latest update – May 2015 - · Francesco De Pascalis "What Does He Think This...

Journal Table of Contents (Journal TOC) latest update – May 2015 List of journals with electronic table of contents in European Communities and European Union section between January and May 2015: 1) Columbia Journal of European Law 2) Europarecht 3) Europe en Formation 4) European Competition Journal 5) European Competition Law Review 6) European constitutional Law Review 7) European Journal of Consumer Law 8) European Journal of Law Reform 9) European Journal of Migration and Law 10) European Journal of Social Security 11) European Law Review 12) European Union Politics 13) European Urban and Regional Studies 14) European View 15) Integration 16) Journal for European Environmental and Planning Law 17) Journal of European Integration History 18) Journal of European Social Policy 19) Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 20) Revue de l'union Européenne

Transcript of latest update – May 2015 - · Francesco De Pascalis "What Does He Think This...

Page 1: latest update – May 2015 - · Francesco De Pascalis "What Does He Think This Is? The Court of Human Rights or the United Nations?" (Plain) Language in the Written

Journal Table of Contents (Journal TOC)

latest update – May 2015

List of journals with electronic table of contents in European Communities and European Union section between January and May 2015:

1) Columbia Journal of European Law

2) Europarecht

3) Europe en Formation

4) European Competition Journal

5) European Competition Law Review

6) European constitutional Law Review

7) European Journal of Consumer Law

8) European Journal of Law Reform

9) European Journal of Migration and Law

10) European Journal of Social Security

11) European Law Review

12) European Union Politics

13) European Urban and Regional Studies

14) European View

15) Integration

16) Journal for European Environmental and Planning Law

17) Journal of European Integration History

18) Journal of European Social Policy

19) Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law

20) Revue de l'union Européenne

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The Columbia Journal of European Law Volume 20 Number 2 ARTICLE Introduction George A. Bermann 1 To Say What the Law of the EU Is: Methods of Interpretation and the European Court of Justice Koen Lenaerts and José A. Gutiérrez-Fons 3

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Europarecht Volume 49 number 5 Inhaltsverzeichnis AUFSÄTZE Franz C. Mayer Rebeis without a cause? Zur OMT-Vorlage des Bundesverfassungsgerichts 473 Henner Gött Die ultra vires-Rüge nach dem OMT-Vorlagebeschluss des Bundesverfassungsgerichts 514 Herrn.-J. Blanke, Stefan Pilz Solidarische Finanzhilfen als Lackmustest föderaler Balance in der Europäischen Union 541 RECHTSPRECHUNG Kein Zwang zur Öffnung nationaler Fördersysteme für erneuerbare Energien zugunsten ausländischer Hersteller Anmerkung zu EuGH, Urteil vom 1.7.2014, Rs. C-573/12 Alands Vindkraft AB gegen Ener-gimyndlgheten Carola Clinski 567 KLEINERE BEITRÄGE, BERICHTE UND DOKUMENTE Emilia Fronczak 50 Jahre gerichtliche Durchsetzung des Beihilfenrechts - Vom Durchführungs- zum Prüfungsverbot? 576 Franz A.M. Koppensteiner Die Transparenzverordnung im Wandel der Zeit 594

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Europarecht Volume 49 number 6 Aufsätze Cornelia Manger-Nestler, Robert Böttner Ménage à trois?-Zur gewandelten Rolle der EZB im Spannungsfeld zwischen Geldpolitik, Finanzaufsicht und Fiskalpolitik 621 Stamatia Devetzi Die "Verbindung" zu einem (Sozial-)Staat: Wann ist der Bund stark genug? 638 Nina Wunderlich, Thomas Pickartz Hat die Richtlinie ausgedient? Zur Wahl der Handlungsform nach Art. 296 Abs. 1 AEUV 659 Tobias Brenner Regulierung mithilfe des Kartellrechts?-Verpflichtungszusagen der Europäischen Kommission 671 Rechtsprechung Ein Recht auf Vergessenwerden als Ausprägung einer selbstbestimmten digitalen Persönlichkeit Anmerkung zum Urteil des EuGH v. 13.5.2014 (Google), Rs. C-131/12 Anika D. Luch, Sänke E. Schulz, Florian Kuhlmann 698 Kleinere Beiträge, Berichte und Dokumente Christopher Cach Die Verstärkte Zusammenarbeit und ihre Bedeutung für die Errichtung der Europäischen Staatsanwaltschaft 716 Ulrich Reithmann Die Rechtsprechung des Gerichts für den öffentlichen Dienst der Europäischen Union 2012/2013 730

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Europarecht 2015 50. Jahrgang numer 1 Aufsätze Koen Lenaerts Kooperation und Spannung im Verhältnis von EuGH und nationalen Verfassungsgerichten 3 Sarah Schadendorf Die UN-Menschenrechtsverträge im Grundrechtsgefüge der Europäischen Union 28 Sara Dietz, Thomas Streinz Das Marktzugangskriterium in der Dogmatik der Grundfreiheiten 50 Rechtsprechung Eberhard Eichenhofer Ausschluss von ausländischen Unionsbürgern aus deutscher Grundsicherung? 73 Jörg Cundel Der beschränkte Anwendungsbereich des Charta-Grundrechts auf gute Verwaltung: Zur fortwirkenden Bedeutung der allgemeinen Rechtsgrundsätze als Quelle des EU-Grundrechtsschutzes Anmerkung zum Urteil des EuGH v. 17. Juli 2014, verb. Rs. C-141/12 u. C-372/12 (Y.S. u. M. u.S./Minister voor Immigratie) 80

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Europarecht 2015 50. Jahrgang Seite 131 - 262 Aufsätze Peter Hilpold Die Unionsbürgerschaft-Entwicklung und Probleme 133 Daniel Matthias Klocke Die dynamische Auslegung der EMRK im Lichte der Dokumente des Europarats148 Rike Krämer, Judith Janna Märten Der Dialog der Gerichte - die Fortentwicklung des Persönlichkeitsschutzes im europäischen Mehrebenenrechtsverbund 169 Rechtsprechung Carsten Nowak, Maya Sofie Masuhr "EU only": Die ausschließlichen impliziten Außenkompetenzen der Europäischen Union -Anmerkung zum Urteil des EuGH vom 4.9.2014 in der Rs. C-114/12 (Europäische Kommission/Rat der Europäischen Union) 189 Ferdinand Weber, Göttingen Anwendungsgrenzen, Behördenkooperation und Ermessensausübung des Rates im Rahmen der europäischen Terrorismusbekämpfung - Anmerkung zum Urteil des EuG vom 16.10.2014,verD- Rs. T-208/11 und T-508/11 (Liberation Tigers of Eelam/Rat der Europäischen Union) 206

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L'Europe en formation Été 2014 Summer 2014 n°372 Dossier Quel avenir pour les modèles sociaux européens? Which future for European Social Models ? Jean-Claude Vérez 5 Introduction Philip B. Whyman, Mark Baimbridge & Andrew Mullen 8 Revisiting the European Social Modet(s) Debate: Challenges and Prospects Petia Kostadinova 33 Social Policy Arrangements across Europe: Continuing Disparities between Social Models in the EU? Mahamat K. Dodo 51 Historical Evolution of the Social Dimension of the European Integration: Issues and future Prospects of the European Social Model Lars Niklasson 67 Competing Narratives on the European Social Model: the Birth of a Rhetorical Alliance Marius Guderjan 80 The European Social Model - Public Support through Social Investment? Thierry Warin 99 La viabilité des modèles sociaux européens après la crise de 2008 Francisco Jorge Rodríguez Gonzálvez 122 Exploring the Constitutional Possibilities for a European Social Model Some common constitutional traditions between liberalism and social intervention

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L'Europe en formation Automne 2014 - Autumn 2014 no 373 Dossier Euroscepticisme et élections européennes de 2014 Euroscepticism and 2014 European Elections Coordinateurs - Editors: Laurent Baechler & Hartmut Marhold Laurent Baechler 4 Introduction Gilles Ivaldi 7 Euroscepticisme, populisme, droites radicales : état des forces et enjeux européens John FitzGibbon 29 Euroscepticism and the 2014 European Parliamentary Elections Oliver Höing & Johannes Müller Gómez 45 Towards the German model? Spitzenkandidaten and European Elections 2014 Eleonora Poli & Mark Valentiner 66 from Albertini to Anti-Europeanism: Shades of Euroscepticism in Italy Tribune Andrew Duff 80 The Juncker Mandate

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European Competition Journal Volume 10 Number 3 December 2014 Contents An Economic Assessment of the Usability of the New General Block Exemption Regulation for State Aid (Regulation 651/2014) 403 Phedon Nicolaides Confusopoly and the Fallacy of Behaviouralism—A Response to Professors Littlechild and Hviid/Waddams Price 419 Paolo Siciliani The UK's Draft Bill on Collective Redress Proceedings: Does it Really Address Small Damages Claims? 435 Eda Sahin Merger Control and the Public Interest: Balancing EU and National Law in the Protectionist Debate 453 Alison Jones and John Davies A Fistful of Euros: EU Competition Policy and Reverse Payments in the Pharmaceutical Industry 499 Fabrizio Esposito and Francesco Montanaro Merger Control Procedure and Enforcement: An International Comparison 523 Gavin Robert Injunctive Relief in Disputes Related to Standard-Essential Patents: Time for the CJEU to Set Fair and Reasonable Presumptions 551 Pierre Larouche and Nicolo Zingales

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European Competition Law Review 2014 Volume 35 Issue 12 Articles Kiran Desai A development in State aid practice - tax rulings and settlements become a focus of attention 575 Richard Craven State aid and sport: football clubs in difficulty 581 Ingrid Vandenborre and Michael Frese Most Favoured Nation Clauses Revisited 588 Sebastian Janka Parent liability and claims for recovery between joint and several debtors according to EU antitrust law 594 P. Sean Morris Iron Curtain at the border: Gazprom and the Russian blocking order to prevent the extraterritoriality of EU competition law 601 Case Comment Robert Miklós Babirad European Commission v Dimosia Epicheirisi Ilektrismou AE (DEI) 613

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European Constitutional Law Review 2014 Volume 10 Issue 3 Editorial Between the Constitutional Document and the Constitutional Settlement 375 Articles Mark Elliott Constitutional Legislation, European Union Law and the Nature of the United Kingdom's Contemporary Constitution 379 Claire Kilpatrick Are the Bailouts Immune to EU Social Challenge Because They Are Not EU Law?393 James Organ Decommissioning Direct Democracy? A Critical Analysis of Commission Decision-Making on the Legal Admissibility of European Citizens Initiative Proposals 422 Madis Ernits The Principle of Equality in the Estonian Constitution: A Systematic Perspective444 Case Notes Carl Fredrik Bergström Defending Restricted Standing for Individuals to Bring Direct Actions against 'Legislative' Measures - Court of Justice of the European Union, Decision of 3 October 2013 in Case C-583/11 P, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami and Others v. European Parliament and Council 481 Heikki Marjosola Bridging the Constitutional Gap in EU Executive Rule-Making: The Court of Justice Approves Legislative Conferral of Intervention Powers to European Securities Markets Authority - Court of Justice of the European Union (Grand Chamber), Judgment of 22 January 2014, Case C-270/12, UKw. Parliament and Council 500 Tuomas Ojanen Privacy Is More Than Just a Seven-Letter Word: The Court of Justice of the European Union Sets Constitutional Limits on Mass Surveillance - Court of Justice of the European Union, Decision of 8 April 2014 in Joined Cases C-293/12 and C-594/12, Digital Rights Ireland and Seitlinger and Others 528 Helle Krunke The Danish Lisbon Judgment - Danish Supreme Court, Case 199/2012, Judgment of 20 February 2013 542 Víctor Ferreres Comella The Spanish Constitutional Court Confronts Catalonia's 'Right to Decide' (Comment on the Judgment 42/2014) 571

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European Journal of Consumer Law Number 2 2014 Table of contents Foreword 229 L'Espagne et la réglementation des clauses abusives : A Never Ending Story?

Blanca Vilá Costa Articles 233 Smartifying Product Safety and Market Surveillance: The EU (Proposal)

Package Marie-Eve Arbour

255 Les atouts et les incertitudes du règlement 1151/2012 relatif aux systèmes de qualité applicables aux produits agricoles et aux denrées alimentaires Alessandra Di Lauro

275 La directive « services » et le consommateur Stéphane-Laure N'Thepe Caubet

289 To be a communication or not to be: the influence of IT innovation on the material scope of EU advertising law Anthony Bochon

309 L'apport de la Charte des droits fondamentaux de l'Union européenne à la protection des consommateurs Tania Racho

333 What place for consumer protection in the Single Market for digital content? Reflections on the European Commission's optional regulation policy Agustín Reyna

Comments 363 Arrêt Poteshop : précisions quant à la sanction d'une publicité trompeuse

Christophe Verdure 371 Case Barclays and case LCL Crédit Lyonnais : A short comparison which

shows the persistent gaps in the consumer protection system Paolo Duvia

383 Arrêt 4finance : entre la nécessaire application uniforme du droit de l'Union et le niveau de protection élevé des consommateurs, l'interprétation restrictive des dispositions du point 14 de l'annexe I de la directive 2005/29 par la Cour de justice Émilie Le Thieis, Mathieu Le Soudéer

397 Arrêt Royaume-Uni cl Conseil : taxe sur les transactions financières et incertitudes juridiques Cédric Cheneviere, Frederik Mesdag

405 Arrêt Morcillo-Garcia : consécration du droit au double degré de juridiction sur base de la réglementation sur les clauses abusives ? Nadège Vandenberghe

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European Journal of Law Reform 2014 (16) 3 Editorial Plain Language. Improving Legal Communication 533 Giulia Adriana Pennisi Articles Living in the Past. The Critics of Plain Language 541 Derwent Coshott Shifting from Financial Jargon to Plain Language Advantages and Problems in the European Retail Financial Market 553 Francesco De Pascalis "What Does He Think This Is? The Court of Human Rights or the United Nations?" (Plain) Language in the Written Memories of Arbitral Proceedings: A Cross-Cultural Case Study 572 Stefania Maria Maci Legislative Drafting in Plain Urdu Language for the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. A Question of Complex Intricacies 597 Mazhar Ilahi Making EU Legislation Clearer 610 William Robinson Plain, Clear, and Something More? Criteria for Communication in Legal Language 633 Derek Roebuck Plain Language in Legal Studies A Corpus-Based Study 651 Michele Sala

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European Journal of Law Reform 2014 (16) 4 Table of Contents Editorial Editorial 675 Articles A Crisis Beyond Law, or a Crisis of Law? 679 Reflections on the European Economic Crisis Ioannis Glinavos Beyond Financialisation? 692 Transformative Strategies for More Sustainable Financial Markets in the European Union Dieter Pesendorfer Collective Action Clauses in the Eurozone 713 One Step Forward, Two Steps Back Giuseppe Bianco EU Corporate Governance 728 The Ongoing Challenges of the 'Institutional Investor Activism' Conundrum Konstantinos Sergakis Addressing the Pension Challenge: Can the EU Respond? 747 Towards Facilitating the Portability of Supplementary (Occupational) Pension Rights Konstantina Kalogeropoulou Another Type of Deficit? 770 Human Rights, Corporate Social Responsibility, and the Shaping of the European Union's Linkage Strategy Aurora Voiculescu

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European Journal of Law Reform 2015 (17)1 Articles Which Direction Is the Regulatory Quality Pendulum Taking? 3 Luca Di Donato Regulating Genetic Discrimination in the European Union Pushing the EU into Unchartered Territory or Ushering in a New Genomic Era? 14 Aisling de Paor, Delia Ferri The Penal Law of the Foe Revisited Politically Overcoming Liberalism or Trivially Regressing to State's Glorification? 33 Chads Papacharalamhous The Rule of Law Reform and Judicial Education in Pakistan Search for a Model 47 Khurshid lqhal Extra-Marital Children and Their Right to Inherit from Their Fathers in Botswana A Critical Appraisal 93 Obonye Jonas Goodwill/Intangibles Accounting Rules, Earnings Management, and Competition 117 Michael I.C. Nwogugu Un-Constitutionality of the Dodd-Frank Act 185 Michael I. C. Nwogugu

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European Journal of Migration and LawVol. 16 No. 4 2014 Articles Judy Fudge and Petra Herzfeld Olsson The EU Seasonal Workers Directive: When Immigration Controls Meet Labour Rights 439 Samantha Arnold, Martine Goeman and Katja Fournier The Role of the Guardian in Determining the Best Interest of the Separated Child Seeking Asylum in Europe: A Comparative Analysis of Systems of Guardianship in Belgium, Ireland and the Netherlands 467 Maria Gregou Drawing the Geographic Boundaries of Expulsion and Readmission in Greece: The Dynamics of an Elusive Process 505 Alexandra Maria Rodrigues Araújo The Qualification for Being a Refugee under EU Law: Religion as a Reason for Persecution 535 Julian Kläser The Swiss Public Initiative against Mass Immigration ('Masseneinuianderungsinitiave'): Caught between Constitutional Sovereignty and Pacta Sunt Servanda 559

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European Journal of Social Security Volume 16 number 4 Jos Berghman: An Appreciation Adrian Sinfield 287 ARTICLES Comfort in Numbers? Social Integration and Political Participation among Disability Benefit Recipients in Norway Ann-Helén Bay, Axel West Pedersen and Henning Finseraas 290 Fathers' Leave and Fathers' Involvement: Evidence from Four OECD Countries Maria C. Huerta, Willem Adema, Jennifer Baxter, Wen-Jui Han, Mette Lausten, Raehyuck Lee and Jane Waldfogel 308 Psychosocial Factors Predicting Job Search Behaviour of Long-Term Welfare Recipients in the Netherlands Inge Varekamp, Trudie Knijn, Peter Bos and Frits Van Wel 347 RECENT CASE LAW Overview of Recent Cases before the Court of Justice of the European Union (January - September 2014) Anne Pieter van der Mei 371 Habitual Residence: Fact or (Legal) Fiction? Commentary on the Case of I v Health Service Executive at the European Court of Justice Mel Cousins 385

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European Journal of Social Security volume 17 number 1 March 2015 ARTICLES Towards Cross-country Comparable Reference Budgets in Europe: First Results of a Concerted Effort Tim Goedemé, Bérénice Storms, Sara Stockman, Tess Penne and Karel Van den Bosch 3 Responses from the Frontline: How Organisations and Street-level Bureaucrats Deal with Economic Sanctions Dorte Caswell and Matilde Høybye-Mortensen 31 National Healthcare Planning and the Internal Market: A Conceptual View on the Impact of EU Law on Member States’ Regulatory Autonomy in the Field of Healthcare Andreas Walus 52 An Argument for Social Insurance Based on Personal Identity Mikael Dubois 84 RECENT NEWS AND CASE LAW Overview of Recent Cases before the Court of Justice of the European Union (October-December 2014) Anne Pieter van der Mei 102 The Constraints of Fundamental Social Rights on EU Economic Monitoring: Collective Complaint No. 76-80/2012, IKA-ETAM, Panhellenic Federation of Public Service Pensioners, ISAP, POS-DEI, ATE v. Greece Eleni De Becker 123

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European Law Review Issue 5 October 2014 Editorial Inter-institutional Disputes and Treaty-making 599 Articles EU International Agreements through a US Lens: Different Methods of Interpretation, Tests and the Issue of "Rights" Szilárd Gáspár-Szilágyi 601 Cultural Mainstreaming: The European Union's Horizontal Cultural Diversity Agenda and its Evolution Evangelia Psychogiopoulou 626 Reconstructing the Early Warning System on Subsidiarity: The Case for Political Judgment Marco Goldoni 647 Diplomats at the Bar: The European External Action Service before EU Courts Mauro Gatti 664 Analysis and Reflections Implementation of EU Law through Domestic Measures after Fransson: the Court of Justice Buys Time and "Non-preclusion" Troubles Loom Large Filippo Fontanelli 682 Delimiting the Harmonisation Scope of the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive: Towards a Specific Competitive Intent Requirement? Comment on Anzeige Georgios Anagnostaras and Asteris Pliakos 701 Private Enforcement of the EU Competition Rules: The Commission Wishes to "Practise what it Preaches"... But Can it Do So? Comment on Otis Arianna Andreangeli 717

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European Law Review Issue 6 December 2014 Editorial State-less 751 Articles EMU and the European Union's Constitutional Framework Koen Lenaerts 753 Economically Inactive EU Migrants and the United Kingdom's National Health Service: Unreasonable Burdens without Real Links? Sylvia de Mars 770 Tax Competition and Harmonisation under EU Law: Economic Realities and Legal Rules Brady Gordon 790 The ESMA Doctrine: A Constitutional Revolution and the Economics of Delegation Dariusz Adamski 812 Analysis and Reflections The Court of Justice and the Data Retention Directive in Digital Rights Ireland: Telling Off the EU Legislator and Teaching a Lesson in Privacy and Data Protection Marie-Pierre Granger and Kristina Irion 835 The Direct Effect of EU Directives: Fresh Controversy or a Storm in a Teacup? Comment on Portgás Albertina Albors-Llorens 851 The Mackerel War: Testing the Limits of the Exclusive Jurisdiction of the Court of Justice under Article 344 TFEU Mihail Vatsov 864

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European Union Politics Volume 16 Number I March 2015 Articles Why no twin-track Europe? Unity, discontent, and differentiation in European integration 3 Andreas H Hvidsten and Jon Hovi Dynamics of European integration: Public opinion in the core and periphery 23 Jørgen Bølstad Austerity and credibility in the Eurozone 45 lain McMenamin, Michael Breen and Juan Muñoz-Portillo The budgetary procedure in the European Union and the implications of the Treaty of Lisbon 67 Christophe Crombez and Bjoern Høyland Intra-governmental bargaining and political budget cycles in the European Union 90 Abel Bojar Communicating supranational governance? The salience of EU affairs in the German Bundestag, 1991-2013 116 Christian Rauh Inequality, state ownership and the European Union: How economic context and economic ideology shape support for the European Union 139 John Garry and James Tilley

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European Union Politics Volume 15 Number 4 December 2014 Articles Do asylum recognition rates in Europe respond to transnational terrorism? The migration-security nexus revisited 445 Nazli Avdan Incomplete information and bargaining in the EU: An explanation of first-reading non-agreements 472 Vibeke Wøien Hansen Do electoral rules matter? Explaining national differences in women's representation in the European Parliament 496 Jessica Fortin-Rittberger and Herthold Rlttberger Inclusive versus exclusive: A cross-national comparison of the effects of subnational, national, and supranational identity 521 K Amber Curtis Inter-regional networks in Brussels: Analyzing the information exchanges among regional offices 547 Jan Beyers and Tom Donas The Europeanization of interest groups: Group type, resources and policy area 572 Andreas Dür and Gemma Mateo In over their heads: Public consultation, administrative capacity and legislative duration in the European Union 595 Adam William Chalmers

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European Urban and Regional Studies volume 21 Number 4 October 2014 Special Issue: Multilevel Governance and Partnership for Effective Regional Development Policies: Lessons from EU Cohesion Policy Introduction Challenges of multi-level governance and partnership: Drawing lessons from European Union cohesion policy 355 Marcin Dąbrowski, John Bachtler and François Bafoil Articles EU cohesion policy, horizontal partnership and the patterns of sub-national governance: Insights from Central and Eastern Europe 364 Marcin Dąbrowski The conflicting effects of multi-level governance and the partnership principle: Evidence from the Italian experience 384 Simona Milio Using partnership to ameliorate regional policies? The case of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 398 Catherine Perron EU cohesion policy and multi-level governance outcomes in Ireland: How sustainable is Europeanization? 416 Maura Adshead The interplay between austerity, domestic territorial reform and European Union Cohesion Policy: Multi-level Governance and the application of the partnership principle in Greece 432 Anastassios Chardas Regular Articles Between equity, efficiency and redistribution: An analysis of revealed allocation criteria of regional public investment in Greece 445 Vassilis Monastiriotis and Yannis Psycharis Global integration along historic pathways: Vienna and Munich in the changing financial geography of Europe 463 Hans-Martin Zademach and Robert Musil

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European View Volume 13 Number 2 December 2014 EDITORIAL Europe's defining challenges Mikuláš Dzurinda 187 EU VALUES UNDER PRESSURE Economic crisis and political extremism in Europe: from the 1930s to the present Antonls Klapsis 189 Central and Eastern Europe in transition: an unfinished process? Žiga Turk 199 Europe: the worth of a values-based community Pedro Agramunt 209 European foreign fighters in Syria: dynamics and responses Lorenzo Vidino 217 POWERS ON THE RISE Facing up to the bear: confronting Putin's Russia Roland Freudenstein 225 China's re-emergence as a global economic power: How should Europe respond? Benjamin Barth 233 BRICS: Can a marriage of convenience last? Katarina Králiková 243 Treacherous sands: the EU and terrorism in the broader Sahel Rem Korteweg 251 LONG-TERM CHALLENGES European security: stop sleeping and wake up Artis Pabriks 259 Time for member state-led strategic partnerships Timothy Stafford 269 Demographics: the vulnerable heel of the European Achilles Alexandra Tragaki 277 Energy dependence: the EU's greatest energy security challenge? Vladimir Urutchev 287 How Europe can become less dependent on raw materials imports Rainer Lütkehus 295 The short- and long-term challenges of climate change and security Tom Spencer 303 CURRENT AFFAIRS The prospect of a British exit from the EU Vlad'ka Vojtišková 309 The pitfalls of parliamentarisation: why the procedure of appointing the European Commission should be changed Frank Decker 319

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Back to title list Multilevel governance as way towards a more involved and accountable political union Michel Lebrun 327 The Maker Movement: a new avenue for competition in the EU Charles Howard, Andrea Gerosa, Maria Carrasco Mejuto and Gregor Giannella 333 FROM MARTENS CENTRE RESEARCH Building a Lifeline for Freedom: Eastern Partnership 2.0 Salome Samadashvili 341 The Christian Democratic origins of the European People's Party: values and relevance for policies Barend Tensen, Vít Novotný, Federico Ottavio Reho and Steven Van Hecke 343 Refuelling Europe: a roadmap for completing the single energy market David Buchan 345 ERRATUM Unexpected revolution: the role of social media in Ukraine's Euro,aidan uprising Tetyana Bohdanova 347

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Integration VIERTEUAHRESZEITSCHRIFT DES INSTITUTS FÜR EUROPÄISCHE POLITIK IN ZUSAMMENARBEIT MIT DEM ARBEITSKREIS EUROPÄISCHE INTEGRATION 37. Jahrgang 2014 4/14 AUFSÄTZE Olivier Rozenberg Frankreichs Suche nach einem europäischen Narrativ 309 András Inotai Ein Jahrzehnt ungarischer Mitgliedschaft in der Europäischen Union: eine kritische Bilanz 320 Stefan Gänzle und Kristine Kern Die Ostseestrategie der Europäischen Union: Entwicklung, Stand und Perspektiven eines neuen Ansatzes in der EU-Regionalpolitik 345 FORUM Timm Beichelt Die Politik der Östlichen Partnerschaft - inkompatible Grundannahmen und antagonistische Herausforderung 357 TAGUNGEN Christian Opitz Die Europäische Union in unruhigem Fahrwasser: Eine deutsch-nordisch-baltische Reformpartnerschaft in Zeiten innen- und außenpolitischer Herausforderungen 365 ARBEITSKREIS EUROPÄISCHE INTEGRATION Zareh Asatryan, Benjamin Bittschi, Melissa Engel, Lisa Evers, Friedrich Heinemann, Christoph Schröder, Frank Streif und Mustafa Yeter Der Einfluss der öffentlichen Verwaltung auf die ökonomische Performance von Ländern 371

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Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law Vol. 11 No. 4 2014 CONTENTS Contributors 319 ARTICLE Helle Tegner Anker Simplifying EU Environmental Legislation - Reviewing the EIA Directive? 321 Astrid Epiney and Benedikt Pirker The Case Law of the European Court of Justice on Access to justice in the Aarhus Convention and Its Implications for Switzerland 348 Jan Darpö Article 9.2 of the Aarhus Convention and EU Law - Some Remarks on CJEUS Case-law on Access to Justice in Environmental Decision Making 367 Stefan Möckel 35 years of the EU Birds Directive in the Light of the Court Practice of the European Court of Justice and the German Federal Administrative Court 392

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Journal of European Integration History Volume 20 number 2 Wolfgang Mueller European Communist Parties and Eurocommunism in the Cold War 177 Karlo Ruzicic-Kessler Togliatti, Tito and the Shadow of Moscow 1944/45-1948: Post-War Territorial Disputes and the Communist World 181 Maximilian Graf The Rise and Fall of "Austro-Eurocommunism". On the "Crisis" within the KPÖ and the Significance of East German Influence in the 1960s 203 Francesco di Palma Eurocommunism and the SED: a contradictory relationship 219 Valentine Lomellini When Hopes Come to Naught. The Question of Italian Communists' Participation in Government and the Failure of a Particular Strategy, 1974-1978 233 Nikolas Dörr NATO and Eurocommunism. The Fear of a Weakening of the Southern Flank from the mid-1970s to mid-1980s 245 Michael J. Geary Ireland's EEC Enlargement Negotiations and the Common Fisheries Policy, 1970-1972: Challenging the Acquis 259 Matthias Mayer Liberalising Labour Migration Policies at the European Level: Germany's Preferences on the Freedom of Movement Provisions of the Ankara Agreement 275

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Journal of European Social Policy Volume 24 Number 5 December 2014 Articles The capacity of social policies to combat poverty among new social risk groups 405 Allison E Rovny Informal caregiving and well-being in Europe: What can ease the negative consequences for caregivers? 424 Ellen Verbakel Defamilization typology re-examined: Re-measuring the economic independence of women in welfare states 442 Esther Yin-Nei Cho Interpreting the marketization of employment services in Great Britain and Denmark 455 Flemming Larsen and Sharon Wright The Great Recession and the changing distribution of economic vulnerability by social class: The Irish case 470 Christopher T Whelan and Bertrand Maître European Briefing Democracy and welfare in hard times: The social policy of the Orbán Government in Hungary between 2010 and 2014 486 Dorottya Szikra

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Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law Volume 21 number 3 CONTENTS

ARTICLES An Assessment of the Effectiveness of International Private Regulation in the Corporate Social Responsibility Arena: A Legal Perspective Martijn Scheltema 383 The Price of EU Citizenship: The Maltese Citizenship-for-Sale Affair and the Principle of Sincere Cooperation in Nationality Matters Sergio Carrera 406 English Pragmatism and Italian Virtue: A Comparative Analysis of the Regime of Illegally Obtained Evidence in Civil Law Proceedings between Italy and England Vito Breda and Matteo Vricella 428 On Banks, Courts and International Law: The Intergovernmental Agreement on the Single Resolution Fund in Context Federico Fabbrini 444

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Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative LawVolume 21 number 4

GUEST EDITORIAL On the Politics of Legal Methodology Hans-W. Micklitz 589 ARTICLES Oral Hearings Before the European Court of Justice Allan Rosas 596 Law as a Complex Adaptive System: The Importance of Convergence in a Multi-Layered Legal Order Steven Lierman 611 Advisory Opinions, Preliminary Rulings and the New Protocol No. 16 to the European Convention of Human Rights: A Comparative and Critical Appraisal Janneke Gerards 630 Raising Points of Law on the Courts' Own Motion? Two Models of European Legal Thinking Balázs Fekete 652 Inward- and Outward-Looking Rationales Behind Kadi II Michael Wimmer 676 CASE NOTES The Right to Information and Consultation in Article 27 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union: Less than a Right and Less than a Principle, just an Ordinary Provision Lacking Direct Effect? Case C-176/12 Association de médiation sociale v. Union locale des syndicats CGT and others, Judgment of 15 January 2014 Filip Dorssemont 704 Driving Down Disability Equality? Case C-356/12 Wolfgang Glatzel v. Freistaat Bayern, Judgment of 2 May 2014 Charlotte O'Brien 723 The Legal Bases for International Agreements Post-Lisbon: Of Pirates and The Philippines Case C-377/12 European Commission v. Council (PCA with the Philippines), Judgment of 11 June 2014 and Case C-658/11 European Parliament v. Council (Pirate Transfer Agreement with Mauritius), Judgment of 24 June 2014 Andrea Ott 739 LEGAL DEBATE Reforming the CJEU: Quality and Quantity - Editors' Introduction 753 Communication within the Preliminary Rulings Procedure: Responsibilities of the National Courts Sacha Prechal 754

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Back to title list Making the Court of Justice of the European Union More Productive Eleanor Sharpston 763 Preliminary References and the Workload of the Court of Justice: 'Eh Bien, Dansez Maintenant!' Eric Gippini-Fournier 771 Talking Now? Preliminary Rulings in and from the New Member States Michal Bobek 782 Concluding Remarks and an Invitation Monica Claes 790

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Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law volume 22 number 1 EDITORIAL Five Years After the Lisbon Treaty's Entry into Force: Variable Geometry Running Wild? Bruno de Witte 3 ARTICLES Free Movement of EU Citizens: Including for the Poor? Herwig Verschueren 10 A Very Fearful Court? The Protection of Fundamental Rights in the European Union after Opinion 2/13 Eleanor Spaventa 35 Gendering Economic and Financial Governance through Positive Action Measures: The Compatibility of the French Real Equality Measure with the European Union Framework Annick Masselot and Anthony Maymont 57 The Employee Shareholder: The Unbearable Lightness of Being an Employee in Britain Pierre de Gioia-Carabellese 81 Mind the Gap: Mobile Students and their Access to Study Grants and Loans in the EU Alexander Hoogenboom 96 CASE NOTES Equality of Treatment in Social Security: Can Certain Benefits Be Paid at Different Rates to Men and Women on the Ground that the Latter Generally have a Greater Life Expectancy than the Former? Case C-318/13 X, EU:C:2014:2133 Philippa Watson 120 Are Pre-departure Language Requirements for Spouses of Turkish Nationals Unlawful? Case C-138/13 Naime Dogan v. Bundesrepublik Deutschland, EU:C:2014:2066 Katharina Eisele 128 The Concept of the Restriction of Competition 'By Object' and Article 101(1) TFEU. Case C-67/13 P Groupement des cartes bancaires (CB) v. European Commission, EU:C:2014:2204 Sina Tannebaum 138 COMMENTARY Dynamics at Play in the EU Preliminary Ruling Procedure Marc de Werd 149 Google Spain in the EU and International Context Christopher Kuner 158

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Revue de l'union Européenne No 583 Décembre 2014 Éditorial 593 Philae ou un peu de rêve européen Florence Chaltiel Liberté de circulation 596 La liberté de circulation des citoyens européens sédentaires à l'aune

de la Charte post-Lisbonne Hélène Pongérard-Payet

Droit pénal 612 Quelle(s) place(s) pour la directive « droit à l'information dans les

procédures pénales » ? Marie-Eve Morin

621 Quelle protection par le biais des directives : le droit national protégé contre la protection du droit des personnes Elena Pacea

626 Directive UE no 2012/29 établissant des normes minimales concernant les droits, le soutien et la protection des victimes de la criminalité : aperçu et critique Richard Lang et Eveline Schenkel

Budget 632 Les innovations des procédures budgétaires de l'Union européenne

-Onzième partie : le budget de l'Union pour 2014 - La première année du nouveau cadre financier pluriannuel pour 2014-2020 I. L'environnement budgétaire en 2013 llkka Saarilahti

Chronique 641 Chronique des marchés publics - Jurisprudence de la Cour de justice de l'UE

Christophe Bernard-Glanz, Lame Levi et Stéphane Rodrigues

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Revue de l'Union Européenne No 584 Janvier 2015 Éditorial 1 2015, année de la relance de l'investissement européen et politisation des débats ? Florence Chaltiel UEM 4 Une Union économique et monétaire véritable au risque d'une Union européenne désorganisée Christine Guillard Coopération franco-allemande 16 Le Traité de l'Elysée : quelle actualité pour la coopération franco-allemande ? Anne Jeannot Responsabilité 23 La responsabilité du fait de la violation des normes de l'Union européenne en matière de qualité de l'eau Abdelkhaleq Berramdane Contentieux 33 L'invocabilité horizontale des normes de droit de l'Union européenne : un pas sur place, un pas en avant, deux pas en arrière - (CJUE, grande chambre, 15 janv. 2014, aff. C-176/12) Sébastien Platon 41 Le premier renvoi préjudiciel de la Cour constitutionnelle allemande à la CJUE : un pas en avant, deux pas en arrière ? Asteris Pliakos Politiques 51 La PAC et l'accord de Bali Philippe Velilla Budget 54 Les innovations des procédures budgétaires de l'Union européenne -Onzième partie : le budget de l'Union pour 2014 - La première année du nouveau cadre financier pluriannuel pour 2014-2020 -II. Le projet de budget pour 2014 2015 llkka Saarilahti

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Revue de l'Union Européenne No 585 Février 2015 Éditorial 65 L'Union de nos valeurs

Florence Chaltiel Politiques 68 Les droits conférés par la citoyenneté de l'Union :le cas de la population de

Mayotte Thomas M'Saïdié

83 Agriculture, PAC et droit de la concurrence : une vision historique Akiin Andries et Tomas Garcia Azcarate

Relations extérieures 93 Le traité historique entre l'Union européenne et l'Ukraine: au-delà des

controverses, la réalité du texte René Schwok et Cenni Najy

Collectivités territoriales 102 Avant-propos - Les collectivités territoriales face au droit de l'Union

européenne: quelle responsabilité? Agnès Gautier-Audebert, Christine Guiüard et Pierre-Yves Monjal

104 Les responsabilités respectives de l'Etat et des collectivités: la comparaison avec le droit belge Hélène Pauliat

111 Les manquements des collectivités territoriales françaises au droit de l'UE Mathilde Boulet

Droit des animaux 119 La gestion des grands prédateurs en Europe: la situation du loup

Muriel Falaise Budget 124 Les innovations des procédures budgétaires de l'UE - Onzième partie : Le

budget de l'Union pour 2014 - La première année du nouveau cadre financier pluriannuel pour 2014-2020 III. La procédure de conciliation Ilkka Saarilahti

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Revue de l'Union Européenne No 586 Mars 2015 Mars 2015 Éditorial 133 La Grèce et la démocratie européenne

Florence Chaltiel Collectivités territoriales 136 L'adaptation du droit de l'Union européenne à la situation des collectivités

territoriales Sébastien Platon

148 Droit de l'UE et niveau local : de quelques stratégies de contournement des risques Pierre-Yves Monjal

157 La formation des fonctionnaires français au droit de l'Union européenne : un déficit ? Mathilde Collin

Politiques européennes 167 À propos des pratiques d'optimisation fiscale en Europe

Alain Buzelay 173 Les enseignements de l'affaire inuit Tapiriit Kanatami - Bien-être animal,

bien-être des populations inuits et bien-être des requérants individuels Estelle Brosset

Budget 189 Les innovations des procédures budgétaires de l'Union européenne -Onzième

partie : Le budget de l'Union pour 2014 - La première année du nouveau cadre financier pluriannuel pour 2014-2020 IV. L'accord sur le budget pour 2014 Ilkka Saarilahti

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Transfer European Review of Labour and Research Volume 20 Number 4 November 2014 Editorial 479 Jean-Yves Boulin and Alena Zemplinerova Main Articles Implementation of Global Framework Agreements: towards a multi-organizational practice perspective 489 Jörg Sydow, Michael Fichter, Markus Helfen, Kadire Zeynep Sayim and Dimitris Stevis A framework agreement in the hairdressing sector: the European social dialogue at a crossroads 505 Krzysztof Bandasz The future of trade unions in Croatia - various stakeholders' perspectives 521 Nino Pološki Vokić and Alka Obadić Workplace representation, its impact on trade union members and its capacity to compete with management in the European workplace 537 Jeremy Waddington Addressing informality, gender and ethnicity in domestic labour: lessons from recent Spanish legislation 559 Isabel Pla-Julián

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Transfer European Review of Labour and Research Volume 21 number 1 February 2015 Editorial 3 Steve Jefferys Main Articles The context to challenging discrimination against ethnic minorities and migrant workers at work 9 Steve Jefferys Their own stories - how Polish construction workers posted to Sweden experience their job situation, or resistance versus life projects 23 Chaster Thörnqvist and Sebastian Bernhardsson Roma berry pickers in Sweden: economic crisis and new contingents of the austeriat 37 Nedžad Mešić and Charles Woolfson Outsourced racism in Italy: discrimination at work and trade union responses in three sectors 51 Rossana Gilo and Fablo Perocco Stop-go policies of governments and employers: from combating discrimination to promoting diversity 65 Virginie Bussat and Dagmar Soleymani Still no problem here? Responses to anti-discrimination legislation among trade unions in EU countries 81 John Wrench Hard times for trade union anti-racism workplace strategies 99 Nouria Ouall and Steve Jefferys