latest update – April 2011N. Kudoh and M. Sasaki, Employment and hours of work 176 S. Gachter and...

Journal Table of Contents (Journal TOC) latest update – April 2011 List of journals with electronic table of contents in Economics section between January and April 2011: 1) European Business Organization Law Review 2) European Economic Review 3) European Journal of Law and Economics 4) European Journal of Political Economy 5) International Economics 6) Journal of World Trade 7) Review of World Economics 8) Revue Internationale de Droit Economique 9) World Bank Economic Review 10) World Bank Research Observer 11) World Competition 12) World Economy

Transcript of latest update – April 2011N. Kudoh and M. Sasaki, Employment and hours of work 176 S. Gachter and...

Page 1: latest update – April 2011N. Kudoh and M. Sasaki, Employment and hours of work 176 S. Gachter and B. Herrmann, The limits of self-governance when cooperators get punished: Experimental

Journal Table of Contents (Journal TOC)

latest update – April 2011

List of journals with electronic table of contents in Economics section between January and April 2011:

1) European Business Organization Law Review

2) European Economic Review

3) European Journal of Law and Economics

4) European Journal of Political Economy

5) International Economics

6) Journal of World Trade

7) Review of World Economics

8) Revue Internationale de Droit Economique

9) World Bank Economic Review

10) World Bank Research Observer

11) World Competition

12) World Economy

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European Business Organization Law Review VOL. 11 2010/4 Contents Articles Iain Macneil, The Trajectory of Regulatory Reform in the UK in the Wake of the Financial Crisis ....................................... 483

Susanne Kalss, Measures by the Austrian Regulatory Authorities in Response to the Financial Market Crisis ......................... 527

Iris M. Barsan, French Authorities' Reactions in the Wake of the Crisis.................................................................................. 549 Almudena de la Mata Muñoz, The Future of Cross-Border Banking after the Crisis: Facing the Challenges through Regulation and Supervision .................................................. 575

LEVINUS Tlmmerman, Principles of Prevailing Dutch Company Law 609 Book Review Daniel Annoff, Michel Tison et al., eds., Perspectives in Company Law and Financial Regulation, Essays in Honour of Eddy Wymeersch (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 2009)...................... 629

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European Economic Review Volume 55 number 1 CONTENTS

Special Issue on Monetary and Fiscal Interactions in Times of Economic Stress Guest Editors: Eric M. Leeper and Jiirgen von Hagen

E.M. Leeper and J. von Hagen, Monetary and fiscal interactions in times of economic stress: A symposium 1 J.H. Cochrane, Understanding policy in the great recession: Some unpleasant fiscal arithmetic 2 T. Davig, E.M. Leeper and T.B. Walker, Inflation and the fiscal limit 31 C.A. Sims, Stepping on a rake: The role of fiscal policy in the inflation of the 1970s 48 K. Adam, Government debt and optimal monetary and fiscal policy 57 S. Niemann and P. Pichler, Optimal fiscal and monetary policies in the face of rare disasters 75 C. Leith and S. Wren-Lewis, Discretionary policy in a monetary union with sovereign debt 93 K. Clinton, M. Kumhof, D. Laxton and S. Mursula, Deficit reduction: Short-term pain for

long-term gain 118 N. Traum and S.-C.S. Yang, Monetary and fiscal policy interactions in the post-war U.S. 140

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European Economic Review Volume 55 number 2 CONTENTS

Special Section: European Economic Review Survey H. Cremer and P. Pestieau, Myopia, redistribution and pensions 165

Regular Papers N. Kudoh and M. Sasaki, Employment and hours of work 176 S. Gachter and B. Herrmann, The limits of self-governance when cooperators get punished:

Experimental evidence from urban and rural Russia 193 T. Davig and E.M. Leeper, Monetary-fiscal policy interactions and fiscal stimulus 211 R. Armenter and F. Ortega, Credible redistribution policy and skilled migration 228 A. Creane and C. Davidson, The trade-offs from pattern bargaining with uncertain production costs 246

P. Egger and M. Larch, An assessment of the Europe agreements' effects on bilateral trade, GDP, and welfare 263 H. Dixon and E. Kara, Contract length heterogeneity and the persistence of monetary shocks in a dynamic generalized Taylor economy 280 S. Brenner, On the irrelevance of insider trading formanagerial compensation 293 R. Hiraguchi, A note on the competitive search model of Azariadis and Pissarides 304

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European Economic Review Volume 55 number 3 CONTENTS Special Issue: Advances in International Macroeconomics: Lessons from the Crisis MB. Devereux, R. Kollmann and W. Roeger, Advances in international macroeconomics: Lessons from the crisis 307 A.K. Rose and M.M. Spiegel, Cross-country causes and consequences of the crisis: An update 309 A. Chudik and M. Fratzscher, Identifying the global transmission of the 2007-2009 financial crisis in a GVAR model 325 T. Helbling, R. Huidrom, MA Kose and C. Otrok, Do credit shocks matter? A global perspective 340 T. Adrian, E. Etula and J.J.J. Groen, Financial amplification of foreign exchange risk premia 354 A. Korinek, Foreign currency debt, risk premia and macroeconomic volatility 371 J. In't Veld, R. Raciborski, M. Ratto and W. Roeger, The recent boom-bust cycle: The relative contribution of capital flows, credit supply and asset bubbles 386 R. Kollmann, Z. Enders and G.J. Muller, Global banking and international business cycles 407 M.B. Devereux and A. Sutherland, Evaluating international financial integration under leverage constraints 427

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European Journal of Law and Economics Volume 31 • Number 1 • February 2011

Special Issues Ronald Coase and "The Problem of Social Cosf9: Anniversary Issue Guest Editor: Alain Marciano

Ronald Coase, "The Problem of Social Cost" and The Coase Theorem: An anniversary celebration A. Marciano 1

A case of mistaken identity: George Stigler, "The Problem of Social Cost," and the Coase theorem S.G. Medema 11 What do cattle and bees tell us about the Coase theorem? E. Bertrand 39 Coasean markets H. Hovenkamp 63 Coase's world and Coase's blackboard A. Halpin 91 Toward an asymmetric Coase theorem B. Luppi • R Parisi 111 Property rights and externalities: the uneasy case of knowledge G.B.Ramello 123

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European Journal of Law and Economics Volume 31 • Number 2 • April 2011 EU VAT frauds S. Fedeli • F. Forte 143 Assessing viability of Finnish reorganization and bankruptcy firms E.K. Laitinen 167 Conceptions of rationality in law and economics • A critical analysis of the homoeconomicus and behavioral models of individuals V.R Veetil 199 BOOK REVIEWS Frank Hertweck and Dimitrios Kisoudis (eds.): Solange das Imperium da ist. Carl Schmitt im Gespräch mit Klaus Figge und Dieter Groh 1971 J.G. Backhaus 229 Pawel Chmielnicki: Activity rules of economic man in society as the source of legal norm J.G. Backhaus 231 Rudolf Richter, Erik G. Furubotn: Neue Institutionenökonomik J.G. Backhaus 233 Martha M. Roggenkamp, Edwin Woerdman (eds.): Legal design of carbon capture and storage, developments in the Netherlands from an international and EU perspective, energy and law, volume 10 J.G. Backhaus 235

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European Journal of Political Economy Volume 27 numer 1 CONTENTS Research papers S. Buob and G. Stephan, To mitigate or to adapt: How to confront global climate change 1 R. Lavigne, The political and institutional determinants of fiscal adjustment: Entering and exiting fiscal distress 17 J. von Hagen, L. Schuknecht and G. Wolswijk, Government bond risk premiums in the EU revisited: The impact of the financial crisis 36 C. Merkl and T. Schmitz, Macroeconomic volatilities and the labor market: First results from the euro experiment 44 S. Kaniovski and D.C. Mueller, How representative is the European Union Parliament? 61 A. Adam, M.D. Delis and P. Kammas, Are democratic governments more efficient? 75 A.Pitsoulis, The egalitarian battlefield: Reflections on the origins of majority rule in archaic Greece 87 B. Sengupta, Provision of public goods in a federal economy: The role of party politics 104 S. Hug and F. Sporri, Referendums, trust, and tax evasion 120 V. Daniele and U. Marani, Organized crime, the quality of local institutions and FDI in Italy: A panel data analysis 132 C. Bjerg, C. Bjornskov and A. Holm, Growth, debt burdens and alleviating effects of foreign aid in least developed countries 143 P. Sorribas-Navarro, Bailouts in a fiscal federal system: Evidence from Spain 154 B. Begovic and M. Paunovic, Political support for enterprise restructuring and voting in Serbia 171 T.S. Aidt and D.S. Eterovic, Political competition, electoral participation and public finance in 20th century Latin America 181 T. Markussen, Democracy, redistributive taxation and the private provision of public goods 201


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International Economics No 122 2010 Ma Cuonan & Yi Wang China's high saving rate: myth and reality 5 Mohamed Arouri & Christophe Rault Causal relationships between oil and stock prices: some new evidence from Gulf oil-exporting countries 41 Loredana Ureche-Rangau & Aurore Burietz Is there a link between the American S&L crisis of the 80s and the subprime crisis? An analysis of bank returns 57 Hugo Vaun, Bet'ina Dimaranan & Antoine Bouet Evaluating the environmental cost of biofuels policy: an illustration with bioethanol 89 Timo Mitze, Björn Alecke & Gerhard Untiedt Trade-FDI linkages in a simultaneous equations system of gravity models for German regional data 1 21

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International Economics / Économie Internationale

N° 123, 2010 - 3 On-going issues on the global financial crisis Virginie Coudert, Hélène Raymond & Laurence Scialom Introduction 5 Jézabel Couppey-Soubeyran Financial regulation in the crisis 1 3 Michel Aguetta & Laurence Scialom A systemic approach to financial regulation: a European perspective 31 Gunther Capelle-Blancard Are derivatives dangerous? A literature survey 67 Virginie Coudert & Mathieu Gex The credit default swap market and the settlement of large defaults 91 Hélène Raymond Sovereign wealth funds as domestic investors of last resort during crises 1 21 Sandra Rigot & Yamina Tadjeddine Emergence of a new regulation 161

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Journal of World Trade

Volume 44 December 2010

Sense and Sensibilities of China and WTO Dispute Settlement Marcia Don Harpaz 1155

An Appraisal of the South Asian Free Trade Agreement and Its Consistency with the WTO Rules on Preferential Trade Agreements Md. Rizwanul Islam 1187

International Law of Economic Migration: A Menage a Trois? GATS Mode 4, EPAs, and Bilateral Migration Agreements Marion Panizzon 1207

The European Commission's Practice on Exporters Found Not to Dump in the Aftermath of WTO Mexico Rice Florin Dorian Dascalescu 1253

Arab Economic Integration: Missing Links Bernard Hoekman and Khalid Sekkat 1273

China and the Doha Development Agenda C.L. himand JiangYu Wang 1309

The 'Culture and Trade Debate' Continues: The UNESCO Convention in Light of the WTO Reports in China - Publications and Audiovisual Products: Between Amnesia or Deja Vu? RostamJ. Neuwirth 1333

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Journal of World Trade Volume 45 February 2011 Number 1

China's Experience in Dealing with WTO Wenhua Ji Dispute Settlement: A Chinese Perspective and Cui Huang 1 Trade Facilitation: A Conceptual Review Andrew Grainger 39 Linking International Trade and Labour Standards: The Effectiveness of Sanctions under the European Weifeng Zhou Union's GSP and Ludo Cuyvers 63 The Fragmentation of International Trade Law Panagiotis Delimatsis 87 Drug Trafficking, Money Laundering and International Trade Restrictions after the WTO Panel Report in Colombia - Ports of Entry: How to Align WTO Law with International Law Alberto Alvarez-Jiménez 111 The 'Specificity' of Cultural Products versus the 'Generality' of Trade Obligations: Reflecting on Jingxia Shi 'China - Publications and Audiovisual Products' and Weidong Chen 159 Is China's Currency Regime A Countervail able Subsidy? A Legal Analysis Under the World Trade Organization's SCM Agreement Benjamin Blase Caryl 187 Why Are WTO Panels Taking Longer? And What Can Be Done About It? Matthew Kennedy 221

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Review of World Economics Volume 146 number 4 Roger Bandick Multinationals and plant survival 609 Robert J. R. Elliott and Supreeya Vlrakul Multi-product firms and exporting: a developing country perspective 635 Aida Caldera Innovation and exporting: evidence from Spanish manufacturing firms 657 Martina Lawless Geography and firm exports: new evidence on the nature of sunk costs 691 Richard Pomfret and Patricia Sourdin Why do trade costs vary? 709 Gilles Dufrenot, Valerie Mignon, and Charalambos Tsangarides The trade-growth nexus in the developing countries: a quantile regression approach 731 Chao-Hsi Huang, Kai-Fang Teng, and Pan-Long Tsai Inward and outward foreign direct investment and poverty: East Asia vs. Latin America 763 Bernardin Akitoby and Thomas Stratmann The value of institutions for financial markets: evidence from emerging markets 781 Tsechien Hsu An open economy general equilibrium model with heterogeneous producers, a homothetic utility function and endogenous elasticity 799

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Review of World Economics Volume 147 Numer 1 2011

Raghuram Rajan Can soft power help the IMF make the world more stable? 1 Joscha Beckmann, Ansgar Belke, and Michael Kiihl The dollar-euro exchange rate and macroeconomic fundamentals: a time-varying coefficient approach 11 Jan-Egbert Sturm and Jakob De Haan Does central bank communication really lead to better forecasts of policy decisions? New evidence based on a Taylor rule model for the ECB 41 Marius Brulhart The spatial effects of trade openness: a survey 59 Fergal McCann The heterogeneous effect of international outsourcing on firm productivity 85 Patrik Karpaty and Richard Kneller Demonstration or congestion? Export spillovers in Sweden 109 John Baldwin and Beiling Yan The death of Canadian manufacturing plants: heterogeneous responses to changes in tariffs and real exchange rates 131 Katja Zajc Kejzar The role of foreign direct investment in the host-country firm selection process: firm-level evidence from Slovenian manufacturing 169

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Revue Internationale de Droit Economique Numéro 4 2010 I. CADET, La norme ISO 26000 relative à la responsabilité sociétale : une nouvelle source d'usages internationaux 401 A.-S. LAMBLIN-GOURDIN, Politique commerciale commune et protection juridique de l'innovation 441 Chronique de jurisprudence G. BUSSEUIL, J.-M. GARINOT, C. JOURDAIN-FORTIER, I. MOINE-DUPUIS, Chronique des décisions de l'Organe de Règlement des Différends (ORD), août 2009-novembre 2010 475 Bibliographie S. MENÉTREY, L’amicus curiae, vers un principe commun de droit procédural ? (G.FARJAT) 519 Tables de l'année 2010 529

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The World Bank Economic Review Volume 24 • 2010 • Number 3 Stop! The Polio Vaccination Cessation Game 361 Scott Barrett

After Janjaweed? Socioeconomic Impacts of the Conflict in Darfur 386 Ola Olsson

Liberalization, Endogenous Institutions, and Growth: A Comparative Analysis of Agricultural Reforms in Africa, Asia, and Europe 412 Johan F.M. Swinnen, Anneleen Vandeplas, Miet Maertens

Substitutability and Protectionism: Latin America's Trade Policy and Imports from China and India 446 Giovanni Facchini, Marcelo Olarreaga, Peri Silva, and Gerald Willmann

What Explains the Low Survival Rate of Developing Country Export Flows? 474 Paul Brenton, Christian Saborowski, and Erik von Uexkull

Formulas and Flexibility in Trade Negotiations: Sensitive Agricultural Products in the World Trade Organization's Doha Agenda 500 Sébastien Jean, David Laborde, and Will Martin

Micro-Level Estimation of Child Undernutrition Indicators in Cambodia 520 Tomoki Fujii

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The World Bank Research Observer

Volume 26 • Number 1 • February 2011

HIV Testing: Principles and Practice Mark Gersovitz 1

Corporate Governance and Performance around the World: What We Know and What We Don't Inessa Love 42

A Comparative Perspective on Poverty Reduction in Brazil, China, and India Martin Ravallion 71

Adaptation amidst Prosperity and Adversity: Insights from Happiness Studies from around the World Carol Graham 105

Financial Transactions Tax: Panacea, Threat, or Damp Squib? Patrick Honohan and Sean Yoder 138

Urban Road Transportation Externalities: Costs and Choice of Policy Instruments Govinda R. Timilsina and Hari B. Dulal 162

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World Competition Law and Economies Review

Volume 34 March 2011 Number 1

José Rivas' interview with Commissioner Almunia 1 The Reform of European Distribution Law Romano Subiotto QC and Camille Dautricourt 11 Competition Law versus F RAND Terms in IT Markets Rolf H. Weber 51 Driving Innovation: A Case for Targeted Competition Policy in Dynamic Markets Jonathan Galloway 73 Ne Bis in Idem, Part 'Bis' Frederic Louis and Gabriele Accardo 97 A Tale of Two Mergers: Irish Merger Policy after the Heineken and Kerry Decisions Patrick Massey 113 The AmBev Decision and the Regulation of Economic Power in Brazil: At a Crossroads between the US and the EU Competition Law Models Latse Da Correggio Luciano 139 Criminalizing Cartels in Greece: A Tale of Hasty Developments and Shaky Grounds Vasiliki Brisimi and Maria Ioannidou 157

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WORLD COMPETITION Law and Economics Review

Volume 33 December 2010 Number 4

Editor's Note Jose Rivas 547

Leeway of Member States in Shaping the Notion of an 'Undertaking' in Competition Law Marek Szydto 549

The Use and Abuse of Intent Evidence in Antitrust Analysis Maria Jo do Melicias 569

Group Liability for Antitrust Infringements: Responsibility and Accountability Richard Burnley 595

Banking Competition in Europe: Antitrust Elena Carletti, Authorities at Work in the Wake of the Giancarlo Spagnolo, Financial Crisis Stefano Caiazza, and Caterina Giannetti 615

Contesting Market Leadership: Intellectual Property, Competition, and Regulatory Review in the US Traits and Seeds Market 2010 Ralf Boscheck 643

The Definition of the Relevant Market and the Degree of Market Concentration in the Emerging Economies: Case Study on Brazil and Argentina Marco Botta 663

Book reviews 683

Article Index 693

Subject Index 701

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the leading journal on international economic relations

Volume 33

December 2010

Number 12

Determinants of the Profitability of Japanese Manufacturing Affiliates in China and Other Regions: Does Localisation of Procurement, Sales and Management Matter? ........... KEIKOITO and KYOJIFUKAO 1639-1671 Services Off shoring and its Impact on Productivity and Employment: Evidence from Germany, 1995-2006 DEBORAH WINKLER 1672-1701 The GCC's Fixed Exchange Rate: A Major Anomaly for OCA Analysis................................THOMAS D. WILLETT, KHALFAN M. AL-BARWANI and SHERINE M. EL HAG 1702-1717 Export Promotion: Bundled Services Work Better .......................... CHRISTIAN VOLPE MARTINCUS and JERONIMO CARBALLO 1718-1756 Trade and Wage Inequality: Local versus Global Comparative Advantages.......ALESSIAMATANO and PAOLO NATICCHIONI 1757-1787 External Linkages and Economic Growth in Colombia: Insights from a Bayesian VAR Model LISANDRO ABREGO and PAR OSTERHOLM 1788-1810 Does a Common Currency Promote Countries' Growth via Trade and Tourism?.............................. MARIA S ANTANA-GALLEGO, FRANCISCO J. LEDESMA-RODRIGUEZ, JORGE V. PEREZ-RODRIGUEZ and ISABEL CORTES-JIMENEZ 1811-1835 The Effects of Off shoring on Post-displacement Wages: Evidence from the United States ..................................ROSARIOCRINO 1836-1869 Beyond the Information Technology Agreement: Harmonisation of Standards and Trade in Electronics ALBERTO PORTUGAL-PEREZ, JOSE-DANIEL REYES and JOHN S. WILSON 1870-1897 Is the US Dollar a Suitable Anchor for the Newly Proposed GCC Currency? .... ROSMY JEAN LOUIS, MOHAMED OSMAN and FARUK BALLI 1898-1922 International Trade Agreements and International Migration........................ JACQUES POOT and ANNA STRUTT 1923-1954 International Tourism, Higher Education and Economic Growth: The Case of North Cyprus ...........SALIH TURAN KATIRCIOGLU 1955-1972

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THE WORLD ECONOMY Volume 34 January 2011 Number 1

Trade Liberalisation, Exit, and Output and Employment Adjustments of Australian Manufacturing Establishments...................... Alfons Palangkaraya and Jongsay Yong 1-22

Emerging Asia: Decoupling or Recoupling Soyoung Kim, Jong-Wha Lee And Cyn-Young Park 23-53

Scaling-up Foreign Aid: Will the 'Big Push' Work? Simon Feeny And Mark Mcgillivray 54-73

Internationalisation and Economic Performance of Enterprises: Evidence from Polish Firm-level Data Jan Hagemejer And Margin Kolasa 74-100

Trade Facilitation and Export Diversification Allen Dennis And Ben Shepherd 101-122

Do Financial Constraints Matter for Foreign Market Entry? A Firm-level Examination ................... Joel Stiebale 123-153

Vertical Intra-industry Trade and Fragmentation: An Empirical Examination of the US Auto-parts Industry Kemal Turkcan And Ayse Gul Ates 154-172

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The World Economy The leading journal on international economic relations

Volume 34 February 2011 Number 2

The Greek Debt Crisis: Likely Causes, Mechanics and Outcomes ... Michael G. Arghyrou and John D. Tsoukalas 173-191

Outsourcing and the US Labour Market S Yud Amer Ahmed, Thomas W. Hertel and Terrie L. Walmsley 192-222

Rebalancing IMF Quotas .. Agnes Benassy-Quere and Sophie Bereau 223-247

Smoke in the (Tariff) Water ...............Liliana Foletti, Marco Fugazza, Aless Andro Nicita And Marcelo Olarreaga 248-264

Appreciating the Renminbi Rod Tyers And Ying Zhang..................265-297

Does Latin America Comprise Transnational 'Subregions'? ................................... Gerald C. Berg 298-312

Foreign Direct Investment and De-industrialisation ............................Sung Jin Kang and Hongshik Lee 313-329

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The World Economy the leading journal on international economic relations

Volume 34 March 2011 Number 3

Free Trade Agreements and Governance of the Global Trading System Andrew G. Brown and Robert M. Stern 331-354

Quantitative Evaluation of the Determinants of Export and FDI: Firm-level Evidence from Japan Yasuyuki Todo 355-381

A Vicious Cycle of Manias, Crises and Asymmetric Policy Responses -An Overinvestment View Andreas Hoffmann and Gunther Schnabl 382-403

Redistribution and Government Tactical Behaviour: An Analysis of Local Public Expenditure in China after the 1994 Tax Reform Gabriele Guggiola 404-423

Does Exporter Turnover Contribute to Aggregate Productivity Growth? Evidence from Malaysian Manufacturing Ergun Dog An, Koi Nyen Wong And Michael M. C. Yap 424-443

Tourism and Development: A Recent Phenomenon Built on Old (Institutional) Roots? Rinaldo Brau, Adriana Diliberto and Francesco Pigliaru 444-472

A Time-series Approach to the Feldstein-Horioka Puzzle with Panel Data from the OECD Countries Saten Kumar and B. Bhaskara Rao .....................................................................................473-485

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The World Economy the leading journal on international economic relations

Volume 34 April 2011Number 4 Would Freeing Up World Trade Reduce Poverty and Inequality? The Vexed Role of Agricultural Distortions Kym Anderson, John Cockburn And Will Martin 487-515

The Higher Educational Transformation of China and Its Global Implications Yao Amber Li, John Whalley, Shunming Zhang And Xiliang Zhao 516-545

Investment History and Market Orientation Effects in the TFP-FDI Relationship Jeffrey Kukulski and Michael Ryan 546-567

Trade Policies in Southeast Asia in the Wider Asian Perspective Razeen Sally and Rahul Sen 568-601 An Empirical Examination of Export Variety: Regional Heterogeneity within a Nation Yushi Yoshida 602-622

Exchange-rate Misalignments in Duopoly: The Case of Airbus and Boeing Agnes Benassy-Quere, Lionel Fontagne and Horst Raff 623-641

Foreign Direct Investment Spillovers: Evidence from the British Retail Sector Dolores Anon Higon and Nicholas Vasilakos 642-666