Latex symbols and commands

Company LOGO Scientific Research Group in Egypt (SRGE) Latex symbols and commands Dr. Ahmed Fouad Ali Suez Canal University, Dept. of Computer Science, Faculty of Computers and informatics Member of the Scientific Research Group in Egypt


Latex symbols

Transcript of Latex symbols and commands

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Scientific Research Group in Egypt (SRGE)

Latex symbols and commandsDr. Ahmed Fouad Ali

Suez Canal University, Dept. of Computer Science, Faculty of Computers and informatics

Member of the Scientific Research Group in Egypt

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LOGO Scientific Research Group in

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LOGO Outline (1)1. Operations

4. Brackets

3. Sums, integrals and products

5. Multiline formulas and piecewise functions

2. Subscripts and superscripts

6. Arrows

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LOGO Outline (2). 7. Function names

10. Fonts

9. Punctuation

11. Spacing

8. Matrices

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LOGO Operations

Command Symbols Latex syntaxsquare root \sqrt{x+\sqrt{y}}higher order roots \sqrt[mn]{x+y} \quad \sqrt[3]


root sign \surd[x+y]fractions \frac{a+b}{x+\log\frac{Y}{Z}}

force large (display) fraction


continued fraction 1+\cfrac{2}{  3+\cfrac{4}{    5+\cfrac{6}{7+\dotsb}}} =\frac{1}{\sqrt e - 1}

binomial \binom{n+1}{k}

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LOGO Operations

Command Symbols Latex syntaxprime y'' + y' + y = umod \begin{array}{l}

  a\bmod n=b \\  a\equiv b\pmod n \\  a\equiv b\mod n \\  a\equiv b\pod n\end{array}

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LOGO Subscripts and superscriptsCommand Symbols Latex syntaxsubscripts x_1, x_2 \quad a_{ij}superscripts x^y \quad e^{2j\pi t} \quad a_{ij}^2

multilevel subscripts

\sum_{\substack{      1 \le m \le N, \\      m\text{ odd}}} P(m)

nested sub/superscripts

a_{b_j} \quad e^{x^2}

sub- and superscripts before the symbol

{}_n C_k

subscripts and superscripts for large symbols


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LOGO Sums, integrals, and productsCommand Symbols Latex syntaxsum \sum_{i=1}^{+\infty}

product \prod_{\alpha \in U}

integral \int_{x_0}^{x_1}

contour \oint_C

double and triple integrals

\iint_S \quad \iiint_S

even more integrals \iiiint_S \quad \idotsint_S

integrals with alternative limit placement

\int\limits_\alpha^\beta \quad\iint\limits_S

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LOGO Sums, integrals, and productsCommand Symbols Latex syntaxunions and intersections

\bigcup_{\alpha\in S} \quad\bigcap_{V\in\mathfrak{V}}

direct sums, co-products, and so on

\bigodot \quad \bigoplus

\bigotimes \quad \bigsqcup

\biguplus \quad \coprod

\bigvee \quad \bigwedge

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LOGO BracketsCommand Symbols Latex syntaxpairing brackets ( \; ), [ \; ], \{ \; \}

\lvert\;\rvert, \lVert\;\rVert

\lceil\;\rceil, \lfloor\;\rfloor


absolute value \abs{u(t)}

norm \norm{\hat{G}}_\infty

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LOGO BracketsCommand Symbols Latex syntax

\left(  \sum_{i=1}^{n} e^{2\pi j i^2}\right)

( \sum_{i=1}^{n} e^{2\pi j i^2} )

\Biggl(  \biggl(  \Bigl(  \bigl( \quad\Biggr\} \biggr\} \Bigr\} \bigr\}

\left[ \sum_j      \left|\sum_i x_{ij}\right|^2\right] ^{1/2}

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LOGO BracketsCommand Symbols Latex syntax

\biggl[ \sum_j      \Bigl|\sum_i x_{ij}\Bigr|^2\biggr]^{1/2}

O\left(\left(    m^2+n^2\right)\log n\right)

O\bigl((m^2+n^2)\log n\bigr)

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LOGO Multiline formulas and piecewise functions

Command Symbols Latex syntaxpiecewise functions/cases

a_k = \begin{cases}  k & \text{for $k \le n/2$} \\  n & \text{for $k=n/2$} \\  k-1 & \text{otherwise}\end{cases}

multiline equations (aligned at &)

\begin{split}\tan^2 x  &= \sin^2 x/\cos^2 x \\  &= 1/\cos^2 x - 1\end{split}

systems of equations

\left\{\begin{array}{l}  ax+by=r_1 \\  cx+dy=r_2\end{array}\right.

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LOGO ArrowsCommand Symbols Latex syntaximplication x^2=4 \implies x=\pm 2

if and only if x^2=4 \iff x=\pm 2

tends to x\to+\infty

gets A\gets B+C

sizable single A\xleftarrow{\rm today}B

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LOGO ArrowsCommand Symbols Latex syntaxhorizontal arrows B\xrightarrow{\rm tomorrow}C

C \xrightarrow    [\text{(except Fridays)}]    {\text{every day}} D

sizable single vertical arrows

\left \uparrow \sum \right\downarrow \;\Big\updownarrow

sizable double vertical arrows

\left \Uparrow \sum \right\ Downarrow \;\Big\Updownarrow

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LOGO Function namesSymbols syntax Symbols syntax Symbols syntax

\arccos \cot \ln

\arcsin \coth \exp

\arctan \csc \gcd

\arg \deg \hom

\cos \det \inf

\cosh \dim \injlim

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LOGO Function namesSymbols syntax Symbols syntax Symbols syntax

\varinjlim \limsup \projlim

\ker \varlimsup \varprojlim

\lg \log \sec

\lim \max \sin

\liminf \min \sinh

\varliminf \Pr \sup

\tan \tanh

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LOGO MatricesCommand Symbols Latex syntaxmatrix (square-bracketed)

\begin{bmatrix}      \lambda \\      1 & \lambda \\      & \ddots & \ddots \\      & & 1 & \lambda\end{bmatrix}_{n\times n}

alternative delimiters \begin{pmatrix}a\\b\\c\end{pmatrix},\begin{Bmatrix}a\\b\\c\end{Bmatrix},\begin{vmatrix}a\\b\\c\end{vmatrix},\begin{Vmatrix}a\\b\\c\end{Vmatrix},\begin{matrix}a\\b\\c\end{matrix}

inline matrices (\begin{smallmatrix}1 && 2 \\3 && 4\end{smallmatrix})

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LOGO PunctuationCommand Symbols Latex syntaxdots between commas

x_1, x_2, \dotsc, x_n

dots between binary operations

x_1 + x_2 + \dotsb + x_n

dots between integrals


dots between multiplication signs


colon (meaning “such that” or when defining domains)

f\colon \mathbb{N}\to\mathbb{R}

vertical and diagonal \vdots \quad \ddots

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LOGO FontsCommand Symbols Latex syntaxnormal text x+\frac{1}{x} \ge 2

\text{ for all $x>0$}

bold text, upright \textbf{I am Jack's bold text.}

bold math, upright AB\mathbf{CD}EF

bold math, italic AB\boldsymbol{C}\boldsymbol{D}EF

poor AB\pmb{C}\pmb{D}EF

calligraphic(uppercase Latin letters only)

\begin{array}{c}\mathcal{ABCDEFGHIJKLM} \\\mathcal{NOPQRTSUVWXYZ}\end{array}

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LOGO FontsCommand Symbols Latex syntaxblackboard bold (uppercase Latin letters only)

\begin{array}{c}\mathbb{ABCDEFGHIJKLM} \\\mathbb{NOPQRTSUVWXYZ}\end{array}

sans-serif font \begin{array}{c}\mathsf{ABCDEFGHIJKLM} \\\mathsf{NOPQRTSUVWXYZ} \\\mathsf{abcdefghijklm} \\\mathsf{nopqrtsuvwxyz} \\\mathsf{0123456789}\end{array}

typewriter \begin{array}{c}\mathtt{ABCDEFGHIJKLM} \\\mathtt{NOPQRTSUVWXYZ} \\\mathtt{abcdefghijklm} \\\mathtt{nopqrtsuvwxyz} \\\mathtt{0123456789}\end{array}

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LOGO Spacing

Command Symbols Latex syntaxdefault (none) x y

quad (width of ) x\quad y

double quad x\qquad y

virtual space \Gamma_{ij}^{\phantom{ij}k}

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