Laramie, Wyoming The Reminder First United Methodist · First...

January 2013 The Reminder 1 Laramie, Wyoming The Reminder January 2013 First United Methodist Church Rev. Jeff Rainwater 1215 E Gibbon St. 307-460-3858 (Home) 307-742-8121 [email protected] [email protected] LIFE SUPPORT groups New Small Group Offerings Starting This Winter First United Methodist Church is offering another semester of LIFE SUPPORT groups starting this January. We have a variety of different groups covering different interests offered at different times. Hopefully, there is a group just for you. You can sign up online on our website at For information on the groups go to the CONNECT+CARE+GROW section and look for small groups. From there you can find a link to the sign-up page. You are also welcome to sign-up before or after church services or fill out the registration form from a brochure. If you don’t find the group you are looking for, give the office a call. We are always considering new ideas for groups in the future. Life Support Small Groups are important ways to stay connected with the Bible, with God, and with each other in Christian community. Yours in Christ, Pastor Jeff LIFE SUPPORT GROUPS OFFERED THIS WINTER Walking through the Bible a book at a time: Joshua Sundays, 12:30 pm Invitation to Psalms Sundays, 4:00 pm A Faith of Her Own (Ladies’ Study) Mondays, 10:00 am Financial Peace University Date & Time to be determined Christian Community in Hard Times: Reading Bonheoffer’s Life Together OR The Christian Word of the Hobbit Wednesdays, 6:30 pm

Transcript of Laramie, Wyoming The Reminder First United Methodist · First...

Page 1: Laramie, Wyoming The Reminder First United Methodist · First United Methodist Church Rev. Jeff Rainwater 1215 E Gibbon St. 307-460-3858 (Home) 307-742-8121

January 2013 The Reminder 1

Laramie, Wyoming The Reminder January 2013 First United Methodist Church

Rev. Jeff Rainwater 1215 E Gibbon St. 307-460-3858 (Home) 307-742-8121 [email protected] [email protected]

LIFE SUPPORT groups New Small Group Offerings Starting This Winter

First United Methodist Church is offering another semester of LIFE SUPPORT groups starting this January. We have a variety of different groups covering different interests offered at different times. Hopefully, there is a group just for you.

You can sign up online on our website at For information on the groups go to the CONNECT+CARE+GROW section and look for small groups. From there you can find a link to the sign-up page.

You are also welcome to sign-up before or after church services or fill out the registration form from a brochure.

If you don’t find the group you are looking for, give the office a call. We are always considering new ideas for groups in the future.

Life Support Small Groups are important ways to stay connected with the Bible, with God, and with each other in Christian community.

Yours in Christ, Pastor Jeff

LIFE SUPPORT GROUPS OFFERED THIS WINTER Walking through the Bible a book at a time: Joshua Sundays, 12:30 pm

Invitation to Psalms Sundays, 4:00 pm

A Faith of Her Own (Ladies’ Study) Mondays, 10:00 am

Financial Peace University Date & Time to be determined

Christian Community in Hard Times: Reading Bonheoffer’s Life Together OR The Christian Word of the Hobbit Wednesdays, 6:30 pm

Page 2: Laramie, Wyoming The Reminder First United Methodist · First United Methodist Church Rev. Jeff Rainwater 1215 E Gibbon St. 307-460-3858 (Home) 307-742-8121

January 2013 The Reminder 2

Kids’ Choir The Kids’ Choir, under the direction of LeeAnn Gray, meets each Sunday from

10:15-10:45am in the video room. Children of all ages are welcome to join at any time! Choir practice is currently on a hiatus and will resume Sunday, January 6.

Family Christmas

Extravaganza a

Success! Thank you to all who attended

our Happy Birthday Jesus party on December 9! We had 60 in attendance! We enjoyed a delicious pizza dinner, listened to the Christmas story, and played a rousing version of Jeopardy based on the Christmas story. Team “Star Wars Gum Drops” took first place, with Team “Boring Adults” taking a close second! Before the final round in Jeopardy, we were entertained by the Children’s Choir and various members of our Sunday school classes! What talented children we have! We closed with decorating cupcakes and singing Happy Birthday to Jesus. All who attended received a small gift from the Christian Education Commission. Special thanks to Tracy Malone, Kiersten Steinkraus and Tiffany Erdmann for all of their hard work, and thank you for allowing us to work with your children throughout the year. It is truly a blessing!

Thank You for Supporting the

Giving Tree! The Chr i st i an Educat i on Commission once again had a giving tree this Christmas for a local family in need. Thank you to those who took home an ornament and purchased a much appreciated gift. You all helped spread the true meaning of Christmas to those in need!

Do You Know Someone Going Through a Difficult Time? Do you have a friend, neighbor, co-worker, or relative who has been struggling with the loss of a loved one, loneliness, cancer, a layoff, relocation, divorce, a spiritual crisis, recuperation, single parenthood, or any of countless other life

challenges? Our Stephen Ministers can provide them with the focused care, encouragement, and support they need to make it through the crisis. If you know of someone who is hurting, talk with Lynn Erickson or Pastor Laura. They can talk with you about how we can connect the person you know with one of our Stephen Ministers. It's a great way for you to show how much you care!

STAY CONNECTED ONLINE Do you ‘do’ Facebook? Follow folks on Twitter? Surf the web regularly? We invite you to stay in touch with First UMC’s happenings in a variety of ways:

‘Like us’ on Facebook:

Follow us on Twitter: @LaramieUMC @Wesley_Wyoming

See what’s new on our websites:

Check out Pastor’s blogs:

Page 3: Laramie, Wyoming The Reminder First United Methodist · First United Methodist Church Rev. Jeff Rainwater 1215 E Gibbon St. 307-460-3858 (Home) 307-742-8121

January 2013 The Reminder 3

Questions, Questions, Questions:

“What do we need to do to

bring more passion into our spirituality?”

Back in October during one Sunday’s worship services, I invited congregation members to write down questions they had for God. I forgive you if you thought you would never see them again. I have been trying to think of a way to reflect upon and use these questions for our good purposes as a congregation. One way I hope to use them is to pick one (at random) and write a brief reflection for the newsletter. So this month we begin.

But first a brief preface: Most of these questions were written directly to God. I presume only to respond on

God’s behalf indirectly and only to the extent that I have asked similar questions of God myself in my own relationship with God. Please do not mistake my response for “the answer.” Christ promised to be present

where two or more are gathered. Think of these articles as the second voice at the Table of your questioning so that in our conversation Christ may join us. So let’s get started.

What do we need to do to bring more passion into our spirituality?

It’s a good question and an important one to consider. I think of John Wesley’s great fear about the Methodist movement that he was starting,

“I am not afraid that the people called Methodists should ever cease to exist either in Europe or America. But I am afraid lest they should only exist as a dead sect, having the form of religion without the power. And this undoubtedly will be the case unless they hold fast both the doctrine, spirit, and discipline which they first set out.”

I think the loss of passion in our spirituality is what Wesley feared most for us. What does it mean to be passionate about spirituality anyway? We should be careful not to limit our understanding of passionate spirituality to any particular expression of spirituality. I have known African-American preachers who have been very loud and monks who have been very quiet in their respective expressions of their spirituality. But I do not doubt that both have been very passionate about their faith.

In the quote above, John Wesley mentioned three characteristics: doctrine, spirit, discipline. Maybe that helps. We must be committed to living in God’s Spirit and seeking Truth. Sometimes I have relied on a contemporary Christian author, Christian Schwartz, and his definition of passionate spirituality: Word-based, Spirit-directed, world-focused. Passionate spirituality finds its foundation in God’s word, its power in

connection with God’s spirit, and its focus in serving the world.

Schwartz’s definition helps me identify some essential practices for every Christian: Bible reading (Word-based), prayer (Spirit-directed), service and/or evangelism (world-focused). Does reading my Bible daily, praying regularly, and serving or witnessing guarantee my spirituality will be passionate? No, but it’s a good starting point. John Wesley understood such practices as “means of grace” – conduits that helped us connect with God in different ways. The point is to connect with God.

What are ways that you have connected with God personally, deeply, emotionally, transformationally? If you want to enliven your spirituality, start with those experiences but don’t stop there. Push the boundaries of your own experience. Maybe Bible reading has been important in the past, but you aren’t finding the same energy in that practice. Explore different ways to read the Bible. There are hundreds of ways to pray. There are thousands of ways to serve.

“What do we need to do…?” I am impressed that the questioner said “we.” I find my own spirituality

becomes stagnant if it’s just me instead of we. Being in community helps me stay disciplined. Others inspire me. In the practice of service it’s especially important to be in contact with those you serve (when possible) so that you can see Christ in the face of those you serve and they can see Christ in you.

If you want your own spirituality to be enlivened and passionate, then my prayer for you is that you may fall in love and stay in love with God and with those whom God loves. That in a nutshell is what we are talking about when we talk about passionate spirituality: love God, love neighbor, and allow God and neighbor to love you in return.

Yours in Christ, Pastor Jeff

Page 4: Laramie, Wyoming The Reminder First United Methodist · First United Methodist Church Rev. Jeff Rainwater 1215 E Gibbon St. 307-460-3858 (Home) 307-742-8121

January 2013 The Reminder 4

Membership Any woman in the co n g r e ga t i o n i s welcome to become a member of United Methodist Women. Our Unit meeting is held on the first

Wednesday of the month at noon in Wilson or Wesley Hall for lunch, an interesting program, and a short business meeting. Morning and afternoon circles meet on the third Wednesday of the month at 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. The Circle of Hope meets on the third Monday of the month at 7 p.m. If you would like additional information about this organization and/or would like to visit or join a circle, please call Ann Rebka (742-3861).

Unit Meeting The next UNIT MEETING of United Methodist Women will be a luncheon on Wednesday, January 9, at noon in Wesley Hall. Please note that the date for the meeting has been changed from that listed in the Yearbook. This will be a potluck, so everyone needs to bring a dish to share plus her own table service. Beverages will be provided by the Esther Circle. The program will be our annual "Call to Prayer and Self-Denial" under the leadership of Susan Ballard and Lynn Erickson, our Spiritual Growth Coordinators. Please remember to bring your special offering. There is no asking for a community project this month. All women of the church are most cordially invited to share a delicious luncheon, an inspiring program, and an afternoon of warm fellowship.

United Methodist Men The next Methodist Men’s meal and meeting is January 24 at 6:00 pm in Wesley Hall. Start thinking and planning for our Valentine’s dinner. We will discuss final preparations.

Wesley Lunch Each Sunday after the 11:30 am service, Wesley Lunch is served. About 20 students AND church members enjoy a meal together. Everyone is invited. However, we need volunteers to cook the meal. If you are interested, please check the sign-up board outside of Wesley Hall. Remember . . . costs for the meal may be reimbursed or you may receive a letter of donation. Speak with Pastor Laura for more information.

Wesley and Phoneraiser

Phoneraiser is one way to help the environment! Wesley Foundation will recycle your used cell phones, mp3 players, digital cameras, and inkjet cartridges. Just place them in the red box in the church lobby. Help us help you, and the environment, after Christmas!

Page 5: Laramie, Wyoming The Reminder First United Methodist · First United Methodist Church Rev. Jeff Rainwater 1215 E Gibbon St. 307-460-3858 (Home) 307-742-8121

January 2013 The Reminder 5

Video Tech Schedule

9:00 am January 6 Greg Jordan January 13 Denny Coon January 20 Brittany Singhas January 27 Harold Colby

Usher Schedule 9:00 am January 6 Doug Hendricks Harold Colby Jim Anderson January 13 Don & Betty Stinson Randy Anderson January 20 Don Merriam

Norm Merriam January 27 Phil & Sandy Kerr Rollin & Carolyn Abernethy

Liturgist Schedule Here is the liturgist schedule for upcoming weeks. If you have any conflict with these dates or service times, please contact Rev. Jeff or Barb in the church office.

January 6 Gail Otto January 13 Cheryl Collins January 20 Diane Mercil January 27 Gary Crum

(The text for the day will be mailed (or e-mailed) to each liturgist in advance so it can be reviewed ahead of time!)

Greeter Schedule

January 6 9:00 am East Door Bob & Sylvia Hansen Harney Door Barbara Fresquez January 13 East Door Don & Sigrid Merriam Harney Door Dave Earnshaw

January 20 East Door Laurie Marquardt-Westlake Harney Door Barbara Fresquez

January 27 East Door Bob & Sylvia Hansen Harney Door Don & Sigrid Merriam

The February 2013 Newsletter

deadline is January 15. Be sure to

s e n d a l l y o u r

Newsletter articles to

the Office by this




Needed! Would you like to help

out during our worship services? If you are interested in volunteering to be an usher, greeter, or liturgist, or would like more information on what these positions entail, please contact the church office (742-8121)!

Worship Attendance

December 2 167 December 9 182 December 16 151

Year to Date Average 142

Page 6: Laramie, Wyoming The Reminder First United Methodist · First United Methodist Church Rev. Jeff Rainwater 1215 E Gibbon St. 307-460-3858 (Home) 307-742-8121

January 2013 The Reminder 6

I hope your Christmas Break was filled with hope, peace, love, and joy. And, of course, lots of REST! I can hardly believe that 2012 is over and 2013 looms with possibilities and hope! I look forward to reconnecting with each of you soon. Wesley student leaders are in the midst of planning activities for the winter/spring semester. Please keep in touch by reading the Wesley emails and checking with the website ( Or, of course, contact me! In the meantime, may the peace of Christ be with you in 2013! Pastor Laura

January Events:

Because classes do not resume until January 14, Wesley Conversation on Sundays at 10:30 am resumes January 20 in Wesley Lounge.

Remember that Sunday morning worship services at First UMC-Laramie are at 9:00 am (in the sanctuary) & 10:30 am (in Wesley Hall).

Sunday Wesley Lunch resumes January 6 at 11:30 am in Wesley Hall. Please join us

when you return to Laramie!

UW students gather for lunch on Thursdays, 12 noon, at UW’s food court (downstairs in the Wyoming Union). Our first lunch for the semester is January 17.

We are planning a Film Festival one Sunday in January. Did you know the church has a movie room, complete with stadium seating? Check out the Wesley emails and website for date and time. [Think In a galaxy far, far away….]

Check out our website,, for all fun, spiritual and service events.

Page 7: Laramie, Wyoming The Reminder First United Methodist · First United Methodist Church Rev. Jeff Rainwater 1215 E Gibbon St. 307-460-3858 (Home) 307-742-8121

January 2013 The Reminder 7

The Church Mouse Wow!! The choir’s Christmas Cantata was great!! Even better than the last rehearsal. Church was well attended so lots of people were there to enjoy it. I heard that several of our church members rang bells for Salvation Army at various locations, including Kmart, Safeway, and the post office. Must have been a little cold and snowy. Seems like there are church members volunteering their time every day somewhere. I got sucked into Wesley Hall by the aroma of FOOD FOR FINALS yesterday and forgot about the Christmas Party upstairs till late. The college students sure do appreciate an extra bit of love (and food) during finals week. In fact, they seem to enjoy a warm meal almost as much as me! Got lots of crumbs at both locations, but feel bad I missed the party because of my appetite. It sounded like it was lots of fun! I’m not sure if you will get this before next Sunday when the ministers will hold their Blue Christmas Service. Either way, I want to thank the ministers for providing this service for those who are suffering from hardships, illness, family issues, etc., which keeps them from feeling the joy of Christmas. We are already half way through Advent. How prepared is your heart for the coming of Christ? Ever think about why God decided to send His Son to start the Christian faith? Knowing that I have no real needs beyond food, I’ve decided not to write a letter to Santa this year but to write one to God. I hope He reads this newsletter as I haven’t got an address for Him. I could send it by prayer I guess, but my memory slips once in a while so I will write it out.

Dear God, Thank you for the gift of Your Son, whose teachings are so important to the way we live our lives. Thank you also for a warm church to live in and lots of humans that have a tendency to drop food for me. Thank you for the children that attend Scouts, preschool, and Sunday School who bring a vibrancy to the building. I would like to ask for some things that only you can provide: Could you arrange for there to be peace among the nations and among the different religions? For those that have lots to share more with those who have less? Arranging for fewer severe weather and earthquake events would be nice as it seems like the world never completely recovers from one before another hits. How about finding more people to attend our church? Grant clear ideas to those serving on the Building Committee? Inner peace and strength for those on the prayer list and healing, if it be Your will, would be appreciated. For me, less fixation on food and more on You and Your Son’s teachings. That I learn to pray more and better. That I appreciate the life I have and not be jealous of the lives other church mice. That as I age, I acquire wisdom to go with the gray hair. That the smile of an adult and the laughter of children always bring joy to me. Lord, I know that you answer our prayers in your own time but some of the above requests affect a lot of your followers so please respond as you see fit.

In the name of Your Son, Jesus and with love in my heart,

Yours, The Mouse

Page 8: Laramie, Wyoming The Reminder First United Methodist · First United Methodist Church Rev. Jeff Rainwater 1215 E Gibbon St. 307-460-3858 (Home) 307-742-8121

January 2013 The Reminder 8

The Reminder First United Methodist Church

1215 E Gibbon Street

Laramie, WY 82072-2845

(307) 742-8121

[email protected]


Your January 2013

Newsletter is here!



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Weekly Events Sunday 9:00 am Traditional Worship 9:15 am Children’s Sunday School 10:00 am Refreshments & Fellowship 10:15 am Adult Classes 10:15 am Kids Choir 10:30 am Traditional Worship 10:30 am Wesley Conversation (Resumes Jan. 20) 11:30 am Wesley Lunch (Resumes Jan. 6) 12:30 pm Deuteronomy (Jan. 6 & 13)

Tuesday 9:00 am Membership/Care 2:00 pm A Course in Miracles

Thursday 6:30 pm Bell Choir 7:30 pm Chancel Choir

Monthly Happenings Jan. 6 — Sunday school and Kids’ Choir resume Jan. 6 — 6:00 pm Pizza with the Pastors Jan. 7 — 12:00 pm Endowment Team Jan. 7 — 4:30 pm Building Committee Jan. 8 — 5:00 pm Trustee Team Jan. 9 — 10:30 am UMW Executive Jan. 9 — 12:00 am UMW Unit Jan. 9 — 5:30 am Wesley Board Jan. 11 — 6:00 pm Emmaus Potluck Jan. 14 — 5:45 pm Christian Education Jan. 15 — FEBRUARY NEWSLETTER DEADLINE Jan. 16 — 9:30 am Stinson & Paxton Circles Jan. 16 — 1:30 am Esther Circles Jan. 21 — 4:30 pm Building Committee Jan. 21 — 6:30 pm Finance Team Jan. 21 — 7:00 pm Circle of Hope Circle Jan. 22 — 6:30 pm Church Council Jan. 24 — 6:00 pm Methodist Men