Landon v. tumblr - motion for discovery.pdf

 SUPREIvll.: COURT OF THE STATE OF NI-P,I YORK COUNTY Ol NEN'ORK In the I&&latter of the Application of ARl HUR TIMOTI-IY LANDON, For an order pursuant to Section 3102(c) of the Civil Practice Lalv Bnd Rules to compel d is cl o su re fr om 'I'UlvIHLIK, INC,, Respondent, VERIFIED PETITION FOR AN ORDER PURSUANT TO CPLR 3j.02(c) COMPELLING PRE- ACTION DISCLOSURE FROM R.ESPONDENT TUMBLR, INC. PL'tlt'loner Al'thUI' Ilnothl& LBnclon ( Mr. I Bnclon ), b$ Bnd thl 0Ugh his undersigned attorneys, petitions the Court as follows: Ml. LBTldon ls the victiili of B.i I Bnonl'nloUs c(llripalgn of detBmation Bncl copl I'lgl lt Infrlngenlent calTriecl OUt On thL'lltei net blog foUncl Bt %&I'&('ALIBI th'LulandorutuITlbll.corn (the Intelnet. HIog ), hostccl b$ & Responclent 1 Ul'nbl, lnc. ( TUI'nbll ). Ml'. Landon. seeks to con1peI 1 Unlbli'o pl 0't(ide pl'e-&iction cllsclosUI'e pUI sUant to CPLR 31(I (c) sufficient to Identity the pel soi'I M'ho ls defanllng Ml'. I.andorl Bncl ll'll Tin&ging MT, I BTldon s copyl ights ITI cei tain. personal pho(.ogi'Bphs b$ 'ubllshll ig those photographs 011. the into] net Slog Ivithout. IVIT. LanLIon s col isLnt. Mi'. I.BI'idon resides ln I. 01'idun, I.nglilncl. OII Infolniatlon. Bnd bL'llel I linibil Is B Del ilv II'c col polatiol'I i%1th Its pl inclpBI place Ot business Bt 33 Ilast 21st St'I eet, I tlth I'loni, Nel&,' ol'k, NY 10010. FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 11/06/2014 05:23 PM INDEX NO. 161068/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/06/2014

Transcript of Landon v. tumblr - motion for discovery.pdf

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