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  • 7/28/2019 ladder_handout.pdf



    z Every year an average of 14 people die and a further 1200are seriously injured at work as a result of falling from a

    leaning ladder or stepladder.

    z You do not need to fall from a great height to be badlyinjured. More people get injuries such as broken arms orlegs falling less than 2 m from a ladder than falling fromabove this height.

    z For example, a person was killed when they lost theirfooting on the second rung of a ladder and fellbackwards, hitting their head on the floor.

    The main reasons why people fall off ladders are:

    z Poor maintenance/poor conditionz Ladders slipping at the top or bottomz Wrong type of ladder usedz Ladder wobbles due to damaged feet or poor surfacez Overstretchingz Lack of secure grip

    Ladder use planning the task

    z Ensure that a risk assessment of ladder use is completed. This will ensurethat the right type and length of ladder is available for the tasks likely tobe carried out.

    z Ladders should only be used for light duty, short duration tasks. Thesetasks should be identified by your supervisor or manager.

    z Ladders should not be used if the task is likely to be strenuous, requirephysical effort or is likely to result in a sudden uncontrolled movemente.g. removing a heavy object or freeing a seized bolt.

    zYou should not use a ladder if you have a medical condition or injury thatcould affect your safety.

    z You should not use a ladder if you are under the influence of alcohol ordrugs.

    z Make sure you are wearing appropriate footwear before using ladders.z Make sure that the ladder cannot be accidentally knocked over, i.e. be a

    person or vehicle. I f they have to be used in areas where it is possible to bestruck, ensure there is an extra person available to warn others or useclear signage/barriers to warn people of the ladder.

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    z Do not position a ladder within the area of an overhead power line (unlessthe lines have been temporarily disconnected or insulated).

    z Remember when using a ladder near live electrical equipment, useladders that will not conduct electricity.

    z Check that the ladder you are using conforms torelevant standards, i.e.

    z BS2037:1994 aluminium ladders.z BS1129:1990 wooden ladders.z BS EN /131(or EN/131) applies to both.

    z It is recommended that you use one of the following:z Class 1 (industrial) Maximum static load:175kg (27.5

    stone)z BS EN/131 (or EN/131) Maximum static load:150kg

    (23.5 stone)

    z The ladder should be marked with the class number,maximum weight and instructions on how to use theladder safely follow these at all times.

    z Only use ladders that are owned by the University donot use contractors or your own ladders in work.

    z It is recommended that departments mark their ladderswith a unique identifier.

    zCheck for missing, damaged or worn anti-slip feet onmetal and fibreglass ladders (these are essential for

    good grip);z Check for items stuck in the feet such as swarf, stones

    grease or dirt, preventing the feet from making directcontact with the ground;

    z Check for mud, grease or oil either on the steps or thestiles (the sides)

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    z Check for cracks in the rungs or stiles of thestepladder and missing, broken or weakenedsteps.

    z Check for damaged or weakened rungs andmissing or damaged tie rods

    z Check metal stepladders for cracked or damagedwelds and missing or loose screws or rivets.

    z Avoid placing ladders on side or back slopes,particularly if the surface is wet.

    z Ladders should not be used on a surface were theside slope is greater that 16 degrees or the backslope is greater than 6 degrees.

    The rungs should always look horizontal.

    z Carry ladders is a safe manner. Long laddersshould be carried by two persons.

    z To erect a ladder, place its foot against a fixedobject such as a wall and raise the other end byprogressing hand over hand, from rung to runguntil upright.

    z Make sure the ladder is erected the right wayup. If it is wooden ensure the tie rods areunderneath the rungs, if it is aluminium checkthe rung profile is the right way round.

    z Do not place the top of a ladder against a fragilesurface such as plastic guttering or glazing as thismay give way and cause instability.

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    z When erected the ladder must be at an angle of 75degrees. Use the angle indicator marked on thestiles of some ladders or the 1 in 4 rule (1 unit forevery 4 units up, as shown in Figure opposite).

    If you cannot achieve this angle, because the ladderis too short, too long or something is in the way, then dontuse it.

    z The ladder to be used should be sufficiently long. Always try and makesure the ladder extends at least 1 m (or three rungs) above where you willbe working.

    z If you are using a ladder for access, make sure it rises to at least 1 m (orthree rungs) above the landing place. But make sure it does not project sofar above that it could pivot around the landing point.


    z Wherever possible, tie a ladder to prevent it fromslipping. This can either be at the top, the bottomor both, making sure both stiles are tied. Never tiea ladder by its rungs.

    z If you cant tie the ladder use an effective ladderor one with an effective ladder-stability device.This means a ladder or ladder-stability device thatthe suppliers or manufacturers can confirm will bstable enough to use unsecured in your worst casescenario.

    z If you cannot tie or use a stabilising device then youcan wedge the stiles against a wall or other similarheavy object or, as a last resort, have a second personfoot the ladder.

    zAvoid overstretching - it is easy to loose balance.If you have to carry out work along a wide area,move the stepladder rather than try to stretch.Your stomach should be kept within the stilesand both feet should be flat on the step.

    z Never place you foot on another surface, e.g. awindow ledge to extend your reach.

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    z When climbing up and down the ladder, take one step at a time.z Where possible ensure you have 3 points of contact with the ladder at all

    times (i.e. two feet and one hand)z On nearing the bottom, watch where you place your feet.

    z Avoid carrying large or long items up anddown ladders. You should avoid carryingitems over 25kg and where possible keep itemsto less than 10kg.

    z If you have to carry items up and downladders, ensure you maintain at least one handon the stepladder.

    z Tools and other light items should be carriedin a tool belt or bag or placed on the ladder(see paint can opposite).

    z Only one person at a time should work off aladder.

    z Do not throw things to the floor or colleaguesfrom a ladder.

    z Ensure stepladders are stored in an appropriateplace, away from areas where they can beaccidentally damaged or cause trips hazards.

    z Where possible, stepladders should be secured sothat they cannot be accidentally knocked over.


    z Carry out a risk assessment to determine what ladders you needz

    Only purchase and use stepladders that meet relevant British andEuropean standards.z Plan the work before using a ladder.z Carry out pre-checks on the ladder before use.z Use in accordance with good practice.z Store ladders safely before and after use.