Ladies! - Treherne0' ). , . " } • --, THE LABEL~ l-;Iu,,\'s the clatc to which your...

. ' 0' ). , " . } - - , THE l-;Iu,,\'s the clatc to which your l'ubscriptioll, is raid." See tbat. it is , right: YOLo Is arriving every 111 Gent's ... _ .............. -. ....... .. ... R. Salldersou, Jolin Green, Ed. Lewis, ' H. Darkwell (skip). N. Rutherford, ' W. McGowan, Elliot Robson, Pnlker, (skip). J. W. MorriS<lu', - Re\,. W. R. Hugbes, D. Myles, F. Martin, (skip). ! I will sell your goods and lor ,,'yery,. DIScount you can have your uIe. Prices reasonable and guaranteee!. N. . -'-- . Watch Talh Spring Suits A watch Deed! cnrcClil unll ('IXpOrioDcotiliitcu o --- tion to koop Ito IIno lIIocilllniolll 111 porloct .ondllfon. 'No machln. will run woll without I wHnt every man who is thinking oillog. aod although n wulch nood. ,ory IILLlo about a ncw spt'ing suit to see my (III, thnt .moll qunll!lly lIIust bo or tho ,'orY f1uost and In Lho right place. only. It Is our in-and the styles for buslne •• IO mQho ....... alch \\oep oor- the coming season. I am confident reet ,hne, nnellr It Is not worn out. \\i0 €!nn uo It. Walch.s,clocko."ul lowolr), ropalrml ou our I have something" just right" COL' proml.e •• rricos low alld work thorough. every need in my range of priceil- , r F. A. MERCER S 13 to $28 Per Suit, to Order WATCHMAnEI'- Wo, JEWELLEI'- --- ISSUER OF MAURUOE LICENSES W.H. HOUS Ladies! Holland For YOUl' line cor- respondence sec t hc' Bargains W 0 1 are olTering-- . Papeteries Regular Price. Special Sale Price, 25c. Druggls' Optician

Transcript of Ladies! - Treherne0' ). , . " } • --, THE LABEL~ l-;Iu,,\'s the clatc to which your...

Page 1: Ladies! - Treherne0' ). , . " } • --, THE LABEL~ l-;Iu,,\'s the clatc to which your l'ubscriptioll, is raid." See tbat. it is , right: YOLo Is arriving every 111 Gent's M~_ .. ...R

. ' 0'


, "

. }

- - ,

THE LABEL~ l-;Iu,,\'s the clatc to which

your l'ubscriptioll, is raid." See tbat. it is

, right:


Is arriving every

111 Gent's

.~ ... _ .............. -. ....... M~_ .. ...

R. Salldersou, Jolin Green, Ed. Lewis, ' H. Darkwell (skip). N. Rutherford, ' W. McGowan, Elliot Robson, Ber~ Pnlker, (skip). J. W. MorriS<lu',

- Re\,. W. R. Hugbes, D. Myles, F. Martin, (skip).


I will sell your goods and lor ,,'yery,. >1~~:'\" DIScount you can have your 'U"~',"'a, uIe. Prices reasonable and guaranteee!.


. -'-- .

Watch Talh Spring Suits A watch Deed! cnrcClil unll ('IXpOrioDcotiliitcu o


tion to koop Ito IIno lIIocilllniolll 111 porloct .ondllfon. 'No machln. will run woll without I wHnt every man who is thinking oillog. aod although n wulch nood. ,ory IILLlo about a ncw spt'ing suit to see my (III, thnt .moll qunll!lly lIIust bo or tho ,'orY f1uost and In Lho right place. only. It Is our sal1lples-ju~t in-and the styles for buslne •• IO mQho ....... alch \\oep oor- the coming season. I am confident reet ,hne, nnellr It Is not worn out. \\i0 €!nn uo It. Walch.s,clocko."ul lowolr), ropalrml ou our I have something" just right" COL' proml.e •• rricos low alld work thorough. every need in my range of priceil-,


F. A. MERCER S 13 to $28 Per Suit, to Order WATCHMAnEI'- Wo, JEWELLEI'- ---


Ladies! Holland


For YOUl' line cor­respondence sec t hc' Bargains W 0 1 are


. Papeteries

Regular Price. 40~, Special Sale Price, 25c.

Druggls' Optician

Page 2: Ladies! - Treherne0' ). , . " } • --, THE LABEL~ l-;Iu,,\'s the clatc to which your l'ubscriptioll, is raid." See tbat. it is , right: YOLo Is arriving every 111 Gent's M~_ .. ...R


'AGAIN. A IAfrlc)an Native. Who Were Lavlah 1ft

Their U.e of Soap. He Finall)" Came to Bellevo Yal'h Wa. True,

The usual illI1"ty ot·: e,'enln

gossips bod ~thered In '1,~~;~~r~~~~jg!~![l;,r;)~ postoafec when Rastus, n '~."n" 1\~'>rr.,.1 is t1~l~~~Wl~~Il;,~ri,~-:~ Cd old 'dnrky, Billd: il COltlJil,oli.nd lind


Miss Mary Kingsley, "lio madE many journeys In tbe wilds of Atrlca, used

relnte how once, finding It neccsso· to cleanse a mucb soiled and stalaed

blouse, slle carried It, wltb u of soap, to n nelgbborlng spring, where n teoRpoontul every "Follisesr I know 0 mnn" who tells

lies so olten that be sometimes actual· ly believes be's tellln' the truf. You've heard of them people, baveu't you?

~·n"rI •• four hours. his mixture posses~es the heuling, henlthful properties of the Pines, and wiII break a cold in twenty·(our hours and cure uny cough that is curnbIa In having tillS for· mula put up, be sure ihat your drug­gIRt u~es the genuine Virgin Oil of Pine compound pUl e, prepared and gUlIfllnieed, only by the Leach Chern: ical Co., Wmdsor. Onto

Listen. One day be was passln' by n bacco ~~:·:u~~.B~g~!:~~'.i!~d

an Interested group of native women wDtch~d ber wash It. Tbey were much

lIy tbe way In wblcb tbe spots dl~'appcllred, and It emcrged as good os new.

certain your case.

For n (ree illustrated hooklet en· tItled "'fhe 'l'ruth About PeruIl'I," ad· dress 'rho Perunn Co, Colnmbus, Ohio, Mniled postpaid,

co A New North.rn Fruit.

The list of It uits Lhat cnn be grown in the Pronie Provinces is gmduaJly belllg IIlcrcnsed One oCthe llitest things to nttrnct attention is the Hip· popltne berry. This plant is a nntl ve of Lnplulld nlld other purts of them EUlOpe. It hus been grown un Orllumentnl shrub fl)r some time, but only recently has attrncted atten· tlOn as nn edIble fruit. Prof. Hansen, who \Vns sent to Siberia and other cold climates by tho U, S. Govemment to secure new plants for the northwest­CI n states, IIrst introduced the plant to the northwest of the United Stnics. 'rhe honor of introdUCing It mto tho Cunadiun West belongs lo the Buch· ILI1an Nursery Co., of Winnipeg. Mr. D W. Buchnnnn, who for years has devoted a lurge portIon of his time to the testing und studymg of plants Iikcly to plove of value hero, got hold of the Hlppophae berry some years ugo ,md hus ~iven it u thorough test nt the 11urselles at St. Ohatles, ncnr Wlnmpeg. 'rhe test has proved thnt so far ns hnrdiness is concerned, the Hlppophae berry is entirely at home III this climate. The plants er shown a trnce of winter dn:!,~~~:;!

I'estrunt, nnd as he was very hungl:Y body- nnd .1H<Kt1 ()

he went In to get Bomelbln' to cat, Isaoc NewLon elaborated bis theory

But n'hen be got InSide be saw thnt of gravitation ovel' countless pipes of .. tobacco. Dear old Izaak Walton

e'\'ery seat wns occupied. 'fben he smoked while he angled, und went to thought u minute and snddenly sald, the extreme of arguing thnt tobacco just so loud so that nerf one could made an excellent subshtute lor

-.~ .... e benr blm: breakfast.

.. 'Haw you beard?" Bismarck was an inveterate smoker. Portland's Cigar Sandwiches. "Or course every one IIIIld 'Whnt?' At Komggrntz, finding his 'supply of In Portlan!i they have' actually in·

'Wby,' said he, 'there's a whale cigars reduced to one, be carefully vcnted tho cigar sundwlch. A Illon 'In tbe dock tbat tbey just cnp· saved it throughout the battle, look- who wants to buy a perfecto on

'i':;'~_.~. lashln' his tall around and up· forward to the hour 01 victory Sundny JU8t walks mto a cigar store .... lIn' tbe tugboats and'steamers. He's 1.'W·h"·n,, he could eIlioy it. Wlule look· and OJdets a pOlfecto sandwich. He only goln' to be tbere ten mlnlltes.' the lIeld nfter the fight he gets two thIck slIces of hlOnd with

"Of course everyone Jumped up nnd came ncross. a soldier lying wounded his favorite between them. Then he run down to see the whalo. l.'hlil wns and helpless. Hoving nothing III the magnllnimously gives baclt the blead.

Just what ho wanted, so, slttlll' dOlnl, way 01 refreshl!1en~ about his person, -New YOlk Tllbune , he placed IllS cigar between the I _. __ '_ he ordered his dinner nnd bCh'lln to soldier's teeth and applied a match I . , ' C eat. Suddenly he looked out tile win· to it. "You should have seen the . A: bottle o( BIckle s A~l1. ons~mp. dow, Dnd tbere was c1"crybody runuln: poor fellow's grllteful smilc," he t!ve Syr~lp, tllken uccordmg to dtrec· to tho docks-policemen, Cblnamen, wrote. "1 never enjoyed a cigar so t!ons, Will. subdue. n cough III II s!lort coons and nil-and be said: that one which I did not tlllle. TIllS assettlOn call bc verified

~s \ by hundreds who have tried it .. 'By gollyl I ""1'88 It's sol' .mnKP~ t· t ,,- . '. nre plensed to Denr tes Imony a "And be run down thcre hlmself."- Emerson ... wns on mcessant srno.Ker, merits, so thut all may kllOW what a

Judge. amI 80 w~, Carlyle, w~o described splendid medicine it IS It costs you tobnceo as one of the dlvmest bene- only 2& cents to jom the ronks of the fl~s thnt has ever come to the human many who have been benehted by race." These two ph.llosophers spent Its usu. mnny evemngs smokmg together.

The Apolog)" Macle by an Uncon· Ohver Wendell Holmes worshipped •• iousl)" Profane Man. his pipe, an" Darwin mallltallled

The proprietor of a cl'rtalu hotel 111 thnt nottllng sooLhed him more nfter I r t il kill a hard day's work than a Cigarette.

MaiDe Is not on y olle 0 e' UI es Robert Louis Stevenson dictated hi~


The willow is one o( the most adapt. nble of plants If!l shoot IS brokon off and stuck m the ground, it will almost alwnys take root nnd grow

nnd best hearted of men, but nlso one of tbe most profane. He SlI'eOIS "Ilh. delightful chlldren's poetry with a Minard'. Liniment Curel Distemper.

cigarette between his teeth. Alphonse out knowing It and means no olrens.,; Daudet, "the French DICkens," snid: He speuds lIut little time lu tile officr "In writing 1 have always found my nnd Is pructlcnlly unlmown to lOony capacity for work diminish as the of tho guests. One day, bowe\'er, be tobacco in my pipe bums lower nnd was tn couYersntlon with the manoger I'l,ow'er," Our own Mark Twnin is a wlt')l1 a Indy Interrupted them. _ smoker, beillg equally fond

"I wnut my room cbanged," sh(' of his pipe and his cigar. said, "It Is on'tlte side overlooking Rudyard Kipbng is an inveterate the Itltchen, and I am nllnoyed by smoker, and his own sentiments arc swearing of somo mnn -down tbere C\'. reflected in the concluding lwes of

his "Betrothed", ' ~ J

Meeker-.lust one yeur ugo I 1<3d my wife to the nltar

Bleeker-You did, ch? Meeker-Yes, and there my leader-

ship ended. ' ,

Repeat it: --"Shilob's Cure will always cure my coughs and colds.

The next morning wben It came time to break camp hi Iss Kingsley missed her soap-a precious commodity In tbe wllderuess. Suspicion soon l}olutcd to n certain woman, wbo, ou belug ac· cused, confessed boldly tbnt sbe hnd taken It and ('ust It luto tbe spring that Its extraordlnarr powers of re­newing old garmcnts mlgbt bS! permu· nently Imparted to thc wnters. Sbe was deeply mortified to learn tbat lIer effort bad be~n In vnln. Tbe Rev. Peter McQueen of Charles·

towu, Mass., teIls a 1>lJl(lrcd story. His soap, ho" el'er, wos not lost, nltbougb misused. He sllll had It with blm.

"I told our native serl'unts to be sure to lay In a supply ot c1enn "atcr when we crossed the Tarll desert, n scorcbed belt of snnd stretching some seventy-six mIles," he relntes. "Tid· Ings had reacbed liS til at nn Engllsb explorer who bud a ttempted to cross that desert sbortly before us bad per· Isbed from thhst, so we wnnted to be caroful.

"You con Imoglue my surprise wb('n, upon tnklng illY IIrst drnft ot watcr, 1 discovered tbat It tnsted strongly of soap, All tbe cusl~s ",ere similarly

. tainted, nud we rOlln<1ed up tbe noth'cs nnd beld a basty court martini

"It was n tougb predlcamcnt, but I COUldn't refrain from smiling wltbln when tbe leader of them meekly con· fessed that as the master bad Insll'Uct· ed him to lay III a supply of clenu wu· leI' hc bad s('el1 to It thnt bllrs ot soap "ere added, for soa p, be said, was IIsed to clean things."

ery morning. I am n cllurcb "omnn "Light me another Cubo; Dnd will not stoml It anothCl' dny." I hold to my first-sworn vows,

'l'he remorits were addressed to tbe If Maggie will have no rival. mauager, for she !lld not know I'll have no ?IIaggie for spouse.

BIder Matron-You s110uldn't mind the tiahy crymg· a little. It streng· thens his lungs.'

Younger Mntron-Oh, no doubt; it wellkens Ins fllther's relIgIOn so,

~'bey did not pm'lsb of thirst, but aCter slxleell dn,'s of drlnl>lng SODP' suds, whleb agr(,Cll with neither pnlate uor stomach, no IIlItll'e of tbnt partlc' ular gnng was again llIeely td try to purify wnter with soup,-Youth's Com· panlon.

proprietor or thnt tbe one wbo did tbe Barrie's "My Lady Nicoline" swearing wns be. considered- the best book on the

"Do you happen to know wbo tbnl philosophy of smoking, and IS 0 last­'man Is?" lIe asked belore tbe mau· ing testimoninl of that talented writ.





'The UtIlizntlon of Brown COli ,'as the subject l,f a pnpur read nt meeting of the Society 'If Chemical [nduBtry, in Melbourne recently b) Wykehnm Bayly. The aalhor sLnteu that Ylctoria, more than IIDY olh!!1 <tnte, was il'vored with vuluable brown conI, the c1eposils being prnc!i· ~allv beyond computatIOn. In m!\ny respects the deposits were equal ill v.lue to those ill Gp.rmnny, whidl They Cured His Neuralgia, Cramped prOtltlccB nenrly &0.000,000 lons 01 Muscle. and Heart Disease From brown conI annunlly. He had oblnin. Which He Had Sufforcd for Two "it nmmoniu sulphntes and other vnlll' Vears. ' able product. [rom the coal, nud SL. Puul de Metis, Allu. (Spccial).-found is exccptlon!llly well ndapted "Dodd's KIdney PIlls hnve clone for [or malting producer gas. By reduc- mc all that IS clallllcd for them" lng the wntery contents 10 to 18 per So SI1yS Joseph Mncklitl, a weH known cent. and USlllg hydraulic pressure, fmlllel o[ Ull~ dl.tllct. "I was III they had mnde brlcquettes, ·whleh for o\'cr SIX Yl'IllS \\ Ith Neuralglfi, were superior in calorific value to Crump" I.n my mnscles, Buckuc!le and ~hose mnnufllctured in GennallY. He HeUI t Dlsellse 1 called on dIfferent estimnled thnt bricqueUes could be, doetols LH~t g,ot no l~c1p I henrd manufncturecl at Morwell on a large tllut. Dodd s hldncy 1 Ills were mctInt scnlc. nnd dehvered in Melbourne nt (01' Just .slIch CUBes us nllne, and ISs. 6d. per ton. It W!l8, however, for bought elgl,L IJOXl'S of them. Now I produC(lr gila purposcs that the brown feel lust like II new IlIII1l. I rccoIll' t!ClOl in Victoria could be best utilized mcnd them to nil ns 11 sure Cllre for

. __ . _. Hhcumutldlll IIlld nIl tIOubles IlrlslIIg h 0111 diSCUSI'd Kid neys "

Teacber-Surely you ore IlOt COIIll .kntlng todny, children! Do 70u know where little boys go wbo .kate on Bunday?

Tbe Littlest One-Stlrel Dey goes to de Ilea res' \lon(1. 'Vbcre'd you s'pose ley went-up In de attlc?-New Yorll. W ... 1d.

Repeat it :-" Shiloh's Cure will always cure my coughs and colds."

"Gee, but it's hot!" cried Mr. Siz zor, 1ll0pplllg his brow. "Where IS Tommy?" "Out flying his kIte," snid Mrs. Sizzel'. "We\1, for goodness snlte, tell him to stop It I" roared Sizzer. "The Idoa of using up II hat little bl ce?e there is 011 such nOll' sense."-Scottish Amct ican

Minard'. Liniment cures Gar,et lit Cows.

The bachelor gil 1 looked down coyly.

"You wnnt to know II hy I never married" sho snld. "Is thiS Idle CUtiOSlty, or do you monn buslIless?"

"BU8111IlSS, II replied tho pert young mon. "I ought to get a column of copy out of tillS inlcrview."-Philu· del!>llIn I.edgel'

----Whether the corn he o( old or new

growth, It mu~L Yield to Hollowny's COl n Cure, tho simplest ond best cure oriered to Lhe pnbhc.

'l'housllnds of [UI mel s ull oyer the west reillte sllIlllllr cxpcllences to thllt giv('n b~' 111. Muckhn. 'l'hcy find thnt Uodd's KHlney l'l\ls do JlIst whllt IS clniml'rI [or tlwm-curc 1111 (hsc!Ised Kidncl s und nil !lisenscs tlt ISing [rom dl~ellsed Kldno~'s.


any yenr. They combine haldincss with' n prolific habit. One of the curiosities at Provincial Horbculturnl exhibition in Winnipeg lusL yeor \Vus one of these /lImIts, benl ing u protligious qunntity

agel' could rcply, er's love for the weed. I'No, I do not," she auswered. Pope Pius IX ,was a smoker and TO CHILDREN

An Experience In Getting Acqualntecl In New Vork.

Geltlng acquainted In New York Is tllus described by a Ulan flom Atlanta. Ho brougllt a lettar of Introduction to Ille person lie was 10 meet at tbe lat· ter's office In Nassau street.

A few evculllgs ngo a pnrty of ladies wcre discussing the vii tues o( their husbands "MI'. Slllgloton," sllld one of them, nllmllllg to her spouse, "nover drinlts nIHI novel UBOS violent languuge - indeed, he has no bud hubils," "Doesn't he smoko?", U mnn nsked "Yes: he likcs a cigllr JUBt after he has enten a good manl But really. on an avC! nge, he doeslI·t smolw mOl e thlln once u mOllth "­Plnllldulphia Inquirer.

IIerbageum (ReglstClec1) is a vltlll· izing vegetnble tOlllC nnd blood pur· iflC! (Ice flOIl1 nil dl ugs l'he socret of Its \>oweI', sn\>~1 IOlIty. nnd ehenp· lIess OVel' all Cattle or Sloclt Food ,1 nnd ComiltlOn l'ollders IS, thnt 1lI nHllI1g lhgestlon Ilnd nssilIlIlnLIon It vIllIllZCS, IIlso usually Ildds IIbout one· fifth to tho vnlue of Lhe foods used For tllcnty·thICo ~eUIS Jlllze,"inl1lng farmers, stock, pig nnd poltltty breed· CIS nil 01'01 Cnnndll, hnvo III our HOI hogeum Hooklet rcpO! ts testified thllt Hel bngcum when ICgulntly (ed, II hlCh IL !lIlYS to do, IS lhe best and cheupest tonic nnd blood pUl iller on sale. 'l'hat It excels (or filling liP horses [or Spllllg \\'Olk, anaullng film fiesh, stlong muscles lind cnerglzed Ilet ves. nnd fOI gI 0\\ illg nnd fotten· lIlg nnimols, fOI more nnd betLer milk nlld butter, nnd fOI flIhng the egg bnskot It relievcs henves, stl ength· ens wenk legs in cows, StUll ted, SCUI vy Jnnd wetk-legged pIgS, nnd re· Slsls Ihog Choletu It clenns out swelled IbgS. SCI ntches, mange, itch, scnb [\Ild cotted II 001 pili nsites, nlso WOI'IIlS, bott., !Jeo and tIcks,' nil of IIhich live all thc illllHlIitics that caURe IIHllgestlon 1lI Inde·bounrl hOI ses, eolt~, cows nnd clllves. Fed III their food to till key and other cillclts liS soon liS IlIIlched, strength. ens lind onS111 es theIr lives. All tho I eault o[ HCI bngeulll vltnlized blood

of fruiL 1'he IIippopltae is n strong growing

~lll'ub, WIth small folillge of n sil I;rccn color, and yellow, minuLe flow·

I £'rs, succeeded by bright orange color· cd fruiL. 1'he f!'Ult IS IIn'ger than the enrrant and is en.By pIcked. While it might not be relished by one, to lIlost people Ule frUll be considCled highly pnlatable

"Well, I do," thc proprietor con tin· Pope Leo XIII took snuff. The names of promment :Ameri·

ued, "und he' doesn't mean Dny Illorc cans who smoke would seem like a when he swears tbun you do wben complote hst of American celebrities you get down on your knecs to prny." -minus the present chief exeeutive -Llpllincott's. of the nation; and Theodore ir.; from

indications, will consume ?,~~~I~z~tobii'~co' during his lifetime to I.u:um,eut"

'rbls Is tlla Atlantan's report to bls bouse:

"Called at 2 p m. Boy on tbe gate asked my nume aud business. Gil ve blm Ibe letter of ,lutroductlOn. Boy re­tumed aud told me to sit down.

HeI bngeul1I 18 sol <I in IInl d WUl e, GtocelY, DI ltg, Seed, Feed, and Gunerlll sLoles nil o\'cr Cl1nndn.

It I~ estimatcd thnt thCl e ore al·

\\ !lYs 4,000,000 people nt sen.

Bant. 'J'he shrub 1S dloeciolls in bloom, some of the plants producing mnle blossoms and othets! ~oln~l~~y~:;r~n~ blossoms. It is therefore I

"Sut down twenty·flve minutes. SaW ~,.,~~,,, como out of bls office and break

W()lf!!igl~jl'I)~"'~:r~:;~:~!\l;~Clllll<lIlC'O<l ~'U£U'JI>I,.tha gatc as If he was chased \1 by hornefs.

"'Who's the mnn from Atlanta 1!bo wants to see me?' asked the burrled

Your Success Means Ours

plU11t a number of the shrubs in prox· llIUty. Ol~ing to extreme hardinesF thIS plant promIses' to be of eon sid· U~:~sl~~i~~lf~;t: crable value in the Prmric Provinces. L ~r~l·i:,\~lii'C\,\iS;':"I·(!re,.~mIY1 It is nlso useful os nn ornomental .1 shrub, and may be used for hedgee or screens with good effect.

"Well1th does11 't bring happiness," s[ud Unclo l~bell, "but it comes a henp nealer dom' it dan bein' broke II -Washington Star.

Individual. ' "" am tbe

act as If 1 ~nQ'n

The Acme of Perfection They are telre .. cI for their Strong Vitality, High Quality, Freoh neas, Fullne .. of Life, Adaptlbillty to the West, and the Purity

tto. Choicest and Highest Germinating Seed grown. Writ. for our Free Catalog. 01 Vegetable Seeds, Flow.r

Seed., Seed Gralna, Grassel, Cloven, Planet Jr. Tool., Poultry

Limited Western Canada.

, .


Page 3: Ladies! - Treherne0' ). , . " } • --, THE LABEL~ l-;Iu,,\'s the clatc to which your l'ubscriptioll, is raid." See tbat. it is , right: YOLo Is arriving every 111 Gent's M~_ .. ...R





I, Stewln l!cI"arlI WIllie AlII Samacl HOlllllu All ..

(CQl1tlllucd) en \1'11'11 XXXII IRIEN I nlHI [!om) food quickly

hl"Ug111 I'II( v Onrrow blHk to ItiH 1101111111 III I~e O\U! IIl~rc~ thlu Hllt".II, d Dr I rendon thnt

nil II us II (III 1\ Itlt him Ill,' 'u"kl'd to 6~e Ibe ([11'111111 Illld Ihlll gcnilelllnn came to III'S room \I hll b bud been osslll'lIvd to the ICstllerl ilion

'I bope ~ 011 bll VO lit (11 II blo to III

yourself ~omfOllllbil'. suld the Dlullder COUI tlOIlNly

• It would be IItrunge In(1I ed could not," relllrlH'tl Onrro\\ NIIlIIIIIJ;

"You forget til 11 t J Ull hll Il' Nt'l U "0 I age do" u In the IIIld"1 of 1113:111 y ..

~Inlee 30Ulself 11H' of I\lN Ihlll!.'!! II 1\l'!1 Cuptaln Pllrl,III"OIl I'oor f(ll 1011' lIe 11111 Dot use them lIgll111 I hWI't

"One or your Ulen lo_t" nHI p(1 Dur row "Ah' Tltl' lOllUg om«lr \lbosp Lmdy 1 fOllnel 011 thl' tJelllh pHhllPS I

'No But"~ 11Ill<' 10 Ihllule lUll for Iltnt IJUlIIlI" slIld till' UI()lulu

DnrlO\\ mndl' n N\\ 1ft gCKtllre It thllnles 1110 gulll';' he <I h'd, olul P(lllS!'(1 (n hOllelull~nus8 or adelluu\e ell: press 1011

, I hi" hll8 bpen a biller ('rllise for n, ' (011111111111 till tllllllllll lie sigh eel nOlI \I us "II!lot for a mOIlll'Dt ','1J( rp. I" IlII1l'b to tell und to bo told,'

hI! I eSlllllec! ~11I"h ' ogrel'll llll' othl'r glo\ely

"You \\111 \llInl 10 HI'I' Illude fil'llt, presllme! 811hl Ihe cup(IIID

• Oue or rOil' Orn( I!rH II hOIll I huve 110t Jet hn!l IIIl 111C'u"1lI1! of meeting'

'j he Cllllluln stilled "SIlldc,' he Mllld 'Rnlplt Sladc'

• A I1PIII enlly thcl e's 8 missIng 11nlt 01-1 t(lIr I IIIIS 1101 IIltoll) IlIJ"!'1I yestelllu~ for n time Po".llJly ~O!UI' tltlnl: OCCIlII etl thut I dId lIot Iluite till," in ft

'Pl'rhulls 1\ I! d better, II olt " Cuptalll Purklnson \I It It 0111 10119 gil IlIg '\ Oil rl! 1101 (IllIte rosteel \I III [,cl mOl e IIku ,-

'It 3011 don ( IIIlne!" sn Id Darrol\ COllllloscdly, I d Ill,l' to get at (hI­(ltlug now I 111 In excellent under slundlng, I (lSlIure J 011 "

"·eIY \I ell I am speaking of Ihe man \I ho octed us mute In the I.UIIgll Ing r.nMS Thl' Jonruu11.t II ho- (Jood belllcl1J!! "hllt"'lllnnt stupIdIty I I bn\o to beg lour pU1l\on. ~Ir Ourrol> It hnB Just OCUlrl cd 10 me He called bllllsolf hugen II ltlt IOU'

"EuglJOI "ltat Is litis? Is Engen lillie!'

"And on this Khlp up III on OpCIl !Jout"

"And you so~ hp. cnlls SInde?"

~lll g( nn /)UII OIl lUI 11('(1 IUMI II1Nldl! lite (Ioor

1\ Ith 1111 I'u!wr Il>:hl In his fuce SIucI( (,tllIl'll rOl II nl d lind Ntrel<llp.d 0111 hI-

1""1<1 ' I I <lllhltl I hl'llp\I' It nnlll I _n \\

\ 1)11 01<1 mUll hI I rh d Ilnll(l\\ ~ ()\tlIJlO\\M \\('nt liP

~"I'I hUll tll111' 10 1101.. I I"d ........ ,.

[JeTe's !JOUT prize SIClde wId the ,,,. IIcoli

I.e • Interlupt DIe when anY.DO'"l( rie(!d~

clem Ing up," be sold. 0 The elevahon on the opcllIng of trull ut best \'ou',e the right to l'aTiJaruent of Mr Charles MarCIl to as plnlll as 1 Call make It-IVI.ttlb~le~;I::~~.~~~J the post of Speaker of the House of Itelp Cut rIght III wltb your q Commons was expected !lnd doserved rhere'll be plonty to answer and BOllli recogmtlOn of the talents and efforts l1el er \\ III be nnswered Now let of one of thc most populnr members

of that Ohamber Mr Morcll hIlS III gilt this thlllS' luld out elcarly In recent ycars dehvered nddresses 11l 0\\ n mInd \ ou first BOW lite glow- many parts of Cllnnda and the Ulll~ let me Bee"- cd Stutes whIch hnve nttrncted litten-

~Ight of Jnne 2" snld BarD!'tl tlon not only for the oratorlonl gIfts • JUl1e 2" agreed Dallow 1 bnt wu~ of tho speaker, but also for the

till' end of Sol01l10n Thrnclcles & Co breadth of vIew dIsplayed m IllS ut­A I CI\ Bill PI IsIng cl1d to tbem If thcI terallces The son 01 11 French lather hlHI tIme 10 thluk" he added gllmly lind an IrIsh mother. Han Charles

MarCIl com bmes III lumself the $UI prl~lllg onough flom tlte survlv quahttes of each rnee PolIte

ors' I It!\\ point" 8uld Siude chIValrous 11l J;>llvate and publIc • D011ulless They, e bad thnt storl he IS the tYPlcnl Frenehman.

rrom you I needo't go ol'er Il Tbl" and qUlck 111 repartee, he mIght ~Ip (lIcked Ull (he r.uugblng [;ass de have been born III Erm When serted lind \lut ~our first orew ulJourd .these quahhes nrc added lin Iltnt nIght, wua It not, you SI1" thp m both French and ]jngl \I hlCh ol'colld plllnr of firo?" have won hIm the descrIptIon of

BUI Dett nodded "tho SIlver-tongued MurCll," the new Speaker mlly be "eU dcscnbed 08 a

"So ~ onr DIeD met tbelr deatb 'I hell Speaker well endowed \llth the gIft cnme tbe BeVOlld fiodlng of tlte ell1(1tl of toniues ychooner CaptaIn Parklnsoo, tlWI Born lit Ste Soholnst!que, the crn-mUllt blile ooeo blave men wbo foccd 111 the Provll1oe of thl! unkllOIl II tell ors of tbat prodlgl ' I, 1000 Charlcs Mar-

"rbey \ oltlUteelt'd sir," Baid tbe but seven years old when laIn, \\ Itb sImple prIde colebrated Its first

Dnrrow bOIled with a BnggeRtion 01 bIrthday, but cven nt that early age relelcnce In Ihe slow mo~ement or bl- he had shown nn aptItude for the be,ld "Al1d thnt I1I"ht-or \\as It t\\O of Oanadulll history, \lllIcll.

e to Ius wl11ll1!!'ncss. cven anx-nlgbt!! lotcr-~ou HOW the Inst ollpeor master lhe lr nguage 01 IllS

ance of tlte pOI tent? "ell I Fhall as well ns 01 hIS father. marlc (0111e to that Slude Itas told you bOil as n bov who would make lit!'), 11\ ed on the bench Wltlt liS lu \\ ay in the world 'fho tnsk was the volley It "liS dllTerent AII1IOSI rrom till' "I'Mt I \\ llS alolle 'J'he dot 101 censeil to be a compal1lon He ceuslld to be humllll 1I1most A IIlncblue thllt'. IIltnl hI' \\ns UI~ 0111' hlll1lun 111~tlDti II ""- well dl81 fUsl H Is whole fOI ce lH;lllg \\U'" ll'llteaed 00 hhldlll~olelY wus to nUlke bllll tfle f01Clllost sclentlsl or tbe world Ihe foremost IlldllldulIl elltltJ ot Itl~ t1mt'-of all Elen to ()ulllllt' 11 to )(111 \\onld 100 lUll' h time LIght. butt, 11I0t!

po" er 10 IUerl'd Ihl" d<'gl (!('R IInl' Ilnd~1 tOil Irol UN IHI~ u(\ er bel!lI Im"".-"

'l'h,uUft to the

YUKON INDIANS DYING OUT. NEW G, T. fl. MANAGER. THE SUNDAY SCH Not Like Other TrIbes - Have Color Edson J Chamberlin Is Every Inch I

and Beard of a Jap n Rallroad.r IndIans are just pnSSJDg ~'() be enlleil-at t"~nh 10llr honrg' I LESSON IX -FI RST a tmpper, the squaws notIce to tuke chalgc of the financ-, FOR FEB 28, 1909,

the chIldren InCreaSJDg Ing bUlldlllg anel operatIng of u but nmoni tho men, old tt ansconttncntal rnllroad pre~upposcs I

young, you hear thc hollmv cough cxccultvo ablhtJ, 1\ lengthy 1!1.Ihoad Text of tho L.osson, Acta vIII, lunl1 trouble • !'''pellence nnd mn\1Y other quulll1es Memory Ver ... 14, 15--Goldon

The Pelly RIver bnnd had 111 1899 \I hlch go to make up tho success Acta VIII, 6'-Commentary Prepared twenty chIldren, twenty squaws and ful man 01 arfun s As a maltel 01 by Rev, 0, M Stearns, fourteen men Thnt wmter ten of the fact, all the-e qtlnhficaltons nre men dIed of pneumonia You sce possessed by ?Ir Edson J Chn.mber IICOpyrlght 1000 by American Pr .. AIiIocI.Uon] the Hudson Bay brn.nd Umons ~hemJ 111\, the new vice presIdent and gener- The llnrtiog cOUlmlsslon of our Lold ttOhO, at greJat scatrl ucrolsds Ie ~elc 1,1ll nl monuger of lhe GllLrld 'I runl, PUCI I was to go luto all the worh1 and gil e

roa, w lere IC 0 scro~u a IllS tiro Rulll"'\ healed up The publIC "erc some"hat sur liS tbe good 11C\\S to CHll clcnturc, LU'U~U

More than one hulf of the adult I ed a few dn)s ago Ilhen It wasP an- tbus goIng beIng nssllIcd of HIs pl't'S­Indians on the coust have thIS brand, nonnccd thut Ur rrank W Morse I ence with them nil the dnys untU tllo ',.,·'"m

faUltf ~Yd tillS nbumc Ibt2cuu~i ff thi hnd resIgned from the vIce pre8ldenc) cod of tbe nge. nnd Ihe specIal eudue-1~ ~e~rs ~~~ab~ lh~u~:II~rt~ fr':m cn:_ and gonoral managershIp of the G '1' 1> meut of tlle Holy Spit It \\ as to tho ton under Capt Grey nnd from I.tver- end tltut they mIght be \I Itnesses unto pool by Oapt Vancouver, from SpauJ, Ohrlst not only In Jot usalem and Ju-m fact 011 over the world. und sproael I deo and Snmnrln but UlltO the nttel-by the employes 01 the Hudson Bay I most purt of tlte enrth (Mutt xxvlll, 00 mnong the Ilatlves after lur l'he 19 20, MUlle XI I ](j Acts I 8) I.est RUSSians cltd more than thClr shnre I the opostlcs mIght thlllle thnt they

The Yukon IndIan 15 not hkc other 1I10no "ere thc ones to do tbls God North Amencan red men, he is di!- I Bcems to hn\e OVClllllcd olon BIICh a ferent m bUIld hublt and certamly seemIngly gl 1m OilS thIng ns lhe mUl-mfenor to the avernge SIOUX or ChIp , pewa or othor tnbes of {he northwest murlng of lbe GlCc1ullS to brIng forth He IS more 111.e the Jllp, has lhe other thnn the nposLi!'s nm1 send lbem same complexIOn. beard and hmr, 15 torth--Itumblo men \\ ho \\ 01 0 w11l1l1g a httle tal1er nnel not SO clenn lha to Ber\e all a commltlec to Buperl'Lse peoplc !lrc 11ght bUilt underSIzed and thc dIstributIon of HIlUS IIl1d yet men great beggars -A few work nt boal.- full of ,vlsdolll and fulll> and of tlto lllg and \\ood cuttmg, but generally Holy Spit It fOI "e Cllllnot tluly SCI \ e they .te lazy and 1I1dolont Ood O\OIl ill lho 10\\ lIest oruce eXCOI)t

The" nevor huve veetables unless eatmg WIth a willte mun Every trIbe by tlte Holy Spit It In OUI Inst lessoll could rlllse vegetables ut then sum wo sa w the (11 9t oC lilo SCI ell most mer camps If they woulJ 'lhey huve hIghly Itonoled of Ood not onll ns II good soti anel cvcry chance to r/use "Itncss hut ns a martJ r, seallug hIs rndishes, lettuce, cabbage, turmps tcstlmony ,,!lh hIs bloo(1 III tOdUJ'H and potatoes as wlute mon Ilrc rUls- losson 1\ e seo lite sccond of tho Boven Ing nil of these for market and theIr Phlllp so preuehlng ChI 1st In Snmn

pwTnl \l~O b II I 'I rln tltat the (1001'10 \I Ith ono accord 10 .11 os are sma rom .we ve " to fifteon fmmhes, they are found III Mil E J CIlAMIlEIlLIN gnvo hecu unlo hIs messnge nut! thero places from 100 lo 200 mIles apart was gleat joy In that cltv (I OISOS u-8) 'fhey ltvc near It strcam or lake when DUring the YI'ars that the road had I 'fhe LOld nlso 'I tougltt ml1Oele9 or at home, but when wlllter comes they ~cn bUlldllIg nncl IlI"lng shnpe Mr heullng througb Phlllp tor lite laruo go for fur and meat They travel all 01 sc had OOl no Ihe orunt 01 lho I nnd tho palsied wet e made whole and winter l\tth the whole famIly outfit liard WOlle ab1\l

tOn I hiS tlBhonldels ~n~ domons wero cnst out of thOSc' pOS

of kIds dogs, squaws and some old Ie II eB!)Olll~11 I I Y or llc Nsuccessl II sesscd by them People gOing Irom 200 to 600 Illlles on II or {Ing 0 ,Ie ne\~ 101l( ow. W len th ' t' II the long chenshed goal of the COlli When \\ 0 sec mell ltlee Stephen and

eso wm er .rlPS, genera y lD a Pblll th "b tl IT I S I I greRt CIrcle pleted Lransconhllenlul load lIaS ul p us useu y 10 0 Y P r t 'rhey stay a fo\\ days III a placo most In slghl hc saw nt lo slep do\\ n and consider tltat e\ ell tho nllostles

bUIld now camps, make ncw tralls nnd out l'\\enty foUl hours after IU8 were accountot1 os unlcnlued and Ig nnd find new gnme 1hey hve on resIgnatIon \Ins mllde pubhc PleSI noraat mcu oud "lten \\e hcm Paul meat they kIll nnd fish they culch dont Ohnrlos M Hnys onnounced who Itud some lelllulllg. bn,llIg heon with nets \\ hen good luck comes tho nnme of Ius successor lII1 ], J taugllt by Gnlllllllcl renouncIng all eu­With ment or fish 111 plenty they dry Chnmbcrltu It WIlS 'I slrtkmg tTl tlclng words of mnll S "Isdom lest tho and smoke a lurge qUllnj.ity nnd put bule to Lloe I\orlh of lho ncw oceu cross of Christ should be mude of nono It llIto log pens where notIung cun pant that 111 lhe fell hours lloe POSI eITect (I Cor I 17 11 I) \I e canllot but get to It 'llns pen IS culled a cache tlon \las vue Int Ius IIIlllle hud been wonder If the;e I~ nUl thlug of God In

l'hese Inchuns kIll fur Ilt all tIDIes monltonod 11.9 a wOllhy oc~upnllt or of the yenr. except dIrectly after sell- the post of gcnoml mlllHlgclshlJl tltc loug l ellIS (If III eplll uUon "ltleh 111g theIr wmter clltch 111 Mllrch, al Whon tho nllllOlincomellt IInull\ nro tltought to be IwccssllIl to fit men ter selhng thetr wlIlter milch 1Il Wll1- came there wero 1I0ne bul favorable to be prcacltOls 01 IlIlsslotllules 'fltcu ter that they have plenty to eat so comments when wo cOIIsldel (ho dlscoUlsos of whut IS the use of trapPlIIg? 'l'lIey Mr Ohambcl hn IS 1I0t unlmowll to Peter und Stephen and Paul III Acts II, lust he around camp and smoke tho Cllnadlan pubhc For some 111110 vll and xiI! uud seo tltom to couslst

One lad about 20 years of uge shot years he 'I as gcnClIII mnnogC! of largely or Quotntlons flom tlle Scrip. ~a~l~~t~$l~ :;~tJ~foH:O::uglt lho Canaela \Ualltlc lenvUlg tit It turos centetlng lIpon 11 cruclfiod oull $200 worth '01 onbco, tobacco by the posliton 11l 1905 whon the ro~c1 II n~ rIsen aDd retulnlng Ohllst we caD oat caddy and t"l1 blankets at $60 each taken over by the Grand 11111lk but asle In nll humlllty nnd slucerlty,

':I'ln'."'young man II full-blooded In- Dnnng IllS tunc he wUlleed wondels Since tlte Holy Spirit thus uses ITI~ r.~~~~~;.~co~;u~tld talk II hlUe Engltsh, wore WIth tha former road OWII "ord to accomplish tile worle Bo I, and vest, Bhort breeches hus beeD sont to do, Is not tlto 0110

.Kl~ee stockmgs, had a watch LUCK OF MUSEU.," great necd more ot the \\ord of God cnl~m and a new model Wmches one1 tlte onc csseullnl for mlolstel or

They arc lIlveterate gam Bratlsh InstItution Has Escaped mlssloonry 10 be filled wlllt the word WIll lose theIr last cent at don't care, but keep com- Many a Grave Danger, or Go" and tbe SI)l! It of God? It eel-1m11t Llko most of the gleat InstItutIons talnly docs secm so to us

lind achIevemonts 111 wlncll tho I nce In Simon tlte Sorcm er "0 Bec ilie talces prIde, ltke thc Emplro Ilnd the COli trust to sueb as Stcplten nnd Pltll­ConslttutlOn themr",lves, the ]3rJtl~h ip, lor wbllc tbey mug111llcd tlto Lord Museum owos much to whnt appnr- Josus he gnl e out lhat Itlmself woa ontly WIlS luck or acclClcnt but wlucl1 somo great one (\ clse 0) like Tltcnuos,

had lts 111 the oHer-evellt looks !tke the half- "ho bonsted hImself to bo somebody the seat eonsclous \\ork of !l slowly maturmg (Acts v, SO) 'IbIs Is the spirit of bltu tIme reo, doshny In Its present complete who will yet exnlt himself 0110\ 0 011

The Gov-, ness and ordered eqUIpment, the na- that Is called Got! and wlll nttempt to wm , tlOnru museum of Great Illlght show Itlmself to be God (II 'l'hess 11, thCl,f SCDIll, were ItS Ills tory unknown. tlto 4) All the wOlld w111 \\ onder at him

of the embodIment of a logically formulated 1(len, hlte sOllle more roeent coHec- and" til worsltlp Itlm alld UIO dlngol1 tlOns elsewhore, yet It hus grown In who will gil 0 him hIs (lower, all ex­ItS own way, much as Enghsh oales copt tbose whoso names nro In the have done, spreadmg out mto Bpon Lnmb s book of lite (Hel' xlll, 3, 8) tnnoouR, VIgorous blanches, and III We need 1I0t woneler, (hClcfore, tbnt spIte of occaslonnl bltghtmg wlllds all tlto poople In Samaria tor a t1wo from thc Treasury, tho full growth gnve heed to SlwolI tbe Sorcerer hos attumed a rich orgalllc ulllty Sec tlte multitudes "ho today are

As most pcople know tho museum bowltched and dcluded by tbo many had ItS orlgm 1Il the WIll of Sir Hans strnnge doctllnes wltlclt nro being

IJ~0~~,~tl;W(,'~~10~. citod at n great old age taught, nnd tlte renson Is sImply statct! I' 1753 Slonno an Insh- In 11 Tlless 11 10, 11. for \\ 0 hn, 0

:scote:n descent, was a dls- or tho Inst days It Is

~.~~~'!.::tt;lt!~~,~Z.~~'i~~!~~I~~~f)~~l~~ti~i~~[ti:E}~.)1 :lh~~~~:r'?~i~ physl WIth a keen I tearful to turn awny from all~-: for natuml that God has WI Uten by Hls "WIUl m.ado' a baronet by

IJ~~~~~~:1~~presldellt uf but humull nature seews prone l~"s~~i~,r;, and of the to tlte del'l1 lUlher thun (0

ul>v'llwl., yet God Is not dIscouraged, hnll reason Cal us to be, The

't:;~~.~~J1 corpe, and tllo name of '.' vu,,,,,. will be honored in all th() 'Cllarllokoii;< WOl'l,d;<:Tllo zeal of the Lord ot Hosts

"'''',',,,uu .. It to puss (Rev xl, 15, 11, Isa xliI. 4, lx, 0, 7) Wllen

Simoo professed to believe In CbrLst thero must bn ve boen

Page 4: Ladies! - Treherne0' ). , . " } • --, THE LABEL~ l-;Iu,,\'s the clatc to which your l'ubscriptioll, is raid." See tbat. it is , right: YOLo Is arriving every 111 Gent's M~_ .. ...R

• '1 ,.. I , {


The 1'rehet'ne Times SUBSCRIP1"ION $1 A YEAR.

ADVERTISING RATES 1 wk. I nih. 3 mhs.

On. Column .......... £0.00 $15.00 Thrso QnnrlnT Col..... a 15 12.50 Half Col. • ........... 2.10 8.00 Ql1.rtor Col.. ., ... 1.1>0 5,00 P-tghth Col.... . ..... .15 8.00 00. Inch. ......... .... "".~, ..• ,,,, .•

The abort) ratoB do not~1~;~~:M:~~~:~ff~~~~~g:~~ Jut8rtainmonte, tonuere, or 6oythluH' of II transitory ,.t.:!;'~'I'.~:.'~:~·~ Munlclp.l auvorLtoluK, I\rot I" u Hoe, I:lULulSqU9Ut iU8ortilloB

NOLlc05 or toat, tit-rll) ot1, i~:~~,1f':~f:J:~[r.~tH eLe,1,. 00 conti! Urst 101581 Lioll~ u,' ror;;;l 00. $ ... Gopy rn)' chunK6 U manto mUD-L-,bu roc6u8l1 not. JuLor thou '1:U"suoY·1 noon.

.'A FILE OF THIS PAPER CAN BE l!:'\ seen allhe office of Messrs E. & J: Hnrdy & 00., 3D, 31 and 32 Fleel 51. London, Eng., free of chargei and lhn firm will be glad lo receive news, sub­scriplions and adverlisemenls on behalr of The Times.

• . A Dollar Bill in Cypl"ess.

F', D. a ring.

cause···(enneulatioll of food.


.-., ., ~ -

"'''e Bentral Store ___ .=

----r' =


INc",.Goods I' . New GoodS I \ have arrived and

being marked off and passed into 5tock.

New ....


Prints and .,



Silks for Dresses

Shoes ,


Hats and Caps

" King of the Road" Overalls SEVENTY· FIVE IJ01.EN

Shirts and Ties

Laces and Embroideries

Furs to Go at .Cost

Groce; z'es.


'; j: CElZes; A PRINT SHOP ay \1 " ITS \.VORk'.

" _ =n - - ar-z ==-~

'file pasiH\Oru Lo Qt1J.L~ IT' AIiD 8TH." 10 Jub PrloLlng. '

w. ho •• a lullV oqulp,' pAll job plnnl nod can ( D nil 0 natlel! of wOl'k from n vl.ltln~ o.rll to d full ehaet pastur.

Book \'\:ork Dud Com· mOTCIa1 Printing nro t\,O of ottr spooluILie ••

Cull or wl'ito for pricos.



. ,

, "

Page 5: Ladies! - Treherne0' ). , . " } • --, THE LABEL~ l-;Iu,,\'s the clatc to which your l'ubscriptioll, is raid." See tbat. it is , right: YOLo Is arriving every 111 Gent's M~_ .. ...R


' .. \







i THE NEW-\\' e h:l'o'c a

\\'ith every $2.00 siL1e we will gh'e one bottle .01 lemon ex­t, act, aile bpLtl!! of vanilla extract, T~ophy Brand, and one

can of the baking powde'r- FREE. .


UNDER\VEAR AND SWEATERS All Winter Underwear ana Sweaters to clear


Don't forget that we have entire control of tire c~lebrat~d

Fit-Rite Clothing, Marsh's High-Merit. Footwear,

and Regal Shirts.

10 per cent. discount ror cash.

YOLl all (he utensils


east· eve1l:

]ohll Walker returned ou Thurs· morning fron(Br~\I1c!on, after a

h,i"iF' some clays.

rp\-jprn;'jr. hockey team ·played . 'n-'" ill 'l'rehertte ,Oil Friday

r C R '1 . el'ening last, winning by l:lto U.

1\ 1'5. • • Somer"l Ie returned , 011 Friday last frol11 Nesbilt; alld is Mrs Johll Lee wel;t 10

slaying ill Trehe~ne for some Lime. yesteldar to altend the """""J !\Ir. Somerville having disposed of School convention being held there. his business at Nesbitt.

Mr .. and Mrs. R. J. Mills' left UII~lib,orl)'Oll rI'hur:;c!ay, to at·

the Holland District Sunday 001 cOI·enlion.

Mr. J. ScamUiell, who has.been iug iu Somcrset, left for l!is

! bOlllle', in Treherne all Sunday. lVall Lake :Echo, Feb. I 9. ~ . . , "' . , .

Mr',and 1\11'5. :\Vill Stuith arril'ed home from British. COlumbia au Wednesday. They ~pe'nt the day ill 'freherne visiting Mr. aDd M D. Hinl. '


. , 1n85




A fr.esh stock of all lines has

just arrived.


Wanted at'OIl,eD! ~ --- .- • - r ~ - - ,

IOU "I{jl~k IIlJi'§IJa

t" W~.II· Scott's' hand - made team har·ness. YOUI 11Orsc~ will be able t.J do more \\'"rl;:

ther \\I'ar gOQ'dlitiing collar~ and harness lha \\ 111 adjust 10 the ~hape cf the body pr0perly. Call III and see 01\1' srring stock. It will be a pl~asure to sho\\' you throug-h.

OIL i lTa\'e you a hal'l1e~s Ihal net:cb to be greased? 11'">0 \l'e han! the best oil "11 the market. \Ve can 5:\\'0: you 2S pel cellI. 011 it

\I'll buy it in Iurg~ quantities.


I-lave you tried Mayer's Stoci( food? It is Ii wonder. 25 - lb. palls for. '" ...... .. $1.80 cash



......................................... ~~t

..... -.... . . . . . . . ~. . . . ... . . . .. . .. 'e • ................. .............. ............... ••••••••• •••••• !Ii":' ....... ,,: •• : ... : ... : •• : ... : •• : •• : •• :-: •• :. -: ... : • .: •• :.(-: •• !'" ~ s .:. S_TS ,_ _ ____ =_.__ . -=== 1 -===- '--:=- :!. y ~ 'J' Our Groceries are always fresh and, considering .!. y - ~ 's' ""q-'u"'" 1'1 al'e the cheapest in town. ':' ',' . a I Y, .:' y ~ y ~ y 6 y 0 :~: .••. Some of Ou I' Prices. . .. :i: y' ~ ,', PRUNES APRICOTS ,', A ' I 6 I I .:. ',' 0 - 70 to t lC POllllt. Choke ·tl,e best grad ... , .:' ',' Large, juicy fruit, per I ':' 'I' Ib pCI' b. • .• : I:jC .:' •• • • • • • • • • IOC ,', -:- e b. ?OX for. $2.2.1 25 lb. box for. $3 50 ,I, y - ~ ~ ~ ,', EVAP. APPLES SYRI1PS ',1. ~ .~ ':. Nice whitl.1 stock, per 5 lb. pails '''1' .. :lSC ,! •. "1' 1 b. . . . .. I :2 1~ C 10 ' , Goc .:. y ~ • ~ .:. 50 lb. box fur . $5 50 20 " • $t .15 'i' ~ A ~ A ,J, FRESH HERRING ORANGES . ':. ~ ~ ,I, CaLlght ill Lake Sup- 176's, good size, per ,', ,I, . I I ,I. ,', cnor, per (ozell • 25c ("zen.. 30e ,I. A A A A A A A ~ A ~

1 J. G. McGowan &. Co. '>~i~ t ~ 't' .ee R.,hwe" Ad. .:. 'a' TR£H£RN£ .:' 'a' on Pago 8. .', , ',' ,t, .~. .: . • : •• : •• : .. : .. : •• : .. : .. : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• :,.: •• : .. : .. : .. : •• : .. :It!' i(-: .• ! .. : •. :,,:,,: •. : .. : .• :.·:,,: .• ;,,: .• : •• t":·':":·':":· .:.

nobson's [ulBber Yard s __ ;;;;cr- --\~- --. --~---- ---- v-.--


• J'

Page 6: Ladies! - Treherne0' ). , . " } • --, THE LABEL~ l-;Iu,,\'s the clatc to which your l'ubscriptioll, is raid." See tbat. it is , right: YOLo Is arriving every 111 Gent's M~_ .. ...R


counCIl for English Railway Shop Blacksmith Has Many Accomplishments

AGONY COLUMN FRAUDS ,~~f~~~~:~fi?)~fii~~[~~~~:~iexemptlOn of bonds

here for Sloins The


been discovered III unlooked for p1c.ces To the alreadv lonll hst must be lidded the name of Alfrcd 01\ cn Wllhams \\ ho IS employed as " hammermlln III II G W n Ilorkshop lit S,"ndon Englnnd Re IS II elllssl elll scholar l\ poel the mthor of " pIny UI d hus u hfo Illstorv full of fascllltltlon Born 111 IB77 at Soulh Mnrslon some four nllies flam SIIII\ don he l\llS a hlllf tnncr Ilt Ihl age of etght lind "hen eleven finlllly left school Then he beet me " f,lm er B boy tllkll\g the f rst sleps III leurntng to rellp lind to SO" to 1'10\1 und to mOil liS the old rustIC SOI1I! puis It But C1reumst lIIces ordnllled thaI he should nol become per111 1111


Success of Co Operative Scheme and the cnp-d UV.'","'''' ·tmshetsi: to bf' rc.ariy bv pen • on Quantity of Hogs Raised lI11les firm recently Under GUIdance of BIshop Latuhp8

of Temlskammc Effort Will Be Mado to Conquer Northern Ontario and Quebec-Intent Is Partially to Keep Frenth - Canadians F~om Crossing the LIne

-Shares to b. Allotted to Each pomt he nn elevator Patron-Further RecommendatIons tllP to Fa A Jllte has as to Capaclty of Plant 600 miles '11th Bmrald Inlet

mlle loop westwards from Fort Smith CPR The councIl ],dmonlon Altn -Thnt the esta to look for wood bison From ,J:II,C'W "1',1111'[" IIny assistance

I !Jshment by the government of a RcsolutlOn Radford will as the CPR nnd the DommlOn gov pOI II packmg plnnt In AlbClta de- to\lards Bathurst mlet m crnment ellch lIItend electmg then piiilds on the IIblllty of the farmers 10 of dlscovermg n new route own elevator here

to the AretIC ocenn by stnkIng G I JllOduce the rcqlllsile number of hogs hend of the mlet rum IS already nrrlvmg for tie lind to subnllt to certlllll prOVISions I shall enter Alnska vln the Adnllrnl Dupelle IIlthough the IlIrgo

d B I el~l~ril~~:'~~~~: I Frlcnl}h vessel \I III not be 11\ port un of a eonli IIct IS the substllnce of the cupme nn e 1 rivers On it til the end of the monlh AbDul 500 ICPOlt of the pOlk commiSSIOn the Yukon liver I shnll follow nee Will lJe Ions Will Ile plnced III IL compartment

TI t I tl couise sevellli hundred mIles up lind SlIturday 111 the lower hold and the lCsult ,"11 10 eomml8811011 wen In a Ie quos slteam explollng as much new cO\1n Of all the spectaculllr PloductlOns of be awaIted \"Ith IIItelest ns It means

tlOn exhuustIVe 'I lind made II volum- tlY as poslilble, and nOlm" the fnunll d' I bIt I '. .. 1II0 ern .lml:S none IllS eon cree I e{ savmg 11\ cost of SIX cents n sack IIIOUS I eport the clad lecommelldll of the regloll WIth co long n run o[ prosperity tlons of wlllch nIt! Ihul when a slim Returnlllg down lhe Yukon to the tins glOat lind populnr drnmntle The IOtl11 slnpment ,"11 be nbout 45 Clont llllmbm of hog gIOWe\S give liS mouth I shall ClOSS frolll Nome to tllcle 'Ben Hur IS lodllY or 50 cllrs the longest "heat trnl11 to Rurnnco thllt lhey Will SUPlll) lit least the east canst of Asm where I shall WIth n record of more than 2600 per come to tho PnClfic oceall over lhe liD 000 hogs pet ) car to the plllnt lho spcnd severol months studYlIIg native forlllllnces 1Il Amorlca and 200 III Lon C 1) R Now that the Pllclfic rOllte govelllluullt Will fllll1lsh the money lind ullImnl \Ife 111 thnt pnrt of the dOll Ilt Drury Lune theatre 1lI u little for Alberln \lhent IS plaetlCnlly an to htllltl oqlllp und opcrnto It plllnl wolid I shall then lOtUln along lhe over mne years lind h been Bcen assured facl It IS reported that tho With II CtlPIIClty of lit lenst 300 hogs IloSt canst of Alaskn nnd Canodll by mOle tlllln on people Blue l'unnel Il11e IS gomg artCl the pel dill' lit the stllrt tlllt the manllge DUling the illP I Slll11l colleot The success of IS credited busl11ess If slllppels cun be lIIcluced mont tllke 111 ftlrmers hogs und pay zoologIcal specimens for tho Umteti to the religIOUS that to gIVe the Holt llllers thelI favor for them lit tho tunc of dell very up States BIOlogICal survey and shall 'mls m the theme R H Com~ n representatIVe of a to lwo thirds of thmr e.tlmated ,"lue mnke observntlons fat vanous IlIrly ottrncbve to the IllIge T IVeipool shlppmg film IS III then nt regulllr llIlervlIIs when sum other sClCntlflc 1I1stltutlOns who, liS II rule aVOIds the city and he states that nlthough CIont tunc h IS elapsed to place the Prcsldent Roosevelt hns eneourng oW1I1g to relIgIOUS scruples Ius firm Ilould be affecled yet nothmg plOduct on the mllrket pay tho pro ed me to mnke the triP lind anum Hur hilS the endorsement of the finer could happen for the enlarge ducor Lhe balance o[ tho full volue ber of sClel\t1f1c sOCletlCs 111 the Umt lead1l1g lights of lhe church world lind ment and development of tIns POlt less the cost of curll1g and mal ket111g ed Stutes Have given me leiters of has lIppellled to all thelltre goers as thnn the proposed cnuymg of gllun nnd n 811m SUmolCllt to PIlY 10cIII mtroductlOn ond recommendntlon the most powerful dmmll that hus I WOlllll1g expenses Illso less one fOUl th , I huve Just hod an mtervlew WItH been Cleated for the stag of II cent per pound live Weight to be Earl GICY who dlsplll'led keen mter Will~ll~C.~ hnd peers and no super Czar's Uncle Dead Ilpphed to the crelltlUn of II fund for ttl 11 the St Petersbtllg -Grund Duke Vllldl tile Ptllpose of paYing bllcl, to tIle os III my np an( enrefu y went 'scril1ltllr;,II:

tl d t I tl ff 11 r;~;~n;~:." mnr Aloxandrovltch, the eldest of the goveIl1ment the orlglllul mvestment over Ie elliS WI I me, 0 ermg a Ozar s uncles dIed recently of hemt und mterest nsslstance 111 Ins power to mako It Il I

IllS Illso rec.lmmendcd nt the same succoss fnl ure followmg an attack of osthmn tune to lI110t shnres to hllch pntroll In a few dnys I shall leave for fro III wInch he suffered for yf.urs He

~ Ott I I h II b tl t f WIlS 62 yellrs of IIge One of Ius phy I qunl to the amount pOld mto tlus n\1 II W lore s a e Ie gues 0 SIClans VISited the grand dullo the af fund by the nssessmcnt of ono fourth DI Bell of the geologlCnl terlloon of IllS denth nnd spoke re cent pm pound on Ius ploduct When While m the capltnl I shall assullngly of IllS conclllon Half un the gn elllmont IIldebtedncss IS finally view Han Frnnlt:,(Ohver mllllster hom latcr "Iulo taIling teu WIth the Pille! off the COml111SSl0ners reCOlll the mtellor with regnrd to members of hIS household the glund mend tillS fttll,j he npplled to pnYlllg geogrnplllcal \\ork I shall do on thA dulle \I liS SCI zed With rheumllllC symp II II IIsonlllle Illterost on the amount Joulney loms lind (hed before a prIest 1\111vod of 8hflles held by thelll IIn<l to tllltO Flom Otlnwa. I shall hUllY west to Ildm1111ster the Illst sacrament the blllance to be pllld ns a bonus on wal ds enlhng on varIOUs omelllls of The gmnd duchess was presont and eneh pound of pork Hupplled the govelnmellt und the Hudson ~ from IlI1 otl~er two of their three sons Grnnd Dukes

lUI ther rec0111menclat ons 11I0 Thnt Bny company at vnrlolls pomts on mgs bnsed on BIblical themes ~he BoriS and Andlew nrllved a few mm the lolld of 1111 flClght lutes pnld on the "01' to Edmonton where I menn symbolism Rome lind Jerusalem utes Illter The eOllrt hos bcen order lullrouds be sub cllvlded nnd chnrgnd 10 get prOVISIons nnd sturt Ollt as SOOI1 of Jew and of peuce and ,\ar, ed II\to mourmng ior three months equully agfllnsl ellch pound of pOlk lIS pOSSible on an Important pnrt Ofr)~t,:~~~~~;;;;=;:=;;~=::::::::::;::===:::===::~-=-;­supphed lint! that thelO be regulllr my 16,000 mile Jaunt SlllPPlIIg dill'S Thllt all jJutrons ellter Illto lin agreement to give all hogs whIch they WIsh to (llspose of for cur Ing purposes 10 tho paeklllg plllllt of tho URsocwtlOlI of "lllch they arc l1lolllbClS An) cont"n entlO11 of tins WIll meet With n fine not $2 for euch hog sold

FlIlthCl lecommendntlOns deal \\Ith the cnpllcltv of the POI k packing plnnt the clllss of blllldlllg cost of opcrntlOll cost of ~11I11t lIlIlI mtlrket

"'Ith centuncs of oxperlence III pIa necrmg "Ith n recOld liS nllSSlOnaTieS ulmost unexcelled, With an orgllll1zl~­tlOn unequalled by IIny sect soclet~ or corporlltlon, the Roman Catholics of Canada IIrc sellmg themselves to the task of co 10lllzlllg the tnn be red regIon of Northem Quebec IIl1d North eln Onlnno At the he lid of thiS great enlerprlse winch means the ex pendlture o[ hundreds of thousllnds of dollars ,,11110st 1I11medllltely lind mil llOIIS III lime IS the new nposlohc vIcar of Tmn1skllmlllg Bishop E A Llltulipe TillS pioneer hns often been elllled the Bishop of CololllzatlOn He hilS been III Montreul recently conferrmg With those Ilbove nnd be low lum III the church and With rail way and trnnsportatlOn compllllies and mllillng other prellmlllllry ar rungemcuts for the establlshmenl of hcudquarters IIl1d for the openlllg of a col011lzatlOn burenu at No 58 Notre Damo street east III the CIty of Mont real He has selecled the Rev Eu gene Corbml cure of I n Tuque liS col011lzub01\ mlsslOl1l1ry Rev Cure Corbell IS very populllr WI th IllS pea pIe IS enthUSIastIC energetIC und competent Tho bishop has IIlso m VI led Dr Brisson of the ColomzatlO11 SOCIety of Montreul to IIBSISt 111 the settlement of Innd r.dJacent lo the lllles of the Grund Trl_Ilk Puelf\e Ilnd Iemlskammg lind NOlol ern OnlarlO Here nellr the hClght of land and rU11111ng IIwny west ulong the lme of the G T P, I.s II f1ch cillY belt fifty mIles Wide and some thlee or four hundred miles long lind III tins dIS trlCt where splendid whent has til ready boon ![TO\l n In II felV cleared fields It will be Ihe 111m of the colo mzers to establish many settlementS of fllrmers

Already Bishop Latuhpe htls plant cd n cross nellr Ville Mune west of Quebec Tins IS n sort of foundatIOn stone a land mark so to speak a glllde post for here lit I 1 Tuque IS the gate wily to the now regIOn to be peopled by theee priests nnd tliClr followers By I II Tuque ellst by the T & N 0 and from lhe south Will lhe future tiers enler thiS promised land I French belong to the bush trIbes ns the Crees dIffer fI Olll lhe pl,un dlans They settle 111 the forest and elellr thmr own homes willie the Eng bsh Cllnndum lind AmerlClln settler prefers the open cleured fields where they can £,0 10 work growmg wheat \\Ithout havmg to clear the land hllbltant mherlts n contented nn

11 little home a tellm lind a few pigs he Will llve ha,IJIJ'v

ever nfter lind brlllg up IllS to be contented 11\ thnt little 'nthm winch thClr Imes hllve full on

For years, 11\ COlDmon WI th other Cllnndlans E rench 0 lIlaclltlns have been dTlftll\g over the border fUld tins IS not deslrIlble It wlil be the Imn of Bishop I IIluhpe and his army of aSSlslllnls not only to hold what they have, but to bockon those who 1I1l'.n, wandered aWtlY back over the

They have been workmg at Bcheme for some yenrs and now

bUlldmg of the Grlllld Trunk Pa th"m theu opportumty It

II new empire III the north


ently u worker on lhe IlInd [or al the Ilgc of fourteen he left lhe fnrm nnd entered the r! Ihl nv \Iorks Itt SWll\don liS II IIvel Iud In the \I ago I frtllDe shop

lor sOllie ~ ClUS to quole hIS ow I word 1111 Illy SPI rc tllnc \I ns luke! up 111 fishlllg III the blooks nnd birds nestIng III thc \Ioods \s I gl C\I older hOllever [turned my ullenl1ol\ 10 letlllll ng shol thunt! und also tnu~ht myself to plllnt 111 OIls I sold II few pICtures locl\ll~ but (hd 1I0t lur suo my t,stC In thiS {hrcctlOlI IS about the IIge of 20 I bncu1l1fl IIltcr ested III literature r procured eoplCs of Shakespoare s works lind of cour.c I soon fcll Il\ lovo wIlh the subject of Illy study It chllnced thllt I fTlend sholVcd !lfr "llhumB a leunnt respecting Ruskin Rull Oxford Ilnd he went III [or It fOllr H!llrs cour_c of Ii nghsh hlernturo SOlDe of the boolls winch I hlld 10 sludy contnlll ad IIIl1ny Lulll1 quotutlOns lind tillS deternlllle<1 lIle 10 leurn lhllt IUIIgullge I had COIISILiCIllblu dlfilCUllles 10 over come III the oulset for the Simple reason thllt I did not thoroughly m derstllnd ] ngh"h grulllrnar but lifter Ilbout 18 lIIonths I found mysell 11111k IlIg goml progress Bcgl11 1\1 ng II Ith tho books of Cllestlr T flerwards he clime bolder tind dIpped With dohght mto tho wonders of Olcero OVI(I Bill lust, Hornee und Virgil !lfr \\ II hams IS now engllged II sludYlng the New Testnment III Greek, und lhls IS hiS conslant compllllOll III lelsUI hOUlS


The Seventeenth Century Was HIS Golden Age

';Ihl~h a country WIth chmate WIth :,worked,,; "the nre well


In Englllnd lhe golden IIge of prl vllt~elll1g \IllS the sevenloenth cen tury 10 fit out n slllp willch should plOY upon lhe enemy wns consldcled m those brave dill'S a pnlnotlc ns well IlS II profituble -entcrpnse 1I1e11 gnmbled III corsnlrs ns to dill' the~ gllmble 11\ stocks and shnles

Remember the glnd expectnncy oj .";',PI Snmuel Pepys when the J lylOg Grey

hound, 111 which he had II shure 1\ II" rendy for sea A\\IIY \\lth

Pen he Ivrote \\ e {lid d 5 about our Pnvulcer and hop~

of thnt also \I Ithout lIluch haz If God blesses us I hop

jt~:ti;t:~W':;'d~!~itJicii:::I RlllBlI well toward get ;1 ".c_,. \\tlS nt!Ytf

brought trouble

Army of Parasites Who Live on Good Nature of Others I n the Metropolis of Empire Frequently Use the Per sonal Columns of the elg Dailles­Sometimes Appeal For Themselves and Sometimes For Others

~he recenl charge brought agamst a woman III london 1 nglllnd of at temptmg to procure chllnlnble con tnbutlOlIs by IllUklllg fllise represent I lIons through the medium of agony column advertisement;; enl\;; nttentlOn to the fact thnt the noble mny of lIever works who pre[er 10 hvu 011

other people 8 good IIl1ture Inslead of domg II dill' 5 honest labor lhernacl\e;; ollen fmd thiS pnrtlculnr no\l spllper fealure very usd II IIl1d prollublc

People "ho USlllIll~ Ignore t he II I vertlsement pllges of I piper - " though there IS often to bo fOlllul thermn much thllt IS IIltoresllllg and humorous-" III In !line c Ises out of ten glunce UO\l n tlw IIgony col umn lind" I ell the, sec tin appel I like thiS

Who Will buy my clOckel II Orll? Alone III despmr lind cTlppled WIth rheumlltlsm Cunnot move from my chaIT dependent e Illrely on londncss of landludy Do pIe ISO bny lilY work and so help 1111 unfortunute gentle\lomnll-the ChllllCCS nrc thut 111 my of lhmn WIll be movod bv the p lthos of lhe advertlsoment and send hulf a crown or five slnl!lncs

It IS by no monns the contenllon of thc wrller thnt evCly uppenl of Ull fortunutc gentlewomen \\ ho h ve worl, to sell 18 u fmud although the crippled 'gent!owomal who IIlserled tho aforomenhoned udverliscmcnt III n London dtlJly WIIS u!Lunnloly provod to be un /lble bodIed rogue who hael IIlrolldy scrved II couplc of lerms of llnpnsonment for gulling lhe pubhc

The mllJonty of such II{I\ ertlse menls howe\cr lira probllbly genum, for most newspnpers nowadays ex r Clse such cure In regllrll to publlshlllg udvertlscments of allY kind thllt the scope for II ,ud hilS become llIluted III consequence 1 ven the nowep Ipcrs howcvCl IIrc deceived It tllneR IIllel It IS therefore alII "I'S Ildvlsllule t) makc mqll1r1es BII~ from the elerg\ mnn of lhe el slnct "" to the menla of the cuse before sendIng mone~ For the bcggUlg lellcr II rller hilS of IlIle turned IllS or her attentIOn to beggmg Ildverhsemont wrlilng ~he fnvorlte dod!;:c IS 10 appcal not

"0 much on thmr own behalf u;; Oil behlllf of some chllrlty III wi leh tlwv plofess to be IlItercslcd Apll' niH (or donutlons to sLluggllng Ill! lilt 1I1l~ sions or hall flS nTO afton vel Y successful Here IS 111\ eXlIlllple o[ ono which IS "'ilt! lo have brought 11 betweon $2000 IIml $2 '100 Lo lhe lid verllsor w hose home consisted of II dllaplduted housp. 111 II London sub \lib With t1uee III "llld h tlf slllrved cll1ldren, "ho wele provell to be Ius own

In terrible (llstress HOlllo 111 debt nnd hI ely 10 be sold up Hopeless to Cllrl v on God" worl ullloss r get £50 Shull be pl~ IHed to n eet Illy generous hoarted Ie luel ond CXpltllll lIlatlers more fullv

\nd when a generous heRlled rendrr (lid VISit tins canl1llg humbug he found no clnldr\ln but wus laid thot u k1l1d hellded fUClld hud tuken II C 11\

-lell altogelher-away for tho duy Voluble explllnl\tlOns 118 to (listreRsful p081110n of tho homo wore offered but the VISitor s SuspICIOns were nroused He commuOlcllted With the police bnt hofore they could lllke /letlOn lhe bird had flown :r he eVidence of the nClgh bors provided them "Ith tho truo characler of thc II till lind the sad stllte of Ins tInee cl Ildren

Another IUustmtJOn of tho IIgony column fmud IS provIded by a sufferer irom consumptIOn "ho nppeals thus

'Am dymg for want of .£20 Doc tOtB saY J have SIX months to hve If I stay III tillS country Suggest ClllI forma £20 necessnry to lako me there Do help one suffern g from the wlnte plllgue '

One of these consumptives' was brought 10 book 111 the Mldlllnds II few months ngo lind was sent to JllIl ior SIX months 10 try the cure there

'The poor strlclccn brother of lhe pen, who evokes the IIld of olher nuthors m tho \\ ords For God s sako help me to publish my book by II subSCriptIOn and who usulllly turns out to bo \ an mdlvldunl whoso attcntlo\lJl have been mlllnly devotcd to the pmt pot mSLead of the pell 18 a surular fraud to the broken-down mnSlClUn, who IS Buffering from for elgn competitIOn has a Wife nnd three children, but has n chllnce of work If he can get hIS vIOhn out of pawn Only £ij IS wanled

v.",D"'U~"'"1 Summed up It may be slud that lY,'JIHer11t;d "aj!0ny" fraud IS very-y ~Ii~dil~:

pIU!Uler," n11f' akm~~~~to¥~[~~~~r~~~l~~~~$s~,~ buti~

~ I I



J .I J


• ,

" /

, "

Page 7: Ladies! - Treherne0' ). , . " } • --, THE LABEL~ l-;Iu,,\'s the clatc to which your l'ubscriptioll, is raid." See tbat. it is , right: YOLo Is arriving every 111 Gent's M~_ .. ...R














l'he Way One of H,. Lecturee Affect., I I' MaorI" Browne WoIl Marry a Weal. M I d Ramsay Was Saved In Indian! Child's Life Savlld by PSYCHINE LOlli, "a •• IIZ thy En"l,sh Woman Scientist, Analyst, aglslra e an ..

War Correspondent all TMtify MutIny by Ayah Mrs E Ohedl."h'"7r' Ohswekm, Oot, Chlldren are Dot the ouly holders 01 New Health an,d SJrength Can be I A romantic \leddlng Viill shortly , The hIstory- 01 the famIly of the I d"cll~re~ that PSYCRJNE suved ber the precious key ct, 'TIie Irnnglnlltlon H d Th udh the U e of Dr take place, "hen Col "Maon' I

.Men nnd Ivomen great m POlllt 01 Dukes 01 Alholl the hetr to "hich child. life It was theu suffermg The Onest winds otten keep thl' poweJ a ro .:!t S • Browne IS to bc marrIed to a lady 01 k-nowledgl', pOdltlOn lind expeIlence, title the MarqUiS of Tulhbatdme, hili! hom Pnetunclll II ThIS \IllS 11\ ?farch, of "make bellel"c mocb 10 their own William:l' Pmk Pills. wealth and poslllon The story uf gny thnt Zum Buk stands superior to celebrated IllS 37th blfthdllY, goes 11907 On August lIth 1008, 17 month· nnd llie wor"I'8 bcoe1lt. Thut sucb a UllS love mntch IS as remarkable a,.q 1111 other healmg substnnces Read the far back mto the mists of antiqUlty, I nfh r she wrote posscsslou conple< nUh ardent eothu It IS useless to tell a hard \lolklng anytblDg m the pnges of fictIOn, and OPIUlOllS of the following eminent for the first Earl of Tulhbardme "The eonchtlOn .,ov,1 sillsm makC9 dem LOdJI on tbe nerves woman to take hfe enslly and not seldom hILS the wheel of fortune turn men - I who regelved the title m 1600, was health IS decidedly g(j(id::';;J, and strcnglh Is sbown lu Ibe following to worry But It IS the duty of e\cry I ed more rapidly for n man Three

Mr C E Sanford, of Weston, Kmg S twelfth horedltnry baron of that J CHINE to each member my anecdote, rein ted bl" lhe late Moncure woman to save her strength as much months ago Col G Hllmllton Browne Co, N S, a mnglstrnte a School Com- plnce I.ord Tulhbarchne entered the Ily, etght m number and I consi.derl as pOSSible to tnke her cmes ns bght-l_uMaon" Drowne to nil IllS frlends-mISSIoner nnd Bnptlst Deneon, says Black "atoh nt one and t"enty and theu good henlth IS due to DanIel ConwQ~ lu bls antoblogrnpby Iy as mny be nnd to bUild up her sys wns strnnded 111 London, and nppeaI ' Zurn-Buk cured lIle of eczema on m) two yenrs later exchanged mto the OHINE, which we recogmzc He was at one time a pupil of that fa tem to meet any unusunl demands red for lUly wOlk 110 malter how hum ankle, wl1lch 11Ild dcfied every other Roynl Horse Gunrds, hIS flrst pubhc heve to be the grelltest of Tomcs mous man of science, louis Agassiz It IS hei' duty to herself nnd to her ble 'l'he SnlvatlOn Al my helped lum remedy tried dUring t\lenty yeurs II appanrn.nce as lin officer of the latte~ My husband anti myself pm our fnlth Onn pnrtlC'lllor lectnre Agnsslz de- lamlly, for her future henlth depends I in hiS search for employment and /lIsa cnred me 01 pllcs und I take regiment being nn unfor~unate one to PSYOHINE beclluse It has done so voted to dlS[llllylng some fossl\s of snu upon It LIla colonel, who hnd served IllS COUll pleusure in"leCOmmelldl!lg It to my TL IIILS on tho occasIOn 01 the wed much for us III tImes pnst when hard rlnns ne"ly come Into his collection To guard ngamst a complete brenk try nll over the EmpIre offered to fellow-men dong of the Prince and PrlllCCSS d pressed WIth Sickness I 'would be He made tloe subject a text for a gen down 11l health the blood ~ust be blllck boots for n hVlng He was lolt

Mr Frunk Scudumora lho famou" Wnles, nnd Lord Tulhbnrdlne was glnd 11 you referred me to any skep- ernl review of tbe chnln of rept1l1nn kept rIch and red and pure No other at tho age of 63 \llthout n penSIon, n.s I wllr correspondent who has gOIl( acltng Ill! a member of the guard of tICal person and you cnn use my !lame life mec1l~me does this so \loll as D~ Wll he had commllnded only Irregulnr I through twent} nlnc battlcR n[ld honor to 'Ihmr Hoyal HIghnesses, 101 tillS purpose ' f\s he prof'el!<1ed, dnrtlng orr to tbe hnms Pink PIlls for Pale I eople Colomnl troops nnd for three weeks whose dIspatches during the Boer" al '''Ilnn Ills Ilorse s'lllnbled nnd threw No ,vords of ours could be strong- TillS mediCine actually makes new I h did b 'th 1 f I daIs

I I f a I COISt n ~ , blackbourd toll1ustrnte comparln~the red blood, strengthens the nenes, re. Ie a Ive y e sa co liS me were so e)lger} renc r I~ I him henvlly Probnbly IllS helme\ er PSYCHINE Is the greatest of cxtlnct wltb tho contl'mporarv Iaonn stores the IIppetlte and keeps evet} I Then Col BroW1~e "ho had served ~~~s~dl~o~:~:~ye F:~~ ~n O~~IJ~gur snvcd IllS lIfe but he \\8.9 bndly hurt tomes for the throat lungs and sltol m- be becnme worc and more nnlmatcc'l org~n healthIly toned np 'Vomen I Ills counlry for 40 years nnd been lIlellt >enctmtln n sit ht scrntch bolh b~ the fall nlln by the o.mmal nch All dl ugglst. nnd,storcs se nt His t.lcc reddened with excitement cannot always rest when they should through the Zulu wnr lind Matabele m Ie Is broke o~t m ul~ers At 01\: trampItng on lum In 1896 he volun- 50c and $1 00 Free trillion npphcu- but they can keep their strength and cnmprugns \11th dlSLlllctlon WIl.5 nl

A BASKET FULL of clean, sweet.smellln~ linen Is ob~lned wi'" ball tbe toll and half the time If Sunlight Soap Is used, Sunfight ShOlteD8 the day's work, but lengthens the life of your clothes

t1i~e lhnd seventeen deep holes In 1Il~ teered for nctive servIce m Egypt and tlOn to DR T A SLOCUM, LIMIT- until nt Inst he said keep dIsease away by the oceaslotlnl most stal'Vlng m n lonely London left leg, mto ellch 01 willch I could distIngUIshed lnmself at Atbnra and ED, Toronto All rup-dolln people • Gentlemen r nsk )'OU to forglTe me use of Dr WIllIams' Pink PIlls, "hleh \lodgmg London GraphIC on the G T P put my thumb nnd hlld fourteen RI Orndurman gnlmng two medals should use PSYCHINE It todnJ I eml the lecture nt Ibl9 1l(·lnt hnve done more to ltghten the cllres At thIS pomt when things looked nt A deSCriptive ultlcle of more than


1Il11l1r ulcers on my Tight leg Uemed} clasp, nlld II D S 0 HIS speCial ox nltbougb tbe hour Is DOt out r assure of wealt women thnn IIny other mcdl their blackest tho colonel's luck PIISSlng IIltOicst Imel willch shoul.1 nller remedy !illied to heul these, /lnd plolt \Ins to dnsh through the Der- IOU r lIu,e boe1l dcserlblng these ex cme turncd One dav n letter cnme from prove of lllestlllllllJle \alue appears III I WIlS well lllgh waIn out WIth PUlll VI shes In order to rpach t"o wounded About Two thIrds tluct creatUles uutll tllcy hn,e tnken Mrs James H Wnrd, Lord s Co\e n Indy nsklng If he "ns tho snme the London GlllphlC of December 10 lind IlIck of sleep ZIIiTI Bul( was III troopers nnd /Lfter Omrlurman he and The other people s bUSiness mlln on a sort ot life 'J: lIey bn,e been N II sllys -"About two yenrs ago Hnmilton Browne who hlld served tn 1908 Under the cnptlOn ' Glrcll1ng traduced lind I nm glnd to SIlY that Mr Wlllston Churchill \lent among persIsted tn tlYlllg to extl nct mform crawling bls.lng, dortlng nbout me ) I suffered so much from nervous pros Zululand WIth a mnn \I!toso nnme she the Ell! th WIth nn All Rer! Route II gave me speedy rchef A few wcclls' the Dorvlsh wounded-II verv perIlous ntlon flam a prospclOuS lopkmg eld I1I1ve bCIII d tbe crll wllng and hlsslllg tratton that I wns little better than gnve She \I Ished to know beenn-e sOllle sn!Jent fllcts IIlld leatures 01 trontment I csulted m II perfect cur~ unrlortnlung-to gIve lhom water The et Iy mlln noxt 111m m the Pullman until I nm rually cxhll~ted I regret a helpless 'Heck I Buffered from HnmlIton Bro\l ne hnd snved the !Jfe the hUllr!lllg of Lhe Glund i'runk I'll 01 nll the ulcers" mnrqUls moreover extrncted n bullot smokm I headaches nnd a constnrlt feeling of of thIS man I,ho "ns her s\\eel!tenrt clhc HlIllw Iy arc depIcted "Ith pen

Dr Andrew Wilson "hose rcputatlon from II DerVIsh slum WIth a button· "How mnny people 'Iork III your It gentlemen but I trust ~ au wll ex dlzzmess The least unusual move Col BrOil no recfll\ed the IUcldcnt und Cllme111 Iouchmg on the Impor as a SCIentIst IS world WIde m II book hook III hIS pockeUmlfo Lady Tul- officeP" hc ndkcd ('use me ' would startle me nnd set my henrt nnd wrote to her tolling" hilt he re tnllce of the All CllIllldllln ~ lI\!lacon recently publtshed ("Homelv Tulko ltbnrdl1le dllughter of SIr Jnmes 'Oh' sllld the eldelly mnn gottmg Our ndmltlltlon tor the gland teacb palpltlltmg VIolently I hnd little or membered 01 It The mnn he hod tlllentlll as a cOllncci1l1,( land IlIllt III 011 i'lrst-Ald ) sllys -' ZlIlll-Buk may Romsny Itke severnl of her frunlly up nn'd Unowlllg awny Ins CIgar 'I er wns such ns to mnke us brenk no appetIte and glew so we Ilk that I snved at a cntICal moment III tl" the 1111 md schellll the 'Hlter PIO he relted uJlon liS an nntlBcpltc dres. Is a ChrIstIan SClcntlst Her mother, should SIlY, nt a rou,gh guess, about through nil I ules nnd we ga"e him u was hardly able to drElg myself abont Zulu cnmpntgn hud nlter\1 urds dIed ceeds to sho\\ thc Impoltnnt pnrt the Illg willcll reqUIres no prcpnrutlon the Into Llldy Ramsay, met WIth 0. two thllds of them' hearty cheer He bowed low to UB and could not do my housework In In thc Soudnn, lind Iho Illd) hnd 110\\ rOlld IS tuklltg III the opomng liP und hilS tho pnrtlcnlllr IIdvnntllge 01 curIOUS experIence ns a bnby Bhe and quickly dIsappeared every way I \I us m a deplorable can never mllrrlod ~ he correspondenee lind devclopment of II Ilew lind 1111 possesslIlg umque hellling properties' wns allved by her n)ah durmg the It Testifies for Itself -Dr Thomlls' dltlOn As the medlcllle I hnd been between Col B,o\lnc nnd the Indy mcnse mcn of countl} llch III nlltmal

Mr W Lnacelles-Scott the f"mou- Indlnn mutmy by bcmg stamed the Eclectrlc Oil needs no testImOnial of taklllg s~emed to do me no good, m) led to n moetlng "Inch llpcned 1I1to lesoUlCUS nnlllyst to the Royul Cotnnllssion 101 dllrl, brown color of the nahve mfant ItS powers other tlum Itself Whocver EYE EXERCISE. husband got n supply of Dr WIIltnms nn ncquamtnncosh,p nnd then mtl) Whnt would probnbly be of even Vlctortn suys - 'I hnve no hosltntlon Lad) Tnlhbnrdine Will alwllya remem- tnes It for coughs or colds for cuts or Plllk Pills I hnd only been tnkmg nn engllgement Col Browne, who mote IIlterest to the lendels 01 'lhe lit certlfYlllg the entire pUrity of ZlIm ber her home commg as a brIde to contUSIOns, for sprams or bums, for One Method by Wh,oh Poor Vllion the PIlls for a conple of weeks "hen counts among IllS frIends I.orel Glnplllc IICIOSS the sens lire the ox lIuk It IS of grout hculln

g pO\ler for Blair Castle mnlr Atholl, for there pnlns III the hmbs or body wellltnow May Be Improved I seemed to feel somewhat better nnd RobOltS and Gen Bnrlen Powell be cellcnt VIews "Illch udcompnny the

open wounds or IIIllllles IS nn old custom In the fnmlly that 0. that the medlcme proves Itself and thIS encouraged me to continue the longs to lin old Insll fnmlly nnd" IlS nl tlcle wluch show the first Innd-So one could go on quotmg author bllda must never wnlk ncross the needs no guulIlntee Thls shows why "na, e ~ au II high roof?' WIIS ilie ap trentment From thnt on my strength educuted at Choltellhnm HIS long seekets' excursIon trnlll, n ghmpse of

Ily nIter nuthorlly nil of the opinIOn threshold but l11\1st be cnrned over tIllS on IS In genoral usc (lllrelltly Irlclc\unt question put by grndually but surely returned and In mlhtnry cnrcor begun III New Zeruand the tOl'1l of RIVClS IIml of NokomIS based on personal tests, thnt ZlIm In the nrms 01 old retnlners ThiS the distinguIshed oculist to the woma n the course of a few more weeks I "as In 1866 and \I ns continued In Sonth nnd sevCllI1 IIllm estlllg scenes m alld fiuk should be III overy home Znm pretty ceremony hns nlwnys been First Vlsltor- Most 'nT."TIO~T,mll' wbo bud complnlned ot 1l1l,ltlg bud once more 11 well womnn able to do AfrIca, "hore he \Ion glent dlStlllC lIlound Pllnce llnpClt 'Ihe vliwB of Buk IS n sme cure lor cuts burns, most reJtglously obsen cd country round nbout here Have )OU eyes "Higher than the roofs of tbe my own housework, and feellllg bet tion He "liS commonded for gal Pllllce RupC! t IIUel hnrbol are Pill tl scratchcs, cold sorcs, chopped hunds, seen the ruinS? surloundlng bouses?' ter thlln I hnd dene for yeurs I hnve lantry nt Rorke a Drift, nnd "as nn CUllllly good shOW111g the western ter ulcers, sClllp sores, rmgwoun blood Stormed Church to See a Weddln!!. Second VISItor (who hns Just paid "Oh ~es' sa III tbe woman, ua gOal) slllce remnmed well nnd I feel that I eye wItness of tile great dIsaster of ll!lllUS of the Gluml hUllk PUClfic to pOlsonlllg, Imd eczema It IS nldo Tho ell.rldom held by Lord Gran hiS blll)-Yes, I suppose you mean deal blghcr ' owe my good health to the heahng Isand1"anll. be most Chl1l1111l1gly sltullted nnd nl-used extensively for plies, for ch ard whose mnrrtnge to !\lISS BeatrIce the guests leavlllg tIllS hotel "rhen "bnt r wnnt you to do," suld power of Dr Wllhnms Plllk Pills ____ rClldy mlltlllg 11 pretentIous show It IS 1\lthoul equal All U lind 'Ill d I' f '{ 0 d 'Ills d d EvelY other wenk SIckly, \lorn out A Poet's Woddln!! Cak- of beconllng the IlllpOltllnt eentle t 11 t (jOc Il hox 3 for n" 01 "I S, aug I,er a "' r g en "' I be 'Is to go UI) therc evcry ny an I. w'oITmn I Id f 11 th 1 f - 0 I I'd tIt 1 sores se a "'" f M ,VI t I R 1 " S IOU a ow e exnmp e a The (Iny Lortl 'Tennysoll 1'110 hn.s IV lIC I I. IS os met a le ost llee fronl "nlll Buk Co and mece a rs "u e aw eJ(, Repeat loole nround fur bnlf nn hour Tbllt M '" dID W 11' U "II t I I h TI G I p " - has tnken pI nee elates baek to 1648 rs .. fir nne gIve r 1 mms reSigned the ehRlrmnnslup of the I Ie 81 Ie e \I IIC Ie rap lIC plO for Pfricl

e )t'Ot

U nro wurned But there was II. bnrony III the family it: -ClSh1loh's Cure Will always \\ 1\1 do J au more good tbnn glasslets

h Pink Pills II flm trIal These Pills I eague of the Empire was born nt duces WIll no donbt bllng n clellrer

",h=ll=rt""ll=u=l=m=l",a=lO,.,n""s======.~ long before tins for SIr Alexander cure my coughs and colds." ~1~~;r~~~II~ :;t~J ~~ufn e~e:w a~~r: Is f~!l ~:~~s n~;d b~r~~gCO~~~~rn!!~O~~~ TWlckenhnm, August llth, 1852 1m [h~h:;::~~:lst~ s~~':d[s c:~t~~~~\~~~dg~~ld: M I b S b Forbes who mnrrled a granddaughter G thllt you exercIse them so little at long cncl:g~ to the wenl( and despondent fllther, the grent gnglish poet In n Illg that IS tnkl11g 1,Inee III Ollnlldll to A New an to a traw erry of tllo Scotcll KIng Robert III, was Reporter Rut Senator In a ov I tter to n frlollcl ,vroto 'I110 little _

- , rlluge 'rho\' me used to looking nt nIl medlcme delliers or by e u tiny Ilntl of the ullhllntcd posslblhtlCs A new struwbeny, onglllllted )1j crenlod lord Forbos by Klllg James ernmont hke yours don't you behove sbort dlstullces only LOllg dlstauce 50 cents a box from Tho Dr monster does Iln~ thIng hut whnt of cllpltnl IInu labor IJl produclllg M'lllltobu, hilS been plnced on till II, of Scotland, IJl 1448 Lord Gran- In tho prmclple of rotatIOn m ofllce? Wilhams' l\ledlcme Co, BroeltVllle, Hamlet snys OSriC dId In Ius nursery wenlth III tillS glent country of ours lIIurket this } cur by tho lluchnnuh ard snw nctIVe servIce WIth the Scots Emmellt Stntesman-I certalllly do, 1001,lng Is good for eyes Persons who Ont days" I.aOOr ho\\ ever the mother Nlllsery Co, of WlIllllpeg 'rlus 10 Gunrds IJl South Afncll MISS Bon. young man That s why I hnve a Ie- hnbltunlly bn, e n wide expanse of wrltmg lo the same fnend, saHI the first new Mallltobn \ artety tnce MIlls IS one of the wealthiest VOIVlllg m my office -Clucngo sea or plnln to gll2e U[lon \ery seldom 'Alfred wntches HlIllnm WIth pro ~truwberry to bo of(Oted thut we leno" hOlresses m New Yorle She IS a geod Tubune bnle ,\Cak c~es Ot course you can- MIS Belle De Rivera whose spe found mterest nnd somo of hIS ac of Mr Buchannn hilS prodllceu ndor and fond of outdoor purSUIts, not mOl e out to tbe p!tllns, neltber k bl quamtanccB" auld smile to see 111m f t b I Clal knowledge of New Yor pu Ie mllny new vunetICs a II rail ernes nnd IS n splendid smger As is on Y Monard'. Lonlment Curel DIphtheria clln you spend a lite on tbe ecelln mcmg np and downstnlrs dnnglll1!!

I\IJs Nngglt-IlelOro \I e wero mnr rlOd you \leed to admIre my strength of clmfUcter

l\{r Nngglt-I conSIder It stubborn ness no,\ IIH well IlS new Vllrletles 01 olher frUltb nllturnl, the weddlllg WIIS lookcd for wnl e but "au can Ict YOllr truvel school hfe made her famous, nllr the baby m Ius nrms ' The late Loru

but thlB IS the IlrRt aile thut hus beeu II nrd to IVlth consldernble lllterest, • recent dmner a number of T son B rrlnge ,vas 11 qUI,'t one b " .lcross tbe Hudson river day, euny mn Q An Ellsy P,li to Take -Some per-oHuled to the publIC lhe nolY elf} and in tillS connection one IS re Itu.lm~ lichool' episodes E the cnke Il.nd drosses nre smrl b f t 1 lind I ndllse lOll to do York v ven sons II IVO Icpugnanec to pIlls because IS doscrlbed as Clllg a ex IlL urg~ minded thllt n ceremony ef such 1m- ['ress concerned the smnll boy's to have arnved too Illte wluch mnde of their nnuselltlllg tllste Parmelee s SIze, productive, of good quulity, os portance IS sometllnllS tho causo of n, tho poet declnre thnt It \\ns the nicest I Vegetllble PIlls me so pwpllred liS te. pecll1l1y for home usc Ihe plant Is regrettnblo lack of mnnncrs among of eold water" \\edding he hud ever attended When mnke them IIgle~nhll to the most fns 1\ strollg grower lind hurd} 'J:ho Ilew nrdent persons enger to be present' teacher,' began Mrs De the present holder of tho tItle "US tldlOUS ~ he most delicate clln tuke berry IS U cross of the Orescent uno On one ocellSlOn n detilrmmed womnn Rivera, "sulCI one morrung to a little four yenrs old Ius parents removed them WIthout feeling he revulSIOn Bhurpless WrIte to the lluchllllllU hendod n number of others equally boy from TwlCkenhnm te Fnrrmgfonl thnt follolVs thc tlliung of ordlllary NUfllcry, 5t Oharles, Mnn, lor fur detormmed nil of "hom asserted that "'Jimmy, I m ashamed of you and he well remembors a VISit Prmce pIlls lIns IS one lenson for the pall-thor...lIJformlltlon about thiS new, ,.'.'." thoy \lould, at any oost "get m" to AlOO t dUe on alte thel I

Your cheek IS all black and sticky r pm I m so r r ulm Ity of these celebrated pIlls but tl h t bl tho church whero on Enghsh noblo- Go to tlle hydlnnt nnd wnsh It' amval The pnrlormmd answorerl n the mlllll tClIson IS theu Ingh tomcnl Mnny rna lers ave rellson 0 eSlI man \lll.q to Illnrry nn Am"rlcnn f th f t d bill I Mutlo~ Grnves WOIm Extcrmllilltol I I 'TI d d ,. 'Jimmy went out to the hydrant, nng 0 0 ron oor e, 01\( w len qUllllty us II. medlcme for the stomllch because It hus rcheved the httle ones Ie ress ICY sllccee C m onrrymg mOIstened his wllsh rag and rubbed she henrd the prince s name an

d I h I l out thelr thrent but the lender of the. t TI I d I nonnced she becllme so beWIldered I 'I enlo' a qUiet smolte" snlll '. of lIuifermg and IllII e t lem ell t IY band was roughly hnndled and soap over I len, rag III Ian ,Ie t k tit to I J ..

returned to the sel)ool room no nowmg mow 10. room SlOW mun to II Iellow pnssenger on 11 StPlI1Il clothes "ere In lntters Not m "'Winch cheek dId you say?' he m IllS royal highness ns booles and 1I11 I er '\\ell, sUld the stlanger, moving

The bony Irnme of tho alcrag~ loast daunted nt thiS however, sorts of tlungs ,vere strewn over the neross the decl" "you WIll never be whale weighs about 4& tons went UP to the bnde's qUired '-Rochester Herald drawmg-reom floor that she stood tlOllbled WIth clOwds while you smok'

smd 'Mrs you 'A Turkish bath Is such an excel stock still, unable to uet Bnt she t clgllrs of that brnnd ' right here, nnd I honrtiy C"~~dg:~l;~I~~~~I~1 '1' t dId not rem run lU tillS embarrassmg

and your: lent thing,' remarked MISS nr un, position long for the prince's equerry

L~~~'~~fnB~~:u:~t owm~:o~:N~i~~:fl~l~:~r}~~~~':1 .~fi:~~i~1:~:;rllt:;i~:~I"that I have often WIshed these took hold of her by the shoulders and Repeat it _u Shiloh's Oure will ai-I the Turks who sell enndlCs at expoSItions got her to lead them mto tho house ways cure my coughs nnd colda .. t would tnl(e one occaSionally '-'-(JIll d d I I s any One ay Queen Victoria aske tie CllgO Tlibune poet what she could do for lum and I I\Inmmn-Oh loole, WIIlte yoU! hl-

'':'''c'--'...,.:-'-_...,.:_: the reply hor Malesty rocOlved WIIIl, lie buby broLhcr can stnnd a\1 alonr "Nothlllg, tlinnk you mndam, but Aren t YOll gilld? Shl~kl~lny two boys by tho hllnd It WIlhe-Yes Now I elln get hun to may keep them loyal m the troublou". stand up Uglllllst the wulI whIle r bmes to come" ShortJy afterwards throw kl11ves rOllnd hun cnn' tIP the Queen sent for tho boys to coma to see her nt Osborne, WhlCh, of MInard's LIniment Cu"es Colds ett course, they dId When LOrd Tenny­son rushed llIto hIS father's study one n.fternoon he found Charles Kmgs­ley floor, studYlllg and

eonfirmmg IllS can-

~~f~~~~~I'~v;as~~the only .,:: qUIet

'Do you npprove of tho plan of tenchmg pupils to box?'

Not llncondltlOnnlly replied th,1 eountlY pedagogue, lememberlllg hId husllY 1I11leteen yenl aIds "Might be nil ught though, 1£ you'd authort2e the tenchOls to CUllY guns -1'hl1a­clelpilln Ledgel I




. /

. "

Page 8: Ladies! - Treherne0' ). , . " } • --, THE LABEL~ l-;Iu,,\'s the clatc to which your l'ubscriptioll, is raid." See tbat. it is , right: YOLo Is arriving every 111 Gent's M~_ .. ...R

1'his Province has 41.169,089 :jcres of .6,OI9,,200,acres of water surface to draw moisture frOIll for Agricultural purposes, thereforc we [\1 wa ys lIa ve su fIicien t 1lI0istti re to i IIsure a crop.

'I'here is yet 25,000,000 acres unoccupied to be llOlDesteaded or purchased. /

'I'he popuJation)ill 1901 was 255,211i it is now in round num-bers 400,000 or nearly double in seven years, .

:Winnipeg in H)OI had a population of 42,240; has now 115.000 or 11I0re than doubled its popUlation in seven yeats.

'rhe tr:ll1sportation facilities are almost perfect, there be!l1g 3516 miles of railwll\' in lIJe Province. all radiating: from Winnipe~. Tillec trans-continental tmills ka\'c Winnipeg every day and it is only a matter of a few months when there will be'five, those to be added being lhe Grand 'I'runk Pacific and the Canadian Northern.

These are indications of the Province's progress ill alldirectiorlS and is the place 10 cast ill your lot, as I~O other counlr)~, can show

• • • • • • • • • • • II

• • • • • • • • • • '.

the salUe increase ill the SRllle time.

\ '

TO -VISITO~S-Do not pass 'Winnipeg wiLhout seeing Gov­ernment and railway lauds for snle, and obtaining full information as to homestends and opportunities for'investlllent.

R. P. ROBLIN. Premlor o[ bluultohu IIUlI Mlulstero[ Agrlculturo


For BI,oclnllu[ormntlon al,ply to

Josoph Hurl\u, JiM Lnglln AI'" Wlnnlpe/!', Muu.


'rite Rathwell old timers hold their annnal ball to-night (Friday) in Scammell'S Hall. .

" _ "" ,- ,HElm ARE A FEW OF THE B~GAINS WE HAVE 'ro OFFER: , l.-Half Section, 6 miles north of 3.- Quarter Section 4.j.{ llI'ile~ I G Quarte S f ~ '1

Holland, 100 ac. ~roken, 10(} from Somerset.' ..-:.- f R Ir I~~ 14~~n, ~ I~I e~ . II.

more easily broken, stable and . , 0 . at ~we '/:' ;) acres un~le.r "granary' cheap atid 'easy terms. cultlvalton, .>0 1110re easy to

, ',' .4.-Half Section, a . miles frolll' clear, ba~ance WOOdi granary. , Trehernc; 2aO ac. under culli­

"a~ion, ~ood buildings, plenty of standlllg wood, best water, a first class farm.

We ha\le many olhers on 'ollr list that are equally as good bargains. Write or call in and see ns. '

cert, and it was mainly due to bis untiring efforts that - the evening proved such :l successfl11 one i illso to Mrs. Fry, who helped with the programme, and Miss Edith Porritt, who made a quantity of excellent candy which was sold at great pro­fit. Before the close the cliair­man Allllounced that the net finan· cial result of the e\'ening was

.. 'is. Below is a programme of cOllcert :

Song Mrs. Fry, Nurse I;mery wishes to exnrp'Q<>' Song

her thanks to her friends in and Song nround Rathwell for a very nice ice SOllg house. It has been one of her Dialogue

Mr. Muffat, Maudie Drew, Miss Drew, "DlIlubells" Pink­erton Dram'tc S'ty Mr. C. Holmes, Miss Drew,

greatest difficulties in the pasf to try to nn~~e successfnlly during the hot months without a regular sup­

Song Recitation Song Mr. Muffat, ice', especially for operations

1."""'< typhoid cases. Thanks to the ''''''''E efforts of kind ,friends this diffi­culty is now overcome, and work Dialogue

Mrs. Fry, Miss Stnples, "In want of a ser­vant," by childre J. Cooper, Miss F. and Mr. Gates, '

will he much easier the coming summer. ,The ice (of wbich eight loads are promised) will prove an immense COlli fort to the inmates of ~he hospi ta,!., - ..

Appended is a list of friends who have kindly helped: Mrs: J. Wilson . '. .' Mrs. 'r, M. 'Ward Mrs. L. Marlatt • • • • • Mrs. 1. Killie,. • • ~. • A 'Frieml ... . • . • Mrs. W. K. McKenzie A Friend • . • ~. . • • •

, ~. Latimer .


Song Mr. Muffat, Song C. Holmes, Reading R. Stanford, Song Mrs. Fry,

The entertainment closed by singing the National Anthem.


Han!y Carroll bas purchased a two·year-old,dri,·er.

Miss' Willett is the new teacher at the McCreery school.

, Miss Jessie Henderson is pa)'iug a \·isit to Miss Kate Hird. c

, S. Waddington, of S'lUris. is visiting friends at Indianford.

Kirk Patrick had a splendid time ill Winnipeg during the bon spiel.

Harry Delf bas purchased a matched team of draught horses ill Winnipeg.

, Adam Beattie is bOllle,

compl~ted pis 'course at a peg busilJess collf'ge. . ,

alld Miss Annie Ar,l:';'L,p·rp 'visiting at Mrs. Walter

ICUlIIg'S on Thursday last. •• e.eee •• e •• •• e.e ••• e.e ••• ~

I !~L~b~J~~I~~.~~ .... ~,!~~!~!~! . Oraphophones !

i and Records !! V.le sell graphophones and also keep on hand a full.line of records: i to fit both disc and cylinder machines. Get your supplies here.

vVe Have a Complete Stock of

Seasonable Merchandise.

.======7========================= i ADAM FORBES, • iRA T H "!II ELL. -1- MAN ITO B A . i: .~~~~~.~ ............ ~.~~~~~~~;

Notice to the Public

Thos. Wilson having with­

dra wn from the firm of Gorie

& Wilson, Implement Dealers,

Treherne, the business will

hereafter be continued under

the name and style of

Geo. Gorie, Treherne

• •

PAUL' KANE i························ FINANCIAL AGENT, ! The Fruit ·Store


J?;ellenal financial business COIl-d uch:d to loall 011 real

lo~ves";t. rates. Insnr­agent. Re­

best loan and in-

CANDIES and NUTS --0--

Fountain Drinhs. Smohers' Supplies.

Toothsome Con­fectio~e::-y .. -0--

\PIClure POSI Clrds. \

, t



