LANGUAGE FORMS AND FEATURES Task: 1.Name the LFF used in each advertisement 2.Explain the...

download LANGUAGE FORMS AND FEATURES Task: 1.Name the LFF used in each advertisement 2.Explain the “effect” of each LFF, eg: how does the LFF: a)Creates humour.

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…the personification creates a clever image of the pavement being afraid of the power of the boots. This makes the boots seems extra strong! …the personification creates a clever image of the pavement being afraid of the power of the boots. This makes the boots seems extra strong!

Transcript of LANGUAGE FORMS AND FEATURES Task: 1.Name the LFF used in each advertisement 2.Explain the...

LANGUAGE FORMS AND FEATURES Task: 1.Name the LFF used in each advertisement 2.Explain the effect of each LFF, eg: how does the LFF: a)Creates humour b)Creates a sound c)Attracts the attention of the responder d)Creates images of wealth / trends / style / hi-tech / beauty this creates a sound which echoes the loud noise of dinking the COKE this creates a sound which echoes the loud noise of dinking the COKE the personification creates a clever image of the pavement being afraid of the power of the boots. This makes the boots seems extra strong! the personification creates a clever image of the pavement being afraid of the power of the boots. This makes the boots seems extra strong! the pun creates interest because anything goes can mean two different thing. It can mean you can do anything in the shoes and also that you can wear anything with the shoes. Its clever use of language the pun creates interest because anything goes can mean two different thing. It can mean you can do anything in the shoes and also that you can wear anything with the shoes. Its clever use of language the repetition of work and out creates a pun which is clever and attracts the readers attention. Work out refers to the exercise and also to achieving success. the repetition of work and out creates a pun which is clever and attracts the readers attention. Work out refers to the exercise and also to achieving success. the alliteration is catchy and creates an interesting rhythm to the slogan of the ad. the alliteration is catchy and creates an interesting rhythm to the slogan of the ad. hyperbole of lightest ever creates the exaggerated idea that the shoe is very, very light in weight hyperbole of lightest ever creates the exaggerated idea that the shoe is very, very light in weight the assonance creates a sound which makes the slogan easy to read and to say. This makes the simple message of slogan easy to remember. the assonance creates a sound which makes the slogan easy to read and to say. This makes the simple message of slogan easy to remember. the pun of a pair creates humour because its suggesting that the pair is not simple the pair of boots being advertised. The pun also creates masculine, tough and strong image of the people who would wear the boots. the pun of a pair creates humour because its suggesting that the pair is not simple the pair of boots being advertised. The pun also creates masculine, tough and strong image of the people who would wear the boots. the alliteration is catchy and creates an interesting rhythm to the slogan of the ad. the alliteration is catchy and creates an interesting rhythm to the slogan of the ad. the rhyme is catchy and easy to remember. The rhyme allows the message to get stuck in the readers mind. the rhyme is catchy and easy to remember. The rhyme allows the message to get stuck in the readers mind. the sibilance is catchy and creates a simple and easy sound to the slogan of the ad. the sibilance is catchy and creates a simple and easy sound to the slogan of the ad.