Language and Critical Thinking by K. Driscoll

Language and Critical Thinking By Katherine Driscoll

Transcript of Language and Critical Thinking by K. Driscoll

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Language and Critical Thinking

By Katherine Driscoll

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Language and Critical ThinkingThe critical thinker meets the needs and

expectations of the audience.The language should be appropriate to the

time, place, person and occasion.

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Four Areas of Language

Word choice




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Word ChoiceWords chosen must resonate with the

audience.Remember: Not everyone uses language

in the same way!

Whorf-Saphir hypothesis:1. Language shapes how one interprets an

event.2. Language is a filter that shapes how you


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Word ChoiceThe Impact of Wrong Word Choice:• 1945: Allies ask Japan to surrender

• Prime Minister of Japan uses the word mokusatsu• Meaning 1: “no comment”• Meaning 2: “to ignore

• Western press thinks Japan chooses to ignore

• USA drops atomic bombs to punish Japan

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AmbiguityThe goal is to have the target audience

understand the message.

Specificity is valued over ambiguous word choice.

Ambiguity may result in misunderstanding.

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Ambiguity1. Euphemisms – alternative words that

“soften” the impact of offensive words May lead to misunderstanding

2. Jargon – words known only to a select crowd May exclude some members of the audience

3. Doublespeak – language that conceals or prevents what you truly mean Ex/ misleading statements, sarcasm

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AmbiguityProblems caused by ambiguity:

1. Confused audience – can be genuine or intentional (ex/ when advertisers trick you with word choice)

2. Over-generalization and stereotyping

3. Bypassing – using the same word to mean different things, or using different words to mean the same thing

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DefinitionDenotative vs. Connotative Meaning:

1. Denotative – the most commonly understood meaning of a word

Ex/ “mother” is the woman who gives birth/raises a child

2. Connotative – a person’s emotional response Ex/ “mother” may suggest thoughts of kindness, trust,

love OREx/ “mother” may suggest thoughts of depression, fear,


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DefinitionTypes of Definitions:

1. Dictionary Definition

2. Operational Definition Ex/ A “good car” is reliable and gets good MPG.

3. Definition by Example Ex/ A “good car” is a Honda or a Toyota.

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DefinitionTypes of Definitions:

4. Definition by Negation4. Ex/ A “good car” is not one that breaks down.

5. Definition by Etymology4. - defining a word by its historical roots

6. Specific Definition4. - useful for idioms or slang terms

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Intensity of LanguageAvoid using the following types of words:

Negative Evaluative Words Ex/ ugly, fat, weird, stupid, strange, etc.

Strong Emotive Words - words that clearly show a speaker’s bias

Abusive Language - name calling, obscenity, insults, swear words, etc.

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Impact of Language on Critical Thinking

1. What type of language will your audience understand?

2. What words will help or hurt you in making your point?

3. What type of language will increase your credibility as a speaker?

4. What language symbols are most appropriate for decoding your message?

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