Laboratorio De Ingles

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Transcript of Laboratorio De Ingles

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It is the average

weather usually

taken over a 30

year time period

for a particular

region and time


Climate is not the same as weather, but rather, it is the average pattern of weather for a particular region. Weather describes the short term state of the atmosphere

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YES! The earth has warmed about 1°f over the past 100 years. But why? Well, scientists are not excatly sure. The earth could be getting warmer on its own, but many of the world’s leading climate scientists think that things people do are helping to make the earth warmer

Page 5: Laboratorio De Ingles

YES! There are a

several little

things you can

do to make a

difference. Try

car pooling. This

will help reduce

the amount of

fossil fuels going

into the


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The ozone layer forms a thin shield high up in the sky. It protects life on earth from the sun’s ultraviolet rays. In the 1980s, sciencists began finding clues that the ozone layer was going away or being depleted

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Acid rain is rain, snow or fog that is polluted by acid in the atmosphere and damages the enviroment. Two common air pollutants acidify rain: sulphur dioxid and nitrogen oxide.

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Climate is sometimes refered to as “average” weather for a given area.The national weather service uses values such as temperature highs and lows and precipitation measures for the past thirty years to compile “average” weather to be an inadequate definition. To more accurately portray the climatic character of an area, variations, patterns and extremes must also be included. Thus, climate is the sum for all statistical weather information that helps describe a place or region

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• Natalia Esposito• Milena Cavalieri• Mercedes Diaz Silveira• Camila Ferro• Sofia Hajek• Angelica Garcia Escudero• Agustina Graziano• Constanza Gabani• Lucia Peverati• Florencia Turkovich• Laura Forte• Lucas Di Ciani• Braulio Ceballos• David Arlia

Care about the earth

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