Lanc chamber sep 2013 2 time management

Time Management: The Art of Getting Things Done Coach Thom Finn Friday September 13 th , 2013



Transcript of Lanc chamber sep 2013 2 time management

  • Time Management: The Art of Getting Things Done Coach Thom Finn Friday September 13th, 2013
  • Time Management: The Art of Getting Things Done Coach Thom Finn
  • To Make Sure You Get the Most Out of Your Learning ... I KNOW
  • Take What You Need. Leave the rest behind
  • Who is here.. How many supervise others? How many in full time/near full time sales? How many are in full time near full time customer service/customer support How many are self employed (S-E) How many have a very clear specific goal in their organization like this:
  • Who is here how many of you have been or read or attempted to improve your TM before how many keep many details up in your head? How many have a job where they have to REACT to phones, customers. the boss, other team members, where there job is to react to the whirlwind around them 75% or more of the time.
  • Expert by necessity Planning is easy. Executing is hard How it usually starts out for me Sales Client No sales steps/Need Sales steps Not Direct enough for 2013/need to learn how No Selection/Start De Selection Plan GoalTasksExecute Understand, Buy In, Whirlwind
  • Expert by necessity 90% of time Time Management My Choices A) Beat them B) Scream at them C) Start Coaching on TM THEN results
  • Why didnt you get it done? 5Tzk
  • Expert by necessity No Blame, No fault, Nothing Bad Bigger Whirlwinds in 2013
  • You Are Not: Stupid, lazy, unorganized Hopeless Incapable of getting it Are: Facing a whirlwind Too many demands Not suited for traditional TM maybe a little ADHD
  • Tools not Short Cuts Tools Principles/Disciplines Rules Address the ROOT problem Tricks Promise fast results Band Aids Treat symptoms not root cause
  • 4 Tools Help Leverage Inter-dependent Master them one tool at time 17-30 days. Try, Try Try again At end, decide which tool you want to start with Execute stuff
  • Paper vs. Technology Best for communication with yourself In 15 seconds, I can writebut Faster, easier, more creative Defeats the purpose if technically challenged Loose the BIG idea
  • Loops Cause Stress Looping, repeating, round and round 5 loops and you are stressed
  • The 4 Tools Of Execution 1. The Coach Thom style TASK LIST 2. The Default Schedule 3. Office Hours 4. Simplified Project Management
  • Multi-Tasking is Evil Prove I can save you half the time Exercise part 1: write down the sentence I gave you AND the numbers I give you. Note your time Multi-Tasking is the Biggest Lie you have ever been taught. 1 2 3 4 5..27 What was your time?
  • Multi-Tasking is Evil Exercise part 2: write down the sentence I gave you ONE LETTER AT A TIME Immediately Followed by ONE NUMBER at a time. M 1 U 2 What was your time?
  • The Coach Thom Style Task List Loops stink Priority systems dont work in 2013 Ignore your CAPACITY Capture the details right away How long will this take WHEN will you do it More than a to do listor multi-tasking..
  • The Coach Thom Style Task List CAPACITY or INVENTORY management Use your inventory/resources wisely Forced quick prioritization Saying NO Saying NOT NOW Focus on only a few smart things
  • The Coach Thom Style Task List 3 columns #1 SPECIFIC Task Grab those ideas ASAP and record them Underestimate how fast brain processes Ancillary thoughts wont be lost Natural sequential nature of your brain
  • The Coach Thom Style Task List 3 columns #2 HOW LONG in minutes FORCES you to address capacity and consider inventory #3 WHEN will you do it FORCES you to address capacity and consider inventory Prevents biting off too much
  • The Coach Thom Style Task List Warehouse or Parking Lot As big as you want Good idea but not now Store in your warehouse Next 4th of July Next time I hire a receptionist.
  • The Coach Thom Style Task List Any time you have a Task -a to do- it goes here It DOES not go anywhere else It does NOT go on a PDA, IPHONE, Blackberry. Loss of control of your time and tasks causes stress
  • Exercise to Lock in the Learning Brain Dump as much as you can Even if recorded somewhere else SPECIFICS of the task HOW LONG in minutes WHEN will you do it The winner is she/he who get the biggest dump
  • The Coach Thom Style Task List Never Ever Ever Lose When you are done with a page or even a page of TO DO'sget a great big giant magic marker and CROSS IT OFF! This is NOT a calendar nor does it replace one..keep using your paper calendar, your Franklin Planner, your PDA..for appointments only.
  • Before we move on. Learnings? Is this clear? Can I clarify? Tell me how I can help increase buy in? What will keep you from using it?
  • Optional Tool: A Journal ANYTHING in your life where you want to record notes should go in the front with the date and a title For faster reference, you can add these items to your table of contents Ideas for staff meeting Stuff you want to torture your assistant with
  • Use it for anything and everything Me? Coaching clients-listening and note taking in addition to their plan So I'll put my notes in the front part of the book Label the top of the page with the details- like client, date Optional Tool: A Journal
  • Optional Tool: A Journal Or maybe I'm in a workshop and want to take and seminar name at top Or maybe I'm packing for a Conference and I want to make a note of what I need. Or maybe I'm writing out my menu plan to keep under 1000 calories a day..
  • Tool: Default Schedule Default - fall back on Done in advance The Story of Wise Thom and Simple Thom Wise Thom leaves notes for simple Thom
  • Default Schedule.. more.. The Wise you: un- rushed, calm, thinking PRO Actively, working Smart, quiet Leaves instructions so the Simple you can just show up and see what needs to be done.. Default- typical, regular, but not carved in stone- flexible, starting point
  • Tool: Default Schedule Interruptions in your professional life. BIG High Schools Did you sit in Math Class all day or all week? Then move onto Gym? Try to set up your week like a High School Class Schedule. Flip chart- what are some examples of the classes you SHOULD be taking? .gym class/planning class/Prospecting class/Meetings class
  • What Changed from School?
  • Tool: Default Schedule Reactive How you spend it is up to OTHERS BIG whirlwind Catching balls Hotel Owner/Manager Only a few classes on the schedule Proactive How you spend it is up to YOU Small whirlwind Throwing Balls Business Coach Lots of classes on the schedule
  • Tool: Default Schedule The MOST IMPORTANT CLASS YOU CAN TAKE: PLANNING Even if you work the Complaint Department at US AIRWAYS, you must find time for Planning Every day - 10 minutes Ideally the last class of the day Or first thing in the morning Review your appointments, go through your notes, update your Task List
  • Creating YOUR Default Schedule Step 1: Start with a blank week Fill in the days you work, the times you work Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 700 900 1100 100 300 500
  • Creating YOUR Default Schedule Step 2: Going back, and using blocks of time, put in when you must react (MUST) . Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 700 Staff Meeting Staff Meeting Staff Meeting Staff Meeting Staff Meeting Departures 900 Answer Phones Answer Phones Departures Answer Phones Answer Phones Departures 1100 100 300 Check ins Check ins Check ins Check ins Check ins Check ins 500 Check ins Check ins Check ins
  • Tool: Default Schedule Because in reality - we have these musts You saw some of mine, what are yours? Rule - The Musts Cannot take up your whole schedule For our goals and our exercise shoot for no more than 50% of your total Default Schedule Need time to EXECUTE
  • Creating YOUR Default Schedule Step 3: Using only 25% of what is left over, fill in your Important Reaction Items . Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 700 Staff Meeting Staff Meeting Staff Meeting Staff Meeting Staff Meeting FUP/Admin FUP/Admin FUP/Admin FUP/ADMIN Departures FUP/ADMIN 900 Answer Phones Answer Phones Payroll Departures FUP/Admin Answer Phones Answer Phones Payroll Departures 1100 Training Payroll SalesCalls FUP/Admin Training SalesCalls 100 Training SalesCalls FUP/Admin SalesCalls 300 Check ins Check ins SalesCalls Check ins Check ins Check ins Check ins SalesCalls Check ins Check ins 500 Check ins Check ins Check ins
  • Creating YOUR Default Schedule Step 4: Take what is left and create your PLANNING time, or your OFFICE HOURS (OH) . Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 700 Staff Meeting Staff Meeting Staff Meeting Staff Meeting Staff Meeting FUP/Admin FUP/Admin FUP/Admin FUP/ADMIN Departures FUP/ADMIN 900 Answer Phones Answer Phones Payroll Departures FUP/Admin Answer Phones Answer Phones Payroll Departures 1100 Training Payroll SalesCalls FUP/Admin Training SalesCalls 100 Training SalesCalls FUP/Admin SalesCalls 300 Check ins Check ins SalesCalls Check ins Check ins Check ins Check ins SalesCalls Check ins Check ins 500 Check ins Check ins Check ins
  • Tool: Default Schedule The Importance of the Buzzer.Class Dismissed From Lunch to Home Ec. The CLOCK!
  • Tool: Default Schedule I Guarantee you'll find minutes in a day, hours in a week and DAYS IN A MONTH by running by the clock. "I don't want to be a slave to the clock". You won'tyou'll have more time to do the things you REALLY want to do. Students-What are some things you want to do but don't seem to have time for?
  • Tool: Default Schedule These tools will keep you focused! ADHD expert Bright shiny objects You will be more plan-full and get the important stuff done. ANDyou'll save a lot of emotional energy ANDyou'll get the wonderful feeling of accomplishment by looking at the stuff crossed off.
  • Default Schedule Use it over and over.. Starting point, a pattern, a jig, Some can use the same pattern EXACTLY from one week to the next. Others (Sales?) will have to alter it slightly Minority may have to adjust it more..
  • Calendar vs. Default Schedule Calendar Appointments - meetings, sales calls Personal dates Vacations, etc Default Schedule INCLUDES the items from your calendar But also includes the Reaction, the Important and the Office Hours To start with - use both, ideally - you are just going off your D.S.
  • Into Electronic form
  • Quick Check Color codes for % 65% for billable 15% for admin 10% for ______
  • Exercise to Lock in the Learning 7 minutes Create Draft #1 of your Default Schedule Start with MUSTS Add Reaction Times Include PLANNING classes Only 75% filled
  • Before we move on. Is this clear? Can I clarify? Tell me how I can help increase buy in? What will keep you from using it?
  • Tool: Office Hours The SECOND MOST IMPORTANT CLASS YOU CAN TAKE: OFFICE HOURS An appointment with yourself 60-120 minutes Once or twice a week This is when you work on your Task TO-DO list
  • Tool: Office Hours This is where you can get stuff done! When you have Office Hours, use your Task TO-DO list like a menu What is a priority. What is due. What can I get done in the time allowed. What do I feel like doing.
  • Tool: Office Hours 3 Mojo Traps 1. Burned out or Lazy 2. Multi-tasking 3. Interruptions CLOSE YOUR DOOR and Unplug Sprint-rest, Sprint-rest, its not a marathon yet Start small
  • Creating YOUR Default Schedule Step 4: Take what is left and create your PLANNING time, or your OFFICE HOURS (OH) . Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 700 Staff Meeting Staff Meeting Staff Meeting Staff Meeting Staff Meeting FUP/Admin FUP/Admin FUP/Admin FUP/ADMIN Departures FUP/ADMIN 900 Answer Phones Answer Phones Payroll Departures FUP/Admin Answer Phones Answer Phones Payroll Departures 1100 Training Payroll SalesCalls FUP/Admin Training SalesCalls 100 Training SalesCalls FUP/Admin SalesCalls 300 Check ins Check ins SalesCalls Check ins Check ins Check ins Check ins SalesCalls Check ins Check ins 500 Check ins Check ins Check ins
  • Tool: Office Hours A) For Projects-tasks with multi steps B) Banging out smaller tasks Use this rare uninterrupted time wisely
  • Before we move on. Is this clear? Can I clarify? Tell me how I can help increase buy in? What will keep you from using it?
  • Tool : Simple Project Planning Many connected tasks make up a project >30 Minutes >3 steps There are more projects in your life than you realize To get a project accomplished, break it into bite size pieces
  • Tool : Simple Project Planning Master the other tools first GANTT Charts, MS Project, Spreadsheets Not Paper- easiest is Excel
  • Project Plan Example
  • Project Plan Example
  • Tool: Simple Project Management 100s : Details about setting it up Size of the room The time Coordinating with Melissa and Will 200s: Introduction, Welcome 300s: Overview 400s: Default Schedule
  • Tool: Simple Project Management 500s: Task List 600s Office Hours 700s Project Planning 800s Wrap Up 900s My Admin
  • Tool: Simple Project Management
  • Before we move on. Is this clear? Can I clarify? Tell me how I can help increase buy in? What will keep you from using it?
  • This Stuff Works! Bob was able to launch his 2nd business Henry was finally able to roll out his new product line Teresa had much more effective staff meetings Gary was able to be at home by dinner
  • Time Management: The Art of Getting Things Done Coach Thom Finn
  • Now what. Pick one tool to focus on for 30 days Master that then add to it Try, try, try again Down and out homeless alcoholic who tried getting sober 71 times
  • Time Management: The Art of Getting Things Done Coach Thom Finn Friday September 13th, 2013