Language Techniques. Alliteration Meaning The repetition of initial consonants in a phrase or...

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Alliteration Meaning The repetition of initial consonants in a phrase or sentence.

Transcript of Language Techniques. Alliteration Meaning The repetition of initial consonants in a phrase or...

Language Techniques Alliteration Meaning The repetition of initial consonants in a phrase or sentence. Example It was a wet, windy, Wellington day. Effect It makes a sentence sound more effective and therefore it is memorable. My mother was making me a dress. Assonance Meaning The repetition of vowel sounds in non- rhyming words. vowel soundsvowel sounds Example Example the silken sad uncertain rustling of each purple curtain. (ur sounds) Effect Repeated sound device that helps link words together. This is often used in poetic writing. Sibilance Meaning A presence of strongly emphasized s, sh, ch, z, j sounds in speech Several good examples of sibilance come Example Instead of sitting, she stood very stiff and straight Effect Has a harsh, hissing sound that puts emphasis on what is being said or done. Hsss sssss ss.. Rhetorical Question Meaning A question that does not require an answer but is worded like this often for effect. Example Effect It is to get you interested by making you think even though it answers itself. So you think I am crazy do you? Listing Meaning Listing one point or example after another. and then I have to wash and bake then clean the. Example The people need food, water, clothing and shelter to help them survive. Effect Helps to stress the importance of something as there are many parts to it. Simile Meaning Comparing two things using like or as. Example Her eyes were as sharp as an eagles Effect A simile creates an image in our minds of something. We link that image to the subject. A writer uses this as an effective way of describing something. Metaphor Meaning Again, comparing something to something else but without like or as. Something becomes something else. Example His snake eyes glared menacingly. Other examples He was a lion of a man. The teacher kept rabbiting on. Effect As you can see, it puts an image in our minds and allows us to picture more closely what is being described. Personification Meaning When we give an object a human quality. Example The tired couch sat deserted on the lawn. Effect Creates a deeper meaning as we link the non-human item to a human feeling or characteristic. Hyperbole Meaning A deliberate overstatement for effect. Example Thousands use infers this is the best product to buy. Or Pots of money infers that someone is very wealthy. Effect A deliberate exaggeration makes something sound a lot better than it perhaps is. Nothing beats a Budweiser. Onomatopeoia Words that sound like an actual noise. Example Tweet tweet. Tick-tock. She slurped her tea and waited Effect This brings writing alive. Writing is more interesting when sound words are used to describe what is happening. Rhyme Meaning The repetition of identical or similar sounds at the end of a sentence or phrase. Example Jack be nimble, Jack be quick Jack jumped over the candlestick. Effect Rhyme is catchy and therefore appealing. This makes it memorable. Synonym Meaning Words that have the same meaning. Example Slender OR OR Skinny Skinny Effect Synonyms allow writers to add variety to their work. It can make writing more interesting and colourful to read. Colloquial language Meaning Language that maintains a tone of familiarity. It is informal in tone. Example Youll get a grip on things Effect It is casual/informal and therefore we can relate to it more easily. It is easy to understand. Jargon Meaning Language that is specific to a certain trade, industry or authority. Example Power-play combines friction-reducing sidorofax with micro-layered graphite to Effect Language used only for a particular field is necessary. is necessary. It can also be It can also be effective if you effective if you are trying to impress. impress. Pun Meaning Words that have duel meanings both of which are applicable to what is being stated. Example Whenever you shop at Four Square youll enjoy the change. Effect Puns are effective because they are amusing and clever. They make us think about the word or pun, with two meanings and consider both options. ImageryMeaning Descriptive or figurative language (simile, metaphor, personification etc), that creates a picture in our mind of something. Example You dragged your feet when you went out. Effect Creating an image (dragging feet) is a far more accurate and perhaps potent way, of describing the feeling of reluctance. Monosyllabic Meaning A word which has only one syllable. Example She shook her head hard. Effect Short, sharp monosyllables make a serious, no-nonsense statement. They are not meant to be flowery or descriptive. They mean to get straight to the point! Repetition Meaning Repeating a word or phrase more than once. Example Applicants should be high-energy and ready to conquer the world. Applicants should possess an immense amount of patience (for cases of your childrens whining, complaining and crying for no reason. Applicants must be able to tolerate sounds up to 500 decibels. Effect When something is said more than once it is understood that this must be very important. It is reiterating or stressing a point for effect. (In this instance all a mothers superhuman characteristics) Second person pronoun Meaning Second person includes the people spoken to but excludes the speaker. Example You, your(s), yourself, yourselves. yourselves. You cant afford to be without one. Effect Second person pronoun is less personal than first person. It is often used to prompt or challenge the readers. It addresses the audience directly and makes them feel involved. First person pronoun Meaning This gives a personal approach or opinion. It is immediate and heartfelt. Example I, me, my. I was close to despair at all times. When I had to go to the blackboard, I knew I did not have they right answer. I knew they would laugh. Effect First person involves the audience on a personal level. We feel and think exactly what that person is thinking and feeling and therefore have sympathy or a rapport with them. First person involves the audience on a personal level. We feel and think exactly what that person is thinking and feeling and therefore have sympathy or a rapport with them. Symbol Meaning One thing that represents another. Example The yellow brick road is a symbol for the difficult path someone takes towards their goal or dreams. goal or dreams. In the novel, fire represents the flame of rebellion, the spark in the darkness of oppression. Effect Symbols are an effective way of representing an idea or theme. Our prior knowledge helps us to understand the message that is being conveyed. ImperativeMeaning A verb which commands and therefore sounds forceful. Example Please give generously. Dont hesitate. Buy a GHD and see the difference. Make it click. Effect Imperatives invite us to take action. They command that we do something immediately and we usually buy into this because they are so forceful and effective. Make it click. Adjectives Words used to describe something or someone. She was thin. Emotive adjectives Her stick thin arms, knobbly shoulder bones and pointy elbows jutted out from under her shirt. Effect To create either a negative or positive tone to the piece of writing. Words carefully chosen to infer how the author is feeling about the subject matter. How might we describe the thin lady from a positive point of view.