Landing Page for Independent Clothing Store

Description: Landing Page for clothing web site, within 1 week reduced bounce rate by 50% and improved number of pages viewed by new visitors by 56% Be Yourself, Be Original, Be Independent... Start Now. Do you envy the people you see with cool original historical rock and roll clothing? Do you ask yourself where they get it? And how they know how to put it all together? Is that why you are here? Or are you one of them? If you are already one of us, continue shopping on the tabs to the right and find exactly what you are looking for within 450 different rock, punk, gothic, industrial, hotrod, rockabilly, steampunk, club and street alternative clothing, shoes and accessories . But if you wish you could be as bold as one of us, rocking the music-influenced fashion of the past 70 years, imagine yourself being one of us, the one who gets all the compliments on your outfits every day. Being the bold one of your group of friends who commands attention just with your appearance. You can do that. If you want to get noticed, you need to take the driver’s seat of your life and decide: “Am I going to dress how I want to, in a unique and flattering way, or am I going to dress like everybody else, going along with whatever trends happen to be in the malls this season, buying lower quality clothes because I am just going to throw it away in a few months?” Be Different and Gain Confidence Clearly, it is the desire of most people to be different, but also to be popular amongst their friends. Even if a lot of people don’t admit it, or even if they criticize the people who stand out, appearance IS important to them and most of the critics of original style will be jealous of your confidence. If you are reading this, it means you want to use fashion as a way to express yourself without saying anything, as an outlet to demonstrate that you stray from the pack without needing to say

Transcript of Landing Page for Independent Clothing Store

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Description: Landing Page for clothing web site, within 1 week reduced bounce rate by 50% and improved number of pages viewed by new visitors by 56%

Be Yourself, Be Original, Be Independent... Start Now.

Do you envy the people you see with cool original historical rock and roll clothing? Do you ask yourself where they get it? And how they know how to put it all together? Is that why you are here?

Or are you one of them? If you are already one of us, continue shopping on the tabs to the right and find exactly what you are looking for within 450 different rock, punk, gothic, industrial, hotrod, rockabilly, steampunk, club and street alternative clothing, shoes and accessories.

But if you wish you could be as bold as one of us, rocking the music-influenced fashion of the past 70 years, imagine yourself being one of us, the one who gets all the compliments on your outfits every day. Being the bold one of your group of friends who commands attention just with your appearance. You can do that. If you want to get noticed, you need to take the driver’s seat of your life and decide:

“Am I going to dress how I want to, in a unique and flattering way, or am I going to dress like everybody else, going along with whatever trends happen to be in the malls this season, buying lower quality clothes because I am just going to throw it away in a few months?”

Be Different and Gain Confidence

Clearly, it is the desire of most people to be different, but also to be popular amongst their friends. Even if a lot of people don’t admit it, or even if they criticize the people who stand out, appearance IS important to them and most of the critics of original style will be jealous of your confidence. If you are reading this, it means you want to use fashion as a way to express yourself without saying anything, as an outlet to demonstrate that you stray from the pack without needing to say so. You want to show that you don't really care what other people think, you prefer to be yourself. The confidence you have to wear the clothes to make you stand out will soon become part of your personality. And then, somehow... they become one. You start to be more comfortable in your own skin and your confidence soars because you deserve all the compliments you are getting for your cool style.

Most of the time becoming popular seems impossible, it seems like one of those things that if you don't just naturally have it, you will never have the magnetic personality you have seen other people exude. And I am not saying it will necessarily happen over night just by buying some cool clothes. But with the right attitude, that you belong in the styles you are wearing and with the mentality “fake it till you make it” (my personal favorite expression, EVER) you can be the person you WANT to be. Fashion is the subtle or not-so-subtle way to re-introduce yourself to the world, a first step to changing yourself into who you wish to be.

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I Did It. So Will You.

I am the owner of Hungover Empire Clothing and I decided one day in 1995 in the middle of the school year in a sheltered little suburb of Winnipeg that I didn’t care if I was popular and blended in with everybody else, I cared about being different and having my own style that no one could take away from me.

And do you know what happened? I became notable. I became well-known. Everybody knew who I was. I was the only kid who looked like me and people remembered me.

Eventually, as the years went by and my style continuously morphed and intensified, I kept all the clothes I had collected over the years in my rotation of things to wear. I mixed styles together that it seemed no one had ever thought of before, and after the hard work I put in to make my business known throughout the city and the world, I even became a little bit of an icon for sub-cultural styles. Not one style, but all the uncommon styles. Never assimilating into the "trend" collective, I maintained orginality and became known for it.

Adapt To the Possibility of Critiques So Everything Just Rolls Off You.

Of course over the years I did indeed take my share of unsolicited critiques and was occasionally the source of an uneducated uncultured joke, but the number of compliments I got outweighed any of the scrutiny. Especially later when I traveled to bigger cities, in the super style-conscious Montreal, New York, Las Vegas, and in dozens of cities in Europe like London, Rome, Paris, Barcelona, Copenhagen, Geneva, Prague, Vienna, Berlin, Stockholm, Amsterdam, etc, I was awarded compliments all the time. I came across like-minds. People who got me.

Art and fashion-conscious people who understood defining yourself by your appearance. And regardless of where you are, as you are constantly being pummeled with positive comments, your style and personality become one. The confidence you show in the way you dress becomes your actual confidence.

And you will too. Over time you develop a likeness to people who think the same way as you. You become part of something by expressing your own style.

Standing Out Is Easier Than It's Ever Been

Being original has become more and more of an easy task to complete over the past two decades because of the massive array of music that pop culture has made known. Now, dressing like Blondie in 1976 or like Trent Reznor in 1990, or Karen O from the yeah Yeah Yeahs in 2000, or Cedric Bixler-Zavala from the Mars Volta in 2010, is more socially acceptable than it ever was. It has become okay to be yourself, moreso now than ever.

And the types of music-influenced classic styles of rock, punk, gothic, industrial, rockabilly, hotrod, club and street wear have become easier to come by. Due to shops like mine, cool rock and roll apparel is just a walk or a drive or a click away.

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Hailed From the Depths of the Prairies

Located in Winnipeg, MB at 173 Osborne St. Hungover Empire Clothing has a variety of alternative clothing brands from New York, California, Germany and the UK, along with a wide selection of jewelry and accessories that are imported and assembled in Montreal. Advantages to ordering from Hungover Empire are:

* Our Canadian location means that all Canadian customers do not have to pay any customs fees, the way they would ordering from the many alternative shops in the US.  

* Our prices are in US dollars to prove how competitive we are with American and international online stores, and we can keep shipping in the US and Canada low, due to shipping from a central location, smack dab in the middle of Canada.         

* We knocked 20% off of our prices online to further prove our dedication to offering fair prices on our website. So nevermind coupon codes, we have already done all the calculations.


Support An Independent Shop Instead of the Fat Cats

More reasons to shop at Hungover Empire: 

- Hungover is an independently run 6.5 year old small business started by me, a Winnipeg born, Winnipeg raised enthusiast for all that is rock n roll or electronic influenced, and every form of it whether it is Elvis Presley or Ladytron or Johnny Cash or Franz Ferdinand or Frontline Assembly.

- Since I opened the shop in 2008, I have aimed to offer the most original clothing in the city, catering to as many sub-cultures as possible within one small shop within one puny budget all funded by one puny woman. (Me. Not some fairy godmother, not some long lost relative's inheritance, it has been just me with a line of credit, all along.)

- With only two staff members, we are one of the only underground retail clothing shops in Winnipeg. I opened this store initially as a vintage/pre-loved clothing store and transformed it into a mostly new alternative clothing shop to provide cool and unique clothing to the people in Winnipeg bold enough to pull it off.

- When the only gothic clothing store suddenly closed in 2010, I took the responsibility of keeping Winnipeg in the retail alternative clothing loop by buying and continuing to buy punk clothing, gothic clothing and several other types of sub-cultured clothing and accessories, along with a vintage collection.

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- Over the years the massive overhaul of online shopping has made it harder and harder to keep good selection in a retail store which I have to pay for shipping and customs to stock in a retail location, but I have trudged on, keeping my retail prices within 10% of other online shop prices, including shipping and customs fees.

In order to prevent a small business like Hungover Empire from transforming into an online-only store, local Winnipeggers are asked to come into the shop itself to shop, where you are offered the convenience of seeing and feeling the material, trying things on, and soaking up the ambiance of our rock and dance music of ALL types… from Elvis to Orbital, from Miss Kittin to Rammstein, from Led Zeppelin to Madonna.

And of course shopping in the retail store at 173 Osborne St. means you save the cost of shipping.

However, I do understand that online shopping is easier and more convenient, especially if you live nowhere near Winnipeg! So I have (and am still in the process) of transforming this website into a user-friendly experience in order to showcase our in-house stock, as well as offer a broader variety of clothing from Europe and North America, which is difficult to find, or not available elsewhere.

Sometimes Online Shoppers Are Weary Of Sizing or Details of Certain Products. Don't worry! Just Email or Call me!

Email me to ask any questions and you will be met with a quick response. Also, the more you shop, the more you save on shipping, so as you are checking out, you can calculate your shipping cost on the shopping cart page, and if it seems a bit high, feel free to email me or call me at 204 294-7263 to ask if we can adjust the shipping cost for you for orders of 3 items or more.

And With Every Online Purchase...

Whenever you buy badass merchandise online from Hungover, on every order over $60, we offer a FREE pair of Hungover Empire earrings (a value of $14.99) which you can choose from our variety of 23 styles.

We ALSO give a $5 off coupon with each order which is yours to use on your following order at

So shop with us! Support a small business that makes every effort to offer you the best quality, most unique, most compliment-worthy clothing! Here is what some of our customers say about us: 

"Best store in Winnipeg. Makes me miss Kensington market a little less"

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"Friendly, even when I'm in straight after work and in 'mundane' clothing. Good selection, both in clothing styles, and in sizes. Pricing is reasonable, especially with the regular sales! I try to stop in often as new stock is in regularly."

"Best clothing store in Winnipeg hands down. Great selection, great service, and good prices."

Oh, and did I mention we won the "Best New Clothing Store" 4 years in a row in the Best Of Winnipeg Contest? Yes that is 4 years that we spent making our mark. Also, we have won #1 Women's Clothing and placed repeatedly for Best Men's Clothing, and Best Vintage Clothing as well. We WIN and you will too by shopping here!

Keep an original clothing store kicking with the reward of popularity amongst your friends, by being the one with all of the amazing clothes that they will want to borrow. You can have the wardrobe of a rock star. You can get the thousands of compliments I have gotten over the years from having the best, most durable, most classic styles of clothing with the edge that everybody else wished they were brave enough to wear.


Melanie Regnier

Owner of Hungover Empire established 2008

Shop --> Dresses

Shop --> Mens Jackets and Vests

Shop --> Ladies Pants and Leggings

Shop --> Mens Trousers

Shop --> Western Shirts

Shop --> Goggles, Spiked Collars, Steampunk jewelry, Cuffs, Belt Buckles, etc

Shop --> Everything else (and use the Search bar on the top right to find something specific!)






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