LAMC Anatomy Exam 1A+ Answer


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LAMC Anatomy Lecture Exam 1A, C1 and C4

1. The smallest living unit is A) a cell. B) an organ. C) a human being. D) a molecule. 2. Which branch of anatomy studies the structural changes that occur as one ages? A) developmental anatomy B) pathological anatomy C) regional anatomy D) surface anatomy 3. Which organ system includes the pancreas, thymus, testes, and pituitary gland? A) integumentary B) endocrine C) reproductive D) lymphatic 4. A coronal section through the human body can A) pass through both the nose and the occipital region. B) pass through both ears. C) provide mirror right and left images. D) lie in a horizontal plane. 5. The cervical region is the A) thigh. B) calf. C) neck. D) head. 6. The "CT" in "CT scanning" stands for A) cut transversely. B) Charles Thorgaard, the inventor's name. C) correlated thickness. D) computed tomography. 7. What is the function of serous membranes? A) They act like wrapping paper to hold visceral organs together. B) They contain gland cells that secrete mucus. C) They halt the spread of infection. D) They reduce friction so that viscera move freely. 8. A histologist examines a specimen that has an epithelium overlying some smooth muscle. This specimen is part of A) a molecule. B) a cell. C) a tissue. D) an organ

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9. An example of a tissue in the body is A) the stomach. B) a muscle cell. C) epithelium. D) a macromolecule. 10. Which statement concerning the anatomical position is FALSE? A) The palms face anteriorly. B) The toes point anteriorly, but the fingers point inferiorly. C) The knees, elbow, and neck are straight (not bent). D) The person is lying down, as straight as possible. 11. The perineal region is the A) side of the leg. B) region between the external genitals and the anus. C) point of the shoulder. D) superior part of the gluteal region. 12. The four primary tissue types found in adult organs include all of the following except

A. connective. B. fibrous. C. nervous. D. epithelial. E. muscular. 13. A thin, stained slice of tissue mounted on a microscope is called a A. fixative. B. histological section. C. spread. D. stain. E. smear

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14. _______________ lines body cavities, covers the body surface, and forms the lining of many organs. A. Interstitial tissue B. Muscle tissue C. Adipose tissue D. Epithelial tissue E. Nervous tissue

15. The basement membrane is found between A. epithelium and connective tissue. B. epithelium and extracellular material. C. epithelium and intracellular material. D. extracellular material and intracellular material. E. interstitial fluid and extracellular fluid. 16. An epithelium with all cells tall and narrow and with every cell touching the basement membrane is called ________________ A. stratified squamous. B. stratified cuboidal. C. simple cuboidal. D. simple columnar. E. pseudostratified columnar.


______________ epithelium allows for rapid diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide through the air sacs (alveoli) of the lungs. A. Simple squamous B. Simple cuboidal C. Simple columnar D. Stratified squamous-keratinized

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18. These features are common to all connective tissues except A. most cells are not in direct contact with each other. B. interstitial fluid is so scarce that it is not visible with a light microscope. C. cells usually occupy less space than extracellular material. D. protein fibers are usually present in the ground substance. E. most of them are highly vascular.

19. The shape of a person's external ear is given by A. dense regular connective tissue. B. dense irregular connective tissue. C. elastic cartilage. D. fibrocartilage. E. ligaments.

20. __________________ secrete the rubbery matrix of cartilage, whereas ________________ produce the fibers and ground substance that form the matrix of fibrous connective tissue. A. Chondroblasts; plasma cells B. Mast cells; fibroblasts C. Osteocytes; chondroblasts D. Chondroblasts; fibroblasts E. Adipocytes; plasma cells

21. Marfan syndrome is a hereditary defect in elastin fibers. People with this syndrome have A. hyperextensible joints. B. a small cranium. C. elastic bones. D. stronger bones. E. viscous blood.

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22. All these substances account for the gelatinous consistency of connective tissue ground substance except A. glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). B. proteoglycans. C. chondroitin sulfate. D. Adhesive glycoproteins. E. collagen.

23. Skeletal muscle cells are

A. Branched and sriated B. Unbranched and striated C. Spindle shape D. Uninucleated

24. Cardiac muscle cells are

a. Multinucleated b. Uninucleated c. Not nucleated d. Both uninucleated and multinucleated

25. Specialized junctions (intercalated discs) can be found in A. Smooth muscle B. Cardiac muscle C. Skeletal; muscle D. Connective tissue E. Epithelial tissue

26. Action of the cardiac muscle is A. Involuntary B. Voluntary C. Both voluntary and involuntary

27. Action of skeletal muscle is

A. Involuntary B. Voluntary

28. Function of Skeletal muscles

A. Locomotion B. Facial expression C. Propel blood into circulation D. Propel substances along internal passages E. A and B

29. Function of cardiac muscles

A. Locomotion B. Facial expression C. Propel blood into circulation D. Propel substances along internal passages E. A and B

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30. Skeletal muscle can be found in the A. Walls of the heart B. Walls of the hollow organs C. Attached to bone D. Attached to skin E. C and D

31. Cardiac muscle can be found

A. Walls of the heart B. Walls of the hollow organs C. Attched to bone D. Attached to skin E. In bones

32. Smooth muscle can be found A. Walls of the heart B. Walls of the hollow organs C. Attched to bone D. Attached to skin E. In bones

33. Which muscle tissue lacks gap junction

A. Cardiac muscle B. Smooth muscle C. Skeletal muscle

34. In a neuron, nucleus is located in

A. axon B. Axon terminals C. Dendrites D. Soma or cell body

35. Unit of compact bone is

A. Axon B. Osteon C. Periosteum D. Dendrites E. Canaliculi

36. The cells that produce bone tissue

a. Chondrocytes b. Chondroblasts c. Osteocytes d. Macrophages e. Fibroblasts

37. The difference between the endocrine and exocrine gland is

A. They both use ducts to secrete their products, but endocrine glands secrete their products into the blood and exocrine glands secrete their products on the surfaces of the body

B. They both lack ducts, but endocrine glands secrete their products into the blood and exocrine glands secrete their products on the surfaces of the body

C. Endocrine glands lack ducts and secrete their products on the surfaces of body and body cavities but exocrine glands contains duct and secrete their products in the blood

D. Endocrine glands lack ducts and secrete their products into the blood but exocrine glands have ducts and secrete their products on the surface of body or body cavities

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38. Which organ system consists of vessels that do not carry blood, but pick up fluids (and some cells) that are leaked from the blood? A) urinary B) endocrine C) integumentary D) lymphatic 39. Which organ system covers the external surface of the body, but not the internal surface of the mouth? A) lymphatic B) digestive C) integumentary D) cutaneous 40. Which organ system includes the spinal cord? A) skeletal B) muscular C) nervous D) integumentary 41. The femoral region is the A) buttocks. B) hip. C) thigh. D) toes. 42. What is the main advantage of MRI as a medical imaging technique? A) It is safe. B) The patient feels less pain during the procedure than with any other imaging technique. C) It is very inexpensive. D) It shows soft tissues very clearly. 43. The extremities are the same as A) the ears. B) the fingers and toes. C) the limbs. D) all structures in the head. 44. A physician viewing an injury to the back would look at the patient's ________ side. A) lateral B) posterior C) cranial D) ventral 45. The ________ body cavity contains the brain. A) dorsal B) ventral C) serous D) lateral 46. The _____________ cavity contains the heart and lungs. A) abdominopelvic B) dorsal C) thoracic D) lateral

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47. Hormones are regulatory proteins that are secreted by the ________ system. A) urinary B) endocrine C) integumentary D) lymphatic 48. Which organ system keeps blood constantly supplied with oxygen, removes carbon dioxide, and contains many air tubes? A) urinary B) endocrine C) integumentary D) respiratory 49. The difference between a basal lamina and a basement membrane is that A) the basal lamina is thicker. B) they lie on opposite surfaces of the epithelium. C) a basal lamina plus a layer of reticular fibers equals a basement membrane. D) only the basal lamina can be seen by light microscopy. 50. Of the types of lining and covering membranes, the only one that is drier than the others is A) cutaneous. B) serous. C) mucous. D) parietal. 51. A structure that secretes hormones into the blood is A) a plasma cell. B) a goblet cell. C) an endocrine gland. D) an exocrine gland. 52. What do goblet cells secrete? A) enzymes B) histamine C) mucin D) antibodies 53. The major function of stratified squamous epithelium is A) diffusion. B) absorption. C) filtration. D) protection from abrasion. 54. Which of the following provides the least resistance to diffusion? A) Simple columnar epithelium B) Simple cuboidal epithelium C) Simple squamous epithelium D) Stratified squamous epithelium 55. A stratified epithelium that thins and flattens as the tissue stretches is a A) pseudostratified epithelium. B) stratified cuboidal epithelium. C) stratified squamous epithelium. D) transitional epithelium.

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56. Only one type of fiber in connective tissue can be stretched like rubber to 150% of its resting length and then return to that length. This fiber is the A) ground substance fiber. B) collagen fiber. C) elastic fiber. D) reticular fiber. 57. Which one of the following basic types of tissues functions to control the body? A) epithelial B) connective C) muscle D) nervous 58. Which one of the following basic types of tissues functions as a support tissue? A) epithelial B) connective C) muscle D) nervous 59. Which one of the following basic types of tissues functions as a covering tissue? A) epithelial B) connective C) muscle D) nervous 60. The thinnest type of epithelium is A) simple squamous. B) pseudostratified columnar. C) stratified squamous. D) stratified columnar. 61. The type of cell junction that permits small sugar molecules and ions to pass from the cytoplasm of one cell to that of another is a A) tight junction. B) gap junction. C) desmosome. D) zonula occludens. 62. Ligaments consist primarily of which kind of connective tissue? A) loose areolar B) dense irregular C) cartilage D) dense regular 63. In connective tissue proper, ground substance is manufactured and secreted by which type of cell? A) fibroblast B) endothelial cell C) chondroblasts D) osteocytes 64. Use logic to deduce which of the following tissues is on the anterior surface of a person's eyeball. A) epithelial B) connective C) muscle D) nervous

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65. The distinguishing characteristic between tight junctions and adherens junctions is that A) adherens junctions attach to the actin myofilaments of the cytoskeleton, whereas tight junctions do not. B) adherens junctions involve integral membrane proteins, whereas tight junctions do not. C) tight junctions are present near apical lateral borders, whereas adherens junctions are located near basal lateral borders. D) tight junctions involve fusion of proteins on adjacent cells, whereas adherens junctions create tunnels between adjacent cells. 66. Glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycans are components of A) blood. B) extracellular matrix. C) ground substance. D) reticular fibers. 67. It might be argued that all the defense mechanisms in areolar connective tissue act to prevent infection from reaching which other tissue type? A) bone B) epithelium C) blood D) muscle 68. Despite their name, many types of cell junction are not very strong at joining and holding cells together. The cell junctions that best keep cells from being pulled apart are A) tight junctions. B) gap junctions. C) desmosomes. D) zonula occludens. 69. Fat is a form of ________ tissue. A) epithelial B) connective C) muscle D) nervous 70. All lining and covering membranes consist of A) an epithelium only. B) a serosa. C) an epithelium, a connective tissue, and smooth muscle. D) epithelium and connective tissue. 71. A muscle fiber is A) the same as a collagen fiber that is viewed by electron microscopy. B) part of a striation of a muscle cell. C) a muscle cell. D) an intercalated disc. 72. Of the following, the tissue with the greatest capacity for regeneration is A) skeletal muscle. B) neurons. C) epithelium. D) smooth muscle.

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73. Cartilage is a form of ___________ tissue. A) epithelial B) connective C) muscle D) nervous 74. A common example of a unicellular exocrine gland is A) a fibroblast. B) any hormone-secreting cell. C) an endothelial cell. D) a goblet cell. 75. The embryonic tissue that is most similar to the adult connective tissues, consisting of star-shaped cells separated by large amounts of extracellular matrix, is A) ectoderm. B) epithelium. C) mesenchyme. D) hypoblast. 76. The type of cell junction that closes off the space between epithelial cells, thereby limiting the passage of small molecules, is the A) tight junction. B) adherens junction. C) desmosome. D) gap junction. 77. A tissue that is truly a liquid is A) areolar connective tissue. B) tissue fluid. C) blood. D) epithelium.

Short Answer Questions

1. In the spaces provided below write one application and one limitation of the specified imaging

techniques (8 points)

Method Application Limitation (s)

Sonography (Ultrasound)

Determination of age and health of fetus Gallbladder Liver Pelvic area Atherosclerosis

Safer than ionizing forms of radiation Not good for air-filled structures (lung) or structures surrounded by bone (brain and spinal cord)

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Soft tissues specially brain imaging Joints Tumor Produces 3-D images

Not suitable for bone (no water)

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2. In the space below specify the mode of secretion and one example for each type of the

specified exocrine glands (12 points)

Exocrine Secretion Secretion Characteristic Example

Merocrine (most common) Exocytosis Salivary glands Pancreatic glands Certain sweat glands (eccrine)

Apocrine Membrane-bound vesicles (only the apical part of the cytoplasm leaves the cell)

Mammary glands

Holocrine Rupture of the plasma membrane which destroys the cell

Sebaceous glands of the skin Meibomian glands of the eyelid