Language and Register AS Media

Language and Register The tone and register of a magazine is initially indicated by the front cover This cover has connotations of an authoritative tone “WE ARE”. It is also sarcastic “IT’S TOO LATE FORE REGRETS”. Its register uses a repetition of taboo words. This cover has a formal register. It consists of lists and general statements that are conventional and do not offend or be over friendly. It conveys a serious tone and is not gender specific.

Transcript of Language and Register AS Media

Page 1: Language and Register AS Media

Language and Register The tone and register of a magazine is initially indicated by the front cover

This cover has connotations of an authoritative tone “WE ARE”.

It is also sarcastic “IT’S TOO LATE FORE REGRETS”.

Its register uses a repetition of taboo words.

This indicates that the magazine is very edgy, dark and controversial which could be very attractive to a specific audience or cause offence to others.

This cover has a formal register.

It consists of lists and general statements that are conventional and do not offend or be over friendly. It conveys a serious tone and is not gender specific.

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Mode of AddressThe Mode of Address means how the text speaks to, involves and influences the audience.

A Formal Mode of Address uses formal phrasing and terminology.

An informal Mode of Address uses more conversational language and slang.

A Friendly Mode of Address has a tone that is comforting and optimistic.

A Hostile Mode of Address is where the text insults or challenges the reader.

A Humorous Mode of Address is one that tries to make you laugh. The tone could be sarcastic or ironic.

A Serious Mode of Address is where the tone would be sincere as the writer wants you to take their point seriously.

PaceThe pace of the language is created by the length of sentences. If the length is longer, the pace will be slower, but more descriptive and reflective. If the length is shorter, the pace is faster and dynamic with more emphasis.


This cover has an informal register.

It has a “matey” tone reflecting a shared language with its reader “ need in your life right now!”.

It uses colloquial language “AWESOME”, “SLAM DUNK”, “GONNA” and “THEY’RE”. This will probably appeal more to a younger audience.

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The structure of a magazine is very important for the contents page as it allows easy navigation for the reader.

The structure of magazines is

usually logical and “reader- friendly” to allow readers to focus on the

substance of the articles and features. The text is arranged in columns.

StylisticsStylistics are important because they attract attention and maintain interest. Several different techniques can be used.

Q’s contents page is actually two pages. This allows for more photographs with standout page numbers which easily link to the contents list. It is structured into different columns: “FEATURES”, “REGULARS” and “THE Q REVIEW”. This allows easy navigation. Eventhough the subheadings have a formal tone, the subtext and “ Q REVIEW” are informal and friendly. Other magazines follow this same structure and language but they are usually limited to one page.

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Hyperbole – using words such as “MIGHTIEST” and “GREATEST” advertise and promote the magazine to increase its appeal to the audience.

“EXCLUSIVE” is extremely attractive to the audience as it makes the contents special.

Metaphor – enhances and makes the subject more powerful to the audience, this draws them in to the article.

Rhetorical question – forms a connection with the audience as it makes them think of a possible response and encourages them to want to read the article.

Strong verb – creates a vivid image in the mind of the audience engaging the audience’s interest because they provide more description.

Strong adjective – powerfully descriptive to the audience attracting them to the article.

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Personal statement with attitude – appealing to the audience because it is opinionated.

Imperative – using command words conveys a sense of urgency about what is being suggested to the audience.

Alliteration – used to get the reader’s attention. It creates rhythm and mood and can have particular connotations making it more memorable to the audience.

Tabloidesque – using sensationalism to arouse an intense emotional response from the audience.

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Arouses curiosity – this would increase the interest of the audience and encourage them to buy the magazine to satisfy their curiosity.

Emotive – used to create a connection with the audience on an emotional level.

Ellipsis – used to create mystery and persuade the audience to purchase the magazine and read on.

Descriptive list – increases interest in the article and makes it more powerful to the audience.

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Exclamation mark - adds emphasis and a feeling of strong emotion relating the text, almost as if it’s shouting out to the audience.

Enigma CodesEnigma codes are encoded within the language throughout the magazine to appeal to, and entice the target audience.