Lamber Dealer SCSlff Ct KfSHI. - NYS Historic...

I UK PLATTMirRiTlI REPUBLICAN, SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 2, 1001. H t i \i 11,, \ .iiNV •«- T»>»\\ H»;;i;islM\!>F\«E. \ k • V ~ T '"•'•n'miinl f---n tl- '!'»- THE WEEK. Cl'RIOL'9 FACTS- fU rlp; r..j;!,.i' ,-. (,, ]... 1 - N <v i.l I.I !••: i t \ " i* tii-i. •', •• • I. m." \V.,.-i ,• | ' H •' i "' '\ i ..jt.i ,, ,if -!,« ,,;,.. if - ^ BURLINGTON Savings Bank. Li^ts of rfurors. -</;.i v/> .it T;>>T:- P.iTi- i // aji:uri> i\ ?> ir, : i- \- i ji»7,i»oo,iia-«ii ,jr,o,«io.i>t» ,«<.s,2,-»(>,7'j;:?.«i I ,<t >-.f r.- n « ..f p i ...,Ti'y I • H i , ff,.->- j T x.I O f*-n <i . ->.-k * TI uTr •«: T . — n o f i> A' ii 1 *. i -T n 0 . *o**\ i ^, tl-.- r. 'I-.1T »fi f. hd.r IVir.'p' it ir.l-Ti, or ~i> i- r l.., ,TO. It.' \ I T. H" r w wm.. i.v w >.. i - 1 i. 11 i i ,|.:\ i , • - r •! I ' i f-..,r r..i ir..rri >> ,r-^<B ij'il s o f •4 If rv t dP . fit-it i .f tin? .1 !' M i , i i N i / . ir.i !•• ! f-1 n . !>r. • ' " i. !• a \t-ar. , i K >. ,r.k A . i t ! - e ..^ 1 . r ^ r l i t " <• '--r** . .r th'* F~ir~; T.C. !•'* ,i it- n .(if - ..1 •-ii f..r tt i h 1 i, , V•!.!•• i Tl r.-f 1M.I '-- "-ur .,-:! w; n a ,-,..( ..v ir.»s i 1! w,-i :i: : IHSM noli v. \\. •I r. Ni-M Tm->il.i>. ('elm Conquered. 1 > ' ! -<",.•".. Il.irr'i - r. W V 111. I. I - Mr •;..' .• r n't 1 ,,.ii. . lilt V if .. -I lit I' •v - ., »r. ;••« '1 i- M f > if !•; :n i|. .'••; ' '.«: ^Ci.'til.-t.s l..r l>r. Arm tr.Mir ll.< — Ii-Ii'^Tiiji' HII-^M 1. IIV lielwi-fH ! ! • ' ' •" i-ij..ii...t a n 1 I.:<-.o .t .' Hi IiV-.iii 1 T O n , i : « s quit i.r'v: i:;i. Tiu- m.irif a - i . 1, w,-..;,..,, ti',.'i:r,n.'n V,•--.-:- I'trrv r.nlr. 11 ! r» !-\ i . Sji.ii-i at.-l iii-ir..- ha- ! r.t. - ur.« iniii-' T ,- i- ,1 ' I. .-, 11I jiri>.T«-<' in.':, : itiT wl \ tin- urn 1- TI• »* >'i, I'll.' tn-i_'M 1'it'l w ;; - A .-a- I- ' .illinj ii« 1- . • -•i'l '• ••• - ' .|.',t: 'i.»4 '... r. . « - .1 r>Tf',»ti.i. 11 i U ' i \ : ' ' ' \ 1. i r / '.»•-.. .>• ••! ' !•• : IIJT VV'.-IV n"\ | n r ' ,• I .' mil ti- ' .iul a' > r; i> -' ' hy a '•lui'kwriri. m.-i' .» • i T'.iw liUumln.i'i- IM - I'iis*. Bnti.iti Cjlurr ! » ' •v ai n-'i r •• •r i^r.'irr 1 .. ,i« ,ii-, i.-I f." . <.,i»v fr.-m, « : *•• {JI'KHI, : ... ;•.» .1 . . i i -tTivuTp. I I I V M 1-5. ••; : .>:. .!•-;- " ^ I r •w.i.. T .v<i. :-!• '7- K>I«. !..r.. i.-'l'V'il't""". -.., f -ivt i.iti.'-H , . r « m trust , ,.r.d r .-1 .-. i»rt ^>ri hr K.iik . !•!>' !•' "f tiraft-.or '.t r ir, I ,it-p,.-,1 b.H.k wiil be t!,t> " Nt ,fa\ f i -vf. ,pr 4 , f.. v«>T"~r* ^L^ *»r^y -1 Jir r«t . ^ .prrTr,^ * ' . r * f". Trf* i.f»i>l '?'•*- ^ 1' ' nc ' ' F* ^ "^i 'TT' 1 . ., r, , « , . i ;r thirl M"''! 'iv. -..<%. .rPTnb^T- 1 * : \ i«(l.'i> R*. !>»nl T MII>. ftr—»•- Iiwki.-in'. wn \ A I'»'% Trip. 1 .: \ . « ,,.^T. Tr>... K-^ti --. Tl < it rir-i k KrflT.k ..Vr ; t -l » f^r II'i'.' r c T ' ?1 ' irr-'fr < ln,\ u ' jiTri Ii 1 i-.^I. f-trn-v- T-i ,a^ I i'tc:« f^rm-r |ivifn.i^ "v'n' A l -f-i. f^fir. r ^f, . r.r-3 i hinn.-r.y |iir,-r.. -f f i7rrj.T. | j f Kn'TI' r-frrhatif. i..rr;>:iiin I!,«w.r'fi. f,^i^Tl< : "'^; ,t. M 1 .-•• r o tr.TH .«-t I'.-:i .'f--i V u.-iiV-rxit firnrr H R •»•• «,.rl. I-.T f, r V f " : ^ s. H -.«. r Par fanirr DlV.J P.ak»r. lartnw '> . :.t-n M. r.'.< T \(,-.r, .^n' A. II Iiik.T3«. f-iT*.c»r 1,'TT-T.i p,-.,- ,r^. f:tr7T*»>r •>irini.- M'I 'fti'i X*f'«ncy. f' I,->-TJ» tl'i ,T t. firrniT ^. i.'ir IT F-i'lx- 1' .-i- KrM-Mt, Mo-.-h-t-f Ll'fJF.N U MIEl'I'EN .t r iTNSTV'.HVM. Don't Forget Millinery £ Price. ALL AT BARGAIN PRICES. U •'-"!• I.svt ,,f riarrifN *.f jv.r^.rfF .Irriwn *** F * .-•, .r-, 1 ..inly 1 .Tk'« --SR-e »i «• -tl«t .lav ..f ii,t.,b»-r. 1 i"i. .ii In ..'• '... H k \ H-i.-^'Tro ; ts '|'r** .r.i^,^ •)t a Tm' TVrrri "f ttn' Mif.««Tn«' ' .''ITt TO he hi !•! ;tl Hi 1 ."irf H..ii«p. in ihPTiUac^'f r'attohirrch.' m ilif .... u'l'r -.f i lint..n. .-.n t-hp thinl Mvivlav. [ III.' l**'-h-I.iV--f N..rp.Tllbfr. TK'l I A; \"rn<»)anii. farmrr: An-irex I D n. v, .Tr . ' irrnfr. I Au--ab;c .T ,',r, •• NV ,. f t-n-.r- rvml H K'.'.irl. i ma. >..r,;«i. Kr.'l t IT*;-, ni.-r. :'t—'^r Ti '^1** | \V.«is(i, fartiiT. I.—.\,s i!'i^. IIIJ-!,'I" V •• ! s;T|,fi*.n. I' >Tk. I IS.'pkmani..«n "»,.3-r>v P a ' c " . f-rmpr. I>-K.< \ nuI.-r'.'SI Iotcri'^ts ill (UP Rrmtl >t.akp a ( D l l p v . f a r m ' T : LPWIS I. tfay.ttp. firmPr i Bit. k Br.• k Ciarips Raiiwin. F:\.rra*Tr. .1 in fartm-r. rhamplain -Th-.mas Harp». ,Tr . 'VTIIPT-; E. >~> L« farnn.r: n. s BatPtnan, farmnr; Birnart Yalp. farmpr. *• U\::iKs IV '-'VtlTn tVp-'-iPnt. F•;• .it.'';11 K v « MIH Trpa-'irer T. -^ l-li \M. Wt Trci-.iri-r I J i i t h u n l <i(>l-» I n t o Montreal. "••- a i: i. IV tl \\J|1I < .tnaili.-in Pacillr.. , ii ' ;M -T'IP fr. •..•ii wl. i iv ",,-• (Jnir-t Tnr.k 11 ;: :.-r'i I't'.T.-l •• r - .'ii.' "i '.>• )'.'»' >v,i- !.r..|j_:'i .-•.•'I.\ by : •• , t: t':V HI'| »t t: a> r. i . ! ! • • • . V •1 Ml! . A'.!"-'. -.M uf (>•>«•'< N''«I iMVi»rs an area of '2:')0 - ; u ,1. I !!, ,' !' l • i lit H 1 I l n.-'.-.'Ji -Iti'l T.' ,i ii'i.i I- •r !'. u. I i I .'!'- V. I I . Ur'- ir\- ..I-' ''. a- !•• ;-• 1 • H i , ' T-_-- 1- 1! .r «.•- i ; . .- T' ''%,!. lla_" -•n'iptitu. IT,.u .- r . a . - ' i i .ibi-'-n. <•• \- ,i v: .. nt'- in-.'-i'l' 1 '.'..'*: i ••. i • i ;-..-m • -r '•'•* r»*a- -'•• -,..-, .... . -. ,.,,-:; .- ;••'••;•. e. a r . 1 "•••'••• ! - .', ; . H . ; ' . . I,n'«- nil IhP.r - .1.- > .l-ji ••.••! a ;*.ffAftivM f!ii'_r at | •; :• .•: .! HI i I- ••. T'..-. ! ••> wit* ' Tr-i.-. ,: >•> - . . !. W . | i i - " ' ! ' ' ( ' BiUi- --> !<-.". !;»: 'Ti •{ I ! ' " v.!i..iP If-i'V- •<nppr-!rui turp. .: t.'-la\ wiiu ,U mini rash f >r im- r^ckip: 1 -* px'ravasrancp. forfiirn >Ii>- Tl.i Ib'mncrata liehevp ' !*"_'.' ' .11 llifal- f i r ! ' . lb.pit an.i -rr fi.-v i-an be l-i :',.• bU'.;.' , «'a-...:.iTl>"il .•p. !P1 :•' .I,:.- N,w Y>'urV . ip i.ifvas.nn* • pr-mc'Vim of •at -T-tc!. of b-j.-n^-l w.'Ji Mil b.r T. •' ir a'.! . fpl — K••; i • t-» FUJ-VI •v ..f .-'a'.p. Catpb f'VtiT? fit < flip} la^t wppk for t'lP^PC'TiI . ,i ,'y t i l!.p rtmrJpri.f Govpr- ,',. ..f K -nt'i'-'Ky iii January. V."'»>. '.v...•:•••! unl was spnb'iji.-j.l fur tlie I.TIP t • :,fp lmpr.s inmPDt. Trip IIP- ,P! a in'it. in iir unfit .'.PT trial an J ,-a'i ;• -1 t i c a n s ar« Ju.n z UiPir ulra-tst li.tii f-..m t.'i-,.ast purp-umpnt. ;... r.ibi I TI f. •!• .; i .r.. ip- ' r b •\.~;.bi" .ti T •lvb-1 w II bp i T .• t" :-. I-T,'ii:.Ta!' B'irpau is on the wati.-'. b e a n unarcM?: known in the old world a* Jjifp. f •' K-'I." i.°w 9Uppo?pd to be on i* way ti. tb;n c .'i:i!n. Tiie information that In- i- p.imin_r was ~prt by the Italian govern- mpnt to WasSbburtbn. Jiffel is an Italian •whit i? sasrfcteJ of having been ioiplicated in the assassination of KmatHambert, » n d h e is said to have wnltpn to the assassin, Bresci, aayiriE; ••Toa did ngbt. Every other crowned pb_r s h . m l d be served the same way." ATT .rtmrff va •* .v Ij 11 rtarrr-ghTnTsfar rpport 115 A 'i-nean otfliera and 3.37S msa have been k..!ed m th^ Fhilippines and 1?2 officers aid 2 i"i5 mea have been wonnde.L Total, 6,'12! men. and 237 officers. The Republican pobey of imperial expansion is costing the ciuntry a e.tasiderable amount of blood and treasure, and the Pni'.ippine whislle is likely to prove a dear on'. It should be noted, in th.s e laneetion. t.'iat high Republican offliials are now .Jemaudtoff a standing army of 35,- IVII'I n tbe P.'b.ppinei for an indefinite time. Tor vote f >r .Audrew McKeefe. Mr. McK-irft-15. (.no of PlatUbnnrb's reliable citi- z-:r arid U~ w.i a jmirii^ter lt,e affairs of this jrap ir'ar.t olfu- ;b the interests of the people an i t.'.e tax pater*. He eome< before the v. >tt-rs of dnti.iii r.vt as an office-seefcer, who i* \;>ertH 1 to mete out rewaris for jiohtical fav.r-, or J ubi-.hmetts f'ir f"'i. :.cai enemies, tut be takef th;> .norjiination us a srood citi- z-b i- '• nr. 5. t'i "tepp'.i.t: forward at the call of;..« U-:, iw «..:.ze'.i?, and a s a firm believer t'.at i". ; .:.c . 'li.p i- a pu'.'i.c tm?' At. Ir-w McKeefe for SherfT. Vote for i'jr of A»=e:/i''.y vjte for John H. M'-re. Tbe farmf rs of Cnton county h.i\f an o;; •ir'at./.y b. s y--ar of sending oie of V.' ' own r.u-nber to Aiiany to help mak- us--. Tins opportunity Comes only y-rv se.tom. ar.d wbeb .t IV.TJPF- it should be taker.. \V.'\ ^ h ' ^ i t'.e voter? of Clmton C 'a^st _-,. or. f-.rever '.-r. i.&sr to the Legris- latnre •' •. b-it. 'or. t: e baKer. the candle- at i.s-ii.aker ur i i v.-r ?end a farmer. The farmer- ar-- .:. a .ar;- rr.-> Tity. Let them speak a. ?•.•.•! wur 1 b.r t!.»-m.-<eives thi? year. V •:- f-.r J.. ,n II. M ••re for Member of As- seni'-'v. A dm ra. ; I>ewey Las- honored himself by res-jn.rJ: the presi of the Metropolitan C.ib i.f V."a*t..rart.-.r. on acocnut of the savaire er.-.c.-m f-y ri.emt»er3 of the club of his ru'.r.v of the Seii.t-y. Court of Icijuiry as be- ir_ r t ••' favorable to Hear Admiral Schley. T-,- Metropol tan :* one of the most exclusive r.r^iiu./itioti* in Wa-slir.gton, bat Admiral D'irm wft: duubtteas marage get along in s.itTie way without the support of a set of men who wo'a 1 ;..r.i the.r inu-ieoeea to help b.-eaK d...wn or.e ...f hi- bravest feiiow-offieerp, the reu. „ -r.' "f ~.iT'.,au". u« Admiral Dew*y wa' ':.• t.e.-... >.f Macta. S«e that your rote lor Di»trict -Attorney tef. T je.-iav .* c-bt for I'atXiCk J. T.ernej. M r . Tierr.-y - 'ir.e of th*' 1 native bora of Gin- t .Ti County u . i „e j ttjroa^b.y ^uahSed to ItS^-anre the of this Important office • cred.t t& t.--.-'' w.tu hoior to the r"l>l i f..r t..- 'j»-r>; lu'eresu of all foad ;s. Mr. T.entey belong to no political *.;e-be-k.t.g trust, tie members of which .re always re*3y t>"» grab everything- in eight i the war of publtc ofTl:e ? , and he received ."^i vote i..f ;ne convention which • . - r ,r ..*. I -'•-• ar.1 he ;- ; t. no ^ense a m'.cor- .... V :•• ' : ivr..r. J T.ern. y T-rh K-p I -.•• t *e« r. 1 r-i-;e : a.: V f . x ar t'-t'^eeh rt» from Parir Ci.'-arf, c.mmander of .L L.e Mei.t'-iTitnean ha? •: •:•: ^ - t h t cu-torr-s of the •.- t '. a t once pay up the T:.e cu-we of the frxLon be- I r-i.;p un i T'iri^-j ,i over the Saltan's , *..J kuv hi.c& the concess.CFus wtjieh *• .: I", i to the .-french yjajs Ccim- - n > r a fine system of docki; j. j, tratn«a>* hu« been ba..t *n Constanti- |. ,;,!• fr.ii .s,proven,entiS the com- i.*:.j ..< rea^.a.ns frr.-at iru-ts. lhater sd- ..t**, IVr.° b'-.-t. hi, taj that live Frecch 1-et LiiS returned t" Tvuhtn, but is ready to -a., u-^n _t tbvrt Nyw if.*.: .t .* 4.. u\'-r peihapi a UtU* '.n fajr? a* 1J the t-tica.?- v! lite present I*. *. *?zrv'. detective nenrtC.-, m a y b * m order. ir'ujr Pres.Jent McK-nley, <JQ thaf f»tal Fnd»y Bi befti reproectfci « bAfiOi ItWO ulrilOtt C jtliP^.e:) ehlielupe j .u a CVJliJ Of ••g^HJ'Fg.J s >cre:^. »n-t jet a mao who bad »t- tfvlOd 'he UtUfbtiOO Of H4MJ COBUIOB «0r- t iU by tiFi aasj-.^-jia »iii><«r»£.Fje *nd Kctiotu wa« ahotffd to wtlit right op 10 tbePretideot ». * i^U.! io hi* band, bttugltogljf corwed w a. l»Bdlc«chi*f, mid tire two Ao^ily c .> laty hiu bed) b*f»re «cy of Ui«« Ul- Zil.or. TI t: '-ie tb;r.^r' Nut b T ar.y means. And there r.e\er w a time ;n the whole history of tie country when there was more need for thft IienioeratiC Co'interptise to hriuir bark rnirmu'i Ciin Idion-. I>.•limTary doe- nut be,.pye m a bur-tand- Inrr army and a big exjien^ive navy such as Itepuiihean ru e is fust bringing «s to. Iiemo- cracy doe? not beiieve in foreign cor.'j'iest and iiP^leccng our own country, but it be- i; PTr . 3 irJ openinEt *he arreat lakes to the Amenean seahoari and in connecting onr Aliantic and Pacific enacts by a ship canal, without reference to the desires or dictation of railway kings. There is plenty of work for Democracy to do, and the Democratic party will live to do :t and those who are fondly predicting the death of that party may take comfort in the assurance that only when the Republic dies and gives place to an imperial monarchy will the Democratic party have closed its mission. Next Tuesday there will be an opportunity to strengthen the bands of this great party of the people. Our adversaries are very ex- ultant just now as they see modern Republi- canism and imperialism apparently firmly seated and daily gaining ground. But let them rejoice with tjemblmg, for already there are abundant signs of restivenew, eren on their own side. The great wheel of progress s^^rwuttl .isA roasd, and just an sure as this is true just BO sure will the- top be at the bottom, and tho3e who are now exalted will be abased. Next Tuesday every true Democrat, and every man who believes in the people's cause should cast his vote for the right. .—»•» Czolgosz Executed. The Utnrderer of Presitl«nt McKitrtey is Or bant and rnrepentmit to the Taut. Czolgo^z, the murderer of President Mc- Kinley, was executed in Auburn prison in the electric chair at 7:15 o'clock last Tuesday morning, October 29. Czolgosz was sleeping dt 5:30 a. m., and was awakened bv Warden Mead, who then read the death warrant, to which the mur- derer listened in a stolid manner. The war- den after reading the death warrant notified him that be would be executed at T o'clock and then left the cell and went back to his office. Directly a prison guard came to him and said Czolgosz wanted to him. The warden then returned to the cell with other officials, when Czolgosz said he had a state- ment to make but he wanted^more people to hear it. The warden told him that it waa not convenient to have more people present at the time. "Then I won't talk," replied Czolgosz. "Til say what I have to say in the chair." The officials present endeavored to make L.ra talk bat he refused, saying he would wait. The warden and officials then left and the guards brought his breakfast, toast, eggs and coffee which he ate, appar- ent'.} with a good appetite. At 7:05 Warden Mead summoned the witnesses to the death chamber. They were as follows: Fireman. John P. Jaeckel. State Treasurer: Hon Ashler Cole. State Railroad Commissioner, Albany: Hon. H. H. Bender. State Superintendent of Public Buitdines: Hon. Charles R. Skinner. State superintendent of Public Instruction, Al- bany: ijeoirtre W. Stone. tSorvrieh. ST. T.; C. L. In- sr-dis. Wesrfield. X. T.: Dr. H. O. .Ely. Binjrtaamton; W. B. Wolff. Rochester; ("harles R. Hantler, Buffa- lo. Iir Hi imp. Dr. ij. R. Trowbridge. Buffalo; John A sleioher. Kew Turk. Pbysn-lan*: Dr. Carlos F. SfacDonald, Sew T. .rk; Dr. John Gerrin. Auburn. Deputies. H. Bonesteeh Troy: B. D. Wolffe, R i-.uester: c. F. Ratntan. Auburn: GeorgeR. Peek. Aabarn: <i E. Graham. Albany; J, E. Tremaine; C. E. Bemau. B. T. Davis, electrician: W. N. Thayer, assistant electrician; George T. Coatie. eneineer. The witnesses took the seats which had been placed ior them along the sides and back of the small room. Tne death current waa tested. The dynamo sang out its death song, which no one who haa witnessed one of these horrible scenes will ever forget, twenty- four incandescent lights b!az;dout; the death maciune waa m goj.1 order. The door lead- ing to the death ceil swung open and Czsl- srorz eriterei at7:Io a guard on either a.le. He looted about him, as if for one glance, but he found none. He marched with a shambling gait to the chair, conducted by the guard3. He 3eated himself, and his staring eyes, effeminate lips, long jaw, thick nose, unevenly moulded features, right eye and ear higher than the left were •a it<* I. He Wad strapped to the chair and the t'-ahy el'Vtrodes were adjusted, one to h.s I bare ..-^r. through a cat made in his trousers I »•.. 1 une to h.s heal. All was ready. "I shot the Pres.dent because I thought I would ben- eSt the goc-d working people. I am not sorry for my crime. 1 am heartily sorry I could n >t see my father." This is what he said. He had refused all religious ministrations. He had charged that there shoald be. no prayers over bis dead Dody. He had de- clared iLat be would die as he bad lired—an anarchist- Warden Mead gare the signal an J in a second 17'JO volts of lightning shot through the victim's body. Every mascle in hj« body gave a bound, bat the straps held. T^e carrent was kept on over a minute and re luce! to 200 volts, and agaia the fall force was turned on and the man waa dead. The l»iv waa remove J to another room a n d t h e autopsy fo!t .-wed. Tae brain waa found to be m a normal condition, and above tbe av«- ra^e weight, and every organ of tbe body wait alio m a healthful condition. Tbe body was buried in tHe prison Jot with »uffla«ot qulckUme and vitriol to concilia* itoompltfto- ty in a few boors. an 1 ..i d .;•.'*' •'..' r a _- • • 1 hi lb n .,.>r.r.' ' > tbe ,|e-ii m I • f ::ie pe.ip!.- for e,_-',! .ra-- ;• •• ••-. i- • o'fi- ,.r-. i7«i TI Adi.r.- a-e • .- ., e! -ab-'t.-- Isbm 1 I t ' ; I I 111.1 > 111 ' ' e .1 I ! ; - ' i f >rre ; , -..oVmebt. T , - -••:- re—-n: ;',.. «,-";ir •u:;'.' beret >- Future .|„,,rli.r .n b> lie- do,.'<, •:!- nftbe i-'abi'an!- a , peac.. mav be ea-ny pfe-.-l Ve 1 ,f till" peop'e l^e i l - p • W 1 t .]fl .*•. Xia.l udvisp Hil^'d"! to w.iste no tune but on II immediate!}. -.gtie.l i CHAFFEE. River ami Harbor Kvpenditares.;i. ii't. ."•'» -The War Depart- ment to-dav i--'ief tbe anrmal report of llri- (Jpb'eral G. L. lihp-pi'b chief of engi- neers. I". S. A. Ii poiitaais, among other things, tber.ver and umrtior e.-!imates for the vear eiiLngJuneh 1 !. l:''C. aggregating SI :'.- !M^,-tH7 5'i; the e-tim;i.tes for the Mississippi river commission, SI', fi'.ij.non, and the Mis- souri nver cnmnii^iun, S1,OI;5,2IHI. The total amount actually expended in connection with the improvement of rivers and harbors during the tncal year ended June ."in, wastSlfi.lfi'MOfi.lU, also 83.4iU,- 121.111 for the kwsis-ippi and Missouri river commissions. Discussing the suliject or tortilications, General GJ-.llespie declares that to-day twen- ty-five of the principal harbors of the CTnited States have a sufficient number of heavy guns and mortars mounted to permit of an effec- tive defense against naval attack. During the past year considerable progress has beea made toward the installation of an adequate rapid-fire armament. According to the report, existing approved projects for sea coast defenses contemplate the mounting of about 4(54 heavy guns of the 8, 10, 12 and 16 inch calibre, or about 1,041 rapid lire guns —(i-pounders and 6-wch calibre—and of about 704 mortars, at an approximate total cost for the engineering work now estimated at $50,000,000. For continuing the work of construction now in progress on gun and mortar batteries, an estimate of $4,000,000 is submitted. An estimate of $2,000,000 is •"iF""i»^ tar M»» «rrtni<ition of sites, tbe mo9t^H^^H|^B|^BBoston harbor and •* t^BBWWWWf to New Torlc ho r bor; f^i'dg-Lj f-m-dg—t inuation of torpedo expertnrer..»rsmi ;STJUU,O69 for installation of searchlights. _ Effect or Cancer Banior. a".. ._,lill i D .' on; •'. c iv . T»- of !.••— '' r-'Z-i .I'III.' t'i" I i-b I ' i, rn.iia !'. I. verp .' in ;'.-. iv •:. 1 an I 12.". •• I I.i'i.n-"o 1 ! -' are n p... i. ;i '..ii'ii ',, ._'-'|.'a 1- ."iii o.lii ion-, i.;i whu'.t ^ I l.ll'l'l II.HI III...-1 l i e p Tin* •- t h e v, iv a :.•• bia c i bity >\ i- nam'. 1 r.-i'iTitl}. Many nana-; Wpp* - l b .11 I ' l l ' tlieV i. 1 b o ' -11)1, ll.'iilg 1U- -, a n I c Its! the poi'ma-iier in des- !i has .ihvay this vicinity to a climax Co.a ban line n-fu.-.ns to bu-i:i—- for the Rutland ir* ' b it d p Rutland road had i i.ej •:; iMiir far an entrance to Montreal .u ; ;!i.< ( " i n n l u n P.nbil.-. The (Jrand Trunk, . .;'.n_' d l!il-. p'osed down on them. Per- . : •• i i ' . - Ti- it. Pr—i lent oftlie R itland road, ii ! >.r T i • Shaiiihnp^?)- had a consnha- n in 1,.-re j ester lay and as a result, within •en da\*" lime, the Rutland will be running into Montreal over tlie Canadian Pacific Ti«-k-. RaMgri <»l" Terror iu Nome. j p..r T...v!,-e.. I. w . t - .. i t - , no.—The ..!. ii,,..r- i^i ! i .i;i.; Vah-ne,a arr.vel lo-duy I I-mi N.mie. Eii-li l.r.i i_ht -'in passeng.-rs. [ i),, 'bo >; i" TI w.-re -i'l s.t.«w:i«vavs nipt suc- I r,.. b'l TI 'i'iiijr tbe ve--el liy cimbmg FlMl- 1 i rli •1 t i 1 din-- ul. 1 plsV alll .. L>-r- Wetatb . S, ulblllg til 0i. :i i I 1T1- I M-- |i- I. in , -v ir ii.. ..ives a wife an.] I'.t.u-i. \ M .oh -! !> k-li-oii ivnli-. .1-1" piT.-'.,i' . . . N . '.v M. x i • i. 1.1 t u " i I;. 1 I'l, p p-ep lli'.l hi- tllaer !.••• iioi \..,ir iip.irt II- tro.ib.e 1." I- . <ir-p..t irier, 1-aai TIP ^bb. .rs. *> in i.j it I.:- i lie r>—' l.-TI-i'. - . ve.! a-bere l i e \ v i - »••• U- n.i'.i b e ! P I i lb'li • '-r r. a n i l-i ..^. c mil. an 1 pn. M'. - .ii-plav " t i,.- , "M::'.^'7 :A ''a'l ! l'air-a I t o b.-l.LUJ:!i'pr. -ivha' shall <v .... ••I,'i'..r. p'f I., i,.- ; for a n.en-"" H'.e reph'p 1. '-U'I 111} I I don't ru-! in ••- ani e -ii 1.1 •'.- ! knoT." mid fh name ••(.» m" wa^ t .rwirdel tr-l. wii'-r.- I- was h -rn to W;,,;,;,,^,,,, Mx,\ a-.-pt,-1. Pro'. I.e'io 1 ol P a n - h i * ,||,piv-rf] a l.e-.y method o!': beat liy Sejiari',,! •; iv.i- ter into oxygen and hydrogen. l':riiiiited heat and power m ".nail expense 1- what is. dunned for it. Mercury li'eat»d with chlor- lij'lrio acid and magn>-inm is placed in water and a previous 1 }" unknown oxide nf nien-ury H formed, attended witli intense heat, which. Willi 11 siurbt ad lition of outside heat separ- ate? the water into its component nases. trm. , Y. KeiMirt That Kins i* Afflicted Stop* Coro- nation IPrrpitrations. London, Oct. 29.—The pertinacity with which society discusses the rumors regarding the health of King E Iward has had a serious effect on tbe court dressmakers, who expect- ed ere now to have been busily engaged on the coronation robes, etc. They are keeping large staffs m almost complete idleness. The members of society have apparently made up their minds that they will not go to any ex- pense until the last possible minute, when they feel sure that the coronation will really occur. Tnere is a very clearly defined impression in the diplomatic corps that the King is threatened with some organic complaint. Some go so far as to say jt is cancer or Bright's disease, or even both. Probably the truer solution is that the cancer rumor springs from the King's oft expressed dread of cancer, which has made such ravages in his own family, and that whatever ailment may threaten him it has not reached any definite or dangerous stage, else he would be quite un- able" to keep up his incessant round of public duties and private pastimes with the reg- ularity and ze3t which he continues to dis- play. In spite of these facts, there i3 undoubtedly a very alarming premonition in court circles, especially among the women that the King will n'.ver live to be crowned, which, how- ever baseless or otherwise, is having a serious effect on trader British Weylerism Denounced By John Morliej-, ar. P. London, Oct. 31.—John Morley, M. P., ad- dressing his constituents^ to-day at Arbroath said: "The government are aggravating the es- sential mischief of the situation in South Africa by their management of tbe concen- tration camps. The death rate of children, measure It as you will, is hideous, excessive and appalling. The policy of devastation has been admitted to be ;a mistake. "1 wonder what Lord Pal mereton would have said of a government justifying them- selves by saying that Russia in Poland and Austria in Bosnia bad done something like the same. The war hag entirely changed in character and is drifting into a war of ex- termination of a people fighting for their own land. "Tbe policy of unconditional surrender and .'jmi33ion means extermination and anniu..ation. The present attitude of the srovernment is one of sullen desperation. There is nothing worse than mettle in a blind bone. "The King will perhaps at no distent date have to seek other ministers with a better insight and a more pliant mind in face of the dangerous and complicated situation which confronts the country." S YU.VSAC. tps- Pb.-bp Las" jn» and . T ..hnT. H.v- v.-ere m trried WpJiie-'tav ar M J.i-epli"- > lu.reb. ii.01 urmoi-H. br tbe iter barber Belaui;*-r Mr- 11 tv. is tbe Third liainrbter. >! Mr. and Mr- Ann L tvunir nt t-iouseville ami has been a popular teaelipr in an 1:.round Darmpru >ra b.r the pa-1 four Tears Mr Hayes is a tanner bv...... tipatinn and a hustler bv nature. At the aire of nine, uprm the death of bi-falhpr. .Tokn took hold el the 1 arm and with the able iiilviet" of his moilieruas SUP •e--tully manatfil it up b. the present time Ml-s Jeatme Eiizibuh Ciri-tian and William Uenry Dunn were man-iel at Assumption ehruvtu ltedford. Wednesday, bv tbe Rev Father Laramie. Mrs. Dunn is the uliiest daughter of Mr and Mrs.,las. Christian ol Hard-prabtile. Tirimr of teai'hinir, she entered upon hotel work and has been a waitress in manv of the fashionable resorts of the Adiroti- daeks." Mr. Dunn whose home is in Troy hulds a responsible position with duett Js Co , collar tninufaptura-s. After a weddlusf breaklast rhey i imed Mr. and Mrs. Hayes an! r. jerher the bappy .'pairret left for Montreal. We wish the youni; p-ople unbounded suuness ...Mr. Simuel Collins, brother ol" Tru >nan and Prank Collins, is hereon a visit from Stoekbridaie, Wis. Mr. Collin* left hPre.T. years asoand this in his lirst visit to bis old horn?. In his absence many changes have taken place for at that time the Saranae river from ciavbtirt'h to Plattsbursh was lined with sawmills and forces, all doing a thriving business, but to-day nothing is left except two sawmills which do a little custom sawing, the power being all used fur grinding pulp .... Mr. Goodale is daily turning about two tons of partially rotten pota- toes into starch. Mr. Guoiale estimates the rot at one tenth tbe total crop. This however may prove a low figure as it is based on the fact that of the lim uuu bushels raised in town Mr. Goodale will h a n d l e 10.1XW. W h e n t h o s e a l r e a d y in cellars are sorted it will undoubtedly develop that 20 per cent is not high ... . The Nashville gun club are m camp at ChazvLake and woe be to the chipmunk, erow or elephant that crosses their path. It is understood that arrangements have been made with the C. a. R. for a special to bring home their game. SLACKER. For a Great Methodist College. Cincinnati, O., Oct. 30.—The board of Bishops of the Methodist Episcdftal church will convene in Wesley chapel this'afternoon. Tbe Bishops who wll be in attendance are: John W. Hamilton, San-Francisco; Thomas Bowman, Evanston, 111.; Stephen Merrill, Chicago; Edward G-. Andrews, New -York; Henry W. Warren, Denver; Cyrus D. Foss, Philadelphia; John F. Hurst, Washington; WUlard F. Mallalieu, Auburndale, Mass.; Charles Fowler, Buffalo; James N. Fitzger- ald, St. Louis; Charles McCabie, Onaha: J. M. Walden, Cincinnati; Isaac W. Joyce, Minneapolis; Daniel A. Goodsell, Chatta- nooga; James M. Thoburn, India, and Earl Cranston, Portland Ore. At tbe Oklahoma conference, Bishop Hamilton said, it wa3 determined to establish a great Methodist college somewhere in the heart of that new connFry, and in order to do this more .suc- cessfully, Bishop Hamilton invited the Methodist Church south to co-operate with him in the undertaking, ihe result was gratifying. Bishop Hamilton will bring this matter before the board of Bishops for rati- fication. Officers Favor Canteen. Washington, Oct. 31.—Inspector General Breckenridite in his annual report on the Army has the following to say on the canteen question: "Tbe sentiment of the Army on the sub- ject is well known and-expressed in the fol- lowing remarks of Inspectors General: "Colonel Burtbn (Cubai says: 'Officers generally complain that the elimination of beer has worked hardship on the soldier and has been detrimental to the good order and military discipline.' "Lieutenant Colonel Reade (Dakota) re- ports that 'the consensus of opinion is that the canteen feature promotes the moral, tem- perance, discipline and health of the men,' and Major Sharpe (Colorado) considers the anti-canteen legislation of last winter ill ad- vised and remarla 'If there is no authorized and decently kept place of resort within a garrison, where the soldier can find recrea- tion suited to his tastes und station of life, he will seek it outside, and the innumerable brothels and wbi3key dens which are spring- ing up on the edge of reservations will prove the most baleful and destructive enemy to contentment and good order which a garri- son can be cursed with. r " Treaty Held Up. Xie.tragiian ConsTves-man Stopp?A t h e O n e With Vnitt-d States. Mauagua. Nicaragua, Oct. n.—Pre^i lent Z-laya has approved of the Nicaragua-Ciiili and Nicaragua-Mexico Cjmm,'rcial treaties that were passed by the Nicara^uan Con- gress at the last session of that body. He has not opposed of the Merry Sanson commercial treaty drawn tip iu litilO for the United States and Nicaragua, which was passed hy the Nicaragnan Oomrres? List August: neither has he vetoed it. It appears that an influential Congressman who wanted the treaty amended in favor, most probably, of the cotton and suiiar in- terests in his district, has since the adjourn- ment of Congress succeeded in having the treaty referred to a committee to be report- ed on at tbe next season. 'iiib while the vessel was at : • .)• •! ; • • ' i.uiiway at N LOP. Pass-n- u-rs r- I'ort that .''iul men were left at \i:rn>, ah >! « ' i 111 w.-re penniless, a n I with no iii.-e «.•'mukiiig a living during the wmier and a r.-un ol terror is predicted. During I' niire v.iyuire i.f tlie (* i-en petty thefts were of daily ociirrence. Schley tor President. Was! i i i r ' o n , <>,-t. 2- —Ex-Senator Marion IJ 1 ;er of X irt'i Carolina, who le 1 Hie Popu- !i-'- in their supptri nf Bryan in l'-Dfi and 1:'•> 1. has c one out for Admiral Schley for Pre-.-idi'iil. H- says the Democrats would g i v e 111:11 s o l i d support >The Kind Yon Haw Alrajrs Bougnt A Stubborn Fight With Boers. London, Oct. 29.—Lord Kitchener, in a dispatch to the War office to-day, tells of a hard fight between the Boers under Delary and Kemp and a British column near Z?rust, in the western Transvaal. The dispatch says: "Delarey and Kemp attacked a British column near Z^rust, but were re- pulsed after a stubborn fight, leaving forty dead. The British losses were two lieuten- ants and twenty-six men killed; fire- officers and fifty men wounded, and of the escort thirty-seven casualties- JTie Boers got eight wagons."' Ely's Liqnid Cream Balm is an old friend in a new form. It 13 prepared for the particular benefit of sufferers from nasal catarrh who are used to an atomizer in spray- ing the diseased membraoe3. All the heal- ing and soothing properties of Cream Balm are retained in the new preparation. It does not dry up the secretions. Price, including sprayinsr tube, 75 cents. At your dru22i3t's or Ely Brothers, 5G Warren Street, New fork, will mail it- Beer For Students. For Orer *lf£y fears Mas, rt"i.N-i,oWs Si»vrgi.NU S m v r h a s b e e n u s e d o>- a.hioiis of mothers for their ehildren while ioeihhK. If di-turbed at niidtt and broken of '. pirrtst bvtsiek phildsuffering-aiidprTing-witlh iiain or Carting Teeth send at onee and get a •!e ol" "Mrs. Winsiow's Soothing Synip" for Cn: Iren It will relieve the poor little "Uitrerirnmedialt-ly. Depend upon it, mothers, r here is no mistake about it. It cures Diarrhoea. regulates the Momaeh and Bowels, cures Wind Coiie. softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole-system. "Mrs. WinsloWs soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the pre- scription of one of the oldest and best of female phvairians- and nurses in the United States. Price 1 w'enrv-five cents a bottle, sold by all druggists throughout the world. Be sure and askfor"MRs. WrXSlAtWsSOOTBIHS SXRTT." B«antae Signature of Something ISewv They cure dandruff, hair falling, headache, etc., vet costs the same as an ordinary comb —Dr. White's Electric Comb. The only patented Comb in the worlii People, every- where it ha3 been introduced, are wild with delight. Ton simply comb your hair each day and the comb does the rest. This won- derful comb is simply unbreakable and is made so that it 13 absolutely impossible to break or cut the hair. Sold on a written guarantee to give perfect satisfaction in every respect. Send stamps forone. Ladies' size 50c. Gent3' size 35c Liva^men and women wanted everywhere to introduce this article. Sells on sight Agents are wild with success. (See -want column of this paper.) Address D. N. Boss, Gen. Mgr., Decatur, III. 1 'h.i7,y—lohn Savogo, farmer: Mii-bai I nerv. farmer- Rnfus p. Heatori. f^rmpr. 1 Mark irtl.-vra. farrow IwtTiem-.ra Nelson. :.i'->>rrr: nrlasdn Man'.-T tami.T Klipnb-ir^b NT.1.-Tourr. m.r."i|mt. E.-umet T - Chpp=o7mrL m p r i - b a r t . M"oer>--r H KennPdv: T .!,-) A. s t ' i , we>-.rc»» Walker; 1 'haun -ev Webs. Piattsburgh— Charles M;"er. I irmrr; Al-r./o Gal", Clerk. sarrtnae—T. B chri«'ian. farmer: William Graves, farmer: George Hooey, farmer. sehttyler Falls—George Conner*, farmer: James Harney. Merchant. LrCrKS L. SHEPDEV. J. F. CrNXlXGHAM.' 1 u 11 n*' .I.. 'Mint:. ' • » • . ' District Attorney's Precept. In the Mame of the r.•• •;•%- -f the L s, - ,.f N,-w i,.rk to rli- sheriff . lentity ..f 1 inf.iri N. Y : When as. a Trial Term ••: tie '-'ipr. TTIP I . !-appoint•>! !•• I.pheM.r; arid t..r flu unry 1 Mill..11. at tbe 1 ..iirl U-i—-. m lb" t..'.;uxe 1'1,-itfshiirg'i. N. Y-. -r. it .• 1st!, .>..,•,- ,,1 N..ypiAber. bint, al t'lo-.lopk in the t.-.retioon: \v mmand y..u 111 pursiian.-eof the provi-iorisof TbeKmis- i>d SI,ifut> s in sti.-u pase made and provided. First. That you summon the several persons that shall be drawn in said poimt y pursuant So law to serve as lirand and IVtii .!uxors at said Court, to appear thereat. SppotiiL That yon brinjr before the -aid Court all prisoners then being in ihe jail of said eotiwy, together with ail propessps and in anv wavi-onptrniiiitfhfmm your hands us such Sheriff. Third, That yon make pr. iptamation in the man- cprpri"-.-ribpd by law.notifying all persons bound to at.ppar at said r. Mii-t by reeognizan«-e or other- wise, to appear thereat: and requiring all .lus- ti.-esof tin- Pen.-P. 1 ..rimers, and other officers win. have taken any reeo "Jiizanee for the appear- an.-e of any person at sue-h < ourr. or who shall have taken any inquisition or examination of any prisoner or witness, to return sueh recognizor.-e. or inquisition and examination, to the said cour , at the opening: thereof, on the first day of its sjt ting. Witness, Hon. J. W. Honghton, Justice .f the Supreme Court, this 2Hth dav of October, !£• '. ,J. W. H. HGLCOSLBB. Clerk. H. E. BASSABD, District Attorney. Underwear, Corsets, Hosiery, Waists, Skirts, Children's Bonnets, " Dresses, Ribbons, Yarns, Embroidery Goods, etc. CHASMARS CLiOSIXG OUT S.VI.K. Opp. Withcrill House. PLATTSBl R<.H, N. ^. THE TUHLE t PARSHALL CO. ** JEWELERS.* 'Adirondick,** "Champlam." "Royal Savage" Souvenirs, and Canadian Enameled Novelties. Cleveland-Hartford Columbia Bicycles. A few Sample Wheels ^t Low Prices. W. W. AMor KeareMBCaliv* la I>. A M. At a meeting of the Delewaiw sad H e J m directors held in Mew Tort dtr. Oct. St, Cuarte* A. Peattody, Jr., was ejected a *•<•- ber of tbe board tofillthe recency eawed f.v t'e death of Alfr*1--^tv, .-.j. Mr Pe^.- Honkol tbe Wild Goose. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. The bonk of the wild goose is heard in the land as these immigrants of the air by regi- ments, brigades and divisions fly southward in search of comfort and food. Obeying the dictates of nature, these and other migratory blrds and animals go where they will be most comfortable and happy with tbe least expenditure of force, furnishing an object lesson to man, which be in the blind egotism of h't so-called "reason" either ignores or holds up to scorn and ridicule. Nature sug- gests to him, too, the wisdom of seeking a warmer clime at the approach of winter, but he has so lonsr turned ai deaf ear to her admonitions that hers seems but a still, small voice, making him for the moment un- easy, but soon drowned in the roar of com- merce as he "logically" chases tbe elusive dollar to the edire of "the grave, and there leaves it for his kinsmen to fliibt orer. In- stead of gomir where he would be warm and nature would supply his wants, he remains amidst the sn-iwii, cover'tag himself with artificial skins, hovering over artificial beat- ing apparatuses and breeding new wants to taotaliz* hi in into renewed effort to sapply them. He forms for himself an endiese chain or wants that shackle hfm forever to the wheel of toil and create new desires which leere him DO time to enjoy that which he has acquired. Tne life or the richest bil- lionaire is in tbe last analysis bat ft bead to mouth existence, for he can only eat and wear a certain amount or food and raiment, and tbe rest it bat dross, to gain which be has depriTed and made miserable the tbon- ao<je and owde himself so happier. An Daeid Baram said, "There U no pocket in the •broad," and gold is not legal tender lor salvation- It is better to be a wild goeee nod enjoy ihe mods the gods previa* taw U> waste the little store of energy allotted 10 life in •orroooding ooeeatf wit* a OMitUode •*" things that into nil one's UoMta kena » order. gMaWvFBwowVIQ HKnaawVwHni favorite Remedy y ^n . A K P LIV IROUBttS. Anarchists Celebrate Czolffosz's Death. London, Oct. 30.—The anarchist clubs of London celebrated the execution of Czolgosz by dances in honor of his "noble death." Various groups met in their respective head- quarters at a late hour last night and most of the gatherings only dispersed at 4 o'clock af- ter Binging "Carmagnole." All of the meet- ings lustily cheered every mention of Czol- gosz whose portrait draped In black and red occupied a place of honor on tbe platform. There were remarkable scenes in tbe dispers- al of the dabs, groups of anarchists shoot- ing, "Vive la republiqne," and singing "Car- magnole," dancing and shouting "Czolgosz the brave." The police dispersed some of the groups. The increasing activity of the anar- chists "13 occasioning some concern in Scot- land Tard. _ Vermont Railway Project. Rutland, Vt, Oct 29.—For tbe purpose of constructing two of tbe most important railroads in tbe State of Vermont tbe Rat- land Street Railway Company, which recent- ly passed into the control of Xew Tork capitalists, has made application to tbe Se- cretary of State for permission to increase the capital stock from f 130,000 to $1,500,- t>oo. One of the roads will run from Rutland east through Mendon and Woodstock to White River Junction, a distance of about tony miles, and tbe other from Rutland west through West Rutland, Castleton and Fair- haven to Whitehall, about thirty miles. Tbe work of construction will begin early in tbe spring. It is yet undecided "whether the mo- live power will be electricity or steam. The German System Advocated for This Country. F/vm thn Boeton Daily Globt. The Massachusetts Schoolmasters' Club held its nineteenth annual dinner yesterday afternoon at the Hotel Brunswick. Presi- dent A. B. Hart presided for the last time. The after-dinner topic was "Educational Fellowship." President Henry S. Pritchett of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology contrasted the meetings of students and pro- fessors in Germany with such meetings in Boston. He said the latter were full dress, lormal affairs and the advice of the profes- sors was as formal as in the lecture room, while in a German rerin students met their professors occasionally, In a room filled with tobacco smoke, where there was a splendid supply of beer, and where each settled his own score. He said that in those clubs he had seen a more delicate touch of sympathy between student and professor than any- where else in the world. "We need to learn 10 bring student and professor together under simple and inexpensive conditions." For Governor ot Hawaii. Honolulu, Ocj. 22, via San Francisco, Oct- 30.—At a large meeting of the executive committee of the Home Rule party, Robert W. Wilcox, present Delegate to Congress, was the unanimous choice of the party for next Governor of Hawaii. The Home Rulers comprise all natives and many of the half- breeds? Numerically they easily outnumber all other parties combined, and if they stand together they can elect any one they nomi- nate. Wilcox is their ideal, and they desire to hare the President remove Dole and ap- point Wilcox Governor. State Hospital Inmates. The population of tbe several state hospit- als Sept. 30, the close of tbe fiscal year, 3howed an aggregate increase of 5T1 over the previous year. The following tabulation gives tbe population ol tbe various hospitals during the past three years r NOTICE. The Directors of Iron National Bank, Platts- burgh, IT. T„ will sell at public auction a t 10 o'clock a. m., Nov. 20, 1901, at the store of the Plattsbureh Furniture Company, In the village of Plattshurgh, one Hall burglar proof safe, time lock, and one adding machine, also all the office furniture and fixtures belonging to said Bank. Terms and conditions announced at sale. 4iw3 JAS. SHAW, Cashier; Sheriff's Proclamation. P ROCLAMATION.—Whereas, a term of the Supreme Court is appointed to be held at the Court House, in PlattsburRh, in and for the coun- ty of Clinton, on the ISth day of November. 1901. Proclamation is therefore hereby made in con formiry to a precept to me^direeted and delivered by the District Attorney of Clinton county on the iSth day of October. 19m, to all persons bound, to appear at the said term of the Supreme Court, by recognizance or othervrise. to appear thereat, and all Justices of the Peace. Coroners and other officers who have taken any recognizance for the appearance of any person at such Court, or ivho have taken any inquisition of any person or wit- ness, are required to return such recognizance, in- quisition and examination to the said Court, at tne opening thereof, on t h e first day of its sitting Given under my hand, at the Sheriff's office, in. the town of Plattsburgh. 3T. Y „ o n the 28th day of October, 1901. JAMES P. COfNEfGHAX. Sliaitf of Clinton, County. Tae State Library Growia*-. A Wtmmr iw a Salt Twn Carta n»» Albany, Oct 28.—Tbe State Board ot Re- gents hare laaaedforfive yean,fortbe KM,. 000 dapiicetes of the Stat* Library, afloorin a malt boose, with the privilege ot securing other floors as needfortheir one develops. Tbroagh these duplicates tor tat exchange division tbe State library has tnereaesd its eoUeetioos at tar leas east than other greet libraries, till is a eoaiparauveiy ikon that It ho* become one of tbe lw greatest llnmriea in the dotted State*. Beea ia its new quar- ters in tbe Capital tat library hat grown at mneh faster than abatving bait beta provided that it bos not beea pnesibls to aaoax and nana*forexchange tbe tbaaaaaosef tabs- CASTORIA Bears the SicnatBiwof Manhattan, Long bland, Utica, Gowanda, WUlard, Poughkeepsie, Middletown, Buffalo, Binghomton, St Lawrence, Rochester, 1901. 6,098 3,77s 1,148 351 2,23C 2,094 1,237 1,913 1,350 1,671 581 1900. 5,822 2,869 1,107 311 2,26i> 1,091 1,210 LSisO 1,375 1,606 550 1899. 6,525 2,735 1,119 313 2,254 2,053 L1S8 1,812 1,341 1,580 554 Total, 28,654 22,088 21,374 The Emiieent Kidney and Bladder Specialist. ttWerkln There i n a dteaae prevailing in this country most rlinftiruui beeanan so decep- tive, btiny iiirlflnn deaths are caused by It heart dbeassv p-wrTV-T**, heart failure or apoplexy ore often the result of kidney dUsaao. If Udaty tronble is allowed to ad- -snrn thi rrttlnaj piiliininllili 11 '" -"—*- the vital arcana, ar tba kidneys themselves 4 vasts away cell by ceJL > tba rlrhe ass of the blood the albumen JT -- —• n- n - r , k | » . •aaov VM MBMVBof eMn» tSflTt—jIB S •WliMwi of Udaty trouik. sr'svataaanaaJawat a* new dta- coie for kidney. Waddor ttoMEattt* aWdotaraoav AaaaabTatttfo seat free by meft ataoawaafc tefflng about £wamp- Rcot and its wonderful curei. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghomton, N. Y. and menuoc this Perfumes. AH the leading odors of Handkerchief Perfumes and Sachets, fresh, dain- ty, lasting, at popular prices. 0 We are introducing a Senr Perfume, T HELMA, A 50c. Quality. Come and have your handkerchief perfumed free with Thelma, just to try it. Medical Hall, D. K. Gilbert, Druggist, Opposite Post'jfnc*, PLATTSBUSaS, JSC. T. R KFEHEE'S SALE.—N^wrorkSupreme Court' Cbaton County.—WiUis T. Honsinger. plain- tiff, against Amelia A. Leonard and others, de- fendants. Bj virtue of a Jidsment and decree of foreclos- nre and sale in above entitled action, dated Oct. 2rt. 19U1. and entered in Clinton County Clerk's office. Oct. 29.1901. authorizing and directing the sale of the real estate hereinafter described, I, the undersigned referee, in and by said decree duiv appointed therefor, will sell the said real estate in said decree described at public auction (xi the highest bidder, at the front door of the Court House, in Plattsburgh. if. T.. at two o'clock in the afternoon of the 16th day of December. 1301, as the law directs. The said real estate is described as follows: All that certain aire of land situate, lying and being in Beekmanrown, Clinton County. Sew Tork, and is a part>f lot number thirty-nine t89) in Beekman's Patent, so-catled, bounded as fol- io w«, to wit: Beeinningat the north east corner of Isaac HewitVs house lot and now (.1831 or prior) owned by Henry L. Doniiny in the south bounds of the highway, and running thence easterly in said bounds of said hishway eiaht rods to the west bank of the brook, it being the northwest corner of Hal'ock Bromley's landnSSlor priori; thence south twenty rods to binds owned by James 1L Fulton I1S91 or priori; thence eight rodg alonz said James 5L Fulton's land weac thence north along lands owned by Henry L. Dotniny USUI or prior 1 twenty rods to the place of begin- ning, containing one acre of land be the same more or less, being the same premises described in deed from Geor?e W. Kingsley and his wife Bridret Kinusleyto H. E. Hyde, bearing date of Feb. IB. 1SS3. and recorded in Clinton County Cltrk"s office in Vol. SO of Deeds, page iba. Dated Oct. 29. l»l'. 44 wr CAMPBELL XcLEA>, Referee. County Poor Accounts. OKFICE SUPEKISTJSSPEXT POOH, CLISTOS COUSTT, BAST BEEKXASTOWJ.-, 3T. t , OCT. 9,1901. Jfotice is herebr given to all persons having ac- counts for supplies furnished the County Poor House, and for temporary relief to county poor; also to all overseers of the poor and others having accounts for service relatingto the support, re- lief or transportation of countrpoor, to present the same for audit to the undersigned at his office. on or before November Ilth next (.charges to Xo~ vember 1st onlyto be included). An affidavit to each account will be required, and in case of ac- counts for temporaryrelief paid by order of an ov- erseer of the poor, they should be endorsed with such overseer's approval. Accounts for temporarr rellef and for County House supplies should be made oat and preeeatediseparately. JSachaucuunt should be accompanied by the post offloe addna* of tbe party to whom it is dne. WM. D. SAVAGE. ' 41W5 County Supt. of the Poor. Rotice to Taxpayers. Public notice is hereby given to the taxable in- habitants of the town of Plattsburgh, JC. Y., that I have received the warrant for the collection of Taxes of Free Union School District So. 1, for the year 1901, and that I will attend at m y office in the Weed Building, in said town, daily tSun- da-s and legal holidays excepted) from nine o'clock a. m. to twelve o'clock m. from one p. m. to three p. m., and on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from seven to nine o'clock, for the pur- pose of receiving payment of taxes. Uron all taxes paid on or before November V, 190li one per cent, commission will be added; thereafter, from November T to December 7,1901. two per cent, and from December T, 1901. five per cent, will be added. HE> T RY JTSTDT. Receiver of Taxes. Dated. Plattsburgh. X. ~E., Oct. T, 1901. Extraordinary. «*00*o*4fnnnn«onnoM»w*4*w*w AU Bads of Horse Clothing for Winters Use w*w*w*o4aBMuwnar»**w*««* Never in the history of this store has there 1H>OTI such a displ i\ of Blauketsv and Robes as we are now showimr at prices that «••' all t'l.nti'ii County to buyins;. Every Blanket in our store is from the. 0-A blanket mills which is a auarantee of their sroo.l ipiaitr. Our robe* ar« all from the equally reliable Lowerre Fur House. Below we quote a bo* of the many bargains we offer. | 5 - A Horse Quilt, 76 inches lonff, weight lo lbs., - - - SI drt 1. No. 345 Jute, lined, extra large," two surcingles, - - - - 1 21 No. S6, Brown Duck, full wool lined, 7fi inches long, two snreingV*. 2.5ti SQUARE BLANKETS. No. 223, Redeemer, 80x90 inches, strap sewed on fancy pattern, Alpbonso, 80x90. fancy pattern, extra finality, - No. 67, TTmon, 76 inches long, fancy pattern, fast colors, An elegant assortment of stable "and square blankets from to $10.00. All equally good bargains. A Fine Showing of Grey and Black Goat Robes. Also a complete assortment of Brown Bear, Yellow Dog and Japanese Coon Skin Robes. CHILDS & BYRNES, Rink Bnildint;, Clinton St.. Plattsburgh, X. Y. 1.25 1.75 2.75 $3.l.H) T HE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF i"ET TOEE to Charles Tromblv. as administrator of the goods, chattels and credits of Charles Trembly, late of Chazy, Clinton rjounty. New Vork. deceas- ed; Samuel L. Wheeler of Plattsbureh. Clinton county. New Turk; Flora Robinson of Houses Point, Clinti n county, Sew Tork; Adaline La- rigne. as sole surviving administrator of t h e goods, chattels and credits of Flora Evans Trem- bly, deceased. Adaline Laviime, Louis Trembly, Orrin E. Stinkier, selden S. White, Peter Trombly and Jame» Trembly, all of Chazy. aforesaid,- John Trombly. Coralie Trombly. Oliver Habidean. Jos- eph Habideari and Ellen Wiiforeof Keosevule, Clinton countv. Sew Tort; rosem Hart of Keese- vilie, Clinton county, Sew York; Peter F. Masse of Chary. Clinton coantr. Sew rock, Louise Las- sorof Fair Haven, Vermont; Philemon Collette of North Adams. Massachusetts; Mary TeUier and William Trombly of Isle la Motte. Vermont; Mary Baekborn of Worcester. Massachusetts; also to tae ehildren of Julia Carter, a sUter of said Flora Eraaa Trombly. deceased, who«e name* and resi- ilaaee* are nelknown, and to Helen M. Patce, whose raridenee la unknown, and to all persons iateccs'ed in the estate of Flora Evans Trombly, lata 0/ Chair. CMatoa eoui.ty. Sew Tpdt ceceas- •4. a* nilliori U«»tam neat, of kin. or other- WIFM. wilt greeting: Toaan4eaehot yon are hereby cited and re- oaired nsraonallr to be and appear before our gomcateof the Coemrof his office l«H2Sb««»i-la«»ideottntj-.onth« lsth-daruf n y i t r t o isoi, at t*a o'clock In tbe forenoon of tfcatday then and there to show c«nse why a ue- fT«aah»mld not be made by the said ^'irn«ate ''"T mmr to taw Macau* of th* St»:eof Sew Tork f-T-lj. 1 M - ma- 1 - and prorhied. diieetinjr Adaline Lavhrae as sole sarvirinc adminJstrator of the ZLZ easTM^aBdoreoasal Flora Evans Trom- brrlii* ot Chaay. afoeaaald. murt- ?*irr7-~ ifZLm anehot the real astauof SETdeosnead m shaUbe seeeMeryto pay the ZteaadfoiMwaleaneaeatof the said deusessd. Mmkltimrot tae p—aa»IweMri bo radar %mimmotn Saea. tier at* rwjatawt to appear br SSt ^ S i S a J f tbsy have uae, ur, U they ' uaaoser aadanelrfar oeetooeap- wul b» appoiatM by «>•=»«'- SCSlff Ct KfSHI. DANREIOIA, N. V. ALL DEPARTMESTS IN OUR Has just been replenished with BuiiTTiFrL jyrir Fall and Winter Goods. The Iine3 we carry are well known to the public. We call Special Attention to our Ladies" Cloak & Suit Department Styles of Garments and Prices Are Bound to Suit the Purchaser. WE ARE AT THE FH0XT WITH Men's A. Boys' Suits and Overcoats. Men's Clothing Made to Order. Fit Guarantotd and. Prices Low. I e Sell Queen Quality Shoes AM) 0TH£R Pi ,±it M-UU:^. GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. Thanking the p-ibhc for past favors ax J soliciting future patronage, we are Bespectfullv. SCilFF k KEESAX. Dancemora, Oct S, 130L, HABIZ lOBNIADr CANARIES In Full Song JT<X RECEIVED BT Cady Dmi Company Call and sec them and make your seiectioa. Bird Cages. Bird JSe^L Binl Sand, Feed Cups, Batiiiiiir Disliec!, Bii-d Medicines. FRED E. POROY. Lamber Dealer fffiAIQUiRIERS FOB Spnict aniffinloea:Shingles ASD Dimension Lumber. Spruce Building Timber or Joists, any length up to 10 feet, on hand or sawed to order on short notice. Special Prices on Shingles for this month. PEED E. PTJfiDY. Office and P. 0« address. PLATTSBCRGH, >". T. Telephone, Altona, A. 7-2. Plattsbursjli. FOR ALL KINDS OF Blank Books. School B<x>ks, Story Books, Magazines. Dai- ly Papers, Weekly Papers. Inks. Tablets, Cigars. Confec- tionary, Pens, Pencils. Scis- sors, "Knives, Hammocks. Rubber Stamps. Billheads, Pads, Base Ball Goods, Win- dow Signs, and a good drink of Ice Cold Soda, all flavors, goto Wo R. COWANS, So. BriakeraonTStreet. Oppo-itP p...«:•-•'' --. W'.-r.. I,-_'...• is o.u 11 r :• .- ^r ... -v_.. - L _ t. PLATTSBURGH Foundry & Machine Co. Iron aai Brass Fouaders aid Machinists. AU kiniJs of Caitas^. M.„, \V,.rk J.I 1 b>; a.r^. Enibossersi. t-LaiT:!^. !'•_...•«. I.'i^j—« i.^ir- 'nj.iira. r ^«. F.-ir-i^. r. rj:L^-- V- .:.- j_ : A .-..,r-. i/lnBUri« U.I Ar.i l>.~n< ».- •-. t-i L-i— • i.-: .r.^-. M... =--n;.es. &• A.. N'.v >-x >•••. ; >'-*• Mi . -v N?w T--..1. N'-.v t r T.. Ej[«Tr-..T.|*. rirtr;. - 1 ;.; i r t f r.V iir:^ ;r. -.,'../ i"'t.i:v .. WANTED. Well educated man wanted a' ouce v«r^j r.~» t i-orresponden'-e ><lio"l in >"«-rtn<-rn N"f» Y-rk. Salarit^l cozitra.-t to r«l.t man. A-lire-w >"at*n« refen>n.-es, riiRKE^PiiNDESi K MH><>!. .tteow-ii K'-j if'- i'-ii'fri «• Farm For Sale. Situated six tnilc* lorrfa of TJafTsbur^'i •» .ir'?.» State Road: bfiy a..-rt«; ail f ab >• 'jitt.^ «•! »f-ll that never run* dry: b'n •iinz* 1'., »i ^--~1 T*I-A r icood Fix-hard. M'j-'t *o..j T., ... rt « .-i ,s'^t<- Terms easy. Ar,pv T.. rtw.i A. I"»M1NY. « Margaret street, PUttM,arsis. 'xiaZ c E*tal-ii=.U.-l 4-1 5r«« 'ifft-rs fea'urt-^ wb b .,thers.-i-o..l. Hun.lrr.bof jri-lux"'?* nnally. ^^ud f. r new art --a'H. - OMMERCIAL. MOOL. U l 11- t I ; A • 1 Miss M. WELDON, A<»£NT ¥<>H Eoyiev Extract«f r«•••>•* TT^. P- rf A-^K« T . • Water?, tfacbrt T'"W'i»-p» i i l f v l *' >- t,t ^Brl-kt-r* ff^-Tv.-*. 41tf I-I.ATT>I:fT',lI N y J. A. McCRANK, Doctor of Veterinary Science Calls n eht an 1 .lay ; roi:.; t y stvi. ; by calling at h.~ >•:!:'.-f. IO Trinity "^<iuaro. PLAXXSSI K»iH. Jt. y City Market, 20 1AJL6Altll STKIII, I o n will alivays i '•XL% .•-XV s>t>J •ATIVC AMI WCSTEIN, l « F , Pork, Veal, Mutton and Lamb, POUl/rttV, CAME, Pork Saasage and B-log-m Sattsi •;* Frankfort Siusi.-e. Hoaey Comb Tripe, COLBY fKllE B\l OS, HAM A>1^ MIMX JUEAT, riUSH LSI) SALT FI>H, 0jr*ter» and Ve^etublrs in <*-a-oji. JOHN COLLI MS. Tie Season is Mi CmmmM, AC.Ci, l-'.'i.^ IJ~:.V an 1 UT.'Ti ..i° .'-fi'^'^t*. }< FHX H' >•?•». •»«- TVZJLTJ iz, X Trr-i.- ,>-r »»>*••««*»••••••••»»»aaa>a Til NEW T0B£ ¥0BLD Thri«e-a-W»«k Kdltiou. t Edwin C. Clarke. IVIOLIN! MOVING BUILDINGS. A M-i Ttiilli INSTRUMENTS, -.,. : ; 0 '2-i Clinton Street. - ' - •••••• * Marble & Granite Works. SALPSMO 1lh.e Moat "Wi« Raad X«wt- painr in .-Vxixorlca.. Coonty of CIJBUJB, at rlatMbarirn. th«»«t 1*7 "* iJcu*«r. ooe tUuuaand Cue hJndr»J ani •. -r. (j.i] Tirt.HK «.aEl»t"EN. CIi«k of >jri.«ate'* ti'-ri. W. C Wiiwiat. A.tfcm»y tor ?BUiiun»r. «wT Tim* haa dtHnunscrated tiai the Tbriix-m W«l World waad* aivnr tn its eta**- Mttter tajwrs bars imitated tw f.-rm biit nut its *sct-«s. TL.s is b«eauie I t w i n ail the news all tto t-s-a- and z*U» It Impartially. wh«thar tbar. neurit be po^tu-al or otharwia*. It lain tate alnnwia dally a t tt.-- pru 1 * ot a wssair and K U i.-aiuiut afford to wltaoat it. Hepublkma and Dtuaocrar: aldu eas n r a d CJa* TnrK*-*-W«t«k World witn ai*. late o..c£d«nce ia im truth. In addition to new*. i£ publUiio. arst c.»~ **r'.*l rnari** and utaer fauoraa ^uitad ux tbe UooMtud j i aaid« Ta« Tta k»-a-Wsak Wurld's r««ularaubii<triptlt.ia wfes ta ooly (l.utiv par yaar and itu* t u,>. f..-r i:< j»aE*r». We.fltt-rtt's >iE» i ,-ia:.!^J «. * - ; ' , - " >- 1 ull' »rrr- - < Ki- J-.-IM v ^- -•-. --- • -1-' J. rtS *•» T'-erct~or ?-fj«.r; •. -.r. -..-•...; . % ,i,«.-s w&t'A/. WAMTED f N ."*-nr ">•••». ".'.-i'. > 1.NUI t fcHtMs ' ' ... ' •; •T-^-i-t-e-1 WlUIt N«)« ai-i ^p- - r t . a ^ . » ^ i l = — X - -— : ~ '--•- - -t— — - - ter A 12r»r-*. THE HAWKS .XURSfcKY LUVJLN'Y, Rocbi-'ir, S. Y. •u i n : u-^ CHAHLES REED. PCHU, N. V. and w*rr*^.ic<t CHAHL^i- H&? t> ARTHUR P. HUCHES, PRACTICAL ELECTRICIAN. t A-: a. -I^ .- - E.»*.Trval SJ.;,. lilC3fc^l«»*.^'£lt *«!«« M I'-alts*. orJ;U. N Miss Elsie E. Allen. SPECIALIST. >:-, Delaney s Hotel, So*, t 5 t'karlott* Mrf*f, >* _ ,a_- *** ^ x; ***-

Transcript of Lamber Dealer SCSlff Ct KfSHI. - NYS Historic...



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•>irini.- M'I 'fti'i X*f'«ncy. f' I , ->-TJ» t l ' i , T t . f i r r n i T

^. i.'ir IT F-i'lx- 1' .-i- KrM-Mt, Mo-.-h-t-f Ll'fJF.N U MIEl ' I 'EN

.t r iTNSTV' .HVM.

Don't Forget Millinery

£ Price. A L L



P R I C E S .

U •'-"!•

I.svt ,,f riarrifN *.f jv.r^.rfF .Irriwn *** F * .-•, .r-, 1 ..inly 1 .Tk'« --SR-e »i «• -tl«t .lav ..f ii,t.,b»-r. 1 i"i. .ii In ..'• '...Hk \ H - i . - ^ ' T r o ;ts '|'r • ** . r . i ^ , ^ •)t a T m ' TVrrri "f ttn' Mif.««Tn«' ' .''ITt TO he hi !•! ;tl Hi 1 ."irf H..ii«p. in ihPTiUac^ ' f r'attohirrch.' m ilif . . . .u ' l ' r -.f i lint..n. .-.n t-hp thinl Mvivlav.

[ III.' l**'-h-I.iV--f N..rp.Tllbfr. TK'l I A; \"rn<»)anii. farmrr: An-irex I D n. v, .Tr . ' irrnfr. I Au--ab;c .T ,',r, •• NV ,. f t-n-.r- rvml H K ' . ' . i r l . i ma. >..r,;«i. Kr.'l t IT*;-, ni.-r. :'t—'^r Ti ' ^1** | \V.«is(i, farti iT. I.—.\,s i ! ' i ^ . I I I J - ! , ' I " V •• !

s ; T | , f i * . n . I ' > T k . I IS.'pkmani..«n "»,.3-r>v Pa 'c" . f-rmpr. I>-K.<

\ n u I . - r ' . ' S I I o t c r i ' ^ t s i l l ( U P R r m t l > t . a k p a ( D l l p v . f a r m ' T : L P W I S I . t f a y . t t p . f i r m P r

i Bit. k Br.• k C i a r i p s Raiiwin. F:\.rra*Tr. .1 i n fartm-r.

rhampla in -Th-.mas Harp». ,Tr . 'VTIIPT-; E. >~> L« farnn.r: n . s BatPtnan, farmnr; B i r n a r t Yalp. farmpr.

*• U \ : : i K s IV '-'VtlTn tVp-'-iPnt. F•;• .it.'';11 K v « MIH Trpa- ' i r e r T. - l - l i \M. W t Trci-. iri-r

I J i i t h u n l <i(>l-» I n t o M o n t r e a l .

"•• - a

i: i .

I V tl \ \ J | 1 I < .tnaili.-in P a c i l l r . .

, i i ' ;M - T ' I P f r . •..•ii wl. i iv ",,-• (Jnir-t Tnr.k 11 ;: : . - r ' i • I ' t ' . T . - l ••

• r - . ' i i . ' " i ' .>• ) ' . ' » ' > v , i - ! . r . . | j _ : ' i

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- . ' , ; . H . ; ' . . I , n ' « - n i l I h P . r - . 1 . -

> .l-ji ••.••! a ;*.ffAftivM f!ii'_r at | •; :• .•: .! H I i I - ••. T ' . . - . ! ••> w i t * '

T r - i . - . , : >•> - . . !. W . | i i - " ' ! ' ' ( ' B i U i -

- - > !<-.". !;»: 'Ti •{ I ! ' " v . ! i . . i P I f - i 'V-

•<nppr-!rui turp. .: t.'-la\ wiiu ,U mini rash f >r im-r ckip:1-* px'ravasrancp. forfiirn >Ii>-

Tl.i I b ' m n c r a t a l iehevp

' !*"_'.' ' .11

l l i f a l - f i r ! ' .

lb.pit an.i -rr fi.-v i-an be

l-i : ' , . • b U ' . ; . '

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. i p i.ifvas.nn*

• pr-mc'Vim of •at - T - t c ! . of

b - j . - n ^ - l w. 'Ji

M i l

b.r T. •' i r

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fpl —

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•v . . f . - ' a ' . p . C a t p b f ' V t i T ? f i t

< f l ip} la^t wppk for t ' lP^PC'TiI

. ,i , 'y t i l!.p r tmrJp r i . f Govpr-

, ' , . ..f K -nt'i'-'Ky iii J a n u a r y . V."'»>.

'.v...•:•••! u n l was spnb'iji.-j.l fur tlie

I . T I P t • :,fp lmpr . s inmPDt. Trip I IP-

, P ! a in'it. in i i r unfit .'.PT t r ia l an J

,-a'i ;• -1 t i c a n s a r« J u . n z UiPir ulra-tst

li.tii f-..m t.'i-,.ast p u r p - u m p n t .

; . . . r . i b i


f. •!• .; i

. r . . i p - '

r b •\.~;.bi" .ti T •lvb-1 w II bp i

T .• t" :-. I-T,'ii:.Ta!' B ' i rpau is on the

wati.-'. b e an unarcM?: k n o w n in t h e old world

a* J j i fp . f •' K- ' I . " i .°w 9Uppo?pd to b e on

i* way ti. tb;n c . ' i : i ! n . Tiie informat ion t h a t

In- i- p.imin_r was ~prt by the I t a l i an g o v e r n -

m p n t t o WasSbburtbn. Jiffel is a n I t a l i an

•whit i? s a s r f c t e J of h a v i n g b e e n io ip l ica ted

in t h e assass ina t ion of K m a t H a m b e r t , » n d h e

is said to h a v e w n l t p n to t h e assass in , Bresci ,

aayiriE; ••Toa did n g b t . E v e r y o t h e r c r o w n e d

pb_r sh .mld b e se rved the s a m e w a y . "

— A T T . r t m r f f va •* .v Ij11 rtarrr-ghTnTsfar r p p o r t

115 A ' i - n e a n otfliera a n d 3.37S m s a h a v e

b e e n k. . !ed m th^ Fh i l i pp ines a n d 1?2 officers

a i d 2 i"i5 m e a h a v e b e e n wonnde .L To ta l ,

6,'12! m e n . a n d 237 officers. T h e R e p u b l i c a n

pobey of imper i a l e x p a n s i o n is c o s t i n g the

c i u n t r y a e . t as iderab le a m o u n t of blood a n d

t r e a s u r e , a n d the Pni ' . ippine whis l le is l ikely

to p rove a d e a r o n ' . I t should b e no ted , in

th . s e laneet ion. t.'iat h igh Repub l i can offliials

a r e n o w .Jemaudtoff a s t a n d i n g a r m y of 3 5 , -

IVII'I n tbe P . ' b . p p i n e i for an indefini te t i m e .

Tor vote f >r .Audrew McKeefe. Mr.

McK-irft-15. (.no of P l a t U b n n r b ' s r e l i ab le c i t i -

z-:r arid U~ w.i a jmir i i^ ter lt ,e affairs of this

j r ap ir 'ar. t o l fu - ;b the in te res t s of the peop le

an i t.'.e t a x p a t e r * . H e eome< before t h e

v. >tt-rs of d n t i . i i i r.vt as an office-seefcer, who

i* • \;>ertH 1 to m e t e ou t r e w a r i s for j iohtical

f a v . r - , or J ub i - . hme t t s f'ir f"'i. : .cai enemies ,

t u t be t a k e f th;> .norjiination us a srood cit i-

z -b i- '• nr. 5. t ' i "tepp'.i .t: fo rward a t t h e call

o f ; . . « U-:, iw «..:.ze'.i?, and as a firm be l i eve r

t ' .a t i" . ; . : .c . ' l i . p i- a pu'. 'i.c t m ? '

At. I r - w McKeefe for SherfT. V o t e for

i ' j r of A»=e:/i ' ' .y v j t e for J o h n

H. M'-re. Tbe farmf rs of Cnton county h.i\f an o;; •ir'at./.y b. s y--ar of sending oie of V.' ' own r.u-nber to Aiiany to help mak- us--. Tins opportunity Comes only y-rv se.tom. ar.d wbeb .t IV.TJPF- it should be taker.. \V.'\ ^ h ' ^ i t'.e voter? of Clmton C 'a^st _-,. or. f-.rever '.-r. i.&sr to the Legris-latnre • •' •. b-it. 'or. t: e baKer. the candle-at i.s-ii.aker ur i i • v.-r ?end a farmer. The farmer- ar-- .:. a .ar;- rr.-> Tity. Let them speak a. ?•.•.•! wur 1 b.r t!.»-m.-<eives thi? year. V •:- f-.r J.. ,n II. M ••re for Member of As-seni'-'v.

A dm ra.; I>ewey Las- honored himself by res -jn.r J: the presi of the Metropolitan C.ib i.f V."a*t..rart.-.r. on acocnut of the savaire er.-.c.-m f-y ri.emt»er3 of the club of his ru'.r.v of the Seii.t-y. Court of Icijuiry as be-ir_r t ••' favorable to Hear Admiral Schley. T-,- Metropol tan :* one of the most exclusive r.r^iiu./itioti* in Wa-slir.gton, bat Admiral D'irm wft: duubtteas marage f« get along in s.itTie way without the support of a set of men who wo'a 1 ;..r.i the.r inu-ieoeea to help b.-eaK d...wn or.e ...f hi- bravest feiiow-offieerp, the reu. „ -r.' "f ~.iT'.,au". u« Admiral Dew*y wa' ':.• t.e.-... >.f Macta.

S«e that your rote lor Di»trict -Attorney tef. T je.-iav .* c-bt for I'atXiCk J. T.ernej. Mr. Tierr.-y - 'ir.e of th*'1 native bora of Gin-t .Ti County u . i „e j ttjroa^b.y ^uahSed to ItS^-anre the of this Important office • cred.t t& t.-- .- ' ' w.tu hoior to the

r"l>l i f..r t..- 'j»-r>; lu'eresu of all foad ;s. Mr. T.entey belong to no political

*.;e-be-k.t.g trust, t ie members of which .re always re*3y t>"» grab everything- in eight i the war of publtc ofTl:e?, and he received ."^i vote i..f ;ne convention which

• .-r ,r ..*. I • -'•-• ar.1 he ;- ;t. no ense a m'.cor-. . . . V :•• ' : ivr . . r . J T.ern. y

T-rh K-p

I -.••

t *e« r. 1 r - i - ; e :

a.: V

f . x a r t ' - t ' ^ e e h

rt» from P a r i r

C i . ' - a r f , c . m m a n d e r of

.L L.e Mei . t ' - iTi tnean ha?

•: •:•: - t h t cu-torr-s of the

•.- t '. a t o n c e pay up t h e

T:.e cu-we of t h e f r x L o n b e -

I r - i . ; p un i T ' i r i^ - j , i o v e r t h e S a l t a n ' s

, • *..J kuv hi.c& t h e concess.CFus wtjieh

• *• .: I " , i t o t h e . - f r ench y j a j s Ccim-

- n > r a fine s y s t e m of docki;

j . j , t r a t n « a > * hu« b e e n ba . . t *n C o n s t a n t i -

| . , ; ,!• f r . i i .s ,proven,ent iS t h e com-

i.*:.j ..< rea^ . a .ns frr.-at i r u - t s . lha ter s d -

. . t**, IVr . ° b'-.-t. h i , t a j t h a t live F r e c c h

1-et LiiS r e t u r n e d t " Tvuhtn, b u t is r e a d y to

-a., u - ^ n _ t t b v r t no t .ee .

Nyw if.*.: . t .* 4 . . u \ ' - r w . th . p e i h a p i a UtU*

'.n fajr? a* 1 J t h e t-tica.?- v! lite p r e sen t I*. *.

*?zrv'. d e t e c t i v e nenrtC.-, m a y b * m o r d e r .

ir 'ujr P r e s . J e n t McK-nley, <JQ thaf f»tal F n d » y

Bi bef t i r e p r o e c t f c i « bAf iOi ItWO ulrilOtt

C j t l i P ^ . e : ) ehl ie lupe j .u a CVJliJ Of ••g^HJ'Fg.J

s >cre:^. »n-t jet a mao who bad »t-t f v l O d ' h e UtUfbtiOO Of H4MJ COBUIOB « 0 r -

t iU by tiFi aasj-.^-jia »iii><«r»£.Fje *nd Kctiotu wa« ahotffd to wtlit right op 10 tbePretideot ». * i^U.! io hi* band, bttugltogljf corwed w a. l»Bdlc«chi*f, mid tire two Ao^ily c .> laty hiu bed) b*f»re «cy of Ui«« Ul-


TI t: '-ie tb;r.^r' Nut bT ar.y means. And there r.e\er w a time ;n the whole history of t ie country when there was more need for thft IienioeratiC Co'interptise to hriuir bark rnirmu'i Ciin Idion-.

I>.•l imTary d o e - nut be , . pye m a b u r - t a n d -

Inrr army and a big exjien^ive navy such as Itepuiihean ru e is fust bringing «s to. Iiemo-cracy doe? not beiieve in foreign cor.'j'iest and iiP^leccng our own country, but it be-i;PTr.3 irJ openinEt *he arreat lakes to the Amenean seahoari and in connecting onr Aliantic and Pacific enacts by a ship canal, without reference to the desires or dictation of railway kings. There is plenty of work for Democracy to do, and the Democratic party will live to do :t and those who are fondly predicting the death of that party may take comfort in the assurance that only when the Republic dies and gives place to an imperial monarchy will the Democratic party have closed its mission.

Next Tuesday there will be an opportunity to strengthen the bands of this great party of the people. Our adversaries are very ex­ultant just now as they see modern Republi­canism and imperialism apparently firmly seated and daily gaining ground. But let them rejoice with tjemblmg, for already there are abundant signs of restivenew, eren on their own side. The great wheel of progress s^^rwuttl .isA roasd, and just an sure as this is true just BO sure will the- top be at the bottom, and tho3e who are now exalted will be abased.

Next Tuesday every true Democrat, and every man who believes in the people's cause should cast his vote for the right.

. — » • »

Czolgosz Executed. T h e U t n r d e r e r of P r e s i t l « n t M c K i t r t e y is

O r b a n t a n d r n r e p e n t m i t t o t h e Taut.

Czolgo^z, the murderer of President Mc-Kinley, was executed in Auburn prison in the electric chair at 7:15 o'clock last Tuesday morning, October 29.

Czolgosz was sleeping dt 5:30 a. m., and was awakened bv Warden Mead, who then read the death warrant, to which the mur­derer listened in a stolid manner. The war­den after reading the death warrant notified him that be would be executed at T o'clock and then left the cell and went back to his office. Directly a prison guard came to him and said Czolgosz wanted to him. The warden then returned to the cell with other officials, when Czolgosz said he had a state­ment to make but he wanted^more people to hear it. The warden told him that it waa not convenient to have more people present at the time. "Then I won't talk," replied Czolgosz. "Til say what I have to say in the chair." The officials present endeavored to make L.ra talk bat he refused, saying he would wait. The warden and officials then left and the guards brought his breakfast, toast, eggs and coffee which he ate, appar­ent'.} with a good appetite. At 7:05 Warden Mead summoned the witnesses to the death chamber. They were as follows:

Fireman. John P. Jaeckel. State Treasurer: Hon Ashler Cole. State Railroad Commissioner, Albany: Hon. H. H. Bender. S ta te Superintendent of Public Buitdines: Hon. Charles R. Skinner. State super intendent of Public Instruction, Al­bany: ijeoirtre W. Stone. tSorvrieh. ST. T. ; C. L. In-sr-dis. Wesrfield. X. T.: Dr. H. O. .Ely. Binjrtaamton; W. B. Wolff. Rochester; ("harles R. Hant le r , Buffa­lo. Iir Hi imp. Dr. i j . R. Trowbridge. Buffalo; John A sleioher. Kew Turk.

Pbysn-lan*: Dr. Carlos F. SfacDonald, S e w T. .rk; Dr. John Gerrin. Auburn.

Deputies. H. Bonesteeh Troy: B. D. Wolffe, R i-.uester: c. F. Ratntan. Auburn: GeorgeR. Peek. Aabarn : <i E. Graham. Albany; J, E. Tremaine; C. E. B e m a u .

B. T. Davis, electrician: W. N. Thayer, assistant electrician; George T. Coatie. eneineer.

The witnesses took the seats which had been placed ior them along the sides and back of the small room. Tne death current waa tested. The dynamo sang out its death song, which no one who haa witnessed one of these horrible scenes will ever forget, twenty-four incandescent lights b!az;dout; the death maciune waa m goj.1 order. The door lead­ing to the death ceil swung open and Czsl-srorz eriterei at7:Io a guard on either a.le. He looted about him, as if for one glance, but he found none. He marched with a shambling gait to the chair, conducted by the guard3. He 3eated himself, and his staring eyes, effeminate lips, long jaw, thick nose, unevenly moulded features, right eye and ear higher than the left were •a it<* I. He Wad strapped to the chair and the t'-ahy el'Vtrodes were adjusted, one to h.s

I bare ..- r. through a cat made in his trousers I »•.. 1 une to h.s heal. All was ready. "I shot

the Pres.dent because I thought I would ben-eSt the goc-d working people. I am not sorry for my crime. 1 am heartily sorry I could n >t see my father." This is what he said. He had refused all religious ministrations. He had charged that there shoald be. no prayers over bis dead Dody. He had de­clared iLat be would die as he bad lired—an anarchist- Warden Mead gare the signal an J in a second 17'JO volts of lightning shot through the victim's body. Every mascle in hj« body gave a bound, bat the straps held. T^e carrent was kept on over a minute and re luce! to 200 volts, and agaia the fall force was turned on and the man waa dead. The l » i v waa remove J to a n o t h e r r o o m a n d t h e

autopsy fo!t .-wed. Tae brain waa found to be m a normal condition, and above tbe av«-ra^e weight, and every organ of tbe body wait alio m a healthful condition. Tbe body was buried in tHe prison Jot with »uffla«ot qulckUme and vitriol to concilia* itoompltfto-ty in a few boors.

an 1 ..i d .;•.'*' • ' . . ' r a _- • • 1 hi lb n .,.>r.r.' ' > t b e ,|e-ii m I • f ::ie pe.ip!.- for

e,_-',! . ra-- ;• •• ••-. i- • o'fi-,.r-. i7«i TI Adi . r . - a -e • .- ., e! - a b - ' t . - -

I s b m 1 I t ' ; I I 111.1 > 111 ' ' e .1 I ! ; -

' i f >rre ;, - . . o V m e b t . T , - -••:-re—-n: ; ' , . . «,-";ir •u:;'. ' beret >-

F u t u r e . | „ , , r l i . r .n b> lie- do,.'<, •:!-

n f t b e i - ' a b i ' a n ! - a , peac. . mav be e a - n y p f e - . - l V e 1 ,f t i l l " p e o p ' e l ^ e i l - p • W 1 t • • . ] f l . * • .

Xia.l udvisp Hil^ 'd"! to w.iste no t u n e but I l l .ne on II i m m e d i a t e ! } .

- .gt ie. l i C H A F F E E .

R i v e r a m i H a r b o r K v p e n d i t a r e s .;i . • ii't. ."•'» - T h e W a r Depa r t ­

ment to-dav i-- ' ief tbe anrmal r epor t of l l r i -gad .p r (Jpb'eral G. L . l i h p - p i ' b chief of eng i ­nee r s . I". S. A. Ii poi i taais , a m o n g o the r th ings , t b e r . v e r and umrtior e.-!imates for the vear eiiLngJuneh1!. l:''C. aggregating SI :'.-!M^,-tH7 5 ' i ; t h e e-tim;i.tes for t h e Mississippi r iver commiss ion , SI', fi'.ij.non, and the Mis­souri n v e r c n m n i i ^ i u n , S 1 , O I ; 5 , 2 I H I .

The tota l a m o u n t ac tua l ly e x p e n d e d in connec t ion with t h e i m p r o v e m e n t of r ive r s a n d ha rbo r s d u r i n g the tnca l y e a r e n d e d J u n e ."in, wastSlfi.lfi 'MOfi.lU, a lso 83 .4 iU, -121.111 for the k w s i s - i p p i and Missouri r iver commiss ions .

Discuss ing the suli ject or tor t i l ica t ions , Genera l GJ-.llespie dec la res t ha t to -day t w e n ­ty-five of the pr incipal ha rbor s of the CTnited S t a t e s h a v e a sufficient n u m b e r of heavy g u n s and m o r t a r s m o u n t e d to p e r m i t of a n effec­t ive defense a g a i n s t nava l a t t a c k .

D u r i n g the pas t y e a r cons ide rab le p rog res s h a s b e e a m a d e t o w a r d t h e ins ta l la t ion of an a d e q u a t e rapid-f i re a r m a m e n t . A c c o r d i n g to the repor t , e x i s t i n g app roved pro jec ts for sea coas t defenses c o n t e m p l a t e the m o u n t i n g of a b o u t 4(54 heavy g u n s of t h e 8, 10, 12 and 16 inch ca l ib re , o r a b o u t 1,041 rap id l i re g u n s —(i -pounders and 6-wch c a l i b r e — a n d of a b o u t 704 m o r t a r s , a t an a p p r o x i m a t e to ta l cost for t h e e n g i n e e r i n g work n o w e s t i m a t e d a t $50 ,000,000. F o r c o n t i n u i n g t h e w o r k of cons t ruc t ion n o w in p r o g r e s s on g u n a n d m o r t a r b a t t e r i e s , a n e s t i m a t e of $4,000,000 is s u b m i t t e d . A n e s t i m a t e of $2 ,000,000 i s • " i F " " i » ^ t a r M»» «rrtni<ition of s i t e s , t b e m o 9 t ^ H ^ ^ H | ^ B | ^ B B o s t o n h a r b o r a n d

•* t^BBWWWWfto New Torlc hor bor; f^i'dg-Lj f-m-dg—t inuation of torpedo expertnrer..»rsmi ;STJUU,O69 for installation of searchlights. _

Effec t or C a n c e r B a n i o r .

a " . . . _ , l i l l i

D .' on; •'. c i v . T » - o f ! . • • — ' '

r-'Z-i . I ' I I I . ' t ' i " I

i - b I ' i, r n . i i a ! ' .

I. verp • .' i n ; ' . - . iv •: . 1

an I 12.". •• I

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C o . a b a n line n-fu.-.ns t o bu-i : i—- for t h e R u t l a n d

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.u ; ;!i.< ("inn l u n P.nbil.-. T h e (Jrand T r u n k , . . ; ' .n_' d l!il-. p 'osed down on t h e m . P e r -

. : •• i i ' . - Ti- it. Pr—i len t o f t l i e R i t land road , ii ! >.r T i • Shai i ihnp^?)- h a d a c o n s n h a -n in 1,.-re j es te r lay a n d as a resu l t , wi th in •en da\*" l ime , t h e R u t l a n d will b e r u n n i n g in to Mont rea l o v e r t l ie C a n a d i a n Pacific T i « - k - .

R a M g r i <»l" T e r r o r i u N o m e .

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t r - l . wii'-r.- I- was h -rn t o W; , , ; , ; , , ^ , , , , Mx,\ a - . - p t , - 1 .

P r o ' . I .e ' io 1 ol P a n - h i * , | | , p i v - r f ] a l.e-.y m e t h o d o!': beat liy Sej iar i ' , , ! •; iv.i-t e r in to oxygen and h y d r o g e n . l ' : r i i i i i t ed hea t a n d p o w e r m ".nail e x p e n s e 1- w h a t is. d u n n e d for it . Mercury li 'eat»d with chlor-li j ' lr io acid a n d m a g n > - i n m is placed in wa te r and a previous1}" u n k n o w n oxide nf nien-ury H formed, a t t e n d e d witli i n t ense hea t , which. Willi 11 siurbt ad lition of ou t s ide hea t s e p a r ­a te? the wa te r into its c o m p o n e n t nases .

t rm . , Y .

KeiMirt T h a t K i n s i* Aff l i c ted S t o p * C o r o ­n a t i o n IP r rp i t r a t ions .

London, Oct. 29.—The pertinacity with which society discusses the rumors regarding the health of King E Iward has had a serious effect on tbe court dressmakers, who expect­ed ere now to have been busily engaged on the coronation robes, etc. They are keeping large staffs m almost complete idleness. The members of society have apparently made up their minds that they will not go to any ex­pense until the last possible minute, when they feel sure that the coronation will really occur.

Tnere is a very clearly defined impression in the diplomatic corps that the King is threatened with some organic complaint. Some go so far as to say jt is cancer or Bright's disease, or even both. Probably the truer solution is that the cancer rumor springs from the King's oft expressed dread of cancer, which has made such ravages in his own family, and that whatever ailment may threaten him it has not reached any definite or dangerous stage, else he would be quite un­able" to keep up his incessant round of public duties and private pastimes with the reg­ularity and ze3t which he continues to dis­play.

In spite of these facts, there i3 undoubtedly a very alarming premonition in court circles, especially among the women that the King will n'.ver live to be crowned, which, how­ever baseless or otherwise, is having a serious effect on trader

British Weylerism Denounced B y J o h n Morliej-, a r . P .

London, Oct. 31.—John Morley, M. P., ad­dressing his constituents^ to-day at Arbroath said:

"The government are aggravating the es­sential mischief of the situation in South Africa by their management of tbe concen­tration camps. The death rate of children, measure It as you will, is hideous, excessive and appalling. The policy of devastation has been admitted to be ;a mistake.

"1 wonder what Lord Pal mere ton would have said of a government justifying them­selves by saying that Russia in Poland and Austria in Bosnia bad done something like the same. The war hag entirely changed in character and is drifting into a war of ex­termination of a people fighting for their own land.

"Tbe policy of unconditional surrender and .'jmi33ion means extermination and anniu..ation. The present attitude of the srovernment is one of sullen desperation. There is nothing worse than mettle in a blind bone.

"The King will perhaps at no distent date have to seek other ministers with a better insight and a more pliant mind in face of the dangerous and complicated situation which confronts the country."

S YU.VSAC. t p s - Pb.-bp Las" j n » and .T . .hnT. H . v - v.-ere

m trried WpJiie-'tav ar M J.i-epli"- > lu.reb. ii.01 urmoi-H. b r tbe i t e r barber Belaui;*-r Mr- 11 tv. • is tbe Third liainrbter. >! Mr. and Mr- A n n L tvunir nt t-iouseville ami has been a popular teaelipr in an 1:.round Darmpru >ra b.r the pa-1 four Tears Mr Hayes is a t a n n e r bv......tipatinn and a hustler bv nature . At the aire of nine, uprm the death of bi-falhpr . .Tokn took hold el the 1 a rm and with t h e able iiilviet" of his moi l i e ruas SUP •e--tully manatf i l it up b . the present time Ml-s Jeatme E i i z i b u h Cir i - t ian and William Uenry Dunn were man-iel at Assumption ehruvtu ltedford. Wednesday, bv tbe Rev Father Laramie. Mrs. Dunn is the uliiest daughter of Mr and Mrs.,las. Christian ol Hard-prabtile. Tirimr of teai'hinir, she entered upon hotel work and has been a waitress in manv of the fashionable resorts of the Adiroti-daeks ." Mr. Dunn whose home is in Troy hulds a responsible position with d u e t t Js Co , collar tninufaptura-s. After a weddlusf breaklast rhey i imed Mr. and Mrs. Hayes a n ! r. j e rhe r the bappy .'pairret left for Montreal. We wish the youni; p-ople unbounded suuness . . .Mr . S imuel Collins, brother ol" Tru >nan and P rank Collins, is h e r e o n a visit from Stoekbridaie, Wis. Mr. Collin* left hPre.T. years a s o a n d this in his lirst visit to bis old horn?. In his absence many changes have taken place for a t tha t t ime the Saranae river from ciavbtirt 'h to Pla t t sbursh was lined with sawmills and forces, all doing a thriving business, but to-day nothing is left except two sawmills which do a little custom sawing, the power being all used fur grinding pu lp . . . .Mr . Goodale is daily turning about two tons of partially rot ten pota­toes into starch. Mr. Guoia le estimates the rot a t one tenth tbe total crop. This however may prove a low figure as it is based on the fact tha t of the lim uuu bushels raised in town Mr. Goodale will handle 10.1XW. When those already in cellars a re sorted i t will undoubtedly develop t h a t 20 per cent is not h igh . . . .The Nashville gun club are m camp a t ChazvLake and woe be to the chipmunk, erow o r elephant tha t crosses their pa th . I t is understood tha t arrangements have been made with the C. a . R. for a special to bring home their game. SLACKER.

For a Great Methodist College. Cincinnati, O., Oct. 30.—The board of

Bishops of the Methodist Episcdftal church will convene in Wesley chapel this'afternoon. Tbe Bishops who wll be in attendance are: John W. Hamilton, San-Francisco; Thomas Bowman, Evanston, 111.; Stephen Merrill, Chicago; Edward G-. Andrews, New -York; Henry W. Warren, Denver; Cyrus D. Foss, Philadelphia; John F. Hurst, Washington; WUlard F. Mallalieu, Auburndale, Mass.; Charles Fowler, Buffalo; James N. Fitzger­ald, St. Louis; Charles McCabie, Onaha: J. M. Walden, Cincinnati; Isaac W. Joyce, Minneapolis; Daniel A. Goodsell, Chatta­nooga; James M. Thoburn, India, and Earl Cranston, Portland Ore. At tbe Oklahoma conference, Bishop Hamilton said, it wa3 determined to establish a great Methodist college somewhere in the heart of that new connFry, and in order to do this more .suc­cessfully, Bishop Hamilton invited the Methodist Church south to co-operate with him in the undertaking, ihe result was gratifying. Bishop Hamilton will bring this matter before the board of Bishops for rati­fication.

Officers F a v o r C a n t e e n . Washington, Oct. 31.—Inspector General

Breckenridite in his annual report on the Army has the following to say on the canteen question:

"Tbe sentiment of the Army on the sub­ject is well known and-expressed in the fol­lowing remarks of Inspectors General:

"Colonel Burtbn (Cubai says: 'Officers generally complain that the elimination of beer has worked hardship on the soldier and has been detrimental to the good order and military discipline.'

"Lieutenant Colonel Reade (Dakota) re­ports that 'the consensus of opinion is that the canteen feature promotes the moral, tem­perance, discipline and health of the men,' and Major Sharpe (Colorado) considers the anti-canteen legislation of last winter ill ad­vised and remarla 'If there is no authorized and decently kept place of resort within a garrison, where the soldier can find recrea­tion suited to his tastes und station of life, he will seek it outside, and the innumerable brothels and wbi3key dens which are spring­ing up on the edge of reservations will prove the most baleful and destructive enemy to contentment and good order which a garri­son can be cursed with.r"

T r e a t y H e l d Up.

Xie . t r ag i i an ConsTves-man S topp?A t h e O n e W i t h Vnit t -d S t a t e s .

M a u a g u a . N ica ragua , Oct. n .—Pre^i lent Z - l a y a has a p p r o v e d of t h e Nicaragua-Ci i i l i and Nicaragua-Mexico Cjmm,'rcial treaties that were passed by the Nicara^uan Con­gress at the last session of that body.

He has not opposed of the Merry Sanson commercial treaty drawn tip iu litilO for the United States and Nicaragua, which was passed hy the Nicaragnan Oomrres? List August: neither has he vetoed it.

It appears that an influential Congressman who wanted the treaty amended in favor, most probably, of the cotton and suiiar in­terests in his district, has since the adjourn­ment of Congress succeeded in having the treaty referred to a committee to be report­ed on at tbe next season.

' i i i b whi le the vessel was a t : • .)• •! ; • • ' i . u i i w a y a t N L O P . P a s s - n -

u - r s r- I'ort that .''iul m e n were left a t \ i : r n> , ah >! « ' i 111 w.-re penn i l e ss , an I with no iii .-e « . • ' m u k i i i g a l iv ing d u r i n g t h e w m i e r a n d a r . - u n ol t e r r o r is p r e d i c t e d . D u r i n g I' n i i re v.iyuire i.f tlie (* i - en p e t t y thefts were of daily oc i i r rence .

S c h l e y t o r P r e s i d e n t .

Was! i i i r ' on , <>,-t. 2 - — E x - S e n a t o r Marion IJ 1 ;er of X irt'i Caro l ina , who le 1 Hie P o p u -! i - ' - in the i r s u p p t r i nf Bryan in l'-Dfi a n d 1:'•> 1. has c one out for A d m i r a l Sch ley for Pre-.-idi'iil. H - says the Democra t s would g ive 111:11 solid s u p p o r t

>The Kind Yon Haw Alrajrs Bougnt

A S t u b b o r n F i g h t W i t h B o e r s . London, Oct. 29.—Lord Kitchener, in a

dispatch to the War office to-day, tells of a hard fight between the Boers under Delary and Kemp and a British column near Z?rust, in the western Transvaal. The dispatch says: "Delarey and Kemp attacked a British column near Z^rust, but were re­pulsed after a stubborn fight, leaving forty dead. The British losses were two lieuten­ants and twenty-six men killed; fire- officers and fifty men wounded, and of the escort thirty-seven casualties- JTie Boers got eight wagons."'

Ely's Liqnid Cream Balm is an old friend in a new form. It 13 prepared for the particular benefit of sufferers from nasal catarrh who are used to an atomizer in spray­ing the diseased membraoe3. All the heal­ing and soothing properties of Cream Balm are retained in the new preparation. It does not dry up the secretions. Price, including sprayinsr tube, 75 cents. At your dru22i3t's or Ely Brothers, 5G Warren Street, New fork, will mail it-

Beer For Students.

For Orer *lf£y fears Mas, rt"i.N-i,oWs Si»vrgi.NU S m v r has been used o>- a.hioiis of mothers for their ehildren while ioe ihhK. If d i - tu rbed a t niidtt and b roken of '. p i r r t s t b v t s i e k phildsuffering-aiidprTing-witlh iiain or Cart ing Teeth send at onee and ge t a •!e ol" "Mrs . Winsiow's Soothing S y n i p " for Cn: Iren Tiet i . ing. I t will relieve the poor little "Uitrer irnmedial t- ly. Depend upon i t , mothers , r here is no mis take about i t . I t cures Diarrhoea. regulates the Momaeh and Bowels, cures Wind Coiie. softens t h e Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to t h e whole-system. "Mrs . WinsloWs soo th ing Sy rup" for children tee th ing is pleasant to the t a s t e and is the pre­scription of one of the oldest and best of female phvairians- and nurses in the United Sta tes . Price 1 w'enrv-five cents a bott le , so ld by all druggists th roughout the world. Be su re a n d a s k f o r " M R s . W r X S l A t W s S O O T B I H S S X R T T . "

B « a n t a e Signature


S o m e t h i n g ISewv They cure dandruff, hair falling, headache,

etc., vet costs the same as an ordinary comb —Dr. White's Electric Comb. The only patented Comb in the worlii People, every­where it ha3 been introduced, are wild with delight. Ton simply comb your hair each day and the comb does the rest. This won­derful comb is simply unbreakable and is made so that it 13 absolutely impossible to break or cut the hair. Sold on a written guarantee to give perfect satisfaction in every respect. Send stamps forone. Ladies' size 50c. Gent3' size 35c Liva^men and women wanted everywhere to introduce this article. Sells on sight Agents are wild with success. (See -want column of this paper.) Address D. N. Boss, Gen. Mgr., Decatur, III.

1 'h.i7,y—lohn Savogo, farmer: Mii-bai I nerv. farmer- Rnfus p . Heatori. f^rmpr.

1 Mark i r t l . -vra . farrow IwtTiem-.ra Nelson. :.i'->>rrr: n r l a sdn

Man'.-T tami.T Klipnb-ir^b NT.1 . -Tourr . m.r."i |mt. E.-umet T-

Chpp=o7mrL mpri-bart. M"oer>--r H KennPdv: T .!,-) A. s t ' i , we>-.rc»»

Walker ; 1 'haun -ev Webs. Piattsburgh— Charles M;"er. I irmrr; Al-r . /o

Gal", Clerk. sarrtnae—T. B chri« ' ian. farmer: William

Graves, farmer: George Hooey, farmer. sehttyler Falls—George Conner*, farmer: James

Harney. Merchant. LrCrKS L. SHEPDEV. J. F. CrNXlXGHAM.'

1 u 11 n*' .I.. 'Mint:. ' • » • . '

D i s t r i c t A t t o r n e y ' s P r e c e p t . In the Mame of the r.•• •;•%- - f the

L s, - ,.f N,-w i,.rk to rli- sheriff . l e n t i t y ..f 1 inf.iri N. Y :

When as. a Trial Term ••: t i e '-'ipr. TTIP I . !-appoint•>! !•• I.pheM.r; arid t..r flu unry 1 Mill..11. at t b e 1 ..iirl U-i—-. m l b " t..'.;uxe 1'1,-itfshiirg'i. N. Y-. -r. it .• 1st!, .>..,•,- ,,1 N..ypiAber. bint, a l t ' lo-. lopk in the t.-.retioon: \v mmand y..u 111 pursiian.-eof the provi-iorisof TbeKmis-i>d SI,ifut> s in sti.-u pase made and provided.

First. That you summon the several persons that shall be drawn in said poimt y pursuant So law to serve as lirand and IVtii .!uxors a t said Court, to appear thereat .

SppotiiL That yon brinjr before t h e -aid Court all prisoners then being in ihe jail of said eotiwy, together with ail propessps and in anv wavi -onpt rn i i i i t fhfmm your hands us such Sheriff.

Third, That yon make pr. iptamation in the man-cprpri"-.-ribpd by law.notifying all persons bound to at.ppar a t said r . Mii-t by reeognizan«-e o r other­wise, to appear thereat : and requiring all .lus-ti.-esof tin- Pen.-P. 1 ..rimers, and other officers win. have t aken any reeo "Jiizanee for the appear-an.-e of any person a t sue-h < ourr. or who shall have t aken any inquisition or examination of any prisoner or witness, t o re turn sueh recognizor.-e. or inquisition and examination, t o the said cour , at the opening: thereof, on the first day of i ts sjt t ing.

Witness, Hon. J . W. Honghton, Jus t ice .f the Supreme Court, this 2Hth dav of October, !£• ' .

,J. W. H. HGLCOSLBB. Clerk. H. E. B A S S A B D , District Attorney.

U n d e r w e a r , C o r s e t s , H o s i e r y , W a i s t s , S k i r t s , Ch i ldren ' s B o n n e t s ,

" D r e s s e s , R i b b o n s , Y a r n s , E m b r o i d e r y G o o d s , e t c .


O p p . W i t h c r i l l H o u s e . P L A T T S B l R<.H, N. .


** JEWELERS.* 'Adirondick,** " C h a m p l a m . " " R o y a l S a v a g e " Souveni rs ,

a n d C a n a d i a n Enameled Nove l t i e s .

Cleveland-Hartford Columbia Bicycles. A few Sample Wheels ^t Low Prices.

W. W. AMor KeareMBCaliv* la I>. A M.

At a meeting of the Delewaiw sad H e J m directors held in Mew Tort dtr. Oct. St, Cuarte* A. Peattody, Jr., was ejected a *•<•-ber of tbe board to fill the recency eawed f.v t ' e death of Alfr*1--^tv, .- .j . Mr Pe .-

H o n k o l t b e W i l d G o o s e . St. Louis Globe-Democrat.

The bonk of the wild goose is heard in the land as these immigrants of the air by regi­ments, brigades and divisions fly southward in search of comfort and food. Obeying the dictates of nature, these and other migratory blrds and animals go where they will be most comfortable and happy with tbe least expenditure of force, furnishing an object lesson to man, which be in the blind egotism of h't so-called "reason" either ignores or holds up to scorn and ridicule. Nature sug­gests to him, too, the wisdom of seeking a warmer clime at the approach of winter, but he has so lonsr turned ai deaf ear to her admonitions that hers seems but a still, small voice, making him for the moment un­easy, but soon drowned in the roar of com­merce as he "logically" chases tbe elusive dollar to the edire of "the grave, and there leaves it for his kinsmen to fliibt orer. In­stead of gomir where he would be warm and nature would supply his wants, he remains amidst the sn-iwii, cover'tag himself with artificial skins, hovering over artificial beat­ing apparatuses and breeding new wants to taotaliz* hi in into renewed effort to sapply them. He forms for himself an endiese chain or wants that shackle hfm forever to the wheel of toil and create new desires which leere him DO time to enjoy that which he has acquired. Tne life or the richest bil­lionaire is in tbe last analysis bat ft bead to mouth existence, for he can only eat and wear a certain amount or food and raiment, and tbe rest it bat dross, to gain which be has depriTed and made miserable the tbon-ao<je and owde himself so happier. An Daeid Baram said, "There U no pocket in the •broad," and gold is not legal tender lor salvation- It is better to be a wild goeee nod enjoy ihe mods the gods previa* taw U> waste the little store of energy allotted 10 • life in •orroooding ooeeatf wit* a OMitUode •*" things that into nil one's UoMta kena » order.

gMaWvFBwowVIQ HKnaawVwHni

favorite Remedy y ^n . A K P LIV I R O U B t t S .

Anarchists Celebrate Czolffosz's D e a t h .

London, Oct. 30.—The anarchist clubs of London celebrated the execution of Czolgosz by dances in honor of his "noble death." Various groups met in their respective head­quarters at a late hour last night and most of the gatherings only dispersed at 4 o'clock af­ter Binging "Carmagnole." All of the meet­ings lustily cheered every mention of Czol­gosz whose portrait draped In black and red occupied a place of honor on tbe platform. There were remarkable scenes in tbe dispers­al of the dabs, groups of anarchists shoot­ing, "Vive la republiqne," and singing "Car­magnole," dancing and shouting "Czolgosz the brave." The police dispersed some of the groups. The increasing activity of the anar­chists "13 occasioning some concern in Scot­land Tard. _

V e r m o n t R a i l w a y P r o j e c t . Rutland, Vt , Oct 29.—For tbe purpose

of constructing two of tbe most important railroads in tbe State of Vermont tbe Rat-land Street Railway Company, which recent­ly passed into the control of Xew Tork capitalists, has made application to tbe Se­cretary of State for permission to increase the capital stock from f 130,000 to $1,500,-t>oo.

One of the roads will run from Rutland east through Mendon and Woodstock to White River Junction, a distance of about tony miles, and tbe other from Rutland west through West Rutland, Castleton and Fair-haven to Whitehall, about thirty miles. Tbe work of construction will begin early in tbe spring. It is yet undecided "whether the mo-live power will be electricity or steam.

T h e G e r m a n S y s t e m A d v o c a t e d for T h i s C o u n t r y .

F/vm thn Boeton Daily Globt. The Massachusetts Schoolmasters' Club

held its nineteenth annual dinner yesterday afternoon at the Hotel Brunswick. Presi­dent A. B. Hart presided for the last time. The after-dinner topic was "Educational Fellowship." President Henry S. Pritchett of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology contrasted the meetings of students and pro­fessors in Germany with such meetings in Boston. He said the latter were full dress, lormal affairs and the advice of the profes­sors was as formal as in the lecture room, while in a German rerin students met their professors occasionally, In a room filled with tobacco smoke, where there was a splendid supply of beer, and where each settled his own score. He said that in those clubs he had seen a more delicate touch of sympathy between student and professor than any­where else in the world. "We need to learn 10 bring student and professor together under simple and inexpensive conditions."

F o r G o v e r n o r o t H a w a i i . Honolulu, Ocj. 22, via San Francisco, Oct-

30.—At a large meeting of the executive committee of the Home Rule party, Robert W. Wilcox, present Delegate to Congress, was the unanimous choice of the party for next Governor of Hawaii. The Home Rulers comprise all natives and many of the half-breeds? Numerically they easily outnumber all other parties combined, and if they stand together they can elect any one they nomi­nate. Wilcox is their ideal, and they desire to hare the President remove Dole and ap­point Wilcox Governor.

S t a t e H o s p i t a l I n m a t e s . The population of tbe several state hospit­

als Sept. 30, the close of tbe fiscal year, 3howed an aggregate increase of 5T1 over the previous year. The following tabulation gives tbe population ol tbe various hospitals during the past three years r

NOTICE. The Directors of I ron National Bank, P la t t s -

burgh, IT. T „ will sell a t public auct ion a t 10 o'clock a. m., Nov. 20, 1901, a t t h e s tore of t h e Pla t t sbureh Furn i tu re Company, In the village of Plat tshurgh, one Hal l burg la r proof safe, t ime lock, and one adding machine, also al l t he office furniture and fixtures belonging to said Bank . Terms a n d conditions announced a t sale.

4iw3 JAS. SHAW, Cashier;

Sheriff's Proclamation.

PROCLAMATION.—Whereas, a t e rm of the Supreme Court is appointed to be he ld a t the

Court House, in PlattsburRh, in and for the coun­t y of Clinton, on the ISth day of November. 1901.

Proclamation is therefore hereby made in con formiry t o a precept t o me^direeted and delivered by the District Attorney of Clinton county on the iSth day of October. 19m, to all persons bound, to appear a t t h e said t e r m of t h e Supreme Court, by recognizance or othervrise. to appear thereat , and all Just ices of the Peace. Coroners and other officers who have t aken a n y recognizance for the appearance of any person a t such Court, or ivho have t aken any inquisition of any person o r wit­ness, a re required t o re tu rn such recognizance, in­quisition and examination t o t h e said Court, a t tne opening thereof, on t h e first day of its s i t t i ng

Given u n d e r my hand, a t the Sheriff's office, in. the t o w n of Plat tsburgh. 3T. Y „ o n the 28th day of October, 1901.

JAMES P . COfNEfGHAX. Sliaitf of Clinton, County.

Tae State Library Growia*-. A Wtmmr iw a S a l t H«

T w n C a r t a n»»

Albany, Oct 28.—Tbe State Board ot Re­gents hare laaaed for five yean, for tbe KM,. 000 dapiicetes of the Stat* Library, a floor in a malt boose, with the privilege ot securing other floors as need for their one develops. Tbroagh these duplicates tor tat exchange division tbe State library has tnereaesd its eoUeetioos at tar leas east than other greet libraries, till is a eoaiparauveiy ikon that It ho* become one of tbe l w greatest llnmriea in the dotted State*. Beea ia its new quar­ters in tbe Capital tat library hat grown at mneh faster than abatving bait beta provided that it bos not beea pnesibls to aaoax and nana* for exchange tbe tbaaaaaosef tabs-


Bears the SicnatBiwof

Manhattan, Long bland, Utica, Gowanda, WUlard, Poughkeepsie, Middletown, Buffalo, Binghomton, S t Lawrence, Rochester,

1901. 6,098 3,77s 1,148

351 2,23C 2,094 1,237 1,913 1,350 1,671


1900. 5,822 2,869 1,107

311 2,26i> 1,091 1,210 LSisO 1,375 1,606


1899. 6,525 2,735 1,119

313 2,254 2,053 L1S8 1,812 1,341 1,580


Total, 28,654 22,088 21,374

The Emiieent Kidney and Bladder Specialist.


T h e r e i n a d t e a a e p r e v a i l i n g i n t h i s country most rlinftiruui beea nan so decep­tive, btiny iiirlflnn deaths are caused by It heart dbeassv p-wrTV-T**, heart failure or apoplexy ore often the result of kidney dUsaao. If Udaty tronble is allowed to ad--snrn thi rrttlnaj piiliininllili 11 '" -"—*-

the vital arcana, ar tba kidneys themselves 4 vasts away cell by ceJL

> tba rlrhe ass of the blood the albumen JT -- —• n- n - r , k | » .

•aaov VM MBMVBof eMn» tSflTt—jIB S •WliMwi of Udaty trouik.

sr'svataaanaaJawat a * new dta-coie for kidney. Waddor

ttoMEattt* aWdotaraoav AaaaabTatttfo seat free by meft ataoawaafc tefflng about £wamp-Rcot and its wonderful curei. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghomton, N. Y. and m e n u o c t h i s

Perfumes. AH the leading odors of Handkerchief Perfumes and Sachets, fresh, dain­ty, lasting, at popular prices.


We are introducing a Senr Perfume,

T HELMA, A 5 0 c . Q u a l i t y .

Come and have your handkerchief perfumed free with Thelma, just to try it.

Medical Hall, D. K. Gilbert, Druggist,

Opposite Post'jfnc*,


RKFEHEE'S SALE.—N^wrorkSupreme Cour t ' Cbaton County.—WiUis T. Honsinger. plain­

tiff, against Amelia A. Leonard and others, de­fendants .

Bj v i r tue of a J i d s m e n t a n d decree of foreclos-n re and sale in above enti t led action, dated Oct. 2rt. 19U1. and entered in Clinton County Clerk's office. Oct. 29.1901. authorizing and direct ing the sale of the real es ta te hereinafter described, I , the undersigned referee, in and by said decree duiv appointed therefor, will sell the sa id real es ta te in said decree described a t public auct ion (xi t h e highest bidder, a t the front door of the Court House, in Plat tsburgh. if. T.. a t t w o o'clock in the afternoon of the 16th day of December. 1301, as the l aw directs. The said r ea l es ta te is described as follows:

All tha t cer ta in a i r e of l and s i tuate , ly ing and being i n Beekmanrown, Clinton County. S e w Tork, and is a p a r t > f l o t number thirty-nine t89) in Beekman's Pa ten t , so-catled, bounded as fol­io w«, to wit : Bee inn inga t the nor th east co rner of Isaac HewitVs house lot and now (.1831 o r prior) owned by Henry L. Doniiny in the sou th bounds of the highway, a n d runn ing thence easterly in said bounds of said h i shway eiaht rods to the west bank of the brook, it being the northwest corner of Hal 'ock Bromley's l a n d n S S l o r priori; thence south twen ty rods to binds owned by J a m e s 1L Fulton I1S91 o r priori; thence eight rodg alonz said J ames 5L Ful ton 's land w e a c thence nor th along lands owned b y Henry L. Dotniny USUI o r prior 1 t w e n t y rods t o the p lace of begin­ning, containing one acre of land b e the same more o r less, being t h e same premises described in deed from Geor?e W. Kingsley and his wife Bridret Kinus ley to H. E. Hyde, bear ing da t e of Feb. IB. 1SS3. and recorded in Clinton County Cltrk"s office in Vol. SO of Deeds, page iba.

Dated Oct. 29. l » l ' . 44 wr CAMPBELL XcLEA>, Referee.


BAST BEEKXASTOWJ.-, 3T. t , OCT. 9,1901.

Jfotice is h e r e b r given to al l persons having ac­counts for supplies furnished the County P o o r House, a n d for temporary relief to coun ty poor ; also t o all overseers of the poor and others having accounts for service r e l a t i ng to t h e support , re­lief or transportat ion of c o u n t r p o o r , to present the same for audi t t o t h e undersigned a t his office. on o r before November I l t h nex t (.charges to Xo~ vember 1st o n l y t o be included). A n affidavit to each account will b e required, a n d i n case of ac­counts for temporaryrel ief paid by order of an ov­erseer of t h e poor, t hey should be endorsed with such overseer 's approval . Accounts for t e m p o r a r r rellef and for County House supplies should b e m a d e o a t and preeeatediseparately. JSachaucuunt should be accompanied by the post offloe a d d n a * of t b e par ty t o whom i t is dne .

WM. D. SAVAGE. ' 41W5 County Supt. of t h e Poor.

Rotice to Taxpayers. Public notice is hereby given t o t h e taxable in ­

habitants of the t o w n of Plat tsburgh, JC. Y., t ha t I have received the war ran t for the collection of Taxes of Free Union School District S o . 1, for the yea r 1901, and tha t I will a t tend a t my office i n t h e Weed Building, i n said town, dai ly tSun-d a - s and legal holidays excepted) from nine o'clock a. m . to twelve o'clock m . from one p . m. t o three p . m. , and o n Tuesday a n d Thursday evenings from seven to nine o'clock, fo r the pur­pose of receiving payment of taxes.

Uron all taxes paid on o r before November V, 190li one per cent, commission will be added; thereafter, from November T to December 7,1901. two per cent, and from December T, 1901. five pe r cent, will be added.

HE>TRY JTSTDT. Receiver of Taxes.

Dated. Plattsburgh. X. ~E., Oct. T, 1901.

Extraordinary. «*00*o*4fnnnn«onnoM»w*4*w*w

AU Bads of Horse Clothing for Winters Use w*w*w*o4aBMuwnar»**w*««*

Never in the history of this store has there 1H>OTI such a displ i\ of Blauketsv and Robes as we are now showimr at prices that «••' all t'l.nti'ii County to buyins;. Every Blanket in our store is from the. 0-A blanket mills which is a auarantee of their sroo.l ipiaitr. Our robe* ar« all from the equally reliable Lowerre Fur House. Below we quote a bo* of the many bargains we offer.

| 5 - A Horse Quilt, 76 inches lonff, weight lo lbs., - - - SI drt 1. No. 345 Jute, lined, extra large," two surcingles, - - - - 1 21 No. S6, Brown Duck, full wool lined, 7fi inches long, two snreingV*. 2.5ti

S Q U A R E B L A N K E T S . No. 223, Redeemer, 80x90 inches, strap sewed on fancy pattern, Alpbonso, 80x90. fancy pattern, extra finality, -No. 67, TTmon, 76 inches long, fancy pattern, fast colors, An elegant assortment of stable "and square blankets from

to $10.00. All equally good bargains.

A Fine Showing of Grey and Black Goat Robes.

Also a complete assortment of Brown Bear, Yellow Dog and Japanese Coon Skin Robes.

CHILDS & BYRNES, Rink Bnildint;, Clinton St.. Plattsburgh, X. Y.

1.25 1.75 2.75


THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF i " E T T O E E t o Charles Tromblv. as administrator of t h e

goods, chattels and credits of Charles Trembly, la te of Chazy, Clinton rjounty. N e w Vork. deceas­ed; Samuel L. Wheeler of Plat tsbureh. Clinton county. New Turk; Flora Robinson of Houses Point , Clinti n county, S e w Tork; Adaline La-rigne. as sole surviving administrator of t h e goods, chattels and credits of F lo ra Evans Trem­bly, deceased. Adaline Laviime, Louis Trembly, Orrin E . Stinkier, se lden S. White, Peter Trombly and Jame» Trembly, all of Chazy. aforesaid,- John Trombly. Coralie Trombly. Oliver Habidean. Jos­eph Habideari a n d Ellen Wiiforeof Keosevule, Clinton countv. S e w T o r t ; r o sem Hart of Keese-vilie, Clinton county, S e w York; Pe te r F. Masse of Chary. Clinton c o a n t r . S e w rock, Louise Las-so ro f Fa i r Haven, Vermont; Philemon Collette of Nor th Adams. Massachusetts; Mary TeUier and William Trombly of Is le la Motte. Vermont; Mary B a e k b o r n of Worcester. Massachusetts; also to tae ehildren of Ju l i a Carter, a sUter of said Flora Eraaa Trombly. deceased, who«e name* and resi-ilaaee* are nelknown, and to Helen M. Patce, whose raridenee la unknown, and to al l persons iateccs 'ed in t h e estate of Flora Evans Trombly, l a ta 0 / C h a i r . CMatoa eoui.ty. S e w T p d t ceceas-• 4 . a* n i l l i o r i U«»tam neat, of k in . o r other-WIFM. w i l t greeting:

T o a a n 4 e a e h o t yon a re hereby cited and re-oaired nsraonallr to be a n d appear before our g o m c a t e o f the C o e m r o f Cl inu.n .ar h is office l « H 2 S b « « » i - l a « » i d e o t t n t j - . o n t h « l s th -da ru f n y i t r t o isoi, a t t *a o'clock In tbe forenoon of t fcatday then a n d there to show c«nse why a ue-fT«aah»mld not be made by t h e said ^ ' i r n « a t e ' ' " T mmr t o taw Macau* of t h * S t» :eof S e w T o r k f - T - l j . 1 M - ma-1- and prorhied. diieetinjr Adaline Lavhrae a s sole sarv i r inc adminJstrator of the ZLZ e a s T M ^ a B d o r e o a s a l Flora Evans Trom-b r r l i i * ot Chaay. afoeaaald. lUnewir l . to murt-?*irr7-~ ifZLm a n e h o t t h e real a s t a u o f SETdeosnead m shaUbe s e e e M e r y t o pay t h e Z t e a a d f o i M w a l e a n e a e a t o f t h e said deusessd.

Mmkltimrot t a e p — a a » I w e M r i bo radar %mimmotn S a e a . t i e r a t * rwjatawt t o appear b r S S t ^ S i S a J f tbsy have uae, ur, U they ' uaaoser aadanelrfar oeetooeap-

wul b» appo ia tM by «>•=»«'-



Has just been replenished with BuiiTTiFrL jyrir

Fall and Winter Goods. The Iine3 we carry are well known

to the public. We call Special Attention to our

Ladies" Cloak & Suit Department Styles of Garments and Prices Are

Bound to Suit the Purchaser.


Men's A. Boys' Suits and Overcoats.

Men's Clothing Made to Order. Fit Guarantotd and. Prices Low.

I e Sell Queen Quality Shoes A M ) 0 T H £ R P i ,±it M-UU:^.

GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. Thanking the p-ibhc for past favors ax J

soliciting future patronage, we are Bespectfullv.

S C i l F F k KEESAX. Dancemora, Oct S, 130L,




Cady Dmi Company Call and sec them and make

your seiectioa. Bird Cages. Bird JSe^L B in l

Sand, Feed Cups, Batiiiiiir Disliec!, Bii-d Medicines.

FRED E. POROY. Lamber Dealer


Spnict ani ffinloea: Shingles ASD

Dimension Lumber . Spruce Building Timber

or Joists, any length up to 10 feet, on hand or sawed to order on short notice.

Special Prices on Shingles for this month.

PEED E. PTJfiDY. Office and P. 0« address.

PLATTSBCRGH, >". T. Telephone, Altona, A. 7-2. Plattsbursjli.

FOR ALL KINDS OF Blank Books. School B<x>ks,

Story Books, Magazines. Dai­ly Papers, Weekly Papers. Inks. Tablets, Cigars. Confec­tionary, Pens, Pencils. Scis­sors, "Knives, Hammocks. Rubber Stamps. Billheads, Pads, Base Ball Goods, Win­dow Signs, and a good drink of Ice Cold Soda, all flavors, goto Wo R. C O W A N S ,

So . 1« BriakeraonTStreet. Oppo- i tP p...«:•-•'' --.

W'.-r . . • I,-_'...• is o.u 11 r :• .- ^r ... -v_.. - L _ t.


Foundry & Machine Co. Iron aai Brass Fouaders aid Machinists. AU kiniJs of C a i t a s ^ . M.„, \V,.rk J.I 1 b > ; a.r^.

Enibossersi. t-LaiT:!^. ! '•_...•«. I.'i^j—« i.^ir-'nj . i ira. r^«. F.- i r - i^ . r . rj:L^-- V- .:.- j _ : A .- . . , r- . i/lnBUri« U . I A r . i l>.~n< ».- •-. t - i L-i— • i.-: .r.^-. M... =--n; .es . &•

A.. N ' . v >-x >•••. ; >'-*• Mi . -v N?w T - - . . 1 . N ' - . v t r T..

E j [ « T r - . . T . | * . r i r t r ; . - 1 ; . ; i r t f r.V i i r : ^ ; r . - . , ' . . / i " ' t . i : v ..

W A N T E D . Well educated man wan ted a ' ouce v«r^j r.~» • t

i-orresponden'-e ><lio"l in >"«-rtn<-rn N"f» Y-rk. Salarit^l cozitra.-t t o r « l . t man. A-lire-w >"at*n« refen>n.-es,

r i iRKE^Pi iNDESi K MH><>!. . t t e o w - i i K'-j if'- • i'-ii'fri «•

F a r m For Sale . Situated six tnilc* lorrfa of TJafTsbur^'i •» . ir '?.»

Sta te Road: bfiy a..-rt«; ail f ab >• ' j i t t . ^ «•! »f-ll t ha t never run* dry : b'n •iinz* 1'., »i ^--~1 T*I-A r icood • Fix-hard. M'j-'t b« *o..j T., ... rt « .-i ,s'^t<-Terms easy. Ar,pv T.. rtw.i A. I"»M1NY. « Margaret street, PUttM,arsis. 'xiaZ

c E*tal-ii=.U.-l 4-1 5 r « « 'ifft-rs fea'urt-^ wb • b

.,thers.-i-o..l. Hun . l r r . bo f jri-lux"'?*

nnally. ^^ud f. r new ar t --a'H. -


U l 11- t I

; A • 1

Miss M. WELDON, A<»£NT ¥<>H

E o y i e v Ex t rac t« f r«•••>•* TT^. P- rf A-^K« T . • Water?, tfacbrt T'"W'i»-p» i i l f v l *' >- t,t

^Br l -k t - r* ff^-Tv.-*. 41tf I-I .ATT>I:fT' , l I N y

J . A. McCRANK, Doctor of Veterinary Science

Calls n eht an 1 .lay ; roi:.; t y s t v i . ; by calling at h.~ >•:!:'.-f.

IO T r i n i t y "^<iuaro. P L A X X S S I K » i H . J t . y

City Market, 20 1AJL6Altll STKIII,

I o n will alivays i '•XL% .•-XV s>t>J

•ATIVC AMI WCSTEIN, l « F , Pork, Veal, Mutton and Lamb,

POUl/rttV, CAME, P o r k Saasage and B-log-m Satts i •;*

Frankfor t S iu s i . - e .

H o a e y C o m b T r i p e , COLBY f K l l E B\l OS, HAM A>1^


0jr*ter» and Ve^etublrs in <*-a-oji.


Tie Season is Mi CmmmM,

AC.Ci, l - ' . ' i .^ IJ~:.V an 1 UT.'Ti ..i° . ' - f i ' ^ ' ^ t * .

}< FHX H' >•?•». •»«- TVZJLTJ iz, X Trr-i.- ,>-r

» » > * • • « « * » • • • • • • • • » » » a a a > a

Til NEW T0B£ ¥0BLD T h r i « e - a - W » « k K d l t i o u .

t Edwin C. Clarke. •


A M - i • T t i i l l i

• I N S T R U M E N T S , • - . , . : ; 0 '2-i C l i n t o n S t r e e t . • - ' -

•••••• * Marble & Granite Works. SALPSMO

1 l h . e M o a t " W i « l e . l v R a a d X « w t -p a i n r i n . - V x i x o r l c a . .

Coonty of CIJBUJB, a t rlatMbarirn. t h « » « t 1*7 "* iJcu*«r . ooe tUuuaand C u e hJndr»J a n i •. - r .

( j . i ] T i r t . H K «.aEl»t"EN. CIi«k of > j r i . « a t e ' * t i ' - r i .

W. C Wiiwiat. A.tfcm»y tor ?BUiiun»r. « w T

Tim* haa dtHnunscrated t i a i t h e Tbriix-m W « l World waad* aivnr tn its eta**- Mttter tajwrs b a r s imitated tw f.-rm biit nut i ts *sct-«s. TL.s is b«eauie It w i n ai l the news al l t t o t-s-a- a n d z*U» It Impartially. wh«thar tbar. neurit be po^tu-al o r otharwia*. I t l a in tate a l n n w i a dally a t tt.--pru1* ot a wssair and KU i.-aiuiut afford to t« wltaoat it.

Hepublkma and Dtuaocrar: a l d u e a s nrad CJa* TnrK*-*-W«t«k World wi tn a i * . l a t e o..c£d«nce ia im t ru th .

In addition to new*. i£ publUiio. ars t c . »~ **r'.*l rnari** and u t ae r f a u o r a a ^uitad ux t be UooMtud j i aaid«

Ta« Tta k»-a-Wsak Wurld 's r««ularaubii<triptlt.ia wfes ta ooly (l.utiv par y a a r a n d itu* tu,>. f..-r i:< j»aE*r». W e . fltt-r t t ' s >iE»i,-ia:.!^J «. *-; ' , - " >- 1 u l l ' » r r r - - < Ki- J - . - I M v ^ - - • - . --- • -1- '

J. r t S *•» T ' - e r c t ~ o r ?-fj«.r; •. - . r . - . .-• . . . ; .% , i , « . - s


WAMTED f N ."*-nr ">•••». " . ' . - i ' . >

1.NUI t fcHtMs ' ' ... ' •; •T-^-i-t-e-1 W l U I t N « ) «

a i - i ^p- - r t . a ^ . » ^ i l = — X - -— : ~ '--•- - -t— — - -t e r A 1 2 r » r - * .

THE HAWKS .XURSfcKY LUVJLN'Y, R o c b i - ' i r , S . Y.

•u i n : u-^


and w*rr*^.ic<t • CHAHL^i- H&? t>


t A - : a. - I ^ .- -E.»*.Trval S J . ; , . l i lC3fc^l«»*.^ '£l t *«!««

M I'-alts*. orJ;U. N

Miss Elsie E. Allen. S P E C I A L I S T .


Delaney s Hotel, So*, t 5 t'karlott* Mrf*f,

>* _ ,a_- *** ^ x ;
