LABOR IN 3HT1 NOITH EXCEEDS BONDS WAYS ......-own children there, but send to school..Rodier told of...

LABOR_IN 3 HT1 Uiion Denounces the F=pY=nent of Childr:n. TASS ATLANTA MINISTERS .,joeu.Says Atlanta Preachers Fight Vhiky But Are IadiffMerent About Working in the Mills. .Shington, D. C-Declaring that i arly as he loved the south, he was n#t'--*lfng to have her purchase com- rcal success at the sacrifice of Lr Ittle children, F. C. Roberts, for- tu. rly a.Gecrglan, and chairman of a agutte of the Central Labor Un- "o ts city, at the convention of , jdlted Textile Workers of Amer- : stirred up much Indignation -inst Dr. C.-A. Stiles of the United Siues Public Health and Marine Hos- T; a!, Service, who was quoted before Boothern Textile Association at !teIgh by a speaker who was defend- i the employment of children in the thern cotton mills. Roberts declared his -surprise t a public o2cer, paid from the le revenue, should appear before , 4nvention of employers of labor udertake to defend the system hfild labor in the southern states. iadvocated action by the conven- in opposition to any attempt to her extend and to perpetuate the ent of child labor in southern cot- mills. Such employment, he said, -ly tended to displace adults. love the southland,"' said Mr. erts, "and I would do almost any- 41 g in my power to have the cotton r the south manufactured in the -hem states. But there are prices :uld not pay for such a commer- victory. I wouls not give our children as the price of success. Ve know that the houses of these le are unsanitary. The effort of Dized labor is to make them more tary. Here in the district of Co- )ia Is a daily occurrence to hear e and black men and women ask- the judge, of the police court to them to the workhouse because. would be better off there than in - own homes. jomas Tracy, secretary of the n Laba-l Department of the Amer- Federation of Labor, called at- on to an article appearining in an ot magazine, which, he said, d place Dr. tSiles in the position witness against, himself in the er of the employment -of child- n southern cotton mills. that article, he said, Dr. Stiles deprecated the employment of .-en and stated there were 200,000 ren in the southern cotton mills, that their lives weer slowly be- apped by the hook-work disease. Ln L. Rodi3r of this city warned ates from the New England s that if they looked with indif- ce on the policy of working the ren in the southern cotton mills would soon face a mo,ement for epeal of child labor laws in Mas- isetts, Rhode Island and Connect- as the New England industry I find it impossible to compete ist such cheap labor. find," said Mr. Rodler, "that men advocate putting children In the n mills of the south do not put -own children there, but send to school. .Rodier told of his experience .tlanta, Ga., during a campaign ist the liquor traffic. Inisters of the gospel and women lown on their knees," he said, * prayed to save big,; strong men - the demon rum and against their - ~vices, but these same ministers women were indifferent when we ipted to get legislation prevent- * the employment of children un- ten years of age. .em the speaker had 'left the as- ly hall, his reference to the min- s and children brought Edwin son of New Bedford, Conn., to eet, declaring that a gratuitous had been offered to the minis- sietary Albert Hibbert of Fall -Mass., suggested that It was a that ministers did not take the Interest in prohibiting child la- hat they took in the liquor traf- WOMEN ALL,OWED TO VOTE. rb of Richmond, Va., Extends Suffrage to Women. hmond, Va.-The people of Gin- 'ark, the most fashionable and wealthiest suburb of Richmond, formally extended the suffrage men. a governing body of the subur-b - .ed a constitution and by-laws, provision of which is that "all .and females, white and over -ars of age, owning property and <In Ginter Park, shall vote. 100 FOUND IN MIL dressed Envelope Containing ney In the Dead Letter Office. shintgon, D. C.-Somebody is ust $100 because of carelessness irwarding money through the .The division of dead letters of ~ostofBece department received.-an se, unsealed and unaddressed, ining an amount of,currency ag ting about $100. Senvelope was deposited in a letter box in a town in New s tate. ? inquiry will be continued for time and if the identity of the * r of the money is not disclosed, onney will be turned into the 'd States treasury. DIVINE HEALER DEAD. .es M. Schiatter Was Unable Tc Cure Himself. -stings, Neb.-Charles M1. Schlat- who claimed to cure ils by di- power, was found dead in a * at a local hotel. Hei was penni. and unless relatives or friends ithe body it will be turned over medical college. Schiatter was ~y known, having thousands of * paper clippings discribing his various American cities. He died I age. IOUSENAIDS ARE SUIRE. igo Professor Says Servanta Rule the House. cago, lL-American families are -the subjection of the maid of ork, according to Dean Sophonis * reckinridge, of the University of ~go, In a lecture at the univer The hand that dusts the furni * s the hand that rules the house, r'~eckinridge believes. -s e modern houseirife empYoy! SSaid more for the purpose of The aining a respectable appearance S C for service," she said., NOITH EXCEEDS IN CHILD LABOR. More Children Employed in Massachu- sette Than Any State Excpt N. C. Washington, D. C.-Harsh criticism of leg.1ative bodies was made at the convention of the United Textile wo:kers uf America, when the ques- tion of ebtaining shorter working hours came up. Some of the delegates declared that an eight-hour day could be obtained only through the medium of strikes. Delegate Morgan of Patterson, N. J., said that- members of the legisla- ture of his state were elected by cor- rupt methods, and once in office, paid no heed to the appeals of laboring men. Lelegate Hall of Philadelphia took the position that all polit-lal parties were merely capitalistic organs. He advocated the formation of a work- ingmen's party. In this he was op- p:sed by Delegate Thomas McMahon of Rhode Island, who insisted that la- I boring men in his state sell their votes themselves. This practice must be broken up, he contended, before the legislatures were reformed. He said that while a great furore wa3 now being raised to abolish child labor in the south, there were more children employed in Massachusetts than any state of the south, with the exception of North Carolina. U. 0. C. ELECT OFFICERS. Little Rock Gets Next Meeting of the Confederate Daughters. Houston, Texas.-With the selec- tion of Little Rock, Ark., as t e con- vention city in 1910 and the !ection of the general officers for the year, the sixteenth annual convention of the United Daughters of the Confed- eracy adjourned sine die closing the -ession§ in Houston an hour before midnight. The following general of- ficers were elected: President general. Mrs. Virginia McSherry of West Virginia; first vice president general, Mrs. L. C. Hall of Arkansas; second vice president gen- eral, Mrs. M. E. Bryan of Texas; third vice president general, Mrs. Thomas T. Stevens of Georgia; re- cording secretary general, Mrs. A. L. Dowdell of Alabama; corresponding secretary general, Miss Childress of Louisiana; treasurer general, Mrs. C. B. Tate of Virginia: registrar general, Mrs. James B. Gantt of Missouri; his- torian general, Mrs. J. Endois Robin- son of Virginia; custodian of cross of honor, Mrs. L. H. Raines of Georgia; custodian of flag, Mrs. F. A. Walk of Virginia. Honorary presidents, Mrs. J. W. Tench of Florida, and Mrs. N. D. Randolph of Virginia. The Shiloh Monument Association committee's report was read by Mrs. White of Tennessee, which shogd that over $20,000 has been donated last year. FARMER'S FORTUNATE WIFE. Woman is Left $4,000,000 by a , Former Sweetheart. Jonesboro, Ark.-Coming as a se- quel of her girlhood days. Mrs. John D. Erwin, wife of a Green county farmer, will probably be put in pos- seraion of an estate valued, it is es- timated, at $4,000,000. R. E. McGoff, a Kentucky attorney, executor of the estate of a resident of that state whose name he will not disclose, is in Jonesboro securing proof as to the identity of Mrs. Erwin. Some years ago, it is asserted, Mrs. Erwin, then Mary Duval, met a young German, who told her of vast ances- tral estates. The two became fast friends, but because of parental ob- jection the marriage which he pro- posed did not occur. Instead the young woman became the wife of a farmer. Recently the man who first sought her hand died, naming in his will as his legatee his former sweet- heart. That she can produce ample proof that she is the person is de- clared by Mrs. Erwin. POTASH MONOPOLY PLANNED. Germany Wants to Hold Up American 'Trade. Berlin, Germany.-The completion of contracts between the German pot- ash mines and American fertilizer companies at prices lower than those of the syndicate has influenced the imperial ministry of the interior to prepare bills for submission to the reichstag, with the object of creating a government control over the pot- ash industry. The legislation propos- ed would prevent the filling of Ameri- can contracts at prices contracted by the Americans, who have placed or- ders covering a greater part of their requirements up to 1917. If these measures should be adopt- ed, America, which takes about sixty per cent of the potash exported. would be obliged to pay monopoly p)rices. The American interests here are concerned over the situaticn, and probably will make representations concerning it to the state deparunent at WVashintgon. Seiator Johnson ClaImed by Death. Fargo, N. D.-United States Sena- tor Martin H. Johnson of this state died from an attack of acute bright's disease at his hotel here. Senator Johnson was fifty-nine years old. In 1890 he was sent to congress, and was three times nominated. He wa cight years in the lower house. Ten Killed in Mine Exploslon. Hartshorne, Okla.-Ten men are dead. two are injured an~d one is miss- ig as a result of an explosion in mine No. 10 of the Rock Island CoaI Mining company. The men are be- lieved to have gone btycnd( a "dead line" with lighted lamps in entering Ithe mine, the lamps igniting the gas. Tilman WilNot Attend Taft Banquet. Columbia. S. C.-Because he was aked to pay $10 for a plate at the uncheon which will be given to Pres- idn aton the occasion of his visit todehis cit November 6. Senator B. t.Tillman has declined to attend the unheon, and states that he may not erve on the reception committee. Senator Tillman says that while Ca- umba is to be the nominal host of Mr. Tar:. the city expects the state at large to pay for the president's en- tertainment. Supreme Court Justice Peckham Dead Albany, N. Y.-Rufus WV. Peckham, associate justice of the United States supreme court, died at his summer home at Altamont. Albany county. Death was due to a complication of diseases, heart trouble, bright's dis- ease and hardening of the arteries 1cntrbuting. .Justice Peckham was a democrat, and befpre taking a seat on th ench gave considerable at- tention to polities in New York. He was b'orn in Albany, N. Y., November' 1838, and had been on the bench New York and federal, for twenty-six BONDS fOR-WATER WAYS President Taft Declares Himself in Favor of Inland Waterways. WOULD SOLVE RATE QUESTION Mr. Taft Declares Work on Improve- ments Has Been Nothing More Than "a Procession of Jerks." Corpus Christi, Texas.-In an open addiess here before the Interstate In- land Waterways league and the citi- zens of Corpus Christi, President Taft announced himself as strongly favor- ing a permanent and pracucal sys- tem of inland waterways as a means of controlling railroad rates, and said that he favored the policy of issuing bonds for carrying out a practical sys-i ,em of improvements. Up to tne present time, Mr. Taft declared, congie s nas provided for improvements in piece meal tashion ani the work on improvement has been not'hing more than "a procession of jerxs.-' Befote any project is en- tered upon, the president aeclared, it should be thoroughly considered, In- vestigated and reported upon by a board of engineers as to its feasibil- ity and desirability. Once the improvement is declared desirable and tne communities wnicni it is to serve can convince, congress that their growth has been suca as to justify the expenditure of a large sum of money to take care of increas- ing trade, bonds should be issued in order- that the improvements may be carried into effect at once and the benefits of it be quickly secured. The president took occasion to re- fer to that in some localities that there is a disposition to do injustice to the railroads and to drive ttne cor- porations to a system of economy, which prevents the development of the country through which they pass. The president said it was often the case that the citizens of a county would go to any extent to get a railroad to come into the county, but once there, no a friend of he railroad could anywhere be found, except perhaps the local counsel. The remark called out hearty laugh- ter. The president turned serious again, however, and urged a "square deal" for the railroads, that they might not be deprived of reasonable profits through popular prejudice. CAR SHORTAGE IN SOUTH. American Railways Make Statement on Car Situation. Chicago, III.-The American Rail- ways' fortnightly statement made public here shows a shortage of 23,.1 431 cars in the east and south, and a surplus of 35,977 in the west and northwest. .The report adds: "There seems to be no doubt that the rail- roads are carrying as much freight as they did in October, 1907, and it is to be noted that the shortages are one-third of what they were then, when there was no surplus at alli The surplus has been reduced 17,4111i in the last two weeks. It i,s probable thatI we have reached or pearly reached a maximum shortage, although it is probable that the surplus will be fur- ther reduced: If there is any serious shortage this fall, it will provably be upon the commercial roads, SWALLOWED GOLD TOOTH, Macon Woman Had Gold Crown in Her Lungs a Year. Macon, Ga.-In a violent coughing, spell Mrs. Walter Garrity coughed a displaced gold crown from a tooth: from its lodging in her lungs, where It had been a year and a day. She was desperately ill and physicians: had contemplated an operation. She will recover, it Is believed. A year has passed since she was In a dentist chair getting work done on her teeth. A crown in her mouth slipped and she drew it into her lungs. She had several severe at- tacks, but h'nproved each time until the foreign matter was finally thrown ANTHRACNOSE DOES GREAT DAMAGE. Disease in Cotton is Spreading and is Costing Planters Millions. Columbia, S. C.-In a report just made to Commissioner Watson, State Botanist Barre declares that the dis- ease of anthracnose in cotton is cost- ing the growers of the state probably! $5,000,000 yearly and the Georgia! planters possibly as much as $14,000,- 000 each year. According to Mr. Barre, the disease is spreaging. Its worst manifestations have followed the use of imported seed, for which reason he urges that inspection of cot- ton seed be provided for in the pro- posed legislation to minimize piellagra by the inspection of grain. DR. CARLI3LE_IS DEAD. SIgner of Secession and President Emeritus of Wofford College. Spartanburg, S. C.-Dr. James H. Carlisle, the venerable president em- eritus of Wofford college died at his home here. Dr. Carlisle wvas born at Winnsboro, S. C., eighty-four years ago, his parents having come from County Antrim, Ireland. In 1875 he was chosen president of Wofford college, and in this position continued until 1902. when he resign- ed and became president emeritus. Dr. Carlisle and Colonel Robert A. Thompson of Walhialla, Sj C., were the only surviving signers of :he or- dinance of secession which precipitat- ed the war betweent the states. CONFEDERATE FLAG RETUlRNED. Captured From the Ram Albermarle Just As It Went Down. Richmond, Va.-D,r. Thomas A. Warrell, fermerly ef C.mpany B, Company B. Penr.sylvan:a volun- teers. has pr:esented to the confsder- ate muset:m h( re a confederate flag that was tas:en fromi the <crtfderate im Albemr.rle. w>eh was~sunik off the coast of Nort h C'arolii:a, during the civil war. It wa:s removed from the vessel just before the ship went down. SEVEN KILLED !N OHIO WRECK. Panhandle Passer.ger Train Dashed Into Freight Train. Richmond, Ind. - Seven persons were killed in a on the Pan- handle division of the Pennsylvania Rairoad, near Collinsville, Ohio, when a southbound passenger train ran into a freight train on an open siding.[ The passenger train was said to~ have been running 50 miles an hour when the crash came. Accordingt t> reports. the switch was open, and th I trains collided head-on. No passe4.- er-s were killed. DEATH RATE DE;LININC. 5o the Government Vital Statistics Show. Tuberculosis Is Decreasing. Washington, D. C.-The great fight igainst tuberculos!s is being won, ac- :ording to Chief Statistician Cressy L. Wilbur, of the division of vital sta- J'stics, United States Census' Bureau. In a bulletin issued he says: "A continued decline in the death rate from It frcm year to year, may be expected." He says that the organization of many state and local anti-tuberculo- 5is societics since the international :ongress on tuberculczis in Washing- on in 1908 has helpEd to check the lisease. The total deaths from tu- berculosis returned in 1908 was 79,- 289, exceeding those of any previous vear of registration, but the death rate per 100,000 for 1908 is consider- bly less than that for 1907. In all registration states, the death from the tuberculosis showed a decline, ex- ept in Colorado, Rhode Island and Vermont. Mr. Wilbur notes pellagra as a dis- ease of increasing Importance with twenty-three deaths recorded In 1908. rhis does not include the bulk of pel- legra deaths in the south, from which o records are received. Among the rarer disease, smallpox caused nine- ty-t.wo deaths; plague, five; yellow fever, two; leprosy, eleven and hy- arophobia, eighty-two. UOTTON lINNERS REPORT. 5,320,000 Bales Had Been Ginned to Octcber 18. Memphis, Tenn.-The report of J. A. Taylor, president of the National Ginners' A-sociation, indicates that there has been ginned to October 18, 5,32i,000 bales, which is nearly a mil- lion bales less than was ginned in this period last year. The reprt says. As the heavy ginning of September was kept up the first week in Octber, the falling off has nearly all come in the last half of the latter month. The crop is 79.7 picked, compared with 54.5 last year at this tinie, and indicates almost a crop disaster, ex- cept in Georgia and the Carolinas, where the crop is better, but nbt as good as expected a month ago. The yield is reported disappointing In all sections of the belt, probably due to smallness of the bolls. Mississippi, Louisiana and Arkansas have the shortest crop ever grown, and will total a little over half of last year's crop, while Texas Is not much better. OBLITERATE CASTE LINES. Methodist Home Mission Board Dis- cusses Work Among Operatives. Charlotte, N. C.-The special con- ference of the home mission board ofthe Methodist church, south, call- ed to consider the relation of the church to the industrial problem. came to an end with the adoption of resolutions embodying suggestions as to the most advantageous steps to be taken in the conduct of work in mill settlements. The substance of the discussion was that caste lines in the church must be obliterated and that the churches in the cities having outlying mill settlements must contri- bute to the work amongst cotton mill operatives. Statistics read in the conference show that there are in the south, 843 cotton mills, with 411,542 mill people, and the eagerness of the mem- bers of the conference to reach these ;eople was manifest. PATRICK HI._M'CARREN DEAD. Democratic Leader of Brooklyn Never Rallied After Operation. New York City.-Patrick H. McCar- ren, state senator and democratic eader of Brooklyn, died at St. Cath- erine's Hospital, Brooklyn, never hav- ig completely rallied from the ef- ects of an operation for appendicitis which was per formed on October 13. His death was not unexpected; in act, the senator himself realized that bixs end was near. Lovett Succeeds Harriman. New York City.-Robert S. Lovett, was elected president of the Union Pacifie railroad, to succeed the late E. 11. Marriman, at a meeting of the boardof directors. The executive ::ommittee was re-elected, with Judge [ovett as chairman, to which p)lace tie waselected as Mr. Harriman's successor a few weeks ago. Would Bar Tobacco to Ministers. Savannah, Ga.--The use of tobac- co byministers will be barred, if the wishes of the Woman's Board of Home Missions of the Methodist piscopal church, south, are carried ut by the general conference. Newsy Paragraphs. As a result of a feud between Ital- an families of New Orleans. Lewis Manacia, aged twelve years. is dead and his mother and two children are lying. -They ate sugar sent them as present. It was discover-ed that It was sent by enemies of the family. Rocky Boy and his band of Chip- pewa Indians, numbering about, one hundred and fifty braves, encamped near Birds Eye, Mont., probably will owe their rescue from death by star- vation to the promptness of Indian ffice officials, who took speedy means to relieve their desperate plight. The West Virginia synod of the Presbyterian Church in session at Elkins, W. Va., adopted a resolution protesting against the invitation ex- tended to President Taft to address the laymens' mircionary convention November 11. This action was tak- en after a lengthy discussion, argu- ments in favor of the resolutions be- ing based upon the president's affilia- tion with the Unitarian church. That San Francisco had made pre- liminary plans to hold a world's fair n commemoration of the completion of the Panama canal was the state- went made in Seattle by Colonel J. A. Filcher, executive commissioner from Caliornia to the Alaska-Yukon-Pa. cific exposition. He said the United State government shculd furnish "a million er- two to releirate the event." San Diego. Cal.. also is mentioned as possile site for a w'.orld's fair cel- ebrating the ecmnplin of the canal, an it is understooCd that one or mor-e southern cities bordering the gulf of Mexico have similar projects. Mrs. Basil Duke, wife of General Duke, of the Shiloh battlefield com- mission, was found dead in bed at Louisville. Ky. Heart disease was the cause of her death. Mrs. Duke was sister of General John Morgan, the famous confederate raider. By a ur,anlous vote the building trades department of the National Federation of Labor in session at Tampa. Fla.. pased a resolution call- in upon all of the branches of or- ganized labor to pledge their .aipt ri o Pesident Gomlpers in the cases ow pending agains-t him and other officials of the American Federation of Lbor COTTON NOT TOO Hil Riciard H. Edmonds Discusses the Cotton Situation. FOREIGN SPINNERS BUYING American Spinners are Played By Foreign Buyers for Suckers," Says Mr. Edmonds. New Orleans, La.-Discussing the cotton situation. Richard H. Ed- monds, editor of The Manufacturers' Record, who is in the south making a study of crop prospects and probable consumption, said: "The American spinners are being -played for suckers by foreign spin- ners, and they are being played with an energy that ought to satisfy the most enthusiastic fisherman. In oth- er words, foreign spinners ac*e en- deavoring in every way possi'ule to convince the spinners in this coun- try and r.M other people ideutified with the cotton trade that the price of the raw cotton is too high, and tnat the way to bring about a reduc- tion is to shut down mills until cot- ton declines to a point satisfactory to the buyer. "The American spinners are taking this talk of the foreign spinners seri- ously, and while they are, to a large extent, as compared with previous years, keeping out of the market, for- eign spinners are buying every bale of cotton they can get their hands on. The question of price does not seem to euter into their actual calcula- tions, although they are struggling to impress upon American spinner: the folly of buying at present prices. "No one familiar with the shrewd- ness and the knowledge of business conditions throuhgout the world of foreign spinners should be surprised at thc game which they are playing. It has been played steadily for more than half a century, but there is room for surprise that American spinrers should so readily fall into the -rap. "As a matter of fact, the present price of cotton is not unduly high. It is not in fact even at present figures yielding to the farmers the profit which should be won out of this, na- ture's greatest monopoly. -Considering the increased cost of production and the Increased cost of living, it is doubtful whether 13-cent cotton is giv- ing better net results to the producer than 8 or 9-cent cotton would have done seven or eight years ago. To assume that the world will not con -ume this entire crop, even if it sold at 15 cents a pound, is absurd to any man who is thoroughly familiar with the world's business conditions and who recognizes that, until an article reaches a practically prohibitory price, consumption is not materially lessened by what, under other condi- tions, might have been regarded as a high price. "All mankind is living on a higher plane. Wages in the Orient and in Europe, as well as in this country, have been steadily advancing for some years, with occasional brief pe- i-iods of reaction, such as that follow- g the panic of 1907. But, broadly speaking, there Is a steady, world- wide forward movement. -The iron producers, the growers of wheat and corn and other agricul- tural products, and manufacturers 0f nearly all lines are sharing in this increased activity and increased prof- it to a greater extent than the cot- ton growers of the south. If there had been no material shortage in the yield of cotton compared with last year. there should have been, mere ly to keep pace with the advance in other things, a rise of. 25 to 30 per cent In the price of cotton over the average of the preceding crop. "The world's Improved business conditions would have justified this. When we remember that whatever may be the actual final outcome it it an unquestionable fact that the crop will be very much less than last year, while the consumption will cer tainly be as large, it would seera thai present prices have not yet reached a point of fairness to the grower. It is incumbent upon every business in- terest in the south to recognize the situation and to unite to help the farmer in securing a piice In keep- ing with the present increasing pros perity in every othe*r industry. Instead of seeking to depress the price of cot- ton, the -south ;hould unite to seek to advance the price. At present ev- r man who is paying any serious attention to the talk of foreign spin. ers is simply helping them to laugh up one sleeve, while with the uther and they are reaching behind his ack and gathering in every psssible bale of cotton. -Later on, when the foreign spin ners have secured the best of the rop and the American spinners un- dertake to supply their own needs, they will wake up to the game that has been played upon them." SPANISH CABINET RESIGNS. SSain Tranquil Under New Order of Government. Madrid, Spain.-The Spanish cabi- net, which was formed January 15, 1907, under the premiership of Anto- i Mauria, resigned as a result of the bitter attacks made against the government by the former premier, Mret y Prendergast. The fall of Piremier Maura and the conservative cabinet has produced a feeling of relief and encourages hope that a period of internal tranquility has been ushered in. It is now an open secret that M. Maura's refusal to give King Alfonso an opportunity to pardon Ferrer is regretted by his SYRIANS NOT "WHITE PERSONS." Wconsin Court Rules That They Are Not Entitled to Vote. LaCrosse, Wiss.-Ui.der a ruling re- ceeid here from 1. S. Coleman,. the chief exminer cf il:c census buread t asingti. cie t.undred Syrian voters in LaC"rCrme w;il lose their cit iensp, wh.le M.nj'!; of others all Iover the noGiiiI <1.1 ia aifected. The ruling. in ' nvA-.; that Syrians, being of AGiatie miigin. are not "white person:." whhiin the meaning of the law. BRIBED TO CHEAT IiIYERNMlENT. Customs Weigher Confesses That He Was Hired by Importers. New York City...-Eight years of sys tematicand exceedingly profitable chheting of the United States govern- ment was disclosed by George E. Brige a customs weigher. Hie told ow e had underweighIedf a large iportation of cheese and received $194. He said that he h a .hnilar dealings with hundreds of other- im- potes He declared also tat cus- toos employees had a regular sys- tn ofcheating. LATE NtWS NOTEL General. In a lecture 'before the Acro Club of America, Lyttleton Fox urges that the club take immediate steps to cause the enactment of laws defining the rights and privileges of persons who travel in balloons and aero- plianes. Mr. Fox fears that unless laws to the contrary are passed, prop- Lrty owners whose titles give them lvossssion of the air above property may prosecute air travelers for tres- I;a-s. In order to avoid suits for trEspass, Mr. Fox suggests that the various states condemL% a certain ae- rial stratum as a public highway and take title to it. Two large 22.000-pound Rodman gu,nC, re lies of the confederacy, mounted at the abandoned Fort Hen- ry, rear Pass Christian, Miss., will be blown up and shattered into port- able sections with dynamite. They were recently sold to a St. Louis firm by the state of Mississippi and were to be exhibited as historical cu- riosities. But the purchasers have founl it impossible to get the guns away from their mountings. The site of the old fort has almost been buried under the accumulations of the past torty years Counterfeiters, working almost in the shadow of the treasury, have in- vaded certain districts of Washington with spurious coin. The counterfeits are of the 25 cent and 10 cent coin- age, patterned after the issue of 1908, but, accordiig to the secret service operatives. they are poor imitations. John L. Carlisle, a prominent farm- er and politician of Marion county, Mississippi, is so strongl; impressed with the belief that he has found gold on his farm near Magnolia that he has sent a sack of the nuggets to the United States assay office at Wash- ingtor. for analysis. The nuggets were picked up in a cotton field on the Carlisle place, and the ground is thickly strewn with them. They appear to be a composition of sand and bright flecks resembling gold dust. The International Banking corpor- ation, an American concern, which was the first to open a house in Pe- kin, China, started a branch in Han- kow, with the object of increasing trade relations bEtween the United States and the Far East. Washington. When President Taft returns from his western trip he will find awaiting him in the white house a big barrel of sauerkraut which represents his winning at the Elks' fair held at San- dusky, Ohio, last winter. The pres- ident was presented the winning tick- et by W. H Reinhart, head of the Perry centennial commission, while the latter was in Washington. The baprel was packed with twenty-two gallons of fresh briny food and tx- pressed to Washington. Record target practice scores of the vessels of the American navy for 1909 made public at the navy depart- ment show that the Washington is a winner of the .battleship class, the Charleston a winner in the cruiser class, the Wilmington a winner in the gunboat class, the Tingey the win- ner in vessels competiting for the tor- pedo trophy. The use of the words "so help me God" at the end of oaths may be prohibited in the courts of the Dis- trict of Columbia if congress passes a law which Is now being drafted by the commissioners of the District of Columbia. The bill under considera- tion is similar to one enacted by the Maryland legislature, and leaders of the bench and bar in Washington are being consulted as to the desirability of recommending its enactment by congress. A pew in the fashionable St. John's Episdopal church in Washington, the property of the late Dr. Robert Rey- burn, was put up at auction. As there were no bidders the pew probably will be sold at private sale. Last May a pew in the same church brough brought $3,000. This is not the only high price paid for a pew in St. John's In 1816, when the edifice was built, the pen s sold for $100 each, but at that tiime the church or- ganizationi received the money and not a pew holder, as now is the case. A few years ago Representative George M.' Huff of Pennsylvania pur- chased from an estate a pew directly in the rear of what is known as the "presidential pew," paying $2,750 Uncle Sam grew financially fat off industrious inventors last year, the records showing that revenues in fees from this source were -sufficient to pray $1,887,443, the expenses of the United States patent office, and leave a surplus of $88,476. This fact, which is emphasized in the annual report of Edward B Moore, commissioner of patents, has made the basis for im- port ant recommendations urging new law.s by congress which will effectual- ly expediate methods for issuing pat- ents. Improvements in the methods of sustaining the army while traveling by rail have made the lot of the pri- vate soldier much more comfortable than formerly. This is shown In the annual report of Commissary General Henry G. Sharpe. The report says the operations of the kitchen tourist car, the detachment mess car and the - portable gas cooker, which he says have been thoroughly tried Out are found satisfactory. They have revolutionized, he say's, the old sys- tem of providing for subsistence of traveling troops. The report shows that it cost the commisary depart- ment $333,822 more to keep the army of Cuban pacification in the island than it would have cost to take care of the soldiers in this country. The father of Knud Rasmussen has recel' ed a letter from his son, who lived for many years among the Es- kimos and speaks the languiage per- f ectly. In the letter M. Rasmussen says he will arrive at Copenhagen from Greenland on November 1, bringing conclusive evidence of Dr. Cook against Commander Peary. Jcseph C. S. Blackburn, governor of the. canal zone, who is in Washing- ton for a few days, says the canal will certainly -be completed by the latter part of 1913, which is about two years less than the engineers estimates. The supreme court 'of the United States refused to take cognizance of the case of Majors vs. Williamson, involving responsibility for a note giv en to pay a debt assumed In connet- tion with a speculation on the stock exchange. The debt was contracted by Williamson, in Memphis, Tenn., and a note was given with Mississippi real estate as security. The laws of the states of Tennessee and Missis- sipp)i prohibit gambling, and it was contended that under such laws the note could not be collected. The United Stites circuit Court of appeals sustamed this view and the effect of ousehold ....Mattere Cleaning Porcelain. With a cloth dipped in kerosene oil the effect is wonderful. You may then rub with a dry cloth. The arti- cles cleaned will be as bright as new. The same method may be u sd in cleaning furniture. Even paint may be cleaned with a little oil on the cloth and soapsuds as well.-Ains. lee's. Gardening. One of the most successfui of the amateur women gardeners, whose old- fashioned garden is a wonderful tangle of bloom and perfume through- out the season, says that her success is due to bringing the clay soil to terms. When having a bed made she has it first filled in with a three-inch layer of sand, then with an equally thick layer of sawdust, and last with a generous amount of fertilizer. The second year the same rule is followed, at which time she has planted what- ever hardy plants she wishes to stay there. the first year's planting being merely for a temporary bloom. The sawdust rots and enriches the ground and is almost as beneficial as wood ashes.-New York Tribune. Kitchen Supplies. Keep roasted coffee in tin or glass and tightly covered. When exposed to the air or kept too long it loses both aroma and stren--h. For these reasons it should be bought in lim- ited quantities. On the other hand, green coffee improves with age. Store salt in a stone jar in a dry place. When desirable to keep but- ter for any length of time wrap each 1I in clean muslin, then pack in brine that will float an egg and weight down with a heavy plate. Cover the top of the jar closely. Lard should be kept in bright tin pails or cans. Soda and baking pow- der should be left in the original packages and kept in a cool, dry place. Soap should be purchased in quan- tities, unwrapped and stacked on a shelf to harden. When well dried out Its lasting qualities are about double.-New York Tribune. The Home Laundress. To Poll Linen-T give a fine polish to lin use I e m water instead of col to br'eak do the starch. When 1 h een reduce the required -consistency by boiling water add a pinch of fine salt and stir several times with a wa- candle. This will make the iron run smoothly and give a polish to the linen that noth- ing else can impart. Getting Up Collars and Cuffs- After washing the articles perfectly clean leave them in cold water till the next day. Make cold starch in the usual way and wring the articles through it twice. Then dissolve two teaspoons of borax in hot water, let it cool, and wring the collars and cuffs through that twice. Wrap them in a clean towel and mangle. Wait for a little time before ironing. Iron on the wrong side first, and then on the right, pressing very evenly so as produce a good gloss. A polishing iron is best for this.-Boston Herald. To Wash White Lace. First, the soiled laces should be carefully removed from the garment anid folded a number of times, keep- ing the edges evenly together, then bested with a coarse thread without a kot in the end. Now put them in a ba.sin of lukewarm suds. After soak- ing a half hour, rub them carefully bet' -een the hands, renewing the suds several times; then, after soaping them well, place them in cold water and i,gt them come to a scald. Take them from this and rinse them thor- ouglj in lukewarm water blued a little; then dip them into a very thin, clear starch, allowing a teaspoonful of starch to a pint of water. Now roll them in a clean towel without taking out the basting; let them lie for an hour or more, iron over several thicknesses of flannel, taking out the bastings of one lace at a time and ironing oli the wrong side with a moderately hot iron; the lace should be nearly dry and the edges pulled gently with the fingers in shape be. fore ironing.-Boston Post. Macedoine Salad.-Mixed vegeta- bles, well cooked, either canned or fresh, are called nmacedoine. If canned drain, wash and arrange them neatly on crisp lettuce leaves. Pour over French dressing and serve. Raspberry Trifle.-Beat one-halt pint of heavy cream until it begins to thicken, add the stiffly beaten white of one egg. Beat until stiff, fold in onehalf cup of crushed raspberries and sweeten to taste with powdered sugar. Line sherbet cup with thin slices of cream. Shrimp Delight.-Melt a piece of butter, the size of a walnut in a sauce- pan, add one-half pint of cream. When heated through add one cup boiled rice, one can of shrimp chopped fine, and last of all one-half bottle of tomato catsup. Serve on toasted bread or soda crackers. Vegetable Soup.-Cut five potatoes into small pieces, one carrot, a small tomato, one-half onion, small piece of cauliflower, one piece of celery and some parsley, then add a pint of milk and one of water and boil until vege- tables are soft, and season with a lit- tle sugar, salt and pepper. Meat Soufle.-One cupful of cole Imeat chopped fie one cupful of. Isweet milk, one large tablespoonful of flour, one sm.all tablespoonful of. butter, two e gg:., casoning to taste.' Scald the milk. thickened with the flour and butter: stir in the beaten; yolks, pour this while hot over the meat. stirrir g; set aside to cool. Then stir in iightly the beaten, whites and' bake in a quick oven fifteen minutes. Serv hot.

Transcript of LABOR IN 3HT1 NOITH EXCEEDS BONDS WAYS ......-own children there, but send to school..Rodier told of...

Page 1: LABOR IN 3HT1 NOITH EXCEEDS BONDS WAYS ......-own children there, but send to school..Rodier told of his experience.tlanta, Ga., during a campaign ist the liquor traffic. Inisters

LABOR_IN 3HT1Uiion Denounces the

F=pY=nent of Childr:n.

TASS ATLANTA MINISTERS.,joeu.Says Atlanta Preachers FightVhiky But Are IadiffMerent About

Working in the Mills.

.Shington, D. C-Declaring thati arly as he loved the south, he was

n#t'--*lfng to have her purchase com-

rcal success at the sacrifice ofLr Ittle children, F. C. Roberts, for-tu. rly a.Gecrglan, and chairman of a

agutte of the Central Labor Un-"ots city, at the convention of

, jdlted Textile Workers of Amer-: stirred up much Indignation

-inst Dr. C.-A. Stiles of the UnitedSiues Public Health and Marine Hos-T; a!, Service, who was quoted before

Boothern Textile Association at!teIgh by a speaker who was defend-i the employment of children in the

thern cotton mills.Roberts declared his -surprise

t a public o2cer, paid from thele revenue, should appear before,4nvention of employers of laborudertake to defend the system

hfild labor in the southern states.iadvocated action by the conven-in opposition to any attempt to

her extend and to perpetuate theent of child labor in southern cot-mills. Such employment, he said,-ly tended to displace adults.

love the southland,"' said Mr.erts, "and I would do almost any-

41 g in my power to have the cottonr the south manufactured in the

-hem states. But there are prices:uld not pay for such a commer-victory. I wouls not give ourchildren as the price of success.

Ve know that the houses of thesele are unsanitary. The effort ofDized labor is to make them more

tary. Here in the district of Co-)ia Is a daily occurrence to heare and black men and women ask-the judge, of the police court tothem to the workhouse because.would be better off there than in

- own homes.jomas Tracy, secretary of then Laba-l Department of the Amer-Federation of Labor, called at-on to an article appearining in an

ot magazine, which, he said,d place Dr. tSiles in the positionwitness against, himself in the

er of the employment -of child-n southern cotton mills.that article, he said, Dr. Stilesdeprecated the employment of.-en and stated there were 200,000ren in the southern cotton mills,that their lives weer slowly be-apped by the hook-work disease.Ln L. Rodi3r of this city warnedates from the New Englands that if they looked with indif-ce on the policy of working theren in the southern cotton millswould soon face a mo,ement forepeal of child labor laws in Mas-isetts, Rhode Island and Connect-as the New England industry

I find it impossible to competeist such cheap labor.find," said Mr. Rodler, "that menadvocate putting children In then mills of the south do not put-own children there, but send

to school..Rodier told of his experience

.tlanta, Ga., during a campaignist the liquor traffic.Inisters of the gospel and womenlown on their knees," he said,

* prayed to save big,; strong men- the demon rum and against their-~vices, but these same ministerswomen were indifferent when weipted to get legislation prevent-

* the employment of children un-ten years of age..em the speaker had 'left the as-ly hall, his reference to the min-s and children brought Edwinson of New Bedford, Conn., toeet, declaring that a gratuitoushad been offered to the minis-

sietary Albert Hibbert of Fall-Mass., suggested that It was athat ministers did not take theInterest in prohibiting child la-

hat they took in the liquor traf-

WOMEN ALL,OWED TO VOTE.rb of Richmond, Va., Extends

Suffrage to Women.hmond, Va.-The people of Gin-'ark, the most fashionable andwealthiest suburb of Richmond,formally extended the suffragemen.a governing body of the subur-b

- .ed a constitution and by-laws,provision of which is that "all.and females, white and over

-ars of age, owning property and<In Ginter Park, shall vote.

100 FOUND INMILdressed Envelope Containingney In the Dead Letter Office.shintgon, D. C.-Somebody isust $100 because of carelessnessirwarding money through the.The division of dead letters of

~ostofBece department received.-anse, unsealed and unaddressed,ining an amount of,currency agting about $100.Senvelope was deposited in aletter box in a town in New

s tate.? inquiry will be continued fortime and if the identity of the

* r of the money is not disclosed,onney will be turned into the

'd States treasury.

DIVINE HEALER M. Schiatter Was Unable Tc

Cure Himself.-stings, Neb.-Charles M1. Schlat-who claimed to cure ils by di-power, was found dead in a

* at a local hotel. Hei was penni.and unless relatives or friendsithe body it will be turned overmedical college. Schiatter was

~y known, having thousands of* paper clippings discribing his

various American cities. He diedI age.

IOUSENAIDS ARE SUIRE.igo Professor Says Servanta

Rule the House.cago, lL-American families are-the subjection of the maid ofork, according to Dean Sophonis

* reckinridge, of the University of~go, In a lecture at the univerThe hand that dusts the furni

* s the hand that rules the house,r'~eckinridge believes.

-s e modern houseirife empYoy!SSaid more for the purpose ofThe aining a respectable appearanceS C for service," she said.,

NOITH EXCEEDS IN CHILD LABOR.More Children Employed in Massachu-

sette Than Any State Excpt N. C.

Washington, D. C.-Harsh criticismof leg.1ative bodies was made at theconvention of the United Textilewo:kers uf America, when the ques-tion of ebtaining shorter workinghours came up. Some of the delegatesdeclared that an eight-hour day couldbe obtained only through the mediumof strikes.Delegate Morgan of Patterson, N.

J., said that- members of the legisla-ture of his state were elected by cor-

rupt methods, and once in office, paidno heed to the appeals of laboringmen.

Lelegate Hall of Philadelphia tookthe position that all polit-lal partieswere merely capitalistic organs. Headvocated the formation of a work-ingmen's party. In this he was op-p:sed by Delegate Thomas McMahonof Rhode Island, who insisted that la-Iboring men in his state sell theirvotes themselves. This practice mustbe broken up, he contended, beforethe legislatures were reformed.He said that while a great furore

wa3 now being raised to abolish childlabor in the south, there were morechildren employed in Massachusettsthan any state of the south, with theexception of North Carolina.

U. 0. C. ELECT OFFICERS.Little Rock Gets Next Meeting of the

Confederate Daughters.Houston, Texas.-With the selec-

tion of Little Rock, Ark., as t e con-vention city in 1910 and the !ectionof the general officers for the year,the sixteenth annual convention ofthe United Daughters of the Confed-eracy adjourned sine die closing the-ession§ in Houston an hour beforemidnight. The following general of-ficers were elected:President general. Mrs. Virginia

McSherry of West Virginia; first vicepresident general, Mrs. L. C. Hall ofArkansas; second vice president gen-eral, Mrs. M. E. Bryan of Texas;third vice president general, Mrs.Thomas T. Stevens of Georgia; re-cording secretary general, Mrs. A. L.Dowdell of Alabama; correspondingsecretary general, Miss Childress ofLouisiana; treasurer general, Mrs. C.B. Tate of Virginia: registrar general,Mrs. James B. Gantt of Missouri; his-torian general, Mrs. J. Endois Robin-son of Virginia; custodian of cross ofhonor, Mrs. L. H. Raines of Georgia;custodian of flag, Mrs. F. A. Walk ofVirginia.Honorary presidents, Mrs. J. W.

Tench of Florida, and Mrs. N. D.Randolph of Virginia.The Shiloh Monument Association

committee's report was read by Mrs.White of Tennessee, which shogdthat over $20,000 has been donatedlast year.

FARMER'S FORTUNATE WIFE.Woman is Left $4,000,000 by a


Jonesboro, Ark.-Coming as a se-

quel of her girlhood days. Mrs. JohnD. Erwin, wife of a Green countyfarmer, will probably be put in pos-seraion of an estate valued, it is es-timated, at $4,000,000. R. E. McGoff,a Kentucky attorney, executor of theestate of a resident of that statewhose name he will not disclose, isin Jonesboro securing proof as to theidentity of Mrs. Erwin.Some years ago, it is asserted, Mrs.

Erwin, then Mary Duval, met a youngGerman, who told her of vast ances-tral estates. The two became fastfriends, but because of parental ob-jection the marriage which he pro-posed did not occur. Instead theyoung woman became the wife of afarmer. Recently the man who firstsought her hand died, naming in hiswill as his legatee his former sweet-heart. That she can produce ampleproof that she is the person is de-

clared by Mrs. Erwin.

POTASH MONOPOLY PLANNED.Germany Wants to Hold Up American

'Trade.Berlin, Germany.-The completion

of contracts between the German pot-ash mines and American fertilizercompanies at prices lower than thoseof the syndicate has influenced theimperial ministry of the interior toprepare bills for submission to thereichstag, with the object of creatinga government control over the pot-ash industry. The legislation propos-ed would prevent the filling of Ameri-can contracts at prices contracted bythe Americans, who have placed or-ders covering a greater part of theirrequirements up to 1917.If these measures should be adopt-

ed, America, which takes about sixtyper cent of the potash exported. wouldbe obliged to pay monopoly p)rices.The American interests here are

concerned over the situaticn, andprobably will make representationsconcerning it to the state deparunentat WVashintgon.

Seiator Johnson ClaImed by Death.Fargo, N. D.-United States Sena-

tor Martin H. Johnson of this statedied from an attack of acute bright'sdisease at his hotel here. SenatorJohnson was fifty-nine years old. In1890 he was sent to congress, andwas three times nominated. He wacight years in the lower house.

Ten Killed in Mine Exploslon.Hartshorne, Okla.-Ten men are

dead. two are injured an~d one is miss-ig as a result of an explosion inmine No. 10 of the Rock Island CoaIMining company. The men are be-lieved to have gone btycnd( a "deadline" with lighted lamps in enteringIthe mine, the lamps igniting the gas.

Tilman WilNot Attend Taft Banquet.Columbia. S. C.-Because he was

aked to pay $10 for a plate at theuncheon which will be given to Pres-

idnaton the occasion of his visit

todehis cit November 6. Senator B.

t.Tillman has declined to attend theunheon, and states that he may noterve on the reception committee.Senator Tillman says that while Ca-umba is to be the nominal host ofMr. Tar:. the city expects the stateat large to pay for the president's en-tertainment.

Supreme Court Justice Peckham DeadAlbany, N. Y.-Rufus WV. Peckham,

associate justice of the United Statessupreme court, died at his summerhome at Altamont. Albany county.Death was due to a complication ofdiseases, heart trouble, bright's dis-ease and hardening of the arteries1cntrbuting. .Justice Peckham wasa democrat, and befpre taking a seat

on th ench gave considerable at-tention to polities in New York. Hewas b'orn in Albany, N. Y., November'1838, and had been on the bench

New York and federal, for twenty-six

BONDS fOR-WATERWAYSPresident Taft Declares Himselfin Favor of Inland Waterways.

WOULD SOLVE RATE QUESTIONMr. Taft Declares Work on Improve-ments Has Been Nothing More Than

"a Procession of Jerks."

Corpus Christi, Texas.-In an openaddiess here before the Interstate In-land Waterways league and the citi-zens of Corpus Christi, President Taftannounced himself as strongly favor-ing a permanent and pracucal sys-tem of inland waterways as a meansof controlling railroad rates, and saidthat he favored the policy of issuingbonds for carrying out a practical sys-i,em of improvements.Up to tne present time, Mr. Taft

declared, congie s nas provided forimprovements in piece meal tashionani the work on improvement hasbeen not'hing more than "a processionof jerxs.-' Befote any project is en-

tered upon, the president aeclared, itshould be thoroughly considered, In-vestigated and reported upon by a

board of engineers as to its feasibil-ity and desirability.Once the improvement is declared

desirable and tne communities wnicniit is to serve can convince, congressthat their growth has been suca asto justify the expenditure of a largesum of money to take care of increas-ing trade, bonds should be issued inorder- that the improvements may becarried into effect at once and thebenefits of it be quickly secured.The president took occasion to re-

fer to that in some localities thatthere is a disposition to do injusticeto the railroads and to drive ttne cor-

porations to a system of economy,which prevents the development of thecountry through which they pass. Thepresident said it was often the casethat the citizens of a county would goto any extent to get a railroad to comeinto the county, but once there, no a

friend of he railroad could anywherebe found, except perhaps the localcounsel.The remark called out hearty laugh-

ter.The president turned serious again,

however, and urged a "square deal"for the railroads, that they might notbe deprived of reasonable profitsthrough popular prejudice.

CAR SHORTAGE IN SOUTH.American Railways Make Statement

on Car Situation.Chicago, III.-The American Rail-

ways' fortnightly statement madepublic here shows a shortage of 23,.1431 cars in the east and south, anda surplus of 35,977 in the west andnorthwest. .The report adds: "Thereseems to be no doubt that the rail-roads are carrying as much freightas they did in October, 1907, and it isto be noted that the shortages areone-third of what they were then,when there was no surplus at alli Thesurplus has been reduced 17,4111i inthe last two weeks. It i,s probable thatIwe have reached or pearly reached amaximum shortage, although it isprobable that the surplus will be fur-ther reduced: If there is any seriousshortage this fall, it will provably be

upon the commercial roads,SWALLOWED GOLD TOOTH,

Macon Woman Had Gold Crown inHer Lungs a Year.

Macon, Ga.-In a violent coughing,spell Mrs. Walter Garrity coughed adisplaced gold crown from a tooth:from its lodging in her lungs, whereIt had been a year and a day. Shewas desperately ill and physicians:hadcontemplated an operation. Shewill recover, it Is believed.A year has passed since she wasIna dentist chair getting work doneonher teeth. A crown in her mouth

slipped and she drew it into herlungs. She had several severe at-tacks, but h'nproved each time untiltheforeign matter was finally thrown

ANTHRACNOSE DOES GREAT DAMAGE.Disease in Cotton is Spreading andis Costing Planters Millions.Columbia, S. C.-In a report justmade to Commissioner Watson, StateBotanist Barre declares that the dis-easeof anthracnose in cotton is cost-ingthe growers of the state probably!

$5,000,000 yearly and the Georgia!planters possibly as much as $14,000,-000each year. According to Mr.Barre, the disease is spreaging. Its

worst manifestations have followedthe use of imported seed, for whichreason he urges that inspection of cot-ton seed be provided for in the pro-posed legislation to minimize piellagraby the inspection of grain.

DR. CARLI3LE_IS DEAD.SIgner of Secession and President

Emeritus of Wofford College.Spartanburg, S. C.-Dr. James H.

Carlisle, the venerable president em-eritus of Wofford college died at hishome here. Dr. Carlisle wvas born atWinnsboro, S. C., eighty-four yearsago, his parents having come fromCounty Antrim, Ireland.In 1875 he was chosen president of

Wofford college, and in this positioncontinued until 1902. when he resign-ed and became president emeritus.Dr. Carlisle and Colonel Robert A.

Thompson of Walhialla, Sj C., werethe only surviving signers of :he or-dinance of secession which precipitat-ed the war betweent the states.

CONFEDERATE FLAG RETUlRNED.Captured From the Ram Albermarle

Just As It Went Down.Richmond, Va.-D,r. Thomas A.

Warrell, fermerly ef C.mpany B,Company B. Penr.sylvan:a volun-teers. has pr:esented to the confsder-ate muset:m h( re a confederate flagthat was tas:en fromi the <crtfderateim Albemr.rle. w>eh was~sunik offthe coast of Nort h C'arolii:a, duringthe civil war. It wa:s removed fromthe vessel just before the ship wentdown.

SEVEN KILLED !N OHIO WRECK.Panhandle Passer.ger Train Dashed

Into Freight Train.Richmond, Ind. - Seven persons

were killed in a on the Pan-handle division of the PennsylvaniaRairoad, near Collinsville, Ohio, whena southbound passenger train ran intoa freight train on an open siding.[The passenger train was said to~

have been running 50 miles an hourwhen the crash came. Accordingtt>reports. the switch was open, and th Itrains collided head-on. No passe4.-

er-s were killed.

DEATH RATE DE;LININC.5o the Government Vital Statistics Show.

Tuberculosis Is Decreasing.Washington, D. C.-The great fight

igainst tuberculos!s is being won, ac-

:ording to Chief Statistician CressyL. Wilbur, of the division of vital sta-

J'stics, United States Census' Bureau.In a bulletin issued he says:"A continued decline in the death

rate from It frcm year to year, maybe expected."He says that the organization of

many state and local anti-tuberculo-5is societics since the international:ongress on tuberculczis in Washing-on in 1908 has helpEd to check thelisease. The total deaths from tu-berculosis returned in 1908 was 79,-289, exceeding those of any previousvear of registration, but the deathrate per 100,000 for 1908 is consider-bly less than that for 1907. In allregistration states, the death fromthe tuberculosis showed a decline, ex-

ept in Colorado, Rhode Island andVermont.Mr. Wilbur notes pellagra as a dis-

ease of increasing Importance withtwenty-three deaths recorded In 1908.rhis does not include the bulk of pel-legra deaths in the south, from whicho records are received. Among therarer disease, smallpox caused nine-ty-t.wo deaths; plague, five; yellowfever, two; leprosy, eleven and hy-arophobia, eighty-two.

UOTTON lINNERS REPORT.5,320,000 Bales Had Been Ginned to

Octcber 18.Memphis, Tenn.-The report of J.

A. Taylor, president of the NationalGinners' A-sociation, indicates thatthere has been ginned to October 18,5,32i,000 bales, which is nearly a mil-lion bales less than was ginned in thisperiod last year. The reprt says.As the heavy ginning of September

was kept up the first week in Octber,the falling off has nearly all come inthe last half of the latter month.The crop is 79.7 picked, compared

with 54.5 last year at this tinie, andindicates almost a crop disaster, ex-

cept in Georgia and the Carolinas,where the crop is better, but nbt as

good as expected a month ago. Theyield is reported disappointing In allsections of the belt, probably due tosmallness of the bolls. Mississippi,Louisiana and Arkansas have theshortest crop ever grown, and willtotal a little over half of last year'scrop, while Texas Is not much better.

OBLITERATE CASTE LINES.Methodist Home Mission Board Dis-

cusses Work Among Operatives.Charlotte, N. C.-The special con-ference of the home mission boardofthe Methodist church, south, call-ed to consider the relation of thechurch to the industrial problem.came to an end with the adoption ofresolutions embodying suggestionsasto the most advantageous stepstobe taken in the conduct of workinmill settlements. The substance

ofthe discussion was that caste linesinthe church must be obliterated andthat the churches in the cities havingoutlying mill settlements must contri-bute to the work amongst cotton milloperatives.Statistics read in the conferenceshow that there are in the south,843cotton mills, with 411,542 millpeople, and the eagerness of the mem-bersof the conference to reach these;eople was manifest.

PATRICK HI._M'CARREN DEAD.Democratic Leader of Brooklyn Never

Rallied After Operation.New York City.-Patrick H. McCar-ren,state senator and democraticeader of Brooklyn, died at St. Cath-erine's Hospital, Brooklyn, never hav-igcompletely rallied from the ef-ectsof an operation for appendicitis

which was per formed on October 13.Hisdeath was not unexpected; inact,the senator himself realized that

bixsend was near.

Lovett Succeeds Harriman.New York City.-Robert S. Lovett,waselected president of the UnionPacifie railroad, to succeed the lateE.11.Marriman, at a meeting of theboardof directors. The executive::ommittee was re-elected, with Judge[ovettas chairman, to which p)lacetiewaselected as Mr. Harriman's

successor a few weeks ago.

Would Bar Tobacco to Ministers.Savannah, Ga.--The use of tobac-cobyministers will be barred, ifthewishes of the Woman's Board ofHomeMissions of the Methodistpiscopal church, south, are carriedutby the general conference.

Newsy Paragraphs.As a result of a feud between Ital-

anfamilies of New Orleans. LewisManacia, aged twelve years. is deadandhis mother and two children arelying.-They ate sugar sent them as

present. It was discover-ed that Itwassent by enemies of the family.

Rocky Boy and his band of Chip-pewaIndians, numbering about, onehundred and fifty braves, encampednearBirds Eye, Mont., probably willowetheir rescue from death by star-vationto the promptness of Indian

ffice officials, who took speedymeans to relieve their desperateplight.

The West Virginia synod of the

Presbyterian Church in session atElkins,W. Va., adopted a resolutionprotesting against the invitation ex-tendedto President Taft to addressthelaymens' mircionary conventionNovember 11. This action was tak-enafter a lengthy discussion, argu-mentsin favor of the resolutions be-ingbased upon the president's affilia-tionwith the Unitarian church.

That San Francisco had made pre-liminary plans to hold a world's fairncommemoration of the completionofthePanama canal was the state-wentmade in Seattle by Colonel J. A.Filcher,executive commissioner fromCaliornia to the Alaska-Yukon-Pa.cificexposition. He said the UnitedStategovernment shculd furnish "amillioner- two to releirate the event."

San Diego. Cal.. also is mentioned aspossile site for a w'.orld's fair cel-ebrating the ecmnplin of the canal,

an it is understooCd that one or mor-esouthern cities bordering the gulfofMexico have similar projects.

Mrs. Basil Duke, wife of GeneralDuke,of the Shiloh battlefield com-

mission, was found dead in bed atLouisville. Ky. Heart disease was the

causeof her death. Mrs. Duke wassisterof General John Morgan, thefamousconfederate raider.

By a ur,anlous vote the buildingtradesdepartment of the NationalFederation of Labor in session atTampa.Fla.. pased a resolution call-

inupon all of the branches of or-ganized labor to pledge their .aipt rio Pesident Gomlpers in the casesow pending agains-t him and otherofficials of the American Federation


COTTON NOT TOO HilRiciard H. Edmonds Discusses

the Cotton Situation.

FOREIGN SPINNERS BUYINGAmerican Spinners are Played By

Foreign Buyers for Suckers,"

Says Mr. Edmonds.

New Orleans, La.-Discussing thecotton situation. Richard H. Ed-monds, editor of The Manufacturers'Record, who is in the south making a

study of crop prospects and probableconsumption, said:"The American spinners are being

-played for suckers by foreign spin-ners, and they are being played withan energy that ought to satisfy themost enthusiastic fisherman. In oth-er words, foreign spinners ac*e en-

deavoring in every way possi'ule to

convince the spinners in this coun-

try and r.M other people ideutifiedwith the cotton trade that the priceof the raw cotton is too high, andtnat the way to bring about a reduc-tion is to shut down mills until cot-ton declines to a point satisfactoryto the buyer."The American spinners are taking

this talk of the foreign spinners seri-ously, and while they are, to a largeextent, as compared with previousyears, keeping out of the market, for-eign spinners are buying every baleof cotton they can get their hands on.

The question of price does not seem

to euter into their actual calcula-tions, although they are strugglingto impress upon American spinner:the folly of buying at present prices."No one familiar with the shrewd-

ness and the knowledge of businessconditions throuhgout the world offoreign spinners should be surprisedat thc game which they are playing.It has been played steadily for more

than half a century, but there is room

for surprise that American spinrersshould so readily fall into the -rap."As a matter of fact, the present

price of cotton is not unduly high. Itis not in fact even at present figuresyielding to the farmers the profitwhich should be won out of this, na-

ture's greatest monopoly. -Consideringthe increased cost of production andthe Increased cost of living, it isdoubtful whether 13-cent cotton is giv-ing better net results to the producerthan 8 or 9-cent cotton would havedone seven or eight years ago. Toassume that the world will not con

-ume this entire crop, even if it soldat 15 cents a pound, is absurd to anyman who is thoroughly familiar withthe world's business conditions andwho recognizes that, until an articlereaches a practically prohibitoryprice, consumption is not materiallylessened by what, under other condi-tions, might have been regarded as a

high price."All mankind is living on a higher

plane. Wages in the Orient and in

Europe, as well as in this country,have been steadily advancing for

some years, with occasional brief pe-i-iods of reaction, such as that follow-g the panic of 1907. But, broadly

speaking, there Is a steady, world-wide forward movement.

-The iron producers, the growersof wheat and corn and other agricul-tural products, and manufacturers 0fnearly all lines are sharing in thisincreased activity and increased prof-it to a greater extent than the cot-ton growers of the south. If therehad been no material shortage in theyield of cotton compared with lastyear. there should have been, mere

ly to keep pace with the advance inother things, a rise of. 25 to 30 percent In the price of cotton over theaverage of the preceding crop."The world's Improved business

conditions would have justified this.When we remember that whatevermay be the actual final outcome it itan unquestionable fact that the cropwill be very much less than lastyear, while the consumption will cer

tainly be as large, it would seera thaipresent prices have not yet reached

apoint of fairness to the grower. Itisincumbent upon every business in-terest in the south to recognize thesituation and to unite to help thefarmer in securing a piice In keep-ingwith the present increasing prosperity in every othe*r industry. Insteadofseeking to depress the price of cot-ton,the -south ;hould unite to seektoadvance the price. At present ev-r man who is paying any seriousattention to the talk of foreign spin.ers is simply helping them to laughupone sleeve, while with the utherand they are reaching behind hisack and gathering in every psssiblebaleof cotton.

-Later on, when the foreign spinnershave secured the best of theropand the American spinners un-

dertake to supply their own needs,theywill wake up to the game thathasbeen played upon them."

SPANISH CABINET RESIGNS.SSainTranquil Under New Order of

Government.Madrid, Spain.-The Spanish cabi-net,which was formed January 15,1907,under the premiership of Anto-

iMauria, resigned as a result ofthebitter attacks made against the

government by the former premier,Mret y Prendergast.

Thefall of Piremier Maura and theconservative cabinet has produced a

feelingof relief and encourages hopethat a period of internal tranquilityhasbeen ushered in. It is now an

opensecret that M. Maura's refusaltogive King Alfonso an opportunitytopardon Ferrer is regretted by his

SYRIANS NOT "WHITE PERSONS."Wconsin Court Rules That TheyAre Not Entitled to Vote.

LaCrosse, Wiss.-Ui.der a ruling re-ceeidhere from 1. S. Coleman,. the

chiefexminer cf il:c census bureadtasingti. cie t.undred Syrian

votersin LaC"rCrme w;il lose their cit

iensp, wh.le M.nj'!; of others allIoverthe noGiiiI <1.1 ia aifected.

Theruling. in 'nvA-.; that Syrians,beingof AGiatie miigin. are not

"whiteperson:." whhiin the meaningofthe law.

BRIBED TO CHEAT IiIYERNMlENT.CustomsWeigher Confesses That He

Was Hired by Importers.NewYork City...-Eight years of systematicand exceedingly profitable

chhetingof the United States govern-mentwas disclosed by George E.

Brigea customs weigher. Hie toldowe had underweighIedf a large

iportation of cheese and received$194.He said that he h a .hnilardealingswith hundreds of other- im-

potes He declared also tat cus-

toosemployees had a regular sys-tnofcheating.


In a lecture 'before the Acro Clubof America, Lyttleton Fox urges thatthe club take immediate steps tocause the enactment of laws definingthe rights and privileges of personswho travel in balloons and aero-plianes. Mr. Fox fears that unlesslaws to the contrary are passed, prop-Lrty owners whose titles give themlvossssion of the air above propertymay prosecute air travelers for tres-

I;a-s. In order to avoid suits fortrEspass, Mr. Fox suggests that thevarious states condemL% a certain ae-

rial stratum as a public highwayand take title to it.Two large 22.000-pound Rodman

gu,nC, re lies of the confederacy,mounted at the abandoned Fort Hen-ry, rear Pass Christian, Miss., willbe blown up and shattered into port-able sections with dynamite. Theywere recently sold to a St. Louisfirm by the state of Mississippi andwere to be exhibited as historical cu-riosities. But the purchasers havefounl it impossible to get the gunsaway from their mountings. The siteof the old fort has almost been buriedunder the accumulations of the pasttorty years

Counterfeiters, working almost inthe shadow of the treasury, have in-vaded certain districts of Washingtonwith spurious coin. The counterfeitsare of the 25 cent and 10 cent coin-age, patterned after the issue of 1908,but, accordiig to the secret serviceoperatives. they are poor imitations.John L. Carlisle, a prominent farm-

er and politician of Marion county,Mississippi, is so strongl; impressedwith the belief that he has found goldon his farm near Magnolia that hehas sent a sack of the nuggets to theUnited States assay office at Wash-ingtor. for analysis. The nuggetswere picked up in a cotton field onthe Carlisle place, and the groundis thickly strewn with them. Theyappear to be a composition of sandand bright flecks resembling golddust.The International Banking corpor-

ation, an American concern, whichwas the first to open a house in Pe-kin, China, started a branch in Han-kow, with the object of increasingtrade relations bEtween the UnitedStates and the Far East.

Washington.When President Taft returns from

his western trip he will find awaitinghim in the white house a big barrelof sauerkraut which represents hiswinning at the Elks' fair held at San-dusky, Ohio, last winter. The pres-ident was presented the winning tick-et by W. H Reinhart, head of thePerry centennial commission, whilethe latter was in Washington. Thebaprel was packed with twenty-twogallons of fresh briny food and tx-pressed to Washington.Record target practice scores of

the vessels of the American navy for1909 made public at the navy depart-ment show that the Washington isa winner of the .battleship class, theCharleston a winner in the cruiserclass, the Wilmington a winner in thegunboat class, the Tingey the win-ner in vessels competiting for the tor-pedo trophy.The use of the words "so help me

God" at the end of oaths may beprohibited in the courts of the Dis-trict of Columbia if congress passesa law which Is now being drafted bythe commissioners of the District ofColumbia. The bill under considera-tion is similar to one enacted by theMaryland legislature, and leaders ofthe bench and bar in Washington arebeing consulted as to the desirabilityof recommending its enactment bycongress.A pew in the fashionable St. John's

Episdopal church in Washington, theproperty of the late Dr. Robert Rey-burn, was put up at auction. As therewere no bidders the pew probablywill be sold at private sale. LastMay a pew in the same churchbrough brought $3,000. This is notthe only high price paid for a pew inSt. John's In 1816, when the edificewas built, the pen s sold for $100each, but at that tiime the church or-ganizationi received the money andnot a pew holder, as now is the case.A few years ago RepresentativeGeorge M.' Huff of Pennsylvania pur-chased from an estate a pew directlyin the rear of what is known as the"presidential pew," paying $2,750

Uncle Sam grew financially fat offindustrious inventors last year, therecords showing that revenues infees from this source were -sufficientto pray $1,887,443, the expenses of theUnited States patent office, and leavea surplus of $88,476. This fact, whichis emphasized in the annual report ofEdward B Moore, commissioner ofpatents, has made the basis for im-port ant recommendations urging newlaw.s by congress which will effectual-ly expediate methods for issuing pat-ents.

Improvements in the methods ofsustaining the army while travelingby rail have made the lot of the pri-vate soldier much more comfortablethan formerly. This is shown In theannual report of Commissary GeneralHenry G. Sharpe. The report saysthe operations of the kitchen touristcar, the detachment mess car andthe - portable gas cooker, which hesays have been thoroughly tried Outare found satisfactory. They haverevolutionized, he say's, the old sys-tem of providing for subsistence oftraveling troops. The report showsthat it cost the commisary depart-ment $333,822 more to keep the armyof Cuban pacification in the islandthan it would have cost to take careof the soldiers in this country.The father of Knud Rasmussen has

recel' ed a letter from his son, wholived for many years among the Es-kimos and speaks the languiage per-f ectly. In the letter M. Rasmussensays he will arrive at Copenhagenfrom Greenland on November 1,bringing conclusive evidence of Dr.Cook against Commander Peary.Jcseph C. S. Blackburn, governor

of the. canal zone, who is in Washing-ton for a few days, says the canalwill certainly -be completed by thelatter part of 1913, which is abouttwo years less than the engineersestimates.The supreme court 'of the United

States refused to take cognizance ofthe case of Majors vs. Williamson,involving responsibility for a note given to pay a debt assumed In connet-tion with a speculation on the stockexchange. The debt was contractedby Williamson, in Memphis, Tenn.,and a note was given with Mississippireal estate as security. The laws ofthe states of Tennessee and Missis-sipp)i prohibit gambling, and it wascontended that under such laws thenote could not be collected. TheUnited Stites circuit Court of appealssustamed this view and the effect of


....MattereCleaning Porcelain.

With a cloth dipped in kerosene oilthe effect is wonderful. You may

then rub with a dry cloth. The arti-

cles cleaned will be as bright as new.

The same method may be usd in

cleaning furniture. Even paint may

be cleaned with a little oil on the

cloth and soapsuds as well.-Ains.lee's.

Gardening.One of the most successfui of the

amateur women gardeners, whose old-fashioned garden is a wonderfultangle of bloom and perfume through-out the season, says that her success

is due to bringing the clay soil to

terms. When having a bed made shehas it first filled in with a three-inchlayer of sand, then with an equallythick layer of sawdust, and last witha generous amount of fertilizer. Thesecond year the same rule is followed,at which time she has planted what-

ever hardy plants she wishes to staythere. the first year's planting beingmerely for a temporary bloom. The

sawdust rots and enriches the groundand is almost as beneficial as woodashes.-New York Tribune.

Kitchen Supplies.Keep roasted coffee in tin or glass

and tightly covered. When exposedto the air or kept too long it loses

both aroma and stren--h. For these

reasons it should be bought in lim-

ited quantities. On the other hand,green coffee improves with age.

Store salt in a stone jar in a dry

place. When desirable to keep but-

ter for any length of time wrap each

1I in clean muslin, then pack in

brine that will float an egg and weightdown with a heavy plate.

Cover the top of the jar closely.Lard should be kept in bright tin

pails or cans. Soda and baking pow-der should be left in the originalpackages and kept in a cool, dryplace.

Soap should be purchased in quan-tities, unwrapped and stacked on a

shelf to harden. When well driedout Its lasting qualities are aboutdouble.-New York Tribune.

The Home Laundress.To Poll Linen-T give a fine

polish to lin use I e m water

instead of col to br'eak do the

starch. When 1 h een reducethe required -consistency by boilingwater add a pinch of fine salt and stirseveral times with a wa- candle. Thiswill make the iron run smoothly andgive a polish to the linen that noth-ing else can impart.

Getting Up Collars and Cuffs-After washing the articles perfectlyclean leave them in cold water tillthe next day. Make cold starch inthe usual way and wring the articlesthrough it twice. Then dissolve twoteaspoons of borax in hot water, letit cool, and wring the collars andcuffs through that twice. Wrap themin a clean towel and mangle. Waitfor a little time before ironing. Ironon the wrong side first, and then onthe right, pressing very evenly so as

produce a good gloss. A polishingiron is best for this.-Boston Herald.

To Wash White Lace.First, the soiled laces should be

carefully removed from the garmentanid folded a number of times, keep-ing the edges evenly together, thenbested with a coarse thread without a

kot in the end. Now put them in aba.sin of lukewarm suds. After soak-ing a half hour, rub them carefullybet' -een the hands, renewing the sudsseveral times; then, after soapingthem well, place them in cold waterand i,gt them come to a scald. Takethem from this and rinse them thor-ouglj in lukewarm water blued alittle; then dip them into a very thin,clear starch, allowing a teaspoonfulof starch to a pint of water. Nowroll them in a clean towel withouttaking out the basting; let them liefor an hour or more, iron over severalthicknesses of flannel, taking out thebastings of one lace at a time andironing oli the wrong side with amoderately hot iron; the lace shouldbe nearly dry and the edges pulledgently with the fingers in shape be.fore ironing.-Boston Post.

Macedoine Salad.-Mixed vegeta-bles, well cooked, either canned or

fresh, are called nmacedoine. Ifcanned drain, wash and arrange themneatly on crisp lettuce leaves. Pourover French dressing and serve.

Raspberry Trifle.-Beat one-haltpint of heavy cream until it begins tothicken, add the stiffly beaten whiteof one egg. Beat until stiff, fold inonehalf cup of crushed raspberriesand sweeten to taste with powderedsugar. Line sherbet cup with thinslices of cream.

Shrimp Delight.-Melt a piece ofbutter, the size of a walnut in a sauce-pan, add one-half pint of cream.When heated through add one cupboiled rice, one can of shrimp choppedfine, and last of all one-half bottle oftomato catsup. Serve on toastedbread or soda crackers.Vegetable Soup.-Cut five potatoes

into small pieces, one carrot, a smalltomato, one-half onion, small piece ofcauliflower, one piece of celery andsome parsley, then add a pint of milkand one of water and boil until vege-tables are soft, and season with a lit-tle sugar, salt and pepper.Meat Soufle.-One cupful of cole

Imeat chopped fie one cupful of.Isweet milk, one large tablespoonfulof flour, one sm.all tablespoonful of.butter, two e gg:., casoning to taste.'Scald the milk. thickened with theflour and butter: stir in the beaten;yolks, pour this while hot over themeat. stirrirg; set aside to cool. Thenstir in iightly the beaten, whites and'bake in a quick oven fifteen minutes.

Serv hot.