LATIN AMERICA City of Visionaries: Brasilia and Chapada ... · ion of the gods; and the Palacio da...

Travel World News JUNE 2010 • 31 LATIN AMERICA T he dazzling heart of Brazil beats in its vast geo- graphical center 700 miles from Rio de Janeiro in the flat central highlands: the city of visionaries, celebrating its fiftieth inaugural year: Brasilia. This profoundly different city exudes a mirage-like aura. The astoundingly dramatic buildings soar in audacious lines into the bluest and widest of skies. Lucio Costa, the famous city planner whose Plano Piloto design was the blueprint for the city, once remarked, “The sky is the sea of Brasilia.” Exactly fifty years have passed since its triumphant inaugu- ration on April 21, 1960, the capital completed in a mere forty- one months! Declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987, Brasilia symbolizes the grandeur of man’s spirit, will- ing to sacrifice, daring to realize a seemingly impossible dream. Today, a vibrant city of some 2.5 million people, it re- mains to captures the imagination unlike any other city. The brasilienses (or candangos, “pioneers”), the vivacious people of Brasilia, are among the most gracious, hospitable, accommodating…and attractive…people anywhere. Trav- elers are welcomed with open arms and enthusiastically in- troduced to the history of this amazing region. In 1883, an Italian bishop Dom Bosco had a remarkably prophetic vision of a city to rise as a beacon to humanity in the Americas on the 15th parallel. The idea of moving the capital from the Cidade Maravilhosa, Rio de Janeiro, into the interior was tossed around in influential political circles for many decades, like a seed of possibility germinating magi- cally in the subconscious of the nation. In 1956, newly-elected president Juscelino Kubitschek set plans into motion to build the glorious new capital in the mid- dle of the wilderness. He brought together the luminaries of the arts to create together: towering Oscar Niemeyer, one of the most important architects of the twentieth century (still very much alive at the age of 102), artists Roberto Burle Marx, the “creator of the modern garden”, Athos Bulcao, Alfred Ceschiatti, Marianne Peretti, Bruno Giorgi, among illustrious others. Lucio Costa’s city plan was shaped like a cross, a dragonfly or butterfly, an airplane perhaps. Each sector, governmental, commercial, residential, sprang forward from the nucleus of this ingenious plan. Tens of thousands of Brazilians, the “candangos”, swarmed into the region, hardy workers who toiled tirelessly to help shape the vision into reality. Oscar Niemeyer ’s fantastically curved monumental build- ings are an awe-inspiring tribute to the spirit of Brazil. The exquisite Itamaraty (“rose-colored stone) Palace, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, welcomes dignitaries. The serene symmetry of this palace is imprinted in one’s mind as a keeper of the flame of civilization. Works of art tantalize the eye. Gardens of exotic blooms remind one of this land’s rich exuberance. The jewel-like dining rooms representing the historic capitals, Salvador, Rio de Janeiro, and now Brasilia, enchant with priceless paintings, sculptures, antiquities, rare Persian carpets, jacaranda furniture, and silk wall coverings. The Metropolitan Cathedral of Brasilia resembles Christ’s crown of thorns. Sixteen white flames of concrete hold within its embrace stunning stained glass panels, three angels of the Annunciation, sculpted by Alfredo Ceschiatti, hovering above the altar. Must-see sights include the National Congress with its iconic concave and convex shapes holding a veritable trea- sure trove of the arts; the National Theater with its pyramidal shape; the round-shaped National Museum, its shape in- spired by the “oca” hut of the native peoples; the Juscelino Kubitschek Memorial inaugurated in 1981, with its stunning City of Visionaries: Brasilia and Chapada dos Veadeiros: Park of Splendors LISBETH HOLT 25-foot-tall bronze sculpture by Bruno Georgi dating from 1959, a symbol of Brasilia, paying homage to the “candangos” (the pioneers) who built the city in just forty-one months! CHRISTAINKNEPPER/EMBRATUR CONTINUED ON PAGE 32

Transcript of LATIN AMERICA City of Visionaries: Brasilia and Chapada ... · ion of the gods; and the Palacio da...

Page 1: LATIN AMERICA City of Visionaries: Brasilia and Chapada ... · ion of the gods; and the Palacio da Alvorada (the Palace of Dawn) where the president resides. Must-see, too, the breathtakingly

Travel World News •• wwwwww..ttrraavveellwwoorrllddnneewwss..ccoomm JUNE 2010 • 31


The dazzling heart of Brazil beats in its vast geo-graphical center 700 miles from Rio de Janeiro inthe flat central highlands: the city of visionaries,celebrating its fiftieth inaugural year: Brasilia.

This profoundly different city exudes a mirage-like aura. Theastoundingly dramatic buildings soar in audacious lines intothe bluest and widest of skies. Lucio Costa, the famous cityplanner whose Plano Piloto design was the blueprint for thecity, once remarked, “The sky is the sea of Brasilia.”

Exactly fifty years have passed since its triumphant inaugu-ration on April 21, 1960, the capital completed in a mere forty-one months! Declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in1987, Brasilia symbolizes the grandeur of man’s spirit, will-ing to sacrifice, daring to realize a seemingly impossibledream. Today, a vibrant city of some 2.5 million people, it re-mains to captures the imagination unlike any other city.

The brasilienses (or candangos, “pioneers”), the vivaciouspeople of Brasilia, are among the most gracious, hospitable,accommodating…and attractive…people anywhere. Trav-elers are welcomed with open arms and enthusiastically in-troduced to the history of this amazing region.

In 1883, an Italian bishop Dom Bosco had a remarkablyprophetic vision of a city to rise as a beacon to humanity inthe Americas on the 15th parallel. The idea of moving thecapital from the Cidade Maravilhosa, Rio de Janeiro, into theinterior was tossed around in influential political circles formany decades, like a seed of possibility germinating magi-cally in the subconscious of the nation.

In 1956, newly-elected president Juscelino Kubitschek setplans into motion to build the glorious new capital in the mid-dle of the wilderness. He brought together the luminaries ofthe arts to create together: towering Oscar Niemeyer, one ofthe most important architects of the twentieth century (stillvery much alive at the age of 102), artists Roberto Burle Marx,the “creator of the modern garden”, Athos Bulcao, AlfredCeschiatti, Marianne Peretti, Bruno Giorgi, among illustriousothers.

Lucio Costa’s city plan was shaped like a cross, a dragonflyor butterfly, an airplane perhaps. Each sector, governmental,commercial, residential, sprang forward from the nucleus ofthis ingenious plan. Tens of thousands of Brazilians, the“candangos”, swarmed into the region, hardy workers whotoiled tirelessly to help shape the vision into reality.

Oscar Niemeyer’s fantastically curved monumental build-ings are an awe-inspiring tribute to the spirit of Brazil. Theexquisite Itamaraty (“rose-colored stone) Palace, the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, welcomes dignitaries. The serenesymmetry of this palace is imprinted in one’s mind as akeeper of the flame of civilization. Works of art tantalize theeye. Gardens of exotic blooms remind one of this land’s richexuberance. The jewel-like dining rooms representing thehistoric capitals, Salvador, Rio de Janeiro, and now Brasilia,enchant with priceless paintings, sculptures, antiquities, rarePersian carpets, jacaranda furniture, and silk wall coverings.

The Metropolitan Cathedral of Brasilia resembles Christ’scrown of thorns. Sixteen white flames of concrete hold withinits embrace stunning stained glass panels, three angels of theAnnunciation, sculpted by Alfredo Ceschiatti, hovering abovethe altar. Must-see sights include the National Congress withits iconic concave and convex shapes holding a veritable trea-sure trove of the arts; the National Theater with its pyramidalshape; the round-shaped National Museum, its shape in-spired by the “oca” hut of the native peoples; the JuscelinoKubitschek Memorial inaugurated in 1981, with its stunning

City of Visionaries: Brasilia and Chapada dos Veadeiros: Park of Splendors


25-foot-tall bronze sculpture by Bruno Georgi dating from 1959, asymbol of Brasilia, paying homage to the “candangos” (the pioneers)who built the city in just forty-one months!












Page 2: LATIN AMERICA City of Visionaries: Brasilia and Chapada ... · ion of the gods; and the Palacio da Alvorada (the Palace of Dawn) where the president resides. Must-see, too, the breathtakingly

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circular mortuary chamber; the boldly executedJK Bridge;the Praca Tres Poderes (Plaza of Three Powers), like a pavil-ion of the gods; and the Palacio da Alvorada (the Palace ofDawn) where the president resides. Must-see, too, thebreathtakingly beautiful Dom Bosco Church, with its im-mense blue stained glass panels and a magnificent Muranoglass chandelier. A pyramidal shimmering stone shrine de-signed by Niemeyer, located on nearby Lago Paranoa, holdsa sculpture of Dom Bosco.

For those fascinated by the beginning phases of this enor-mously daunting enterprise, a visit to the temporary resi-dence of Kubitschek, the Catetinho, is not to be missed.Constructed in just ten days in 1956, this wooden buildinghouses the living area, kitchen, bed and bath rooms just asthey were fifty years ago (including JK’s rose-colored pajamas). The President flew from Rio de Janeiro for frequent inspections.

Brasilia is rightly celebrated as a center of the arts. TheTeatro Nacional Claudio Santoro is the perfect venue for a va-riety of performances in its three auditoriums.

Though-provoking art is beautifully exhibited in most pub-lic arenas. The National Museum holds frequently changingart exhibits. Anita Malfatti’s paintings recently adorned thewalls of the Museum of Modern Art. On May 27, the Soundsof the Earth creator, American artist Damian Francis Wagnerwill perform at the Brazilian Foundation of Arts’ Faculdadede Artes Dulcina de Moraes (FADM). This avant-garde eventwill honor the spirit and legacy of Brazil’s famous actress,Dulcina de Moraes, incorporating sounds, poetry, painting,and lecture.

Cosmopolitan Brasilia with some ninety embassies is a nat-ural setting for business travelers. Dozens of beautiful hotelsboast spacious convention facilities, and sophisticated restau-rants abound to please every palate. Excellent hotel choicesinclude the Royal Tulip Brasilia Alvorada designed byBrazilian architect Ruy Ohtake. Guest rooms are decoratedwith Niemeyer’s drawings and sketches. The centrally-lo-cated Melia Brasil 21 enjoys 5-star status. The BrasiliaPalace, a grand hotel of historical importance, was newlyopened in 2006, and its Oscar Jazz & Cucina serves delec-table Italian cuisine. The sophisticated Naoum Plaza Hotelis a long-time favorite. Highly-recommended gourmetrestaurants include the Dudu Camargo, CocoBambu, eclec-tic Universal Diner with its vinyl LP place mats, and Danisharchitect’s Aquavit, each with celebrated chefs.

Those in search of exhilarating natural adventure head to-ward an entirely different world in the state of Goias (Brasilia,in the Federal District, is within Goias): the Chapada dosVeadeiros, which according to NASA, is the most luminouspoint seen from the Earth’s orbit. It was formed 1.8 billionyears ago in the oldest geological part of the continent, theArai plate. This vast savannah (the “cerrado”), on the same

parallel as Machu Picchu, Peru, is literally covered by a layerof quartz crystal. Located 155 miles from Brasilia, Chapadados Veadeiros covers about 23,000 square miles, but only asmall portion is open to tourists, and only with a licensedguide. This veritable paradise with its rich flora and fauna re-sembles the savannah of East Africa.

The town of Alto Paraiso de Goias (“High Paradise”) feelslike Shangri-la with crystal fragments scattered about ema-nating an undeniable energy, attracting artists, healers, andnature-lovers. New age type of stores offer crystals, mysticalstones, herbs, and apparel for sale. Among the natural foodrestaurants, Jambalaya receives raves. Travelers unwind andde-stress in pleasant pousadas (guest houses). The MandalaHolistic Spa takes the art of relaxation to a new level, with theowner Daniella the high priestess of the healing arts.Indulgent treatments include massages, aromatherapy, andluxurious lolling in a delicious hot tub under a star-filledsky…and a tray filled with succulent tropical fruit, a coolpitcher of coconut water, a vase of exotic flowers…ahh...isthis not paradise?

Sao Jorge (St. George) a hamlet of some 600 inhabitants,situated twenty-two miles from Alto Paraiso, is reached overbumpy dirt roads. Settled by miners of quartz crystal, its re-mote location adds to its charm. Moacir S. de Faria, a much-acclaimed artist whose art was exhibited several years ago atMOMA, has his rustic studio here. Amazingly, he has over-come the limitations of impaired hearing and speaking toproduce hauntingly exotic paintings.

Sao Jorge’s Bambu Brasil is a choice pousada with charm-ing features at every turn: comfortable rooms with outdoorhammocks, gardens with pool, pleasant meeting room, giftshop, and dining area serving scrumptious meals.

From the pousadas, sports enthusiasts are whisked away bylocal guides for amazing adventures. Tour companyTravessia’s Rafael is an incredibly knowledgeable guide. TheVale de Lua (“Moon Valley) resembles an extra-terrestriallandscape with its 500 million year old stones, grottoes andnatural pools carved by the Sao Miguel River. The Loquinhas

The waterfall is the Saltos do Rio Preto or just Saltos (Black RiverFalls); the first fall measures 250 feet; the second measure 360 feet.








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are a delightful series of waterfalls reached via ladders, andawe-inspiring Almecegas waterfalls is sheer magnificencewhere daredevils abseil from its heights. Hiking to reachmany of the waterfalls is an adventure in itself. An abun-dance of unusual trees, flowers, and birdlife make this theirhabitat. The Paepalanthus flower is called “ever-living” be-cause even after it is harvested, it maintains its beauty foryears. The murities are the most typical palm trees. The tallema bird resembling an ostrich can run at amazing speeds.Upon reaching the spectacular waterfalls, swimmers refreshthemselves in crystalline pools. Those in search of more ex-treme sports find ziplining, canyoning, mountain biking, ab-seiling, rappelling: it’s all here. The daring jumps. Thethrills of flight. The adrenaline highs.

As seasons are reversed, July is the coldest time of the yearwith temperatures dropping to a low of 55F, but it is comfort-able year-round. April through June is the best time to visit,right before the dry season.

TAM Airlines offers superb international and domestic ser-vice with its young fleet of well-maintained aircraft. Itpromises and delivers the passion to fly and serve. In 2009,TAM was deservedly chosen as the best airline company ofSouth and Central America by readers of Global Traveler.

Those who travel to Brasilia and the Chapada dos Veadeirosoften become repeat visitors. Small wonder that some optnever to leave.Brasilia,; Chapada dos Veadeiros,


With a sophisticated capital, celebrated wines, beautiful scenery,great restaurants and tango…tango…tango, Argentina is one ofthe world’s hottest destinations. And the best way to experience itis with My Exclusive Journeys, a tour operator that knowsArgentina and how to have fun.

Though My Exclusive Journeys specializes in custom-designedprograms, their website now features a number of sample itiner-

aries—their wine, dine and tango tours—that anyone can book anytime to enjoy Buenos Aires and Argentina.

My Exclusive Journeys can also custom-design a trip inArgentina for a couple, family or group. They can arrange luxuri-ous private dinners paired with the appropriate Argentine wines,wine tastings with top sommeliers, private cooking lessons withrenowned chefs and, of course, private tango lessons.

MEJ offers hotel choices from small, beautiful boutique hotelslike the Mine Hotel or top-of-the-line luxury palaces like the ParkHyatt Palacio Duhau in Buenos Aires, the famed Cavas Wine Lodgein Mendoza or the spectacular Los Sauces in El Calafate. One ofthe extra attractions of an MEJ tour is their Exclusive UnwindProgram, which provides—on arrival—private chauffeured airporttransfers, a relaxing meeting and cup of tea with the guide, a sooth-ing massage and rest to recover from the flight.My Exclusive Journeys, 888-334-6905,


TAM Airlines operates eight daily flights from three U.S. gate-ways, Miami, New York and Orlando to Brazil.

There are four daily flights from Miami with two to Sao Paulo, amorning and evening departure, an evening departure to Rio deJaneiro, with the fourth departure to Manaus. From New YorkTAM operates a morning and evening flight to Sao Paulo and anevening flight to Rio de Janeiro, while Orlando provides daily ser-vice to Sao Paulo.

The TAM network within Brazil includes service to 80 destina-tions, so the airline is able to make it easy for travelers to arriveefficiently at many locations in the country.

Among the many services offered by TAM Airlines are assistanceto people with special needs including oxygen onboard, the optionof cradle reservation, traveling with pets, free phone rentals (pay-ment for calls only), luggage priority options that include door-to-door luggage service, and the availability for a flight attendant flu-ent in another language to be assigned to one’s flight.TAM Airlines, 888-2FLYTAM (235-9826),

Page 4: LATIN AMERICA City of Visionaries: Brasilia and Chapada ... · ion of the gods; and the Palacio da Alvorada (the Palace of Dawn) where the president resides. Must-see, too, the breathtakingly

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“Spirit of the Andes” is a four-day immersion into the AndeanWorld, a journey along the history, the spirituality, the Andean fla-vors, the customs, traditions and legends of the ancestral peoplesof the Ecuadorian highlands.

It includes not only the awesome scenery of the EcuadorianAndean Region, but visits to centenary Haciendas, the highlandmoorlands of Cotopaxi National Park, the quaint and popular vil-lage of Baños; Cuenca, Ecuador’s most beautiful city and a WorldCultural Heritage Site, plus the opportunity to be in contact withthe people and the projects of the Indian communities whose lives

are deeply entwined with the land and still reflect their ancient tra-ditions and their reverence for nature.

“Spirit of the Andes” is a four-day/three-night overland fromQuito to Cuenca, scheduled to start operating June 7, 2010, on aprivate or shared basis.

Travelers will wind their way south all the way to Cuenca, on afascinating journey along the Avenue of the Volcanoes, surroundedby spectacular scenery, through fertile valleys cultivated in a patch-work of windswept fields and surrounded by snow covered peaks.They’ll marvel at remains of ancient Inca construction, spot con-dors and other high-altitude birds, llamas and vicuñas and take inthe mystical spirit of the Andes that, in times past, nourished themythology of early cultures and later provided incentive to the con-quering Spanish to settle here.

Much research, design and investigation has been invested tofocus this program and its essential components to offer guests anarray of varied sensations, experiencing sights and insights, tex-tures and colors, aromas and flavors.Metropolitan Touring,


Canodros’ M/V Galapagos Explorer II is an all-suite 100-passen-ger vessel excellent for exploring the magical Galapagos in style.Two promotions are on offer for this fall.

Green Galapagos rates start at $1,341 with discounts from $149up to $444 and on special departures the Rabida promo starting at$1,240 is available all year. Conditions apply to all promotionalrates.

In June the weather changes in Galapagos—the “cold and dryseason” begins (average temperature around 66 degrees). Thismakes an excellent opportunity to observe marine life and bird re-production periods during a visit.

Last October, M/V Galapagos Explorer II remodeled the ship’srestaurant, coffee station and the Jacuzzi areas. Balconies werealso added to eight of the suites; Explorer II now offers 24 balconysuites. Excursions are led by a naturalist bilingual guide. Groupsup to 15 may enjoy a personal experience on the islands and a deepencounter at this ‘museum of natural history’ that offers a true un-derstanding of wildlife and evolution.

All activities and islands visits are included in the program.Guests are pampered by the attention of a personalized crew whilethey enjoy the comfort of the cozy and casual areas on the ExplorerII. Many choose to combine a Galapagos cruise with a stay on theEcuadorian mainland, taking advantage of the packages that in-clude a stay at any of the four different regions of Ecuador.

Scuba divers are also welcome to cruise the Galapagos Islandson-board the Explorer II. Two different programs are offered:Mosquera Islet or Daphne Islet (2 dives) and Academy Bay (2dives). The rate is $195 per day per person, and it includes twodives. Conditions apply.Canodros S.A.,

Page 5: LATIN AMERICA City of Visionaries: Brasilia and Chapada ... · ion of the gods; and the Palacio da Alvorada (the Palace of Dawn) where the president resides. Must-see, too, the breathtakingly

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Rain Forest Aerial Trams in Costa Rica, with Atlantic and Pacificlocations, is launching a Caribbean Cacao Experience for cruiseship passengers traveling with Carnival Cruises. Immersing guestsinto authentic Costa Rican culture and history, the program tra-verses the Limon province. All this is sweetened by a lesson in tra-ditional chocolate making.

The Experience begins with a 40-minute air-conditioned motorcoach ride to Hone Creek District, home to Cahuita National Park.Guests enjoy the orchids and bromeliads garden and discover theclassic “tee pee” of the Bribrí and Cabecar used by the “Chamans”(healers). Sculptures from original Afro Caribbean settlers, and the“burrocarril” alternative transportation of the Cahuitan commu-nity are seen. The sweetest step of the experience is learning thehistory of the cacao and interacting with the traditional methodsof chocolate making. There’s also a presentation of an organic ba-nana and sugar cane plantation.

Another program presented by Rain Forest Aerial Trams CostaRica Atlantic is its award-winning tropical bird-watching program.The private reserve sharing a 6.2-mile border with Braulio CarrilloNational Park is a little under an hour from San Jose. The secludedlocation and protected ecosystems of this property on theCaribbean coast creates unparalleled opportunities to observe ex-otic birds. Rain Forest Arial Trams Costa Rica Atlantic has twicewon the local Audubon Christmas count with groups spotting asmany as 403 species in 24 hours.

Guests meander through 1,200 acres of rainforest, complete withtrails and observation points. Isolated trails have been especially

designed for bird watching. Paved trails allow for noiseless ad-vancement and the placement of camera tripods. Lookout pointsare perfect for observing raptors and other species.

Expert guides enlighten guests about the birds; the reserve aver-ages 365 species in 50 families annually, with migratory observa-tions optimal in October and November. A ride on the Aerial Tramopens to panoramic views of canopy-dwelling species.

Guests also enjoy the park’s zip line, guided nature hikes, a SnakeExhibit, a Frog and Butterfly Garden, opportunities to overnightat the Rain Forest Lodge (fantastic for nocturnal observations),trekking experiences and family adventures. Rain Forest Aerial Trams, 866-759-8726,


Harry Bodaan, owner of the five-starboutique La Mansion Inn, was unani-mously elected new President of theChamber of Commerce recently, with thefull support of former President RichardLemire.

Mr. Bodaan is also Chairman of SisterCities International (SCI) Quepos/FortLauderdale, Special Assistant to QueposMayor, Oscar Monge, and LawEnforcement Advisor to the City Council

of the Aguirre region, Costa Rica. Last year Mr. Bodaan receivedan Award for Meritorious Service from Mayor Jack Seiler of FortLauderdale for Five Years of Chairmanship of the SCI program be-tween the cities of Quepos, Costa Rica, and Fort Lauderdale, USA.

The regional Chamber of Commerce elections were held in timefor the return of EXPOTUR in May, the largest business gatheringof the tourism industry in Latin America. Representatives from LaMansion Inn joined over 1,200 professionals from Costa Rica’stourism sector to strengthen liaisons and create new partnerships.

Accredited with many years of charity work in the Quepos com-munity, this year Mr. Bodaan will be leading the regional Chamberof Commerce in creating a better business climate. Key areas ofcommittee focus will include Security, Education, Tourism,International Business & Industry Development, and MembershipMatriculation Programs. The Chamber of Commerce will be seek-ing additional national and international alliances to address issuessuch as Solid Waste Disposal issues, Water Sewage TreatmentPlant and other infrastructure issues.

Bodaan stated, “I look forward to working with the travel com-munity in making Quepos and the new Manuel Antonio area one ofthe key destinations in Costa Rica. We have worked long and hardto help change the face of Quepos and Manuel Antonio by almostdoubling the number of law enforcement officers and our crimerates are among the lowest in the country.”La Mansion Inn, 800-360-2071,


Caribbean Caco Experience, Chocolate Factory.

Page 6: LATIN AMERICA City of Visionaries: Brasilia and Chapada ... · ion of the gods; and the Palacio da Alvorada (the Palace of Dawn) where the president resides. Must-see, too, the breathtakingly


The best special is to stay free at a luxury resort. Victoria Housein Ambergris Caye, Belize, is offering one free night when five ormore nights are reserved in either a Casita or Plantation Room cat-egory or higher. The special is valid for the dates of June 1 toDecember 18, 2010. Additional details are available through theU.S. reservation office.

Victoria House is rated as one of the top 10 hotels in Belize. Theresort features 42 rooms including luxury suites, two, three andfive bedroom villas. The hotel grounds include both a beachfrontpool and a 70-foot infinity pool and two of the beachfront villashave their own private pool. The hotel also has an elegant restau-rant, Palmilla, with a top chef Jose Luis Ortega, who brings aMayan flare to its delicious cuisine. The Admiral Nelson’s Bar isalways inviting to relax on the wraparound verandah, tell fish sto-ries or share intimate cocktails.

Excursions revealing the sights and sounds of Belize are all withineasy reach of Victoria House: stunning species of migrant bird life,a jungle river lined with wild orchids, echoes of ancient cities lockedin Mayan ruins, fishing the reef while the chef waits to prepare thecatch, diving and snorkeling along the barrier reef or just plain re-laxation. All excursions can be arranged through the hotel’s activ-ities desk and dive shop.

Guestroom reservations and all domestic transfers are easilyarranged by contacting the Victoria House U.S. reservations officetoll-free. Victoria House, 800-247-5159, info@victoria-house,


Exotic Caye Beach Resort in San Pedro Town, Ambergis Caye,Belize, has announced its 2010 Sizzling Summer Special—an op-portunity to stay three nights for the price of two any time betweenJune 22 and October 1, 2010.

This offer is for any of Exotic Caye’s beachfront condos completewith a queen-size bed, full bath, fully equipped kitchenette, living

area, ceiling fans, cable TV, Wi-Fi, air conditioning, and a balconywith an ocean view. The offer cannot be combined with any otheroffer and is for a limited time only. Some restrictions apply and allbookings are subject to resort availability.

Kelly German, Exotic Caye’s Director of Tourism, states:“There’s an indescribable feeling when you walk over the warmwhite sand and feel the crystal blue waters of the Caribbean em-brace you like an old friend. It’s the feeling where nothing else ex-ists—shedding the day-to-day grind and discovering once againyour real sense of being. You’ve felt it before and it may well be themost perfect moment in the world.”

Exotic Caye Beach Resort is full of perfect moments, accordingto German. Beachfront dining and enjoying the cool breeze andsome spicy island shrimp at Exotic Caye’s new restaurant, The BlueIguana Grille. Dancing the night away to live music at CrazyCanucks Beach Bar. Soaking up the sun beside the 125,000-gallonswimming pool at the San Pedro Fitness Club. Sipping an icy coldCaye-puccino from Caye Coffee Caye-osk. Lounging peacefully inan oceanfront hammock swaying with the breeze. Enjoying a GreenTurtle encounter while snorkeling or SCUBA diving in Belize’sworld-famous 80-degree turquoise waters with the dive profession-als at their PADI dive centre, Ambergris Divers.

Says German, “The quiet moments here can be unforgettable” Exotic Caye Beach Resort,


In keeping with its new growth strategy and service concept, theRadisson Fort George in Belize City, Belize, is launching its newbusiness-class rooms this month to better serve the wide range ofbusiness travelers staying at the hotel. Some of the benefits in-cluded in these rooms are free Wi-Fi access, an upgrade to the bestavailable room, a spacious work desk and a comfortable chair,extra outlets by the desk, a laptop safe, early check-in, free break-fast, complimentary drink coupon, home clock radio for IPod con-nection, bathrobe, slippers, upgraded bathroom amenities, turn-down service and 1,000 gold points per night.

On May 1, the Radisson introduced a three-hour express laundryservice, perfect for on-the-go guests. All laundry received will bereturned within three hours.

The Radisson Fort George Hotel & Marina continues to work to-ward being the number-one hotel to stay and invest in by improvingstandards to the highest level.

Recently, the hotel management and staff raised monies throughan annual car wash to present a check for $1,500 Belize dollars(approximately $768 U.S.) to members of the board of the BelizeCancer Society as a donation. It is hoped that the money will assistmembers of the community battling with cancer who cannot affordtreatment. Radisson Fort George Hotel & Marina,

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Page 7: LATIN AMERICA City of Visionaries: Brasilia and Chapada ... · ion of the gods; and the Palacio da Alvorada (the Palace of Dawn) where the president resides. Must-see, too, the breathtakingly

Located on 7200 acres of private reserve in the Northern Maya Mountains,Hidden Valley Inn is the ideal base from

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TWO GREAT DIVERS RESORTS Overlooking the Belize Barrier Reef, choose from20 suites with private balcony or 43 rooms at the

hotel boasting partial ocean & garden views.Perfectly located in the town of San Pedro,

Ambergris Caye with easy access to the town’sactivities yet out of the hustle and bustle of town.

An Exceptional Beach Resort in Belize.We have just completed one of the finest

establishments on Ambergris Caye.PORTOFINO is proud to offer the very

best service on the island with no expensespared to ensure our guests have arelaxing and memorable vacation.

888 240

Imagine a beautiful, palm fringed tropicalisland with a wide, white sandy beach. Imagineelegantly rustic beachfront cabanas with luxuriousfurnishings and island decor. Imagine the warm,crystal clear Caribbean Sea at your feet.Imagine yourself at Tranquility Bay...

Where Dreams and Reality Become One

Page 8: LATIN AMERICA City of Visionaries: Brasilia and Chapada ... · ion of the gods; and the Palacio da Alvorada (the Palace of Dawn) where the president resides. Must-see, too, the breathtakingly


The Lodge at Chaa Creek is inviting travelers to take advantageof its new responsible tourism “Go Green Belize” package. The all-inclusive package offers itineraries focusing on local culture, environmental conservation, sustainable development,traditional healing, the ancient Maya, and social and environ-mental stewardship.

A 15-percent discount is being offered by Chaa Creek on book-ings for this Belize Ecotourism Package for travel dates May1–30 and June 1–30.

Included in the package are:Nights’ lodging in beautifully appointed luxury cottage accom-

modations traditionally constructed by local artisans using in-digenous hardwoods; All meals with daily special recipes featur-ing the seven Belizean ethnic groups: Maya, Creole, Garifuna,Mestizo, East Indian, Chinese and Mennonite; A guided tour ofChaa Creek’s organic Maya farm where freshly harvested fruitsand vegetables are grown for the resort’s varied regional andEuropean menu; Hiking on well-maintained trails along the RutaMaya Trail System where the resort’s professionally trained nat-uralist guides will offer environmental interpretation of the sur-rounding tropical forest and its plants and animals; A guided tourof the Chaa Creek Natural History Centre where visitors receivea comprehensive introduction to the natural history, geographyand cultures of Belize; A guided tour of the Chaa Creek ButterflyFarm, focusing on the life cycle and miraculous transformationof the magnificent Blue Morpho butterfly; A guided interpretivetour of the Rainforest Medicine Trail, showcasing traditionalMaya folk remedies extracted from the plants of the surroundingtropical forest; An early-morning Bird Walk with a Chaa Creeknaturalist guide within its 365-acre nature reserve where over308 species of birds have been documented; Guided horsebackriding within the Ruta Maya Trail System where the guide willhighlight the various unique plants and wildlife species native to

the reserve; Canoeing along the Macal River, home to numerousspecies of tropical birds as well as giant Green Iguanas;Presentation on responsible and sustainable tourism that outlinesChaa Creek’s commitment to the fundamental principles of ecotourism. The Lodge at Chaa Creek, 877-709-8708,[email protected],


For selective clients, the newest collection of “Las Suites” atParador Resort & Spa in Costa Rica is perfect. Perched on thehighest point of Punta Quepos, the new Suites feature luxury ac-commodations with expansive views of diversified rainforestcanopy and the Pacific Ocean. The resort is within minutes ofworld-famous Manuel Antonio National Park and the sport-fishingtown of Quepos.

Throughout June, 2010, the Suites are available with an attrac-tive package rate of four nights/five days for $1,590. This includesa lavish breakfast buffet, welcome cocktail, body treatment ofchoice for two, guided tour to Manuel Antonio National Park, andall taxes.

The Las Suites structure includes two elevators, concierge ser-vice, an adult swimming pool with Jaccuzzi, La Fragata Restaurant(open for lunch and sunset), room service, and a meeting room thatseats eight. From the corridors, guests can observe all species offlora and fauna, including the howler monkey, cari blancos, titis,sloths and tucans.

All suites include a spacious living area, a king-size bed, privatebalcony with Jaccuzzi, bathtub, separate shower, two sinks withgranite counter, sofa bed, mini bar with sink and granite counter,safety deposit box, 42” TV plasma, table clock with Ipod deck,tropical hand-painted artwork by famous Costa Rican artist VictorChavarria, and WiFi.

Two extraordinary Pacifico Suites have all the commodities of theSuites and are located on the corner of the building with a 260-de-gree view; the balcony is larger with total privacy and the bathtubhas an ocean view.

Located on the penthouse floors of Las Suite, two luxuriousMaster Suites have nearly a 360-degree view, each offering a spa-cious master bedroom, living room, bathrooms with large windowslooking over the ocean and the canopy, a large balcony withJaccuzzi, two plasma TVs, and all the additional amenities of LasSuites. Master Suites can be rented separately or together, adjoin-ing with a private foyer.

Parador Resort & Spa has been recognized as a leading hotel byWorld Travel Awards, including receiving this year’s prestigiousMexico’s & Central America’s Leading Hotel 2009 and CostaRica’s Leading Resort & Spa 2009. Parador Resort & Spa, 877-506-1414, [email protected], [email protected],

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