Lasik Myopia

LASIK Myopia Author: Michael Taravella, MD; Chief Editor: Hampton Roy Sr, MD Background One of the most promising and exciting developments in the world of refractive surgery has been the advent of laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK). The surgical technique involves the creation of a hinged lamellar corneal flap, after which an excimer laser is used to make a refractive cut on the underlying stromal bed. LASIK is a fusion of old and new technologies, with its roots in keratomileusis and automated lamellar keratectomy (ALK). However, as currently practiced, it is perhaps best thought of as photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) performed under a flap instead of on the corneal surface. LASIK has been available in the United States as an off-label procedure since the mid 1990s. FDA approval of excimer lasers for LASIK dates to about 1999. [1] Many millions of procedures have been performed worldwide. According to the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, about 700,000 procedures a year are currently performed in the United States. Spherical aberration: a schematic diagram for the human eye. History of the Procedure



Transcript of Lasik Myopia

LASIK Myopia Author: Michael Taravella, MD; Chief Editor: Hampton Roy Sr, MDBac!round"ne of the mo#t promi#in! and e$citin! development# in the %orld of refractive #ur!ery ha# &een the advent of la#er in #itu eratomileu#i# '(AS)*+, The #ur!ical techni-ue involve# the creation of a hin!ed lamellar corneal flap, after %hich an e$cimer la#er i# u#ed to mae a refractive cut on the underlyin! #tromal &ed, (AS)* i# a fu#ion of old and ne% technolo!ie#, %ithit# root# in eratomileu#i# and automated lamellar eratectomy 'A(*+, Ho%ever, a# currently practiced, it i# perhap# &e#t thou!ht of a# photorefractive eratectomy '.R*+ performed under aflap in#tead of on the corneal #urface,(AS)* ha# &een availa&le in the /nited State# a# an off0la&el procedure #ince the mid 1223#, 4DA approval of e$cimer la#er# for (AS)* date# to a&out 1222,516Many million# of procedure# have &een performed %orld%ide, Accordin! to the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Sur!ery, a&out 733,333 procedure# a year are currently performed in the /nited State#,Spherical a&erration: a #chematic dia!ram for the human eye,Hi#tory of the .rocedure8o#e Barra-uer i# !enerally credited %ith much of the early %or leadin! to corneal lamellar refractive procedure# a# they are currently practiced, He noted that refractive chan!e could &e accompli#hed in the cornea &y ti##ue addition or #u&traction, He #ue-uently developed the idea of re#ectin! a corneal di#c and free9in! it, follo%ed &y #hapin! the di#c %ith a cryolathe,5:, ;, # ori!inal %or involved performin! a corrective e$cimer la#er a&lation on the &ac of a re#ected di#c of corneal ti##ue, Thi# di#c %a# replaced and #utured onto the cornea, .alliari# developed the techni-ue of performin! the e$cimer la#er corrective a&lation inthe corneal #tromal &ed under a hin!ed flap, He fir#t #tudied the procedure in ra&&it#, follo%ed &y &lind human eye# in 12=2, and then #i!hted eye# in 1221,)n 122;, Steve Slade added the refinement of u#in! an automated microeratome to create the flap and %a# one of the fir#t /S #ur!eon# to perform (AS)*,)ndication#A# of Decem&er :33=, (AS)* ha# &een approved &y the 4ood and Dru! Admini#tration '4DA+ for #everal different la#er platform#, includin! the ?)S@ STAR S# vi#ion %ill &lac out momentarily, )ntraocular pre##ure %ith the #uction rin! applied i# &et%een G3023 mm H!, Hi!h pre##ure i# nece##ary to hold the #uction rin! firmly in place and to properly e$po#e the cornea to the cuttin! mechani#m of the microeratome,A depth plate in the microeratome determine# the planned thicne## for the flap re#ection '1;3 Dm for the Moria "ne /#e .lu#+, Ho%ever, thi# repre#ent# only an e#timate of the actual flap thicne##; confirmation %ith on0the0ta&le pachymetry mea#urement# taen immediately &efore cuttin! the flap 'total corneal thicne##+ and in the #tromal &ed after the flap ha# &een lifted 're#idual #tromal &ed+ i# the &e#t %ay to determine actual flap thicne##,"nce !ood #uction i# confirmed, a foot pedal i# u#ed to #imultaneou#ly #%itch on the motori9ed vi&ratin! &lade that cut# the corneal flap and the mechani#m that advance# the microeratome, The microeratome #hould not &e manipulated durin! the flap cuttin! pha#e, and it i# important to remind the patient not to move or attempt to #-uee9e the eye #hut durin! the cut, The hin!e %idth can &e #et on thi# microeratome &y #ettin! a #top on the #uction rin!, The #top #ettin! i# &a#ed on a nomo!ram #upplied &y the manufacturer and i# &a#ed on the #i9e of the openin! of the #uction rin! and corneal curvature eratometry readin!#,Femtosecond laser flap creationThe procedure i# different if a femto#econd la#er i# u#ed to create the flap, 4emto#econd la#er# emit in the infrared ran!e '13C; nm %avelen!th+ and %or &y creatin! overlappin! microcavitation &u&&le#, producin! a lamellar intra#tromal cut, The la#er i# fir#t pro!rammed to confirm the de#ired depth, diameter, and hin!e location of the flap, The la#er then mu#t &e IdocedI to the patient># eye to hold the eye completely immo&ile durin! la#er emi##ion, The la#er i# then fired, creatin! the potential lamellar #pace fir#t follo%ed &y a #ide cut to connect theflap to the #urface of the cornea,"ne of the !reat advanta!e# of the femto#econd la#er for flap creation '#uch a# the )ntrala#e, AM"+ i# the a&ility to cu#tomi9e diameter and hin!e location; thi# i# e#pecially u#eful for hyperopic a&lation# and treatment# for mi$ed a#ti!mati#m, %hich re-uire lar!er a&lation 9one#, A #maller #tromal &ed %ould mean that the planned e$cimer la#er treatment %ould overlap uncut cornea, potentially re#ultin! in an incomplete or partial a&lation and correction of the de#ired refractive error,Microeratome0created flap# depend on corneal curvature mea#urement#, that i#, the #teeper the cornea, the more cornea that i# e$po#ed to the microeratome durin! the for%ard pa##, re#ultin! in a lar!er diameter flap, The flatter the cornea curvature, the #maller the flap diameter,?ery #teep cornea# 'J# Eye and ?i#ion Center, Al#o, #ee eMedicineHealth># patient education article ?i#ion Correction Sur!ery,Complication#Complication# can &e divided into intraoperative 'u#ually microeratome related+ and tho#e that occur po#toperatively,512, :3, :16 The follo%in! li#t outline# the more common complication#, the time period in %hich they are liely to &e #een 'ie, immediate, early po#toperative, late po#toperative+, and an appro$imate incidence of occurrence, Each complication %ill &e di#cu##ed in more detail in the follo%in! #ection,)ntraoperative microeratome flap complication# include the follo%in!: Entry into eye 'intraoperative; rare+ 5::6 Thin, irre!ular, or perforated flap 'intraoperative; K 3,:E+ 5:;6 4ree flap 'intraoperative; rare; 3,:E+4emto#econd la#er flap complication# are a# follo%#: "pa-ue &u&&le layer ?ertical !a# &reathrou!h Anterior cham&er !a# &u&&le# Suction lo## durin! flap creation(a#er0related complication# include the follo%in!: Decentration 'K 1E+ )rre!ular a#ti!mati#m 'K 1E+ and central i#land#"ther po#toperative complication# include the follo%in!: ?i#ually #i!nificant %rinle# or #triae in the flap '1E+ Di#located flap 'early po#toperative period+ )nfection 'early po#toperative period; very rare; K 3,3:E+ 5: