Language learning pedagogies pt 1

Language learning pedagogies Approaches, beliefs and methods.

Transcript of Language learning pedagogies pt 1

Language learning pedagogiesApproaches, beliefs and methods.


“Method and practice of teaching, especially as an academic subject or theoretical concept” (Oxford dictionary)

“Art, science or profession of teaching” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

“the discipline that deals with the theory and practice of teaching” (Wikipedia)

What is teaching?

Brainstorm and discussion.

Some perspectives:

Freire on the banking model of education

The blank slate or tabula rasa

Filling a pail or lighting a fire?

What is learning?

How and where does it happen?

What are the ideal conditions for learning?

Reflect on your own experiences and describe one example of when you learned something new.

Methods, methodologies and beliefsMacaro (2003) uses the four way stretch diagram to represent the polarisation of

theories of language acquisition:

The horizontal axis represents the polarisation between theories of language input. Implicit input

arises from natural exposure and sub-conscious processing, explicit from teaching and conscious

processing. The vertical axis represents the concept of how language input is processed. Nativist

implies that language learning is an innate skill, interactionist that language is a specialised form

of knowledge that is acquired through interaction with the environment. He adds this observation:

―Of course polarizations are never absolute and theories as well as individuals place

themselves on various stages along the continuum of these axes.(p22)