lainM Iberville Street. Complete Shaving Right, Your Whole ... · esoal abses, social evil,...

Is. OwnerL o8.f John the cls the attusdon Oers~m Miht the Phri sh only deals with as- Polces Jury Bedin. Secty. aUUQsr liapping. or any otbhr Mlaunw or form- r f. tspasMiI Ous tSlgpubt laantatiwn, is ~~;soe~ e prohibited un- 4et.,sss~~fbrp tY~~ .ZU9 t~law. W Ab Tfe the l W e. r t4 th Police Spermit, to - oprate J ooi in Sixeth Garysvitcl for al pbao t ad* ; Blft 71, tii a'- ~~i ~ 4"' Sl R COAST C(EPANY J "owerQ Moat PAUL Reglar asemi-weekly Upper Coast Packet bet: ei New Orleans and Donaldsonville. P•ul F. Renaud, Master Eug. W. Carter, Clerk -iLeaves New Orleans Mondays, and Thi sdays at 5 p. L., returning Wednesdays, and Sat•irdays. solicit your patronage. and guarantee prompt service. ICE AT 25 CENT PER 100 LBS., o lainM M Office Head Of Iberville Street. SWhenYourBIloodis Right, Your Whole System is Right. f- Yeo Have any Bleed orSkiN Disease Do Not Delay until it is tee late but Order u_ o TO-DJAY 1 s 1r1 1101 lp s R[MEUI a Complete and Peidve Remeny for SIIIIS, B& •IIATISI, And all other Forms of Blood and SkIn Dlseaes, [lot Springs. Physicians pronounce this the Greatest Blood arnd Skin Remedy ever placed on the Market. F*U TaItmW Jve eBotltle -1.00 -iWe Prepare a Remedy for Bvery disease Write as your Troubles. AH Cerresplhnee Stty ?Pnsvah Hot Springs Medisipe Company, - 8QO 1-2 Gentral Avenue, Met Spr~ngs, Akk, TAN-NO-MORE FBRECKEATER Two of c ~o ost ' Scicnutfic 5 "a.t TA lNO-MORE REA. Tii e conabination of CD "O ANI"AWS CTS. b0 AND 25 CTS. imi4a pAiodet to e t>s-: OAN S35CTS. Z. JAND25CTS. 4mmJ~l> .- im .. i.te r Iluee to p's.a a- mmumov baci. I , ll sit l east dl a smaple oi of Te -o-a•ieore and or ul (fe 130ag t b, Ua BAK CER-WHEELER MFG. CO. QALL.AS. TEXAS ipc~`a siae~. ry Offer aranteed 'wear-Ever Isiery For -Men And . Wo- nu La dies' Speial OSr aSi .of or bo value I~s thiiese in black, ir wwith written ntj $1JJhA & ~lOc for post- S~(OF ER FQR MEN . mfay' attd imeonly, six on finest 35 value Hooe any color with uarte and a pir of t wl knwn Men's Paradise br rpse dolla, satl 1 stead i~i~; be tesrigen all oher Yas#flte semlst )q sfo re nPRsww n , aldatl 100 Beautiful and Lolored POST CARDS i Many are rleh rarm t of EUrautlful lWaP'l And A•oirrt " S lo And" All for only 60 Cents The greatest bargain in beauti- ful cards. and rare art' pletores ever offerel. Manw are hard to obtain and have sold singly for the rrie we ask for alL These will go quikly to all Iov of the beaudful In nature: who ap- preclate rare art pld~e of well ieveloped models- A reliable eIf-hls• fbantain I fen free with each eh rder. These atone have ld afr one dollars beautiflcards and pen all for ut sk and1la toisnps pt a s es. ; . a I tOR TOUR DUN I Ptl etat, Cornell, Mish. mat m 'ets ant tvrwfln te hpn $II O V VALUE FOR o Foanr yeri The New Orleans our bscription Times-Democrat Special Offer: Times Democrat .rate for both " " )" Both for 1 year $13.50 Le Meschaebie. $7.50 For fifty years The Times-Demo- "ver all cnpeuitors. It has now erat,-the South's greatest newspa- taken a •r-.t step forward by per-has suceosfully mnailtitined :. r,:i iC:: it rate aid at the same > subscription price of $12.0o per -yer toitiilu lishii i a better paper than t beeause or it's great superiorty e\tr.' faml farther antlos we wil accept subscriptlons for Le Mesoheeib6 and the far-Deaersat in lombination, the two publications for one for 87.50. * Get in on this proposition now, ps it is e look. nd ya remitttfacs reet to the office of L UIPPER COAST PACKE Power Boat I Regular semi-weekly packet between New O r leans and Lutcher C. W. Moore, Master. Leaes New Orleans Mondays and Thursdays at 5 p. m.. returning Wednef days and Saturdays. The TOM is a sure and swim boat and its schedule is as regular as clock work. CHENET INSTITUTE MA(I St., New Orleans, Prepares for business and for universit work; affilliated with Tulane snc L, B. U. All modern improvements and home comforts for boarding students. Live progreiaive oourses-of instructieo. Write for circular. H. S. CHENET, Principal You Can Depend on This Cough Syrup Is that'oough of your's obst;tate -- wot it l up ida or night - got the throat irritated and inflamed - coverrd with wmucous deposits? - Takea few doses of Nyal's Winter Cough Syrup --- you'll notice a decided improvement in a day or two-even the first dose blrings relief It rlleves all sorenes and iLritation -- soothes and heals the inflamed imsam - removes the mucous and prevents further infection. Contains no morphine, chloroform, or opiates of any description - it is abolutely.ea e and dependable - you know just what you are taking -we can give you the formula and that's why we are so enthusiagtlo about it. Two sizes, 25 and 50 cents. When we had a chance to get the exclusive selling agency for NAYL ]Pamily Remedies we jumped at it. They are known among all druggists as the highest quality line on the market, ant are prepared by a great AuM of manufacturing chemists, famous for fifty years. By Parel Post Prepaid H. A. DONALDSON, RESERVE, LA. *****@**@@@**********@*****@*@@**@* Sexual Kaowledge ILLUSTRATEID 320 PAGES Tets all about sex matters; what young meh and women, young wives and-husbands and ael others need to know about the sacred laws that gov. ent the sex bors. Plain truths of sex reuiI relatire to happinem in marriage. "S••erbta at mbnhood and womanhood; esoal abses, social evil, dieases, etc The latet most most dvasoed and com. eheadie work that has ever been is sued an sexual hygie(l . Prioelem m. urtis•teor the.e who are ready for the f's Iaet tesahiag. This books telnareura teaheri, doeo seas, lawvs, plremehem social workers Bmdky bahoot teaschss and all others yougg asd-eld, whit aneedf te know about sex-mate. By WINJ'JLD aOTrT AL L, PH. D.. . D. aF n cOOa:aMM sN~: Sida. nMily moreet."-.Oieago )Ih.. "Ausirates up-, i ate."l -'iep Pres. Stan dard book of at l me#i ia phnl Lodger. Ie Use e*k Wmela:esN*Main truths tsw Yiwho peat, s-aught ,o know fs r i. e pn ea. of eils.. •. i .•- wpr •; o-ly L.oo. or Oa r lder-jposbtea cents MIAMI Pubt ring Com- pany - I , '~' FREE London go" Neklans a "velyn Thrw" I irCt These two beautiful pieces of populi jewelry are thecrasze among society women in New York and the largest cities. They are neat and elegant gold finished articles that will glades the hbert of every girl or woman, no matter how young or old. Very stylish tractive. Our Free Offer. We are advertiein& Spearmint Chewing Gum and desire to place a big box of this fine, healthful gumjinto every home. It sweeten 't h breath-whitens the.teeth and aide di. gestion. It is refreshing and plieasia to all. To every one seudinm us but 60c and 10 cents to cover shipping costs we will ship a big box of 2) regaler S' packagea of the Spearmint Gum and in I elude the elegant, "Tango",necklace and "Evelya Thaw" bracelet aHsolutely tree, This otter is for a short time patry Not mor an 2 orders to one only Dealers- or.allowed to accept this, United Sales Company Dayton. Ohio P. O. Boa 101 - - .. . - -- ii I I III WANTED A active and reliable aorpe pondent at every post-offloo• I St. John parish. Address: The scbac ebe, Lucy; La. Iti reii e y k 60"_ -lob ~q~ dl~P Penman I will write your name dozen or more eards at IS pwr dozen Samples furnished on tion,. A trial order will be appreciated by.. C. A. CAILLET, Hahnvil Everything A Man $ I Complete Shaving 10 Articles 1 To advertise our U Shaving Outfit and U Prodncts we will for a time only, send t`ip wel $3.00 Shavinl Ontfit for We sell our products to sumer direct and theref save all agents prolts w you know are very larg. 1 Hollow Ground Razor 1 6-inch Lather Brush. 1 Razor Strop. Canvas 1 Nickel Easel Back M 1 36-inch Barber Towel. 1 Bar Shaving Soap. 1 Box.Talcum Powder 1 Decorated China Miy. 1 Aluminum Barber C 1 Bristle Hair Brush. Each outfit packed sa $1.00. Coin or Money postage 10c extra. SDayton, hio $100 Reword, $100 Tbh readers of this paper will be learn that there is at least e d-- usae that smolece has been able •t its stages, and that is Catarrh. aiHt's Cure is the only positive cure aw k the medical traternity. catarth stitational disese, requires a toeatment. "all's CUtarrk Cure s terally, aiting direetly u ars the maoues enrtese of the s•ste•, mrylag the fendadtioa of the iving the patiest strength by the constltatimu sad amistg mtate its work. The proprietors have a lsith in its curative poweas they ,indred Dollars for any ease thiatil tire. Send for list of testimonia a- Addless: F. J. t:H ENIY a ., To frice 78 eets per bottle. seld by all aists. Take Hall's Family Pills fr STHE USUAl GIristmnas I olid i Exc-- u ll be in effect ia T*iS. LOIS, CilCUS, I .a to sal l Oill.A A s l . A.D.GPLA OV . kUW ,i SAutnomeble TlrwE- I AT FACTORY PRICIS U AV Pema0 to B r 1 28a t.o '-. 8s.S.Se &.iq a lml Sale Ole l111 emS .d11h.L i.4 + lies, mese e 5pe.e sl-t payai eb dfll mt. mb and ass asses, 8mrtp d*e n p,,gest in taB akil SQ. i.o, "s H, Aea-• g•: I____rzR~ci~~s~1Q~ - ;towr~~ rI~ r o~

Transcript of lainM Iberville Street. Complete Shaving Right, Your Whole ... · esoal abses, social evil,...

Page 1: lainM Iberville Street. Complete Shaving Right, Your Whole ... · esoal abses, social evil, dieases, etc The latet most dvasoed and com. eheadie work that has ever been is sued an


OwnerLo8.f John the

cls the attusdonOers~m Miht the

Phri sh only

deals with as-

Polces Jury

Bedin. Secty.

aUUQsr liapping. or any otbhrMlaunw or form- r f. tspasMiI

Ous tSlgpubt laantatiwn, is

~~;soe~ e prohibited un-

4et.,sss~~fbrp tY~~ .ZU9 t~law.W Ab Tfe the l W e.

r t4 th PoliceSpermit, to - oprate

J ooi in SixethGarysvitcl for

al pbao t

ad* ; Blft




~~i~ 4"'


Reglar asemi-weekly Upper Coast Packetbet: ei New Orleans and Donaldsonville.

P•ul F. Renaud, Master Eug. W. Carter, Clerk-iLeaves New Orleans Mondays, and Thi sdays at 5 p. L.,

returning Wednesdays, and Sat•irdays.solicit your patronage. and guarantee prompt service.

ICE AT 25 CENT PER 100 LBS.,o lainM M Office Head Of Iberville Street.

SWhenYourBIloodis Right,Your Whole System is Right.

f- Yeo Have any Bleed orSkiN DiseaseDo Not Delay until it is tee late but Order

u_ o TO-DJAY 1 s1r1 1101 lp s R[MEUI

a Complete and Peidve Remeny forSIIIIS,

B& •IIATISI,And all other Forms of Blood and SkIn Dlseaes,

[lot Springs. Physicians pronounce this the GreatestBlood arnd Skin Remedy ever placed on the Market.

F*U TaItmW Jve eBotltle -1.00

-iWe Prepare a Remedy for Bvery diseaseWrite as your Troubles. AH Cerresplhnee Stty ?Pnsvah

Hot Springs Medisipe Company,-8QO 1-2 Gentral Avenue, Met Spr~ngs, Akk,


FBRECKEATERTwo of c ~o ost '

Scicnutfic 5 "a.t

TA lNO-MORE REA.Tii e conabination of CD

"O ANI"AWS CTS. b0 AND 25 CTS.imi4a pAiodet to e t>s-:

OAN S35CTS. Z. JAND25CTS.4mmJ~l> .- im .. i.te r Iluee to p's.a a- mmumov baci.

I , ll sit l east dl a smaple oi of Te -o-a•ieore and or ul (fe 130ag t b, UaBAK CER-WHEELER MFG. CO.


ipc~`a siae~. ry Offeraranteed 'wear-Ever

Isiery For -Men And . Wo-nu La dies' Speial OSr

aSi .of or bo valueI~s thiiese in black,

ir wwith writtenntj $1JJhA & ~lOc for post-

S~(OF ER FQR MEN .mfay' attd imeonly, six

on finest 35 valueHooe any color with

uarte and a pir oft wl knwn Men's Paradise

br rpse dolla, satl 1stead i~i~; be tesrigen all oher

Yas#flte semlst

)q sfo re

nPRsww n

, aldatl

100Beautiful and Lolored

POST CARDS iMany are rleh rarm t ofEUrautlful lWaP'l And

A•oirrt " S lo And"

All for only 60 CentsThe greatest bargain in beauti-

ful cards. and rare art' pletoresever offerel. Manw are hard toobtain and have sold singly forthe rrie we ask for alL Thesewill go quikly to all Iov of thebeaudful In nature: who ap-preclate rare art pld~e of wellieveloped models-

A reliable eIf-hls• fbantain Ifen free with each eh rder. Theseatone have ld afr one dollars

beautiflcards and penall for ut sk and1la toisnps

pt a s es. ; .a


Ptl etat, Cornell, Mish.

mat m 'ets

ant tvrwfln te hpn


Foanr yeri The New Orleans ourbscription Times-Democrat Special Offer:Times Democrat

.rate for both " " )" Both for 1 year$13.50 Le Meschaebie. $7.50

For fifty years The Times-Demo- "ver all cnpeuitors. It has nowerat,-the South's greatest newspa- taken a •r-.t step forward byper-has suceosfully mnailtitined :. r,:i iC:: it rate aid at the same >subscription price of $12.0o per -yer toitiilu lishii i a better paper than tbeeause or it's great superiorty e\tr.'

faml farther antlos we wil accept subscriptlons for Le Mesoheeib6 and thefar-Deaersat in lombination, the two publications for one for 87.50. *

Get in on this proposition now, ps it is e look.nd ya remitttfacs reet to the office of L


Regular semi-weekly packet betweenNew Or leans and Lutcher

C. W. Moore, Master.

Leaes New Orleans Mondays and Thursdays at 5 p. m.. returning Wednefdays and Saturdays.The TOM is a sure and swim boat and its schedule is as regular as clock work.


Prepares for business and for universit work; affilliated with Tulane sncL, B. U. All modern improvements and home comforts for boarding students.Live progreiaive oourses-of instructieo. Write for circular.

H. S. CHENET, Principal

You Can Depend on ThisCough Syrup

Is that'oough of your's obst;tate -- wot it l up ida or night - got

the throat irritated and inflamed - coverrd with wmucous deposits?

-Takea few doses of Nyal's Winter Cough Syrup--- you'll notice a decided improvement in a day or

two-even the first dose blrings reliefIt rlleves all sorenes and iLritation -- soothes and heals the inflamed

imsam - removes the mucous and prevents further infection.

Contains no morphine, chloroform, or opiates of any description - itis abolutely.ea e and dependable - you know just what you are taking-we can give you the formula and that's why we are so enthusiagtloabout it.

Two sizes, 25 and 50 cents.When we had a chance to get the exclusive selling agency for NAYL

]Pamily Remedies we jumped at it. They are known among all druggistsas the highest quality line on the market, ant are prepared by a greatAuM of manufacturing chemists, famous for fifty years.

By Parel Post Prepaid





Tets all about sex matters; whatyoung meh and women, young wivesand-husbands and ael others need toknow about the sacred laws that gov.ent the sex bors. Plain truths of sex

reuiI relatire to happinem in marriage."S••erbta at mbnhood and womanhood;esoal abses, social evil, dieases, etcThe latet most most dvasoed and com.

eheadie work that has ever been issued an sexual hygie(l . Prioelem m.

urtis•teor the.e who are ready for thef's Iaet tesahiag.

This books telnareura teaheri, doeoseas, lawvs, plremehem social workersBmdky bahoot teaschss and all othersyougg asd-eld, whit aneedf te knowabout sex-mate. By WINJ'JLD

aOTrT AL L, PH. D.. . D.

aF n cOOa:aMM sN~:Sida. nMily moreet."-.Oieago

)Ih.. "Ausirates up-, i ate."l-'iep Pres. Stan dard book of

at l me#i ia phnl Lodger.Ie Use e*k Wmela:esN*Main truthstsw Yiwho peat, s-aught ,o know

fs r i. e pn ea. of eils..•. i .•- wpr •; o-ly L.oo.

or Oa r lder-jposbtea cents

MIAMI Pubt ring Com-pany -

I , '~'

FREE London go" Neklansa "velyn Thrw" I irCtThese two beautiful pieces of populi

jewelry are thecrasze among societywomen in New York and the largestcities. They are neat and elegant goldfinished articles that will glades thehbert of every girl or woman, no matterhow young or old. Very stylish

Our Free Offer. We are advertiein&Spearmint Chewing Gum and desire toplace a big box of this fine, healthfulgumjinto every home. It sweeten 't hbreath-whitens the.teeth and aide di.gestion. It is refreshing and plieasiato all. To every one seudinm us but 60cand 10 cents to cover shipping costs wewill ship a big box of 2) regaler S'packagea of the Spearmint Gum and in Ielude the elegant,"Tango",necklace and "Evelya Thaw"bracelet aHsolutely tree,

This otter is for a short time patryNot mor an 2 orders to one onlyDealers- or.allowed to accept this,

United Sales CompanyDayton. Ohio P. O. Boa 101

- - .. . • - -- ii I I III

WANTEDA active and reliable aorpe

pondent at every post-offloo• ISt. John parish. Address: The

scbac ebe, Lucy; La.

Iti reii e yk 60"_ -lob ~q~ dl~P

PenmanI will write your name

dozen or more eards at ISpwr dozen

Samples furnished ontion,.

A trial order will beappreciated by..

C. A. CAILLET,Hahnvil

Everything A Man$ I Complete Shaving

10 Articles 1To advertise our U

Shaving Outfit and UProdncts we will for atime only, send t`ip wel$3.00 Shavinl Ontfit forWe sell our products tosumer direct and therefsave all agents prolts wyou know are very larg.

1 Hollow Ground Razor1 6-inch Lather Brush.1 Razor Strop. Canvas1 Nickel Easel Back M1 36-inch Barber Towel.1 Bar Shaving Soap.1 Box.Talcum Powder1 Decorated China Miy.1 Aluminum Barber C1 Bristle Hair Brush.Each outfit packed sa

$1.00. Coin or Moneypostage 10c extra.

SDayton, hio

$100 Reword, $100Tbh readers of this paper will be

learn that there is at least e d--usae that smolece has been able •t

its stages, and that is Catarrh. aiHt'sCure is the only positive cure aw kthe medical traternity. catarthstitational disese, requires atoeatment. "all's CUtarrk Cure sterally, aiting direetly u ars themaoues enrtese of the s•ste•,mrylag the fendadtioa of theiving the patiest strength by

the constltatimu sad amistg mtateits work. The proprietors have alsith in its curative poweas they,indred Dollars for any ease thiatiltire. Send for list of testimonia a-

Addless: F. J. t:H ENIY a ., Tofrice 78 eets per bottle. seld by allaists.

Take Hall's Family Pills fr

STHE USUAlGIristmnas

I olid iExc-- u

ll be in effect ia

T*iS. LOIS, CilCUS, I.a to sal

l Oill.A A s l .

A.D.GPLA OV . kUW ,i


U AV Pema0 to B r 1

28a t.o '-.

8s.S.Se &.iq

a lml Sale Olel111 emS .d11h.L i.4 +

lies, mese e 5pe.e sl-t

payai eb dfll mt. mb

and ass asses, 8mrtp d*e np,,gest in taB akilSQ. i.o, "s H,Aea-• g•:

I____rzR~ci~~s~1Q~ -;towr~~

rI~ r o~