, stands, advantages, foreignpolicies, etc of the country itself,

    ii. General Knowledge on the Arab World and ArabLeague: in order to formulate the most diplomatic and realisticapproach in a committee with 21 () other countries a delegationshould show the ability of referring to certain cases or issues inthe Arab World history or Arab League History and project a highunderstanding of the Arab League ways of dealing with an issueaccording to precedents,

    iii.Knowledge of the Topic: The delegation should haveoutstanding knowledge of the topic at hand based on obviousadditional research different from those offered in the

    background guides,

    iv. Knowledge of Rules of Procedure: Keeping in mind theimportance of chronology and organization when dealing withbig issues such as those offered in all committees withoutexception, the delegation should always follow the Rules ofProcedure according to Training Session two material,throughout the debate and should use them to the countrysadvantage wisely,

    v. Diplomatic Composure: One of the most importantphenomenon in a conference would be how a delegation deals notonly with the issue at hand or with their colleagues in thecommittee but also how they deals with each other and their

    personal selves during reactionary periods, crisis modes, rights ofreply, points of information, back-stabbing situations, chaotic

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    un-moderated caucuses and sudden topics they may not haveresearched. The delegates should always act in a diplomatic

    manner and use sophisticated and respectful language at alltimes. Charisma, outfit, and creativity are irrevocable plusses,vi. Involvement and Balance: Interest only shows when one

    initiates claims, and shows high want to participate even whennot given the chance to. Thus it is of imperative importance forthe delegation to initiate committee proceedings in formal andinformal debates and show exceptional willingness andleadership. Furthermore, interest in improvement of the countryand putting the countrys interest first, shows in the balance thedelegates in one delegation representing one country make.

    When both balance each other, it is a big plus;

    C.Best Delegation Criteria:To be named best delegation denotes high prestige and recognition, thus thecriteria of this award necessitates care and attention. The best out of 100%

    would be the delegation that has worked most. One point that is irrevocablehere, would be that the delegation should show their ability in balancing eachothers capabilities, their ability in making teamwork most efficient, and theirability in having a great spirit of cooperation and advancement that is obviousto the whole committee.

    i. 30% Country statement gradingii. 30% Delegate Aiii.30% Delegate Biv. 10% Harmony between Delegate A and Delegate B

    In Case there is only one delegate the Diplomacy Grading will be at 70%

    2. Designates the responsibility of deciding the awards to:I. The Chair (75%): And we quote from the Official National

    Councils handbook: Chairs are encouraged to submit in writing

    their views on potential award recipients. Chairs have a uniqueperspective on the overall functioning of the Councils and this allowsthe Chairs to explain why they believe certain delegations should orshould not be included for consideration. Along with a GradingSystem, this should be enough,

    II. The Directors recommendations (25%): Directors in thecommittee will have to write small recommendations for thepotential award winners and submit those to their chair who will inturn send them attached with their own grading system to theDirector of Training, the Secretary General and Deputy SecretaryGeneral.

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    D. Secretary General Criteria:As for the Secretary General Award to the Best School, the school with

    the most points collected would be given the deserved SecretaryGeneral Award:

    Based on, most importantly, the Ratio of Awards:

    i. A Country Statement Award will allot the school with one point.ii. An Honorable Mention Award will allot the school with two pointsiii.A Best Delegation Award will allot the school with three points.

    All of which would give a maximum of 36 Points. Whoever collects morepoints would be the most deserving and thus would win the Secretary GeneralAward.

    High School Councils and Topics

    Council Topic

    Gamal Abdel Nasser Cabinet (Arabic)The Nationalization of Suez Canal and 1956Tripartite Aggression

    Head of States Summit Terrorism in Yemen

    United Nations Security Council The Syrian Crisis

    Joint Defense Council External Threats to Arab Security

    Council on Political Affairs Adjusting to the change in Arab Political

    Council on Arab Ministers Responsible for theEnvironment

    Environment Outlook for the Arab Region

    Council of Arab Ministers of Health Trans-border infectious diseases

    Arab Women Organization Women Affected by Abuse

    Arab Committee on Human Rights Securing the Human Rights of all Arabs

    Historical Joint Defense Council Gulf War I

    Council on Palestinian Affairs Quality of health among the residents of theCouncil on Arab Economic Unity Greater Arab Free Trade Area

    Arab League Educational, Cultural and ScientificOrganization

    Preserving the Arab Culture

    Organization of the Islamic Cooperation (Arabic) Impact of Terrorism on the Arab World

    Geneva III Conference on Syria The Syrian Crisis

    Generations' Council - Organization of the IslamicCooperation (English)

    Impact of Terrorism on the Arab World