Last Gas by Stefan Grambart

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Transcript of Last Gas by Stefan Grambart

  • 8/9/2019 Last Gas by Stefan Grambart


    Last Gas by Stefan Grambart

     The overnight express bus was almost empty, allowing most ofthe eight passengers to stay clear of one another, but after thebus pulled o the lonely highway at the Last Gas, thingschanged.

    It had been almost forty minutes since the driver walked intothe station people were getting anxious! or nervous.

     Then the whole building"s lights went out.

    #hat strangeness is going on outside$

    % There"s an unnatural fog rolling in, further obscuring thestation and surrounding area.

    % There"s no sound crickets, owls, wind! all silent.

    % &hadows can be seen moving within the darkness of thestation"s diner section.

    % The convenience store"s automated sliding doors 'ust opened,and won"t shut.

    % ( herd of spooked deer 'ust ran past.

    % There"s a car that stopped 'ust up the road, its headlights stillon.

    % The distinct smell of sea water permeates the area, thoughthey"re supposedly miles from the coast.

    )ach player chooses one and *lls in their +haracter"s name

    % ------------ has taken this route doens of times.

    % ------------ is feeling a little claustrophobic.

    % ------------ is trying to get home to their family.

    % ------------ had to take the bus after an unfortunate caraccident.

    % ------------ is leaving a bad situation back home.

    % ------------ had bought a seat for a loved one, but theynever showed.

    % ------------ had an argument with the driver 'ust beforegetting on the bus.

    % ------------ can"t *nd their backpack.

  • 8/9/2019 Last Gas by Stefan Grambart


    The Mansion On The Hill

    I don"t think anybody ever really expected the old man to die.

    /e was a *xture here, as much as you can be a *xture when

    you rarely leave your house. 0dd was the kind word for him,though plenty of people had others.

    1ow that he"s gone I guess the old place is being opened up,

    and I hear what"s in there is pretty strange. 2ust be valuable to

    someone too, since everybody seems to want to claim it as

    their own.

    #hat strange collection did the old man leave behind$

    % 3ooks, many handwritten in various hands, some

    unorthodoxly bound.

    % &pecimens, in unlabelled 'ars, lovingly displayed. &ome of

    them don"t look like anything natural.

    % Idols and totems, in a variety of tiny sanctuaries, many with

    fresh oerings.

    % 4eys, every one ornate, some impractical, but nary a lock in


    /ow did the old man die$

    % 0f an apparent overdose

    % 5rained of all blood, but without a cut

    % +ut up cleanly with one piece in each room, except for the

    eyeballs nobody found

    % 1obody knows, since he"s only presumed dead

  • 8/9/2019 Last Gas by Stefan Grambart


    )ach player chooses one and *lls in their character6s name

    % -------------- has a claim to something valuable and strange

    in the old man6s belongings, but the claim is disputed.

    % -------------- was the last one to see the old man alive and

    hear his last wishes.

    % &ince the old man6s passing, -------------- has gone into the

    mansion to recover something.

    % -------------- is a blood relation to the old man, though they

    don6t always admit it.

    % 3efore he died, the old man borrowed something from --------------, it still hasn6t been returned.

    % -------------- was taking care of the old man before he died,

    trying to give him some comfort.

    % -------------- has the *nal say on some piece of the old

    man6s estate, though others are after it too.

    % ( local business is trying to buy up the mansion for some oddpurpose, but -------------- has been *ghting them.

  • 8/9/2019 Last Gas by Stefan Grambart



    It was a good deal. 1ot too good to be true7nothing is7but a

    nice apartment at a nice price as the building came out of a

    long renovation.

    It sold out fast, all doen apartments. The complaints were

    small at *rst standard apartment stu7but now people are

    talking. 2aybe there"s something more going on here.

    #hich complaints have been reported$

    % &mall items tend to decay and crumble as if they"d been lefthere for years

    % The clear yowl of sirens, but no source

    % Loud clunky footsteps from above, but no one"s there

    % 8ets panicking around the middle of the second 9oor hallway

    % &mall leaks of a curious pale green li:uid

    % ;rgent knocks, like someone desperate to get in, from below

    the *rst 9oor.

    % 8hone calls with snippets of unintelligible chanting

    % ;nknown creatures glimpsed in stairways

    #hat has the landlord done about it$

    % Given several discounts and refunds on rent

    % &tubbornly denied that anything was wrong

    % /ired several workers to come in, none of whom have found

    anything wrong

    % Gone silent, nobody can reach him

  • 8/9/2019 Last Gas by Stefan Grambart


    )ach player chooses one and *lls in their character6s name

    % -------- ------ was the *rst to experience anything odd now

    many have had the same.

    % ( building watch set by --------- ----- failed to spot anything,

    they eventually gave up.

    % ----------- --- has lived in the building since before the

    renovation, nothing could make them leave.

    % --------- ----- tried to get the police involved they claimed it

    was 'ust a hallucination.

    % ---------- ---- has started a lawsuit against the landlord, butits slow going.

    % ----------- --- moved in after the strangeness started, they

    claimed it wouldn6t bother them.

    % ---------- ---- has a special arrangement with the landlord.

    % The landlord tried to evict ----------- ---, but they fought to

    stay here.

  • 8/9/2019 Last Gas by Stefan Grambart






     oll =d? if the task is within human capabilities.

    % >oll =d? if the task is within your occupational capabilities.

    % oll =d? if the task is within your occupational capabilities.
