Language And Power In Multilingual


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Language and Power in Multilingual Contexts

Language and Power in Multilingual ContextsRebecca Still for Massey University; Language, Discourse and Power.


Top 10 Languages based on speakersLanguagePopulation% of Worlds Pop.Chinese (Mandarin)885,000,00015English322,000,0005.4Spanish266,000,0004.5Bengali189,000,0003.2Hindi182,000,0003Portuguese170,000,0002.8Russian170,000,0002.8Japanese125,000,0002.1German98,000,0001.6Chinese (Wu)77,175,0001.3

Data provided by Nettle, D. and Romaine, S. (2000) Vanishing Voices; the extinction of the worlds languages p. 29


DefinitionsLanguages may be:* Safe actively learned and promoted*Endangered not necessarily promoted, possibly small population, likely to not survive 100yrs*Moribund not learned by children, unlikely to survive.Linguistic Imperialism dominance through military or economyCultural Hegemony dominance with support of minorityLinguicism discrimination on basis of languageLinguistic Genocide individuals who do not wish to identify with own culture and language

EXAMPLES OF LINGUIstic declineAboriginal languages of Australia DyirbalIrish LanguageUNESCOs Atlas of the worlds languages in danger... has a list of 2,500 endangered languages ranked according to five different levels: unsafe (607), definitely endangered (632), severely endangered (502), critically endangered (538) and extinct (200). Of these languages, 199 have fewer than 10 speakers, and 178 have between 10 and 50 speakers

DyirbalOne of 250 Australian languages, now moribundReasons:Taking of land by European settlersIntroduction to disease they broughtPrevented from education

Nowadays no one under the age of 15 is even able to construct a Dyirbal sentence.Fluent speakers...(can) easily create new utterances...(Dyirbal speakers now) depend much more on routine and formulaic speech


Kevin Rudds Apology"For our nation, the course of action is clear ... and that is to deal now with what has become one of the darkest chapters in our nation's history.""As Prime Minister of Australia, I am sorry. On behalf of the Government of Australia, I am sorry. On behalf of the Parliament of Australia, I am sorry. And I offer you this apology without qualification."


Aborigine Languages

"For the pain, suffering and hurt of these Stolen Generations, their descendants and for their families left behind, we say sorry,

land tribunals...have provoked a backlash from racist politicians

Shows Linguistic Imperialism even today

many Aboriginal languages and dialects became extinct because their speakers were forbidden to use native language over many years

Aboriginal deaths from preventable infectious diseases still exceed the white average three hundredfold, and Aboriginal infant mortality in Western Australia is higher than the level found in Bangladesh.

[It] leads to the disappearance of many forms of intangible cultural heritage, especially the invaluable heritage of traditions and oral expressions of the community that spoke it from poems and legends to proverbs and jokes. The loss of languages is also detrimental to humanitys grasp of biodiversity, as they transmit much knowledge about the nature and the universe., D. and Romaine, S. (2000) Vanishing Voices; the extinction of the worlds languages p. 123

Rise, fall and rise of Irish14th Century after coexisting for 200 years with English, Irish was suppressed, teaching banned and speakers threatened with beatings at school endorsed by parents Cultural HegemonyEmigration and The Great FamineGaelic League was founded in 1893

1921 Irish free state

2005 became an official language of the EU


Language Distribution 1851 and early 20th Century

Language Maintenance a Success or Failure?Declined from 1.5 million speakers in 1861 to around 600,000 in 1901 where this level has stayed...despite political support revitalization of Irish has been widely judged a failureWithout political policies and grass root effort Irish would not be in such a position today, D. and Romaine, S. (2000) Vanishing Voices; the extinction of the worlds languages p. 189


SummaryEffects of Power, Multilingualism and BilingualismWhy linguistic diversity is importantWhat methods can be used to revitalise endangered languagesImpact language and culture have togetherHow we can embrace linguistic diversity and learn about ourselves, the planet and our history.


ReferencesP. 2, 7 & 10 Nettle, D. and Romaine, S. (2000) Vanishing Voices; the extinction of the worlds languages p. 29, 123 & 189P. 3 4 5 7 P. 8 p. 9 P. 10