Lana Del Ray - Born to Die

Lana Del Ray – Born to Die Iconography: One example of the iconography represented in this digi-pack is on the CD of the roses. The roses can be a symbol of love and romance which may suggest that her music may have an aspect of these themes. Another example of the iconography used in this digi-pack is the main image of the artist where the clothing used is iconic to her indie/vintage type genre. The American flag could be seen as being represented due to the colour scheme of being predominately light blues and white; but also there's a hint of red with the lipstick used as well as red roses on the CD. The makeup and hair is iconic to the vintage theme as it is so simplistic, however still appealing as it can suggest how she hasn't over done her make up or set herself in a Setting: The setting which has been chosen for the main image is quite simple, showing just a light blue sky and part of an old car. This may have been chosen so that the character, being the artist, stands out so that the album is more eye catching and fans would notice her instantly. The colour of the sky has been continued within the colour scheme due to the text on the back Character: The character which is represented in this digi-pack is Lana Del Rey herself. The artwork of this photograph is very simplistic and just shows a medium shot which is quite low, considering a possibility representation of empowerment. The way that the angle of the photography shows Narrative Events: This digi-pack doesn't tell much of a narrative, however whilst looking at the main image, you get the impression that Lana Del Rey's music genre has a vintage theme within it due to her hair, make up and clothing used. The way that Lana is positioned gives the impression that she's different to the average pop artist you would see as she is not provokative and she is shown as quite strong and confident. Technical and Audio Codes: The lighting which is used is high key to make the artist appear youthful and attractive. The text which has been used tends to be quite bold and simple sans serif capital font, making the text clear to read. 'Lana Del Rey' appears to be in large, white text and due to the Gutenberg principle, the viewer will read that first thing. This helps to capture the target audience’s attention as both the name

Transcript of Lana Del Ray - Born to Die

Page 1: Lana Del Ray - Born to Die

Lana Del Ray – Born to Die


One example of the iconography represented in this digi-pack is on the CD of the roses. The roses can be a symbol of love and romance which may suggest that her music may have an aspect of these themes. Another example of the iconography used in this digi-pack is the main image of the artist where the clothing used is iconic to her indie/vintage type genre. The American flag could be seen as being represented due to the colour scheme of being predominately light blues and white; but also there's a hint of red with the lipstick used as well as red roses on the CD. The makeup and hair is iconic to the vintage theme as it is so simplistic, however still appealing as it can suggest how she hasn't over done her make up or set herself in a provocative position; which may oppose to the theme of vintage as it could show how time has moved on and how she can be representing women equality and dignity.


The setting which has been chosen for the main image is quite simple, showing just a light blue sky and part of an old car. This may have been chosen so that the character, being the artist, stands out so that the album is more eye catching and fans would notice her instantly. The colour of the sky has been continued within the colour scheme due to the text on the back cover being this colour as well as the title 'Born to Die.'


The character which is represented in this digi-pack is Lana Del Rey herself. The artwork of this photograph is very simplistic and just shows a medium shot which is quite low, considering a possibility representation of empowerment. The way that the angle of the photography shows what Lana is wearing helps to represent her vintage and unique style of herself and her music, giving them an insight as to what type of music to hear in her album.

Narrative Events:

This digi-pack doesn't tell much of a narrative, however whilst looking at the main image, you get the impression that Lana Del Rey's music genre has a vintage theme within it due to her hair, make up and clothing used. The way that Lana is positioned gives the impression that she's different to the average pop artist you would see as she is not provokative and she is shown as quite strong and confident. This can represent a narrative of how times have changed in terms of women, and how she is representing that pop artists do not need to be provocative to be attractive.

Technical and Audio Codes:

The lighting which is used is high key to make the artist appear youthful and attractive. The text which has been used tends to be quite bold and simple sans serif capital font, making the text clear to read. 'Lana Del Rey' appears to be in large, white text and due to the Gutenberg principle, the viewer will read that first thing. This helps to capture the target audience’s attention as both the name and main image of the artist are the largest and most eye-catching part of the digi-pack. The rest of the text continues with the American flag like, sky blue colour scheme.