Lao Zi's Theory of Everything

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  • 7/25/2019 Lao Zi's Theory of Everything



    Lo Zis Theory of Everything

    Daoist World Conference, Boston University 2014

    Miomir Arandelovic

    [email protected]


    Do D Jng stands out of most of the ancient texts as it isalmost fully devoid of arbitrary axioms or a reliance on faith. Itspostulates are self-explanatory, principle-driven and have arigorous confluence and cross-consistence, akin to concepts ofmodern science and technology. o !i

    systematicallyintroduces a general purpose frame"ork that reveals and links

    together many crucial aspects of #niverse and our $xistenceand could be thus rightfully considered as an ancient %heory of$veryting&.

    Do D Jng as Theory of Everything

    %erm %ao 'in author(s opinion, an adopted $nglish andinternational "ord for ) Do in *inyin, similarly as %ai +hi iscommonly used for %i J, surely eludes any froendefinition. It denotes the highest principle of the #niverse thatcan be 'often at the same time a sub/ect, ob/ect, predict orattribute in the sentences of Do D Jng and other %aoistscriptures. It may be related to a generic concept of0bsoluteor

    a Divine, but "ith much broader scope than aanthropomorphied 1od of the most religions. D2ng 3n' in the 4ecret of the 1olden 5lo"er refers to %ao as6%hat "hich exists through itself7 "hile o !i talks about it as

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    something 1reat, 8ystical, *rimordial and unidentifiable, butstill something that can be aspired to, achieved, held andapplied.

    9e can find related principles in other profound teachings, forinstance in the 68iddle 9ay7 of 3uddhism, 6It7 of the !en,69ay that has a :eart7 of %oltec 4hamans, 69alking "ith 1od7of $noch ';ld %estament or 6+hrist "ithin7 '

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    8odern 1roup %heory 'extensively present in +hemistry,+lassic, 4uperstring and other 6#nified 5ield %heories7 and6%heories of $verything7, for instance, defines symmetriesC ofthe natural and artificial systems in the mathematical and

    physical #niverse to explain their basic nature. 4ymmetry of thesystem describes "ays in "hich it can be transformed to itself.In addition to the defined group of self-reflectingtransformationsof the system, symmetry also defines systeminvarianceto these transformations.

    In the case of simple systems the invariant parts are very simple.5or instance, in the case of the idealied mechanical clock,

    "here the central axisof the clock is invariant during rotation ofthe t"o arms around the center 'comprising so called #orone-dimensional #nary 4ymmetry, "hile in the case of 6rigid

    body7 of the mechanics, the shapeof that body is invariant toany translation or rotation.

    In modern technology, the invariance and the transformations ofthe systems can be much more complex and the aforementionedinvariance is not al"ays static. In the case of computer system'conceptually, a final state %uring machineE, its internal statesare synchronied around invariant ticking of the system clock,

    "hile the operations of the application soft"are are regulated bythe invariantservicethreads of the computer operating system.0 program code of any compiled soft"are application is alsoinvariant in a relation to its utiliation. In the human "orld, %ai+hi form or Farate kata demonstrate a simple symmetrytransformation "here an 'invariant practitioner performs aseries of steps and stances and then returns to the initial


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    5igure G +hange and Invariance

    0s a general rule, a *hase 4pace'set of possible behaviors anddegrees of freedom of the system stays invariant in all of the

    actual changes. 4uch independence or encapsulation of theinvariant elements from the real-"orld transformations of thesystem is a basis of its stability 'character or nature. 9e cannotice the same principle not only in the isolated systems, butalso "ithin a +osmos as a "hole - the la"s of physics areconsidered true, "hen they remain valid for all possibleapplications.

    In the first chapter of Do D Jng, "e can recognie adescription of the generic self-transforming space and itsentities, around its invariant, +h?ng ', character that is alsotranslated as constant, absolute, eternal or immortal aspect.%he $ssential

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    existence of any entity, comprised of the continual unfoldingand enfolding 'similar to vibrations of superstrings that formparticles in the modern physics, present its ang, 6+hange ofthe *eace7, $ternal ife '8ng, or variantaspect, "hich is

    also sometimes denoted as 4elflessness or 'as o !i mentionsin +hapter B oveM.

    N FunyN ', +harles uk in his book 6%aoist oga,0lchemy and Immortality7 mentions t"o related elements of the%ao practitioner ';ne "ho $mbodies %ao G 6+entered 4oul7


    ng ng,, "hich represents invariance and 61reat#ltimate7 '%i J,, "hich represents a po"er ofharmoniation.9e can also notice a manifestation and BDpro/ection of these principles in %hrusting '+hng 8i,and 3elt 8eridian 'Di 8i,, centered around Dn%i?n '.

    9hile the spontaneous transformations of the arbitrary naturalsystem, "hich reflect its local symmetry,are generally chaotic'e.g. fluctuations of the energy vacuum or series of lives anddeaths of living beings, 6:olding the %ao7"ould indicate thata local system 'sub-totality in terms of David 3ohm in someaspects has reflected an establishedglobal symmetry'best

    practice, role model, template or 1reat :armony '%i :, of the 0bsolute '%ao.

    9e can recognie alike pattern in %i 4hng 4hu>

    ' manuscript that saysG 61reat ;ne created 9atersand 9aters returned to make a 1reater ;ne7 '%i 4hng4hu, 4hu5n 5D ,. 0 behavior ofsuch "ater cycle - a transformation of an identity '8ng,, isin Do D Jng described by steps 'similar to three steps of4hiva in :indu tradition of its division into

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    development of these t"o aspects into 5orm 'Jio, and4ubstance '8io, and their subse=uent re-integration into8ysterious 'Hu?n,.

    1ood becomes better and *erfect becomes more *erfect uponevery cycle, in the continuous %ao cultivation. 0s the la"s ofparadox, rather than one-dimensional causality, apply to themetaphysical realities, the cycles of change are actually reflectedin the 'continually enhanced invariance of the symmetry of thenatural system, "hile itself behaving invariantly in the

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    5igure >G +omplex +ircle of ;neness and #ni=ueness and its phases

    Jing ' references this coordinate system in the

    description of sagesG 7:eaven develops through motion, 4age"orks "ith :eaven to develop o"n character 'virtue7G '%inHng Jin, Jn !i ! @i?ng 3O H,,R.

    +osmos and Individual breath according to the same pattern,but "ith delayed phases. +omparing to the ob/ective reality of

    +osmos '"hich physically contains myriad beings, sub/ectivereality of the Individual being '"here "hole +osmos is in ourmind may look imaginary, ho"ever they both make a part ofthe same heart beat 'called 6Fokoro7 in the Japanese internalmartial artsS or a described 6%i "alk7. %he applications ofthis self-reflection pattern passing through domains of ;neness

    and #ni=ueness can be seen in different manuscripts and arealso mentioned in author(s previous book, 6Jade 9riting7, as6%ao +ross7 and 6Identity $nhancement7 symmetry.

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    4age engages the "orld benevolently, "hile keeping oneselfdetached. %his is one of the core principles of %ao practice, notonly because it gives the inner invulnerability to ebbs and flo"s,

    but also because it allo"s noble principles to penetrate

    every"here, "ithout baggage of an explicit complex hierarchy.o !i describes this approach in +hapter B> of Do D JngG6%ao is forever "ithout distinctions.

    It may look ordinary and simple,3ut nobody in the "orld can subdue it.

    If sovereign individuals could hold it,

    %he myriad beings "ould naturally follo"

    :eaven and $arth "ould be in harmony and

    %he s"eat de" "ould drop from above.

    %here "ouldn(t be any need to command the population

    and everything "ould flo" according to o"n nature.7

    %he invariant +h?ng, -

    aspect of the identity, preservedduring all "orld transformations, remains in the holistic

    primordial reality. :o"ever, the informationabout cycles ofchange could be mapped to another axis '6"orld line7, thespace of 8ystery 'Hu?n,, "hich complements the primordial%ruth. %hrough realiation of the ne" 8ysteries, the original%ruth is enhanced, completing 6%i "alk7 and variousaspects of Airtue 'D,, also sometimes translated as potentialor a po"er depicted in Do D Jng.

    In a default life cycle, beings at birth emerge from ;neness andspend their *re-:eaven potentials '"hich is described by o !iin +hapter >M as clinging on 64acrificial 4pring 5east7, for theo"n #ni=ue fulfilment 'see bottom part of 5igure B, "ith alittle conscious regard for the "holeness. :o"ever, natural la"s

    "ork in multiple phases and thus the unbalanced separationfrom the #niverse, along "ith exhaustion of the inner essentialresources, eventually leads to fall, decay and reset of the lifefunction 'death.

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    5igure BG Development of Airtue

    o !i clearly says in +hapter BM and RRG 61ro"th andsubse=uent decay is not in accordance "ith %ao7. %o ensure acontinual function of self-cultivation, the individuals need to beable to $mbrace 9orld -

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    clear that the synchroniation "ith the %ao and presence "ithin;neness are related to such realiation.

    %he Invariance to"ards changes in the "orld 'Hn n,or

    :ermetic 8ind 4eal or personal Immortality cannot be found"ithin ordinary existence in the "orld of matter 'PT axis in5igure B above, a usual scope of $go observations, but only forthe 4elfless 4elf. %his cosmic la" is mentioned in the

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    life comes from the identification and attachment to one,positive side of an ob/ective reality, the physical body. ;ur truenature 'as =uantum mechanics had detected for "ave-particles,

    "avicles lies in a more complex reality that includes both

    ob/ective and sub/ective, as "ell as positive 'actualied andnegative 'potential aspects.

    0t some point, after long introspection "e also realie that ourphysical form is actually based on the negative space, a void orcocoon ) aura 'Jio in Do D Jng or %onal in %oltecteachings that channels cosmic matter, everything 'moleculesof air, "ater and food etc., "hile ourpositiveob/ectiveexistence, our potential or *hase 4pacelies in the "orld offormlessness '8io in Do D Jng or

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    5igure QG +hapters of Do D Jng and 0lchemy *lanes

    9e can observe the chapter structure on the 5igure Q above,"here they are presented as a table comprised of C s=uares,"ith ;ne surrounded by the s=uare of sie three, "hich is

    subse=uently surrounded by s=uares of sie five, seven and nine.%his configuration directly fits the alchemy planes %aoKAoidK4piritKAitalityK$ssence 'Do-H-4hn-@-Jng,---- from various %aoist scriptures. It is interesting that the sameconfiguration also matches 'coincidentally or not the spatialsymmetries of the electromagnetic field "ithin the atom energy

    shells, "hich gradually extend from central and axial to four-dimensional ones, as on 5igure R belo". $ven the inorganicmatter 'as noted by a great 0rabic 0lchemist 1eber, Jabir Ibn:ayyan follo"s the patterns of pursuing perfection.

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    5igure RG *ropagation of spatial symmetries in electron shells

    *ropagation of the s=uared domains based on odd numbers isalso described in +lassic of 1reat 4implicity '%i 4hng o Jn

    %i 4N Jng,, an ancient text that has been alsoassociated to o !i 'in his identity as a ruler of 1reatest *urity,o Jn %in !n, as follo"sG61reat simplicity(s character is to begin. %his designates change.+hange turns into ;ne, ;ne turns into %hree, %hree turns into

    5ive, 5ive turns into 4even and 4even turns into > '4n @ng,G Jade, :ighestand 1reatest *urity are born from %ao. Domains of 5ive4pirits>B'94hn,G 4hnK:OnK!hK*2K,----, corresponding to the spiritual basis of five organs, are born

    from %hree *urities. 4even $nergies '@@, , emotions orsenses>Q, matching seven openings in the head, are born from5ive 4pirits. 5inally, the

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    1ng,>Rcome from the 4even $nergies. Identification andanalysis of these patterns in Do D Jng is a very deep sub/ect,out of scope of this introductory "orkW ho"ever, "e can point toa couple of samples that illustrate this structure.

    9e can notice, for instance, that three Do D Jng chapters,follo"ing the first one, indicate the matching domains of %hree*urities '4n @ng,. +hapter > describes %ao of the#niverse, +hapter B is related to a '4overeign Individual and+hapter Q to the ;mnipresence of the %ao. %hese domains

    could be associated respectively to u?n 4h%in !n', the ruler of Jade *urity 'N @ng, presented

    "ith an Immortality *ill in the hand, in charge of the continualcreationW ng 3o %in !n ', the ruler of :ighest*urity '4hng @ng,, presented "ith a scripture scroll, incharge of recording kno"ledge and Do D %in !n ',

    alias of o !i, the ruler of 1reatest *urity '%i @ng,,presented "ith the fan, in charge of spreading :eavenly


    4piritual roles of these characters could be roughly compared toJudeo-+hristian concepts of Divine 5ather, 4on and :oly 4piritor to 4hiva, Aishnu and 3rahma from :indu tradition.Differently from other holy books though, the teachings of DoD Jng do not aspire to extensively 6flatten7 deep mysteries of

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    considered primordial and eternal by nature, potentially able to6hold the %ao7.

    :eavenly scriptures 'Jng of %aoism look more like

    compilation of scientific formulas than myths about adventuresof the Divine characters. 5or teachings provided in such form

    "as, of course, al"ays difficult to spread to the "ider circles ofpeople. It "as al"ays easier to adopt the inertia of the commonsocial beliefs or to blindly follo" the imposed authorities.:o"ever as o !i observes 'in +hapters >M, &>, CM, the

    benefits of such conformance al"ays fall short in scope andtime.

    #pon some efforts invested into its study and application, theInner teachings slo"ly but reliably become a pragmatic set of6best practices7, "hich could help synchroniation andalignment of any possible set of beliefs, experiences or skills of

    the practitioner, in much more varying conditions than thoseassumed by simple dogmas. 9ith a foundation in the primordialsimplicity 'as in +hapter Q, BC, rather than in eyes of theothers, Do D Jng and other manuscripts assiste a continualdevelopment of capabilities 'or Airtue of the practitioners 'as in+hapter RQ, "ithout leading to a dead end or amassing their

    inner conflicts and side-effects.

    0nother illustration of the s=uare configuration at 5igure Qcould be related to a "ell-kno"n formula 'mentioned forinstance, by N FunyN ', +harles uk in his "orkG%aoist oga, 0lchemy and ImmortalityG 6Peturn Jing toInvigorate 3rain7. 5illing the nine brain palaces "ith thepersonal transmuted Jing brings %ao practitioner to some veryre"arding fields of "ork. $ach palace is a portal to a full three-dimensional reality. 5or instance in 8ng %?ng ', 3rilliance*alace, frontmost from the nine palaces one can experience

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    oneself as 6*resence in ight7. 3y synchroniing 3a 1ua patternof the eight palaces into a +enter '

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    applied. ike the other holistic teachings, %i "alk 'verysimilar to 69alking do"n and up the %ree of ife7 in @abalahand 9estern 0lchemy or using a 68ap of x 4#'Bsymmetry>&and o !i(s teaching could be easily mapped toG#' x 4#'> x 4#'B x 4#'Q x 4#'R, it could be an

    interesting endeavor to try to extend the existing physic theoriesinto the further dimensions. $ven though modern science issometimes gated by the expectations to form the theories thatcompletely conform to a basic human perception and can bepretty slo" in adopting the 6reality7 of concepts such ascomplex or negative space 'in spite of their relevance, the %ruth

    inevitably finds the "ay.

    It seems intuitively clear that BD symmetries are related to thecross-over of the body aura geometry "ithin its center 'similarlyas 6ight +ones7 of the gravity singularities or gravity-entropysymmetry "hile the QD symmetries are related to a reversal 'orthe inner t"ist of %ime and to a completion of the cycle of an

    individual alchemy transformation.

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    %his brief introduction into o !i(s philosophy, as "ell as "ellas author(s published book 6Dao De Jing K 0ncient Immortal(s

    %heory of $verything7 can only provide limited scientific andmetaphysical pointers to some core %aoist concepts in thevarious frames of reference, to aid reader(s o"n intuition.:o"ever it is important to clarify that this "ork doesn(t describeactual

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    4) As in common mathematic practice to consider only one variable of the

    equation at time:



    Final attribute is often used in software science for the structures that do not

    depend on any other structure:,

    similarly as the word atomic has been long considered as a synonym for

    entities which are simple and non-divisible





    Similar principle can be also found in teachings of Aleister Crowley, one of

    the modern esoteric theorists (with an invariant aspect of an Individual related

    to his or her Will and the variant aspect to the Love), expressed as: Love is

    the law, love under will.









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    Original Chinese text of Lo Zis Great Plainness Classic

    ()can be found at:

    Section translated here:

    Great Simplicitys Character Is Beginning Hence Indicate Change

    Change Turns to One One Turns to Three Three Turns to Five

    Five Turns to Seven Seven Turns to Nine

    Nine After all Too Pole Afterwards Turn to OneOne Designates Heaven





    26) Original Chinese text of Master Tans Book of Transformation


    can be found at:

    Section translated here:

    Tao s manifestation void change to spirit spirit change to Qi

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    , Qi change to form form gives birth to 10,000 things place use stop

    Taos integrate, principle form change to Qi Qi change to Spirit

    Spirit change Void Void bright and 10,000 things place use know rise



    29) Chinese Do D Jng text:

    30) Cross-comparison of different versions of Do D Jng (in Chinese):

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    1. Asclepius or the Perfect Sermon (Hermes Trismegistos, publisher: Kessinger Publishing,

    LLC 2005, ISBN 978-1425350208)

    2. Bhagavad Gita (Translated by Sir Edwin Arnold, publisher: Echo Library 2008, ISBN978-1848301597)

    3. Cultivating Stillness (Eva Wong, publisher: Shambhala Publications Inc. 1992, ISBN


    4. Daoism in History (Benjamin Penny, publisher: Routledge 2006, ISBN: 978-0-415-


    5. The Golden Dawn (Israel Regardie, publisher: Llewellyn Publications 1986, ISBN 0-


    6. Fragments (Heraclitus, translated by Brooks Haxton, foreword by James Hillman,

    publisher: Penguin Group USA 2003, ISBN 9780142437650)

    7. Great Clarity, Daoism and Alchemy in Early Medieval China (Fabrizio Pregadio,

    publisher: Stanford University Press, 2006, ISBN: 0-8047-5177-3)

    8. Holding Yin, Embracing Yang (translated by Eva Wong, publisher: Shambhala 2005,

    ISBN 1-59030-263-X)

    9. Holy Bible, King James Version Old & New Testaments (publisher: Visions Design

    2009, ASIN: B002920ZOS)

    10. Jade Writing - Yellow Court Classic. Individual Phase Space User Manual (Imios

    Archangelis, publisher: Avatar Solutions Inc., December 2010, ISBN: 9781456481650)

    11. Jade Emperors Mind Seal Classic, (Stuart Alve Olson, publisher: Inner Traditions

    2003, ISBN 089281135-8)

    12. Meditations and Mantras (Swami Vishnu Devananda, publisher: OM Lotus Publishing

    Company 1978, ISBN 0-931546-01-X)

    13. Mysterium Coniunctionis (C.G. Jung, published by Princeton / Bollingen Paperbacks

    1970, ISBN 0-691-01816-2)

    14. Psychology and Alchemy (C.G. Jung, published by Princeton / Bollingen Paperbacks

    1968, ISBN 0-691-01831-6)

    15. Relativity: The Special and the General Theory (Albert Einstein, Lawson, Robert W.,

    Dover Publishing 2001, 048641714X)

    16. Standard Model Symmetries in Four and Sixteen Dimensions (Stephen Blaha, 2012,

    ISBN: 978-09845530-68)

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    17. Taoist Yoga, Alchemy and Immortality (Charles Luk, published by Weiser Books

    1973, ISBN 978-087728-967-5)

    18. The Book of Sacred Magic of the Abramelin the Mage (translated by S.L. MacGregor

    Mathers 1897, reprint by Dover Publications 1975, ISBN: 0-85030-255-2)

    19. A Pattern Language (Christopher Alexander, Sara Ishikawa, Murray Silverstein,

    publisher: Oxford University Press 1977, ISBN 978-0-19-501919-3)

    20. Quantum Theory (David Bohm, publisher: Prentice Hall, 1951, ISBN 978-0-486-


    21. Tao Te Ching (Lo Zi, translated by Gia-Fu Feng, Jane English, publisher: Vintage

    1989, ISBN 978-0679724346)

    22. The Fire from Within (Carlos Castaneda, published by Black Swan 1984, ISBN 0-552-


    23. The Philosophy of Hegel (Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, publisher: Random House,

    Incorporated 1965, ISBN 0394309766)

    24. The Secret of Golden Flower (Lu Dongpin, translated by Richard Wilhelm, Foreword

    by C.G. Jung, publisher: A Harvest HBJ Book 1962, ISBN 0-15-679980-4)

    25. To Live as Long as Heaven and Earth (Robert Ford Campany, publisher: University ofCalifornia Press, 2002, ISBN 0-520-23034-5)

    26. Wholeness and The Implicate Order (David Bohm, publisher: Routledge & Kegan Paul

    1980, ISBN 0-415-28979-3)

    27. Wudang Tao, Member Library (by Master Yun Xiang Tseng and associates), at

    28. Yellow Emperor Medicine Classic (by Huang Di, translated by Ilza Veith, publisher:University of California Press 1972, ISBN 0-520-02158-4)

    29. Yi Jing (translated by Richard Wilhelm, Foreword by C.G. Jung, publisher: Routledge

    & Kegan Paul 1931, ISBN 0-7100-9527-9)

    30. Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (Swami Vivekananda, publisher: Better World Books 2007,

    ISBN 9781844834617)

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    Index of Chinese Philosophy terms

    +h?ng, 16, 20, 33, 37, 56, 75,76, 77, 84, 87, 109, 111,

    116, 118, 124, 134, 141,143, 157, 158, 167.

    +hng, 23, 35, 36, 42, 55, 58,71, 87, 101, 106, 110, 115,

    139, 141, 147, 163

    +hng 8i, 16Di 8i, 17

    Dn %i?n, 17Do, 2, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,

    16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23,

    24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32,

    39, 43, 45, 53, 54, 55, 56,

    58, 64, 69, 70, 72, 80, 84,

    85,87, 89,91, 94, 98, 100,

    102, 108, 110, 115,119,124, 132, 136, 143,

    147, 156, 162, 163, 167,

    170, 173, 174, 177

    Do D, 11, 12, 23, 26, 30Do D Jng, 2, 5, 9, 10, 11,

    12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21,

    22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29,30, 32, 177

    Do !ng, 9D, 2, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16,

    17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24,

    26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 64,

    69, 76, 77, 93, 94, 100, 112,

    115, 116, 122, 123, 131,133, 138, 143, 149, 167

    5i +h?ng, 14, 331ui i, 10

    :u 4h, 28:u?ng %ng Jng, 10

    Jing !i ?, 23Jio, 17, 23, 33Jng, 11, 12, 23, 25, 27, 30Ji1ng, 26o Jn %in !n, 25o !i, 2, 3, 5, 9, 11, 12, 13,

    14, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26,

    27, 28, 29, 30, 176, 180

    i +heng u, 4, 22ng 3o, 26D2ng 3n, 13N FunyN, 16, 278io, 17, 23, 33, 54, 75

    8ng, 14, 17, 28, 33, 52, 65,72, 84, 87, 92, 101, 105,


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    Hn n, 22, 23Hng, 16Hu?n, 17, 20, 24, 33, 41,ang, 6, 16, 34, 104,179

    Jng, 10in, 6, 16, 34, 104, 179u 8ng, 17, 33N :u?ng, 23

    N @ng, 26u?n 4h, 26un Hiang %seng, 4, 10, 30,


    !hng ng, 16!h1ing, 22