Language and Communication

Language and Communication Part 1


Language and Communication. Part 1. Learning Objectives for Language and Communication Unit . 1. Identify key structures of language 2. Identify what focal vocabularies are and why they exist 3. Discriminate between the different forms of non-verbal communication - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Language and Communication

Page 1: Language and Communication

Language and CommunicationPart 1

Page 2: Language and Communication

Learning Objectives for Language and Communication Unit

1. Identify key structures of language 2. Identify what focal vocabularies are and why they

exist 3. Discriminate between the different forms of non-

verbal communication 4. Discriminate between the early ideas of Sapir-Whoft

hypothesis and the modern viewpoint. 5. Identify the differences between non-human

primate communication & human language. 6. Identify how historical linguistics relates to

anthropology. 7. Analyze the impact of colonization as well as

globalization on indigenous languages.

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Language and the Human Species Language: ______________________

Importance of language for human life 1. only ___________capable of speech 2. avenue of communication & thought

concerning ___________________, and ___________ persons, places, things, actions, & events

3. _____________________aided by language

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Linguistic Anthropology Focus on language

social and cultural context

Generally interested in how language can influence Comparisons Worldview Patterns of thought Multilingualism World economy

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Origin of Language When did language first appear in

human evolution?

What evidence can anthropologists use to test hypotheses on the origin of language? _______________ ________________________

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Origin of Language

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FOXP2 and the Evolution of Language FOXP2

Gene _____________________________ Based on genetic research, the FOXP2

gene is believed to have appear around _______________________ ______________________________________

Linguistic & cultural abilities Sequencing of the

__________________shows that this species had FOXP2

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FOXP2 and the Evolution of Language

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FOXP2 and the Evolution of Language

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Non-Verbal Communication

_________________ ______________________of bodily

movements, facial expressions, and spatial relationships

___________________ can occur, if the understanding is not shared Touching Space usage

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Nonverbal Communication1. Kinesics: _______________________

____________________________ _______________________

Emotional states Different meanings in different


__________________________ Convey feelings and/or messages

via touching another person

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Nonverbal Communication

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Nonverbal Communication

2. Proxemics Study of how people in _____________

_________________________________ ____________________

Meaning conveyed by _________ ____________________

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Nonverbal Communication

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Properties of Language 1. Productivity

Speaker’s ability to create totally ______________________ ______________________________

A language’s ________________________ can be combined into a infinite number of meaningful sentences

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Properties of Language

2. Displacement Our ability to talk about objects,

people, things, and events that are __________________________

Due to usage of symbols to transmit meanings

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Structure of Language: Terms

Phonology _____________________________

Present & significant in language

Morphology _________________________________

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Structure of Language: Terms Lexicon

Dictionary concerning all ________________

Organized around __________________

Lexeme Minimal unit of language

_______________________ ______________________

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Structure of Language: Terms

Syntax __________________________________________ ‘Appreciating Anthropology’ page 116

We will talk about this study later in lecture

Semantics ___________________________________ Ethnosemantics: ________________________

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Structure of Language: Terms

Phonetics Study of ________________________

What people actually say Phonemics

Study of _________________in a language Phonemes

_________________________________ Phonetic range – ________________

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Language, Thought, and Culture Noam Chomsky

Set of rules ______________________________ Human brain contains a limited set of rules

for organizing language All Languages = ______________________

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Language, Thought, and Culture

Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis Idea that different languages produce


English & Hopi languages

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Language, Thought, and Culture

Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, continued Initial ideas centered on ‘all thoughts

being constrained, or determined, by language’ Various studies have disproved this area of

the hypothesis – language does not determine thought

Studies have also shown that language does have an influence on thought

ways in which we see the world may be influenced by the kind of language we use

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Focal Vocabulary Lexicon – influence on perception

Focal Vocabulary _____________________________________

Examples: 1


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Language and Communication

What is the difference between language and communication? Communication: ___________________


If language is unique to the human species, how do other species communication?

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Communication Among Non-Human Primates

Communication can ______________: submission,

reassurance, aggression, etc.

Communication can include: _______________

__________________ ________________

Howler Monkey (male): loudest land animals and the second loudest of all animals

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Communication Among Non-Human Primates

Primates don’t ___________

Parts of calls are not ___________ to get new information

Their calls are _____________ Proboscis monkey
