LAS Best Practices in Translation_white paper

Best Practices in Translation & Localization



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Best Practicesin Translation & Localization

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Effective website translation is more than a word-for-word process.

10 easy tips to maximize your website translation process.

1 Test and evaluate your content management system for foreign language character compatibility before purchasing any platform

Make sure the CMS you are investing in can manage all foreign language character sets you plan to publish in. Use Unicode character sets for maximum compatibility.

2 Consider using WordPress, Joomla or Drupal as your CMS.

When evaluating CMS platforms consider using WordPress, Joomla or Drupal. All of these platforms are open-source and available at no cost. These platforms are feature-rich, with low-cost plugins for extra functionality and provide easy-to-use dashboards to quickly develop fresh content. Unless you have a highly-complex e-commerce site, you will likely find these platforms will out-perform costly or customized CMS solutions.

3 Develop a multilingual keyword strategy.

Keywords are a critical factor in making sure your website is found and are a major component to any SEO strategy. An effective keyword strategy should include using your English keywords, their translation, equivalents, and performing local keyword research to determine the best localized search terms. For example, Chevrolet uses over 600 keywords in North America alone.

4 Make sure you translate title tags, META data, rich snippets and breadcrumbs along with your website copy.

Choosing the right images is just as important as writing the right copy. Don’t assume that your images work in every market. Work with your in-country managers and ask us for our perspectives.

5 Choose your images, graphics and colors with a multicultural audience in mind.

Choosing the right images is just as important as writing the right copy. Don’t assume that your images work in every market. Work with your in-country managers and ask us for our perspectives.

6 Involve your internal clients overseas in the creative process.

Make sure your in-country teams participate in the creative process. Their buy-in and local market knowledge is invaluable in helping to localize advertising and marketing messages.

7 Create bilingual, not monolingual websites. Consider leaving some elements in English.

These days, more people across the globe are living bilingual lives. Reading, writing and communicating in more than one language every day. Age plays a key role in knowing when to leave something in English or not. Knowing your client demographics will help you make informed language decisions.

8 Have Language Arts & Science manage your in-country reviews.

We’ll separate the meaningful feedback from the clutter and make sure your in-country managers don’t make changes that create legal headaches for you.

9 Have us work directly in your source application files.

By having us work directly in your CMS or HTML files we can save you time and money. Translation technologies allow us to streamline the entire process helping you realize efficiencies throughout your project.

10 Fresh and high-quality content is a key component of website success.

Websites are no longer static brochures, they are living, breathing, and evolving marketing tools Google and other search engines put a premium on fresh, high-quality content. Make sure you update your website regularly with smart, optimized content.

Approved Google Engage Agency

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1 Determine early in the creative process whether your project will be translated.

The best translators in the world can’t save ideas and marketing messages that don’t work in a given market.

2 Involve your internal clients overseas in the creative process.

Make sure your in-country teams participate in the creative process. Their buy-in and local market knowledge should be used to localize advertising and marketing messages.

3 Provide a Creative Brief with your project.

Understanding who your audience is and what your objectives are is critical to the creative adaptation process. Age is an especially critical demographic that will affect your transcreations.

4 Avoid double entendres – you can’t get the same two meanings in another language.

Copy with double meanings always gets lost in the translations. Visually with double meanings work much more effectively. Make sure you craft headlines that can be adapted.

5 Choose your images, graphics and colors with an international audience in mind.

Choosing the right images is just as important as writing the right copy. Don’t just assume that your images work in every market.

6 Leave your tagline in English.

Unless you have the budget to test your tagline in every language and country – and who does? Consider leaving your tagline in English. It works for McDonald’s so it might work for you too!

7 Don’t expect translators to be advertising copywriters.

Expecting translators to perform like copywriters is a recipe for disaster. At Language Arts & Science we employ copywriters and translators to make effective ads, brochures, websites and landing pages.

8 Make your ads bilingual not monolingual.

More and more people across the globe live bilingual lives. Reading, writing and communicating in more than one language. Age plays a big part here in knowing when to leave something in English or not.

9 Have us manage your in-country reviews

Let us manage your in-country reviews. We’ll separate the meaningful feedback from the clutter and make sure your in-country managers don’t make changes that create legal headaches for you.

10 Have us work in your source application files.

We can save you money and boat loads of time by having us work directly in your Indesign, HTML or CMS generated files. Translation technologies allow us to streamline the process saving you time and money.

How to create Advertising and Marketing messages that work internationally.

10 easy tips to ensure your creative works!

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Search engine ranking is a multidimensional and multilingual challenge.

10 easy tips to effective international and multilingual SEO & SEM.

1 Use a multilingual Keyword approach.

In most cases you should use your English keywords, their translations and research locally used keywords. A multilingual keyword approach will improve search engine performance and Page Ranking.

2 Use Geo-tracking to target potential customers.

Google provides high-quality geo-tracking tools to ensure that correct pages and languages are delivered in search activities. Make sure you identify a site structure infrastructure that meets your business objectives.

3 Translate rich snippets, breadcrumbs and other search engine friendly content.

Today what’s behind your website is just as important as the content your audience reads. Search engine performance is dependent on several search engine enablers. In addition to translating content that resides on your web pages make sure you translate all the text Google and other search engines will use to rank your site.

4 Determine whether country or language sites are best.

Do you need a Spain site or a Spanish language site? Are you speaking to all German speakers (Austria, Germany, Switzerland) or to German speakers in Germany only? Make sure you have a strategy that matches your sales processes, opportunities and goals.

5 Make sure your site meets local legal requirements.

Confirm that any offers and guarantees are legal in each country. Some countries have restrictive requirements regarding what you can say and even what words you can use. Have a corporate lawyer review all advertising claims and content.

6 Maintain a balance between International content and local content.

Today your website needs to communicate your brand globally and locally. An effective website strategy includes translating global content and writing local content in the local languages. The right combination of translated copy and locally produced copy creates more effective search engine content.

7 Time PPC campaigns to industry events.

AAPEX, FENATRAN and other industry events provide a forum for manufacturers to introduce their new products and interact directly with your clients. Improve attendance and interest in your Booth by driving traffic to it using a PPC campaign.

8 Continually add and remove Keywords as industry events, technology and consumer patterns change.

A static keyword approach will erode search performance over time. Keywords change frequently and performance patterns must be monitored and identified. Seasonal and industry driven keywords should be used before, during and after industry events.

9 Identify and apply Best Practices across all languages

The same techniques that result in best search performance are required in other countries and for other search engines. So make sure you translate keywords, title tags, meta descriptions, breadcrumbs and rich snippets. Identify local keywords for your industry and run local PPC campaigns in multiple languages.

10 Follow Search Engine changes closely.

Google and other search engines change algorithms and markup requirements frequently and watch for developments by the W3C, ICANN and other web bodies that help determine how the web works and how your sites should be programmed. Communicate regularly with your SEO and SEM service providers and budget for requirement changes.Approved Google Engage Agency

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1 Develop a basic style guide to manage correct usage of Brand Names, Product Names, Acronym’s and other linguistic requirements

According to a GM study, over 51% of their “translation errors” were due to wrong terminology. Have your translation supplier prepare a terminology database and set up terminology usage rules in advance.

2 Once a year invest in a quality analysis and consistency check on your Translation Memories.

This a low-cost investment that will pay for itself and improve quality. A little translation memory maintenance can go a long way and can be performed during non-peak periods in preparation for heavy-load periods. A cleaned up TM lowers cost and improves translation quality. And the cost will be recovered through more 100% matches.

3 Use the SAE J1930 Standard to develop technical terminology

J930 provides an easy-to-use methodology when naming technical components in a vehicle. Language Arts & Science performs translations in accordance with J1930. The adaptation of J1930 into the translation process improves technical terminology accuracy and translator skills.

4 Prepare an Authoring & Translation process schematic. Regularly review during non-peak seasons.

Make sure you’ve added the translation process to the authoring workflow and use to identify potential bottlenecks or scheduling challenges.

5 Measure translation quality instead of proofreading every word.

With service Information growing in size every year, few organizations can afford to proofread and verify every translated word. Today there’s no need too either. Measuring translation quality instead of proofreading reduces costs, improves timing and provides an objective method of evaluating translation quality.

6 Provide content to be translated in source application file formats (XML, MSWord, FrameMaker). Provide PDF files for linguistic context.

For maximum translation memory savings you should provide content in file formats that allow for maximum leveraging. XML, Word and FrameMaker are common platforms that eliminate a significant amount of manual page formatting producing maximum cost and timing savings.

7 Provide illustrations and graphics in .eps or .jpeg file formats.

Schematics and part illustrations can require an enormous amount of time to translate and format if prepared without translation in mind. Ensure that any embedded text can be replaced and reformatted.

8 Provide PDF files for linguistic reference only.

Always provide a PDF file with the source files for linguistic reference. Often times the way an image or graphic appears will influence or even explain an ambiguous sentence. Providing a PDF file reduces guesswork and provides answers for many translation questions.

9 Confirm data transfer and storage capacity requirements

Service Information consists of thousands of files sometimes eating up terabytes of data space and requiring industrial strength data transfer capacity. Make sure you communicate your data storage and transfer needs before the peak translation season starts.

10 Eliminate disconnects and “non value-added” workflow processes.

Identify technologies and processes that reduce tasks, automate standard activities and harmonize authoring and translation workflows. Meet periodically during the non-peak season to review past year’s performance and set new performance and cost savings goals for the next season.

Trust a translation supplier who speaks your language.

10 easy tips to maximize your service information translation process.

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1 Translate communications for international employees even when it isn’t legally required.

Most countries do not mandate the translation of HR policies and codes of conduct however many have de facto laws that render untranslated employee communications as legally invalid. Violations can be difficult to enforce, even when the employee speaks English. Translating HR policies, codes of conduct and other communications helps you avoid unnecessary legal costs.

2 Have local staff review existing HR documents to eliminate US-centric references that have no relevance for international employees.

Many concepts such as “cultural diversity” or “affirmative action” or “vacation accrual” that are included in corporate policies and codes of conduct will have no relevance outside the United States and may even conflict with local mores, customs and laws. Have in-country HR personnel review these documents, you will not only be legally compliant, you will also demonstrate respect for your international colleagues

3 Include in-country HR staff in the development of key employee communications.

Solicit input from your in-country HR teams when developing important employee messages from headquarters. Their buy-in and local knowledge will be invaluable in effectively communicating all-hands emails, policy updates and important company announcements so they are easily understood and accepted.

4 Prioritize and consider translating documents for international employees, even when your “official company language” is English.

Distributing untranslated HR documents to non-English-speaking employees does not make good business sense and can be hazardous. Although many managers may speak English, it is unlikely that rank and file employees do, especially in markets such as South America and Asia where English is not prevalent. You can’t translate everything, but translating key communica-tions is good business practice, since it conveys important information more clearly.

5 Provide contextual explanations for certain HR-related concepts rather than literal translations for expatriates and immigrants working in US facilities.

Literal translations of concepts such as “employment at will” or “exempt versus non-exempt” or “vacation accrual” could be confusing to recent immigrants or non-native English speakers, since they are unlikely to exist in the employee’s home country. Providing contextual explanations will help avoid misunder stand-ings, unintended policy violations and improve compliance.

6 Use interpreters to help train your staff when opening facilities in a new country.

Opening a new facility means hiring a large number of new employees, all of whom require company and job training. Specialized training may need to be conducted by employees from headquarters who do not speak the local language. Local LAS interpreters can bridge this gap, ensuring the right knowledge is transferred to local employees.

7 Consider less obvious translation requirements when training employees in a new international facility.

Creating different modules for courses that contain locally influenced issues such as soft skills, legal and regulatory compliance and policies and procedures will enable you to retain important corporate messages while enabling localization for modules that need it. You can then simply drop in localized modules, repackage and distribute course materials more quickly.

8 Take a modular approach to designing corporate training and eLearning courses.

Creating different modules for courses that contain“ high context” or locally influenced issues such as soft skills, legal and regulatory compliance and policies and procedures will enable you to retain your general corporate messages while enabling localization where you need it. You will be able to simply drop in localized modules, repackage and distribute course materials more quickly.

9 Choose eLearning tools that automate functions important to localization

The best rapid- and eLearning software tools will automate many functions and help you avoid costly and accident-prone manual processes. Look for tools that:

• automatically allow text to expand to accommodate other languages

• separate content from presentation to ensure all text is translated the first time

• have automated import/export functions for easy transfer of files and localized versions

10 Select images, graphics and colors for training and eLearning materials with international employees in mind.

Choosing the right images is just as important as writing appropriate copy. Don’t assume that images will work in every market. Your in-country HR staff can provide guidance, as can LAS, in choosing culturally sensitive images.

Improve global performance and process adherence.

10 easy tips for effective HR & training translations.

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1 Translate communications for international employees even when it isn’t legally required.

Most countries do not mandate the translation of HR policies and codes of conduct, however many countries have de facto laws that render untranslated employee communications as legally invalid. Violations can be difficult to enforce, even if the employee speaks English. By translating HR policies and codes of conduct you demonstrate your dedication to and appreciation of all employees and avoid expensive legal costs.

2 Practice continuous improvement with global compliance programs.

Enforcement of FCPA has become increasingly aggressive: penalties are escalating and foreign prosecutors are assisting in anti-corruption actions of US authorities. Stay abreast of develop ments and ensure that all employees are aware of new or changed company policies, particularly rank and file employees who may not speak English well. By translating FCPA policies and partnering with local management to ensure they are understood, you increase compliance and improve enforceability.

3 Develop a solid plan of action for translation in cross-border litigation.

Sifting through voluminous amounts of data during the discovery process can be arduous in English, let alone in one or more other languages. Having a strategy for language-intensive discovery will help you avoid translating irrelevant materials, saving precious time and money. Create a list of keywords for ALL languages to help you prioritize documents for relevance and importance. Critical documents may require certified translations, while others may require a summary translation. Text that is “for internal purposes only” may only require a cursory translation to facilitate understanding. LAS can advise you.

4 Translate litigation hold policies to ensure they are understood and adhered to by foreign employees.

The goal of every litigation hold is to preserve data that is relevant to the case. In international litigation, holds must be communicated in a manner and language that a foreign employee will understand so he knows what it means to preserve and the rules surrounding it. This prevents data from being compromised or lost. Reducing the amount of “legalese” in hold communications may be required depending on the target country and employee familiarity with legal processes.

5 Increase the velocity and confidence in cross-border mergers and acquisitions by pro-actively translating key data.

Cross-border mergers and acquisitions are more common than ever. Regardless of the direction of the deal, participants are likely to be located in a country where English is not the primary language. Proactively providing due diligence and other information in different languages as clearly and accurately as possible helps both the buyer and seller conclude the cross-border deal more quickly, confidently and cost effectively.

6 Create a multilingual data room (VDR) for smooth and accessible M&A information exchange.

VDRs have numerous benefits to both buyers and sellers. The seller can attract more buyers by providing translated due diligence materials in a secure, searchable repository. Buyers have access to pertinent information for better assessment and decision-making. At a minimum the seller should translate the VDR index so buyers can readily find pertinent information. Providing translation summaries of key documents should also be considered, since it helps the transaction progress more quickly.

7 Remember that due diligence can extend beyond the obvious.

Cross-border due diligence processes may extend beyond the company being acquired and include strategic suppliers, business partners and customers. Communicating with all of these parties in a cross-border environment suggests translating key information is required. Consider translation in your due diligence strategy; it will help you prioritize information, determine the quality level required, control costs and ensure the right information is accessible when it’s needed and in the right languages.

8 Adjust quality expectations according to the text requiring translation and its intended purpose.

100% accuracy and consistency are the hallmarks of legal and financial translations, particularly when legal or financial decisions rest on a complete and unambiguous understanding of the text. However it isn’t always practical or financially prudent to seek this level of quality with all legal and financial information. Consider the purpose of the documents and assess their importance. “Information only“ documents may only require a cursory translation for understanding rather than a more costly certified translation.

9 Assess your IP translation practices for cost reduction

Our globalized economy is making the protection of your intellectual property at an international level more important than ever and necessitating the filing of patents in multiple countries. Without an effective IP translation strategy, translation costs can spiral out of control. Reducing your reliance on a multitude of international law firms to handle translations and exploring translation technologies that can reuse text can help mitigate costs. Call LAS to discuss your options

10 Maintain client-attorney confidentiality by using professional translation services.

Using online translation applications such as Google Translate to save money could be a false economy. Care must be taken because any text that is translated through it becomes part of Google’s domain and therefore has the potential to violate client-attorney confidentiality and jeopardize a case. Sensitive documents should be translated by professional translators who are bound by non-disclosure agreements. Call LAS to discuss cost-effective alternatives to online translation tools.

Translating important employee communications and documents is a safe policy.

10 easy tips to effective financial and legal translations.

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Language Arts & Science333 West 7th Street, Suite 120

Royal Oak, Michigan 48065

P: 248-246-0475, F: 248-282-0433

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Language Arts & Science specializes in serving

the motor vehicle industry and supports the

entire supply chain, including manufacturers,

component suppliers, services companies

and even industry trade magazines.