Latest idea to increase curcumin absorption - Terry Talks Nutrition

BREAKING NEWS… Curcumin –Do You Know What You Are Buying? Latest idea to increase curcumin absorption – water dispersible nanotechnology What is nanotechnology? “The manipulation of matter on an atomic and molecular scale” What does this actually mean? Scientists are creating – and introducing into the human body – smaller particles than we have ever encountered before – particles smaller than have ever existed in nature before. How small is small? If you lined up 800 nanometer particles side by side, you would equal the width of a human hair.

Transcript of Latest idea to increase curcumin absorption - Terry Talks Nutrition

BREAKING NEWS… Curcumin – Do You Know What

You Are Buying?

Latest idea to increase curcumin absorption – water

dispersible nanotechnology

What is nanotechnology? “The manipulation of matter on

an atomic and molecular scale”

What does this actually mean? Scientists are creating –

and introducing into the human body – smaller particles than we have ever encountered before – particles smaller than have ever existed in nature before.

How small is small? If you lined up 800 nanometer particles

side by side, you would equal the width of a human hair.

Why is nanotechnology a problem?

• Nanoparticles do not act the same as normal sized “macro” particles.

• They have different chemical and physical properties.

• They are not predictable in their effects on the human body, and they can penetrate areas of the body that have not been accessed before.

• Many experts have serious concerns regarding the safety of nanoparticles.

• We still know very little about how nanoparticles will react in the human body.

Why make a nano-sized curcumin particle?

• Curcumin is fat-soluble

• Scientists were interested in adding curcumin

to water-based drinks. In order to get

curcumin to mix evenly (blend) in the drink,

they used nanotechnology to make curcumin


Is nanoparticle curcumin the best choice for

your health?

• No

• Curcumin absorption can be increased without nanotechnology and its problems

• Micronized curcumin (which means mechanically ground to a small size – NOT a manipulated nanoparticle) blended with turmeric oils provides high blood levels of curcumin and therapeutic effects

• Up to 10x better absorbed than standard curcumin extracts– BONUS: it is 6 times less expensive on a milligrams

absorbed basis than nano curcumin

How well does micronized curcumin with

turmeric oils work?

• 9 published studies, including

– Rheumatoid arthritis

– Osteoarthritis

– Depression

– Inflammation

– Alzheimer’s disease

• 5 studies in progress

– Oral cancer

– Cervical cancer

– Alzheimer’s disease

Curcumin for pain relief – it works!

When micronized curcumin with turmeric oils is formulated with boswellia, DLPA, and nattokinase, the results for pain relief are spectacular!

I've had a back problem for almost 30 years and it has gotten progressively worse. I have 2 herniated discs and a bulging disc along with arthritis in the lower back area. Nine months ago I had a procedure done by a pain mgt. doctor who put me under and gave me a very deep injection of steroids and it left me without pain. Unfortunately it stopped working after 6 months. I was told about the pain relief formula by my local Nutrition Smart store and I tried it without much faith. Within 2 days my pain was gone! This product worked better for me than Vioxx, which stopped my back pain, but left me with bad side effects. I now have a pretty much pain free quality of life. I've told anyone who will listen to me to give it a try. I also give this curcumin to my Lab, who has hip problems.

10 Embarrassing Health Problems

and How to Solve Them

1. Hemorrhoids

• What are they? Bulging, swollen veins in the anal canal (can be either

internal or external)

• How do you know you have them?

– Bleeding during bowel movements, including blood on the toilet paper

– Itching

– Pain around the anal area

• At least 75% of Americans will experience hemorrhoids

– Especially common during pregnancy and in people over the age of 45

• Other common causes of anal itching and bleeding: anal fissures and

yeast infections

• NOTE: Don’t assume that blood in your stool is from hemorrhoids. Get

checked out to make sure it is not a rare, but more serious problem, such

as colon cancer.

Healing Hemorrhoids

• Soak in warm water 10-15 minutes, two or three times a day

• Keep the anal area clean but use warm water only, no soap

• Use toilet paper or wipes free of alcohol and perfume

• Fiber – helps with soft, regular bowel movements

– Constipation and straining increases risk of hemorrhoids

• Butcher’s Broom and Red vine leaf

– Shrink swollen veins and reduce inflammation

– Help create stronger veins

– Also helpful for varicose veins

2. Common Warts• What are they? Grainy skin growths, usually on the hands

– Warts can also appear on the soles of the feet, on the face,

near the genitals, and under and around toenails and

finger nails

• What causes them? A virus: HPV - human papilloma virus

• How do you know you have them? You can see a raised,

round or oval growth that is lighter or darker than the

surrounding skin. Can be either rough or smooth. You may see

black pinpoints, called “seeds” which are actually small

clotted blood vessels.

• NOTE: sometimes moles and warts can look the same. Moles

can become cancerous. If a skin growth suddenly appears and

you are not sure what it is, get it checked out!

Getting Rid of Warts

• Warts are caused by a virus – apply antiviral concentrated plant oils

• Duct tape therapy

– Comparison study of duct tape covering versus cryotherapy (freezing the wart)

– Group 1: Cryotherapy (painful) with liquid nitrogen, 6 treatments in 6 weeks:

60% of the warts disappear

– Group 2: Duct tape, replaced every six days. On the sixth day soaked hand in

warm water, gently rubbed with an emory board or pumice stone, and

covered with tape again. 85% of the warts disappeared.

– Researchers noted that duct tape produced visible changes in 28 days.

– NOTE: a study using TRANSPARENT duct tape did not get the same results.

The solid color tape has rubber which may be more irritating to the wart.

• Tip from the People’s Pharmacy – tape a piece of banana peel to the wart

every night (fleshy side of the peel on the wart). May take a few weeks but

many people report success at getting rid of the warts.

3. Weak Bladder

Majority of bladder control problems (80%) are in women

• Most common issue is “stress incontinence” – sneeze and wet your pants

• Cause: weak pelvic muscles (especially after childbirth)

• Ideas that can help:

– Lose weight – excess pounds increase pressure on bladder muscles

– Address possible urinary tract infections

– Kegel exercises tone pelvic floor muscles

– Herbs that can be helpful

• Horsetail

• Gotu kola – believed to increase the growth rate of bladder cells and to help tone the bladder

4. Gas

• What is it? As the digestive system breaks down food it produces a byproduct made up of carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, and methane

• How do you know you have it? You experience burping, flatulence, bloating, or pain in the abdomen

– NOTE: The average person passes gas about 14 times a day. We all do it. Just some people more than others.

• What causes excessive gas? Inefficient digestion. Why is digestion inefficient?

– Acid blocking medications

– Processed foods depleted of natural enzymes

– Stress

– Food allergies or intolerance (gluten, lactose, etc)

Starting Proper Digestion and Stopping

Excessive Gas Production

• Acid stomach

– Betaine hydrochloride

• Enzymes

• Probiotics

• Digestive oils

– Peppermint, basil, coriander, cumin, bay, caraway, lemon

• Real Food

– Gluten free makes a huge difference for many people

5. Bad Breath

• Also called halitosis

• Common causes– Poor dental hygiene – lack of brushing and flossing

– Dry mouth

– Chronic heartburn (GERD)

– Post-nasal drip/sinus infections

• Breaking news and another reason to brush…– Recent study found that not brushing your teeth at

least once a day increases risk of dementia by 65%

– Why? Bacteria in the mouth can travel to other areas of the body, such as the brain, leading to inflammation and damage

Stop Mouth Odor with Plant Oils!

• Peppermint, Clove, Cinnamon, Oregano

– Potent antibacterial activity to rid mouth of harmful bacteria

• Seabuckthorn Oil

– Cure for dry mouth (Sjorgen’s syndrome)

• Eucalyptus and Myrtle

– Clears up sinus infections and post-nasal drip

6. Vaginal Itching

• What causes it?

– Most common causes: bacterial or fungal (yeast) infections

• 3 out of 4 women will have a vaginal yeast infection at some

point in their lives.

– Other causes of vaginal itching: vaginal dryness associated with menopause; chemical sensitivity (detergents, fabric softeners, soap and scented toilet paper); sexually transmitted diseases

• Bacterial or yeast infections may also cause vaginal discharge, painful urination, and even light vaginal spotting or bleeding

• Vaginal bacterial infections are resistant to many antibiotics and the infection will often return even after being “cured”

Relieving Vaginal Infections

• Internal Plant oils – Ravensara, Thyme, Eucalyptus and Clove

– Extremely powerful antibacterial and antifungal activity

– Bacteria do not develop resistance to concentrated plant oils as they do to antibiotics

• Probiotics

– Populating the Gastrointestinal tract with beneficial bacteria can significantly reduce the risk of harmful bacterial or yeast infections

• Also: perfume-free soaps and detergents

7. Foot & Toenail Fungus

• What is fungus? Fungi are microscopic organisms that don't need sunlight to survive. Some are helpful, but many cause sickness and disease. – Fungi love warm and moist conditions – showers,

swimming pools, and the inside of your shoes

• Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection between the toes (usually, can also be found on other parts of the foot) – Over the counter medications are becoming less and less

effective at stopping athlete’s foot

– 7 out of 10 people with athlete’s foot are men

• How do you know you have a fungal infection?

– Itching and burning between the toes; scaly, peeling skin; thick, brittle, dull nails; infected nails may separate from the nail bed

Healthy Feet

• Concentrated essential plant oils are natural

antifungal medicines

– In a test of 6 essential oils against the yeast which

causes athlete’s foot, oregano was the most

effective (although all the oils had antifungal


– One study found that even a 3 hour exposure to

oregano oil vapor successfully killed yeast

8. Dandruff

• What is it? Skin cells from your scalp.

• How do you know you have it?

– White flakes on the scalp and in the hair

– Itchy, tight or sore scalp

– Crusting or scaling rash on the scalp

• What causes it?

– Most common cause: dry skin

– Other skin problems can also occur on the scalp and cause

dandruff: eczema, psoriasis, fungal infections

– Low thyroid function!

Treating Dandruff

• Especially for women with hair/scalp problems –

make sure your thyroid is functioning!

– Iodine is critical

• Omega-3 from salmon helps rehydrate skin

• Hair formula: millet seed oil is excellent for hair


• Other ideas:

– Some people sensitive to perfumes and chemicals in

shampoo – consider switching brands

– Shower immediately after exercising (sweat irritates the

scalp making it more prone to becoming dry)

9. Lice• What are they? wingless parasitic insects that live by sucking blood from the scalp

– NOTE: they don’t spread disease, they’re just contagious and annoying

• How do you know you have them?

– Itching (the saliva from when the lice bites may cause an itchy sensation)

– Although they are small you can still see them w/ the naked eye (size of a sesame

seed and are grayish or tan)

– Rash from scratching (the skin may become irritated and more prone to a bacterial


• How do you treat lice?

– Frustrating and tedious, but combing out the nits with a nit comb is what most

people recommend

– The nits are “glued” to the hair shaft. Some people report that a pretreatment with

coconut oil (wrap the head/scalp) or a rinse with apple cider vinegar helps loosen

the nits from the shaft and make them easier to comb out.

– Tea tree oil shampoo and in your wash can also be helpful

– Robi comb – a lice detector comb. Marketed to kill lice (reports are mixed on this)

but does work at finding live lice and makes it easier to tell if your child is infested.

You will still need to comb out the nits.

10. Low Libido

• What is it? The loss of sexual desire

• What are some of the causes?

– Hormonal changes

• Menopause

• Thyroid and adrenal issues

• Testosterone loss

– Depression

– Fatigue

– Stress

– Side effects of prescription medications

– All chronic disease conditions can have a negative impact on libido – diabetes, heart disease, obesity, etc

Reviving Libido

• Proper nutrition and rest

• Exercise

• Restore hormone levels– Thyroid

– Adrenal

– Estrogen/Testosterone

• Consider natural ways to boost libido– Maca – well known as a libido booster; helpful for

men with erectile dysfunction; also helps relieve symptoms of menopause

– Rhodiola – reduces the effects of stress and restores libido